There is a lot going on behind the scenes and various effects are becoming more and more visible on the world stage. Power struggles of various secret groups, which are reflected in the form of Intel dropping, false flags, disinformation, delays, secret military operations as well as partly controlled mass demonstrations are currently the order of the day.
The Internet is flooded with news and speculations, making it increasingly difficult to keep track; let alone, to filter out the right information.
For example, there is currently a lot of confusion about the situation in Venezuela. While some believe that the current government is backed by the Cabal and needs to be removed, others believe that it is in fact the Cabal, which is forcing a coup there.

Well, the truth is that none of the forces working here “from the sidelines” can be seen as what the Galactic Confederation would call “Pure Light” – something that also applies to background forces of the Yellow Vests Movement, but that is also a more complex issue.
“从旁观者的角度”来说,实际情况是没有可以让银河联盟视为“纯粹的光”的力量参与其中 — 某种程度来说这也可以适用于黄背心运动背景势力,但是黄背心运动是一个更加复杂的问题。
The Light Forces therefore advise not to become too attached to individual power blocks or politicians.
因此,光明势力建议不要太依赖于某些权利团体或政治派系 。
From a higher perspective, Venezuela is about something completely different: It’s about The Goddess’s struggle against Patriarchy.
Similar to the Syrian conflict, which is also kept complex on purpose, Venezuela is an extremely strong Goddess Vortex too, that has always been blocked by the Dark Forces.
From an energetic point of view, there is actually a “Goddess Venezuela”, but she gets abused and suppressed by the Dark Forces. So that the Starseeds can participate in her liberation, the Galactic Confederation has given the following short Meditation/Visualization for Venezuela:
“Imagine the Goddess Venezuela in a beautiful red dress, with hazel hair and eyes. Imagine now how the Dark Forces, the Patriarchate that oppresses her is drawn into the White Fire of AN and gets neutralized there, so that the Goddess Venezuela can rise again and give Love, Peace, Healing and Harmony to the region … across all Time Lines as well as across all Dimensions.”

Those who wish can also charge and protect the land with Pink Goddess Energy.
So, with this small visualization you can help Venezuela enormously from an energetic point of view.
Politicians, apart from a few exceptions, are completely irrelevant to the Light Forces. They are much more anxious (apart from removing the Toplet Bombs) to bring the military under their control, because whoever controls the military ultimately controls the planet.
Nevertheless, the Galactic Confederation is aware that humanity will go through several phases of social unrest, whether controlled or not, as shocking truths come more and more to daylight, leading to much anger and rage among the population – a normal process when you realize that you have been enslaved for millennia in a planetary open-air prison, or as the Venusians call it: A Planetary Concentration Camp.
不论如何,银河联盟知道,人类会经历几个社会动荡的阶段,不论这些阶段受控与否。越来越多的震惊的消息浮出水面,会导致地表人口变得愤怒和暴躁— 这是当你意识到你在一个露天的行星监狱中被奴役了几千年之久的正常过程。就像金星人所说的:一个行星级别的集中营。
People are also increasingly gaining the ability to use their previously suppressed abilities to see through deceptions for themselves … such as in the case of 9/11 – the biggest mistake of the Cabal.
人们也越来愈多地开始使用他们以前被压制的能力去戳穿谎言……比如9/11事件 —这是阴谋集团所犯的最大的错误。
Recognizable by the tensions in the physical world, also a lot is happening on the Higher Plains. Heavy fighting between Pleiadians (+ Support) and Archons are raging. Operations are answered with counter-operations and vice versa, while at the same time preparatory measures for the First Contact are taken.

Starseeds are welcome to contact the Pleiadians mentally to be energetically brought to the Healing Ships of the Fleet over night, which have taken up position camouflaged in the sky.