地表局势更新 — 第二部分(女神/Maries的回归)

In the last part, a third confrontation between the Light and Dark Forces on the non-physical planes was reported. It was a purge of Negative Female Entities which also caused a lot of troubles in the past. These entities were female Demons and Devil-like Beings who existed in large legions on the ethereal plains and were partly using real physical avatars for their work, especially in the following areas: Africa, India, Germany, Asia (especially Thailand), Washington DC and various underwater bases in the Pacific.
These female Demons could “sense” Goddess Energy and have made the life of incarnated Priestesses of the Goddess very difficult in the past. Since this negative grouping has also been neutralized by the Light Forces, it is now safe enough for Goddesses to return to Earth in order to form Light and Healing Centres on the surface, which later on will become the so called “Islands of Light” in which a First Contact can take place.

The Return of the Goddesses will happen through Walk-ins, and various Pleiadian Bases on the surface will serve as portals.
The Galactic Confederation may not perform physical landings with their ships on Terra so far, but they’ve already posted large numbers of their “Ground Crew” on the surface through Walk-ins. These Ground Crews are living unnoticed, and partly fully conscious, among the population in so-called “HQs” or “Safehouses”, which are under special protection by the Light Forces.
到目前为止,银河联盟可能不会让他们的飞船以实体的形式在地球上登陆,但他们已经通过使用“替身”的方式安排了大量的“地勤特群人员”部署在地球表面。这些特勤人员住在不受人注意的被称作“总部”或“安全屋”的地方,他们中的部分人员是处于全意识状态,这些地方都受到光明势力的特别保护 。

Some of these HQs serve as Goddess Portals through which various Ethereal Goddesses from other universes, even own Goddess Cosms, will enter the Earth Grid. These Goddesses have knowledge and are familiar with healing techniques that were not known at all on Terra before. Once arrived they will take over the avatar from various earth women (who have been extremely traumatized by the Earth Quarantine and urgently need healing themselves), whereby that’s agreed with their Higher Selves.
The Souls of these women will leave the bodies and will be brought by the Light Forces to special Healing Locations far away from Earth, whilst the just arrived Goddesses take over the avatar to work physically on the surface.
These transportations have been going on for quite some time now. At the beginning the affected women can suffer from various emotional aggravations such as pain, wine cramps, the feeling of losing their memory and connection to the earth people and earth professions. Physical symptoms can be illness and loss of appetite. Some women will feel that it is time to go, like a kind of physical death, but it is no death… it is an ascension, a liberation, and as mentioned before agreed with the Higher Self.
The avatar will then be taken over by a Goddess, and this will happen especially within various subtropical countries where already prepared walk-in bodies are waiting. These Goddesses will live in temples, together with several male companions (incarnated or walked-in Starseeds), which will serve as Guards and Helpers. Some of these women will have worked as healers before, will rent houses in this area and maybe are already living there in small communities.

These Goddesses are gentle, calm, peaceful, loving and beautiful women who cannot go back to the normal matrix world of Terra… and they will also avoid cities. They are gentle beings who know exactly what they want and break through the stress and time pressure in which the rest of the earth’s population seems to be trapped. They will bring Love and will live a natural, relaxed life. They will walk barefoot most of the time, they will create Healing Temples, they will shape their everyday lives ceremoniously and lovingly. If they work, then as Healers, Tantric Teachers, Tantric Healers, Masseuses et cetera, and they will teach and heal inside the Temples they build together with their Guards.
来到地球的女神们是温柔、平静、和平、有爱心且美丽的女人,她们不能回到地球的矩阵中……她们也会避开城市。她们非常柔和,知道自己想要什么,她们可以打破地球存在的压力,来自时间的压力让地球人苦苦挣扎。她们会带来爱,她们会过着一种自然、轻松的生活。大多数时候,她们会赤脚行走,她们会建造疗愈的神殿,她们会用充满爱和仪式感的方式度过她们的日常生活。她们工作的角色,可以作为治疗师,密宗老师,密宗治疗师,按摩师等等,她们将在她们和守卫一起建造的神庙中进行教导和治疗 。

This is what the Light Forces call the Return of the Goddesses and Maries.
The Maries in turn are belonging to a Special Female Healer Guild, subordinated to none less than Mary Mother of God. They will also enter Earth Surface as Walk-ins in order to heal the Starseeds, which are traumatized by the millennia of struggle within the Dark Quarantine around Terra.
女神/Maries来自一个特殊的女性疗愈派别,隶属于圣母玛丽(Mary Mother of God)。她们也将使用替身进入地表世界,以疗愈星际种子。这些星际种子在地球长达数千年之久的黑暗隔离区中饱受创伤 。
Maries are extremely empathetic and can sense the emotions around them. They are able to differentiate them and they understand that these emotions are not their own. Maries are so powerful that they are able to pull out negative emotions from bodies, objects, houses, even whole cities… so they can provide much needed healing.

This will also create the so called Islands of Light, the Bubbles of Light on the surface in which the Divine Source will act and protect, while the Matrix System around it will disintegrate.

This is an extremely important operation by the Light Forces. 30 extremely strong Goddesses/Maries have already landed (including 4 Main Goddesses called Maya, Amber, Sophia and Rose who came through a portal in the Atlantic). And that was only the small vanguard. During the next months another 30.000 will land… mostly by Walk-ins again.
Also the first Twin Souls will enter the Grid now (mostly by Walk-ins too), because the situation has become much safer, although it can still come to various attacks, because the planet is further on in a stage of cleaning and some negative groupings are still creeping out from various corners.
The Return and Reunification of the Twin Souls is important in two ways: First, both parts usually still have to clear traumas and primal pain from the time of Atlantis (caused by the invasion of the Dark Ones back then, where the incarnated Twin Souls at that time were separated and mostly sacrificed/murdered). Without the clarification of these traumas no ascent of the soul is possible.
Secondly, it is also time now for Twin Souls to make Physical Tantra in order to transfer the resulting energies into the respective region on the surface… this will accelerate the Healing and Ascension Process of the planet in a gigantic way.

The healing of the incarnated Starseeds on Terra also plays an important role. Some of the Surface Starseeds are worn out by the countless incarnations on Earth to such an extent that in their current state it would be impossible for them to be physically picked up by Galactic Confederation or Pleiadian Ships and to be taken out of the Grid. They all need intensive healing first, especially on a non-physical level.
Many Starseeds aren’t even rudimentarily aware of what they’ve accomplished here on the Terra… let alone the number of non-physical operations of the Light Forces they’ve been involved in/are still involved in… especially at night while their avatar is resting.

There are countless Starseeds on the Surface who are already pretty awakened, who are also engaged in the Liberation of the Planet during everyday life (even if only on social networks)… and who lead an ethereal double life at night without their knowledge. Because these Starseeds leave the body during night and take part in the most diverse operations of the Light Forces on the non-physical plains of the planet, some of them also in cooperation with Positive Forces below Earths Surface.
They go to the Confederation Ships at night and make report, they join underground meetings… or are also involved in direct battles against the Dark Ones and the Chimera. And the next morning they wake up and cannot remember anything at all, or if so, then only fragmentarily and blurred, because the Light Forces would block the memories for their own protection (which is also agreed with their Higher Selves).
That’s why many Starseeds feel extremely tired in the morning despite enough sleep, because (apart from attacks) they are carrying out missions at night. With the rising energies on the Terra more and more memories get unlocked in this respect. Some Starseeds are already fully or almost fully aware of these activities, especially those in the HQs mentioned above.

However, these Starseeds are also in urgent need of healing, as they have been pretty much worn out by these battles and the Galactic Confederation has only since recently been able to really help these Lightworkers extensively.
For example, many Starseeds were energetically wounded in the battles against the Chimera, singed by their exotic laser-like weapons, so that the Soul actually shows signs of burnings.
Furthermore, the Chimera have placed negative implants, energetic electrodes for disturbance, heaps of anomaly as well as spider-like beings and bugging devices into many Starseeds (as it is shown for example in the film Matrix, only that in reality, this is happening on non-physical level), so that they are suffering from various physical complaints, for which there seems to be no explanation, because usually no cause is found during medical examinations.

The second problem is that the Chimera have also implanted multiple Toplet Bombs directly into the ethereal bodies of some Starseeds, for example near the Coccyx and the Kundalini. These Toplet Bombs would trigger immediately as soon as a physical pick-up by the Ships of the Galactic Confederation takes place and it would literally tear the Soul of the respective Starseed apart.
第二个问题是,奇美拉还将多个顶夸克炸弹直接植入了一些星际种子的以太体中,比如靠近尾骨和昆达里尼的位置。一旦银河联盟的飞船试图接走星际种子,这些顶夸克炸弹就会立即被触发,它将会撕裂那个星际种子的灵魂 。
Therefore at first, these things must be removed non-physically before a physical pick-up can be considered.
There are two ways to do this:
The Healing Ships of the Galactic Confederation are stationed cloaked around Earth. Starseeds can either go into Meditation or imagine, while falling asleep, that they travel or get brought to the Healing Ships of the Pleiadians/Ashtar Command energetically.

There are tube-like apparatuses ready where you will be pushed into (similar to common Computer Tomography). With the help of these apparatuses, the Pleiadians can examine one and are able find any kind of anomaly, implant or wound. Then they will remove and heal you during an energetic operation.

The Pleiadians have their own calculation programs for this, which are able to determine exactly how much anomaly is still in the body and how long it will take until it is 100% neutralized, which usually happens very quickly. Also the hidden Toplet Bombs can be removed without any problems.

The second possibility would be to go to the Healing Temples of the already mentioned Maries (also during a Meditation or overnight). At higher dimensions, the Maries have their own energetic Healing Centres, real clinics, where they serve as nurses in order to provide First Aid for the battered Starseed Front Soldiers coming from Terra – a non-physical War Hospital, so to say.

Inside these Healing Centres Starseeds can lay down on Crystalline Healing Tables and describe all their physical complaints, symptoms and psychological problems to the Maries. Like the Pleiadians, they will then immediately begin to detect anomalies and remove everything negative from the ethereal body, including negative spider entities, if there are any. All these negative items are usually immediately brought into the Central Sun, where they get finally dissolved.
Sometimes the Ashtar Command will appear by itself in order to support the procedure because many Starseed Warriors are working on behalf of the AC and this kind of healing has only become possible since recently, and of course they don’t let their people down.

The Maries themselves usually work a lot with Healing Crystals, which will be energetically placed in the body to give Healing Information into the cells. In addition, you can ask them to give you Energetic Healing Potions that will support the process.
Starseeds can visit these Healing Centres as often as they wish, even several times a day. Many Starseeds will need multiple Healing Sessions to get back on track, and at the beginning the symptoms could get worse, which is normal, because they got a lot of pain from old lives in them. However, this will improve over time and the symptoms will eventually disappear completely at some point, perhaps even before the real physical contact with the Light Forces.
None of this is a joke or fantasy. The Ships and also the Healing Centres of the Maries are really existing and one can be brought up there non-physically to become pure and whole again – simply try it out!
这些都不是玩笑或幻想。疗愈舰队和Maries疗愈中心的存在是真实不虚,一个人可以从能量层面被带到那里,并重新变得纯粹和完整 — 去试试你就知道了!
The Galactic Confederation also explicitly advises to use these Healing Methods, because for the First Contact all negative implants and wounds/traumas have to be healed to a certain degree, because otherwise one would not be able to stand the high vibrating energies outside the Quarantine, be it on the Ships or in Breakaway Civilizations under the Earth.
For the journeys to the Ships or the Marian Centres one can imagine a White Energetic Portal, through which one can travel safely and unnoticed to the said places there and back (just install this Portal over your Place of Meditation or over your bed during night). If you wish, you can also call the Pleiadians or the Felines to energetically protect the transport!
