
This blog entry provides information that comes directly from the Cosmic Central Race. But first a little overview of the current situation on the surface:
After defending the Draco Fleet who followed the Cabal’s emergency call, the Light Forces have intensified cleaning of plasma spider nests within the Grid, which in turn is also a reason why these entities have recently become so startled and are taking targeted action against Lightworkers:
There is also a lot going on in South America. The continent is still an energetically shielded Cabal/Nazi stronghold. And the Goddess Vortex in Venezuela is still fiercely contested:
You can continue to support the Goddess Venezuela with the meditation from thisblog entry:
The Chimera is currently focusing on Germany. A visible sign of their activities could be that Vodafone suddenly switched to 5G antennas in 20 German cities and towns:
According to the Light Forces, Germany is one of the countries with the highest number of incarnated Starseeds in order to hold the Light in this area, since the energetic junctions there are among the most powerful as well as embattled on the surface.

If the German Ley Lines and Vortices were free,the Grid could no longer be maintained. That is why the Dark Ones have been causing so much chaos, manipulation and destruction in this part of Europe for thousands of years, with the climax of the two World Wars. But it is only a matter of time until Berlin is liberated from any dark influence and the LeyLines in this area, like the one connected to the Sanssouci Palace, will be freed again:

The most visible operation of the Light Forces is probably the Epstein case, which will crack the protective wall of the Cabal around the global paedophile system and will mark the beginning of a subsequent chain reaction of (worrisome) disclosures that will at some point end in the collapse of the matrix.
After the resignation of the English Prime Minister, you can also see further physical effects of the energetic liberation of the British Isles, by the publication that parts of the English (Fake) Royal Family are also involved in the Epstein case, which will at some point lead to their demise too:
It is also interesting to observe that parts of the MSM now seem to report more neutrally and seriously about the QAnon Community, as they had already spoken about the island long before Epstein’s arrest:
As for the topic of the arrival of Twin Flames and the creation of Islands of Light, it must be said that there has been a change in the plan:
Cataclysmic events around the Event will occur more quickly than previously planned, as Earth/Gaia as a conscious living being has decided to cast off all darkness as she has reached her limit of suffering … and she wants to rest.
Thus some Twin-Flames, which already went into avatars via Walk-ins, were removed again and are back on the ships now. This is because the number of natural catastrophes will increase faster now and due to time constraints, the focus of the Light Forces is currently no longer on the slow build-up of Islands of Lights, rather it’s on cracking the Quarantine and First Contact ASAP.
Some of the Twins and Maries have joined the Delta/Silver Command and are working from the ships towards the breakthrough:
The Dark Ones/Cabal also know about the forthcoming cataclysmic events and that they will therefore no longer be able to stay on this planet. The first thing they did was to create the narrative about man-made climate change, to blame their slaves once again for everything and everyone and to perform one last great theft of money by taxation before the curtain falls.
In the background they are already working on an escape plan, as they still think that they can get away without being caught by the Light Forces. Nothing more can be said about this, except that the ever-increasing mention of topics related to UFOs and aliens within the MSM is currently possible, as both positive and negative groups are pushing it.

As far as cataclysmic events are concerned, the Cosmic Central Race announced that in South America there will be massive eruptions of a lot of volcanoes about the same time, and along the American West Coast there will be a breaking of the tectonic plates, emerging from the Mojave Desert:
This brings us to the actual subject of this entry: The Wingmakers aka Cosmic Central Race.

The Cosmic Central Race has been in the spheres around planet Earth for some months now. They have already made contact with various Key Lightworkers on the surface and can also be contacted at any time in meditations. The Wingmakers in their non-physical form usually appear gigantically large in brightly shining silhouettes. But they can also turn into giant spheres that can actually serve as spaceships too. Sometimes they also seem to have a kind of beak, which is why they are often portrayed as birds or eagles.
The eagle can actually be regarded as the representative animal of the Central Cosmic Race, since it is completely free, stands above things and overlooks everything. This is also the reason, why the Native Americans worshipped the eagle and often wore feather decoration as headgear.
Two centuries ago, it was also the last time that the Wingmakers actively appeared as Walk-ins on the surface of the planet. Because of the fact that many positive indigenous tribes were so pure, the CCR were able to go into the avatars of a few lightful female and male shamans for a short time and thus could provide important knowledge to the people.
However, the Archons separated this connection by triggering the extermination of those tribes through the colonization of America, so that the CCR no longer had clean vessels available on the ground.

As with many other symbols (Swastika,All-Seeing Eye) the Dark Ones have also taken the symbol of the CCR, the eagle,and have attached it to their own flags. This is also the reason why many royal houses or nations have a one or double-headed eagle on their emblems (or seethe Roman Aquila or the Imperial eagle of the Nazis). It’s all about appropriation of the radiant power of originally positive symbolism, because the Dark Ones have nothing comparable of their own.
But now, after a long journey from the Center of the Galaxy, the “real” eagles are back and about to land. And that means that the end of the Quarantine is approaching, because the CCR is energetically superior to the Chimera, comparable with a real eagle in the sky to a spider on the ground … the Chimera fears the CCR.
Tolkien also referred to the Wingmakers, in form of the eagles which appear whenever the situation is most hopeless:
Nevertheless, the CCR does not just want to be associated with the eagle. The Wingmakers are much more; they are creatures of pure Light and Love and full of kindness. They can also appear as golden angels and possess wings. It’s also possible to be brought to a golden intermediate realm during a meditation and to be connected with 3 or 4 of them. There the CCR can carry out healings; they can even carry out energetic operation on the light body with their beaks. They can immediately identify the causes of many physical and mental problems, be it a simple lack of nutrients or a lack of love. In fact, for most people the lack of love is the main cause for many problems.

It is therefore recommended to actively connect with them and to let them recharge you with Golden Love Energy in order to feel self-love again. You can also let them protect you energetically or let them clean your environment, in case of energetic attacks (e.g. by plasma spiders).
It is also recommended to do this during the next few days as we have a so-called “Black Super Moon”, and the Dark Ones are already ritualizing massively and running energetic operations and attacks:
It is also recommended to clean the entire planet with the White Fire AN in the next few days to neutralize the anomaly that is pumped back into the grid during such phases. You can also use Golden Energy or Pink Goddess Energy to further cleanse, harmonize and recharge Earth.

This brings us to the end of this entry. Let’s finish with the following suitable song: