Solara|太阳 · 月亮 · AN · 地球 冥想

Sun • Moon • AN • Pachamama Meditation

太阳 · 月亮 · AN · 地球 冥想

The Sun•Moon•AN Meditation infuses the World with the New Reality of AN and helps grounding. Solara, the Visionary of the 11:11, explains and demonstrates this short meditation as a support in challenging times.

太阳 · 月亮 · AN冥想融合了AN的新实相,帮助我们把新实相锚定在物质层面。Solara,11:11先知,为这个冥想做了解说和演示,这个冥想可以帮助我们度过转变期。

Here is a link to our video of the Sun • Moon • AN • Pachamama Meditation. This is a simple, but powerful practice that is extremely effective in dissolving duality, while keeping us grounded. If we do this meditation every day, it will have a powerful effect. It will OPEN DOORS of Transformation and create Monolithic Shifts. And it only takes a few minutes to do

分享一个太阳 · 月亮 · AN · 地球 冥想视频。它非常简单,但是在消融二元对立方面非常有效,同时还可以让我们保持接地。如果我们每天都做这个冥想,它将产生强大的影响。它会打开转变之门,并创造巨大的改变。每天仅仅需要几分钟时间。

