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Earth changes are equated with the death, yes. On your planet you know next to nothing about death. There is a tremendous opportunity in all of these shifts to learn about death. It appears to some of you that is people leave or die there is a mishap taking place. It appears there is a failure and that something was done wrong. We see the opposite. We see people leaving the planet with new point of view. They are so gifted because many of you have your hearts open in our transmitting unity of purpose, allowing others to know and realize what they came for. Not everyone came here to see a new earth. Can you realize that some people came to this planet to die in peace without torture and pain and to die with the consciousness of liberation. When you are afraid of death or pain and you have an opportunity to assist someone pass over, your heart may want to close down.

地球的转变也等同于死亡。是的,在你们地球上,你们对死亡一无所知。在所有这些转变中,都暗含着了解死亡的巨大机会。 在你们中的某些人看来,人们离开或死亡,这是不幸。 似乎什么失败了或者是做错了什么。 我们则看到相反的情况。 我们看到人们离开地球的时候有了新的观点。 人类非常有天赋,因为你们中的许多人在倾听我们所传递的统一意图,并且保持着内心的开放,允许其他人了解和意识到他们在这里的目的。并不是每一个人都可以见证新地球的诞生。你们能否意识到有些人来到这个地球,是为了在没有酷刑和痛苦的情况下和平死亡,并在解放的意识中死亡。 当你感到害怕死亡或痛苦时,你就用有一个机会帮助其他人通过这个过程。不过这个时候你会想要关闭自己的内心。

You may think I can’t do this I can’t look at death, it’s too frightening. Keep your heart open let the goddess do it and you will find that there is a ripeness and a timeliness in every person’s exit. Yes events are being orchestrated however they cannot be orchestrated without the consciousness to match them. As you are clearing the last dregs of fear and misunderstanding, many of you will be called upon to work with the dead, and help release them. When this happens on a large scale, you will find that those who have passed over will periodically return. When you become a death Walker, you are able to make the death experience with another and walk back from it. To go to the other side and come back. You find that there are many different energies accompanying each person’s journey. Ask for a knowledgeable uplifted wise and benevolent being to blend with you and help you understand the best way to create the highest opportunity for the death. Ask to have the ability to walk through the death experience and see people over to the other side, as they once did in ancient Egypt. Take the departed on a boat and journey to the other side, then come back and tell everyone where they went. For some of you this is essential to master in this decade on your earth plane. When people move from one dimension to another the process can be greatly facilitated through the use of sound. You may want to experiment with different kinds of sound. You may want to tone make sound through instruments or sing. You will discover what is most appropriate. Ask for guidance and impulses you need to make an agreement to trust your impulses. They are what will save your bodies. When you get an impulse that says leave something is telling you to move something is telling you to go, so do it. Learn to recognize your impulses and to respond to them.


The death Walker’s job is to assist people into a place of forgiveness, allowing the death release to occur without any attachments to blame, judgments, or victimhood. There is an art to this because often in the final moments people open to forgiveness. As dying people get close to their maker time collapses. Moments elongate into poignant lessons of life and a great opportunity is at hand. The greatest act of forgiveness is ultimately to yourself. Because you passed all judgments and made forgiveness necessary. You can assist the dying to find peace in their lives to exit and serenity and love with smiles on their faces. Help them by asking them to look for friends or relatives or others they would recognize to beckon them onward. This is a pivotal key in assisting and death walking. There is healing in death because there is life on the other side of death. As you send your energy to these individuals in transition, transmitted also to earth support Earth in her process, and let her know that you want to be here to participate in the transformation. It is a true form of allowing when you surrender to the process and allow earth to do what is necessary.


As Earth continues her dance of purification, and the shaking and moving intensifies. You will be impulse to cluster together to enhance existing communities, or form new communities. Each community will grow and flourish based on its members abilities to feel and to create thought forms together. Each community will need to energize a cooperative codicil so that everyone can come together to contribute food, shelter, music, movement, and sound.


This system of communities will go back to the old way of living in which you need each other. It will reestablish the ancient blueprint of relationships by which you experience interconnected living. You will feel relief when you belong to a community and live closer to the land breathe fresh air and feel alive. There will be a new vitality in food. There will be deeper laughter in relationships and a greater value to every moment of life. Eventually you will come to the conclusion that life is to be played, and then only in playing life can you succeed in work. If you do not play properly you cannot have successful work.


The work needs always to benefit the community. Many healings will take place. Communities will be inspired to build and a Renaissance of the temple culture will occur. All over this land sites will be marked and sacred buildings of beauty brought forth. Earth changes will open many secrets from deep in Earth herself.


The pyramids that dot this land and are covered over will be uncovered. And many cracks and crevices will reveal ancient sites long buried. You will pool resources and share your ideas about food, education, barter, business leisure time and places of meditation. Prioritize and agree that a strong community comes first. Knowing that each person is a valuable asset to the whole community. As you do these things you establish a field of ideas or field of thought. You will create huge thought-forms over the community those who have a predilection for reading thought-forms will be able to view your community and know by reading the energy in the thought-forms who you are, and what you are all about. Your thought forms will be a new sort of etheric telegraph.

