AUTUMN FORECAST (19.09.2020)

As expected, the Cabal pushes a second lockdown just in time for the beginning of autumn to finally give the economy the final blow by boosting testing and thus the number of COVID-19 cases.
Israel makes the start, where people are currently not allowed to move more than 500 meters away from their homes:
But there were already first signs in Europe when Hungary closed its borders to its neighbouring countries at the beginning of September, including Austria, where the Cabal implemented a so called “traffic light” system (very similar to the Chinese colour codes) to shut down individual cities and districts as needed:
While on the southern hemisphere cities like Melbourne currently serve as a test chamber to see how far totalitarian measures can be applied against a Western-oriented society (with the objective of applying this to Europe or North America too at some point):
Soon, also people who “might” violate the lockdown could be arrested:
To counteract this, a worldwide mass meditation has already been called for, which will take place on September 21st and in which every Lightworker is invited to participate (bear in mind energetic protection):

No matter what the outcome, the Cabal will probably not able to force all countries into a lockdown (or they will not name it as such), as the resistance in the population is growing stronger and stronger, as the demonstrations in London and Berlin showed:
Meanwhile also dear Mr. Gates becomes an opponent of vaccination when it comes to the fact that it may not be “his” vaccine which is made available to the public:
And the US Secretary of Justice has just stated on public television that the lockdown may have been unconstitutional:

As the election approaches, the USA is busy with other things anyway: On one hand, the attempt of a colour revolution by Cabal-controlled extremist groups and on the other hand the wild fires along the West Coast, which are partly man-made on site but also partly caused by the use of DEWs:
The whole situation in the US creates more and more surreal sceneries that truly resemble an end-time mood:
It shouldn’t remain unmentioned that Gates’ father passed away this week:
As well as US Supreme Court judge Ginsburg:
While other Cabal controlled philanthropists and architects of colour revolutions are increasingly becoming the focus of public attention:
Besides all state tyranny, if the Cabal should also come up now with the idea of using the military against the surface population, this should no longer be possible, since large parts of the military worldwide are already under positive control and are actually waiting to strike against Cabal controlled governments.
This could/should have happened already in March during the first lockdown, but a too big part of the population would probably not have been accepted this scenario. Now, however, as people are becoming more and more aware of the economic effects of the lockdowns, while the lies and totalitarian measures of certain governments are becoming more and more obvious too, the positive military could be in a far better position to take over.
However, it is impossible to say whether this will happen or not (or when). Fact is, we will probably experience another (False Flag) event this fall, that might not have anything to do with the virus anymore, but it will probably create even more chaos in the short term, but in the long run it will have a positive effect.
It is still recommended to stock up on food as we enter this challenging autumn.
It is also important to remember that the Lightships of the Galactic Confederation are stationed across our skies and are heavily involved in ground operations.

Of course, the ships of the Dark Ones are also active, among them are not only the ships of the Dracos, but also those that may appear pleiadic, but belong to the opposite side. These are groups of renegade Pleiadians, which are contaminated by negative technology and Anomaly … but this is only a small group.
What some of them try to do is steal/abduct energetic Soul Parts of the Starseeds incarnated on the surface. If necessary, these parts must be retrieved in a meditation, if one has the feeling of being affected.
When negative ships are active, Starseeds usually gets irradiated by scalar weapons and begin to feel bad, while when the Light Force is active above you, you feel light, free and extraordinarily positive.
In response to the question in relation to Germany (but this also applies worldwide) about what could be done to free important energy points on the Earth’s surface to bring the Grid down, I cannot reveal the exact locations at the moment, but what I can say is that in order to free these points, energetic actions alone are not enough, because in almost all cases these points are deliberately blocked by the Dark Ones through (big) negative physical objects.
And these objects need to be physically removed completely in order to allow a, for example, vortex or a Ley Line to flow freely again. Such physical removals will probably only be possible after the Event.

Nevertheless, energetic operations can be performed to decrease the negative effects of these physical objects. Therefore the note: keep an eye out for Churches, and especially Cathedrals, and envelop them in Light Columns. And if you live near one, you can bury a Cintamani Stone near it. But don’t forget to energetically separate yourself from the stone after the placement.
That’s all for now. To finish off, here is a beautiful video of the many Lights right at the Siegessäule in Berlin three weeks ago:
