In an instant, we forgot who we were. We forgot our Divine Origins. We forgot our True Purpose. We forgot that we were ONE. Thus were we embedded and imprisoned in the Matrix of Duality.
Everything happened exactly as we had been told it would, only the terrible pain of separation was far beyond our understanding. Nothing in our previous state of limitlessness had prepared us for the harsh brutality of our descent into matter.
In an instant, the curtains fell across the paradise planet Earth. Not only was much veiled, but suddenly we were imprisoned within the illusory dominion of time, distance, separation, opposition and polarization. The ONE appeared to have been fractured apart and now only the split polarities of Good and Evil reigned.
This is the time known as THE FALL. Though, in truth, we fell not. It was merely part of the perfection of the Divine Plan.
At the moment when we descended fully into matter, we directed our brand new negative emotions of FEAR and ANGER towards Lucifer––for was he not the one who had betrayed us and caused us to suffer so!!
当我们完全地沉降到物质层面的那一刻,我们把我们最新体验到的恐惧感和愤怒,都导向了路西法 —— 难道不是他背叛了我们,并让我们遭受痛苦的吗?

This too, was part of the perfection of the Divine Plan, for our combined negative feelings served as Lucifer’s method of propulsion to thrust him into the very central core of density––the Heart of Darkness. This is where he had volunteered to serve along with his Heavenly Legions who are now referred to as Fallen Angels.
而这,也是神圣计划完美的一部分。因为我们联合起来的负面情绪,也充当了把路西法推进最浓稠的密度的核心—— 黑暗之心的方法。这也是他,跟他的天使军团所志愿服务的地方。他和他的天使军团,现在,我们称呼为堕落天使。
The Fallen Angels are the ones who followed Lucifer into the Heart of Darkness, density’s core. Lucifer tried his best to dissuade his loyal legions from following him, knowing that few of them would be strong enough to survive the formidable challenges ahead. But their immense dedication to serving the ONE and their deep loyalty to Lucifer, carried them forward.
Few of them have yet returned. Occasionally, I encounter some of the Fallen Angels who ever walk amongst us. They are easy to recognize with their black, pleated wings and haunted eyes. Fallen Angels are often resistant to any efforts to help them, sometimes openly hostile, or hurriedly fleeing from my presence.
I always regard Fallen Angels with immense love and compassion. for they have made their heavy journey of service into the corridors of the densest darkness for all of us. I can feel their immense pain of separation and the heavy guilt they carry, and it saddens me. But until they are ready to return to conscious Oneness, we can only embrace them with LOVE, waiting for their inevitable return.
And thus Lucifer and his legions of Fallen Angels have been locked into the very core of duality, sealed within it by our collective fear, distrust, sense of betrayal and even hatred which has long served as the stone sealing shut their return to conscious Oneness.
It’s now time to embrace our duality-based fears and love everything back into the radiant wholeness of the ONE.
It’s time to clearly understand the huge role that Lucifer took on in the transformation of duality to Oneness. It was all part of the Divine Plan. In our deeper understanding and loving compassion, we must now release Lucifer and his legions of Fallen Angels from their imprisonment in the Heart of Darkness. They have suffered far too much. They have been misjudged for far too long.
We also must forgive ourselves for any perceived mistakes or transgressions we have made throughout our cycle of earthly lifetimes, for part of us has also made the journey into the Heart of Darkness.
We must do this before we can fully move into full Oneness. For nothing is separate from the ONE. Lucifer and his legions must be set free and returned to the Heart of the ONE. Our forgiveness, compassion and LOVE will roll back the heavy stone of our judgement and misunderstanding which have kept them locked into the core of duality for far too long.
We can do this by fully expressing our gratitude for the immense task that Lucifer took on FOR ALL OF US as the brightest of all the Angels. And we must understand that he has never ceased being the brightest and most dedicated of all of us. This will allow Lucifer and his Fallen Angels to return to the Heart of the ONE once again.
And we will have mastered a core lesson of duality.
Nothing and no one is separate from the ONE. Within the Ultra Greater Reality, everything is of the ONE. We are all part of One Being.