
There is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. We are living in a time of insanity. A time where our collective and personal trauma has been skipped over for so long that it is finally erupting in a desperate effort to be nurtured.


What is ‘wrong’ is that we’re carrying grief and pain and exhaustion and most of us are in situations where we feel like we literally can not stop to rest, to navigate and heal it. The majority of the planet is in survival mode. Add to that a societal expectation to ‘keep it together’ and a cultural silent agreement to keep our vulnerabilities and intimacy at an arms length and you have the perfect storm of crisis and isolation.


There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with you. You’re tired. You’re experiencing a crazy making reality. We’re not designed to live this way. We’re designed for community and connection. For support and collaboration. For freedom and creativity. For moving with the seasons, the Earth, the stars. And most importantly, we’re designed for compassion, for love.

你没有什么“错”。 你累了。 你正在经历一个疯狂的实相。 我们不是为了这样生活而来到这里的。 我们生来就需要团结和连接。为了支持和合作。 为了自由和创造。 跟随着季节、地球、日月星辰的韵律。 最重要的是,我们拥有着同理心,我们有爱。

Just for today, try swapping out that hour of scrolling and get your feet and hands in the dirt. To move your body in any way you can. To dance, to sing. To reach out to someone. To drink water. To have a bath. To play. If that’s too much and some days it is, then take that hour to cuddle up in bed with a tea. Nap. Feel your body. Gently and lovingly hold your hand on your heart. Your belly. And breathe. That’s all you need to do. If it works then maybe give it another go tomorrow. Next week, see if you can stretch that out another half hour.


There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with you. You’re tired. You’re not alone. You never will be. We’re re-learning how to human. Please reach out if you need to. I love you.


作者:Sally Horrobin