Does the dark side also exist in higher dimensions?
By alaje • Thursday, May 27th, 2010
Question: I have an understanding that even in a high frequency spiritual world, there is always a dark side that opposes light and love. Is that right?
Answer: No, in the higher dimensions there is no evil. The dark side can’t live in a higher frequency. They are only in these lower dimensions.
Why is the dark side allowed to manipulate humans?
By alaje • Thursday, May 27th, 2010
Question: Alaje, why is there so much attention for us (Humanity) between the good and bad extraterrestrials? Why were we not allowed to develop on our own? Without interference. Our spirit came to develop, learn and experience. Why and how were the bad extraterrestrials able to just to come in and manipulate us? Is this type of behavior allowed across the universe in most dimensions, and if so for what purpose? If humanity can’t evolve properly, then how and why is this happening?
Answer: Like every other planet, Earth goes through a growing process, like a child in school. And the souls who mastered the class, can go to the higher class. Mastering spirituality even in a negative environment. What is happening here on Earth is NOT something that started in these years. This started millions of years ago. Many races came to this planet. There were many, many fights and wars for this planet. Some without humans and some WITH humans. Several high technical developed civilizations on Earth were destroyed in wars.
This EARTH humanity that you see now is NOT the first Earth population. Well, this is what happens in these low dimensions. It’s an experience.Your question, is like you are asking me, why all the Earth humans are not all blond, why is this flower red and the other is yellow or why all the flowers are not blossom at the same time at once…. It’s an experience. Other planets had experiences like this too. In this low dimension, problems are on many planets this EARTH humanity that you see now is NOT the first Earth population.
Schools washing children’s brains with linear thinking
By alaje • Thursday, May 27th, 2010
Question: Hi again Alaje I have a problem… In school they are just teaching and they all use linear thinking and they want me to use linear thinking but I don’t. I see how the teachers speak now, and they are filled with negativity and they just use words that brainwash you unconsciously, and they make you think that you are dumb if you do not follow what they are asking… It is truly unbelievable… Do you have any suggestions?
Answer: Well , I made all the Earth experiences, too, so i will know how everybody feels by living in Earth society. When i was in school, no brainwash could stop me from going the way of light. I did some things they wanted just to keep them satisfied, because i knew that in a few years, i would leave school anyway. When teachers were angry, i told them to keep their aggressiveness for them self. I was teaching them how to behave. And after school, i was concentrating on my spiritual path. I had always my energy on the important things in life.
Why are lesser astral beings trying to hurt us?
By alaje • Friday, May 28th, 2010
Question: Alaje, in my last residence i would wake up screaming and casting out demons in the name of the Christ. So one time i decided to use a voice recorder. On it you can hear my snoring for an hour or so. And then you can hear something call my name three times. Still i am snoring in the background. Then something says, “let’s wake her up”. And then i stop snoring and start yelling, asking who, who is it? Get out of my house.
It is very upsetting to hear. When i awoke in the morning, i had no idea what had transpired during the night. Only after listening i did understand, i was under attack from the darkness. Why do they want to hurt us? Is it because they feed off of our fear? Did the cosmic consciousness make such as these? Where do they come from?
Answer: Yes, those are the lower astral entities, that i am talking in the videos. They feed of fear energy, hate or smokers energy. That’s why i am telling in all my videos to build up the light in your aura. They can’t stand light and love. Once, when i was on a Nepal Mountain, i had a draconian in front of me, with a head of pterosaurs with big red glowing eyes. He started to steel my energy. But then, i shoot him with love energy out of my heart and he disappeared. Love is the biggest power there is.
Why is the dark side coming as well in case of an evacuation?
By alaje • Monday, May 31st, 2010
Question: Why ships from dark side come to save people? You understand, something wrong i think, i am sure you will not be save on their ships…
Answer: Who told you that the dark side want to save you? They would come to take people away so they can’t be evacuated. But again, if you are spiritually ready, you can distinguish the energies and you can feel where to go. Don’t go by appearance. Go by the energy that the ships have.
How does the dark side protect itself from their evil projects like chemtrails?
By alaje • Monday, May 31st, 2010
Question: In your videos you mention that they are spreading toxins in the sky and there are other people claiming the same thing as well. Well it is obvious that those responsible for spreading toxins are evil, but how do they escape these toxins themselves?
Answer: Hello, for every poison, virus or disease the dark side is creating to spread, they create the antidote for themselves.
Was the swine flu real?
By alaje • Monday, May 31st, 2010
Question: Alaje hello, i ask about the porcine influenza. This disease has created by the human to manipulate other human by vaccine? And what i’m asking is looks a bit odd, but it may be the know and think of nothing to do with the brain but to the soul? So, what we know in really, that everything not stored in the BRAIN but in the soul? But why should people die? What a sense of all that? Why dark side doing this?
Answer: Hello, this “disease” is artificially created to harm and kill around millions of people in the DNA. The dark side produces the disease by him self and after that “offer remedies” what kills even more. There is no vaccine, but pure poison for the extermination of millions of people. In America, people who do not want to be vaccinated. Already taken into military penal camps set. Something was on the news but is not told. I have told the Americans via email. And yes, knowledge is stored in the soul. The brain is only for the one, your decision, what information you want to know and what not. They want fewer people, so they can more easily control them.
Is it possible to fall back into negativity as a lightworker?
By alaje • Monday, May 31st, 2010
Question: Is it possible for the light workers to fall and go into darkness as mentioned in the bible such as demons or Satan?
Answer: People who are VERY VERY negative and evil, go backwards in their evolution and have to learn the lessons from the start.
Are negative aliens incarnating as humans?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
Question: Hello Alaje, are there people that incarnate from the dark side and are controlled or guided by evil spirit guides?
Answer: Yes, there are incarnated people who are from the dark side. I saw many draconians who are now incarnated as a human, and they still have the reptilian character.
What to do when you feel a dark presence?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
Question: Ever since i believe i had a small spiritual awakening two years ago i have difficulty sleeping through the night. I often feel a dark presence around me trying to pull and take me away. When this happens i usually just say: “i must not fear because fear is a mind killer and face the dark energy with light.” Why is it that i feel i get attacked through the night? I also have felt an overwhelming sensation of pure love flowing through my body bringing me to tears because the feeling is beautiful, who sends me this love?
Answer: Hello, as i say in my videos, the dark side don’t like the light or people who want the light, therefore they are trying to stop us, either directly or they use other people to disturb you. Just keep concentrating on the light of transformation. The other feeling you had, was the love energy i am talking about in my videos. The energy that you get, when you connect yourself with your soul. Your true self.
How do you fight off negative aliens?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje, you said if we ever encounter a negative extraterrestrials. We have to use light energy to ward them off. Do i do this with my thoughts by in visioning light around me and casting them away, is that right?
Answer: Yes that’s right. Send a powerful light beam to them.
Can you communicate with higher beings when you’re negative?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: I want to communicate with the Pleiadians. (Darkvampire)
Answer: Well, then you first should change your name on YouTube… And watch my videos to understand why…
What is the secret world ZF and who stands behind it?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje, helper from the stars! Please help me out here! What is this “Secret World ZF” you are talking about in your videos? Who are they? Where do they come from? Where are they seated? Who made them that powerful? Are they the same as them you call the “Dark Earth-controllers”, which you say consist of earth-humans and evil extraterrestrials? If yes, who are the earth humans? And another thing, who or what are the Illuminati? Thank you in advance for your answer, Jane
Answer: There is a lot of information about this in the internet. My mission is to help you to concentrate on the “SOLUTION” of the problem, and not to waste too much time by looking all the time on the “Problem”.
It’s good to know the problem but you have to spend more energy in the SOLUTION of the problem. That’s why my videos are online.
Why was John F. Kennedy assassinated?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, why was John F. Kennedy assassinated?
Answer: John F. Kennedy was killed by the own people, the “ZF”, because he wanted to talk about the extraterrestrials in public. He had contacts with Venusians.
回答:John F Kennedy是被自己人杀害的,”ZF”,因为他想在公共场合谈论外星人。他与金星人有接触。
What was the cause for the Haiti earth quake?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: Was that 7.0 earthquake in Haiti because the earth’s frequencies are increasing?
Answer: I think it was not natural. I think it was done by the Illuminati, just like they did the hurricanes (Katrina) and other destructions in the past (9.11.)… They are sacrificing humans to the demons they are praying.
The dark side has technology to manipulate weather and earthquakes. They want to keep the Earth energy low with artificial disasters and sorrow.
Are demons just negative aliens?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: In your answer to the question about the Haiti Earthquake, you said “They are sacrificing humans to the demons they are praying.” Is it not the gray and reptilians the demons they worship? Or is a demon something else. What’s the difference? Because i always thought that demons were just negative ET’s and angels were good ET’s. Just what different people call them. And if demons are something else can spiritual LOVE and LIGHT send them away also? Thanks.
Answer: There are demons. Evil entities in the lower astral plains. They are energy beings.
Is NASA telling the truth?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: I’ve seen some videos directly from “NASA” space transmissions and from like three or 4 years they had appear a lot of strange things, ships, lights, some other, do you know anything about that? Who’s ships are those?
Answer: In my videos i am telling already, that the people in power are telling lies since years. NASA is a show company, to fool Earth-people with primitive technology and theories. They have secret programs since the 40s, with other technologies that they don’t show you, and they had since then already contacts with extraterrestrials. ALL astronauts saw our ships, but they are forced to keep it secret.
Why do earth scientists not receive any radio transmissions from space?
By alaje • Monday, June 7th, 2010
Question: Why do Earth scientist’s say that they don’t hear radio transmissions from outer space, received on any equipment on Earth?
Answer: They are lieing. They DO receive a lot from space, but the secret ZF do not allow them to say anything.
Since when are the americans on the moon?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: I read that, when the Americans got on the Moon, it was forbidden for us people, to get there in the next 50 years.
Answer: The Secret ZF since the 40s, not only on the Moon, they already have bases on Mars and other planets. Of course, they keep it a secret.
Are sites like Facebook or Myspace dangerous?
By alaje • Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Question: I was wondering does Facebook or Myspace have an effect on peoples minds? I feel like its a big mind trap.
Answer: I don’t like those pages, because they are there to control the personal data of people.
I dreamed about vampires, what shall I do?
By alaje • Monday, August 30th, 2010
Question: I dreamed twice about vampire, the first time it was a man and he bite me, and in the second time that was tonight, it was a woman that i met and it was managing to escape of her.
Answer: Send a beam of light to those beings, to protect yourself.
What do you think about sports like football?
By alaje • Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
Question: I want to ask you what do you think about football. Is it a good game, or are all sport games just a idea to keep us dump?
Answer: Yes, it’s a system to keep people dump and as separated groups, having subconsciously hate against other countries. While in the background, the secret ZF can continue with the dark projects, and keeping people as slaves. They keep the masses busy, with stupidity, because they don’t want people to think and go against the system of control and superstition.
Will the CERN experiment be successfull?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: Do you believe the experiment in CERN that in Switzerland will be successful, and the scientists will find the “god particle”?
Answer: The experiment in CERN should be stopped, because the Earth people are playing with energies they don’t understand and they could cause a lot of harm.
If the ZF are trying to manipulate us, why do they forbid drugs?
By alaje • Monday, September 6th, 2010
Question: The secret government sprays chemtrails in the air; let us eat junk food and all these things… But why they say, drugs are illegal? Wouldn’t it be the easiest way to hold us dumb?
Answer: Well, as i say in my videos, the secret world ZF has study the behavior of Earth humans, the psychology, and they use it against Earth humans. So they know, that when they prohibit something, the people would want it even more. And at the same time, they want to look like saints, telling you it is not good, but in the same time they are spreading the drugs, because they want earth humans as dump sheeps.
Can a soul be destroyed by a nuclear bomb?
By alaje • Wednesday, October 20th, 2010
Question: What happens to the soul energy in case of nuclear bombs/weapons? Is it true that it can disrupt it? Even destroy it?
Answer: The soul is pure light energy of “God” the existence. Of course it can NOT be destroyed.
But the soul can be confused, if it is an undeveloped, nonspiritual soul. Those souls get confused when they leave the physical body in a violent way. Some of those souls are then stuck for a while in the lower astral dimensions, searching for the light and help. On Earth you call them “ghosts”. Those souls get the help from people from the higher astral dimensions. From the nurse and healing planets of love, that is most close to their planet. In our solar system, it is the planet Venus. So when people die and say they saw angels, it is the people of Venus, who are healing confused souls in their crystal temples on Venus in the higher astral dimension. After the healing, they can see clearly where they want to incarnate next, to continue with their development.
Where did the dark ZF come from?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: Maybe i don’t understand something, but you say that, diseases are coming mostly from negative energies, but how about “aids”? Is it a disease which dark ZF had create to kill people? Because people is contaminated by sex relation.
Answer: Even the dark ZF is created from negative energies which were created and attracted by earth humans. As i say in my videos, EVERYTHING is energy and comes back one day.
What is behind the “stigmata” phenomenon?
By alaje • Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Question: What do you think of stigmatized people? Can you help me to understand this phenomenon?
Answer: These people are possessed by blood thirsty lower astral entities. Those entities steal the life energy out of the blood. Those are those who wanted blood sacrifices in the past. If you are in contact with light beings, you will NEVER get a bloody sore, unless you inflict wounds to yourself, because you think that this is the will of “god”.
Why are many birds dying suddenly as of late?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: I was wondering why are there numerous birds falling dead from the sky, and fishes dying at different areas around the globe (like the 3,000 + dead birds in Arkansas on New Years Day)?
Answer: Because the secret ZF and their military are experimenting with deadly frequency weapons.
What do you think about Facebook?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011
Question: Visiting and reading your website/facebook is quite a top priority of mine. I am heartedly thanks, speechless, for what you bring to my life. How lucky i am to find and meet you here!
Answer: I was NEVER on Facebook, and i will NEVER be on Facebook, because facebook is used to control and monitor earth humans by the secret ZF. Ignorant people tell in facebook all their secrets and personal data, it’s make it very easy for the secret ZF. As i say in my video number 15 and at the left side of this page: i am only on THIS YouTube channel, and NOWHERE else in the internet.
Can evil entities manipulate the feelings of people by sending love?
By alaje • Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Question: Can you tell if a malevolent entity can deceive or manipulate men by sending him love? The example they are religious? I have heard that Pope John Paul 2 was sending spiritual messages to the people who touched and felt in heaven send. But you say that priests and bishops are a sect of blacks and is not good. because what can happen?
Answer: Malevolent entities are not able to send love. Only loving lightful beings can send Love. Malevolent entities are sending negative energy or they can send energy that can deceive unaware people. They can even manipulate dreams and sending negative images. But you can prevent this by using the LIGHT as a shield. Your shield is your aura and the love energy you have in your aura.
Is it useful to love the dark side?
By alaje • Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Question: I know that love is the key. I also know that everybody should have a chance to love. Biggest Challenge is to love the dark side. Sometimes it requires lots of balls to do so. So my question is that does love apply to those who despite and hate it?
Answer: The love frequency will make them think, and will help them to see what they are doing wrong.
Is it dangerous to send love to the secret ZF?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: Is it dangerous to send love to the secret ZF? Maybe this will help to quickly solve all the problems?
Answer: I am telling this in all my videos.
Are psychopaths incarnated reptilians/draconians?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: The people who are psychopath, are they incarnated reptilians/draconians?
Answer: Not all of them. Some are possessed, controlled, manipulated from negative entities, from the lower negative astral dimension. I am talking about it in my videos.
Are we helpless against reptilians and greys?
By alaje • Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Question: You say in your video #9 that if the grays and reptilians show up on Earth as friends to our rescue, they will invite us to get on their ships and, if we don’t want to, they will force us to do it, so would we all be in their hands anyway? Or would some of you show up and help us if we ask you?
Answer: In my video i say, they PLAN to do something like this. I did not say they will. It is only a possible future, if earth people don’t do anything about it. I also say in my videos: love energy is the solution of EVERYTHING.