Can meditation heal the body?
By alaje • Friday, May 28th, 2010
Question: By simple meditation everyday with a lot of love, would that heal my brain from the damage these medications are doing?
Answer: Enough cosmic energy can heal anything.
Have Reiki masters really mastered their life?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, thank you for your positive messages and information. I would like to ask your opinion of the Rei-ki system. Do you think it is a valid tool for self development and our difficult times, or another trick of the dark side? I had a vision of it as a giant golden energy pool with many dark beings feeding off it.
Answer: Well, in the Reiki system people think they can buy spiritual mastery with a lot of money and hang a certificate on the wall to make their ego proud and show others how great they are… But a real spiritual person is somebody who has gained wisdom out of REAL experiences of MANY mastered life’s and this person don’t need a peace of paper on the wall to proof it. It is just a system to steal your money. You can’t buy spirituality. Real spirituality comes within you when you have activate the REAL love energy. Simple and for free.
Are there any remedies to detoxify my body?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: Which plants will help me to detoxify from cigarettes fume?
Answer:[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Chelidonium-Strath comp., Nux vomica Similiaplex, Nux vomica D6, Prunus Padus forte Vitaplex N, TOXEX. TOXEX is for general detoxification. You shouldn’t take all of these at once but rather one at a time and if one doesn’t help, try another one. They help your body to clean itself from bacteria, environmental poisons, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, medication and caffeeine.
Chelidonium-Strath comp.,Nux vomica Similiaplex,Nux vomica D6,Prunus Padus forte Vitaplex N,TOXEX。TOXEX是用于通用的解毒。你不要一次性吃下所有这些,而要一次一种。如果某种没效果,试试另一种。它们帮助你的身体自净,清除细菌、环境污染、酒精、尼古丁、毒品、药品、咖啡因。
Are only bad people having acne?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: Are only bad people having acne?
Answer: Even light-workers on Earth can have acne sometimes when they have stress or the genetics from the parents. Acne comes from many reasons: of the pollution of the air and the food, sugar, chocolate, junk food, hamburgers, eating animal-corpses, stress or from the genetics that you get from your parents. Besides vegetarian eating, you can use SILICA to heal the skin.
How can you stop smoking effectively and get rid of anything that harms your body?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, thank you for all your answers in all there forms. I would like some advice on stopping smoking. I have tried so many things, alan carr, hypnosis, will power. I have been smoking since i was 12 years old. i have managed to stop some months in some cases. I really am beginning to feel cursed with this.
Answer: The secret world government have created these cigarette drugs in order to keep the people in a low consciousness and vibration, in order to control the people easier. Every smoker has negative astral beings, parasites and holes in his dirty aura. They feed on the life energy of the smoker, forcing him to smoke further. You can see it with an active third eye. Cigarettes, drugs open the door to the lower astral planes where there are demons, nonspiritual people or deceased smokers.
These people suffer and be tormented by the demons… And for a very very long time before they finally begin to be interested in love. Only then they see the light and can again incarnate in another body, to learn self-love. You can only go to higher dimensions, if you have a spiritual clean, high energy. Only then you can stay in the high energy levels.
When the body is being deliberately destroyed by drugs, the divine energy can’t flow properly in you and the body becomes sick. Self destruction is a sign of lack of love and spirituality. Most believe that they love, but this is just a rational thinking in their ego-mind. There is no REAL love from the heart. It is an entirely different frequency.
A broken radio, can not receive clear music, but only distorted, or none at all. The body is the earthly vessel for the soul. If the body does not function properly, you have no good contact with the soul. One then does not receive ideas of the soul but only lies, illusions and negative words of the dark creatures.
Just remember:
You need first of all a strong will and SELF – LOVE
Who loves himself, does not hurt himself.
Only who loves himself can love others REALLY.
You can only give what you have.
Everything that stinks, is shunned by beings of light.
Only the dark side like everything that is dirty and stinks.
Only the dark side, like to be in a lower vibration, which is not love.
The light side you can find where it’s beautiful, beautiful aromas,beautiful colors, beautiful, harmonious music, love, high vibration.
Learn how to REALLY love you. Not just with your rational mind, but with your whole being. No spiritual being is taking drugs. No spiritual being is smoking. That would be) against love, against spirituality, against the existence (god. Only demons like poison, mud and low vibration. Take a big leap in your life and decide to go to the light. Throw away any drugs TODAY. Fight against the influence of the dark side. Are you ready for a higher level of development in your life? Are you ready for a higher consciousness? It is YOUR decision…
问题:亲爱的Alaje,谢谢你所有形式的所有答案。我想要一些戒烟的建议。我试过很多东西,alan carr、催眠、意志力。我从12岁起就吸烟了。有时候我已经可以戒烟几个月。我真的开始觉得被吸烟折磨着。
Is it unnatural to have pets?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Hello Alaje, i would like to ask a question regarding pets. I am starting to feel that having pets is a very unnatural thing and is actually going against the free will of the animal. On the other hand, i had a 22 year old and still have a 23 year old cat that has been with my family since it was a baby. We adopted them both from the streets of a major city. Was it part of their life plan to be with us or have we been forcing them to do so?
Answer: If the pets like you and want to stay with you, they can help you emotionally. If you force them, they will be wild and make troubles. Some people have pets, because the pets are helping them to feel love and clean the emotions. Some people have pets, because they want to control somebody and give orders. A pet can be a good friend, if you use love energy. It will give you the love back.
What can I do against negative energies?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Help, send love to my way. I pray and pray. And try, try to do my best. But i don’t feel when angelic forces are near. I pray to be able to hear their voice, i am trying to becoming a light worker, through massage training i have… Trying to clear MY being in order to be able to help others. But i have gotten lost… Send me an angel PLEASE and thank? you.
Answer: You have to eliminate everything that creates negative energy:
1) Go away from negative people.
2) Don’t stay with smokers? (they have negative entities in their aura).
3) Change the room you are living. Hang only beautiful posters and pictures on the wall, with bright colors. No dark, depressive pictures.
4) Don’t wear dark clothes, use colors or white.
5) Don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke.
6) Don’t listen to evil music like Heavy metal or worst. Listen to harmonious music, like meditation or happy music. Music with a high frequency.
7) Go often to nature to clean your energy and charge it with new clear energy.
8) Use a good smelling room-perfume. Light beings like angels, like only things which are smelling good.
9) Try to play sometimes. You can also use a computer game for that. Of course only a funny game. Not a killing game. Games like jump and run are fun. Or you play outside ping pong.
10) Make sometimes gifts to your self. Show yourself that you have self-love. Tell to your self in the mirror that you love yourself. Hang a paper on the door or on the mirror and write on it “I LOVE MY SELF”.
11) Don’t watch negative movies on TV. Watch funny movies or comics.
12) Try to paint a picture. Painting is a form of healing and meditation. Use colorful bright colors.
13) Play an instrument, make Music
14) Don’t eat animal corpses.
1. 避开负面的人。
2. 不要和烟民待在一起(他们在他们的氛围中有负面的实体)。
3. 改变你住的房间。在墙上只挂带着明亮颜色的美丽海报和图片。不要黑暗、压抑的图片。
4. 不要穿暗的衣服,穿有色彩的或白色的。
5. 不要喝酒,不要吸烟。
6. 不要听像重金属或更糟的邪恶的音乐。听和谐的音乐,像冥想乐或快乐的音乐。带有高频率的音乐。
7. 经常去大自然以清洁你的能量,用新的干净的能量补充它。
8. 使用好闻的房间香水。像天使这样的光生命,只喜欢好闻的东西。
9. 试着有时玩一玩。你可以玩电脑游戏。当然了,只有趣的游戏。不是杀戮的游戏。像跳跃和奔跑的游戏就挺有趣。或者你可以在室外打乒乓球。
10. 偶尔给你自己一些礼物。向你自己展示你有自爱。在镜子里告诉自己,你喜爱你自己。在门上或镜子上挂张纸,写上”我爱我自己”。
11. 不要在电视上看负面的电影。观看有趣的电影或喜剧。
12. 试着画幅画。画画是一种治愈和冥想的形式。使用多彩的明亮的颜色。
13. 弹奏乐器,制作音乐。
14. 不要吃动物尸体。
Can hypnosis help to stop smoking?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Alaje, thank you so much for your messages, one question, Do you recommend using hypnosis to stop smoking?
Answer: Hypnosis is only good when you know somebody who knows what he is doing. Somebody you can trust and don’t make more damage to you. Somebody who knows how to handle lower astral entities and the power of light. A real SPIRITUAL Person with Experience – not a regular psychiatrist.
I took drugs for too long, how can I recover and cleanse my body?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje. Since i have stopped eating corpses, drinking coffee, smoking weed, and all bad habits i know of, i feel a lot Healthier. Yet i can still feel the damage the weed has done to my brain. I have been smoking it almost everyday for 3 years. I am 17 will i ever make a full recovery, or am i doomed to spend the rest of my incarnation with this problem? I have a strong desire to get in touch with my higher self, so this saddens me. Any advice you can give to help me would be greatly appreciated. I am so glad to have found your page thank you so much for all your hard work helping the people of Earth. Love and light to you Alaje!
Answer:[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
You have to detoxify yourself. There are herbs that can detoxify. Go to the pharmacy and get yourself natural anti-poisoning capsules.
What kind of silica is best for the skin?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: What kind of silica to heal the skin?
Answer: Just google “Silica capsules Hübner”.
What can I do about sleeping problems?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, i have real bad sleeping problems. I was wondering if you have any advice that can help me sleep. Thank you. Love and light 4 planet Earth.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Meditation and “St John’s wort” capsules.
Is there a cure for Fibromyalgia?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Alaje, my girlfriend suffers from Fibromyalgia for many years. We eat really healthy but she still feel on pain and tired all the time. Have you got any suggestion what we should do? How can she get better?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
She can try Glucosamine/Chondroitin, and she has to look in her life, what or who is disturbing her.
What can I do if I have blood in my urine?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: Hello Alaje and to all of you. Thank you for helping me. I have blood in my urine, is there a solution other than the doctor? Thank you, Master. Love and Peace to all.
Answer:[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Blood in the urine can appear when your Kidneys are not functioning correctly. The kidneys are filtering toxins out of the blood and are regulating the water in the body. You have to keep the kidneys warm. If they get cold, they get an infection, and they can not filter everything. So sometime you loose blood through the urine. It happens more often to women than to men.
Every once a while, humans have to detoxify the kidneys. The nature has plants for that. You can use: Birch, Bear-Grape (Uva-Ursi), Barberry, Beans, Watercress or you can go to the pharmacy and get a mixture of natural herbs, like: “Albumo Gastreu R64〃 or “Renes”/”Equisetum comp”.
每隔一段时间,人们就得给肾解毒。自然界有那样的植物。你可以使用:桦木、熊果叶、伏牛花、豆类、西洋菜,或者你可以去药房拿自然草药的混合剂,比如:Albumo Gastreu R64或Renes/Equisetum comp。
What is meant by clearing with spiritual energy?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: Thanks for the reply Alaje, can you expand on what you mean by a clearing with spiritual energy, and what can i and her both do in order to achieve this?
Answer: The answer is in my videos. “If you want to clean a lower energy, you have to use a higher energy”. Tell her to do the meditations in my videos and use the cosmic light to free herself from the entities that are trying to stay in her body. Lower entities can’t stand the power of light. But it has to be powerful enough.
Is hair loss caused by negativity or bad genes?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: Is hair loss caused by negativity or just by bad genes, also is there any cure?
Answer: Bad genes come from bad energies, created in many generations. Cure: Good energies / Love. Another option is to eat Millet Seed (Gramineae/Poaceoe). There are Millet capsules too.
What causes asthma and is there a cure for it?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, how can you cure Asthma?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Well, first of all, you should think about, what is the cause of the Asthma.Is it because of bad energy, something or somebody that upsets you and takes your air away?Or do you have fear of something?Or, is the air where you are living polluted? Are you going often to nature to breath fresh air?Or, are you close to smokers?Or, are you allergic to something?Here are the plants that nature has for that:Common horsetail, Elecampane, yew tree, eucalyptus , elder, mullein, lavender, loofah, primrose, ribwort, Asthma-Gastreu N R43, Cepa D4, Droserapect, Ephedra-Strath comp, Flores Tritici comp, and of course light meditation.
普通的马尾草、土木香、紫杉树、桉树、接骨木、毛蕊花、薰衣草、丝瓜、樱草、车前草、Asthma-Gastreu N R43,Cepa D4,Droserapect,Ephefra-Strath comp,Flores Tritici comp,当然了,还有光的冥想。
Lately I feel very depressed and anxious – what can I do?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: Lately i have been extremely depressed and filled with anxiety, no matter how hard i try to forget about all of my negative thoughts i can’t, do you have any advice that i should do in order to be happier?
Answer:[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
You have to get rid of negative energies that are disturbing you. Have only contacts with loving, non-smoking, non-alcoholic people, go often to nature and take a shower every time you feel bad energy in your body.
Do I have to detoxify myself, even if I lived healthy but only took pharmaceuticals?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: I don’t smoke and i don’t drink alcohol. I also don’t eat junk food. But about 5-6 years ago i took a lot of medication for the acne problem i had. Do i need to detox in order to heal my body and DNA?
Answer:[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Well, if you see that the chemical medicine is harming you, you should try the natural herbs medicine. In addition you should let the sun heal your skin.
Is there a cure for eczema?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: My girlfriend and her brother suffer from eczema and have been suffering from this since when they were little children. It comes and goes very often. How can they help themselves to cure this disease?
Answer:[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Well, it depends of what kind of eczema you have.
But first of all, you have to strengthen your immune systerm with:Cosmic Light Energy, Vitamins, Cistus Incanus, BVK (Roche), Gingseng.
Especially when you have taken Antibiotic. Wash yourself only with mild soaps, that contain no alcohol.Take a bath with: Common yarrow and Whey. You can find whey powder at the pharmacy. Eat carrots and drink tees with: Tropaeolum majus, camomile tee, oak tree.
Use these Herbs: Demyc N spag., Mucan spag., Silicea colloidal comp., Gelatum, Antimonit D12.To stop the itching use: Cefabene, Dermatodoron, Psoriasis-Gastreu, Rubisan, and honey on the skin.You can use cremes that contain Clotrimazol or Terbinafinhydrochlorid, if you have skin fungus.
使用这些药草:Demyc N spag.,Mucan spag.,Silicea colloidal comp.,Gelatum,Antimonit D12。
Where do thyroid related health problems come from?
By alaje • Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Question: What do the thyroid-related health problems come from? (i have searched for it in your questions and answers list, but there i just found a general explanation of throat problems) i am trying to understand, what must be healed in myself?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
If you have problems with the throat, it means that the throat chakra has a block.
There are 4 reasons for that Block:
1. It means that there is a block, because others have programmed you to be quiet.You are not able to speak for yourself, to have your own opinion, to speak the truth.You have not the courage to express yourself.
2. It can also mean that the block is there, because you have to learn first to treat people nice. After you learn to talk to people with love, the block will disappear.
3. Because of withholding anger.
4. Because you refuse to change yourself.
1. 它意味着因为他人迫使你沉默安静而导致的阻碍。
2. 它也可以意味着这个阻碍存在,因为你必须先学会友好和善地对待他人。在你学会怀着爱心和人们交谈后,这个阻碍就会消失。
3. 因为持着的愤怒。
4. 因为你拒绝改变自己。
What is the cause of hair loss?
By alaje • Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Question: My question might not be too big of a deal, but do you perhaps know the reason for hair loss or what one can do so the hairs grow again? I heard that this doesn’t have to do with hormones and the cause lies somewhere else, because I’m just 21 years old and don’t want to lose all my hair already.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Hair loss comes from fear, stress, being a control freak and not trusting life. Love yourself and your life. Love is the solution for everything.
What is the spiritual cause of thrombosis?
By alaje • Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Question: Alaje, a good friend of mine has thrombosis. What can be the cause for that?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
With thrombosis the blood flow is blocked. In other words, you have an energetic blockade which will have an effect on the physical body. It is a sign of “not trusting life”, “not being in tune with the energy of life”, “not being in tune with the existence”, “not allowing the cosmic energy to flow”, “fear of life”.
What is the spiritual cause of tooth pain?
By alaje • Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Question: Hello Alaje, what is the cause of tooth pain from a spiritual point of view?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Not being able to make your own decisions.
What are the causes for back and neck injury?
By alaje • Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Question: I’m really concerned about my lower back injury and my neck injury. I’m guessing that probably means that my root chakra and throat chakra are blocked. What would you recommend, i should to unblock them unblocked?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
You have to exercise the back to build up the muscles, and if you have an inflammation in your back, you can use Boswellia serrata.
Is there a natural remedy for bursitis?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: Already a year has passed since i began to suffer from bursitis in my right knee, doctors are not capable to help me. I have a hard time, because it prevents from me normal walking, walk etc. Could you please advise me a natural remedy? And what might be possible to heal with healing energy generated from my thoughts?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
The legs are the symbol for moving on. If there is a problem with the legs, you may have fear of the Future. Fear of moving on. In any case of inflammation, you can use Boswellia serrata pills.
How can I get rid of skin fungus?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: What shall I do to get rid of dermatophytis? What is the cause? I fast, I mediate…sometimes it almost vanishes completely but then it comes back…
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Fungal skin infections can have lots of different causes. Genetical predisposition (increased sweat secretion) or from a lack of hygiene, or an allergy to soaps, emotional stress, fear/phobias or anger. You can take skin creams for the fungus in question, but you should also learn to be in emotional balance. Meditation and laughing can positively influence and heal the biochemical and energetical processes in your body. With a fungal infection, it is important to know that you should continue the treatment up to 2 months even if you can’t see the fungus at the surface of your skin anymore. Only that way you can completely heal it and prevent it from coming back.
What food or plants can help against radiation?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: Do you know what food or plants can help against radiation?
Answer: Sea kelp.
Do you know of a natural cure for cancer?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: Alaje, do you know of a natural cure for cancer?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
As i said in my videos, diseases are coming from negative energies or suppressed unhealed emotions, some are from karmic reasons, some are to learn a lesson, and some are manufactured from the secret world go*vern*ment.
With the high frequency of cosmic love, you can transform all negative energies. As i say in my videos: “LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. You can heal everything if the energy you are using is high enough. And the highest energy you can create is LOVE-ENERGY. This energy can transform and heal physical reality. You can transform, your food, your water, your body, everything. Nothing is more powerful than the energy of the existence (god).
If you create the energy of fear or hate in you, you are blocking the higher energy to act. Because you are controlling this energy. You have free will. You are the master of your inner development. The existence is responding to your wish. Any disease want to tell you something. If you have recognized this, you can heal yourself. Many people have already who had recognized this, healed themselves.
Hatred, envy, resentment or deep sadness can cause cancer. So the first thing you have to do is to create LOVE energy in your heart and forgive the problem from the past.
More Anti-cancer herbs are:
Artichoke, Valerian, birch, carrot, garlic, cabbage, milk thistle, parsley, marigold, chives, juniper, hawthorn, cinnamon, onion, Siberian ginseng. Drink beetroot, enzymes and vitamins to take mistletoe products.
There are also Herbs that you can buy in the pharmacy:
Alcangrol, Conium Similiaplexes, Derivatio H, Eleu-cocci, Pflügerplex Argentum, Pflügerplex Baptisia, Premna integrifolia complex, Wobenzym, cancer tea the Indians:’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa).
There are also natural methods of treatment:
Ozone therapy, Ionozonbath.
What’s the best way to stop losing hair?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: Whats the best way to stop from losing hair and how to grow it back.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
I have answered this already in my older public comments. The body is the temple of the soul. Hairs are like antennas for cosmic energy. A sensing device. Just like the branches of a tree, or the sensors of an insect or other animals. In addition, you can find in the hair stored memories of past experiences, that is why some people cut unconsciously the hair, when they had a traumatic experience. In fact, the whole body is an antenna for cosmic energies and the hair is the outer branches who are more sensitive.
Hair loss is a sign that the energy flow of that “antenna” is blocked. A sign for having stress, fears, trying to control everything with the rational mind, not
trusting in the divine way of life. So LOVE is again the solution for that problem. Self love and trust to the Source (god). In addition you can eat Millet Seed
(Gramineae/Poaceoe) that helps the hair to grow, too. There are Millet capsules, too. For skin, hair and nails you can also use SILICEA once in a while.
How to cure multiple sclerosis?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: Could you tell me if you know a herb or something like that, that can cure multiple sclerosis? I have to help my closest person in life.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammation of the nerves and the brain, where parasites are formed in the brain and spine. This inflammation can occur from different reasons:
1) — from stubbornness, narrow-mindedness, mental toughness, stubbornness, fear,
2) — from amalgam / mercury in the teeth and other heavy metals from various sources.
3) — from meat and fish: fish and other animals are heavy metal contaminated, because of the poisons of the industry.
4) — For people who work at gas stations or in garages, there is a risk that they have gasoline, kerosene and benzene in the body/blood.
5) — from drinking water with chlorine and fluorine.
6) — from toxins of nuclear reactors.
SOLUTION = LOVE FREQUENCY, no meat eating, frankincense capsules (Boswellia serrata), potassium Phosphoricum, take out amalgam, and then detoxify with Taraxacum comp. or Tinktura Basdanae, from all the heavy metals (such as mercury) detoxify with Toxex or Medicinal charcoal.
1. 固执、思想狭隘、顽固、害怕
2. 牙齿中的汞合金/水银或不同来源的重金属
3. 肉类和鱼:鱼和及其它由于工业污染而包含重金属污染的动物,
4. 那些在汽油站或车库工作的人,他们有身体/血液出现汽油、煤油、苯的危险。
5. 喝含有氯和氟的水
6. 核反应堆的毒素
解决方法=爱的频率。不要食肉。乳香胶囊(齿叶乳香)、potassium Phosphoricum。取出汞合金,然后用蒲公英或Tinktura Basdanae解毒。用Toxex或Medicinal charcoal来解所有的重金属(如水银)的毒。
Are there natural herbs to heal diabetes?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: My father is a patient of diabetes. He needs to daily take Y岛 doses. What is the cause of diabetes and what natural herbs can he use to help his
condition? He had quit eating meat earlier and has reduced his drinking. His smoking has also decreased. However, recently he started eating meat again (although in much less frequently than earlier).
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
People with Diabetes have lost the “Sweetness” of life and are longing to have it back. They have sorrow and grief. That is why most of them are smoking, drinking
alcohol, eating too much, have too much stress, because the try to compensate the energy-loss and emptiness. But that makes Diabetes even worse and they can get heart attacks or arteriosclerosis.
They have to trust in life again. Trust in the existence and their life plan. Trust that everything in life has a reason and they have to look what the lesson is they have to learn and solve. If a soul don’t solve it in this life, they have to solve it in the next life, that’s why there are even babies born with diabetes. People with Diabetes have to use the affirmation: “I love my self”, “I trust the existence and i am open to experience the sweetness of life”. They have to exercise their body and get rid of stress.
In addition: Green beans, nettle, Elecampane tea, blueberry, elderberry tea, potatoes, burdock, And one of these: Chichorium/ Pancreas comp, Compositum Truw 94
Pankreas, Diabetobal forte N, Glucorect spag, Mezereum forte Vitaplex, Phaseolus Similiaplex, Speci-chol spag.
另外:绿豆、荨麻、土木香茶、蓝莓、接骨木茶、土豆、牛蒡。以及以下中的一种:Chichorium/ Pancreas comp,Compositum Truw 94 ? Pankreas,Diabetobal forte N,Glucorect spag,Mezereum forte,Vitaplex,Phaseolus Similiaplex,Speci-chol spag。
Can you give some info on parkinson disease?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: Any info you have on Parkinson’s Disease will be helpful for me.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Cause of Parkinson disease: Indication for Fear, trying to escape from something or someone. Solution: The cosmic energy of LOVE, Meditation, Self-love, Trust in the existence (god).
Is it possible to heal alzheimer’s disease with love and light?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: I would like to know about Alzheimer’s disease. My aunt 15 years ago was walking in the street and a car hit her and after that she has this disease. Is it possible with love and light to be healed after so many years?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Alzheimer indicates that a person is refusing to accept the world as it is and feels hopelessness and anger. With that kind of thinking those people are attracting situations that make things worse. They are blocking the natural healing flow and help of the existence (god). Everybody has a free will and everybody is responsible for his own thinking and doing.
As i say in my videos: “Our thoughts and emotions are creating our future”. As a human on Earth, everybody has the lesson to learn to control his thoughts and
emotions in order to develop and become spiritual. In order to be able to incarnate on higher dimensions. As i say in my videos: “Everything can be healed, if the cosmic love energy is high enough”, “If you want to change a lower energy, you have to use a higher energy”.
Is there a natural remedy for viral pneumonia?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: My friend has a daughter that is 9 years old ans she is very sick. The doctors diagnose the child that she has a viral pneumonia but they are not sure. She is constantly vomiting blood, and she can not digest any food. The mother is very concern that the daughter can not stop vomiting blood is there any natural remedy that this child can take?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
An inflammation in children shows that the child don’t like the energy in the family. It shows an “inflammation” in the family. The child does not feel harmony and feels fear and anger. It does not like the situation and therefore it is vomiting. Anger, bitterness, and lack of joy can create viruses in the body. The child needs the energy of real love that comes from the heart of the parents. Not only from the speech. It needs the feeling of peace, protection and love in order to feel secure and happy. For all inflammations use frankincense capsules (Boswellia serrata). In addition, you have to strengthen the immune system with: Cosmic light energy of LOVE, Vitamins, Cistus Incanus, BVK (Roche), Gingseng.
What is the cause of genital Condyloma for a girl and how to cure it?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: I would know what is the cause of genital Condyloma for a girl and how to cure it?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
A Venereal disease shows that the patient has a problem with sexuality and rejects the own physical body, the own genitals. He has a lack of SELF-LOVE. As i say many times:” Thoughts and feelings are energy and are creating our reality.” -“LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. This person is programmed from the negative believe systems of the earth society and religion cults and either believes that he/she has guild and need a punishment, or things that sexuality is an infamy and that there is a god with a beard who will punish him/her. These negative thoughts are implanted into earth humans since thousands of years in order to keep them in fear and weak.
How can I cure my Strabismus?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: Alaje can you tell me please how to heal my Strabismus?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
The cause in every natural disease is always in the energy level, and if you don’t heal it there, it manifests in the physical level. You always have to think about, what the body is trying to tell you. If someone has problems with his eyes, like strabismus, then there is something he don’t want to see, or is afraid of, and he should meditate about it and create SELF LOVE, in order to heal the energy, the cause. In addition, on the physical level you can use the plant Euphrasia officinalis. You can use it as eye drops or you can make a tea of it, and bath your eyes with it, in order to heal inflammation, blurred vision and eye fatigue. In nearsightedness, you have to train your eyes, when you go outside, look far away and close. Back and forth.
What helps when you’re having problems with the kidneys?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011
Question: My aunt has a problem with her kidneys. She has began doing kidney dialysis now. What can you share with us on this particular healing topic? In-terms of the spiritual story behind such an ailment as well as herbs that help with this particular ailment.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
An infection in the Kidneys shows that someone has a lack of self love. Somebody who feels disappointed and angry like a child. The Kidneys are filtering toxins and negative emotions out of the blood and are regulating the water in the body. If you have too much negative emotions like anger, it will manifest stones in the kidneys. You have to keep the kidneys warm, physically and emotionally with LOVE. If they get cold, they get an infection, and they can not filter everything. So sometime you loose blood through the urine. It happens more often to women than to men. Every once a while, humans have to detoxify the kidneys. The nature has plants for that.You can use: birch, bear-grape (uva-ursi), Barberry, Beans, watercress, or you can go to the pharmacy and get a mixture of natural herbs,like: Albumo-Gastreu R64, Renes/Equisetum comp.
肾脏感染显示某人缺乏自爱,感觉失望和愤怒,像个孩子。肾脏过滤血液中的毒素和负面情绪,调节体内水分。如果你有太多负面情绪,就像愤怒,这将显现为肾结石。你必须保持肾脏温暖,身体上和情感上有爱。如果肾脏受冷,就会感染,并无法过滤任何东西。所以有时你排尿时会带血,这发生在女人身上多过男人。每隔一段时间,人们就得给肾解毒。自然界有那样的植物。你可以使用:桦木、熊果叶、伏牛花、豆类、西洋菜,或者你可以去药房拿自然草药的混合剂,比如:Albumo Gastreu R64或Renes/Equisetum comp。
What is the spiritual cause of Epileptic seizure?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011
Question: What is the spiritual cause of Epileptic seizure? Can it just be for a karmic reason?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Seizures are indicating that a negative energy, or a negative being from the lower astral dimension or many negative beings (demons, evil dead people, astral parasites) are disturbing the energy, the body and the consciousness of the victim. Negative energy is disturbing the energy flow of the body and a healing with a high frequency of love is necessary. Sometimes this can happen out of negative karma from past lifes. As i say in my videos, sooner or later, everything we do comes back. It is the universal law of cause and effect.
What is the cause of high blood pressure?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: I drink a blood pressure medicine i been trying to get rid of it for many years but my body react when i stop. I know in my heart that i don’t need it… What should i do?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always
consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
A high blood pressure indicates unhealed emotional problems, and you need to let go of them. Either from this life or from past lifes. Practice meditation.
Additionally, you can take these herbs for high blood pressure. Valerian, wild garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, lettuce, passionflower, hawthorn, Allium Strath comp, Aurum / Bella Donna comp, Viscum / Crataegus.
A low blood pressure indicates that you did not get enough love as a child, or in the last life, and you are pessimistic. That persons needs SELF LOVE and has to
decide to live in the NOW.
Additionally, you can take these herbs for low blood pressure: Nettle, Rosemary, beetroot, thyme tea, Ambra Similiaplex, Angioton S, Aurum/Prunus, Cardiavis N,
Cefadysbasin, co-Hypt spag., Conva-Cyl, Hypotonie-Gastreu R44, Infi-Camphora Drops, Levico comp., Rubellit D10, Skorodoit globules.
另外,你可以用这些草药治疗高血压:缬草、野生大蒜、银杏、生菜/莴苣、西番莲、山楂、Allium Strath comp, Aurum / Bella Donna comp, Viscum / Crataegus.
另外,你可以用这些草药治疗低血压:荨麻、迷迭香、甜菜根、百里香茶、Ambra Similiaplex, Angioton S, Aurum/Prunus, Cardiavis N, Cefadysbasin, co-Hypt spag., Conva-Cyl, Hypotonie-Gastreu R44, Infi-Camphora Drops, Levico comp., Rubellit D10, Skorodoit globules.
How can I stop biting my nails?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: I have been biting my nails since i was a child and i haven’t really figured out a clear reason as to why i do this. I can’t for the life of me stop and some say it is due to nerves.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
If somebody is biting nails, it shows that that person has frustrations. He is “biting himself” because of the frustration. That person needs to find the light and to use it in the daily life. I am talking about how to find the light in all my videos.
Is there a cure for parkinson?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: Do you have any idea how can we heal Parkinson disease and why does it happen?
Answer:[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
As i said in my videos, everything is energy. As i said in my videos, “diseases are coming from negative energies or suppressed unhealed emotions, some are from karmic reasons and some are manufactured from the secret world ZF.” “With the high frequency of cosmic love, you can transform all negative energies.”
You can heal everything if the energy you are using is high enough. And the highest energy that you can create is LOVE ENERGY. This energy can transform and heal physical reality. You can transform, your food, your water, your body, everything. Nothing is more powerful than the energy of the existence (God). If you create the energy of fear or hate in you, you are blocking the higher energy to act. Because you are controlling this energy. You have free will. You are the master of your inner development. The existence is responding to your wish.
The best medicine is to life spiritual. In that way you can block most of the diseases. Hate, anger and stress are creating most of the body pains, because they are creating negative energy. They are altering the molecular structure of the body – making the body weak. So the ENERGY has to be healed in order to REALLY heal the physical body. This has to be a part of the medical care.
Which videos are important for evil and insulting people?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
[Statement]: Hi Alaje, thank you for your beautiful words of wisdom. I bless everyone that their hearts will be filled with love energy. May everyone have the power to find their iner peace and beauty in their heart. May everyone listen to their soul, that their spirits will be lifted and rejoice in the everlasting truth of our existence. LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL!
Answer: I thank all the kind people for their loving messages and energy. All the evil people who constantly attack me with insults and hate, I recommend them to watch my videos 5 and 10.
Is there a cure for Colitis?
By alaje • Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
Question: I am very ill with colitis. I eat only steamed veg and some fish. No wheat, or dairy. No junk food. I take neem, vit B,C,D,magnesium Omega 3, l-Glutamine, turmeric, and evening Primrose oil. I have been tested for parasites. It is very painful for me to eat and i spend a lot of time on the toilet, the pain and discomfort is driving me crazy! Can you suggest anything that will heal my gut?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Now in the colitis, except of the energy level, you have to consider 6 things on the physical level, too:
(A) –The lack of fiber-rich food. Brown bread is better than white bread. White bread and animal corpses can stay 2-3 days in the intestine and can create toxins.
(B) — Do not suppress the action of the bowels. Listen to the natural rhythm of the body.
(C) — The lack of body movement. If you sit a lot in combination with stress, the bowel is paralyzed and it is not functioning correctly. It is loosing water and the content becomes hard and dry.
(D) — Avoid stress and Agitation. Use meditation to relax.
(E) — Pay attention to what you are eating. Don’t eat animal corpses. They have a low frequency and the death-fear energy stored inside, along with hormones from the industry and genetic manipulated food. Don’t eat eggs who can have salmonellae. Don’t eat rotten food that can cause fungal diseases.(
F) — Never take any KS素. They are destroying the necessary good intestinal bacteria.So the problem in colitis, is the poisoning of the body with negative energies and food that stayed too long in the bowel. These toxins end up in the blood and should be healed as soon as possible. Nature has some herbs for this: Stinging Nettle Tea, Dill Tea, Flax seed, Prune Juice. In the Pharmacy you can get homeopathic herbs: Plumbum Pentarkan S, Aquilinum comp., Chole-Cyl, Defaeton spag., Gentiana comp., Hepatodoron.
问题:我结肠炎很严重。我只吃水煮的蔬菜和一些鱼。没吃小麦或乳制品。没吃垃圾食品。我服用苦楝、维他命B、C、D、magnesium Omega 3,1-Glutamine、姜黄、月见草油。我检测过寄生虫。我吃东西很痛苦,花很多时间上厕所。疼痛和难受让我都快疯了!你可以给些治疗我肠道的建议吗?
1. 缺少富含纤维的食物。黑面包比白面包好。白面包和动物尸体会在肠内滞留2到3天,会产生毒素。
2. 不要抑制肠的活动。倾听身体的自然节奏。
3. 缺少身体活动。如果你长期坐着,又带着压力,肠子就会麻痹,无法正确作用。它会失去水分,内容物变得坚硬干燥。
4. 避免压力和烦乱。用冥想来放松。
5. 注意你吃的东西。不要吃动物的尸体。它们有低频率,而且死亡恐惧的能量储存在里面,还有来自工业的激素和基因操纵食品。不要吃会含有沙门氏菌的鸡蛋。不要吃腐烂的食物,会导致真菌疾病。
6. 永远不要服用KS素。它们在破坏必不可少的好的肠内细菌。
所以,结肠炎的困难,就是身体由于停留在肠内太久的负面的能量和食物而中毒。这些毒素最终进入血液,所以得尽快清除。自然界有些药草可以用于此:荨麻茶、莳萝茶、亚麻籽、李子汁。在药剂方面,你可以吃些顺势疗法的药草:Plumbum Pentarkan S,Aquilinum comp.,Chole-Cyl,Defaeton spag.,Gentiana comp.,Hepatodoron。
What is the cause for teeth breaking apart?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: Do you know what is the cause for the teeth breaking apart? My friend is 34 years old, since she was very little always had problems with tooth pains, she had amalgam in their molars, but since a few years ago, her molars has been breaking apart, she does not have any molars on the back, she just eat with her teeth from the front, she is very afraid that she will not have any teeth at all in a few years, is there anything that she can say in her meditation besides sending cosmic love to her teeth?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Teeth are standing for Decisions. Teeth-problems are showing that somebody can’t make a decision. Bleeding Gums show that somebody has a lack of joy about decisions in Life. A lack of trust in the own decisions in life. A lack of Self Love. And as I say in my Videos: “LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. For teeth gums inflammation you can use these natural herbs: Bryonia Strath comp., Calcium, Magnesium, Phytolacca forte Vitaplex N, Ratanhia Mouthwash, Vulpur spag, Salviathymol, Kamistad.