Is time travel possible?
By alaje • Thursday, May 27th, 2010
Question: Is it possible to travel in time?
Answer: Of course time travel is possible. Even the Secret ZF is experimenting with timetravel. I came also from the future. I live simultaneously in an Earth body and in a spaceship. My consciousness is divided in both bodies.
How is it possible to be in the present, past and future at the same time?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: How can it be possibly to be at the same time in the past, present and future? I’ve got that question because i heard my higher-self spoke about that and gave me tips to allow that process. But as i haven’t got enough information, finally my ego canceled that process because of fear.
Answer: As i say in my videos, everything is cosmic energy, and cosmic energy can do ANYTHING. There are no limits for the energy of the cosmic central consciousness. The limits are only in the earth rational mind.
How can time travel work if the future isn’t a fixed thing?
By alaje • Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Question: I have a question regarding time travel. How can you understand to travel around in time if the future isn’t a fixed thing?
Answer: There are different time lines – time variants.
Where is the best place to be on 11.11.11?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: Alaje where is the best place to be on 11.11.11?
Answer: In your heart. That is the best place for ANY day on a calendar number, that was invented by earth humans.
Will planet earth transform on 21.12.2012?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011 • Comments Off
Question: You already talked about it, and i watched your videos many times and also read your answers for questions, however i also heard about Mayan prophecy 21.12.2012. Are the transformation and transition is planned on this time? Or can it happen and after many years?
Answer: As i say in my videos: THE FUTURE OF PLANET EARTH IS NOT FIXED. IT IS CHANGING ALL THE TIME, ACCORDING TO THE ENERGY OF THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS OF ALL EARTH HUMANS. That is why i am telling in all my videos, that earth people have to ged rid of negative energies and find the way of Love.
Isn’t it contradictory to say that positive aliens are coming from the future, but also that we can change the future with our thoughts?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: On video #3, you mention that some benevolent extraterrestrials are coming from the future, but at the same time you say that with positive thoughts we change the future which is not a fixed thing. This sounds contradictory, can you help me understand this?
Answer: No, that is not contradictory. There are many future lines, and advanced spiritual extraterrestrials have the ability to visit any of them. Because they are working together with the existence (god). In addition, in my videos I say, you can change your personal future, because time and space is flexible.