
The triggering of an Atlantis Doomsday Timeline (see last blog entry: was averted for the most part. The Dark Ones dropped the action in this regard and are now trying to cause disruption elsewhere, especially within Europe. Hotspot number one is the border conflict between Poland and Belarus, which has the potential for a military conflict:
The second disturbance would be the renewed attempt to trigger a fascist timeline inside Europe (see also this older blog entry:
This time they try to implement it via Austria, where a lockdown exclusively for unvaccinated people has been in effect since this week. The current government is under the influence of Soros Family:
And the new chancellor (who replaced the former chancellor Kurz, who in turn was taken out by some positive intervention) belongs to the Schallenberg family, which is connected to Habsburg Black Nobility:
There is also already public talk about introducing compulsory vaccination for the entire population in this country, and how this could be implemented legally… even against their will.
So, similar to countries like Australia or Israel, Austria serves as a test balloon for the Cabal to see how far they can go with the population inside the Western World. Should this measure pass, countries like Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic and other neighboring countries could quickly follow. Thus, a fascist system/timeline would have been successfully implemented inside Europe, with borderlines similar to the Axis powers in 1939, especially if you also include the earlier mentioned border conflict between Poland and Belarus, which also runs along those lines in the east (which has occult reasons because WW2 also started with the invasion of Poland).
与澳大利亚或者是以色列相似,奥地利所扮演的角色,则是充当阴谋集团的试验田,看看他们的计谋可以在西方世界走多久。如果这项措施通过,其他的国家,比如德国、意大利、捷克共和国和其他临近的国家可能会迅速地跟进。因此,法西斯制度/时间线若是在欧洲成功实施,实施国家的边界类似于 1939 年的轴心国,特别地,若是包括前面提到的波兰和白俄罗斯之间的边界冲突,该冲突也沿着东部的这些边界延伸( 这其中有秘法的原因,因为二战也是从入侵波兰开始的)。

There is a certain positive group, which has partial influence on the Austrian military, but also on parts of the local media, which at least try to spread some truth regarding COVID. Moreover, a not-so-small part of the population is also ready to resist and that is why a large demonstration will take place in Vienna on Saturday the 20th of November, which has the potential to attract several hundreds of thousands of peopl
A large protest would be a huge boost to the Ley Lines in that region, which would be important in curbing the Cabal’s plans. This is important, since the Dark Ones are currently busy with blocking already activated Ley Lines again to keep mass consciousness under control.

So, Lightworkers worldwide who are not able to participate in these protests are gladly called upon to energetically protect and cleanse the event of all negative energies via Light Columns. Meanwhile, the Light Forces will go after the negative timeline, as it is energetically protected by Dark Ones, more specifically by Chimera/spider beings.
Regarding ethereal spider beings, I would also like to point out again that these creatures are currently still very active in terms of suppressing Lightworkers (see again this entry: Therefore, Starseeds and Lightworkers should stay sharp in this respect and use countermeasures if necessary.
If it were possible to initiate a change of thinking in Austria regarding the current COVID tyranny, it would have a positive impact on surrounding countries such as other Cabal strongholds like Germany and Switzerland. And in addition to countries like the USA, France or Italy, it would also have a positive effect on the overall mass consciousness if more resistance comes from the population in this region as well.

I would also like to point out again that all kind of people play an important role during such an event, i.e. those who are at the forefront of those protests and may be exposed to police violence, those who are making speeches and inform people, as well as those who protect those events energetically from the distance.
As for the question of whether all underground bases on the planet have been cleared, I can only say: Cabal is still running the show on the surface because negative extraterrestrials from under the surface are steel keeping their back. In this regard, perhaps this news report is interesting, regarding the issue of arachnoid life forms and if you put this in the context of the bigger picture of the current planetary situation regarding the Chimera and the whole vaccination agenda:
Negative extraterrestrial beings will also soon be forced out of their holes, and are already running rampage against the population because of it.
Therefore, as Starseeds/Lightworkers/Lightwarriors, it is important to keep the surface stable so that chaos does not break out.
So much for this brief situation report.