Solara | 11:11星门开启三十周年

Thirty Years Ago Today! January 11 – 12, 1992 ‼️‼️ THE OPENING OF THE 11:11 DOORWAY

1992年的1月11日-12日,三十年前的今天 ‼️ ‼️ 11:11星门的开启

Over 144,000 people participated worldwide! (And this was before internet.) 🔺 There were two Master Cylinders who kept aligned with the many thousands of Anchor Groups all over the world, while performing 11:11 Sacred Dances for over 38 continuous hours.

在全世界超过144,000人参与了这次开启仪式!(那时还没有互联网) 🔺 有两支主要的光柱,与全世界成千上万的能量锚定小组校准在一起,这两支主要的光柱所组成的人员,不间断地进行了38个小时的神圣之舞。

🔺 The Alpha Point in Queenstown, New Zealand (100 people)

🔺 The Omega Point at the Great Pyramids, Egypt (500 people)

🔺 新西兰皇后镇的阿尔法点(100人)

🔺 埃及大金字塔的欧米伽点(500人)

Activating the 11:11 Doorway signified the impending end of the reign of the Template of Duality on Planet Earth and opened the door for the Ultra Greater Reality to enter the physical. Now, thirty years later, we are finally on the brink of flipping over reality systems and birthing a New True World! 🔺

11:11星门的开启,意味着地球上二元对立统治模板即将终结,通往更伟大实相的门户已经开启。现在,三十年之后,我们终于处于翻转实相系统的边缘了,是时候诞生一个完全真实的全新世界了! 🔺