My Work of the centuries is just beginning to come into the final Activities, in which I hope you may be My co-workers in the Healing Activities of the future that will do away with all distress forever. Forgive, forget, purify, harmonize, heal, illumine, and set Free My Family of the World! Let the Love of My Heart and the Peace from the Elohim of Peace become a Real, Tangible, Living Flame around you wherever you move to bring Happiness, Beauty, and Freedom to Life, that the Healing of the nations may be accomplished by the Powers of Light; for you will never have permanent Peace on this Earth until every problem is solved by Light and Love from Our Octave.
COME! PURIFY OUR NATION! COME! PURIFY THE EARTH! and COMPEL! (3) the Ascended Masters’ Indestructible Peace! (3) before it is too late! (3) everywhere forever! (3)
FORCE THIS MANIFEST NOW! (3) before it is too late! (3) everywhere forever! (3)
Excerpts by Beloved Mary,
“I AM” Decree Book Two, page 92
Decree 14, page 63, “I AM” Decree Series 1
For any of the “I AM” Decree Books, visit: www.saintgermainpress.com
I have poured Healing to those who have called to Me; but so often they would not let the Illumination of the mind anchor in—to prevent them doing the same things over again which produce conditions wherein they will need to be healed again. That is what We owe to Beloved Saint Germain; for through this “I AM” Knowledge you not only can heal yourselves and others, but with every blessing you give, with every Healing Call, you can call for that particular release to not only bring healing from the distress, but the Illumination of the mind that is the permanent Healing of the nations. …
我已经把疗愈的能量倾洒给那些呼唤我的人;但是通常来说他们不会让心智一直处于被圣光照耀的状态 —— 从而不能阻止他们重复相同的事情,进而再次产生需要疗愈的情况。这是我们对尊敬的圣哲曼的亏欠;因为通过“我是”的教导,你不仅可以疗愈自己和他人,而且通过你给予的每一个祝福,每一个疗愈的呼请,你可以带来释放,不仅带来对痛苦的疗愈,也带来心智的照耀,这才是给国家带来永久的疗愈……
My Work of the centuries is just beginning to come into the final Activities, in which I hope you may be My co-workers in the Healing Activities of the future that will do away with all distress forever. Forgive, forget, purify, harmonize, heal, illumine, and set Free My Family of the World! Let the Love of My Heart and the Peace from the Elohim of Peace become a Real, Tangible, Living Flame around you wherever you move to bring Happiness, Beauty, and Freedom to Life, that the Healing of the nations may be accomplished by the Powers of Light; for you will never have permanent Peace on this Earth until every problem is solved by Light and Love from Our Octave.
I CALL for the Release to me of the Full Momentum of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings’ Love, Mastery, and Use of the Sacred Fire which They have gathered through the centuries, so I may become master over the disease of the outer world!
I call forth into my world Beloved Mary’s Full Momentum and Mastery of Her Healing Flame, the Mastery of Her Boundless Love of Life, and Powers which have never been brought forth in this physical world, Right Now!
Excerpts and Decree 70 from “I AM” Decree Book Two, pages 92 and 109
There is not one individual who has ever called to Me whom I have not answered; for I live but to pour the Light and the Healing Radiance of My Love upon any part of life that is in distress. I know only Mercy and Love and Healing Power. I never refuse. …
The Healing Angels are legion in number. They are the Guardians of the Great Powers of Healing which are drawn for the accomplishment of any special purpose. Whenever healing is required, if you will also make the Call for the Illumination of the mind and the feelings of the individual who requires healing—then send your love and your Call to the Angelic Host and the Healing Angels to see that everything required to fulfill your Call and produce the Manifestation is drawn in, through, and around the one who requires healing—They will come! . ..
疗愈天使的数量众多。他们是伟大疗愈力量的守护者,被吸引来完成所有特殊的目的。每当需要疗愈时,如果你也像那些请求疗愈的个体一样,发出照亮心智与情感的请求 —— 然后把你的爱和你的呼唤传送给天使之主和疗愈天使,去看到完成你的请求和产生所需的一切都被吸引到需要疗愈的人身边,并环绕着他 —— 疗愈天使就会到来!
My Work of the centuries is just beginning to come into the final Activities, in which I hope you may be My co-workers in the Healing Activities of the future that will do away with all distress forever. Forgive, forget, purify, harmonize, heal, illumine, and set Free My Family of the World!
—— 玛丽
Excerpt by Beloved Mary from “I AM” Decree Book Two;
Healing Decrees Part Two