The sound-frequency HU is the sound-frequency of the Source. The word “HUman” derive from the sound HU, and means that we are all part of the Cosmic Awareness, the Source.
The sound mantra HU has nothing to do with any religions or belief systems. The sound HU is higher spiritual science and creates a vibration that is enhancing our consciousness in order to connect easier to the Cosmic Awareness.
Singing the sound HU retunes your nervous-system just like tuning a musical instrument and draws us closer to a higher state of consciousness. The sound HU is harmonizing the atoms and Chakra points and its cleaning negative frequencies. This releases us from the negative vibrations such as fear, anger, sadness, depression or ego, hate, arrogance and jealousy and we achieve a HU-MAN-TRAnsformation.
The sound-frequency HU is pronounced in English [ Hee-Juu ]。
在英语中HU的发音是 [黑–呦]
~ Alaje ~