This is one of the most usual of the manifestations of astral energy, and is put first because it constitutes, for the vast majority, the Dweller on the Threshold and also in the last analysis is the basic astral evil.

Every human being knows fear and the range of the fear vibrations extends from the instinctual fears of the savage man based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and on his terror of the dark and the unknown, to the fears so prevalent today of loss of friends and loved ones, of health, of money, of popularity and on to the final fears of the aspirant – the fear of failure, the fear which has its roots in doubt, the fear of ultimate negation or of annihilation, the fear of death (which he shares equally with all humanity), the fear of the great illusion of the astral plane, of the phantasmagoria of life itself, and also fear of loneliness on the Path, even to the very fear of Fear itself.
每个人都知道什么是恐惧,恐惧的振动范围,从野蛮人基于对自然规律和力量的无知、以及对黑暗和未知的不知所措而产生本能的恐惧,到今天几乎各个领域的普遍的恐惧,对失去朋友、亲人、健康、金钱和声望的恐惧,以及那些寻求者所面临的最终恐惧 —— 害怕失败的恐惧。恐惧的根源在于怀疑、对于最终否认或者毁灭的恐惧、对死亡的恐惧(寻求者跟人类一样也面临这种恐惧)、对星光层巨大幻相的恐惧、对生命本身的恐惧,以及求道之路上孤单的恐惧,甚至是对于恐惧感本身的恐惧。
This list could be largely extended but suffices to indicate the prevalence of fears of all kinds. They dominate most situations and darken many happy moments. They reduce man to a timid and frightened atom of sentient life, standing afraid before the stupendousness of the problems of existence, aware of his insufficiency as a man to cope with all situations and unable to leave his fears and questionings behind and step into his heritage of freedom and of life. Often he is so ridden by fear that he becomes afraid of his very reason. Fear is the dominant astral energy at this time and sensitive humanity succumbs all too easily to it.
Source: A Treatise on White Magic