Pyramid Mystery

The Pyramid is a reminder that there has been highly intelligent races here on Earth, that we are not alone, that all life on all stars is intimately inter-related. Life is diverse and precious, and always evolving. Do pyramids exist on other Constellations, other Planets, and in the Inner Earth? And what is its function, as a cosmic generator of unlimited electrical-etheric power. Why is it so encoded with high-level mathematics pertaining to the Earth Grid.
When we stare in awe at this ancient stone monument, we are moved not only by its mystery, but by the wisdom that it holds. It is reMinding each of us of the Mystery within our own DNA. It is the invisible being made visible.
~ Jain 108 ~
埃及金字塔是与猎户座腰带的三颗星 EL*AN*RA对齐的,用以锚定来自这里的能量,帮助地球的进化。