Law of Life

One cannot long interfere with the progress or growth of another, for if the one obstructing does not release and relax his hold upon the other who is ready to go higher, the obstructing one will be removed by his own action. If one continues to hold steadfast and sincerely to the Light, personalities will be swept aside, or harmoniously disconnected from the individual’s world.
At this state of growth, or rather, expansion of the Light, it is necessary to know:
“‘I AM’ the Active Presence of all channels of distribution of all things acting for my good.” …
Take this as a sacred, reverent Knowledge to be used. When you take from the “I AM” Self, it is impossible for you to take anything from any personality which rightfully belongs to that one. You are decreeing for your world, so you cannot take from anyone when knowing your own Law: “I AM the Presence” acting everywhere. There is no possibility of division of the “I AM Presence.”
If you need money, say:
“‘I AM’ the Active Presence, bringing this money into my hands and use instantly.”
It is so important to get away from the importance of money. It is but a means of exchange. Do not give it power. Put all your power back with God, and then when you command—no matter what it is you want—you have all power instantly on hand to bring forth the fulfillment of your Decree.
重要的是,要摆脱掉金钱很重要的这种理念。它只是一种交换的工具。不要赋予它力量。把你所有的力量放回神之临在。然后当你下达命令的时候 —— 不论你想要什么 —— 你都会马上拥有实现你喻令的所有力量。
Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 16,The “I AM” Discourses, Volume 3
Happiness is the great boon every individual is seeking. We find some Orientalists saying that bliss is the ultimate state. It is only another expression for Happiness, but is not nearly so potent to the Western mind. To the Western mind Happiness is God in Action. To be conscious of seeking Happiness is to be conscious of seeking God.
No permanent Happiness is ever attained except through the adoration of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” which is within, above, and around the individual. Happiness is a powerful alchemy. It is one of the most powerful purifiers of the human thought, feeling, mind, body, aura, and world of the individual. If the Student but believed and would experiment with himself or herself, he would find that he can generate Happiness at will.
For instance, suppose an outer thing draws the attention and causes some phase of unhappiness. Knowing that God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” is the only Source of Happiness, then the Student’s first move would be to turn the attention to the Giver of all Happiness; and thereby he would tune into the one Source from which he is certain to receive.
The idea for the individual to follow is that when he feels some kind of disturbance and wants to turn to God, he may do the following and get great help from it: Get up and go through the motions of taking off a garment that one does not want and, as you would hold the discarded garment in your hands, drop it into the Consuming Flame and know that the disturbing element is consumed.
Then fix the attention on God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” with the Joyous Consciousness of feeling and receiving the Current of Happiness and Peace filling the mind and body. With a little practice in this manner, the Student will soon be able to come to the point where he or she can draw this great Happiness consciously and at will.
Every time he does this consciously, he will find that he is gaining strength in the accomplishment and will realize truly that he has the ability to reach into the Heart of Happiness and there absorb Its Fullness. This practice is always followed by an expansion of consciousness which is its natural result.
The Students or individuals who are inclined to allow personalities or conditions that seem unusually close to them, to disturb them, should watch themselves closely- and instantly, when they find the attention is being fixed on the outer consciousness, withdraw it and fill the person, place, or condition with God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” and declare to themselves: “I, through my I AM Presence, ‘consciously fill this person, place, or condition with God. Therefore, in my outer consciousness, I positively know that only the right and perfect action is taking place there, toward me and for their success and happiness.”
With many individuals the love of family holds their attention entirely too much upon the outer appearances; and when they allow this to be done, they but intensify the things that they do not want. If parents will take this attitude toward their children, “There is no personality acting in that one; there is only God in Action!” then they are doing the greatest thing in their power to help their children. At first, it may require considerable determination on their part to switch the current, but it is really no more difficult than turning the switch of the electric light in your room or pressing the button.
The reason individuals find it difficult to do this is because they do not nip disturbing conditions in the bud. They allow a fierce momentum to get going and then suddenly become aware they are in distress – never stopping to consider that they have allowed this thing to build, when by standing guard at the door of conscious creative thought and feeling, they can check it and stop its actzon in the beginnzng with little effort.
个人觉得很难做到这一点的原因,是因为他们没有把不安的状况扼杀于萌芽之中。他们让猛烈的势头继续前进,然后突然之间意识到他们处于困境之中 — 从来不停下来去思考,是他们让这件事情的势头得到积累,当他们警觉地站在觉知的创造性想法和情感的大门口时,他们可以去自我检查,而且在最初就可以毫不费力地停止这样的行动。
Again let Me refer to the power of Free Will and choice. The individual alone is the governor and chooser of that which he will entertain; and he or she is at all times and forever “master of this condition now,” because this particular activity requires no special state of growth, but can be done successfully by anyone who will sincerely try. Almost always the admonition to the child starting to school is “If at first you don’t succeed – try, try again.”
In looking to the Light or toward God, the “Mighty I AM Presence” with sincerity, we cannot fail, because we not only have our own God Power surging forth to our assistance, but there are other Mighty Powers watching all opportunity to help, from whom we do receive unbelievable Assistance.
DISCOURSE XVII, Ascended MasterInstruction, Volume 4
Law of Life
When the impulse surges forth to argue, criticize, or feel a resistance, it is your signal that the outer is intruding itself to demand attention. Then is the time, by the power of your free will, to command the outer to be silent and obey the “I AM Presence.” …
When students have entered the conscious path, the slightest intimation of disturbance or resistance of any kind should be followed instantly by silencing all outer activity and declaring: “‘I AM’ the obedient, intelligent activity in this mind and body; ‘I AM’ the governing power and do govern it harmoniously.”
Excerpt from Discourse 7 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses