圣哲曼 | 成长与阻力

Law of Life


The Universal, Cosmic Laws of the earth, which impel growth through the law of experience, hold within themselves that which you know as resistance. If there were not that which the individual knows as resistance, he would not make conscious effort, and this would make it impossible for advancement in understanding, or the return to the Father’s House from which the children of earth have strayed.


​Resistance has nothing whatever to do with discord. Resistance is a Natural Law. Discord is a human creation. There is no discord in the Universe except that which the personality creates. …


There is not a moment in the day that we do not visualize something, because the power of vision is acting all the time. Keep all out of the mind except the picture you want, for that is all with which you are concerned. Do not let the attention become focused on the seeming emptiness.


Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 18, Volume 3
