作者:M. MacDonald Bayne, M.C., Ph.D., D.D.
It would be impossible for me to explain how these talks were given, for I would only be giving my opinion, which might be incorrect; but I can tell you of the feelings I had.
For several months prior to giving these talks I would awaken from my sleep at night hearing a voice apparently speaking to me. I thought I was dreaming yet it was not a dream, it was a real voice. Whether it was my own or another; I cannot say. The peculiar thing was that I could hear this voice and reason what it said at the same time.
After many of these experiences the voice said that special talks would be given when the proper time arrived. The time did arrive, and the voice spoke instructing that the talks would begin on a certain night when those attending were all chosen. Thereafter no one must be allowed in during the series of talks, and these talks must be taken down in shorthand and recorded on a wire recorder so that nothing would be lost.
When the night for those talks duly arrived I took my place in the auditorium. I was quite concerned about what was going to happen, when I felt as if 1,000 volts of electricity were passing through me. I did not lose consciousness, although I became aware of a magnificent power; a consciousness far above my own. Yet we seemed to be linked together in some mysterious way, which I cannot explain because I do not know.
Then I could hear my voice, yet it was different, speaking with great authority; an authority of one who absolutely knew. I listened very attentively to what was said and could understand with a clarity that I never had before. The language was perfect, without a flaw, without a hesitation. For a whole hour this went on. I was amazed because I knew that no human brain could duplicate such a feat, yet this feat was repeated each week for fourteen weeks.
Only when I heard the talks on the wire recorder did I know that something had taken place. I wondered, and I am still wondering, about the wonder of it all. You can read for yourselves what was said, and if it gives you the comfort and satisfaction that it gave me and also those who had the privilege of hearing these spoken words, then they have not been spoken in vain.
A few of the many experiences of the students who were present have been recorded in the next few pages.
M. MacDonald Bayne
Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne
通过MacDonald Bayne博士进行的讲话
Description given by Miss Bagot-Smith
A Transfiguration Experience Never To Be Forgotten
In the spring of 1948 a series of talks was given at ‘Escom House’ in Johannesburg, South Africa. To those who were chosen to hear them, this was a unique and unforgettable experience. No one who heard them could ever be the same again. They were hours of the highest spiritual growth and understanding. It was as though a veil were torn from our eyes and we could see clearly. The veritable presence of the Master became so strong a reality to us that it has never faded but grown in intensity and vividness. And always, since that time, when we lift our minds to spiritual things, suddenly we know the Master is beside us, the Power of the Father is within and all is well.
1948年的春天,在南非约翰内斯堡的‘Escom House’举办了一系列讲座。对那些被选中的、可以听到这些讲话的人来说,是一次独特而难以忘怀的体验。听到这些讲话的人再不会跟以前一样了。这是最高等的灵性成长和灵性理解的传授。仿佛我们眼前的一道面纱被撕开,让我们可以清晰地去看。上师切实的临在是如此强烈,这种临在从未消退,反而变得更加强烈和真实。从那以后,每次当我们把心智放在灵性上的事物时,我们会马上知道上师就在我们身边,圣父的力量存在于我们内在,所有一切都很好。
It was not the actual words that made these lectures so amazing; it was the way they were delivered. The words themselves will ring in our memories forever; but the greatest Truth was shown to us without words, and no description could ever convey the tremendous force of the presence of the Master; and, through Him, the Love of the Father —distinct evidence more real than anything physical around us.
这些讲座如此令人赞叹的原因并不在于它实际的话语;而是它呈现的方式。这些话将会永远地在我们的记忆中回荡;然而,最伟大的真理并不是通过语言向我们揭示的,任何描述都无法传达上师临在的伟大力量;通过他,圣父的爱 —— 如此明显的存在着,要比我们身边所有物质形态的事物都要真实。
As the lecturer entered, he was the kindly, smiling man we all knew so well. After a pause of silence, he seemed to breathe himself out of his body in a sudden gasp, leaving it swaying and without control. Then suddenly an amazing change took place: a short, sharp intake of breath; and the very Master was present; in the same body, but utterly different. We knew perfectly well that the lecturer was still the man we had all known and respected for years, but at the same time he was someone completely different. The change was so startling that our benumbed senses could scarcely credit it. But at the same time it was true, and we knew it was true. The man before us now appeared unusually tall, much taller than the lecturer himself. Words cannot tell the strength of this astounding truth 一 but it was so. We were forced to believe it beyond the evidence of our ordinary senses.
讲师走了进来,是那位我们非常熟悉的和蔼可亲面带微笑的人。安静片刻后,他看上去似乎在一阵突然的喘息间把自己从身体中呼出,让身体摇摆不定不受控制。然后突然发生了令人惊讶的变化:一个简短而快速的吸气,那位上师出现了;在同一具身体里,但是呈现却完全不同。我们非常清楚,讲师还是那位我们多年来一直熟悉和尊重的人,可同时,他又是一位完全不同的人。这种变化如此惊人,以至于我们麻木的感官无法去相信。但同时它真实发生了,我们知道这是真的。我们眼前的人现在看起来异常高大,要比讲师他本人高很多。言语不能描述出这种惊人事实的震撼 —— 但是的确如此。我们被迫去接受,这一切都超越了我们普通感官的范畴。
Here now before us was a man, commanding of aspect, austere and of great authority; with brilliant eyes and an assurance of power. Straight and tall He stood before us and with deep solemnity He pronounced His regular greeting:
“My Peace I bring to you.”
As the speaker progressed and we became more understanding, the greeting changed to “My Peace and my Love I bring to you” and later to “My Peace and my Blessings I bring to you.”
The blessing was given with the two first fingers of the right hand raised in the manner of a king, and low our hearts bowed before its majesty.
A quietness spread through the hall: a vibrating power like a stream of warmth passed through our bodies, burning whatever part was imperfect, and healing as it flowed.
As one talk followed the other; we could feel our own vibrations raised and our understanding clarified and lifted to a plane far beyond our everyday life. In dawning comprehension we listened to truths greater than any we had ever heard; and yet — to our wondering astonishment — we realised they were the same statements we had heard and read since infancy. But only now did we understand their meaning. Suddenly the lightning truth flashed into our minds and at last we knew the power of what the Master first said so many years ago. And then His truths became, for us, Reality; part of our very being, to be held precious in a golden silence from now on into eternity.
随着一次又一次讲座的进行;我们可以感觉到我们的振动得到提升,我们的理解变得清晰,并提升到一个远远超越我们日常生活的层面。在理解的过程中,我们听到了比我们之前所听过的都要伟大的真理;然而 —— 令我们惊讶的是 —— 我们意识到这些与我们从婴儿时期起就听到和读到的表达是一样的。可是直到现在我们才理解它们的真正含义。突然间真理的闪电在我们心智中闪现,我们终于知道了多年以前上师第一次讲话时的力量。然后,他说的真理对我们而言成了现实;我们存在的一部分,在金黄色的寂静中被珍视着,从现在起直至永恒。
Each word fell deliberately, with never a moment of hesitation, almost like drops of water or jewels falling one after another into the pool of silence deep around us. Each sentence was of perfect construction, spoken effortlessly and with no pause for thought.
Gradually we came to know quite simply and without wonder that we were not the only people present. Among us were those whom we loved, who had passed on ahead; while beyond them, in ever-widening circles, ranged thousands of higher entities.
The Master would address us all together and then, in regard to the deeper things of life, we would be given just what each could grasp. We in earthly bodies were addressed as “You of mortal sense” while the Master would raise His eyes and speak directly to those who had lately passed on, as to minds who had gained in breadth of perception, who now knew the joy of a plane more spiritual and lovely and infinitely free. And then in awe we listened while the Master spoke to those who had more nearly approached His highest perfection. High above us we felt them, and far behind us, row upon row; but no one moved or turned a head as our eyes were held by the Master. Our bodies had long since faded from our senses — they were simply in abeyance, glued into immobility as it were, and it would take a definite effort to move them in any way.
上师会向所有在场的一起讲话,就生命更深层次的事情,我们会得到每个人可以掌握的东西。我们这些拥有物质身体的人被称作“有着尘世感官的人”,与此同时,上师会抬起他的双眼,直接与那些最近刚过世的人说话,就像跟获得了广阔感知的心智说话一样,那些人现在知道了那个更加灵性、生动和无限自由的存在层面的喜悦。然后在赞叹之中,我们倾听着上师对那些更接近他最高完美的存有说的话。我们感觉到他们在我们上空,也在我们身后,一排一排的;但是没有人移动或者转头,因为我们的目光都凝聚在上师身上。我们的感官感觉不到身体 —— 身体只是处于暂停的状态,就像是被固定在静止状态一样,任何方式移动身体都要付出一定程度的努力。
The Master would bless us each in turn, first us ‘of mortal sense’, and then the Spirits advanced so high above us — and His voice would warm to their greater perception. In us He perceived a rooted sense of separation, in them a unity that was a relief and joy to Him. How small we felt — how utterly unworthy! — tiny, lowly people, almost infants, reaching up uncomprehending hands to what was still a mystery. But gradually we grew in the stature of our own minds and our own self-respect. In daily life we found ourselves leading where before we had stepped diffidently back — our voice came with unexpected assurance and authority. We too seemed to grow taller and to tread more lightly; as if the spirit-self were growing stronger than the physical self.
上师会轮流地祝福我们,首先是我们这些‘尘世中的人’,接下来是灵性进化远远高于我们的存有 —— 他的声音会因为他们整体更大的感知变得温暖。在我们身上,他感觉到了一种根深蒂固的分离感,而在他们之中感觉到的是合一感,这对他来说是一种放松和喜悦。我们感觉自己是多么渺小 —— 自己多么微不足道!—— 渺小而卑微的人,就像是婴儿,向着神秘伸出不解之手。但是逐渐地我们的心智层次和自己的自尊心得到了成长。在日常生活中,我们发现之前我们止步不前的地方,自己开始处于领先 —— 我们的声音带着出乎意料的确信和权威。我们似乎也长得更高,脚步也变得更轻盈;好像我们的灵性自我比物质自我变得更强。
Some of us saw glorious colours behind the lecturer — waves of purple and gold so glowing that it almost hurt the eyes. To some a slantwise cross was visible, to some a thick shaft of brilliant white light pouring into the top of his head, while many saw the long red-gold hair and beard, and heavenly music and bells were heard in the background as he spoke.
我们中的一些人看到讲师身后那绚丽的色彩 —— 紫色和金色的光之波浪非常闪耀,几乎刺痛双眼。有的人看到了一个倾斜的十字架,有的人看到了一道白色光柱灌注到他的头顶,还有的人看到了红色的头发和胡须,当他讲话的时,可以听到天堂般的音乐和钟声作为背景声音。
It became increasingly clear to us that the Master had come to give us His age-old message: “I come to show you the Father.”
How often we had heard it before, but with blinded senses. Now we began to understand.
We learnt of the Master Jesus, Himself a man as we were, highly sensitive, developed, perceiving, aware, as we were not, of the wonder of the Christ within, the Son of the Living God. He and the Christ and His Father were one Being. Of Himself He could do nothing; but, identified with the Christ, one with the Father; He could do all things and have dominion over all things.
As the talks commenced, His voice was always grave and austere, as from a distance, sure and firm as a great leader speaking to followers searching for knowledge. But, as He talked, His voice warmed to us, His eyes shone with lovingness and delight in our response and our understanding of His Spirit.
The listeners grew more and more numerous. And now and then, in speaking of the Father; He would be overcome with His own emotion of the love so aroused. His voice would fade away and, entirely forgetful of us suddenly. He would so lose Himself in the Love of the Father that it was as though an actual Being was between us. He spoke to one much nearer than we were — to someone so close as to be ‘nearer than breathing’. He would stand wrapped in the glory of the Godhead. He would murmur directly to His Father. Sometimes we heard the words, “Father I love Thee, I love Thee, and I love those that Thou hast given me —Thy children. I thank Thee for them.” In the pause, His face was lit with a love of ineffable tenderness: a light of pure ecstasy transfigured His features, almost blinding in its intensity — our eyes could not bear the brilliance that shone from His face. It was as though He had entered into some holy Temple of Love such as we could not comprehend. In awe we gazed — the presence of the Father so strong, so tangible, so vivid, as to be far more real than the people around us. They faded; He was there, strong, powerful, in glory beyond glory.
听众越来越多。不时地,在谈到圣父时,他会被由此激起的爱之情感所征服。他的声音会逐渐消失,突然间完全忘记了我们。他在圣父之爱中如此沉迷,就好像那是我们和他之间一个真实存在的存有。他对一个比我们更加靠近他的存有说话 —— 那位存有要比他的呼吸范围还要近。他会站在神之荣耀中。他会直接向他的圣父低语。有的时候我们会听到这样的话,“圣父我爱您,我爱您,我爱你赐予我的那些 —— 你的孩子们。我为他们感谢你。”在停顿中,他的脸上洋溢着难以言喻的温柔之爱:一道纯粹的狂喜之光转变了他的面容,这道光几乎让人目眩 —— 我们的眼睛无法承受他脸上闪耀的光彩。就好像他进入了我们无法理解的某个神圣的爱之殿堂。我们在敬畏中凝视着 —— 圣父的存在是如此强烈、如此切实、如此生动,以至于比我们身边的人更加真实。他们的光芒褪去;他还站在那里,强大、有力,超越荣耀中的荣耀。
And we too began to know the Father — an actively loving Being, no mere passive Godhead but a Father, powerful in guidance, in achieving all the Son could wish, a loving Father with arms around Him, sheltering Him in an ecstasy of peace.
我们也开始认识圣父 —— 一位活跃着的爱之临在,他不仅仅是一位被动状态的神,而是一位圣父,他的指导强而有力,实现所有圣子想要达成的愿望,一位有爱的圣父,他的双臂环绕着他,让他沉浸在一种平静的陶醉状态。
A love shone through His presence, embracing all of us, impartially, universally; forcing us to realise the Truth as a Truth real beyond anything that could be touched or seen — the Truth of the presence of God, a loving, active, positive, dynamic Father; a silent partner; at our shoulder always, a God who travelled home with us, came in at the gate with us, protecting us so that evermore no fear would enter into our homes or lives. The Love of the Father became an unmistakable reality. No words of the Master gave us that realisation; it was His own intense, burning, joyful love of the Father that forced this knowledge upon us. And because of this belonging to the Father; the Son was filled with a peace and a glory of happiness that was eternal and infinite.
爱通过他的临在闪耀着,不偏不倚地拥抱着我们所有的人;强迫我们认识到,真理,作为真正超越所有可触碰和可见事物的真理 —— 神,一位有爱的、活跃的、积极的充满活力的圣父的存在真理;他是一位安静的伙伴,陪伴我们一起回家,与我们一同迈入家门,保护我们,不让恐惧进入我们的家庭和生活中。圣父的爱成为了一个无误的现实。并不是上师的话带给我们这样的认知;是他自己对圣父强烈炙热而愉悦的爱,把这种知识带给了我们。因为对圣父的这种归属感;圣子充满了永恒且无限的和平与幸福的荣耀。
And as He ascended again to His Father; He called us His disciples and He left us with His assurance:
“My Peace, and my Love, my Blessings, I leave with you to remain with you.”
At the time, we felt that that was the end, and we longed for the wonder of the talks over again. But twice more He came, with a space of several months between.
At these times He spoke differently, bidding us search our hearts to see how much we had progressed along the path of Love that He had shown us. He asked us: “Is your faith so great that now you too could walk upon the water?” And again, “Does your love for the Father order all your thoughts and deeds?” “Do you live in Love to the exclusion of all else? “
How deeply shamed we felt at the little we had done, and how unworthy we knew ourselves to be of the honour of His coming.
The speaker continues to lecture week by week, and often the Master quite visibly; takes over his body for an amazing moment,just at the end to give us His solemn blessing. The transfiguration is complete, with gown, face, beard and hair showing through the brilliant light around him:
“My Love and my Peace remain with you.”
So, in daily life, we know that the Master is beside us, and reverently we tread the Earth, we whom He called His disciples, with the sure knowledge, in our hearts, of the undying Christ, alive and present in the world today.
Mrs Patterson says:
“Words are inadequate to express what I saw and felt when our Master spoke to us through the Doctor. For a few seconds I was aware of a silence, unlike anything I have ever experienced; it seemed that I was suddenly transported into another world. Then I saw the whole outline of the Doctor’s body change; his face took on quite a different expression and beams of light radiated from him. The face of the Master showed up clearly.
The auditorium was charged with Power and Light.
At the time I did not realise it, but a great change took place within myself. I was left with a deep feeling of security in a Living Christ, which is everything to me.”
Mrs Gilbert, a medium who has travelled the world, states:
Gilbert 女士,一位在全世界旅行的灵媒,说:
“I have been a medium for over thirty years, but I have never witnessed anything like I saw with the transfiguration of the Master. The light that shone from Him was so great that I had to close my eyes. I have never heard music so clearly before. The auditorium was filled with those who had gone on before us. What joy it was to listen to the voice that was clear, distinct, without a flaw or an error, for over an hour. No human being could be capable of such oratory.”
Misses S.A. and E.A. Arnott say:
S.A. 和 E.A. Arnott女士说:
“The greatest thing in our lives has happened — that the Master showed Himself. His face clearly shone forth, bright blue eyes, with reddish auburn beard and hair down to His shoulders. The light that shone from Him was more than our eyes could stand. Then we got accustomed to the brilliant light and could watch every movement. It was a thrilling experience we will never forget. His words were perfectly formed and not a pause or a mistake did He make for over an hour. It was this that amazed us most. The form of the Doctor grew a few inches as the Master overshadowed him. This was the first experience we ever had in transfiguration, although we had heard much about it.”
“我们生命中最伟大的事情发生了 —— 上师让自己现身。他的脸清晰地闪耀着光芒,他的双眼是明亮的蓝色,红褐色的胡须,头发垂到他的肩膀上。他身上发出的光芒超越了我们的双眼可以承受的范围。然后我们就习惯了这闪耀的光芒,可以看到每一个动作。这是我们永远不会忘记的激动人心的体验。他说的每一个词是那么完美,在那一个多小时中,没有一次停顿或错误。这是最让我们吃惊的。博士的身形在上师的临在中也增高了几英寸。这是我们第一次亲眼看到身体的形变,尽管我们听说过很多。”
Mr. A. Thomas states:
A. Thomas先生说:
“I am a most practical and critical person, being an engineer. I was always doubtful about what others saw and heard, and although I have read much on the subject of mediumship I was not convinced. But when I saw with my own eyes a light so bright that I had to close them — for it was some time before I could accustom my sight to the brilliance — then to see the face that is so familiar in many pictures of the Master; I was convinced that it was true. The Master’s voice and speech were more than perfect. It is doubtful if any human being could perform such oratory.
“作为一名工程师,我很务实,而且有着批判性的思维。我总是怀疑别人的所见所闻,尽管我读过很多关于灵媒的书籍,但是我并不确信。但是当我亲眼看到一道如此明亮的光,以至于我不得不闭上双眼 —— 过了一段时间我才适应了这种亮度 —— 然后我看到了那张熟悉的面孔,就是出现在很多照片中的上师;我确信这一切是真的。上师的声音和演讲远远超越了完美。没有人可以进行一场这样的演说。”
Although the Doctor is a good speaker I know he could not perform such a feat. My wife and her mother attended these talks and they also saw and heard the same as I did.
All present have testified in one way or another to the wonderful experiences they had during these talks by the Master.
I Am The Resurrection And The Life — The Love Of God
第一课:我是复活,也是生命 — 神之爱
I am myself Resurrection and Life, he who believes in me will live even if he dies, and no one who lives and believes in me will ever die.
1. God is Love and Love is God, yet no one knows what It is — we only know that It is. Perhaps you have been theorising — never do this! You must let the Truth unfold without suggestions from outside, and you must not come to a conclusion, for this closes the avenue to Truth.
1. 神是爱,爱就是神,然而没有人知道它是什么 —— 我们只知道其所是。或许你一直在进行推理 —— 永远不要这么做!你必须让这个真理在没有外在建议的情况下从内在展开,你不能去推导结论,因为它会关闭通往真理的大门。
2. Love is the centre of the whole Universe, and from this centre a continuous flow of Love flows through every soul and through everything that lives. Through flowers, through animals, through human beings and angels, this same Love flows continuously from Its Central Font, forever expressing Itself in Its true nature.
3. Love is the affinity in the minerals; Love is the essence in the flowers; Love is expressed in the animal nature. In man Love is expressed in affection, and, when fully realised, the whole being is filled with It and, every cell in the body becomes vitalised.
4. There is no other Power in the world but Love; It is the only true Power in Heaven and on Earth, for It is eternal and ever present everywhere. The outer will pass away, but Love shall forever be, for It is the Omnipresence of God.
5. Theorising on Love is but a mental aspect of It. To theorise on what Love is, is to lose Its power. You are the Creation of the Infinite Life, which is Love; and Love expresses Itself in Its true nature when understood and realised in this way.
6. All great souls upon the earth are expressing this Love in different ways in different parts of the world.
6. 地球上所有伟大的灵魂在世界不同的地方以不同的方式来表达这种爱。
7. Suggestions come from outside — but you cannot understand the Truth from suggestions that arise from outside yourselves. Therefore do not come to any conclusion in regard to the Truth, for the Truth is unfathomable and eternal. I am ever-present, expressing myself in my Divine Nature, which is eternal.
7. 外在的建议 —— 但是你无法从来自你外部的建议中去理解这个真理。因此,不要对这个真理下任何结论,因为这个真理是深不可测且永恒的。我一直都在,表达着我自己永恒的神圣本质。
8. You must accept this, yet you must not come to conclusions of what It is, or what It is not.
8. 你必须接受这一点,此外你也不能去得出它是什么或者不是什么的结论。
9. Remember, this mighty power is waiting to unfold in you; you are the vehicle prepared by It; your soul is the vehicle through which It will flow. To be conscious of this is the secret of the God-man.
9. 要记得,这种强大的力量正等待着在你之中展开;你是它所准备的载具;你的灵魂也是载具,通过灵魂,它得以流动。对这一点变得有意识是成为神人的秘密。
10. What is space? You are now learning the rapidity of thought transference, which is between you and the mind which is influencing you. These thoughts know nothing of distance.
10. 什么是空间?你现在正认识到思想感应的速度,它在你和影响你的心智之间。这些想法不知道距离的存在。
11. Nathaniel asked, “Whence do you know me?” Even before Philip called you, while you were under the fig tree, I saw you. Truly I say to all of you that from now on you will see the Heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending to the Son of Man.
11. 纳撒尼尔问:“那你从哪里认识我的?”甚至在飞利浦呼唤你之前,当你在无花果树之下时,我就看到你了。我真切地对你们所有的人说,从现在起,你们会看到天堂打开,看到神之天使升降于人类之子身上。
12. You have already witnessed this Truth. All are angels in the making; you are born angels, the angelic birth exists in you. This is the Love of God. Some angels now existing are those who once lived on one planet or another.
12. 你们已经见证了这个真理。一切都是进化中的天使;你们生来就是天使,在你之中存在着天使的诞生。这就是神之爱。现在存在于这里的一些天使曾经生活在其他星球上。
13. The whole Universe is one complete whole, expressing the Divine nature of Love. Love is the holy cohesive quality, the only power that can sustain all things, and is bringing about Its own perfection.
13. 整个宇宙是一个完整的整体,表达着爱的神圣本质。爱是神圣的凝聚力,是唯一可以支撑万物的力量,并带来它自身的完美。
14. There is never anything wrong where Love exists, for It is complete in Itself.
14. 爱存在的地方永远没有过失,因为它本身就是完整的。
15. There is nothing that can interfere with the current of pure thought directed from Life, for really there is no distance; the only necessity is a condition of receptivity.
15. 没有什么可以干扰来自生命的纯净思想流,因为实际上不存在距离;唯一所需就是接收的条件。
16. It is now possible to receive this wonderful gift of the Father that is being poured out eternally. You can experience It for yourselves by opening yourselves up to It. You do not receive It from the external; only know that It is eagerly waiting to express Itself from the very centre of your being.
16. 现在可以接收到这个来自圣父的、永恒倾洒的美妙礼物。你可以通过向它敞开心扉来接收。你不是从外部来进行接收;你只需要知道它迫切地等待着从你存在的核心表达它自己。
17. You must become consciously aware of It, and, when you are consciously aware of It, then you will experience It in every cell of your body; in your surroundings, in your friends, in your business place, your home — all can be filled with It. And there is nothing that can withstand It. It is so solid in Its nature that It interpenetrates every single particle of substance that exists in the Universe. It supports the whole Universe, and It gives breath and life: “I am the Life and Love”.
17. 你必须有意识地对它产生觉知,当你有意识地觉知到它时,你就可以在身体的每个细胞中体验到它;在你的周围、你朋友之中、你的工作场所、你的家中 —— 一切都可以充满它。没有什么可以抗拒它。它的本质时如此坚固,以至于它可以穿透宇宙中存在的每一种材质的粒子。它支撑着整个宇宙,它赋予了气息和生命:“我是生命和爱。”
18. All your thoughts of Love and Healing sent out even without any special direction are caught up in the stream, and they help all. Remember; nothing is lost in this world of thought charged with Love.
18. 即便没有任何明确的引导,你想法中所有的爱和疗愈都会在能量的溪流中被捕捉到,它们对一切都有益。要记得:在被爱充满的思想世界中,什么都不会丢失。
19. Space is a wrong idea; it belongs to separation, but in Reality there is no separation.
19. 空间是一个错误的观点;它属于分离,然而实际上不存在分离。
20. Let your hearts and minds rest undisturbed in the realisation of the Omnipresence of God. Even the child will come to know that there is no space or distance, for you all dwell in God and there is absolutely nothing outside God.
20. 让你的内心和心智在神的全然临在中不受任何扰动。每位孩子将会知道,不存在空间和距离,因为你们都居住在神中,在神之外一无所有。
21. By my own experiences I have found that the flesh changes through the conscious awareness of the Divine Essence of Love. It is the Power that creates all things and attracts everything to It.
22. For God, who made the world and all things therein, and who is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; neither is He ministered unto by human hands, nor is He in need of anything; for it is He who gave Life and breath to all men.
22. 创造了世界和世间万物的神,是天地的主宰,他并不居住在用手搭建的庙宇中;他不需要人手服侍,他也不需要任何东西;因为是他给予了所有人生命和气息。
23. And He has made of one blood all nations for to dwell on the face of the Earth, so that they should seek and search after God and find Him by means of His Love and His Creations.
23. 他使用统一的血统创建了所有的民族,让他们都居住在地球表面,他们从而可以去寻找和寻求神,通过神的爱和创造,去发现神。
24. He is not far from any one of you. For in Him all live and move and have their being, and, as some of your wise men have said, “all are His kindred”. Yes, when you have seen me you have seen the Father.
25. There is no mystery about these words when you thoroughly understand them. The mystery disappears when they are understood.
25. 当你完全理解这些话语时,它们的神秘就消失了。神秘消失于理解之时。
26. There cannot be one particle of substance that is not of God. Every particle in the whole Universe must be of God, for it is God alone who is expressing Himself; and I and the Father are one, there is no separation between us.
26. 没有一粒颗粒不属于神。整个宇宙中的每个粒子都属于神,因为是神自己在自我表达;我和圣父是合一的,我们之间没有分离。
27. Now therefore, man, being of the family of God, is not bound to worship resemblances made of gold or silver or stone shapen by the skill and knowledge of man into resemblances of the Deity. Yet, when men heard of the resurrection of the dead, they mocked.
27. 因此,人类作为神之家族,不必须去崇拜通过人类的技艺和知识使用金银或石头塑造的神像。然而,当人们听说死而复生后,他们会嘲笑。
28. Understand that the great Truth of the Omnipresence, the Omnipotence, and the Omniscience of God, is complete. Know that it is He who lives, and He alone lives, in every living thing because He created all of them and He could not live apart from His Creations, for He is omnipresent.
28. 要理解,神的无所不在、无所不能、无所不知的伟大真理是完美的。要知道他活着,在所有活着的生命中活着的只有他自己,因为他创造了所有一切,他不能离开他的创造而存在,他是无所不在的。
29. If His Creations were in any way separated from Him, He could not be infinite in nature, He could not be complete in Himself. Every Creation was created with the fundamental principle of Love harmonising every action, bringing into manifestation His Divine Nature. And when man becomes aware of this Truth, then shall man create in himself the reflection of that perfect Divinity which will bring about his Heaven on Earth.
29. 如果他的创造以某种形式跟他分离开,那么他的本质就不会是无限的,他自己也不会是完美的。每一种造物都是把爱作为基本原则进行的创造,从而把他的神圣本质带入显化中。当人们理解了这一真理时,人们就会在自己身上创造出那种完美神性的映射,这会把他的天堂带到地球。
30. And they mocked because they heard of the resurrection of the dead. Yet how could there be anything dead in the living Universe? How could there be anything dead in the Eternal Living God? Admittedly there is change taking place everywhere, but there is nothing dead in that change; every particle is a living particle which changes from one form to another. What ignorant man sees is death; what the enlightened man sees is the action of Life. Ignorant man does not understand the law of transition from one state to another; therefore man creates in his own mind the illusion he calls death.
30. 因为他们听说死而复生这件事情就发出嘲笑。可是,活的宇宙怎么会有死亡之物呢?在永远活着的神中,怎么会存在死亡之物呢?诚然,变化无处不在,但是在变化中没有死亡;每一个粒子都是活着的粒子,它从一种形态转变为另一种形态。无知的人看到的是死亡;开悟的人看到的是生命的行动。无知的人不理解从一种状态到另一种状态的转变法则;因此,人在他自己的心智中创造了他称之为死亡的幻相。
31. Not one particle of the whole Universe is dead; every particle is alive, existing in God. Every particle, even in its process of change, is a living expression of Life. And the fundamental principle under it all is the power of Love flowing from the Central Font of Love to Its smallest Creations.
31. 所有宇宙中没有一个粒子是死的;每一颗粒子都是活的,存在于神之中。每一个粒子,即便它处于转变的过程,那也是生命的一种活生生的表达。所有这一切背后的基本原则是爱之力量从爱的中心源泉流向它最小的造物。
32. Your sense-mind would cloud or hide the vision, the vision of the completeness of that which is Divine in nature.
32. 你的感官心智会模糊或者遮挡你的视野,看不清本质上所有神圣一切的完整性。
33. But now you are in the secret place of the most High, and He shall wipe away all tears from your eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things pass away.
33. 但是你现在位于至高者的隐秘之地,他会擦去你双眼中所有的泪水,再也不会有死亡,再也不会有痛苦,因为从前的事情都过去了。
34. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end; I will give freely of the fountain of living water to him who is athirst. I am in myself the beginning and the end. I am He whom the prophets have spoken of, I am the Lord, the Christ that dwells in each and every one of you, and there is no separation between us; yet you have placed me so far away beyond your reach”.
34. “我是阿尔法和欧米伽,开始和结束;我要把生命之源赐予那些口渴的人。我是我自己的开始和终结。我就是众先知所说的那位,我是上主,我是居住在你们每个人中的基督,我们之间没有分离;然而你把我放在了让你远远够不到的位置。”
35. In your own minds you have thought me unattainable, yet I am living in the secret chambers of your hearts urging you continuously to recognise me.
35. 在你自己的心智中,你认为我遥不可及;然而我一直居住在你心中隐秘的房间,不断地呼唤你认出我来。
36. This is the Christ that is born in the human family; the Christ that is born in every babe. It is the Christ that is eternal and lives after so-called death. It is the Christ in you that shall live forever.
36. 这就是诞生在人类家族中的基督;在每一位婴儿中诞生的基督。基督是永恒存在的,在所谓的死后还会活着。这就是你内在永远活着的基督。
37. Even as the rivers flow out and refresh the earth, so can you release that stream of Eternal Life into the outer. The unseen Spiritual Substance is alone substantial and is the only Reality that can be expressed in your personal life now.
37. 就像河水会流出并滋养着地球,你也可以把永恒生命的源泉带到外在。隐形的灵性材质是唯一有价值的,也是现在可以在你的个人生命进行表达的唯一实相。
38. Your consciousness is the reflection of It; your consciousness in the material or physical is the reflection of this Eternal Life expressing Itself; and as you become more aware of It, It becomes more real to you.
38. 你的意识是它的映射;你在物质层面的意识是这种永恒生命自我表达的映射;随着你对它变得越来越有觉知,它会对你变得更加真实。
39. The brain, the nervous system, and the flesh of the body become filled with It. It raises the vibration of your mind to a state beyond your earthly existence. Yes, in time It will transform the body to make it that perfect instrument, for the Divine in nature is the only Reality.
39. 大脑、神经系统和肉体都充满了它。它提升你心智的振动从而超越你在地球存在的状态。是的,随着时间的推移,它会转变身体,让身体成为完美的载具,因为本质上来说神圣是唯一的实相。
40. Use every opportunity to express that which you know. Let your love flow out and bless every brother; every sister; so that all your divisions will be swept away by the ocean of Love welling up in human hearts and lives. When you bless a brother and a sister with this love, in and out of your own being flows the Christ Life and Love.
40. 利用一切机会表达你所知道的。让你的爱流出,祝福每一位兄弟姐妹;从而让你们之间的分离被涌入人类心灵和生活的爱之海洋冲刷干净。当你用这种爱去祝福兄弟姐妹时,基督的生命和爱就会在你自己存在的内外流淌。
41. Do not in any way disregard the Truths that are written in the New Testament. If you express that which is true, you will also become true. Your true nature is Divine: let this nature become yours now, because now is Eternity; every moment of Life is now. Therefore remember not the past, nor be anxious for the future; the future is taken care of, by you living now.
41. 不要以任何方式漠视写在《新约圣经》中的真理。如果你的表达真实,你也会变得真实。你的真实本性是神圣的:现在就让这种本性成为你的,因为当下就是永恒;生命的每个时刻都是当下。因此请不要怀念过去,也不要担心未来;通过活在当下,你就把握住了未来。
42. YOU must all come to the understanding of the Omnipresence that fills all space, knows nothing of past or future but is eternally present — the same yesterday; today and forever.
42. 你们必须都要去理解,无所不在的临在充满了所有的空间,它不知过去或将来,而是处于永恒的当下 — 过去、现在和将来都是如此。
43. When you begin to know that all time is the present you cease to “long”, you cease to long for things to come, and a great strain drops from you. How many of you are straining today? Because you are not living in the Omnipresence that is omnipresent. You live in a past and a future and miss the glorious expression of the Divine Life now.
43. 当你开始知道所有的时间都是当下,你就不再去“渴望”,你停止渴望未来的事情,巨大的压力从身上消失了。你们中的多少人现在生活在压力之下?因为你们没有活在无所不在的全然临在之中。你生活在了过去和未来,错过了神圣生命在当下荣耀的表达。
44. Peace will come into your souls; things that troubled you before will no longer beset you. You will not be burdened with the things of the world because you will know that all that is mine is thine.
44. 安宁将会进入你的灵魂;以前让你心烦意乱的事情将不会再困扰你。你不会被世界上的事情所累,因为你会知道,所有属于我的都是你的。
45. Spirit is all power; and directs all things; but if you stand on the outside looking in, then there is no possibility of your ever partaking of the feast spread before you; but if you will come inside, you can partake of the feast now and there will never be any other time but now.
45. 灵性是一切的力量;它指挥着一切;但是如果你站在外面向内看,那么你永远都没有机会加入这场眼前的盛宴;但是如果你走进来,现在就可以加入这场盛宴,除了现在,永远都没有其他时间。
46. When you gain this understanding, you eager souls — who feel that you must accomplish so much in a given time — will come to know that Love and service are pleasure and rest.
46. 当你们获得这种理解,你们这些渴望的灵魂们 —— 感觉自己一定要在特定的时间内完成如此多的事情 —— 你们会知道,爱和服务是快乐和安息。
47. These words seem strange to you at first because you do not understand them. To rest in the Lord means to be always with the Lord; and as the Lord is the supreme expression of the Almighty, knowing this, there is no fear, there is no doubt, and Life becomes a joy.
47. 最初,这些话对你来说可能看起来很奇怪,因为你不能理解它们。在上主中得到安息,意味着永远与上主同在;上主是全能神者的至高表达,知道这一点,就不再有恐惧,不再有担忧,生命就变成了喜悦。
48. Only when you are burdened with the cares of the world is there sorrow. Lift up your hearts and rejoice in the fact that your Father knoweth what you are in need of and has prepared everything for you; the table is already set. You can come into the feast now if you will, and partake of all that you are capable of; the only thing that is necessary is your capacity to receive.
48. 只有当你背负着世间的牵挂时,才会有悲伤。振作起来,在这样的事实中欢喜:你的圣父知道你的需要,并为你准备好了一切;桌子已经摆好了。如果你愿意,现在就可以来参加盛宴,并享受你可以享受的一切;唯一需要的就是你的接收能力。
49. You will renew your energies and unfold wider avenues for further experience, with a sense of peace and quiet that comes from that which does not consider time or space as an essential factor; for It knows no time or space, being ever-present and eternal.
49. 为了拓展体验,你需要更新你的能量并开辟更宽广的道路,拥有一种平和与宁静的感觉,这种感觉超越时间和空间的存在;因为它一直处于当下和永恒之中,不知道时间和空间。
50. To live in the spiritual is to live in Reality; not spasmodically and in limits. How can there be any time or space in Infinity? Know that you live in the Mind of God that fills all space, for there is nowhere where It is not.
50. 生活在灵性中就是生活在实相之中;不是断断续续地,也不是生活在限制中。在无限中怎么会存在时间和空间呢?要知道你生活在充满了所有空间的神之心智中,因为没有一处是他不在的。
51. If you truly know that you are the Christ of God that exists eternally and is ever-present, the animating and Creative Power within the mind, then there can be no time or space.
51. 如果你真的知道你是永恒且一直存在的神之基督,是心智中充满活力和创造性的力量,那么就不会存在时间和空间。
52. You can reach the state where there is no time or space and enter into the completeness of the Lord thy God, that dwells in your soul; the Lord is the only Power there is. I am the Lord.
52. 你可以进入没有时间和空间的状态,进入居住在上主、你的神之完美中,他居住在你的灵魂中;上主是唯一的力量。我就是上主。
53. “Love” is the eternal ever-present and glorious Life now, which is a rest and a joy, a satisfaction too full to make you look backward or forward when you know that Love is the ever-present Life now. The soul who has realised this moves in the sufficiency of the Presence, that is ever active in the present and never in the past or future.
53. “爱”是当下永恒的存在和荣耀的生命,它是安息和喜悦,它是一种满足,当你知道爱是当下永远存在的生命时,这种满足感不会让你怀念过去、也不会让你寄希望于未来。已经意识到这一点的灵魂在它临在的充裕中行动着,它一直活跃于当下,而不是在过去或者未来。
54. Think over this carefully, so that your joy may be full. “I am” the ever-present Love. It was this Love that I saw so clearly. I knew that God was Love, and to be His Son, then I must be Love also. I found there could be nothing else for me but Love, and no matter what was done to me, I still knew that I must remain the Son of God, the ever-present perfect LOVE that knew no past or future, no sin or death.
54. 仔细思考这一点,这样你的快乐就得到了满足。“我是”永恒存在的爱。这份爱在我眼中如此清晰。我知道神是爱,作为他的圣子,那么我也一定是爱。我发现对我而言除了爱之外别无他物,不论对我做了什么,我知道我仍然是神的圣子,那始终都存在的完美之爱不知道过去或未来,不知道罪恶或死亡。
55. “Lazarus come forth”,was to speak from the Spiritual plane, realising only the ever-present Life. If you can understand these words, you will realise the Life that is eternal and ever-present. You can also speak the Word, if your consciousness can grasp the Reality of It; and what you speak shall manifest because it is created in the now.
55. “拉撒路走了出来”这是从灵性层面讲的,他唯一意识到的是永恒存在的生命。如果你可以理解这些话,你就会意识到,生命是永恒的,而且永远存在。你也可以说出这些话,如果你的意识可以掌握它表达的实相;你所说的会显化出来,因为它在当下被创造。
56. You are affected by suggestions that come from without, suggested by the conditions surrounding you; you believe in death and decay; but in Reality there is no death nor decay; there is only change, and this is Life. If you could see this ever-present Life behind all change and become consciously aware of It, then I say that every particle of your whole body would be filled with It.
56. 你受到外部建议的影响,受到周围环境中建议的影响;你相信死亡和衰败;但是在实相中,没有死亡也没有衰败;有的仅仅是转变,这就是生活。如果你可以看到在所有转变背后永恒存在的生命,并对它变得有觉知,那么我会说,你全身的每一个粒子都会被生命充满。
57. “I am” the Lord, “I” change not. Open your eyes and see within yourselves this mighty Truth.
57. “我是”上主,“我”不改变。睁开你的双眼,在你自己的内在看到这个伟大的真理。
58. You can be just as much of God as you are prepared to manifest. Christ, the Son of God, in the heart of humanity reaches out to man, urging him to awaken to his Divine Consciousness: for the Christ in each and every one is alive forever. There is eternal peace in the heart as you recognise this Truth.
58. 每个人只能表达出他准备好表达的神的部分。在人类心中的基督、神之子,向人们伸出双手,鼓励人们觉醒他们的神圣意识:因为基督在每个人之中,每一个人都永恒地活着。当你认出这个真理时,心中就会出现永恒的安宁。
59. “I am the Lord thy God. I am one with the Father; the Father and I are never apart, we are always working together in you”.
59. “我是上主、你的神。我与圣父是合一的;圣父与我从未分离,我们总是在你内在一起工作。”
60. The seven acts of Christ become actual to you now, at this moment, instead of belonging to a past period. The Christ experiences the birth of life in the temple that is not made with hands.
60. 现在对你来说,基督的七项善行已经变成了现实,这个现实属于现在,而非过去。基督在一座并非由双手构建的圣殿中经历了生命的诞生。
61. The symbol of the divine child in the arms of Mary, the Mother, is but the symbol of the Christ being born in every babe. The Father is individualised in each and every one, thus manifesting the birth of Christ the Eternal Son of God into earthly life.
61. 圣母玛丽亚怀中圣子的象征,是每一位婴儿中诞生的基督的象征。圣父在每个人之中进行个体化的表达,从而显化出神的永恒之子基督在尘世中的诞生。
62. Look around you and look at each other and say, “Whence did you come”, Only the Father knoweth.
62. 环顾你周围,看着对方说,“你来自那里?”只有圣父知道。
63. The anointing is the consecrating of the life to God. Then cometh the awakening of the Christ in the temple that is made by God alone.
63. 受膏就是把生命奉献给神。然后,基督将会在由神自己为他建造的圣殿中苏醒。
64. According to your realisation the Christ manifests in you: so do you consecrate your life to God.
64. 基督在你之内的显化程度是由你的意识状态决定的:你把生命奉献给神的程度,决定了神通过你显化的程度。
65. Then comes the temptation. Temptation was in the world for Christ to overcome: “I have overcome the world.”
65. 接下来就是诱惑。基督要克服世界中的诱惑:“我征服了世界。”
66. The crucifixion means that everyone is crucified. All must pass through their own gates of Gethsemane; some pass through it one way; some another. Thus you are purified through your experience.
66. 钉死在十字架意味着每个人都会被钉在十字架上。所有的人都必须通过他们自己的客西马尼园之门;一些人以一种方式通过它,另一些人以其他方式。因此,通过你的经历,你会得到净化。
67. The greatest of all experiences was that I could lay down my life through the crucifixion to take it up again, not for my own benefit but for the benefit of all who live. “… And those who believeth in me will never die” for they have already found the secret of Eternal Life.
67. 所有体验中最伟大的是,通过钉在十字架上,我可以把我的生命放下,然后重新拿起,不是为了个人的利益,而是为了所有活着的人的福祉。“…那些相信我的人永远不会死亡”因为他们已经找到了永生的秘密。
68. Then comes the resurrection, the resurrection of the soul out of this mortal body. The Christ is the spirit of God manifesting in the flesh; the ascension is the true recognition of this Reality, the true realisation of the Eternal Christ.
68. 然后就是复活,灵魂从肉身中复活。基督是显化在肉身中的神之圣灵;扬升是对这个实相的真正认知,对永恒基督的真正认知。
69. The Christ is in you, and nothing can avail from without; the evolution of the one Soul exalts the whole Race, that they may all be one.
69. 基督在你之内,从外面不能获得任何东西;一个灵魂的进化提升了整个种族,使他们都可以成为一体。
70. The complete understanding of time as the only present factor, with neither past nor future, would remove false ideas and inherited ills. Only the good that man does has any vitality. Then cease to uphold the working-out of ignorance and sin, and things of the past.
70. 时间仅仅是当下,没有过去也没有将来,对这一点完全地理解会消除错误的理念和遗传病。只有人所做的善才拥有生命力。然后就会停止维护无知和罪恶,以及过去的事情。
71. Most people’s minds are overburdened with the power of sin. The ignorance in the world and the sin in the world are all they can see. You cannot see the Christ through ignorance and sin. You can only see the Christ through the Love of God; the complete and perfect expression of the Father of Love is His Son, who lives forever in the present.
71. 大多数人的心智都被罪恶的力量压迫着。世间的无知、世间的罪恶是他们可以看到的全部。你不能通过无知和罪恶看到基督。你只能通过神之爱看到基督;圣父之爱的完整和完美表达就是他的圣子,他永远活在当下。
72. I am the Son of God through Love. So also must you become the sons and daughters of God through Love. In no other way can you become true sons and daughters of God.
72. 通过爱,我成为神之子。因此你也必须通过爱才能成为神之儿女。没有其他方法让你成为神的真正儿女。
73. You are born sons and daughters of God because Christ the Spirit of God is in you. When Christ is realised you will know yourself to be. Then the flood of Love flows through the heart that understands; this is beyond the conception of any human soul that has not yet awakened.
73. 你生来就是神之儿女,因为神之圣灵基督在你之内。当你意识到基督时,你会知道自己将会成为什么。接下来,爱之洪流就会流淌过明白之心;这远远超过了尚未觉醒的人类灵魂的理解。
74. In your physical sense you make both good and evil seem of equal power. This is but theorising with mortal sense, it is not the truth of Reality.
74. 在你的身体感官中,你让善恶看起来具有同等的力量。这不过是使用世俗感知进行的推理,这不是实相中的真理。
75. In God there is neither good nor evil: God is the complete perfect expression now. If you say that the omnipresent God is good and that evil exists also, then your reason is at fault — how can evil exist in the omnipresent good?
75. 在神之中,无善无恶:神是当下完全完美的表达。如果你说无所不在的神是良善的,同时邪恶也存在,那么你的推理就错了 —— 在无所不在的良善中,怎么会有邪恶的立足之地?
76. Your misconceptions cause you to believe that evil exists. Do not theorise, but allow the Love of God to express Itself through you; and you will find that that which makes you fear, that which hinders your true expression, will dissolve away into nothingness — where it belongs. Think, and you will see that it is in your own mind that you are creating fear and evil; for it does not and cannot exist in the Omnipresence of God.
76. 你的误解导致你相信邪恶的存在。不要去理论化,而是让神之爱通过你来表达自己;你会发现让你害怕的东西,阻碍你真实表达的东西,将化作虚无 —— 这是它的归属。想一想,你就会明白,是你在自己的心智中创造了恐惧和邪恶;因为在无所不在的神之中,它不会、也不可能存在。
77. Love is the only reality and is ever present; then realise that this Ever-present is Eternity, free from all conditions.
77. 爱是唯一的实相,永远都在;然后意识到这个永远的存在是永恒的,不受任何条件约束。
78. Darkness is but the absence of light. When your hearts are full of Love there can be no darkness in the soul, for Love is the Light of the world. Truth is the search for the Light of the world; “Love” is the first Cause, and when you find this Truth you have found everything. As Love casteth out fear; so does Love cast out all that is contrary to the true nature.
78. 黑暗仅仅是光的缺失。当你的心充满了爱,灵魂中就没有黑暗之地,因为爱是世界的光。真理就是对世界之光的追寻;“爱”是原动力,当你找到这个真理时,你就找到了一切。正如爱会驱逐恐惧,爱也会驱逐一切与真正本性相悖之物。
79. Fear is a thought-power generated by the self through lack of understanding and has the temporary effect of interrupting the flow of Life through the soul and body.
79. 恐惧是自我缺乏了解而产生的一种思想力量,它有着暂时性地扰乱流经灵魂和身体生命之流的影响。
80. Would you fear if you knew that you were the Lord? Would you fear if you knew that the Christ was your Real Self? Would you fear if you knew that God alone existed and it was He who was expressing Himself, and that you, His Creation, could never be separated from Him?
80. 如果你知道你就是上主,你会恐惧吗?如果你知道基督是你真正的自我,你会恐惧吗?如果你知道只有神存在,是他在表达自我;而你,他的创造,永远不会与他分离,你会恐惧吗?
81. Look to the Cross and see what lesson it brings you. Would you deny the Father, even though you were scourged and crucified with nails through hands and feet? Your only strength lies in Him who is with you always, who created you like unto Himself — LOVE.
81. 看看十字架,它教给你什么。即便当你遭受苦难,当你的手脚被钉在十字架上时,你会否认圣父吗?你唯一的力量来自他,他永远与你同在,他创造了你,就像他自己一样 —— 爱。
82. Fear has the effect of changing the body through chemical – isation; but to overcome these conditions you apply the antidote of Love, the only permanent power in the Universe.
82. 恐惧有着通过化学作用改变身体的效果;但是为了克服这些状况,你使用爱作为解毒剂,这是宇宙中唯一永恒的力量。
83. Every thought, every movement, every action has a chemical change upon the body. You are continuously changing your body structure through fear and anxiety; this is inharmony. But Love is harmony and healing for soul and body.
83. 每一个念头、每一个动作、每一个行动都会让身体产生化学变化。你通过恐惧和不安不断地改变你的身体结构;这是不和谐。但爱是灵魂和身体的和谐与疗愈。
84. Love is the power that overcomes all things and is working through all Nature. God is expressing Himself, sustaining the body; the temple not made with hands.
84. 爱是战胜一切的力量,是作用于整个自然的力量。神在表达自己,维系身体的运作;圣殿不是用手建造的。
85. When you let go of your fears you will find that your God-nature will bring back the normal state of the body, which is harmony.
85. 当你放下恐惧,你会发现你的神性会把你的身体带回正常状态中,即和谐。
86. Nothing has been brought into being except through the Christ. As John said, the Word was with God and the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh; and only through that Word did everything come into being. I am that Word, I am the Word of God, I am the Life, I am the Lord.
86. 除了通过基督,任何东西都不能存在。正如约翰所说,道与神同在,道就是神,道化成了肉身;只有通过道,万物得以存在。我就是道,我是神之道,我是生命,我是上主。
87. See clearly this truth in yourselves, knowing that that which is possible to me is also possible to you if you will believe in me.
87. 在自己身上清楚地看到这个真理,如果你信奉我,你就会知道,对我来说可能的事情也会对你变成可能。
88. Peace and calm will come into your hearts when you know that you are passing through all the stages of the Christ from the birth to the Ascension.
88. 当你知道你正在经历着基督从诞生至扬升的所有阶段时,安宁与冷静就会进入你的内心。
89. Love is Power and Life’s true expression. Love pours forth from Its fountain in one continuous stream and is the only Power there really is.
89. 爱是力量,是生命的真实表达。爱从源头源源不断地涌出,是唯一真正存在的力量。
90. Love is the Life Energy passing through the body. Love is a passion of great power in the heart. Love is the protective agency in every living soul. Love flows through all planes of being; Love is the foundation of all Divine action and is the salvation of the Race.
90. 爱是贯穿身体的生命能量。爱是心中强大的激情。爱是每个活着的灵魂的保护机制。爱流经存在的所有层面;爱是所有神圣行动的基础,是种族的救赎。
91. When you realise that this Love is within yourselves, then the mighty Power grows from within you. No Power comes from without.
91. 当你意识到这种爱在自己之内,那么强大的力量就会从内在升起。真正的力量不是来自外在。
92. Love pours forth from Its Source in one continuous stream and is the only Real Power there is; the soul, and body, are sustained by It.
92. 爱从它的源头源源不断地涌出,是唯一存在的真正力量;灵魂、身体都由它维系。
93. It is the rapture in the heart, the protector of the soul and body. All Divine action is based upon the Love of God.
93. 它是内心的狂喜,灵魂和身体的保护者。所有神圣的行动都是基于神之爱。
94. All are subject to the Divine; the more you know this, the more like God you become. All are subject to the same power; for there is no other power but the Power of the Infinite Living Life. Therefore the Omnipresence of His Divine Nature is a Reality.
94. 所有一切都从属于神圣;你越是了解这一点,你就会越像神。所有一切都受制于同样的力量;因为除了无限生命的力量,没有其他的力量。因此,他神圣本质的无所不在是实相。
95. Love is the only Power that exists in the whole Universe: everything responds to It. Flowers, animals, humans and angels all respond to Love’s adoration.
95. 爱是整个宇宙中唯一存在的力量:所有一切都会回应它。花朵、动物、人类和天使都会对爱的尊崇进行回应。
96. Love being God, It must be the greatest power there is. Love harmonises everything. Love cannot be separate from anything in Nature, for It is the cause behind all true manifestation, and will remain when all other conditions are removed.
96. 爱是神,它一定是存在的最伟大力量。爱和谐万物。爱不能与自然万物分离开,因为它是所有真实显化背后的原因所在,当所有其他状况都移除后,唯一存在的就是爱。
97. Do not think that the Father has left you when you find yourself in distress. He is making you more perfect, a more perfect instrument through which He can manifest His Creative Power.
97. 当你发现自己陷入困境时,不要认为圣父离开了你。他正在让你变得更完美,让你成为完美的载具,通过你,他可以显化出他的创造力量。
98. Ignorance has no principle in itself, just as error has no principle. Mathematics has a principle, but error can have none; for when the error is corrected it disappears, therefore you learn that ignorance and error have no power of their own.
98. 无知本身没有法则,就像错误一样。数学有其法则,但是错误没有法则;因为当错误被纠正时,它就消失了;因此你知道了,无知和错误它们没有自己的力量。
99. The Prophet wrote in Proverbs, “My son, eat this honey because it is good, and this honeycomb which is sweet to thy taste; so shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul, when thou hast found it; then there shalt be reward and thy expectations shall not be cut off.”
99. 先知在《箴言》中写道:“我的孩子,因为它是美好的;蜂房下滴之蜜,使你的唇齿甘甜。智慧对你的心也是如此;你如果找到它,至终必有善报,你的希望也不会断绝。”
100. Love is the secret balm that all can use, the learned and the untutored, the wise and the foolish. It speaks all languages, and It is the soul’s heaven of rest.
100. 爱是所有的人都可以使用的秘方,不论是有学问的、还是未受过教育的,不论是智者、还是愚人。它会说所有的语言,它是灵魂安息的天堂。
101. The position you hold in the world means nothing. What means most to you is your capacity to receive and give Divine Love, the true expression of God Himself.
101. 你在世界上的地位毫无意义。对你来说最重要的就是你接收和给予神圣之爱的能力,它是神自身的真实表达。
102. God is Spirit, and Spirit is Life; Life is Love; and Love is the vital force in all things; It is the harmony in all things; then we must worship in Love if we would attain a consciousness of God.
102. 神就是圣灵,圣灵就是生命;生命就是爱;爱就是万物的生命力;这是万物中的和谐;如果我们想要获得神的意识,我们必须在爱中赞美。
103. Idols and images are but symbols in the mind and we gain little from them; we must realise the Love of God. Christ is the Spirit of God, and has been given all power in Heaven and Earth through Love.
103. 偶像和照片仅仅是心智中的象征,从它们中我们收获甚少;我们必须意识到神的爱。基督是神的圣灵,通过爱,他被赋予了天地间所有的力量。
104. People are mystified by the healings that took place two thousand years ago, but there is very little difference in the healings that take place in your midst today; the only difference is the fact that it may be a different personality used. But it is the same Christ that heals.
104. 人们对两千年前发生的疗愈感到困惑,不过它与今天发生在你们当中的疗愈没有什么区别;唯一的不同就是他或许使用了不同的人格。但是让疗愈发生的,都是同一位基督。
105. The Real is the Principle of Love. God made the Universe by pure thought, positive and creative, which is the expression of His Nature, “Love”. Then Love is the union between God and mankind. This Divine Energy is the eternal link that holds us fast to Him who made us in His own image and likeness.
105. 真正的是爱之原则。神通过纯粹的思想创造了宇宙,积极性和创造性是他本性的表达,也就是“爱”。爱是神与人之间的融合。这种神圣的能量是永恒的纽带,让我们牢牢地与他连结在一起,他按照自己的形象和样式创造了我们。
106. So mankind becomes the vehicle for the expression of Love, and this is the true science of Living.
106. 因此人类成为爱之表达的载体,这才是活着的真正科学。
107. As we gaze upon the Fountain of Love, God’s nature becomes our nature. What I see the Father do, I do likewise. It is no longer strange to you now, that my thoughts become the healing power that changes the ether of disease and death to that of Health and Life.
107. 当我们凝视爱之源泉时,神的本性变成了我们的本性。我看到圣父做的事情,我也会跟着做。现在的你不再陌生,我的思想变成了疗愈的力量,将疾病和死亡的以太变成了健康和生命的以太。
108. By the power of the holy thought your bodies will also be changed from carnal flesh to spirit form.
108. 借着神圣思想的力量,你的身体也会从肉身变为灵性形态。
109. All are sons and daughters of God by birth, and all become sons and daughters of God through understanding and Love. There is nothing so great in the heart of man as the expression of his Christ nature: there is no greater power in all the world. By Love I heal, by Love I live.
109. 所有的人生来都是神之儿女,都因理解和爱成为了神之儿女。没有什么比表达出他基督的本性更伟大的事情了:世界上没有比这更伟大的力量。通过爱,我得以疗愈;通过爱,我得以活着。
110. Through true understanding the Truth is revealed — that we are all sons and daughters of God; and from this point alone you become a greater civilisation upon the Earth.
110. 通过真正的理解,真理得以揭示 —— 我们都是神之儿女;仅仅从这一点起,你们就成为了地球上一个更伟大的文明。
111. The Love of God through the Christ must dwell in each and every one of you. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything else shall be added unto you.
111. 通过基督表达的神之爱,必须存在于你们每一个人心中。你们首先要寻求神和神的义,其他的一切都会给予你们。
112. And when you pray, believe you have received that which you have asked for, and ye shall have it. When you ask, ask in the Mind of God; it is then established in the Spirit, and what is established in the Spirit must come forth in form, provided you make yourself receptive to it through understanding Faith.
112. 当你祈祷时,要相信你已经得到了你想要的,你就会得到它。当你提要求的时候,在神的心智中发问;然后它就会在圣灵中建立起来;在圣灵中建立的一定会以形态出现,前提是你要通过对信念的理解让自己可以接收到它。
113. You shall all gain your inheritance, even in the darkness that surrounds you; for the Light that lighteth the world is within yourselves and can never be extinguished.
113. 你们将会得到你们所有的传承,即便身处黑暗;因为照亮世界的光就在你之内,永远不会熄灭。
114. We are all joint heirs to all that is God’s when we attain to an understanding heart full of Love. “Son, thou art ever with me; all that is Mine is Thine.”
114. 当我们都拥有一颗充满爱的理解之心时,我们就成为所有神之传承的共同继承人。“孩子,你永远与我同在;所有属于我的都是你的。”
115. Through my lips, to unawakened Earth comes the Trumpet of Truth. The Ldord thy God is One Lord, and this is the Infinite Spirit within all mankind.
115. 通过我的嘴唇,真理的号角传到了未觉醒的地球。上主、你的神是唯一的主,这就是全人类之中无尽的圣灵。
116. I am the Light of the world; he who follows me will never walk in darkness; he will enjoy the Light of Life.
116. 我是世界之光;追随我的,永远不会在黑暗中行走;他将享受生命的圣光。
117. The Pharisees said, “You are testifying to yourself; your evidence is not valid.” Is it not the same today?
117. 法利赛人说:“你为自己作证,你的证据无效。”在今天不也同样如此吗?
118. I replied to them, “Though I do testify to myself, my evidence is valid, because I know where I have come from and where I am going to — whereas you do not know where I have come from or where I am going to. You judge by the outside. I judge no one; and though I do judge, my judgement is true, because I am not by myself — there is myself and the Father who sent me.”
118. 我回答他们,“虽然我为自己作证,但我的证据是有效的,因为我知道我从哪里来,我要去哪里 —— 而你们不知道我从哪里来,也不知道我要去哪里。你以外界来评判。我不评判任何人;即便我去判断,我的判断是真的,因为我不是一个人 —— 有我、以及差我来的圣父。”
O Eternal Father of Love, we rejoice in Thy Presence.
We know Thou art with us always, and we can never be apart from Thee.
We are expressing Thy Life and Love.
Thou didst send me into this world to prepare others for that which is to come. And they shall become Thy angels to administer to others Thy Love.
This is the joy of Life; let this joy be theirs, as it is mine for ever and ever.
Make it their watchword in the morning, noon and night, so that they shall always be at peace.
Even if ignorance darkens the light of Thy Presence, help them see the Divine Truth:
“I am the Lord; I have been given power and dominion over all things; Thy Peace I leave with them, for Thy Peace is eternal, and as they seek It so shall they find It.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: This was the first talk to us by the Master. Those present were amazed beyond words, for most had never before seen a transfiguration. A shaft of light shone from above, lighting up the auditorium, and the face of the Master was clearly seen; and those who witnessed it were different henceforth.)
“…And a Voice Came from Heaven”
1. These talks are being recorded as I speak; this will help you to remember what I have said. It is difficult to remember all the words that are spoken, and it is difficult to convey to the mind the meaning behind the words; but if you will pay attention you will be able to understand. My words are profound, pregnant with the everlasting Truth.
1. 这些内容是我在说话时记录下来的;它会帮你记住我说的话。很难记住说过的每个词,也很难把词语背后的意义传递给心智;但是如果你集中注意力,你就会理解。我说的话意义深刻,孕育着永恒的真理。
2. The only way that you can convey to the mind something that is indescribable is by means of giving the key so that you can open the door yourselves, and this is the meaning of the words “…And a voice came from Heaven.”
2. 想要把难以表达的内容传递给心智,唯一的方法就是把钥匙给你,让你可以自己打开大门,这就是“…来自天堂的声音”的意思所在。
3. Heaven is not a place but an awareness of God. What are you conscious of? Think for a moment! Are you just conscious of yourselves, conscious of things external, conscious of what you see and hear with your eyes and ears? Or are you conscious of an Inner Voice which is waiting to reveal Itself to you, revealing Its greatness, Its mighty power in your lives?
3. 天堂不是某个地方,而是对神的觉知。你对什么有意识?想一想!你是仅仅意识到自己,意识到外在的事情,意识到自己用双眼看到和双耳听到的声音?还是你可以意识到内在的声音,它等待着向你去揭示自己,揭示它的伟大,揭示它在你生命中的巨大力量?
4. When we last gathered here together, I made it plain that the Infinite — the Life and Love I spoke to you about; is above and beyond the conception of the mortal sense; yet I know that God is infinitely meek and lowly, as well as great and wondrous. He fills all space and creates all, and, as you become conscious of this all-pervading Life, It is the answer to the soul’s deepest and highest aspirations, for Love fulfills Itself.
4. 当我们上一次聚集在这里时,我清晰地表达了无限 —— 就是我跟你们说过的生命和爱;它超越了世俗的感官概念;然而我也知道神是无限温和与谦逊的,也是无限伟大和奇妙的。他充满了所有的空间,创造了一切,随着你对这种无所不在生命产生觉知,你就得到了对灵魂最深沉和最高等追求的应答,因为爱会自我实现。
5. This Love is the only power existing in the world, and when you grasp this thoroughly you will no longer fear. Love flows from the Central Font of the Infinite Himself, expressing Itself in everything from the very lowest to the highest. It flows through all planes of manifestation, from the mineral substances to the highest angelic Beings existing in the Cosmos.
5. 爱是世界上唯一存在的力量,当你完全掌握这一点时,你就不再害怕。爱从他无限自我的中央源头流出,在最低层面和最高层面的万物中表达着自己。它流经显化出的所有层面,从矿物物质一直到宇宙中存在的最高等天使存有。
6. Learn first and thoroughly that “you are” and will be forever. Your present condition is an opportunity for Spiritual advancement. The condition in which you are in at the present time is one that is most necessary.
6. 首先彻底地了解“你所是”,你永远所是。你当前的状况是灵性成长的机会。你当前所处的状况对成长来说是最有必要的。
7. When you come to learn the great Truth that Spirit is all there is, and that there can be nothing but Spirit, the scales fall from your eyes.
7. 当你开始学习伟大的真理:圣灵是一切,除了圣灵之外别无他物,你就不再会持有偏见。
8. I am obliged to use your words and modes of expression. These are wholly inadequate to convey Spiritual truths, yet, by opening yourselves to the Spirit within, you will know what I have said is true.
8. 我有责任使用你们的语言和表达方式。但是这些不足以传递灵性的真理,然而,通过向内在的圣灵敞开自己,你会知道我所说的都是真的。
9. So we will consider together the great Truths of God and mankind, His offspring.
9. 因此,我们会一同思考神及其人类后代的伟大真理。
10. You, the real you, are not the outward or visible form, nor is your personality the real you, for this is far from the true likeness of your Real Self. You are a Conscious Being that lives in Reality, the Voice from Heaven. Become aware of this Voice from Heaven within, and you will know me also.
10. 你,真正的你,不是外在或可见形态,人格也不是真正的你,因为这与你真正自己我的真相相差甚远。你是活在实相、活在天堂之声中有意识的存有。让内在对这个来自天堂的声音变得有觉知,你也会认识我。
11. When you see a most beautiful scene and you wish to portray that scene on canvas, the result is but a copy of it and can never be compared with the Real. It is the same with you.
11. 当你看到最美丽的风景,你就想把那风景画下来,其结果是,你只能得到它的复制品,永远无法与那实相相提并论。你也如此。
12. The Real is in the Spiritual plane and exists there as your true self. The outer is but a copy and is blurred by the artistry of the mind reacting to the external world through the senses.
12。 真正的景象存在于灵性层面,那里也存在着你真正的自我。外在仅仅是一个复制品,心智通过感官对外在世界进行回应,它的加工模糊了真正的景象。
13. Allow the Real within to manifest in the outer Its wondrous power of Love and Peace. The Creative Principle existing throughout the whole Universe is invisible to the eyes of humans, invisible to the eyes of angels; yet it exists as the only Reality in all, as the building process, the Creative Principle in everything, and through it all visible things must come. Then do not blur the outer through ignorance and fear.
13. 让内在的真实在外在表达出爱与安宁的神奇力量。存在于整个宇宙的创造法则是人类肉眼看不到的,也不是天使的眼睛可以看到的;然而,作为万物创造过程中的创造法则,作为万物中唯一存在的实相,所有可见的一切都必须通过它而存在。不要因为无知和恐惧模糊了外在。
14. I am the Life! I know myself as Life; therefore, in my knowing, I become the Life, and through me and by me everything has been made that is made. I and the Father are one, for there is no other Life.
14. 我就是生命!我知道自己就是生命;因此,在我的认知中,我成为了生命,通过我并经过我,所有万物得以创造。我和圣父是合一的,因为没有其他生命。
15. I cannot convey in words to you what I see and know, yet within yourselves is the Spirit that will enlighten you of the glory that remains permanently “now” for you to realise.
15. 我无法用语言把我看到和知道的传递给你,然而你内在的圣灵会照亮你,这荣耀永远存在于“当下”,等待着你的觉知。
16. The realisation of this Spiritual power was the basis of Peter’s faith, and enabled my disciples to perform miracles — yet there is no miracle when the law is understood. And when you also realise this mighty power within, you will know that the Creative Principle is in your own consciousness, your consciousness being the means through which it is expressed. Through your consciousness everything manifests in your own life, for it is the Father Himself who is living in you. This is what I am aware of always; this is what you must also be aware of.
16. 对这种灵性力量的认知是彼得信念的根基,从而使我的学生能够创造奇迹 —— 然而,当法则被理解时,也就不存在奇迹了。当你也意识到自己内在的伟大力量,你就会知道创造法则存在于你自己的意识之中,你的意识是它表达的方式。通过你的意识,所有一切显化在你的生命中,因为住在你之内的是圣父自己。这是我一直都知道的;也是你必须意识到的。
17. Children know things instinctively. Many pertinent questions that a child desires to know remain unanswered through the ignorance of those who are supposed to guide it. These questions remain unanswered for perhaps a lifetime before being asked again. The soul that desires the Truth can open the Door; for “Behold I stand at the door and knock, and whosoever opens I will come in and sup with him and he with me.” This is the great mighty Truth of the Living God: I and the Father are one.
17. 孩子们本能地就知道事情。孩子想知道的很多相关问题尚未得到解答,因为那些本应给予孩子指导的人陷入了无知。在再次被问到之前,这些问题可能一辈子都没有得到回答。渴望真理的灵魂可以打开大门,因为“看啊,我站在门口敲门。如果有人听见我的声音就开门,我就会进到他那里,而且我与他、他与我,将要一同吃宴席。”这是永恒之神的伟大真理:我和圣父是合一的。
18. The realisation of this Truth enables that which is everpresent to come forth in your own lives. There is a great force of Creative Power working in and through you — yet you do not see It. Yet It is that which in Itself manifests, and must do so through you, for you were specially made for that purpose.
18. 对这一真理的认知可以让你的生命中出现永恒。有一股巨大的创造力量在你之内,并通过你工作 —— 但你看不到它。它自己要进行显化,然而必须通过你才能完成,你就是为了这个目的被创造出来的。
19. I want you to think clearly on what I have said, so that you can realise the indescribable Truth that mortal mind cannot describe. The Indescribable can only be realised, for the Indescribable is in Itself the Truth, and will manifest completely when you realise It. It is not WHAT It is, but THAT It is.
19. 我想让你仔细思考我说过的话,这样你才会意识到世俗心智无法描述的、难以形容的真理。难以描述出来的只能去意识到,因为它本身就是真理,当你意识到它时,它会完全地显化出来。它不是什么东西,而是其所是。
20. You create anew by the Life that flows from the centre of all Life and Love. Thus the will of God is done on Earth as it is in Heaven, and this can be done in you “now”.
20. 通过所有生命和爱之中心流出的生命,你创造了新生。神的意志在地球上得以实现,如同在天堂一般,这可以在你“当下”就实现。
21. There seems to be a barrier between the visible and the invisible, that separates us, but this is not true. There is no barrier except in your own minds; there alone exists the barrier between us. Then get rid of this barrier this separation, through understanding and Love.
21. 在有形和无形之间存在着一道屏障把我们分隔开,但事实并非如此。除了你自己的心智之外,没有任何障碍;心智是我们之间唯一的隔阂。通过理解与爱,摆脱这种分离的障碍。
22. When you enter into the greater Consciousness of God, you will no longer be content with the shadows of things but will seek that which is real and substantial. The invisible is the substantial, the visible is but the shadow.
22. 当你进入神的更伟大意识之中,你将不会再满足于虚幻之物,而是开始寻求那些真正的和实质性的。无形的是实质性的,有形的是虚幻。
23. When you see something through your mortal eyes, you say it is real because you can feel and see it. What you are seeing is but the outer expression of something greater that remains invisible — the Creative Power, the Life, the only eternally existing power in the Universe; and this is the Life-Principle that lives in you and me and in every living thing. This Life is Love, this Life is Peace. “I am the Life”.
23. 当你通过你的视觉看到一些事情时,你说这是真的,因为你可以感觉到和看到它。你真正看到的不过是某种更伟大的、看不见东西的外在表达 —— 即创造力量、生命、宇宙中唯一永恒存在的力量;这是活在你我以及每一种生命中的生命法则。这生命就是爱,这生命就是安宁。“我就是生命”。
24. You think that the passing of great minds from your midst is a loss; this is not so, for those minds become greater and have not left you. They live more in Reality than ever before.
24. 你认为身边伟大思想家离世是一种损失;事实并非如此,因为那些思想会变得更加伟大,而且并未离开你。他们比以往任何时候都更加活在实相中。
25. Therefore you have not lost anything, but have gained a great deal more. Think of your own dear ones who have passed beyond the flesh; you think you have lost them. I can assure you that this is not true, they are greater now than they have ever been, and they are nearer to you now than they have ever been.
25. 因此,你没有失去任何东西,反而收获了更多。想想那些已经离开并超越肉体的人;你认为你已经失去了他们,我向你保证,这不是真的。他们现在比以往更加伟大,他们现在也比以往任何时候都离你更近。
26. You realise now that I have not left you, but am still with you. I am in the world transforming the world, uplifting the minds of all to see the Truth that dwells within, so that people shall become aware of their Divine nature.
26. 你现在意识到了我并没有离开你,而是仍然和你在一起。我在这里转变这个世界,提升所有人的心智,看到他们内在的真理,这样所有的人就会对他们的神圣本性产生觉知。
27. The more you know of your True Self, the more you will understand me.
27. 你越是了解你真正的自我,你越是可以理解我。
28. The great mistake most make is to think that I and my disciples have sojourned to some far-off place, there to wait till some future date when you may arrive at the same place, if you get the passport from some organisation that claims to be able to get you an entry.
28. 最大的错误是认为我和我的学生已经到了一个很遥远的地方,在那里等待着,一直到将来的某个时间你也会到达同一个地方,如果你可以从某个声称可以让你进入的组织那里拿到通行证的话。
29. There is no place, only a state of consciousness; and we are with you now. The more you realise this, the more we can come into your lives and help you.
29. 不存在某个位置,存在的只是一种意识的状态;我们现在就跟你们在一起。你们越是可以意识到这一点,我们就越可以进入你的生活中帮助你。
30. Think of what the Consciousness of God means to you now. It is the same consciousness in me as it is in you. There is no difference in the consciousness; the only difference is in the degree of awareness or the realisation of consciousness.
30. 想一想神的意识对你来说意味着什么。我之中的神之意识和你之中的是一样的。在神之意识中没有不同;唯一不同的是觉知程度、对意识的觉知。
31. The Consciousness of God is not split up into parts; you cannot say that you are a particle of this or a particle of that; God is one whole, complete, expressing Himself, and you live and move and have your being in Him and He in you. Through your consciousness you become aware of this, and then your consciousness becomes the power over all things.
31. 神之意识不是分裂成很多部分;你不能说你是这个或者那个的一部分;神是一个完整整体,在表达着他自己;你在他之中活着、移动着、存在着,他就在你之中。通过你的意识你对这一点变得有觉知,然后你的意识就会成为统领一切的力量。
32. No earnest prayer is ever disregarded. God knows before you ask what you are in need of.
32. 最恳切的祈祷永远不会被忽视。在你向神提出要求之前,他就知道你需要什么。
33. God is Love and you must reverence Him with your hearts full of love. What man is there of you, when if his son ask “bread” will give him a stone, or if he ask “a fish” will give him a serpent?
33. 神是爱,你必须用用充满爱的心来尊重他。若是他的孩子向他要“食粮”,他给了孩子一块石头;若是要“一条鱼”,他给了一条蛇的话,那他会是你什么人?
34. If ye then, being ignorant of true Love, know how to give things unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is Real Love give good things to them that ask Him.
34. 如果你们不知道真爱是什么,但你们知道如何给孩子们礼物,何况你们的圣父,他是真爱的化身,会把好的东西给向他要的人。
35. Some think God is afar off when they pray. I say to you, go into your closet and close the door and there pray in secret; for your Father hears in secret, and He shall reward thee openly.
35. 有一些认为当他们祈祷时,神很遥远。我来告诉你,走进你们内在空间,关上门,在心中祈祷;因为你的圣父会在心中听到,他会公开地赏赐你。
36. The meaning is quite plain. In your own secret chambers there dwells the Almighty. The Almighty is not afar distant from you but is the living expression of Reality in you, your Reality, your Real Self.
36. 涵义很简单。在你自己的密室中居住着神。神离你并不遥远,他是你之中、你的实相、你真实自我的活生生的表达。
37. When you pray earnestly in this ‘knowing’ in secret, in the quiet of your own soul, the whole Universe is brought into action to create and express that which you ask.
37. 当你在心中带着这种‘理解’去恳切地祈祷,在你灵魂的宁静中,整个宇宙都会开始行动起来,去创造和表达你要求的。
38. All real prayers are answered instantly, and the time will come when your prayers will also be answered instantly. You must practise praying, practise praying in secret with your mind at peace. Believe you have received, and you shall have.
38. 所有真正的祈祷都得到即刻的回应,已经到了即刻回应你祈祷的时候了。你必须练习祈祷,在内心平静的状态下练习在心中祈祷。相信你已经得到回应,你就会得到回应。
39. It is wonderful to understand that we — you and I, and all others with us — are one great united unlimited whole, one family in which there is no separation, only Love.
39. 去理解我们 —— 你们和我,以及所有跟我们一起的存有 —— 是一个伟大团结无限的整体,这是很美妙的,一个没有分离、只有爱的家族。
40. Perhaps you cannot grasp this at first, but, as you open yourself to the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter that is always with you will reveal all to you. “I am”the Comforter, “I am” the Life.
40. 或许你一开始无法理解这一点,但是随着你向真理圣灵敞开心扉,永远与你同在的圣灵就会向你揭示一切。“我是”圣灵,“我是”生命。
41. I am the Life, and he who believes in me shall not die, and even if he were dead he shall live, because I am the Life in you. He who believeth in me has everlasting Life; therefore there can be no death, for I am ever alive in you.
41. 我是生命,信奉我的人不会死亡,即便他死了,也会活着,因为我就是你内在的生命。信奉我的人有着永恒的生命;因此不会有死亡,因为我永远在你内在活着。
42. It is the same Spirit in all. A drop of the ocean has the same quality as all the ocean. I am everywhere.
42. 它是万物中存在的同一个圣灵。海洋中的一滴水拥有着整个海洋同样的特质。我无所不在。
43. By understanding and Love, so do you enter into the Christ that dwells in all souls, for there “I” abide.
43. 通过理解和爱,你就进入了居住在所有灵魂中的基督之中,因为“我”居住在那里。
44. Ye have heard what I said unto you: “I have set the Lord always before me because He is at my right hand and I shall not be moved”.
44. 你们已经听到我对你们说的话:“我一直把上主放在我的面前,因为他位于我的右手边,我不会动摇。”
45. How slowly do you truly learn that God and man are one! You are afraid to throw away your limitation. Like children you cling to your toys, your walls, your partitions, your churches, your chapels, your synagogues, your mosques. Oh, could I gather you all together under my wings and show you the One Life in all!
45. 你们真正地意识到神和人是合一存在这一点是多么缓慢!你们担心抛弃你们的限制。就像孩子一样,依附于你们的玩具、你们的墙壁、你们的隔板、你们的教堂、你们的教会、你们的犹太教堂、你们的清真寺。噢,我能否把你们都召集在我的羽翼之下,向你们展示万物中的合一生命!
46. You often wonder why you are so long in learning that God is All Life and that this Life is perfect Love — seen and unseen. This is because you try to grasp the truth from without, instead of from within.
46. 你们常想知道,为什么花费这么久的时间才学习到神是所有的生命,这生命就是完美的爱 —— 可见和不可见的。这是因为你试图从外在而不是从内在掌握真理。
47. How you all like to cling to the things that you are afraid to lose. He who retains his life will lose it; he who gives up his life will retain it.
47. 你们都喜欢执着于那些害怕失去的东西。那些贪生怕死之人将会失去生命;那些无畏生死之人的生命反而得到保留。
48. I speak from the Christ; I always did. And that is why my words seemed strange to those who only live in the outer. Millions are still in bondage; yet at all times my door is open to all, to come in and sup with me.
48. 我从基督之中讲话;一直都是如此。这就是为什么我说的话对于那些只活在外在的人来说看起来奇怪。数百万的人仍然处于束缚之中;然而我的大门始终向所有的人敞开着,欢迎所有的人进来与我共进晚餐。
49. A Satan tries to bar the way and that Satan is the false personality, the Satan of the senses, that all have to overcome.
49. 撒旦试图挡路,撒旦是虚假的人格,屈服于感官的撒旦,这是所有的人都要克服的。
50. This illusion of mortal sense is the only hindrance to the realisation of true Spiritual Consciousness. For the Kingdom of Heaven is within yourselves. I am the Life, the same of two thousand years ago. As Moses and Elijah were two thousand years before my appearance on Earth, yet it was the same Life expressed in all. I am before Abraham.
50. 这种感官中的幻相是达成真正灵性意识的唯一障碍。因为天堂国度在你们之内。我是生命,和两千年一样。虽然摩西和以利亚比我出现在地球上早了两千年,但那是表达在万物中同样的生命。亚伯拉罕存在之前,我就存在。
51. Time does not exist: I am now as I always was and always will be. In this realisation you must also remember that you are the living expression of the Almighty, for the Father is ever working in you.
51. 时间并不存在:我现在跟以前一样,将来也会如此。在这种认知中你还必须记住,你是神的活生生的表达,因为圣父一直在你之内工作。
52. The Divine Power that exists in you is the same as in me, and, as your consciousness unfolds into the greater Consciousness of God, so you will know me.
52. 存在于你之内的神圣力量与我之内的相同,随着你的意识拓展至神的更伟大意识之中,你就会认识我。
53. The Voice of the Christ is fearless and all-powerful. Christ is the Conqueror; and will conquer; for it is the Law of God that the Christ shall have dominion over all things.
53. 基督的声音是无所畏惧无所不能的。基督是征服者;并将战胜一切;因为神之法则是让基督统领万物。
54. The symbol of the cross is the Christ in man overcoming the world, the awakening in the temple not made with hands, the consecration, the temptation, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension. This is the Christ, the Conqueror. The stages I have already explained to you, and thus it will be unnecessary for me to explain again; but if you read my words again, the Spirit within you will reveal more of the Truth.
54. 十字架象征着人内在的基督战胜世界,象征着在不是由双手建造的圣殿中的觉醒,象征着奉献、诱惑、钉十字架、复活和扬升。这就是基督,战胜者。我已经向你们解释了这些阶段,因此我无需再次解释;但是如果你再读一遍我说的话,你内在的圣灵就会向你揭示更多真理。
55. As you unfold, so will the Spirit reveal to your consciousness the secret that dwells within the secret chambers of your heart. I am the Life, I am the Truth. I am the Way; no one enters to the Father except through me — the Christ. There is no other way; there never has been any other way.
55. 随着你的拓展,圣灵会向你的意识揭示你心中密室的奥秘。我是生命,我是真理,我是道路;除非通过我 —— 基督,否则没有人可以进入圣父。别无他法;也从来没有其他的方法。
56. The Christ is the Word of God, the Word that was God, the Word that was with God, and the Word that was made flesh.
56. 基督是神之道,道就是神,道与神同在,道显化在肉身中。
57. This is your Real Self, in Reality, as God the Father knows you; and so must you know yourself to be.
57. 这是实相中真正的你,这是神、圣父认识的你;所以你必须知道你自己。
58. The voice of the carnal sense is the voice of the shadow, the Satan that suggests separation, limitation, sickness, death. Then hold fast to the Christ, the only begotten Son of God, the Father of all.
58. 感官的声音是幻相发出的声音,是暗示着分离、限制、疾病、死亡的撒旦之声。要紧紧地抓住基督,他是神的独子,是万有之圣父。
59. Do not fear Satan, for there is nothing to fear; all you need say is, “Get thee behind me, Satan of the carnal mind. I am the Son of God, the Son of Man, I am the Conqueror. I do not live by myself but the Father, who is always with me, He is my guide”.
59. 不要恐惧撒旦,因为没有什么好害怕的;你只需要说,“退到我身后去,充满肉欲心智的撒旦。我是神之子,是人类之子,我是战胜者。我不是靠自己生活,而是永远与我同在的圣父,他是我的向导。”
60. These things I have said to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but have courage, I have conquered the world, and so shall you conquer the world.
60. 我对你说这些话,是为了让你在我之中找到安宁。在这个世界上你会遭受苦难;但是要有勇气,我已经征服了世界,你也将征服世界。
61. The Father, the overruling Spirit, is the Living Life, the Christ is His Son, that dwells in every soul, and the Holy Ghost is the expression of the Christ Consciousness in wholeness, in the understanding of “I am the Life”. Nothing can assail you, for I am the Conqueror within. If you can feel this Truth in your own heart and mind you will know that you are also the Conqueror; and you will know also that you are free. So you will overcome the Satan of the senses: “Get thee behind me Satan.”
61. 圣父,统领中的灵,是活生生的生命,基督是他的圣子,居住在每个灵魂中,圣灵是基督意识的完整表达,是对“我是生命”的理解。没有什么可以干扰你,因为我是内在的战胜者;如果你可以在内心和头脑中感受到这个真理,你就会知道你也是战胜者;你也会知道你是自由的。因此你会战胜屈服于感官的撒旦:“退到我身后去,撒旦。”
62. Then worship God through Christ; there is no other way there never has been except in name. I am He who lives, was crucified, and behold I am alive forevermore.
62. 然后通过基督去敬拜神;除了以基督的名义之外,没有其他的方法。我是活着的他,曾被钉死在十字架,看啊,我永远活着。
63. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father except by me.” Christ is the Consciousness of the Supreme Infinite Life manifesting in the world.
63. “我是道路、真理和生命;除了通过我,没有人可以到达圣父那里。”基督是显化在世界中的至高无限的生命意识。
64. The Christ is the Truth, the Life, the Love, that unites all to God, and only through Love can you be with God, for God is Love.
64. 基督是真理、生命、爱,把所有一切与神整合,只有通过爱你才能跟神在一起,因为神就是爱。
65. I am one with the Father through Love. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
65. 通过爱我与圣父合一。你要尽性、尽心、尽意、尽力爱主你的神,又要爱人如己。
66. Christ is the Son of God born into the world and He remains in the world till the world is transformed, so that the will of the Father which is done in Heaven shall also be done on Earth.
66. 基督是降生到世界上的神之子,他一直存在于这个世界上,直至世界被转化,这样圣父在天堂的意志也会在地球上贯彻。
67. The only title for God is “Our Father”, and it is the best I know, and it becomes more comprehensive as you grow in the knowledge of Him who created you.
67. 神的唯一称谓就是“我们的圣父”,这是我所知道的最好的称呼,随着你对创造你的他了解越来越多,这个称呼就变得更详尽。
68. You are His reflection, His likeness. When you know the Father and you are one, the union that always exists becomes known to you. But these words must not remain in your mind as
mere words, you must truly understand them. The true meaning of these words can only come from within yourselves.
68. 你是他的映射、他的映像。当你知道圣父和你是合一的,你就会知道那永远存在的连结。但是这些话语不能仅仅作为话语停留在你的心智,你必须真正地理解它们。这些话的真正含义只能来自你们内在。
69. What you are hearing now through your ears will remain with you. You will remember these words that I have spoken. They will linger in your hearts till the Spirit of Truth begins to manifest in you; then you will know the true meaning of my words: that that which is already established in the Consciousness of God must be established in the consciousness of man. And through the realisation and recognition of your oneness with the Father; so this Consciousness is established in you.
69. 通过你双耳听到的话会留在你身边。你将会记住我说过的话。它们会在你的心中徘徊,直至真理之灵开始在你身上显现;那时你就会知道我说的话的真正含义:那些已经在神的意识中建立起来的,一定要在人的意识中建立起来。通过意识到并承认你与圣父的合一,这个意识就在你身上建立了起来。
70. I know how true this is. All those who have passed into the higher realms of consciousness begin to understand the mighty Power that comes through this realisation.
70. 我知道这是多么真实。所有进入更高意识领域的人都开始理解通过这种认知带来的强大力量。
71. This very form that I am overshadowing tonight is, as you see, youthful in expression: the face is filled with vitality, the body is filled with a force that regenerates every cell of the body. This is because my Consciousness at the moment is one with his consciousness. The consciousness of our beloved brother is one and the same with mine at this moment as I overshadow him. In Reality there is no separation between us. Separation is a mental illusion.
71. 今晚我降临在这个身体上,正如你们所看到,是年轻的表达:脸上充满了活力,身体充满力量,让身体的每个细胞都得以重生。这是因为此时我的意识和他的意识是合一的。此时,当我降临到他身上时,我们亲爱兄弟的意识和我的意识是合一的、相同的。事实上,我们之间没有分离。分离是心智上的幻相。
72. Great is this mighty Truth! If you can receive this influence now, every one of your bodies shall be charged with Life, for the Father dwells in you too.
72. 这是伟大的真理!如果你现在可以接收这种影响,那么你身体中的每个细胞都会被赋予生命,因为圣父也住在你们之内。
73. Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father, and no man knoweth who is the Son except the Father, and who is the Father except the Son and to whomsoever the Son wishes to reveal Him.
73. 所有一切都是圣父托付给我的;除了圣父,没有人知道谁是圣子;除了圣子、以及圣子想要把圣父揭示给他们看的人之外,没有人知道谁是圣父。
74. These words seem strange to you, but when you think deeply about them you will see the inner meaning.
74. 这些话在你看来陌生,但是当你深入思考它们时,你就会明白其中的含义。
75. The Father knows the Son and the Son knows the Father, and the Son can also reveal the Father to those to whom He wishes to reveal the Father; because the Son knoweth the Father and the Father knoweth the Son.
75. 圣父了解圣子,圣子了解圣父,圣子也可以把圣父揭示给他想要揭示的那些人;因为圣子了解圣父,圣父了解圣子。
76. Blessed are those who see what you see, and hear what you hear.
76. 那些可以看到你所看到、听到你所听到的人是深受祝福的。
77. I have been given the Power of Victory; for the Son lives in the Father and the Father lives in the Son. How can mere words explain this truly glorious Truth? Only by the Spirit that is within you, the Comforter that is always with you, ready waiting to express Himself, can the Truth be known.
77. 我被赋予了胜利的力量;因为圣子住在圣父之中,圣父住在圣子之中。仅仅使用语言如何去表达这真正荣耀的真理呢?只有通过你内在的灵,永远与你同在的圣灵,随时等待着表达自己的圣灵,才能获知真理。
78. Ask and the gift will be yours. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will open to you; for everyone who asks receives, the seeker finds, the door is opened to anyone who knocks.
78. 去做出请求,你就会收到礼物。去寻找,你就会发现;去敲门,门会为你打开;对于每一个人来说,去请求,就会有回应;去寻求就可以找到;去敲门,门就会打开。
79. “Whatsoever you would have men do unto you, do you the same to them.” Know in your own heart that that which you see in others is established in yourselves, and whatsoever you would have man do unto you, do first unto them.
79. “你想让人们为你做什么,你也对他们做同样的事情。”在自己的心中知道,你在别人身上看到的其实是在自己身上构建起来的,不论你想让别人为你做什么,首先为他们做同样的事情。
80. Never be troubled about tomorrow: “now” is the only time; make NOW your reality and to-morrow will take care of itself. Then do not worry about the future and miss the wonderful NOW. The consciousness can only create in the now not to-morrow; not in the yesterday: yesterday is but a memory, tomorrow is but a hope, now is the only creative moment.
80. 永远不要为明天而烦恼:“当下”是唯一的时间;让当下成为你的实相,明天就会自己变好。请不要担心未来,从而错过美好的现在。意识只能在当下创建,而不是明天;也不是昨天:昨天只是记忆,明天只是希望,现在的当下才是唯一创造的时刻。
81. You can only create in the Mind of God moment by moment, and that is now. And that which you create in the Mind of God now is already established; then tomorrow takes care of itself.
81. 你只能每时每刻在神的心智中进行创造,每时每刻就是当下。你当下在神的心智中所创造的已经确立了;明天会自然而然变好。
82. Do not weep with those who weep, but help them by the mighty Love that reigns within. As a mother would love her child, so must you feel the Love for all. All are the children of God, from the highest to the lowest; and when you recognise this you will know only one family, where there is no separation.
82. 不要与哭泣的人一同哭泣,而要以统领内在的强大的爱来帮助他们。正如母亲爱孩子那般,你必须感受到对所有人的爱。所有的一切都是神的孩子,从最高层面至最低层面;当你认出这一点时,你就会知道只存在一个大家族,那里没有分离。
83. Learn to become unselfish; this is the secret of receptivity. You are not a bit of the Spirit but you are one with the whole. Spirit cannot be separated from Itself.
83. 学会无私;这是接受能力的秘诀所在。你不是圣灵的一小部分,你是与整体合一的存在。圣灵不能与它自身分离。
84. When you truly become aware of this, transformation takes place; for receptivity is to receive. The Truth is that God is always pouring His gifts out to all, and if you want His gifts you have to open up to receive. This receptivity is the secret of greatness; the secret of all true existence is unselfishness. Therefore giving is receiving.
84. 当你真正意识到这一点时,转变就开始发生;因为接受能力就是去接收。事实是,神总是把他的赠予倾洒给万物,如果你想要他的礼物,就必须敞开心扉去接收。这种接受能力是伟大的秘诀;所有真实存在的奥秘就是无私。因此,给予就是接收。
85. I often wonder what your thought would be if you could see at this moment — thousands upon thousands now listening to these words, bringing clearer the understanding that the Love of God dwells on Earth as It does in Heaven, dwells in the outer as It does in the inner.
85. 我常常会想,在这一刻如果你们能看到,你们的想法会是什么 —— 有成千上万的存有在听这些话,他们更清晰地理解神的爱居住在地球上,就像它在天堂里一样;神的爱也在外在,就像它在内在一样。
86. I have said, “If you know me, you will know my Father too; but if you do not know my Father how can you know me or understand my word?”
86. 我已经说过,“如果你了解我,你也会了解圣父;但是如果你不认识我的圣父,你怎么可能了解我,或者了解我说的话?”
87. I speak from the Christ — where do you speak from? The mortal sense? Do you react to conditions or do you realise that within yourselves dwells the Power of God, the consciousness of “I am the Life”, “I am the Truth”, “having dominion over all things”?
87. 我从基督之中讲话 —— 你是从哪里讲话?世俗的感官吗?你是否对状况做出反应,还是你意识到在自己内在居住着神的力量、“我是生命”之意识、“我是真理”之意识、“主宰万物”之意识?
88. Within yourselves is the Father. Know that it is so and He will come forth through you. This is the Light of the world, and the world does not overcome the Light but the Light overcomes the darkness. “I am” the Light of the world, and the darkness disappears because of my Light.
88. 在你之内的是圣父,知道所是如此,他会通过你前来。这是世界的圣光,不是世界战胜圣光,而是圣光战胜黑暗。“我是”世界之光,黑暗因为我的光而消失。
89. This is the Light of man. It is the expression of Infinite Love and Wisdom and creates the perfect state in mankind.
89. 这就是人的圣光。它是无限的爱和智慧的表达,它创造了人类完美的状态。
90. The source of your being is God, and when you become awakened to this, you will know the Father who is in the Son who is in you also.
90. 你存在的源头是神,当你对此觉醒时,你就会知道在圣子之中的圣父,也在你之中。
91. As the consciousness of the mortal sense becomes aware of the Christ Consciousness, the mortal sense is risen into the Christ Consciousness. As the Christ, I overcame the world and all that is in the world; I overcame mortal sense, the carnal mind, the Satan of the senses: so shall you. Thus you will understand that the Voice from Heaven is the Consciousness of God.
91. 随着世俗感官的意识变得对基督意识产生觉知,世俗感官就会提升进入基督意识。作为基督,我征服了世界以及世界上的一切;我战胜了感官、充满肉欲的心智、撒旦的欲望感官:你也一样。这样你就会明白,来自天堂的声音就是神之意识。
92. Man by his own thoughts creates his prison walls. According to his concepts, so is he limited; even your greatest conception is a limitation. It is not WHAT Life is but THAT Life is.
92. 人用他自己的思想构建了他自己的监狱。他受到的限制取决于他的观念;即便你最伟大的构想也是一种限制。不是生命是什么,而是生命即所是。
93. Creation on the plane of the concrete is the effect of the invisible Cause within. Your physical body serves as a starting point for further advancement, which has to be made through conscious realisation of the totality of all Spirit as the ever-present, eternal, and the only substance, Power; Life — Its expression being Love.
93. 在物质层面的创造是内在无形层面诱发的结果。你的物质身体是进一步提升的起点,这必须通过有意识地觉知到所有圣灵的整体性,它是永远存在的、永恒且唯一的实体、力量和生命 —— 它的表达就是爱。
94. Love thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and love thy neighbour as thyself. This is the law upon which the foundation of the Race stands.
94. 尽心、尽性、尽意爱神,爱人如己。这是人类种族得以立足的法则。
95. In the parable of the Prodigal Son is shown the Love of the Father; the son’s indulgence, his repentance, his regaining of him-self —his true Spiritual state. First of all he suffers trials and tribulations, spends his inheritance, then he returns willingly to become a servant, yet becomes the son as he always was the son.
95. 浪子回头的比喻显示出了圣父的爱;儿子的放纵、忏悔、最终他重新回归至 —— 自己真正的灵性状态。先是历经磨难、花光遗产,然后心甘情愿归来做奴仆,但他又成为了儿子,就像以往一样。
96. The father’s love is so great that, no matter what the son has done, the father’s love obliterates all error. How true this is in every life. Errors are corrected when you become aware of the Truth. It is experience through which you can rise out of conditions into the understanding of yourself. Then the error dissolves into nothingness, and the Truth stands free as it was from the beginning.
96. 父亲的爱如此伟大,不论儿子做了什么,父亲的爱消融了一切错误。这在每个生命中是多么的真实。当你意识到真理时,错误就得到纠正。通过这种经历,你可以超越状况进入对自己的理解之中。然后错误化为虚无,真理从最初起就是自由的。
97. Repentance comes before forgiveness; repentance comes from the heart of man as he realises the Father’s Love, and he is forgiven. Then man regains his true Spiritual state, the awareness of himself in God, willing to become the servant of all, to do unto others as he would have done unto him. It is when you become like the Prodigal Son that the feast is laid before you: come in, partake of it now with Love for your brothers and sisters. For only through Love can you partake of the feast that the Father has prepared for you.
97. 悔过先于宽恕;当人们认识到圣父之爱时,就会心生悔过,他会被宽恕。然后人就恢复至他真正的灵性状态,在神之中意识到自己,愿意成为所有人的仆人,像对待自己一样对待他人。当你成为回头的浪子时,盛宴就会摆放在你面前:进来吧,带着对你兄弟姐妹的爱来享用吧。因为只有通过爱,你才能享受圣父为你准备的盛宴。
98. This is what you also have to learn upon Earth. How often have you withheld your love from someone who you thought did wrong? It is none of your business anyhow. It is all between the Father and His child; and, if you remember this, you will refrain from criticising others and turn this weapon upon yourselves first.
98. 这也是你在地球上必须要学习的。你有多少次隐藏了自己对他人的爱,因为你认为那个人做错了事?无论如何,这不关你的事。这一切都是圣父和他圣子之间的事;如果你记得这一点,你就不会再批评他人,你会首先开始反思自己。
99. You will understand others better, when you see your own faults first.
99. 你会更加理解他人,当你先看到自己的过错时。
100. You would condemn! Condemn not lest ye be condemned. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Take the plank out of your own eye, then you may be able to see better how to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.
100. 你想去谴责!请不要谴责,以免你被谴责。请不要评判,以免你被评判。先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚如何去掉你兄弟眼中的刺。
101. We are finding channels everywhere,teaching all over the world by secret ways, as we are doing here in the physical plane, but also in the inner planes, where some have not yet recognised the true nature of their Being.
101. 我们在各地寻找渠道,从而可以用隐秘的方式在世界各地教授,就像我们现在在物质层面做的那样,我们也在内部的层面进行教导,有些人还没有意识到他们存在的真正本质。
102. I am speaking not only to you but also to others whom you do not see with mortal eyes. When they understand, they will go forward to the glory that awaits them. As they lift their consciousness into the higher state, they find that they are no longer bound to Earth but are free, released from the bondage they themselves created in their own minds. Accept my Word and you will also be free.
102. 我不仅仅在对你们讲话,也对那些你们用肉眼看不到的存有讲话。当他们明白的时候,就会走向等待着他们的荣耀。当他们把意识提升至更高的状态时,他们会发现他们不再被地球束缚,变得自由,从他们自己心智创造的束缚中解脱出来。接受我的话,你也会获得自由。
103. Keep your hearts full of Love for God and for all mankind, and I will teach you much.
103. 让你的心充满对神和对全人类的爱,我就可以教导你很多。
104. If you do not understand all I say, wait, listen, tune in to me, for I am simple and easy to reach.
104. 如果你不能完全明白我说的话,等待、倾听、把注意力转向我,因为连接到我是一件很容易和简单的事情。
105. It is written in the Prophets that the people shall be all taught of God; every man, therefore, that hath heard, that hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.
105. 《先知书》上写着,人人都应该接受神的教导;因此,每一个听过、了解过圣父的人,都会来到我身边。
106. God who commanded the Light to shine in the darkness hath shone within my heart to give the Light and understanding of the glory of God.
106. 命令圣光照耀黑暗的神已经闪耀在我的心中,从而带来神之荣耀的圣光和理解。
O Eternal Father,
噢 永恒的圣父,
Thy Nature is planted in us all;
we have realised Thy Presence and find Thy Nature expressing Itself in our lives, blessing all and bringing all to Thee.
Loving Father, as Thy Son speaks, bless those who listen to, and those who may read, Thy words with Love and understanding.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: The written words, although inspiring and instructive, miss the great Presence that gave an unforgettable experience to those who listened to the words that fell from Brother’s lips like pearls of great price. Yet they can be pearls of great price to all who read this with understanding and Love.)
Christ is the Life in You
1. The Voice of the Christ is far-reaching. It reaches far and near, for It is the Omnipresence. Wherever the Father is, so am I; and wherever I am, the Father is always with me.
1. 基督的声音传播甚广。它可以到达或远或近的地方,因为它是无所不在的。圣父在哪里,我就在哪里;不论我在哪里,圣父总是与我同在。
2. The great Truth is that the Almighty God is all there is, and there is nothing existing except by Him and through His Son, the Christ.
2. 伟大的真理就是万能的神就是所有一切,除了通过他和他的圣子基督之外,存在之中没有其他。
3. The Peace of the world dwells in the Christ, waiting for every human soul to recognise the Christ Life, to manifest the Love, Beauty, Strength, Wisdom and Power of the Father.
3. 世界的和平居住在基督之中,等待着每个灵魂去认识基督的生命,彰显圣父的爱、美丽、智慧和力量。
4. There is Peace and Love abiding in each and every one of you, if you will only allow it to express itself through the recognition and realisation of this Truth, that the Father alone liveth and He is Love, Wisdom and Peace and the only Reality.
4. 和平与爱会存在于你们每一个人之中,只要你们允许通过对真理的认可和领悟来让它自我表达,这真理就是,只有圣父自己活着,他是爱、智慧与安宁,他是唯一的实相。
5. The Power of Christ is developed in you through, first, recognition, then realisation, followed by periods of quiet to become more aware of the Presence of the Lord thy God.
5. 基督的力量在你身上发展,首先通过认知,然后是领悟,接下来就是一段安静的时期,从而意识到主、你们的神的存在。
6. To realise the Truth is to know that It is. “I and the Father are one”, the Father is greater than I, yet we work together as one. Without Him I can do nothing, but with Him I can do all the Father does, because we are one.
6. 领悟到真理,就是知道其所是。“我和圣父是合一的”,圣父比我伟大,但我们作为合一一起工作。没有他我什么也做不了,但是跟他一起,我可以做到圣父所做的一切,因为我们是合一。
7. Recognition must come first, followed by periods of quiet, so that my Power will be developed in your own consciousness. Yet there is only one Consciousness manifesting throughout the whole Universe, that is the Consciousness that is Life Itself. Life created all forms in which It can continuously manifest Its glory.
7. 首先必须要意识到,接下来才是一段安静的时期,这样我的力量才会在你自己的意识中得到发展。不过,只有一种意识在整个宇宙中进行表达,那就是生命本身的意识。生命创造了所有的形态,在这些形态之中它可以持续地表达它的荣耀。
8. Life created the human soul and body so that Life could manifest in Its own awareness. When you truly know this, you bring into operation the Christ Power in your own life.
8. 生命创造了人类的灵魂和身体,从而生命可以在自己的意识中表达。当你真正知道这一点时,你就会把基督的力量带入到你自己的生活中进行运作。
9. You must come out from your material or business life to rest awhile in the Kingdom of God, knowing that you are steadily growing and unfolding the true Life and Power of the Christ that waits always to manifest in your life.
9. 你必须从你的物质生活或商务生活中走出来,在神之国度休息片刻,知道你正在稳步成长,那一直等待着在你生命中进行表达的基督真正生命和力量正彰显出来。
10. Wait in silence, holding the attitude of the true expression of the Christ, and what it means to you. In this way steady growth is obtained.
10. 在安静之中等待,持有一种让基督得到真正表达、以及它对你来说意味着什么的态度。通过这种方式,就获得了稳定的成长。
11. This state is not one of “blankness” nor a state of “nothing- ness”, as is advised by some; neither is it one of strain in trying to force acceptance upon the consciousness without understanding.
11. 这种状态既不是某些人所说的“空无”状态、又不是“虚空”状态;它也不是在不理解的情况下强迫意识去接受的一种压力。
12. You must avoid these extremes. Hold in your heart a stillness that is alive with true understanding, that there can be no separation between you and the Father.
12. 你必须避免这些极端。在你的心中保持一份真正理解的平静,这样你和圣父之间就没有分离。
13. Say in your heart: It is the Father who ever remains in me, He is doing the work. This unites your individual consciousness with your God Consciousness, which is omnipresent.
13. 在心中说出:是圣父永远留在我心中,是他在做事情。这会把你的个人意识与无所不在的神之意识结合起来。
14. I will express myself in my own true nature when you recognise me and the eternal aliveness of my Life. The recognition of the Eternal quality of my Life is the Christ manifesting in you. There is no greater power in Heaven and on Earth. All power has been given unto me in Heaven and on Earth. This is my true state, the manifestation of the Love of God. Think in your hearts what this can be to you, with the aliveness of my living Presence always with you. In this realisation there is glory and peace.
14. 当你认识出我、以及我生命的永恒活力时,我就会以我自己的真实本性来表达自己。认识到我生命的永恒特质就是基督在你之中的显化。天地之间没有比这更强大的力量了。天堂和地球上所有的力量都被赋予了我。这就是我的真实状态,神之爱的表达。我临在的生命力永远与你同在,在你的心中想一想这对你来说意味着什么。在这种意识之中,存在着荣耀与安宁。
15. Those who have passed beyond the physical body are still living. Some think they have not left the physical flesh, some are still dreaming; but all will awaken to the truth of the Living God, eternally expressing Himself in all. His expression is eternal and ever-present and is unfolding the Christ in you.
15. 那些超越物质身体的人仍然活着。有的人认为自己还没有离开肉身,还有一些人在做梦;但是所有的人都会觉醒至这个真理中,即活着的神永远在万物中表达着自己。他的表达是永恒的,而且永远存在,并在你之内揭示出基督。
16. In this way the result will be most beneficial to yourself and all those with whom you come into contact. For the Christ — the God-power within — will assert Itself, and all discord will quietly dissolve away; for discord will no longer have any power over you, except through your belief in it.
16. 这种方式的结果对你自己以及你接触的所有人都是最有益的。因为基督 —— 内在的神之力量 —— 会彰显自己,所有的不和谐都会悄悄地消失;因为不和谐不再会对你产生任何影响,除非通过你相信它会影响到你。
17. In your thoughts you think of me as quite different from yourselves. When you read in the Scriptures a history of what happened two thousand years ago, you think I am of the past, yet
I am ever-present with you. Remember that the same Spirit of God dwells in each and every soul, and he or she who does the will of my Father is my mother; my sister; my brother.
17. 在你的想法中,你认为我跟你完全不同。当你阅读《圣经》时,读到两千年前发生的事情,你认为我是历史中的人,然而我一直与你同在。请记得,居住在每一个灵魂中的是相同的神之灵,遵从圣父意志的人都是我的母亲,我的姐妹,我的兄弟。
18. It is the same Spirit of God that lives in me, lives in you. The same Christ shall manifest in you also through your recognition and realisation of this Truth; for you have also been given dominion over all things, and he who believeth in me shall do even greater things.
18. 居住在我之中的神之灵,跟居住在你之中的是同一位。通过你对这个真理的认知和领悟,相同的基督也会在你身上显现;因为你也被赋予了统领万物的力量,那些信奉我的人会达成更伟大的事情。
19. “I am” the innermost Spirit-Consciousness; the Consciousness of the Christ is the Consciousness of God, the Father manifesting in the Son.
19, “我是”内心深处的灵性意识;基督的意识就是神之意识,就是在圣子身上显现出来的圣父。
20. Try to hold this Truth so that It will reveal Its power in your personal life. Become aware that you are conscious, that you are living; your living, then, is the most dominant and important factor in your personal life.
20. 牢牢地把握这个真理,这样它的力量就会在你个人的生活中展现出来。要知道你是有意识的,你是生命;你是生命这一事实,是你个人生活中最重要和占主导地位的因素。
21. Have you ever thought that your living is eternal, that you are Life Itself, that you cannot live apart from Life? Your consciousness is the means through which Life manifests Itself in the body; neither does the body live apart from Life. Consciousness is in Life Itself and is the directing power within. “I am the Life.”
21. 你有没有想过你的生命是永恒的,你就是生命本身,你不能离开生命而存在?你的意识是生命本身在身体中的表达;身体不会离开生命而存在。意识就存在于生命本身,是内在的指引力量。“我就是生命。”
22. Through the individual this Power will manifest. Then know that all outside energy is a hindrance. The Christ is ever active and is never static. Christ is the creative energy with constant activity from within, the silence that is ever active, the Father who is ever doing the work. As you quietly wait upon Him, His Breath renews every particle of your body by Its silent orderly activity.
22. 这种力量通过个人表达出来。然后就会知道所有外在的能量都是障碍。基督永远都是活跃的,而非静止的。基督是内在持续活动中的创造能量、是永远活跃着的寂静、是永远工作着的圣父。当你安静地等待他时,他的呼吸会在寂静有序的活动中更新你身体的每一个粒子。
23. My message is: “I am the Life.” You and I before God are the same. God’s Spirit made me, and His almighty Power resides in me, and the same Spirit remains in you.
23. 我的信息是:“我是生命。”在神面前你和我是一样的。神之灵创造了我,他全能的力量存在于我之中,同样的圣灵也存在于你之中。
24. I did not come to proclaim my own Divinity separate from humanity, but to show that I was in humanity and that all humanity is in me; and through the understanding of my words everyone will claim the Christ as the Saviour of the Race.
24. 我以前来到这里不是为了宣告我的神圣与人类的分离,而是要表明,我就在人类之中,所有人都在我之中;通过理解我说的话,每个人都会宣告,耶稣是人类的救世主。
25. The Christ of God is the living Presence of God in each and every one of us — the Father manifesting Himself; and there can be no other; for He alone exists. He alone liveth — as it was in the beginning, so it will always be. The Christ is not separate, the Christ is the same in you and in me. The Christ is the Father living, expressing Himself; that is why I say, “I am the Life”. The Father hath Life in Himself and grants to the Son the same Life in Himself.
25. 神之基督是我们中每一个人内在的活着的神之临在 —— 是圣父自己的表达;再无其他;因为只有他自己存在。只有他自己存在 —— 从最开始就是如此,一直也是如此。基督不是分离的,你内在的基督和我内在的基督是一样的。基督就是活着的圣父在表达他自己;这就是为什么我说,“我是生命”。圣父在自己之内拥有生命,并把他内在同样的生命赋予他的圣子。
26.”I” being the Son of God occupy the place in the Creative Scheme I know I occupy, and the thing asked in its process of creation occupies a corresponding place, for I have proved that I have dominion over all things. And this you can also prove for yourselves if you will believe in me, and act on my words.
26. “我”作为神之子,占据了我知晓的创造计划中的位置;所求之物在它创造的过程中也占有相应的位置,因为我已经证明了我拥有对万物的主宰权。如果你们信奉我并按照我说的话去行事,你也可以自己证明这一点。
27. John said the Word was in the beginning and that very Word was with God, and God was that Word. The same was in the beginning with God.
27. 约翰说,太初有道,道与神同在,神就是道。这道太初与神同在。
Everything came to be by His hand, and without Him not even one thing came to be what was created.
The Life was in Him, and the Life is the Light of man.
And the same Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome It.
He was the true Light which lighteth every man who came into the world.
He was in the world and the world was under His hand, and yet the world knew Him not.
He came unto His own and His own did not receive Him. But those who believed in His Name became the sons of God.
These are those who knoweth that they are not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but born of God the Father; and this Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us.
28. This is the true interpretation of John’s words given in the Aramaic language as written at that time. So we see how clearly it is shown that those who knoweth that they are not of blood nor of the will of the flesh but born of God the Father have Eternal Life now. God made things by becoming the things He made. The darkness did not overcome the Light of man, for this Light is the Light that lighteth every soul that cometh into this world. The Light exists in all humanity; for it was in humanity from the beginning; this Light in man is the Christ of God.
28. 这是当时用阿拉米语对约翰的话的真正解释。所以我们清楚地看到,那些知道自己不是从血气生的、不是从情欲生的、也不是从人意生的、乃是从神生的人,现在拥有着永恒的生命。神通过成为他所创造之物来进行创造。黑暗没有战胜人类的光,因为这道光是照亮每一个来到这个世界灵魂的光。这圣光存在于全人类;因为从最开始它就存在于人类之中;人内在的这道光就是神之基督。
29. This is the Word that dwells in every living soul. Truly I say unto you that every babe that is born, is born by the Word of God, and that Word is Christ that lives eternally. The flesh has no say in the matter.
29. 这是居住在每个活着的灵魂中的道。我实实在在地告诉你们,每一个出生的婴儿,都是借着神之道出生的,那道就是永远活着的基督。肉身在这一点上没有发言权。
30. Each individual makes the future by the thoughts and acts in the present, and “now” is always present. In the “now” only can you create; you cannot create in the future, nor can you create in the past.
30. 每一个人通过在当下的思想和行动来创造未来,“现在”永远存在。你只能在“现在”进行创造;你不能在将来进行创造,也不能在过去创造。
31. The Christ is the Creative Power, and by that Power alone do all things come into being. When this realisation is strong in your consciousness, there is a freedom beyond the understanding of the human mind.
31. 基督是创造的力量,仅凭那股力量,万物形成。当这种认知在你的意识中非常强烈时,就会存在超越人类心智理解的自由。
32. The mortal consciousness cannot understand the glory of this Truth, but through realisation your mortal consciousness will be lifted into the Consciousness of the Christ.
32. 世俗的意识不能理解这个真理的荣耀,但是通过认知,你世俗的意识会被提升之基督意识之中。
33. Hold the attitude in all you undertake that God never fails, that it is the Father who worketh in you. In this realisation all is possible to you. By yourself you are nothing, but with God you are everything; say: “I and the Father are one.”
33. 在你所做的一切事情中都保持这样的态度,即神永远不会失败,是圣父在你之内工作。在这种认知中,一切都对你来说成为可能。仅仅凭着自己,你一无是处,但是与神同在,你就成为万物;去说:“我与圣父合一。”
34. This attitude, which is the only true and substantial one, holds you above the mortal plane and you function in the Real — the Christ Consciousness. You are lifted out of the mortal sense, and henceforth all things are different,
34. 这种态度,是唯一真实且具有实质性的态度,让你超越世俗层面,从而在真实存在的层面进行运作 —— 也就是基督意识的层面。你被提升超越了世俗感官,从此万物不同。
35. Are you aware only of things that surround you on the outside? If you are then you are still dwelling in the mortal sense. But I told you, the only true understanding is that the Spirit of God is manifesting through your consciousness, and this comes from within and not from without.
35. 你是否只注意到你外在周围的事物?如果是这样的话,那么你仍然居住在世俗感官之中。但是我来告诉你,唯一真正的理解是,神之灵通过你的意识来表达,这发生在内在而非外在。
36. The Christhood of man is already complete. The Christ is the impersonal, unselfish expression of a loving God — in you and loving all, for all is God. The Race must enter into this unity with me.
36. 人的基督意识已经是完整的了。基督是一位慈爱之神的非人格、无私的显化 —— 在你之中,爱着万物,因为万物都是神。人类种族必须与我一起进入这种统一。
37. This is the evolution of the outer, of which the inner is the Cause, ever urging onward and upward the true expression of that which is within. And the outer must become as the inner, and the inner shall become the outer.
37. 这就是外在的进化,其中内在是原因,不断推动着内在真实的表达向上和前进。外在必须变成和内在一样,内在终将成为外在。
38. The time will come when the glory of the Christ shall manifest completely in the flesh, for the flesh has no say in the matter. It is the decree of the Almighty that the Christ is supreme, and shall rule supreme. The Spirit in man is “I who liveth for ever”.
38. 时间将到来,基督的荣耀会完全在肉身中显化出来,肉身在这一点上没有发言权。因为神的旨意是,基督是至高无上的,将会主治万方。人之中的圣灵就是“永远活着的我”。
39. Christ is God and God is Christ. Rejoice that you have this knowledge that the Christ of God worketh in you “now”.
39. 基督就是神,神就是基督。基督之神“现在”在你之中工作着,要为自己拥有这种知识而欢喜。
40. Live in the realisation of this Truth, so that the Truth shall manifest in your life. Christ, the “Conqueror”, will make you free.
40. 生活在对这个真理的认知中,这样真理就会在你的生活中显化出来。基督、“战胜者”,会给你带来自由。
41. Those who believe in the Christ are born of God and not of any impulse of flesh or of man. Call no one your Father upon Earth, for one is your Father which is in Heaven.
41. 那些信奉基督的人从神中诞生,不是从肉身或人的冲动中诞生。不要把任何人认作你在地球上的圣父,因为你只有一位圣父,他住在天堂。
42. Perhaps you have not quite grasped the meaning of this saying. You are born in the flesh, but the flesh has no say in the matter. You are born of the Spirit, and the Spirit is the only Creative Power creating all things; this is the Word that was with God, the Word that was God; the Word that was made flesh is immortal.
42. 或许你还没有完全领悟这句话的意思。你生在肉身中,但是肉身就这一点来说没有发言权。你由圣灵而生,圣灵是创造万物的唯一创造力量;这就是与神同在的道,就是神之道;化作的肉身的道是永恒的。
43. No one has ever seen God, but God has been unfolded by the Christ in me, and whoever sees me sees the Father.
43. 没有人见过神,但是通过我之中的基督,神已经在表达,谁看见了我,谁就看到了圣父。
44. God does not separate Himself; He creates within Himself the likeness of Himself, and this is the Light in all mankind.
44. 神不会分离自己;他根据自己的形象在内在进行创造,这是全人类的圣光。
45. We are all of the same Life, for Life in Itself cannot be different. There are degrees of Life in form, but Life in Itself is impersonal, expressing Itself through the form created by Life Itself.
45. 我们都是同一个生命,因为生命本身没有不同。生命在不同形态中有不同层次的表达,但是生命本身是没有人格特征的,它只是通过生命本身创造的形态来自我表达。
46. The mighty Intelligence of the Infinite Father has created all forms for His own Self-expression. The Life is the same; It flows only from One Source, yet It flows through all the forms It created. It is manifesting in every form from the smallest to the greatest; Life is manifesting Itself in every form It creates.
46. 无限圣父的强大智能为他自己的自我表达创造了所有的形态。生命是相同的;它从同一个源头流出,它流经它创造的所有形态。它在所有的形态中都进行着表达,从最小的到最大的;生命在它创造的每一种形态中表达自己。
47. Nothing comes into being except by the Spirit which is Life. The degree of Life is understood through the recognition and realisation of It; therefore, as I realise Life and know It to be God, He manifests through me according to my realisation of Him who created us in His own likeness.
47. 只有通过圣灵,万物得以存在,圣灵就是生命。通过对生命的认知和领悟,达到对生命层次的理解;因此,当我意识到生命、知道生命就是神时,根据我对他以自己的形象创造了我们的认知,他就可以通过我来进行表达。
48. The recognition and realisation of His Life in your own consciousness becomes the means through which Life manifests. Your consciousness is the point through which God expresses Himself and is the point through which you express God the Christ in you.
48. 在你自己的意识中认识和领悟他的生命,成为了生命表达的方法。你的意识是神彰显他自己的地方,也是你表达自己内在神之基督的地方。
49. If you are consciously aware of this, then you have gained the hidden secret of Life Itself.
49. 如果你有意识地认识到这一点,那么你就获得了生命本身隐藏的奥秘。
50. It is hidden from the multitude, even today, except to those who know they are not born of the flesh nor by the will of man, but through Christ of God.
50. 即使在今天,这个奥秘也对大众隐藏着,除了那些知道他们不是肉身生的,也不是出于人的意志生的,而是通过神之基督而生的人。
51. Therefore I am that Life; I have all the power given unto me in Heaven and on Earth. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you.”
51. 因此,我就是生命;我拥有着天地间赋予我的所有力量。“你们要首先寻求神的国和他的义,然后所有的东西都会加给你们。”
52. Consciousness determines the degree of Life being expressed. I am conscious that I am the Life of God: “I am the Christ of God”; “I am the true Son of the Father who worketh in me”.
52. 意识决定了生命的表达程度。我意识到我就是神之生命:“我是神之基督”;“我是圣父真正的圣子,圣父在我之中工作。”
53. The Christ Consciousness reveals the Father having dominion over all things in Heaven and on Earth. This is truly Christ Consciousness.
53. 基督意识揭示了圣父统领着天地间的万物。这是真正的基督意识。
54. It was for this purpose that I lived upon Earth and am still with you, even unto the end of the world; that is, until all shall recognise and realise the Christ Consciousness so that we may all be one.
54. 正是出于这个目的,我活在了地球上,我仍然和你们在一起,直至世界的终结;也就是说,直到所有的人都认识并领悟到基督意识,这样我们才能合而为一。
55. That we may all be one through the realisation and recognition of the Truth I wait patiently. You do not quarrel over that which is true; you quarrel only over that which is false; you quarrel only over your beliefs, your ideas. That which is mortal is seeking a way out of the carnal world into that which is greater, so mortal man argues with himself; but the Christ never argues: he knows. Therefore it is easy to discern that which is false from that which is true.
55. 通过对这一真理的认识和领悟,我们终将成为合一,我耐心地等待着。真理不会让你们争吵;只有虚假的事情才会让你们陷入争执;你们只对自己的想法和信念去争执。世俗之人正在寻找一条出路,脱离肉欲的世界,进入更伟大的世界之中,因此,世俗之人会与自己争吵;但是基督从不争论:他知道真理。因此,很容易去分辨什么是假的,什么是真的。
56. The sacred word is “I am”. “I am that I am” the Prophets knew through the ages — the eternal secret. Yet only a few could understand. But all will come to understand, for it is the decree of the Father that the Son shall reveal Him, so that all shall know Him. And He who does the will of my Father is my mother, my sister, my brother.
56. 神圣的话是“我是”。“我是我所是,”从古到今的先知们都知道 —— 永恒的奥秘。然而只有少数人能够理解。但是最终所有的人都会理解,因为这是圣父的旨意,圣子将要揭示圣父的存在,从而让所有的人都认识他。遵行我圣父旨意的,就是我的母亲、我的姐妹、我的兄弟。
57. As one realises more and more the Power of the Christ, one sees clearly that His Power must be Love and Wisdom, because the Christ is the Son of God. When I said that I did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill the Law, this was true. For I did bring the message of the great Power in Heaven to Earth — the Power of the Christ within to the outer; and this Power is Love and Wisdom. It is the builder of all good things like harmony and peace. It remains forever while discord remains only in ignorance, which is death and not Life.
57. 当一个人越来越多地认识到基督的力量时,他就会清晰地看到他的力量必须是爱和智慧,因为基督是神之子。当我说,我来到这里不是要废除法则,而是要成全法则,这是真的。因为我确实把天堂中存在的伟大力量的信息带到了地球 —— 把基督内在的力量带到了外在;这种力量就是爱和智慧。它是所有美好事物的缔造者,比如和谐与和平。它永远都存在,而不和谐仅仅存在于无知之中,无知是死亡,而非生命。
58. I want you to give some part of the day to this silent growth, thus bringing poise and balance into your whole being. This is so essential in your daily lives, surrounded by the din of social problems and the rumours of war.
58. 我希望你们在一天之中花一些时间来进行这种安静的成长,从而为你的整个生命带来和谐与平衡。这在你的日常生活中非常重要,因为你们的日常生活被社会问题的喧嚣和战争的谣言包围着。
59. First, you will be conscious of the quiet feeling of the Presence, a stillness that is ever active. How beautiful is the silence in that ever active Presence of God, the expression of His mighty Power and Harmony in your lives. This will develop in you a good sound judgement, and clear insight, and afterwards the result will be established in your body and circumstances.
59. 首先,你会意识到临在的安静之感,一种永远都活跃着的寂静。在那永恒活跃的神之临在中,这种寂静是多么美丽,它是神之伟大力量与和谐在你生命中的表达。这会在你身上培养良好的判断力和清晰的洞察力,然后结果会在你的身体和环境中建立。
60. Silence in the heart of flesh will become united with the heart of Spirit and thus bring about perfect circulation of the blood.
60. 肉体中内心的安静会与灵性之心结合,从而带来完美的血液循环。
61. Thank the Father for His counsel, for teaching you every day.
61. 感谢圣父的忠告,感恩他对你每天的教导。
62. Keep the Father at all times before you. With Him in your heart you cannot fail. Some think that by themselves they can accomplish, yet only with God can you accomplish anything.
62. 时刻把圣父放在你的面前。有他在你的心里,你就不会失败。有的人以为凭着自己就可以取得成就,然而,只有靠着神才能取得成就。
63. Is your mind always in a state of wanting? And never in a state of giving? Yet giving is receiving. To be one with the Father you have to open yourself to Him and to allow the precious Power of Love and Wisdom to flow through you. He alone is the supplier of all things; without Him there is not anything made that is made.
63. 你的心智是否一直处于一种索要的状态?从来没有处于给予的状态?然而,给予就是接收。要与圣父合一,你继续向他敞开心扉,让爱与智慧的宝贵力量流经你。他自己就是万物的供应者;没有他,就没有创造出的万物。
64. And when your heart and soul rejoice, your body rests secure, and every fibre tingles with the Presence, for the Presence of God is omnipresent.
64. 当你的内心和灵魂欢呼时,你的身体就会安然地休息,身体的每一根纤维都会因临在而颤抖,因为神的临在无处不在。
65. The full joy of His Presence and the bliss of being with Him forever will develop the Christ Consciousness more than anything else. Do not look without, but look within and know yourself to be. I am. I am real, I am eternal, I am the Spirit of God, I am the Life; in this realisation the soul rejoices. This only comes when the noise from outside quietens down when you dis¬cern all that is not of God.
65. 他临在中的完全喜悦、以及永远与他在一起的幸福会比其他任何事情都能发展基督意识。不要向外看,而要向内看,知道自己所是。我是。我是真实的,我是永恒的,我是神之灵,我是生命;灵魂会在这种领悟之中欢呼。只有当外在的噪音安静下来,你可以辨别出所有不属于神的事物时,这才会发生。
66. The Spirit of the Living God, the Christ, breathes through the outer body of flesh from within. Divine energies always express themselves from within and never from without.
66. 永生神的灵、基督,从内在呼吸,发送到外在的肉体之中。神圣的能量总是从内部表达自己,而非外部。
67. The brain is fed by the Spirit, the finer rules over the grosser, the invisible flows through the visible. The visible is but the expression of the invisible. No one has seen the Father; but you have seen His Son and he who has seen me has seen the Father.
67. 大脑由圣灵滋养,精微的统领粗糙的,不可见的流经可见的。可见之物是不可见能量的表达。没有人见过圣父;但是你已经见到了他的圣子,看到了我的人就是看到了圣父。
68. I am making this plain to you so as to make you realise the importance of selecting periods for quiet contemplation so as to bring into the outer the power within.
68. 我想你说明这一点,是为了让你明白,选择时间去安静沉思的重要性,从而把内在的力量带入外在。
69. Come out from your busy-day life and enter into the Kingdom and become aware of Who is working in and through you. To become conscious of His Power renews your body, renews your mind, and brings Peace and Love into your heart. You will find that things around will move much easier; conditions that exist in your mind, body and circumstances will begin to harmonise with your realisation of the Christ, the Power that has dominion over all things.
69. 从你忙碌的日常生活中走出来,进入天堂,意识到是谁在你之内工作,并通过你工作。意识到他的力量会更新你的身体,更新你的心智,把安宁与爱带到你的内心。随着你对基督的领悟,你会发现周围的事情会变得更容易;你心智、身体和环境中存在的状况开始变得协调,基督是统领万物的力量。
70. Later, when you have become conscious of the Father in you as your Reality, you will be in command at all times, heeding neither discord nor environment; for the Christ within shall be enthroned in heart and mind.
70. 稍后,当你对自己内在圣父的意识变成你的实现时,你将始终处于掌控的状态,你就不会在意那些不和谐或者外在状况;因为内在的基督会在内心和心智中加冕。
71. Periods of quiet contemplation and realisation bring into your consciousness the completeness of the Christ; then you shall not heed conditions outside yourself. Inharmony will not affect you; you will be quiet and at peace with that which is in Itself Love, Peace, Wisdom and Truth Eternal.
71. 安静中的沉思和领悟会给你的意识中带来基督的圆满;然后你就不会在意自己之外的状况。不和谐也不会影响到你;你会处于宁静之中,与那本身是爱、和平、智慧和永恒真理的事物和平共处。
72. Do not seek Love! Give it! This is the true nourishment of the Spirit. For wherever Love is, hate and envy and jealousy disappear.
72. 不要去寻找爱!给予爱!这是圣灵真正的滋养。爱存在之处,仇恨、嫉妒和妒忌都会消失。
73. Remember, Love casteth out fear; neither rebel against injustice. When you return Love you are at peace; then only does the Father work to overcome all things. When you resent injustice, when your mind is in a state of turmoil, full of envy, jealousy, anxiety, resentment, there is no Love; Love is the only power in the world that dissolves all these things.
73. 记住,爱会驱散恐惧;也不会反抗不公正。当你回归爱时,你会处于安宁之中;接下来,只有圣父才会战胜一切。当你怨恨不公,当你心烦意乱、充满嫉妒、妒忌、焦虑、怨恨时,爱就不存在了;爱是世界上唯一能化解这一切的力量。
74. It is only possible for the Father to express Himself in you when you are at peace.
74. 只有当你处于安宁之中时,圣父才有可能在你之内表达他自己。
75. The only power that exists is the Power of Love, which brings Peace and Harmony; all other things pass away and dissolve into nothingness before the Power of the Christ. I am the Lord, I have overcome all things, and so shall you. Nothing can harm you, for you are God’s in the flesh.
75. 唯一存在的力量就是爱的力量,它带来和平与和谐;其他所有的事情在基督的力量面前都会消散并化为乌有。我是上主,我已经战胜了一切。你也会如此。没有什么可以伤害你,因为你是处于肉身中的神。
76. If you will listen to this, my brothers and sisters, you can take from your Father what is your right. “What is Mine is Thine, what is Thine is Mine”.
76. 我的兄弟姐妹们,如果你们可以听进这一点,你们就可以从你们的圣父中拿到属于你们的权利。“我的就是你的,你的就是我的。”
77. God brought you into this world, and every moment He is speaking in your hearts. Every beat of your heart is the Life of God in you. With Him consciously in your heart you will be at peace with all men. To love thy neighbour as thyself is true religion.
77. 神把你带到这个世界,每时每刻他都在你心里说话。你心脏的每一次跳动都是你内在的神之生命。有意识地把他放在心中,你就会与所有的人和睦相处。爱人如己才是真正宗教的教义。
78. For everyone that is illuminated turns into Light. Therefore, wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine in your countenance.
78. 每一个被照亮的人都会变成光。因此,醒来吧,沉睡者,从死亡中复活,基督就会在你的面容中散发出光彩。
79. Be strictly careful to act as sensible sons and daughters of God, and make the most of your time in the “now”; for now is eternity.
79. 作为明智的神之儿女,要严格谨慎,并充分地利用你在“当下”的时间;因为当下就是永恒。
80. You think in the Eternal when you think with Christ. Think in the Eternal now for you can only create in the now. Oh, could I make it so plain to you that you could see it clearly — NOW is eternity.
80. 当你与基督一同思考时,你就在永恒中进行了思考。在永恒的当下思考,因为你只能在现在的当下进行创造。噢,我能不能把它说明白,这样你就可以清晰地去理解 —— 当下即是永恒。
81. This brings me to the last point in this talk: “Prayer”. Prayer to me was and is the breathing of the Breath of Life. It is the most powerful thing in all the planes and in all worlds.
81. 这把我带到了这次课程的最后一点:“祈祷”。对我来说,祈祷一直都是生命呼吸的进行。它是所有层面所有世界中最强大的事物。
82. The power of prayer lies in the fact that the prayer and the answer are one. Pray with the realisation that you are one with the Father; and the Father’s will is done in you. Enter into your Divine Centre, within which God dwells, and there I will proclaim for you.
82. 祈祷的力量存在于这样的事实中,即祈祷和回应是合一的。祈祷时要意识到你和圣父是合一的;圣父的意志在你之中完成。进入你神圣的中心,神居住在那里,我会在那里为你宣告。
83. I am pleased to see that you have not used this powerful weapon ignorantly. Our beloved brother was taught to pray when he was young. I could tell you many things that have happened in his life because he was guided when he was a young child. He was born a medium and saw me face to face when quite a youth. That is one of his many experiences. He was brought to the Himalayas for the purpose of learning how to become a medium through which the Masters could speak, and therefore I myself could overshadow him.
83. 我很高兴地看到,你们没有无知地使用这个强大的武器。我们这位心爱的兄弟在他小的时候就被教导要祈祷。我可以告诉你,他生命中发生了多少事情,就因为他从年幼时起就受到引导。他生来就是灵媒,他很小的时候就见过我。这是他众多的经历之一。他被带到喜马拉雅山的目的是为了学习如何成为上师可以说话的灵媒,因此,我自己可以通过他现身。
84. The time came for him to go out into the world; he has been blessed with good health, his spirit is young, and we hope to keep him in the body for a long time to come, for his work here on Earth is not yet finished.
84. 他走出去闯荡世界的时候到了;他收到了拥有良好健康的祝福,他的灵还很年轻,我们希望他可以长时间地留在这具身体中,因为他在地球上的工作还没有完成。
85. Most prayers are sent with the false idea of separation, and in your churches and chapels this is most evident, the belief being that God is afar off. Yet He is nearer than hands and feet.
85. 大多数的祈祷在发出时带着分离的错误思想,在你们的教堂和礼拜中,这是最明显的,人们认为神在遥远的地方。然而,他离我们比双手和双脚还近。
86. But even this prayer is never lost, although its full value is not gained because a prayer of this kind mingles with the vibration of separation, and the person you desire to help is not helped to any great extent.
86. 不过即便如此,祈祷也不会丢失,尽管它没有实现完全的价值,因为这种祈祷与分离的振动混合在一起,你想要帮助的人没有得到最大化程度的帮助。
87. Enter into your closet where the Almighty dwells and there see the will of God accomplished. Never see or hear anything else. Without strain or doubt see the victory of the Christ, the only begotten Son of God, accomplished in those you wish to help, and it will be established.
87. 进入你内在的空间,那里居住者全能的神,在那里看到神的意志得到实现。再也看不到或者听到其他事物。在没有压力和怀疑的状态下,看到基督的胜利,看到神的独子在你想要帮助的人身上取得的胜利,这种成功就会建立起来。
88. There are accounts of healing in my records, which many of you have read; these healings are brought about by the same means, the recognition and the realisation of the Power having dominion over all things, the flesh having no say in the matter.
88. 在我的记录中有疗愈的记录,你们中很多人都读过;这些疗愈都是通过相同方法实现的,即认可和领悟到那统领万物的力量,肉身在这一点上没有发言权。
89. When you speak from the Christ in the strength of your calm assurance, the false condition completely disappears. God is omnipresent and you bring the troubled spirit in touch with God instantly.
89. 当你凭着平静确信的力量从基督之中说话时,错误的状况就会完全消失。神是无所不在的,即刻间你让受困的灵与神进行了接触。
90. You cannot estimate the value of true prayer. Words fail to express Spiritual realities. Do not cast your burden upon an outside God, waiting for results, wondering; for God is within you, the prayer and the answer are as one.
90. 你们无法估量真正祈祷的价值。言语无法表达属于灵性的实相。不要把你的负担推给外在的神,然后去等待结果;因为神就在你之中,祈祷和回应是一体的。
91. God is the only Life living in and through all: God is the Reality; the mortal sense knows nothing of Him. The inner must become the outer; the outer must become the inner. In this way we pray: “Father Thou knowest me; I know that Thou art the only Living Being, the only Creator and I am one with Thee. As I ask of Thee, I know it is already accomplished; my word does not return to me void but accomplishes that which it is sent forth to do.”
91. 神是唯一存在于万物并贯穿万物之中的生命:神就是实相;世俗的感官对他一无所知。内在必须成为外在。我们以这种方式祈祷:“圣父,你认识我;我知道你是唯一的生命体,唯一的创造者,我与你是合一的。当我向你祈求时,我知道它已经完成;我的话不会徒然返回,而是完成它被派出去做的事情。”
92. To know God in your own heart, and in the utmost space, is to be at “one” with all nations, north, south, east and west.
92. 在你自己的心中、在最广阔的空间中去认识神,就是与东南西北所有方位的国家成为“合一”。
93. Live in the thought of Love towards all, and your life will become one continuous prayer, a constant going forth from God the Father of all, to all.
93. 生活在对万物的爱之思想中,你的生命就会成为持续的祈祷,从万有之父的神那里不断发出,传给万物。
94. My blessing is with you always and forever.
94. 我的祝福永远伴随着你。
The will of our Father in Heaven is now being done on Earth.
Peace be with you.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: A great power was felt by all and the hall became alight with a light that was not of Earth. The Master’s face was seen clearly in the midst of a brilliant light overshadowing the Brother’s face. Then the Master took His departure, and the brother was seen standing in the place where the Master had overshadowed him.)
Talk 4
I Am The True Vine And You Are The Branches
My Peace I bring to you, my Peace remain with you.
1. I am the true vine and my Father is the worker. It is the Father, who ever remaineth within me, who is working through me. For the Father and I are one; we are never separated. We continually work together and what I see the Father do, I do likewise.
1. 我是真葡萄树,我的圣父是工作者。是圣父,永远留在我之中,他通过我工作。因为圣父和我是合一的;我们从未分离。我们不断地一起工作,我看见圣父做的,我也会照样做。
2. The branch that bears the fruit He prunes, so that it may bring forth more fruit.
2. 他修剪结果子的枝子,使它结出更多果子。
3. You all know that a branch that bears fruit will bring more fruit when that branch is pruned.
3. 你们都会知道,结果子的枝子修剪后会结出更多果子。
4. The branch is you, and you are pruned because of the Word I have given to you: the Word that was in the beginning, and that very Word is God.
4. 枝子就是你,你因我给予你们的道而修剪:太初的道,就是神之道。
5. You will realise now that there is no other living Being but the Father, the Father of all; and the Spirit of the Father dwelleth in every living soul; and I am that Spirit.
5. 现在你会意识到,除了圣父、所有一切的父之外,没有其他活着的生命体;圣父的灵居住在每一个活着的灵魂里;我就是那圣灵。
6. God is Spirit, not “a” Spirit, but Spirit. Spirit in itself is complete, It has power to manifest, to create the forms for Its own expression. And as you become conscious of Reality you become one with Reality in expression.
6. 神是圣灵,不是“某个”圣灵,而是圣灵本身。圣灵本身就是完整的,它有能力进行显化,并为自己的表达创造形态。当你开始意识到实相时,你就会在表达上与实相合而为一。
7. This realisation and recognition does not come all at once. You will notice how it grows in you. By diligent recognition and continual realisation, there is an awakening within the soul as the soul begins to recognise that it is the Spirit of God that dwells within and is the only living Creative Power in Heaven and on Earth.
7. 这种认知和领悟并不是一下子全部获得。你会注意到它是如何在你之中成长的。通过勤勉的认知和持续的领悟,随着灵魂开始意识到居住在里面的是神之灵,也是在天地之间唯一有生命的创造力时,灵魂就会觉醒,
8. You have already been pruned because of the Word I have given to you; therefore you will bear more fruit in my name.
8. 因为我赋予你的道,你们已经被修剪了;因此奉着我的名字你们会结出更多果子。
9. I remain with you and you remain with me; just as a branch cannot bear fruit unless it remains in the vine, so you cannot bear fruit unless you remain with me.
9. 我在你们之中,你们也在我之中;就像枝子若不在葡萄树上,它就不能结出果子;因此除非你在我之中,否则你就不能结果子。
10. The Christ alone has the power to speak in Reality. Then speak in the name of Christ and your word will not return unto you void.
10. 只有基督有力量在实相中说话。然后,奉基督之名讲话,你的话就不会徒劳而返。
11. The Christ never speaks from mortal sense or from reaction to things external to Itself, but Christ always speaks from God; and this you must learn, so that you can quiet the outside. The still, quiet voice is made manifest in the Temple not made with hands but made by God Himself.
11. 基督永远不会从世俗感官中讲话,也不会从他对外在事物的反应中讲话,基督永远从神之中讲话;你必须学会这一点,这样你就可以让外在安静下来。静谧的声音在圣殿中显现,那圣殿不是人手所建,而是神亲自建造。
12. The Father worketh in the vine so that the branches bear good fruit, and these who remain with me and I with them will bear abundant fruit.
12. 圣父在葡萄树上工作,使枝子结出好果子,那些与我同在的人,我也与他们同在,必结出丰硕的果实。
13. If therefore you remain with me, and my Word remains with you, whatever you ask shall be done unto you.
13. 因此,如果你与我同在,我的道就与你同在,无论你祈求什么,都必成就给你。
14. You have not yet grasped the great significance of what I have said. The Christ never begs, nor does the Christ demand, nor does the Christ command; the Christ manifests, because the Christ knows that it is the Father who doeth the work.
14. 你还没有领会我所说的重大意义。基督从不乞求,也从不要求,他也从不命令;基督显化,因为基督知道是圣父在进行工作。
15. The Son hath Life in Himself only because the Father hath Life in Himself; the Life that is now eternally in Himself, He gives It also eternally to the Son. The same Life in the Father is the same Life in the Son.
15. 圣子之中有生命,只是因为圣父之中有生命;生命永恒地在他之中,他也把它永远地赐给了圣子。圣父之中的生命与圣子之中的生命是相同的。
16. In this way the Father will be glorified, that you bear abundant fruit and be my disciples.
16. 这样,圣父就会得到荣耀,你们结出丰硕的果实,成为我的弟子。
17. And as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you, that you may remain in this Love.
17. 就像圣父爱我那样,我也爱你,这样你就会留在爱中。
18. To remain in my Love is the secret of all happiness; without It, your life is barren.
18. 留在我的爱中是所有幸福的奥秘;没有爱,你的生命是贫瘠的。
19. When the Christ dwells in the heart, then there is Love, Wisdom and Power and the things that trouble you will pass away, for the Christ overcomes all.
19. 当基督居住在内心时,就会有爱、智慧和力量,困扰你的事情都会过去,因为基督战胜了一切。
20. In this your joy will be full. For you did not choose me, I chose you.
20. 这样你的喜乐就会充足。因为不是你选择了我,是我选择了你。
21. It is I who live within you, who is guiding you and helping you to choose the way; I urge you to recognise the Truth of the only “one” Living God.
21. 是我住在你之中,是我在引导你、帮助你选择道路;我恳请你认清这个真理,即只存在“唯一”永生的神。
22. Therefore love one another as I love you.
22. 因此,请像我爱你们一样,爱他人。
23. There are those of the world who, not knowing me, will hate and say things against you. Know well that I was hated and despised before you. The ignorance of the world is still in the world, and it is the Christ that will overcome this ignorance through Love, and the Christ lives in you. Yet this ignorance will hate you, will despise you because you say that the Christ lives in you; but verily I say, fear not, for ignorance has no power, it cannot destroy the soul nor the Spirit.
23. 世上有些人不认识我,会恨你,并说出反对你的话。要知道我在你面前被憎恨和蔑视。世上的无知仍然存在于这个世界,基督将通过爱来战胜这种无知,这就是住在你之中的基督。不过,这种无知会憎恨你,会鄙视你,因为你说基督住在你之中;但是我坚定地说,不要害怕,因为无知没有力量,它不能摧毁灵魂或是圣灵。
24. It cannot destroy that which it cannot see and does not know. It did not destroy me when it crucified me it could not destroy the Light it did not know; therefore I am still alive, the living Christ of God, the only begotten Son of the Father.
24. 它无法摧毁它看不到和不知道的东西。当它把我钉在十字架上时,它也没有摧毁我,它无法摧毁它不理解的圣光;因此我仍然活着,神的永生基督,圣父的独子。
25. You know now that you are not of this world, that you are born of the Spirit, and the Christ dwells in you; but the world is yet ignorant of the Truth.
25. 现在你知道了自己不是这个世界所生,你是从圣灵出生的,基督住在你之中;但是这个世界对这个真理一无所知。
26. But the Spirit of Truth which proceeds from the Father will testify concerning me, and you will also testify because you have been with me from the beginning.
26. 但是,来自圣父的真理之灵会为我作见证,你们也要为我做见证,因为你们从最初起就与我同在。
27. If you will seek deep enough within yourselves you will find this Truth. This Truth shall testify regarding me, and this Truth shall set you free.
27. 如果你在自己的内在寻求得足够深入,你就会发现这个真理。这个真理将为我做见证,这个真理也会让你获得自由。
28. My Word in you will glorify Him who sent me, and you will be glorified by me in His presence.
28. 存在于你内在的我的道会荣耀那差我前来的,在他的临在中,你也会因我而得荣耀。
29. If my disciples were to keep me, they would lose the Christ of God; for I came to reveal the Father; so that I may come and abide with you all forever.
29. 若是我的弟子要留下我,他们就会失去神之基督;因为我来到这里是要揭示圣父,这样我就可以永远与你们同在。
30. You who have passed beyond the plane of mortal sense and entered into that greater consciousness of Life understand more of God.
30. 你们中那些已经超越世俗感官层面的人,会进入生命更伟大的意识之中,会对神有更多了解。
31. You realise the great Truth that there is no death, that you are still living, yet once dwelt in a body on Earth.
31. 你意识到,伟大的真理就是没有死亡,你们仍然活着,不过是曾经居住在地球上的一具身体中。
32. You are Life, you are the living expression of the Almighty. This Life in you is the same Life in me. This is the Christ and I speak from the Christ that is Life.
32. 你是生命,你是神活生生的表达。你之中的生命与我之中的生命是相同的。这就是基督,我从基督之中,也就是生命之中讲话。
33. If your faith is great, whatever you wish will be established at that very hour.
33. 如果你的信念伟大,那么你的任何心愿都会在那一刻建立起来。
34. These words are full of meaning and become greater when you know that I can come to all in the Omnipotence of the Christ.
34. 当你们知道,我是在基督的全能临在中降临到你们所有的人面前时,这些话就充满了意义,并变得伟大。
35. I have shown you already that Spirit is our first and only real foundation.
35. 我已经展示给你们了,圣灵是我们首要的、也是唯一的真正根基。
36. It has many channels and modes of expression, but It is the one and only Life, the only Creative Power.
36. 它有很多渠道和表达方式,但是它是同一个唯一的生命,唯一的创造力量。
37. Through your consciousness this Power is expressed.
37. 通过你的意识,这种力量得以表达。
38. Let me explain to you how you hear me now.
38. 让我解释给你,你现在是如何去理解我说的话的。
39. It is through recognition and realisation of the Truth that Life is one, that the Father alone is the Consciousness in you and me, and is expressing Himself through His Creation this way.
39. 正是通过这样的方式:对生命是合一的真理的认知和领悟,只有圣父才是你和我之中内在的意识,圣父通过他的创造来表达自己。
40. The only way that the Creator can express Himself in all His Creations is through His Consciousness, becoming aware of His Creation; and His awareness in His Creation becomes the Consciousness in you and me.
40. 造物主在他所有的造物中表达自己的唯一方式就是通过他的意识,对他的创造变得有觉知;他对自己创造的觉知,成为了你和我之中的意识。
41. I enter the life consciousness being expressed through our brother; my Consciousness overshadows his, just as a greater light overshadows the lesser, yet the same Source-Light shines in us both.
41. 我进入了通过我们兄弟进行表达的生命意识之中;我的意识笼罩着他的意识,就像明亮光芒让暗淡光芒黯然失色一样,但是我们之中闪耀的,都是同样的源头之光。
42. Here is a most wonderful manifestation, some people will say phenomenon, but really there is no phenomenon but the expression of that one Life becoming aware of Itself through the consciousness of another.
42. 这是一个非常奇妙的显化,有些人会说是一种不寻常的现象,但是实际上并不存在不寻常的现象,存在的是,通过另一个生命的意识,让一个生命的表达对他自己变得有觉知。
43. The brother is able to take his departure from his body at any time. He does not really take his departure as one would say, but recedes from the outer consciousness into the inner Consciousness, and by receding into the inner Consciousness is able to come into contact with you at any time.
43. 这位兄弟可以随时离开他的身体。他并不是像人们所说的那样离去,而是从外在意识退回至内在的意识之中,通过退回到内在的意识中,他随时可以和你联系。
44. He is able to treat you, to help you; he is able to call upon me at any time to bring more aid and help when it is necessary.
44. 他可以疗愈你、帮助你;他可以随时呼唤我,在必要的时候带来更多的协助和帮助。
45. Therefore, through the Sanctuary, silent healing work is being done all over the world. And as the consciousness in man becomes more aware of this tremendous Power that is within, it begins to express this Power.
45. 因此,通过内在的圣殿,寂静之中疗愈的工作在世界各地展开。随着人内在意识对这种内在伟大力量变得越来越有觉知,就会开始表达出这种力量。
46. Infinite, eternal and perfect Love is in the world, because God is Love and Love is God; and the consciousness must become aware of this to express True Love, the secret of Divine Bliss.
46. 无限、永恒且完美的爱存在于世间,因为神是爱,爱就是神;意识必须觉知到这一点才能表达出真爱,也就是神圣祝福的奥秘。
47. The consciousness of the brother is lifted from the personal to the Universal; yet this does not mean the loss of identity but a greater amount of individuality in unity with the All.
47. 这位兄弟的意识从个人层面提升至宇宙层面;不过这并不意味着个人身份的丧失,而是众多个体与万物合一。
48. The Christ is the individuality of the Father being expressed; there is no separation between the Christ and the Father, for they are one. The Father being expressed in individuality is the Christ in you now.
48. 基督是圣父个体化的表达;在基督和圣父之间没有分离,因为他们是合一的。圣父的个体化表达就是现在在你之中的基督。
49. But as the Christ recedes into the consciousness of the Life that dwells everywhere, thus I can come to all of you in the Omnipotence of the Father. And whoever asks anything in my name it shall be done, for the Father and I are one.
49. 随着基督回归至无所不在的生命意识中时,我就可以奉全能的圣父之名来到你们所有的身边。凡奉着我的名字有所求的,必会达成,因为我和圣父是合一的。
50. In this way your consciousness is also lifted up. The consciousness of man must be lifted up to recognise the Consciousness of God. And it is through these talks that your consciousness is being raised from the consciousness of the self to recognise the Consciousness of God, the indwelling Christ.
50. 通过这种方式,你的意识也得以提升。人的意识必须被提升,从而认识到神的意识。正是通过这些讲话,你的意识从自我的意识之中提升到可以认识出神的意识,即内在的基督。
51. The Lord dwells in His holy Temple, the Temple not made with hands but by the Word that flows from the mouth of God; and “I am that Word; nothing has come into being except through me.”
51. 上主居住在他的圣殿之中,这圣殿不是用双手建造的,而是从神之口中流淌出的圣言之道构建的;“我就是那道;除了通过我,否则什么都不会存在。”
52.You must realise the Consciousness of God within yourselves, because through that alone have you come into being.
52. 你必须意识到你内在的神之意识,因为只有通过它你才得以存在。
53. Man on the plane of mortal sense has tried to explain with his finite mind the Infinite Wisdom and Love of God.
53. 处于世俗感官层面中的人试图用他有限的心智来解释神的无限智慧和爱。
54. Would you, in your new knowledge, dare to limit the Holy One to that of a person? Man who does not know himself dares to explain the whole of God!
54. 你岂能用自己的新知识,把神圣的存有限制在人心智的理解之中?一个都不认识自己的人,竟敢试图解释神的全部!
55. Your faith must not rest in the wisdom of man but in the Power and Love and Wisdom of God.
55. 你的信念不是依赖于人的智慧,而是要依仗神的力量、爱和智慧。
56. The Love, Wisdom and Power of God existed before the world was. But none of the rulers of the world knew it. Had they known it, they would not have crucified me.
56. 神的爱、智慧和力量在世界存在之前就存在着。但是,世界上的统治者都不知道这一点。要是他们知道的话,就不会把我钉在十字架上了。
57. Yet through my crucifixion all will come to know the Truth that I was before the world was formed. The Spirit of God was before the world was formed, and the Spirit has been made flesh and dwells on Earth, yet the same Spirit dwells in Heaven.
57. 然而,通过我被钉死在十字架上,所有人都会知道这个真相,即我存在于这个世界形成之前。神之灵存在于这个世界形成之前,圣灵化在肉身之中,从而可以居住在地球,不过,同样的圣灵是居住在天堂的。
58. For it was by me and through me that the world became form. This was the Wisdom of God the Father being expressed through the Son, the Son of the very living God, “and I am He that liveth in you”.
58. 正是因为我并且通过我,世界得以成形。这是圣父的智慧通过圣子进行表达,圣子是永生之神的儿子,“我就是住在你之中的那位”。
59. It is written that the eye has not seen, and the ear has not heard, and the heart of man has not conceived, the things that God has prepared for them who love Him.
59. 书中是这么记录的:神为爱他之人所预备的,是眼睛未曾见过的、耳朵未曾听过、人心未曾感知过的。
60. Yet God has revealed them to me by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches and reveals everything, even the depths of God.
60. 然而,通过他的圣灵,圣父把它们揭示给了我;因为圣灵探查并揭示一切,即便是神的奥秘之处。
61. It is the Christ that is within that knoweth the mind of man; and no one knoweth the Mind of God except the Spirit of God.
61. 是内在的基督了解人的思想;除了神之灵,没有人知道神的思想。
62. Know that the Christ discerns everything, yet no one can describe Him. It is the Christ that discerns the false. It is the Christ that knows the True. The Christ, being all-powerful, dissolves the ignorance in the world.
62. 要知道基督洞悉一切,但是无人可以描述他。辨别真假的是基督。知道真理的是基督。基督是全能的,消融了世界上的无知。
63. Around you at this moment there are probably a quarter of a million souls listening to my talks, many of them are mingling with yourselves.
63. 此时此刻在你们周围,大约有二十五万的灵魂在听我的讲话,他们中的很多人跟你们融合在一起。
64. You hear my voice here upon the physical, yet in the inner planes my voice is also heard, also by many who are just awakening to the Truth of the Christ within themselves.
64. 你们在物质层面听到我的声音,但是在内在层面,我的声音也被很多刚刚觉醒至他们内在基督真理的人听到。
65. I am the Christ of God, the very Spirit of God that was before the world began; and through me all things that came to be were created.
65. 我是神之基督,是创世之前就存在的神之灵;万物都是通过我创造的。
66. If you seek deep enough within yourselves you will learn of Him who is greatest in His meekness, and highest in His lowliness.
66. 如果你在内在探索得足够深入,你就会知道,他的谦和是最伟大的,他的谦逊是至高无上的。
67. Your personality becomes clear as you learn to realise your relationship to the whole.
67. 当你学会意识到你与整体之间的关系,你的人格就会变得清晰起来。
68. Your mind clears as you become filled with holy reverence, the heart centre is filled with Light. The weakest and the lowliest and the meekest person has the whole Universe to draw upon.
68. 当你充满神圣的敬意时,你的心智就会变得清晰,心中就会充满圣光。最柔软、最谦逊、最谦和的人可以使用整个宇宙。
69. No matter who you are, or what you are, remember that the Christ dwells in you. The Christ is often hidden by the ignorance of mortal sense that can only hear from without; but if you will awaken to the Christ within, the still quiet voice that is all-power will manifest itself through you. This awakening is the realisation of your oneness with all, with God who is all.
69. 不论你是谁,不论你是什么,要记住基督住在你里面。基督常常被那些只能听到外面声音的世俗感官的无知所掩盖;但是如果你唤醒内在的基督,那平静安宁的全能声音会通过你表达出来。这种觉醒是意识到你与万物的合一,与万有之神的合一。
70. For this is my son that was dead and has come to Life, was lost and is now found.
70. 因为他是我的儿子,死而复生,失而复得。
71. For Heaven is more joyful over one that was once lost and now found than ninety-nine that did not stray.
71. 因为天堂对一个曾经迷失自我后来又找回真正自我的人,要比对九十九个从未迷失的人更加充满欢乐。
72. Many are angry because the Father loveth the lost sheep; yet I say unto you: that one hath more need of the Father’s Love. Believe in me and know that the Love of God is expressed through me and that I love everyone, even those who despised me.
72. 很多人会气愤,因为圣父爱那只迷失的羔羊;不过我告诉你们:那只才更需要圣父的爱。相信我,知道神的爱是通过我来表达的,知道我爱每一个人,即便是那些轻视我的人。
73. My awareness of God is never clouded by injustice done; my awareness and understanding of the Father’s Love enables me to enter into that true state where I could say, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
73. 我对神的觉知永远不会被不公正的事情蒙蔽;我对圣父之爱的觉知和理解让我能够进入一种真实状态,在那种状态下我可以说,“圣父,原谅他们,因为他们不知道他们在做什么。”
74. There are those who may not have strayed from the fold, yet are unable to partake of the gifts the Father provides for all who love Him, because they do not know that they are always with Him.
74. 有些可能没有从羊群中迷失,却无法分享圣父为所有爱他的人赠予的礼物,因为他们不知道自己一直与圣父同在。
75. They call and cry out with a loud voice to God, thinking that He may hear them from afar off. But I tell you that “I am He who lives and dwells in you, I am the Son of God, I am the Light of the world. I am the true individuality of the Father and whatever I ask of the Father, the Father will provide.” If you can ask then in my name, recognising me in yourselves, whatever you ask will be done unto you.
75. 他们向圣父大声呼喊,认为圣父可以在远方听见他们的呼唤。但是我来告诉你,“我就是他,他住在你里面,我是神的圣子,我是世界之光。我是圣父真正的个体化表达,不论我向圣父祈求什么,圣父都会提供。”如果你们以我的名义祈求,在自己内在认出我,不论你们祈求什么,都会达成。
76. The Father is always saying in your heart, if you will but hear Him, “My son, you are always with Me and everything that is Mine is thine.”
76. 圣父总是在你心中讲话,只要你愿意倾听他的声音,“我的孩子,你总是与我同在,一切属于我的都是你的。”
77. You exist because GOD IS, and all He has is yours.
77. 你之所以存在,是因为神在,所有他的都是你的。
78. Many of you seem to lack vitality; this is because you live an unequal existence in the three planes of manifestation, Spiritual, Mental and Physical, or Spirit, Soul and Body.
78. 你们中的很多人看上去缺乏活力;这是因为你在显化的三个层面 —— 灵性的、心智的和物质的,或圣灵、灵魂和身体 —— 生活不均衡。
79. This unequal state of existence is brought about by your belief in the fact that Life is derived from some external source.
79. 这种不均衡的存在状态是由你自己的信念带来的,因为你认为事实是生命是从某些外部来源衍生出来的。
80. The majority of you pay too much attention to the body and too little attention to the Source of Life.
80. 你们中的大多数人对身体的关注太多,对生命之源的关注太少。
81. You should recognise first that Spirit is the only Source of Life and vitality. Draw from that source first, then the soul and body will be nourished and fed.
81. 你们应该首先意识到圣灵是生命和活力的唯一源泉。回归到那个源头,然后灵魂和身体就会得到滋养和喂养。
82. It is God who inspires you with the will to do the good things you desire to do, and the power to do so is according to your understanding, for God is always inspiring you to do His will.
82. 是神启发你去做你想做的良善的事情,去做事情的力量取决于你的理解,因为神总是启发你去完成他的意志。
83. To love God you must also love your neighbour, because God is your neighbour. If you love me then you must love those around you, because they are also me. You have been given free will to act according to the Law known to yourselves, but when the Christ is on the throne, then the Christ manifests perfectly. Let this Christ in you be enthroned in the holy Temple, the Temple of the Living God not made with hands.
83. 要爱神,你还必须爱你的邻居,因为神就是你的邻居。如果你爱我,那么你必须爱你周围的人,因为他们也是我。你们被赋予了自由意志,根据自己知道的法则去行事,但是当基督坐在王座上时,基督就会完美地表达出来。让在你之中的这位基督在圣殿中加冕,圣殿是永生之神的圣殿,不是由双手建造的。
84. The secret of accomplishment is to do all things without disputing and doubting. This brings into operation the Creative Power to accomplish.
84. 成功的奥秘就是,在做所有事情的时候不争不疑。这会让创造力发挥作用,从而成功。
85. Only on Earth can you do this great work; you do not know yet how important it is to work now. Spirit cannot be separated from Spirit; It is indivisible.
85. 只有在地球上才能完成这项伟大的工作;你还不知道现在进行工作的重要性。圣灵不能与圣灵分离;它是不可分割的。
86. I want these talks to help you to enter into your own now.
86. 我希望这些讲话帮助你进入自己内在的当下。
87. If you realise that the Spirit of the Christ is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, then why do you wait? It is wrong for you to hope and expect the grace of God only in some future time.
87. 如果你意识到基督之灵是无所不在、无所不能、无所不知的,那么你为什么去等待?对你来说去希望和期待神的恩典只存在于将来的某个时间,这是错误的。
88. The Spirit in you is the Christ of God, and Spirit cannot be less than the greatest; then let the Christ in you take possession of your soul and body and all you hoped for will come to pass.
88. 你内在的圣灵就是神之基督,圣灵与最伟大的相比不差分毫;然后让你内在的基督占有你的灵魂和身体,你所希望的一切都会实现。
89. Remember the Word was in the beginning and that very Word was God, and God was that Word; then be true to that Word.
89. 记住,太初有道,道就是神,神就是道;然后忠于那道。
90. Remember the Word was in the beginning and that Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.
90. 记住,太初有道,道化成血肉,住在我们之中。
91. Your thoughts are the outbreathing of this Word, the first Cause of All. “I am the Word, and my Word does not return to me void but accomplishes that which It is sent forth to do.”
91. 你的思想就是道的呼出,道是万物的第一成因。“我就是道,我的道不会徒然返回,而是完成它奉命去做的事。”
92. The Spirit is always revealing me, the Christ of God; and the Spirit will lead you into all Truth. It is the Truth that sets you free. Nothing else can set you free except the Truth of the Almighty God. And when the Truth of the Christ dwells in you, the Word that was in the beginning, the Word that was made flesh, then there is no longer any fear or doubt.
92. 圣灵总是在向我揭示神之基督;圣灵会引领你进入所有的真理之中。真理让你获得自由。除了全能之神的真理,没有别的可以让你自由。当基督的真理居住在你之中时,太初之道就成为血肉之道,然后就不会再有恐惧和怀疑。
93. There are many who allow antagonisms to enter into the heart and mind, and prevent the Christ from manifesting.
93. 有很多人允许对立进入他们的内心和思想,从而阻止基督的显现。
94. Let this Christ then dwell in your heart and be the Light that shines in your soul — then it will not be lip-service. You work in God; you are the branches; and you are being pruned so that you will bring forth more fruit.
94. 让这基督居住在你的内心,让他成为照亮你灵魂的圣光 —— 那么它就不再是口头上的服务了。你在神之中工作;你是枝子;你被修剪,从而让你结出更多果子。
95. “I AM” the Word that prunes you.
95. “我是”修剪你的道。
96. Do you recognise the meaning of my words? “I speak not as a mortal but as the Christ of God. I lift you from your mortal sense into a spiritual state of consciousness so that you will understand me”.
96. 你能意识到我话的涵义吗?“我不是从世俗中讲话,而是作为神之基督讲话。我把你从世俗感官的意识提升至灵性的意识中,这样你就会理解。”
97. Your healing took place when God spoke in His holy Temple and all the senses were silenced by the Presence of His quiet, still voice.
97. 当神在他的圣殿中说话时,你的疗愈就发生了,所有外在感官都在他安静且静止的声音临在中安静下来。
98. All outside personalities cease to touch you when you enter into this blessed state of the Christ within. “I am He who was in the beginning and is now and for evermore shall be.”
98. 当你进入内在基督的这种福佑状态之中,所有外在的人格都不会再触及到你。“我是从最初存在的、现在存在的、将来也会存在的上主。”
(The Scribe’s Remarks: Silence, while heavenly music and singing are heard.)
99. Many of your loved ones who dwelt with you on Earth have entered into the larger sphere of Life’s consciousness and are with you here now. They have gathered around you and can get closer to you as you listen to me.
99. 很多跟你们一起居住在地球上的所爱之人,已经进入了生命意识的更伟大领域之中,他们现在在这里与你们同在。他们聚集在你们周围,当你们听我讲话时,他们离你们更近。
100. Little you know how close they are. They watch and pray with you.
100. 你不知道他们离你们有多近。他们和你们一起守望和祈祷。
101. Listen to my word and you will understand the inner Voice so that your Life will be full, your bodies perfectly whole. You will be safe from harm or accident, for the veil that divides us is very thin.
101. 倾听我说的话,你就会明白内在的声音,这样你的生命就会充实,你的身体就会完美无缺。你将免受伤害或事故,因为把我们分离开的那道帷幕很薄。
102. You can pierce it with your thoughts, and thus we can come to you; this — and more — will be revealed unto you: “For I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”
102. 你可以用你的思想来穿透帷幕,这样我们就会来到你身边;这些 —— 以及更多 —— 就可以揭示给你们:“因为我一直与你们同在,直至世界的终结。”
103. And as you listen to me I will teach you. Do you think I am afar off? Do you think there is division in space that separates us?
103. 当你听我讲话时,我就会教导你。你认为我很遥远吗?你认为空间中有距离把我们分开吗?
104. There is no separation in Christ; there is no separation in that “one” Life that lives through all. God has not divided Himself; He has individualised Himself, but this is not division. It is individuality in unity.
104. 在基督之中没有分离;在那个贯穿所有人的“合一”生命中没有分离。神没有分离自己;他个体化了自我,但是这不代表分离。这是统一中的个体化表达。
105. God created nothing separate from Himself, but through me He expresses Himself, and I am His Son. He who listens to me free from limitation shall know my Voice, for I speak for the Father Himself, who ever remains within me.
105. 神没有创造任何与自己分离的事物,他通过我来表达自己,我是他的圣子。那些抛开限制倾听我话的人,就会知道我的声音,因为我代表一直与我同在的圣父讲话。
106. Let us now enter into the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. I want you to keep your eyes open, and look towards me, and you will realise the Christ that lives in each and every one of you.
106. 现在让我们进入这所寂静的、拥有疗愈力量的圣殿之中。我要你们睁开双眼看着我,你们就会意识到住在你们每个人里面的基督。
107. Seek ye first the Love and Wisdom of God, and all things shall be added unto you.
107. 首先去寻求神的爱和智慧,然后所有的东西都会加给你。
(The Scribe’s Remarks: In the silence a brilliant light lights up the whole of the auditorium. The face of the Master becomes so bright that we cannot gaze upon His face. Then He takes His departure with the words,)
Talk 5
Because I Live You Shall Live Also
My Peace, my Love I bring to you; because I live, you shall live in me and I in you ——this is Eternal Life.
我把我的安宁、我的爱带给你们;因为我活着,你们会活在我之中,我会活在你们之中 —— 这就是永恒的生命。
1. There is nothing in life that you need fear. Leave all to the Father and be patient. Many of you fear this and that, because you are not aware of the Christ within.
1. 生命中没有什么是你需要恐惧的。把所有一切都交给圣父,并耐心等待。你们中很多人忧虑这个忧虑那个,是因为你们对内在的基督没有觉知。
2. If you are filled with fear, this causes you to waver. Therefore you often do the wrong thing which may affect your personal life; not that it matters very much, because Life is the only Reality, and in the end all things move in the right direction.
2. 如果你充满恐惧,就会动摇。因此你会常常会做错事,影响你的个人生活;这没有那么重要,因为生命是唯一的实相,最终所有的事情都会朝着正确的方向发展。
3. But if you fear not and be patient, the Father will take His place in you, and I shall be with Him, and you shall be free now.
3. 如果你不惧怕并且保持耐心,圣父就会出现在你内在他的位置上,我会与他同在,你会获得自由。
4. Know that you live in God and God lives in you; there is no outside, and there is nowhere where God is not. There you are safe at all times in every place, when the Truth is truly known.
4. 知道你住在神之中,神住在你之中;没有外面,没有神不在的地方。当这个真相真正为人们所知时,你在任何地方任何时候都是安全的。
5. Oh, could I make you understand that it is God who is living in you and through you — the Father Himself, His Consciousness, His Life, His Intelligence; and in His Wisdom He is continually expressing Himself in and through you. If you will but realise this wonderful Truth you will know that there is no place where He is not; He is omnipresent, He is everywhere; and wherever you are, so is He.
5. 噢,我能不能让你明白,是神住在你之中,并通过你来表达 —— 圣父自身、他的意识、他的生命、他的智能;在他的智慧中,他不断地在你内在进行表达,并通过你表达他自己。如果你愿意了解这个奇妙的真理,你就会知道没有什么地方是他不在的;他无所不在,他无处不在;不论你在哪里,他也在哪里。
6. The secret of Power is within your own consciousness because the Consciousness of God, the Intelligence of God, is expressing Itself through you, making you the sons and daughters of God.
6. 力量的奥秘在你自己的意识之中,因为神之意识、神之智能正通过你表达它自己,从而让你成为神之儿女。
7. Let the mortal sense be silent, then the Christ in you will take possession of your mortal body. When the mortal sense is active, the Christ in you is silent.
7. 让世俗的感官安静下来,接下来你内在的基督就会占据你的世俗之身。当世俗的感官处于活跃之中,内在的基督就会处于寂静之中。
8. There is nothing to fear, so be patient and let the Father speak for you. For it is the Father in me that speaketh. I myself am nothing, but the Father that dwelleth in me is all. The Father knoweth me, I know the Father; and because I know the Father the Father speaketh in me and through me. Thus I bring His Peace and His Love, His Healing and His Wisdom.
8. 没什么可以恐惧的,要有耐心,让圣父来为你说话。因为是我内在的圣父在讲话。我自己什么都不是,只有住在我之中的圣父才是一切。圣父认识我,我也认识圣父;因为我了解圣父,圣父在我内在、并通过我讲话。因此我带来了他的安宁和他的爱,他的疗愈和他的智慧。
9. The Father is always revealing Himself in me to you, for “I am the Life.” I AM THE LIFE, the Word that was in the beginning.
9. 圣父总是在我之中向你揭示他自己,因为“我就是生命。”我就是生命,是太初的道。
10. Many have refused to accept me as the Saviour of the Race. Yet I am the Life; the Life of the Father is in the Son, the only Reality.
10. 很多人拒绝接受我作为人类种族的救世主。不过我是生命;圣父的生命在圣子之中,唯一的实相中。
11. I revealed the Father in His Love, in His Power, in His Wisdom, His Eternal Life; and I come to give freely of the Father who sent me. This is the saving of the Race.
11. 我在他的爱、他的力量、他的智慧和他永恒的生命中把圣父揭示出来;我前来自愿地揭示圣父,是他差我来的。这是种族的拯救。
12. I do not speak from the flesh; I speak from the Consciousness of God; in God I dwell eternally, and it is the Father in me that speaketh to you now.
12. 我不是从肉身中讲话;我从神之意识中讲话;我永远地住在神之中,是我内在的圣父在对你讲话。
13. And if ye will accept my 〃Word〃 you will be free. Just as the “living” Father sent me, I am living because of the Father; so whoever eats of me will also live because of me.
13. 如果你愿意接受我的“话语”,你就会获得自由。就像差我来的“活着”的圣父那样,我因圣父而活着;因此那些以我为食的人也会因我而活着。
14. To eat of me means to take me into yourselves, to be within yourselves; and I shall be with you, and you shall be in me and we all in the Father.
14. 以我为食意味着把我带入你们之中,成为你们的内在;我会与你同在,你也会在我之中,我们都在圣父之中。
15. I am always knocking at the door of your heart, and you will always find me there waiting patiently. And when you open the door of your heart and mind, then I shall enter in and abide with you forever and you shall be with me.
15. 我一直在敲你的心门,你总会发现我在那里耐心等待着。当你打开你内心和思想的大门,我就会进入并永远与你同在,而你也将与我同在。
16. This is the Bread which comes down from Heaven, and he who eats of this Bread shall live forever.
16. 这就是来自天堂的食粮,吃这食粮的人将永远活着。
17. I am living, and the promise I have made is the Father’s Word; therefore you shall live forever. For in me there is no death, for I am the Life.
17. 我活着,我应允的就是圣父的话;因此你会永远活着。因为我之中没有死亡,因为我就是生命。
18. Perhaps some of you have not yet grasped what I have said and you stumble at my Word.
18. 或许你们中还有一些人没有领悟我所说的,你们在我的话上绊倒了。
19. The Spirit of God in man is “I am”. You will observe if you read the Old Testament, where Moses perceived the burning bush, the voice spoke: “I am〃. This was the secret Word of Power given to the Prophets, and told to the multitude. It was on their lips but they did not know it; but he who could understand entered into the wisdom of the Prophets.
19. 人之中的神之灵就是“我是”。如果你读过《旧约》,你就会发现摩西到燃烧的荆棘前察看,一个声音在说:“我是”。这就是给予先知的、并告诉大众的力量的神秘之言。他们挂在嘴边却对它一无所知;惟有那些明白的,才会进入先知的智慧中。
20. The Spirit of God in man is “I am”. I am Spirit, and the Spirit ascends whence It came. It is the Spirit that gives life — the body has no life in itself; and the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life.
20. 人之中的神之灵就是“我是”。我是圣灵,圣灵上升至它来的地方。是圣灵赋予了生命 —— 身体本身并没有生命;我同你说的话就是圣灵和生命。
21. I am the Bread of Life that comes down from Heaven and has entered the world of flesh to give it Life.
21. 我是来自天堂的生命之粮,进入血肉的世界来赋予它生命。
22. Heaven is not a place; it is an inner consciousness, an inner knowing of Reality; and this inner knowing of Reality is known as the Heaven that is above, just as the Earth is below.
22. 天堂不是一个地方;它是一种内在的意识,一种对实相的内在认知;这种实相的内在认知把天堂看作在上面,就像把地球看作在下面一样。
23. The Earth is but the manifestation of the inner realms, and the Life that animates it comes from within and expresses itself outwardly.
23. 地球不过是内在领域的显化,赋予它生命力的生命来自内在,并向外表达自己。
24. The inner Consciousness is Heaven expressing itself through the body upon Earth. I know, and you know now, that you are one with me. I am in Heaven, and when you understand me you shall be in Heaven also, even now.
24. 内在的意识是天堂通过地球上的身体来表达自己。我知道,现在你也知道了,我与你是合一。我在天堂,当你理解我时,你也会在天堂,即便是现在。
25. I am in you and you are in me; therefore, if ye eat of my body and drink of my blood ye shall be with me. For I shall be in you and you in me, and thus you will remember me.
25. 我在你之中,你在我之中;因此,你们若吃我的肉喝我的血,就必与我同在。因为我会在你之中,你会在我之中,这样你就会记得我。
26. My words have been misunderstood because I speak from the Life within. When I speak from Life I do not mean the flesh, for the flesh has no say in the matter.
26. 我的话语被误解了,因为我是从内在的生命中讲话。当我从生命中讲话时,生命不是指肉身,因为肉身在这件事情上没有发言权。
27. My Spiritual body is substance and is perfect; it is the Spiritual body alone that gives flesh sustenance. If you drink of me — my Life — you will take me into yourselves. If you eat of my body — my Wisdom — then my Wisdom shall be in you and I will be with you always, and thus you will remember me.
27. 我的灵性身体是实实在在的存在,而且处于完美的状态;只有灵性身体才能维系肉身的存在。如果你把我喝下 —— 我的生命 —— 你就会把我带入你之中。如果你吃我的身体 —— 我的智慧 —— 那么我的智慧就会在你之中,我将永远与你同在,这样你就会记住我。
28. My teaching is not mine but the Father’s who liveth in me. He speaketh for me.
28. 我的教导不是来自我,而是来自住在我之中的圣父。他代我讲话。
29. Now you know me, and you know whence I come; yet I have not come of my own accord but from Him who sent me and He is true. It is He, the Father whom I reveal to you. I do the will of my Father, and my Father’s will is done in me.
29. 现在你了解我了,知道我从哪里来;不过我并不是出于自己的意愿,而是圣父差我来,他是真实存在的。我向你揭示的正是他,圣父。我遵从圣父的意志,我圣父的意志在我身上得以成就。
30. I know Him because I am from Him and He sent me, yet we are “one”. “The Father and I are one.”
30. 我了解他因为我来自他,他差我来,不过我们是“合一的”。“圣父和我是合一。”
31. The time will come when I will reveal the Father to all peoples of the Earth, and there shall be no more wailing and gnashing of teeth.
31. 时间将会到来,那时我会向地球上所有的人揭示圣父,将不再会有哀嚎和怨恨。
32. There will be rejoicing among the nations, for they will know the truth about “our” Father which is in Heaven — OUR Father of Love and Wisdom.
32. 国家之间将欢欣鼓舞,因为它们将会知道有关“我们”居住在天堂的圣父的真相 —— 我们的圣父是爱与智慧的化身。
33. Everyone shall forgive one another, for only through forgiveness and Love can you enter into the joy of the Father’s House.
33. 每个人都会原谅他人,因为只有通过宽恕和爱,你才能进入圣父的愉悦之家。
34. Do you understand what that really means? Have you ever felt the joy of being in the Father’s House? Only when you can express that Divine Love which frees you from all that is untrue, is the Blessedness of the Father, the Christ, revealed in you. Can you realise now the joy of being in the Father’s House now and for evermore?
34. 你明白那真正的意思吗?你有没有感受到圣父家中的愉悦?只有当你表达出让你摆脱一切不真实的神圣之爱时,圣父的祝福,基督就会在你内在揭示出来。现在你可以意识到从现在起直至永远待在圣父家中的愉悦吗?
35. And all shall partake of their daily portion of the Bread of Life that comes down from Heaven. This bread is the True Bread, the Life — and “I am that Life”.
35. 所有的人都应该在他们日常生活中分享来自天堂的生命之粮。这食粮是真正的食粮,是生命 —— “我就是那生命”。
36. I have said before to you, “Forgive ye one another.” I have also said to you, “Love ye one another.”
36. 我已经对你说过了,“互相原谅。”我也对你们说过,“彼此相爱。”
37. My words are true, for the Father loves each and every one with an everlasting Love, and with the same Love ye must love one another.
37. 我的话是真实的,因为圣父以永恒之爱爱着每一个人,你们也必须以同样的爱来爱彼此。
38. His Love is mighty, powerful, overwhelming. If His Love is in you, there is the joy of the Father. May His Love and Peace reign in you always.
38. 他的爱是强大、充满力量、势不可挡的。如果他的爱在你之中,就会有圣父的喜悦。愿他的爱与安宁永远统领你的内在。
39. For your entire will, thought, and brain are led by this holy invisible Spirit into the knowledge of all Truth.
39. 因为你的整个意志、思想和大脑都被这个看不见的圣灵所引导,进入对所有真理的认知中。
40. His will that is done in Heaven shall also be done on Earth through you. In your own hearts the will of my Father is done.
40. 他的意志在天堂得到实现,也将通过你在地球上实现。在你们自己的心中,圣父的意志得以实现。
41. The inner realms of my Consciousness shall proceed to the outer, and the mortal sense shall be silenced; and Christ shall take His place in the world and redeem it.
41. 我意识的内在领域将走向外在,世俗的感官会安静下来;基督将会在世界中占据他的位置,并救赎这个世界。
42. Your present state is one of training and unfoldment. You learn lessons of childhood before you become adult.
42. 你当前的状态处于训练和展开阶段。在你成年之前要学习少年的课程。
43. You are passing through the stages now, and you will arrive at the true awareness; in your heart and mind, of the Christ within that is all-power filled with the Father’s Love.
43. 你正在度过这些阶段,会到达真正的觉知;你的内心和心智中的基督是全能的,充满了圣父的爱。
44. Listen to me and read my words and they will have a new meaning each time you read them. I will repeat the Truth in many different ways till you begin to understand.
44. 倾听我讲话,阅读我说过的话,每次当你读它们时,它们都会呈现出新的含义。我会以许多不同的方式重复真理,直至你开始理解。
45. Then you shall be filled with my knowing. My words are Life, and they will strengthen your heart and mind in your daily living.
45. 然后你将充满我的知识。我的话语是生命,它们会在你日常生活中加强你的内心和心智。
46. Read them quietly and calmly in your quiet hour; and then they will remain with you.
46. 在你安静的时候静静地阅读它们;然后它们就会与你同在。
47. When I speak, you know I speak the truth, for you feel the truth of my words in yourselves. Every word I speak is true, yet I know you do not hold on to my word always.
47. 当我讲话的时候,你知道我说的都是真的,因为你内在可以感受到我话语的真实。我说的每一句话都是真的,但我知道你并不总是能牢牢抓紧我的话。
48. Now that you have seen me and heard me, and I have given to you what my Father gave to me, thus you shall remember my words. My words shall remain with you, and when you remember my words you will remember me.
48. 既然你们已经看见了我,听到了我,我已经把我圣父给我的东西给了你们,那么你们就要记住我的话。我的话语会与你们同在,当你们记住我的话时,你们就会记住我。
49. All come to me, for to die to the body is to live with the Lord.
49. 一切都归向我,因为向着身体死亡,就是与上主同活。
50. Already you are entering into the wider knowledge. Blessed are you who heareth these words, for many have passed from the body ignorant of much with which you are familiar.
50. 你已经准备好进入更广阔的知识领域。听到这些话语的人是受到祝福的,因为很多人已经离开了身体,他们对你们所熟悉的许多事情一无所知。
51. Many listening to me, yet invisible to you, have passed from the earthly body not understanding the truth that Life is Eternal. Life is not interrupted by the event called death; there is no break in life, in birth or in death.
51. 很多存有在听我讲话,不过你们看不见他们,他们离开了尘世的身体,但是不理解生命是永恒的这一真理。生命不会被称之为死亡的事情打断;生命没有中断,不论是在出生还是死亡之时。
52. Remember there is no birth and no death in life. These invisible ones around you, and above you, know now there is no division in Life, neither is there separation between those who have left the body and those who are still in the body. This is the Christ, I am the Life; the Father who ever remaineth with me, He is the Father that ever remaineth within you also, and in the Father there is no death, no separation.
52. 记住,生命没有出生也没有死亡。那些你们周围和你们上空的无形存有,现在知道了生命是没有中断的,对于那些已经离开身体和那些仍然居住在肉身之中的人来说,也没有分离。这就是基督,我就是生命;永远与我同在的圣父,也是永远在你们之中的圣父,在圣父之中,没有死亡,也没有分离。
53. You are indestructible Spiritual beings, and this Truth alters your whole mental attitude towards sickness and death.
53. 你们是坚不可摧的灵性存有,这个真理改变了你们对疾病和死亡的全部心智态度。
54. Ask yourselves this question and satisfy yourselves in regard to it: “Who am I?” It is a pertinent question; therefore search deep into your heart and mind and you shall find the answer.
54. 问问自己这个问题,并让自己对这个问题的答案感到满意:“我是谁?”这是一个贴切的问题;因此,请深入探究你的内心和心智,你就会找到答案。
55. “You are because God is.” There can be no separation between you and me and the Father, for we are all one. There is no separation because there is no outside of God. There is no division in God.
55. “你是神所是。”在你我和圣父之间没有分离,因为我们是合一的。没有分离,因为没有神之外的存在。在神之中没有分离。
56. You have become individuals because the Father has individualised Himself in you; thus you reveal the Life of the Father.
56. 你们成为了个体,因为圣父在你们之中把自己个体化了;从而你们揭示了圣父的生命。
57. Where you are at the moment is because God is where you are, and no one else can fill your place in the perfect Cosmic Scheme.
57. 你之所以处于此刻所在的位置,是因为神就在你所在的位置,在完美的宇宙蓝图中,没有其他人可以填补你的位置。
58. I come to do the work the Father hath sent me to do.
58. 我来做圣父派我去做的工作。
59. Do not rebel against conditions but learn your lessons from them.
59. 不要反抗状况,而是要从中吸取教训。
60. Your mortal sense blinds you to this Truth because you look without instead of looking within.
60. 你的世俗感官让你看不到这个真理,因为你是向外看而不是向内看。
61. When you look within, you find the Christ; and by your oneness with the Father you spiritualise all things, and confusion disappears. All is made Real by the presence of the Christ in you.
61. 当你向内看,你就会发现基督;通过你与圣父的合一,你使万物灵性化,混乱消失。所有一切都因你内在基督的临在而变得真实。
62. I use my power wisely because the Father guideth me; therefore my Love goes out to everyone because I know the Father is Love and loves all His Creation. Only the mortal sense fails to understand my Love and Peace towards all.
62. 我明智地使用我的力量,因为圣父指引着我;因此,我的爱传递给每个人,因为我知道圣父是爱,并且爱他所有的创造。只有世俗的感官无法理解我对万物的爱与和平。
63. Remember there is no separation between you and me or between you and those who have left the mortal body.
63. 请记住,在你我之间、你和那些已经离开肉身的人之间没有分离。
64. Fear is the only barrier, and this fear exists only in your mind; it is not a reality, it is of your own creation by your reaction to the outer while not knowing the inner.
64. 恐惧是唯一的障碍,这种恐惧只存在于你的心智中;它不是实相,它是由你自己在不知道内在的情况下,通过对外在的反应创造出来的。
65. For the Father reigneth forever, and He through me conquers all enemies; and the last enemy is fear of so-called death. With this fear gone, all is made anew through the Christ within.
65. 因为圣父永远处于统领的状态,通过我他战胜了所有的敌人;最后一个敌人是对所谓死亡的恐惧。随着这种恐惧的消失,所有一切都通过内在的基督重生。
66. The Son is also subject unto the Father, for the Father is all in all. I of myself am nothing; it is the Spirit of the Father within me that doeth the work.
66. 圣子也服从于圣父,因为圣父是一切中的一切。我自己做不了什么;是我之主的圣父之灵在做事情。
67. Hold this attitude of mind and heart so that you can receive me. Through this attitude of mind and heart the Father who ever remaineth in me also remaineth in you. He will do for you what He doeth for me.
67. 在心智和内心中保持这种态度,这样你就可以接收到我。通过心智和内心的这种态度,永远与我同在的圣父也会与你同在。他会为你做他为我做到事。
68. For all the good exists forever, and this good surrounds you and can never change or be lost.
68. 因为一切美好永远存在,这种美好环绕着你,永远不会改变或者丢失。
69. This good is only harmed because your eyes perceive good and evil; the only Real is that which is, and not that which is not. God is all there is; there is no other living being but He. He created Heaven and Earth and all that lives therein and thereon.
69. 此善受害,只因眼见善恶;唯一的实相是其所是,而不是其所不是。神就是一切;除他之外没有别的生命体。他创造了天堂和地球,以及所有生活中其中和其上的一切。
70. My Word is good, It produces good fruit; this Word is ever-lasting because It comes from Him Who sent me.
70. 我的道是良善的,它结出好的果子;这道是永恒的,因为它来自差我来的那位。
71. From whomsoever hears this Word and does not hold onto It, It is snatched away. This is like the seed that was sown by the roadside and failed to take root.
71. 凡听此道而不持守者,即被夺去。这就像撒在路边的种子,没能生根发芽。
72. There are others who hear my Word of the Kingdom within. They immediately accept It and are joyful, but It does not take root except for a little while, and is then forgotten; when trouble comes, It dies because the roots are not deep enough. This is like the seed that falls on stony ground.
72. 有些人听到了我内在的王国之道。他们马上就接受了它,并感到快乐,但是它只生根了一小会儿,然后就被遗忘了;当困难到来时,它因生的根不够深而死亡。这就像是落在石头地上的种子。
73. When you do not hold onto the Word It is snatched away from you because It has not taken root in your soul. The Word must penetrate deep into your soul and there take root and be held fast by faith.
73. 当你不持守此道,它就会从你身边被夺走,因为它没有在你的灵魂中扎根。道必须深入你的灵魂,在那里生根发芽,并用信念持守它。
74. The Word is: “I am the Life.” I have dominion over all things. All power has been given unto me in Heaven and on Earth.
74. 道就是:“我是生命。”我掌管万物。天堂和地球上所有的力量都被赋予我。
75. Riches may also choke the Word because of worldly desires and deception; these are the thistles that choke growth. Think over these words of mine earnestly.
75. 财富可能会因世俗的欲望和欺骗而扼杀此道;它们是阻碍成长的蓟。认真地思考我的这些话语。
76. You have heard the Word and now you understand It; so It grows in good soil and bears fruit: for you are the good soil that produces, some of you one hundred, some sixty, some thirty.
76. 你已经听过圣言,现在你理解它了;所以它会成长在好的土壤中,并结果子;因为你们是好的土壤,你们中有人结了一百个果子,有的结了六十,有的结了三十。
77. As I told you, the last time we gathered together, you did not choose me but I chose you.
77. 正如我告诉过你的,上次我们聚集在一起,不是你们选择了我,而是我选择了你们。
78. Now when I sow my seed in you and you accept my Word and this Word dwells in you, I am in you and you are in me.
78. 现在我在你们之中播下我的种子,你们会接受我的道,这道就住在你里面,我在你里面,你也在我里面。
79. My Word is the leaven in you, and as you allow It to work in you, you become leaven.
79. 我的道是你内在的面酵,当你允许它在你之中工作时,你就成为了面酵。
80. My Word will spring up in you. It is the spring of everlasting Life, It will flood you soul and body and we shall breathe and think as one. Thus you shall eat of my body and drink of my blood; thus you will remember me.
80. 我的道会在你内在涌现。它是永生之泉,它会充满你的灵魂和身体,我们会像一个合一整体那样呼吸和思考。这样,你们就可以吃我的肉喝我的血;这样你们就可以记得我。
81. I bring out secrets hidden in you before the foundation of the world.
81. 我把你身上隐藏的创世之前就存在的秘密带出来。
82. Your work you have undertaken from the beginning, and every step you take is the right one. You perhaps do not see the end, and thus you doubt; but even your doubt cannot stop the creative scheme from altering and changing.
82. 你做的工作是你从最初起就承担的,你走的每一步都是正确的。你也许看不到尽头,所以你怀疑;但是即便是你的怀疑也无法阻止创造蓝图带来的转变和变化。
83. Never be discouraged by appearances, always see the good to which all shall attain. Know that the eternal scheme must be fulfilled, because it is the will of God. The glory and purpose behind it is Love, Peace, Harmony, Goodwill towards all men.
83. 永远不要因表相而气馁,总是要看到所有人最终会取得的好结果。要知道,永恒的计划必须实现,因为这是神的意志。它背后的荣耀和目的是对所有人的爱、和平、和谐和善意。
84. You are on Earth at present to help in this work. That is why I have come to you. I am with you, helping you always. Perhaps you have not realised this fully, yet these words of mine are true; and whatever you ask of me believing, so shall it be done unto you.
84. 你目前在地球上是为了帮助这项工作。这就是我来找你的原因。我跟你们同在,永远在帮助你们。或许你们还没有完全意识到这一点,但这些话是真的;无论你们向我求什么,要相信我都会成就你们。
85. Know that God is Incarnate Love; and Love never fails, but makes all things anew.
85. 知道神化作爱;爱永远不会失败,它会让万物焕然一新。
86. If you believe that I am He who spoke through the mouth of Jesus and accept me now, you will do much in my name, for I am always with you, and with me is the Father who sent me.
86. 如果你们相信我就是正在从耶稣之口讲话的他,并且现在就接受我,奉着我的名你们会完成很多事,因为我永远与你们同在,差我来的圣父也与我同在。
87. It is the Father who is living; I live because He lives in me. You also live because of Him; I live in the Father; and the Father lives in me, and I live in you and we all live in the Father.
87. 活着的是圣父;我之所以活着是因为他住在我之中。你也因他而活;我住在圣父之中,圣父住在我之中,我住在你之中,我们都住在圣父之中。
88. Call no man your Father on Earth, for one is your Father who is in Heaven.
88. 不要称呼任何地球上的人为你们的圣父,因为你们的圣父只有一位,他在天堂。
89. He who does not believe in the Son of God and rejects Him does not know himself.
89. 不相信神之子并拒绝他的人,不认识自己。
90. The more you know of me and my Father, the greater becomes your reverence for the exquisite wisdom and order in every created thing.
90. 你越是了解我和我的圣父,你对每一个所造之物中的精妙智慧和秩序的敬畏就越深。
91. The very stones and rocks are marvels of His Creation; every drop of dew obeys his Law and fulfils His Eternal Purpose.
91. 石头和岩石是他创造的奇迹;每一滴露水都遵从他的法则,并实现他永恒的目的。
92. As you open up to the Word that was in the beginning, you will discern the higher laws and become in harmony with them.
92. 当你向太初之道敞开自己时,你就会分辨出更高的法则,并与它们和谐共处。
93. You may make mistakes, but these become experiences to aid you. Fear not, nor regret the past; know that the mighty Eternal Love is seeking expression everywhere now.
93. 你或许会犯错误,但是这些错误会成为帮助你的经验。不要害怕,也不要后悔过去;要知道强大的永恒之爱正无处不在地寻求表达。
94. I am the Light in man, and those who follow me shall not walk in darkness: I am the Light of the world.
94. 我是人们内在的光,那些追随我的人不会在黑暗中行走:我是世界之光。
95. I reveal the Father in all His Glory to you. It is for this purpose I have come.
95. 我向你们揭示圣父的全部荣耀。我就是为此而来。
96. The Pharisees said, “You testify concerning yourself, your testimony is not true”.
96. 法利赛人说,“你为自己做见证,你的见证不是真的”。
97. They did not know the Spirit of God, neither did they know whence I came or whither I go. I knew whence I came and whither I go.
97. 他们不认识神之灵,他们也不知道我从哪里来,要到哪里去。我知道我从哪里来,要到哪里去。
98. I knew I came from God; I knew He sent me into the world. I knew the world would deny me; yet by denying me the world is forced to accept me. But let me tell you this: to deny me is to deny the Father who sent me, I am the Light of the Father, the Consciousness of God expressing Himself in man.
98. 我知道我来自神;我知道他派我来到这个世界。我知道这个世界会拒绝我;然而,通过拒绝我,世界会被迫接受我。让我来告诉你:否认我,就是否认派我来的圣父,我是圣父的光,是神之意识在人身上表达自己。
99. Men judge according to the flesh, but I judge no one: and if I should judge, my judgement is true, because I am not alone, for my Father is always with me.
99. 人们根据外在进行评判,但是我不评判任何人:如果我一定要评判,我的评判是真的,因为我不是孤身一人,圣父总是与我同在。
100. I testify not concerning myself; my Father who sent me testifies concerning me; and if you accept me you accept my Father also. Realise that there is no separation, then you shall know me.
100. 我不为自己作见证;派我来的圣父为我做见证;如果你接受我,你也就接受了我的圣父。领悟到没有分离,然后你就会认识我。
101. The Christ always meets the need of the people at their exact degree of unfoldment.
101. 基督总是根据人们意识的展开程度来满足他们的需要。
102. Thus I never fail to help if you will but believe. For the Love of the Father meets every need, for He knows what you are in need of before you ask. This is the eternal promise that exists to all those who believe in me.
102. 如果你愿意相信我,我绝不会不提供帮助。因为圣父的爱满足每一个需要,因为他在你祈求之前就知道你需要什么。这是对所有信奉我的人的永恒承诺。
103. When you love with all your heart, soul and mind and strength I shall reign in you, and nothing will be impossible to you.
103. 当你用自己的内心、灵魂、心智和力量全部去爱时,我就会主宰你,那时对你来说,没有什么是不可能的。
104. The Love of the Father in me is expressed in you. In that Love there is Intelligence, Power and Wisdom to accomplish all things.
104. 我内在的圣父之爱在你之中表达。在那爱中存在着完成所有一切的智能、力量和智慧。
105. Do not fail to understand that the Spiritual body is perfect substance and every part o£ your material body will act in obedience to the Christ, the only Reality.
105. 不要错误地理解,灵性身体是完美材质,你物质身体的每一部分都会服从于基督,基督是唯一的实现。
106. Should you suffer, suffer in peace, and I shall reign in your life. For God is working in your midst and cannot fail. Then your suffering shall not be in vain. You shall feel the Power of the Christ, and your sufferings shall be no more. With me, your yoke is light.
106. 若是你受苦,在困苦中泰然自若,那么我将主导你的生命。因为神在你们中间工作,并且不会失败。这样你的苦难就不会白费。你将感受到基督的力量,你的痛苦就不复存在。与我一起,你的轭就轻盈了。
107. The Father liveth with me in your life, even while in the flesh; therefore live by the Word that is in you. I who love you have given myself for you, and where I am there you shall be also.
107. 圣父在你的生命中与我同在,即便是在你肉身中也是如此;因此,藉由你内在的道生活。爱你们的我,已经把我给予了你们,不论我在哪里,你们也在哪里。
(The Scribe’s Remarks: Before the Master took his departure the same bright light is seen; and there, on each side of the Master, appear two of His disciples, one on each side. As they left, the music and the singing died away. The students remained sitting for some time, spellbound by the wonderful experience.)
Talk 6
The Spirit Of The Father Who Raised Me From The ‘Dead’ Dwells Within You
1. The Spirit of the Father who raised me from the “dead” dwells within you.
1. 让我从“死亡”中复活的圣父之灵居住在你之中。
2. Perhaps you do not realise the importance of these words. But it is the same Spirit and there is no division in Spirit, the one Spirit manifesting in the many and that many in the one.
2. 或许你还没有意识到这些话的重要性。居住在我和你之中的圣灵是相同的,圣灵之中没有分离,合一的圣灵表达在众多人之中,众多人中体现的都是合一圣灵。
3. It was this mighty Power that I saw completely in my own life; and, by recognition of It, so was I able to use the Power of the Spirit of God the Father who dwelt within me. This Spirit of the Father who raised me from the dead is within you also.
3. 我在自己的生活中完全看到了这种强大的力量;并且通过认出这种力量,我得以使用住在我之中的父神之灵的力量。让我从死亡中复活的圣父之灵也在你们内在。
4. When your mortal sense would indicate disorder, pain and death, remember the Spirit of the Father which remaineth within you.
4. 当你世俗的感官出现混乱、痛苦和死亡的迹象时,要记得与你们同在的圣父之灵。
5. Call it into manifestation by the Word of Power “I am”. Have you fully realised the meaning of the Word “I am”?
5. 通过使用“我是”圣言的力量,就把它带入了表达。你是否完全领悟了“我是”圣言的含义?
6. You cannot speak the Word “I am” in Reality unless you know the meaning of It; and when you know the meaning of the word “I am” you have learnt the Word of Power. “I am the Life.” I am living because His Life liveth in me. Life is God and God is Life.
6. 除非你知道它的含义,否则你无法在那实相中说出“我是”圣言;当你知道圣言“我是”的含义,你就掌握了圣言的力量。“我是那生命。”我活着是因为他的生命住在我之中。生命就是神,神就是生命。
7. Therefore my Spirit will quicken your mortal flesh and the Satan of the senses shall be under your feet.
7. 因此我的圣灵会让你们从世俗的肉身中醒来,感官的撒旦会败在你的脚下。
8. It has always been the Satan of the senses that has blinded you to the real Truth of the immanent power of the Spirit that dwells within.
8. 一直以来,都是感官的撒旦让你们看不到这样真实的真相,即看不到居住在你们内在圣灵的内在力量。
9. The senses reveal to you things from without, but the Spirit of God reveals the Truth from within, and not having this Truth you are powerless.
9. 感官从外部向你揭示,而神之灵从内在向你揭示,如果不认识到这个真理,你们就无能为力。
10. The mortal sense only sees things from without, and that which it sees it does not know. It reasons from the intellect only. It is not inspired, because inspiration must come from the Spirit within.
10. 世俗的感官只能从外面来看事物,它也不了解它看到的。它只能从智力进行推理。它不会带来启发,因为启发一定是来自内在的圣灵。
11. The Father that dwells within you reveals Himself through your consciousness, because your consciousness is the means through which you express the Father. Be aware in your own consciousness of the great secret of power “I am”. Speak the Word of Power “I am”, then your consciousness will realise the tremendous force that is behind It. The Universe is not divided, it is One Whole.
11. 居住在你内在的圣父通过你的意识向你揭示他自己,因为你的意识是你表达圣父的方式。在你自己的意识中觉知到“我是”的伟大秘密力量。说出拥有伟大力量的“我是”圣言,然后你的意识会领悟到圣言背后的强大力量。宇宙并非分裂的,它是一个合一整体。
12. Fill the holy Temple every day with strong assertive vibrations of the Christ Life, lifting the atmosphere beyond the mortal senses.
12. 每天用基督生命强烈自信的振动来充满圣殿,让空气中的振动超越世俗感官。
13. Your growth into Truth is so simple, so natural, for the Father is working in your midst and cannot fail.
13. 你朝向真理的成长是如此简单,如此自然,因为圣父在你们中间工作,他不会失败。
14. You do not live alone. You think that you live by yourself, but that is an illusion of the senses. There is no division in Life, there is no separation between any one of us.
14. 你不是独自活着的。你认为你是靠自己活着的,但是那是感官的错觉。生命中没有分离,我们任何人之间都没有分离。
15. There is at the root the One Life, flowing from the One source, the One Spirit manifesting itself in all.
15. 在根源上只有合一的生命,从合一的源头流出,合一的圣灵在万物中表达它自己。
16. If the consciousness in you was in any way separate from the Infinite Consciousness, then the Infinite could not be infinite. If you, a living Being upon Earth, were separate from God, then God could not be Infinite. Now you see clearly that you cannot live alone and that there is no separation anywhere.
16. 如果你的意识以某种方式与无限的意识分离了,那么无限就不会成为无限。如果你,地球上的一个生命体,与神分离,那么神就不可能是无限的。现在你可以清楚地看到,你不是独自活着的,任何地方都没有分离。
17. In the realisation of this Truth the symbol used for this pliable substance that fills the whole Universe was known as “water”, but in your days other words have been used for the expression of the same thing, such as electronic substance or ether or space.
17. 在领悟这一真理时,用于表达这种充满整个宇宙的、容易受到影响材质的象征符号是“水”,但是在你们时代,另一个词语被用来表达同样的事物,比如电子材质、以太、或空间。
18. Although you are aware of many scientific developments that take place on the Earth plane, yet you will realise that it is only through knowledge of the Spiritual that you arrive at the secrets of the Universe.
18. 虽然你知道地球上的很多科学发展,不过你会意识到,只有通过灵性知识,你才能了解宇宙的奥秘。
19. If scientists would open their minds fully to the inspiration that comes from the Spirit, great and mighty things could be revealed to them.
19. 如果科学家对来自圣灵的启发完全敞开心智,那么卓越且伟大的事物就会揭示给他们。
20. The day is coming when this will be so, when the world will be better understood in its relation to the Universe as a whole, showing distinctly that the world you live in is in the “whole” Universe. A portion of the electronic substance that makes up all the Universe is moulded into form, but still exists in the one substance and can never be separated from it. Thus within dwells the mighty Power, the Spirit of God — the Christ that creates. This is the Life in man. I am Spirit, the Christ of God, the Word that was in the beginning.
20. 终有一天会如此,届时这个世界与整个宇宙之间的关系将得到更好的理解,会清晰地表明,你生活的世界是存在于“整个”宇宙中的。构成整个宇宙的电子材质的一部分被塑造成形态,但是它仍然存在于合一的材质之中,永远无法与之分离。因此,居住在内在的是强大的力量,神之灵 —— 创造的基督。这就是人的生命。我是圣灵,神之基督,是太初之道。
21. Beware of those who cause divisions contrary to the doctrine which I have taught you. There never has been any division but only in the mind of man, and this division is born of ignorance.
21. 要小心那些制造分裂的人,那些人与我传授给你们的教义相悖。根本不存在任何分裂,它只存在于人们的心智中,而这种分裂源自无知。
22. Later, when you function only from the Consciousness of the Spirit, your bodies will be finer and Its obedience will be immediate.
22. 之后,当你仅仅从圣灵的意识中进行运作时,你的身体会更精细,它也会即刻服从。
23. If you could but realise the importance of these words, that you are Spirit now: you do not have to wait till you leave the body to become Spiritual beings; you are already Spiritual beings and you were so from the beginning.
23. 如果你可以意识到这些话语的重要性,那么你就是圣灵:你不必等到离开肉身后才成为灵性存有;你已经是灵性存有了,你从最初起就是如此。
24. And if when you call upon the Christ Power and realise the source whence you come, you will bring into operation a power that is beyond the mortal sense.
24. 当你呼请基督的力量,并意识到你的源头,你就会把一种超越世俗感知的力量带入运作。
25. All is known to the Christ but all is not revealed to the consciousness in man until such time as man unfolds; and then the Spirit within shall reveal Its glory, Its power, Its essence, Its Love, Its Peace. Only through the quietude of the mind does the Truth unfold Itself.
25. 一切都为基督所知,但是一切都不会揭示给人的意识,直至人意识拓展的时间到来;然后内在的圣灵就会揭示它的荣耀、它的力量、它的本质、它的爱、它的和平。只有通过心智的平静,真理才会自我显现。
26. If you then, being in the mortal sense, become positively spiritual, you could assert now your dominion over all things, thus refusing to recognise the suggestions that come from the senses.
26. 如果你在世俗感官中开始接收到灵性能量,那么你现在可以宣称对万物的主宰,从而拒绝认可来自外部感官的建议。
27. It was this that I saw so clearly; I spoke from the Spirit, thereby infusing Life into everything. If you can think with me and feel with me, then you will realise what I mean.
27. 这一点我看得如此清楚;我从圣灵中讲话,从而把生命注入万物。如果你可以与我一同思考和感受,那么你就会明白我的意思。
28. When you see clearly that the Life, the only ‘Living Presence’ is God Himself, the Almighty, the Almighty in your midst, and when you realise this, your consciousness becomes aware of the Power within. The consciousness is the means through which the Spirit manifests Itself on all planes.
28. 当你清楚地看到生命、唯一‘活着的临在’是神自己,是全能者,是你们之中的神,当你们意识到一点时,你的意识就会对内在的力量产生觉知。意识是圣灵让自己显化在所有层面的方法。
29. When your consciousness becomes “aware” of Life, Life — being the servant of all — shall manifest according to your awareness of It. Your consciousness unfolds through the realisation of the power of the Spirit; the consciousness then reveals and expresses that which the consciousness is aware of.
29. 当你的意识对生命产生“觉知”,生命 —— 万物的服务者 —— 将会根据你对它的意识程度显化出来。你的意识是通过对圣灵力量的领悟展开的;然后意识会揭示并表达意识领悟到的。
30. Feel then in your heart the power of the Spirit, feel and recognise in your own consciousness the Christ Power that has been given dominion over all things. All power has been given unto me in Heaven and on Earth.
30. 请在心中感受圣灵的力量,在自己的意识中感受并认识基督的力量,基督的力量可以主宰万物。天堂和地球上所有的力量都被赋予了我。
31. In this way the Christ shall also reign in you, for the Christ is the only begotten son of the Father who rests upon the Father’s breast.
31. 通过这种方式,基督也会在你内在统领,因为基督是在圣父怀中安息的唯一独子。
32. He is the King in all Kingdoms and has victory in Heaven and on Earth.
32. 他是万王之王,在天堂和地球上都取得胜利。
33. Not even a sparrow will fall on the ground without the Father’s will; therefore, fear not; for I am always with you.
33. 如果没有圣父的旨意,甚至一只麻雀也不会落在地上;因此,不要害怕;因为我永远与你们同在。
34. How beautiful is this Truth when you recognise It. Not a part of your body can be affected unless there is a change that takes place in the mind.
34. 当你认识到这一真理时,它是多么美丽。除非心智中发生变化,否则你身体的任何一个部分都不会受到影响。
35. Everything exists in the Mind of God, and nothing can exist outside it. Unless you are born again, this time of Spirit and water, you can never enter into the Kingdom of the Creative Power of the Christ.
35. 一切都存在于神的心智中,在它之外空无一物。除非你重生,这次是在圣灵和水中,否则你永远都不能进入基督创造力量的王国。
36. Everything has been delivered to me by my Father, and no one knoweth the Father but the Son.
36. 所有一切都是由圣父传达给我的,除了圣子,没有人知道圣父。
37. Then come unto me all you who are tired, all who carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. This is true, for I am he who shall carry your burden; if you will but cast that burden upon me, I will lift it from you and you shall be free.
37. 你们中所有疲倦的人,所有背负重担的人,都到我这里来,我会让你们安息。这是真的,因为我就是要背负你重担的人;如果你愿意把重担丢给我,我就会把它从你身上卸下来,你就会自由。
38. The Christ has been given power in Heaven and on Earth. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you. Seek ye the Kingdom of the Spirit and the right use of It, and all shall be added unto you.
38. 基督被赋予了在天堂和地球上的力量。你们首先要寻求神的国和他的义,然后所有的东西都会加给你们。寻求圣灵之国,并正确地使用它,然后所有一切都会加给你们。
39. Your rest is sure, your strength will be fortified by the presence of the Lord thy God.
39. 你们的安息是肯定的,你的力量将会因为上主你们神的临在而加强。
40. Therefore learn from me, for I am quiet in my heart and strong in my knowing. You will find me a rest to your souls. For you heart is not troubled when you are strong in your knowing of me.
40. 因此请向我学习,因为我内心安宁,知晓强大。你会发现我让你的灵魂得到安息。因为当你对我的认知强大时,你的内心就不会烦恼。
41. Your heart is at peace, full of compassion and Love, when you are strong in Christ. Then know the Father as I know Him; I have personified Him, all His Love, all His glory, His compassion, His Wisdom, and His Power. This knowing in my consciousness reveals the Truth to all men.
41. 当你内在的基督能量很强大时,你的内心就平静,充满了怜悯和爱。然后就会像我一样了解圣父;我已化身为他,展现出所有他的爱、他的荣耀、他的慈悲、他的智慧和他的力量。我意识中的这种知晓向所有人揭示了真理。
42. Everything has been told to me by my Father, and no one knoweth the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son. Then come unto me and I will give you rest.
42. 所有一切都是圣父告诉我的,除了圣父,没有人了解圣子;除了圣子,也没有人了解圣父。然后到我这里来,我会让你得到安息。
43. My yoke is very pleasant and my burden is light. Think with me in your quiet hours, for I am with you always.
43. 我的轭很舒适,我的担子很轻盈。在安静的时候与我一同思考,因为我总是与你们同在。
44. Take time off from your daily tasks and go into the quietness and think with me. I am always with you; you shall feel my Presence expressing Itself through you. You will rise comforted, joyful and filled with the Presence of the Eternal Christ.
44. 从你日常生活中抽出时间,进入安静之中,同我一起思考。我总是与你同在;你会感受到我的临在通过你表达自己。你会感到慰藉、快乐,并充满永恒基督的临在。
45. Now that you have learnt to say “I am Spirit”, know that Spirit alone creates.
45. 既然你已经学会说“我是圣灵”,你就知道唯有圣灵才能创造。
46. It is the Spirit within you that creates everything. Great is the mighty Mind of God as I know It, yet the senses do not reveal this to you. That which is unseen is more real than that which you see, and from the unseen everything you see has come. The Spirit, the Unseen, is the animating power and brings all form into being. Spirit makes things by becoming the things It makes. Spirit is complete in Itself. Spirit is all, and all is Spirit.
46. 是你内在的圣灵创造了一切。我所知的全能神之心智是伟大非凡的,不过感官不会向你揭示这一点。那些看不到的要比你能看到的更加真实,你看到的所有一切都来那自不可见的。圣灵,那不可见,是拥有生命力的能量,让所有一切得以存在。圣灵通过成为它所创造之物来进行创造。圣灵自身就是完整的。圣灵是一切,一切都是圣灵。
47. One part of the Spirit cannot be separated from another; the Spirit manifesting is not separated from Spirit unmanifest. The Life in you is in no way separated from the Life of God.
47. 圣灵的一部分不能与另一部分分离;显化出形态的圣灵并没有与未显化的圣灵分离。你内在的生命也绝不会与神之生命分离。
48. The Race is in its childhood in regard to this knowledge, yet many are beginning to feel the urge of the One Life “I am”.
48. 就此知识而言,人类种族还处于童年阶段,不过,很多人开始感受到合一生命“我是”的能量。
49. These words of mine are for the purpose of unfolding the Real behind the shadow, and what I feel you shall also feel as you listen to me. Thus you will learn of me. Study these words until you feel the “knowing”.
49. 我说这些话,是为了揭示幻相背后的真相,当你听我说话时,我感受到的,你也会感受到。这样你就会从我这里学习。研究这些话语,直至你感觉“明白了”。
50. There is what we call telepathic communication from one mind to another or from one consciousness to another; there is a direct line of communication just as you have in your world when you take up the instrument you use to hear one person speaking to another from a distance.
50. 从一个心智到另一个心智,从一种意识到另一种意识,这就是我们所谓的心电感应交流;存在着直接的交流线路,就像在你们的世界当你拿起使用的设备就可以听到遥远的地方另一个人讲话的声音。
51. It is the same here: as above, so below. There is a telepathic communication from one mind to another. The mind that is trained for the work will express the thoughts that I give.
51. 这里也是如此:如在其上,如在其下。从一个人的心智到另一个人的心智,存在着心电感应交流。为这种工作受过训练的心智会表达我给出的想法。
52. You will notice that the consciousness of the brother is raised above the mortal sense, raised above the physical sense, to the Consciousness of the inner realm. His consciousness is linked up with this Consciousness and then transferred back into the body using the brain and body as a sounding board.
52. 你会注意到,这位兄弟的意识也被提升至超越世俗感官,超越肉身感官,进入内在领域的意识之中。他的意识与内在意识连结在一起,然后被送回到身体中,使用大脑和身体作为共鸣板。
53. While this process is going on he knows everything that is taking place, but, when transmission by my overshadowing ceases, he knows nothing of what has taken place until such time as he hears it again over the recorder which has been placed at the back of the structure behind him.
53. 当这个过程进行时,他知道正在发生的一切,但是,当我降临到他身上的传输停止时,他对发生过的事情会一无所知,直至他通过播放放置在他身后的录音机再次听到这些。
54. If the brother would meditate, sit quietly; and enter again into the realms of his own consciousness, he would find all imprinted there, and all I have given can be brought forth again. That is why, after these lectures have been given, he will be a greater instrument than ever before to express the Truth.
54. 如果这位兄弟进行冥想、静坐;再次进入他自己的意识领域,他会发现所有的一切都刻印在那里,我所给予的一切都可以再次呈现。这就是为什么,在完成这些讲座后,他会成为比以往任何时候都更能表达真理的工具。
55. He has been trained in the Himalayas for this purpose — sometimes seven days and longer in complete meditation, without even food or drink, until such time as he was capable of receiving the higher vibration.
55. 为了这个目的,他在喜马拉雅山接受训练 —— 有时候会在冥想中静坐七天或者更久,甚至不吃不喝,直至他能够接收更高的振动。
56. Consequently we have used him all over the world and we will use him again in different parts of the world. I am telling you these things because you should know them. One day we will take him away from your sight to our world in the Spirit, where he will work again amongst you invisibly. We have kept him alive, young, strong, virile, and will continue to do so while he is on Earth.
56. 因此,我们在世界各地都使用他,将来我们也会在世界不同的地方使用到他。我告诉你这些事情是因为你应该知道它们。有一天我们会把他带离你的视线,带到我们的灵性世界中,在那里他会在无形中再次在你们之中工作。当他还在地球上时,我们会让他活着,让他年轻、强壮、充满活力,并还会一直这么做。
57. The finest music you could ever hear on Earth can only give you some idea of the beauty beheld in the soul of the composer.
57. 你在地球上能听到的最美的音乐,只能让你对作曲家灵魂中的美略知一二。
58. So it is with you. What I give you enables you to feel something of the beauty that is in store for those who love me, and those who love me love my Father also. For I have personified the Father, so that if you know me so you shall also know my Father — your Father.
58. 在这里你也是如此。我给予你的只能让你感受到一些爱我的人为我准备的美好。因为我是圣父的化身,如果你认识我,你也会认识我的圣父 —— 你的圣父。
59. His Love flows out as music in the spheres and is caught up in all souls who open up to It.
59. 他的爱像音乐一样在各个领域流淌,并被所有向它敞开心扉的灵魂所吸引。
60. Everyone is seeking happiness, but no one can find it in the outer; only through the inner realisation can the joyous power of this rhythm be felt.
60. 每个人都在追求幸福,但是没有人可以从外部找到幸福;只有通过内在的领悟,才能感受到这种韵律的欢愉力量。
61. The music — the Love, the Wisdom of God — expresses itself through the soul. Thus you become conscious of it manifesting in your bodies. That is why I say my Peace and my Love I bring with me, and my Peace and my Love I leave with you.
61. 音乐 —— 神的爱和智慧 —— 通过灵魂来表达自己。因此,你开始意识到它在你身体中的表达。这就是为什么我说,我带来我的安宁与我的爱,我的安宁与我的爱与你同在。
62. How can I explain that which is beyond your comprehension? Only open up yourselves to me and my thoughts will manifest in you.
62. 我怎样解释你无法理解的事情?只有你向我敞开心扉,我的想法才能在显化在你身上。
63. The Father is ever beyond the highest ideal, and your growth reveals more of Him who is the Breath of Life.
63. 圣父永远超越最高的理想,你的成长把他更多地揭示出来,他是生命之息。
64. Although the mists are deep upon the Earth surface, the Light is beginning to pierce Its way through, and in your generation many more are beginning to see and to know the Truth.
64. 尽管地球表面迷雾很厚,圣光开始穿透它的道路,在你们这一代,更多的人开始看到并了解真相。
65. For at present you see dimly through the mist, and only know in part; but you shall know even as you are known.
65. 因为当前透过迷雾,你看得很模糊,只知道一部分;但到时你就会全知道了,就像上主知道你一样。
66. The mist of ignorance that I came to pierce two thousand years ago still remains. There has been little change in the orthodox religions.
66. 两千多年前我来破除的无明迷雾还在。正统的宗教几乎没有变化。
67. So many divisions have been created by the different religions, so much strife. But, as you now see, there can be no division anywhere.
67. 不同的宗教造成了如此多的分歧,如此多的冲突。但是,正如你现在看到的,各处的分裂可以不复存在。
68. Division is born of ignorance in the mind of man. Can this ignorance then be dissolved away? Yes. The Spiritual influences now bearing upon the Earth plane are beginning to dissolve this mist of ignorance away; and you and many more like you are the means through which it will be dissolved.
68. 分裂源于人心智的无明。能消散这种无明吗?是的,地球上灵性的影响现在正开始消散这无知的迷雾;你以及众多像你一样的人是消散它的方法。
69. Your realisation of this Truth in your silent hours will charge the atmosphere with Wisdom and Love. Your love and peace will help the world.
69. 在你安静的时间对这个真理的领悟会让空气中充满智慧和爱。你的爱与安宁会帮助这个世界。
70. For the Father becomes more lovely as your vision clears; and what the inner eye sees, so does the soul show forth.
70. 因为当你的视野变得清晰时,圣父会变得更加可爱;内在的眼睛看到的,也是灵魂想要表达的。
71. This calls you onwards on a never-ending stream of Light to the Source from which It comes.
71. 这会呼唤着你沿着永无止境的圣光之流前进,到达它的源头。
72. And His greatness is never greater than when we see Him in His lowliness, where He lifts all to safety through His supreme Love.
72. 他的伟大莫过于我们可以在他的谦逊中看到他,通过他至高无上的爱,把所有的人都提升至安息之地。
73. I gave a parable nearly two thousand years ago. It is called the Prodigal Son, and if you read that parable again you will see the depth of the Father’s Love.
73. 大约两千年前,我讲过一个寓言。它被称作浪子回头,如果你再读一遍那个寓言,你就会看到圣父之爱的深度。
74. No one can ever be separated from the Father, not even His most disobedient child, and that child requires more love than one who is obedient.
74. 没有人与圣父分离,即便是他最离经叛道的孩子,那个孩子比听话的孩子需要更多的爱。
75. This fills the soul with adoration for His benign Love. For our God is above all gods created in man’s mind. For our Father-Mother- God is beyond the greatest conception of which man is capable.
75. 这让灵魂对他的仁慈之爱充满着尊崇。因为我们的神超越了人们在心智中构想的所有神灵。我们的圣父-圣母-神远远超越了人类所能想象的最伟大的概念。
76. But we will see with open minds the glory of our Father- Mother-God, and with this you shall be transformed into the same likeness — from one glory to another, just as the Spirit of the Christ, the Son, reveals the Father.
76. 不过我们会以开放的心智来看待我们的圣父-圣母-神,你们将因此而转变成同样的形象 —— 从一种荣耀到另一种荣耀,正如基督之灵,圣子,揭示了圣父。
77. It is the Christ the Son that recognises the Father. The Christ is the Spirit in you also, and, if you can realise and recognise It, so shall It do for you what It did for me, and if you believe in me you will do greater things. For I am the Christ revealing the Father unto you.
77. 认识出圣父的是基督,圣子。基督也是你内在的圣灵,如果你可以意识到并认出它,它也会为你做它为我做的事,如果你们信奉我,你们会做成更伟大的事情。因为我是基督,把圣父揭示给你们。
78. It was this that my Blessed Mother saw, and through her vision I was born in the flesh. “I am” the Word that became flesh.
78. 这就是我受到庇佑的圣母所看到的,通过她的预知,我出生在肉身之中。“我是”化作肉身的道。
79. Your mother on Earth is near and dear to God and to yourselves. Try to imagine what joy her sacrifices for you give her.
79. 你在地球上的母亲离神和你自己都很近,而且很珍贵。想一想她为你做出的牺牲给她带来了多大的快乐。
80. The nearer you get to a mother’s love the nearer do you get to the Love of the Father who is manifesting in His Creation.
80. 你越接近母亲的爱,你就越接近圣父的爱,圣父在他的创造中进行表达。
81. For in the mother is seen the Father at work in the forming of His image and likeness. Thus I was born in flesh. “I am the Life.”
81. 因为在母亲身上可以看到圣父的工作,他以自己的形象和模样进行创造。因此我从肉身出生。“我就是生命。”
82. And no one is born in the flesh excepting the Father knoweth; and no one leaves the flesh except the Father also knoweth.
82. 除非圣父所知,没有人在肉身中出生;除非圣父所知,没有人离开肉身。
83. Even a sparrow does not fall to the ground except through the will of the Father; neither are you bom into the flesh except through the will of the Father.
83. 除非是来自圣父的旨意,否则一只麻雀也不会落到地面上;除非是来自圣父的旨意,你们也不会生于肉身。
84. The Father manifesting creates in the mother the image and likeness of Himself. How wonderful it is for you to understand, to know this Truth, that you are the image and likeness of Himself. How wonderful it is for you to understand, to know this Truth, that you are the image and likeness of your Father in Heaven and within you dwells His Love and Power, His Peace, His glory.
84. 圣父在母亲中以自己的形象和模样进行显化创造。你能理解、知道这一真理,即你是圣父自己的形象和样式,这对你来说是多么美好。你能理解、知道这一真理,即你是天堂圣父的形象和样式,在你之中居住着他的爱和力量、他的和平、他的荣耀,这对你来说是多么美好。
85. All you who are here in Spirit — I am speaking to you as well. The more you realise this Truth, so shall you give expression to my thought.
85. 你们以圣灵身份在这里的人 —— 我也在对你们说话。你们越是领悟到这个真理,你们就越能表达我的思想。
86. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving. The depths of Earth lie in His hand. The mountain peaks are His; He made the sea, and He made the land.
86. 让我们带着感恩的心来到他面前。大地的深沉尽在他的手中。山峰属于他;他创造了大海,也创造了陆地。
87. Let us worship Him in His greatness, bowing before Him Who made us in His own image and likeness.
87. 让我们在他的伟大中尊崇他,在他面前致意,他根据自己的形象和模样创造了我们。
88. Oh, would the world listen to my voice today. “Praise the Eternal, O families of nations, Praise the Eternal for His glory and compassion.”
88. 噢,今天世界会听到我的声音吗。“赞美永恒者、万国万族,赞美永恒者的荣耀和慈悲。”
89. Enter His House with an offering of Peace and goodwill to all men, and He will rule the nations justly.
89. 带着对所有人的和平与善意进入他的圣殿,他会公正地治理列国。
90. Let the skies be glad, let the Earth rejoice, let the sea thunder its praise. Let the land give forth its fruits in praise, and the trees of the forest sing for joy.
90. 让天空欢欣鼓舞,让大地欢欣鼓舞,让大海雷鸣赞美。愿大地在赞美中结出果实,愿森林中的树木欢呼雀跃。
91. The Eternal is present, for He comes with His Son to rule the Earth, to rule the world justly and the nations faithfully. That is the promise, and this promise is being fulfilled. The way is being prepared now.
91. 永恒存在,因为他与他的圣子来治理地球,来公正地治理世界,忠诚地治理国家。这就是应许,这个应许正在实现。道路正处于准备之中。
92. The Spirit in man claims Its freedom. No longer can It be downtrodden, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand; the Kingdom of the inner, the Kingdom of the Higher Consciousness: the will of God in Heaven shall be done on Earth.
92. 人内在的圣灵宣告它的自由。它再也不能被践踏,因为天堂之国近在咫尺;内在的王国、更高意识的王国:神在天堂的意志会在地球上实现。
93. What is seen in your midst is but a prelude to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; the Kingdom of the inner becomes the Kingdom of the outer, and all strife shall pass away.
93. 你在身边看到的不过是天堂之国来到地球的前奏;内在的王国变成了外在的王国,所有的纷争都会过去。
94. The world is like a babe crying in the night, and with no language, but that cry was answered by the Eternal Father. The world has no language, the world has no truth; the mortal sense shall die, the Truth of the living God shall be proclaimed.
94. 世界就像是在暗夜中哭泣的婴儿,没有语言,但是永恒的圣父回应了这哭叫。这世界没有话语,这世界没有真理;世俗感官会消亡,永生之神的真理会得以宣告。
95. The world is crying out in its ignorance with no language, as a child cries in the night, yet the mother hears the cries of her babe and rushes to help it; so has the Father heard the sound, the cry of His children upon Earth.
95. 世界在无知中用无言的方式哭喊,就像是在黑夜中哭泣的婴儿,而母亲听到了她孩子的哭喊,冲向前去帮助它;同样地,圣父也听到了哭声,他的孩子在地球上的呼喊。
96. I am not blind to your miseries; I know and understand them; I have passed through them. You are born in ignorance through belief in separation and division.
96. 我没有对你的痛苦视而不见;我知道并理解它们;我已经超越了它们。由于你们相信分离和分裂,你们出生于无知之中。
97. Think for yourselves now, and you will see how you can be free. By recognising that which is utterly false and untrue, you will know that which is true.
97. 现在为自己想想,你就会明白怎样才能自由。通过认清什么是完全虚假和不真实的,你就会知道什么是真实的。
98. I have come that ye shall have life and more abundant life.
98. 我来是为了让你们拥有生命,拥有更加丰盛的生命。
99. I have revealed God according to your needs, and the Father is willing to help you according to your needs.
99. 根据你的需要,我揭示了神,圣父也会根据你的需要帮助你。
100. Did I not reveal the Father, the hidden Spring, abundant and overflowing, the never-ceasing Life in all Its fullness, that you may also rest in the Truth? Then follow in my footsteps because I know the way.
100. 难道我没有揭示圣父,那隐藏的泉水,丰盈而满溢,那永不停息的生命进行充分地表达,从而让你在真理之中得到安息?然后跟随我的脚步,因为我知道那条路。
101. There is no mystery in this. No man has ever seen God; but the first-born of God, who is in the bosom of the Father He has declared Him.
101. 这里面没有什么奥秘。没有人见过神;唯有在圣父怀中的长子才可以宣告圣父。
102. These words mystify those who do not understand them, but as you recognise that the Father Himself gives birth to the Son, the Christ, which is the image and likeness of the Father Himself, and as the Christ knoweth Himself, so he reveals the Father in all His glory, and Power, Wisdom and Love.
102. 这些话让那些不能明白它们的人感到困惑,但是当你意识到圣父亲自生下圣子,基督,圣子就是圣父自己的形象和模样,就像基督了解自己那样,他在圣父全然的荣耀、智慧、力量和爱之中揭示了圣父。
103. This is the full rich glorious Life in you and should fill your soul and body. For Christ is your Life.
103. 这就是你内在丰盛的荣耀生命,应该充满你的灵魂和身体。因为基督就是你的生命。
104. I did not draw down Life from outside God, for I know that I am the eternal Christ of God that lives in every soul.
104. 我没有从神之外汲取生命,因为我知道我是住在每个灵魂中神的永恒基督。
105. The meaning of my words can be recognised only from within yourselves and not from without.
105. 我的话的涵义只能从你们自己内在领悟,而不是从外在。
106. That is why I speak in the way I do, so that within yourselves you will feel the meaning of my words. You cannot explain what I tell you because you can never explain the Truth.
106. 这就是为什么我用这种方式说话,这样你内心就可以感受到我的话的含义。你无法解释我告诉你的,因为你永远无法解释真理。
107. Some people will ask, “What did he say?” “How did he say it?” Can you explain the Truth? That which can be explained is not the Truth; but, as you listen to me, so shall you feel the Truth, and only unto those who will listen can It be revealed. You shall feel me and know me, for “I am the Truth”.
107. 一些人会问,“他说的是什么?”“他怎么说的?”你能解释真理吗?能被解释的就不是真理;但是当你倾听我讲话,你会感受到真理,只有那些愿意倾听的人才能领悟到真理。你会感受到我并了解我,因为“我就是真理”。
108. Do not reason with your intellect, for it is limited in its nature and judges from without. The Spirit will reveal all things to you through inspiration.
108. 不要用你的理智推理,因为它的本性是有限的,而且从外部进行评判。圣灵会通过启发把一切揭示给你。
109. Know that I live in you and that humanity is God’s eternal Son. The sheep know their Shepherd’s voice.
109. 知道我住在你里面,人类是神永恒的圣子。羊群认得它们牧羊人的声音。
110. And humanity will say one day, “It is finished,” and they shall be one for I shall be in their midst. The Father will glorify Himself in His Son, and all humanity will know me.
110. 有一天人类会说,“它完成了,”他们将会成为合一整体的存在,因为我会在他们中间。圣父会在他的圣子身上荣耀自己,全人类都会认识我。
111. Think what this means, that all humanity will know the Love, the Wisdom, the Compassion, the Power of the Christ.
111. 想想这意味着什么,全人类都会知道基督的爱、智慧、慈悲和力量。
112. The Father will glorify Himself, will express Himself in the Son; the will of God that is done in Heaven will be done on Earth.
112. 圣父将荣耀自己,将在圣子身上表达自己;神在天堂实现的意志也会在地球实现。
113. Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
113. 我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。 愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。
114. You are my friends because everything that I heard from my Father I make known to you; thus I chose you to go and produce fruit, and that your fruit might remain — and whatever you ask my Father in my name He will give it to you.
114. 你们是我的朋友,因为我从圣父那里听到的一切,我都会告诉你们;因此,我选择你们去结果子,这样你的果子就会长存 —— 无论你奉我的名向我父求什么,他都会给你。
115. Therefore I command you that you love one another. For only in loving one another can I remain in your midst, and where I am, there the Father is also, for I have personified the Father; and the Father is personified in me.
115. 因此我命令你们彼此相爱。因为只有在彼此相爱之中,我才能留在你们中间,我在哪里,圣父就在哪里,因为我是圣父的化身,圣父化身为我。
116. You will see me again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no man will take away from you; what I have given you, will remain with you.
116. 你会再次见到我,你的内心会欢呼,没有人能从你身上夺走你的快乐;我给予你的,会留在你身边。
117. I am not alone, because the Father is forever with me, and when you have seen me you have seen the Father. Can you realise this mighty Truth? When you have seen me you have seen the Father; the Father has created me and He remains in me and I remain in Him.
117. 我并不孤单,因为圣父永远与我同在,当你看到我时,你就看到了圣父。你能领悟这伟大的真理吗?当你看见我,你就看见了圣父;圣父创造了我,他在我之中,我也在他之中。
118. I could not come into being except the Father were with me; it is the Father who ever remaineth within me, He is speaking for me.
118. 除非圣父与我同在,否则我不会存在;圣父永远在我之中,他在为我说话。
119. Eternal Loving Father, I have made Your Name known to those whom You gave me out of the world; they were Yours and You gave them to me, and they shall keep Thy Word, the Word of the Christ that dwells within them; because they have heard It, they know It, and now It shall dwell in their souls.
119. 永恒慈爱的圣父,我已经让你的名字被那些你从世界上赐给我的人知晓;他们是你的,你把他们给了我,他们将遵循你的道,就是居住在他们之中的基督之道;因为他们已经听到了圣言,他们了解它,现在,它会居住在他们的灵魂中。
(The Scribe’s Remarks: A complete silence spread over the assembly, a bright light shone, and the Master’s face appeared completely overshadowing the brother’s face.)
120. They know that whatever You have given me is from You.
120. 他们知道你所给予我的一切都是来自你。
121. And everything that is mine is Yours and what is Yours is mine, and I am glorified by Thee.
121. 凡是我的就是你的,凡是你的都是我的,我因你而荣耀。
122. I was unchanged by the experience called death, for Life is not divided; there is no division in Life and there is no interruption in Life by so-called death.
122. 我没有被所谓死亡的体验而改变,因为生命不会被分隔;生命中没有分离,生命也不会因所谓的死亡而发生中断。
123. Life is never interrupted, nor is It destroyed or interfered with. It was this that I showed so prominently to my disciples — this I show to you.
123. 生命从不中断,它也不会被破坏或干扰。曾经我向我的弟子们如此明显地展示出来 —— 现在我向你们展示的这一点。
124. Life does not die, and “I am” is unchanged by the experience of so-called death; so shall the Spirit, the Life in you, remain unchanged. For you have always been, and cannot die, and as “I am” so shall ye be also, for the Spirit of the Father who raised me from the “dead” dwells within you also.
124. 生命不会死亡,“我是”不会因所谓死亡的体验而改变;圣灵、你们内在的生命也是如此,会保持不变。因为你们一直都存在,不会死亡,因为“我是”,所以你们也是如此,因为从“死亡”中提升我的圣父之灵也住在你们里面。
(The Scribe’s Remarks: A light now enveloped the Brother. So bright is this light that it fills the hall with a radiance beyond any explanation.)
Talk 7
My Words Are From Heaven
1. We will consider together the value of the Scriptures.
1. 我们要一同思考《圣经》的价值。
2. “The Scriptures” is a statement of Law of that which is in the realm of Heaven as well as that which is in the realm of Earth.
2. “圣经”是天堂领域的法则宣告,也是地球领域的法则宣告。
3. The words written in the many books are words of inspiration by the prophets of the Israelites. These prophets were inspired men; they had made a very deep study of all things Spiritual.
3. 许多书上写的话是以色列先知所默示的话。这些先知是受到感示的人;他们对所有灵性事物进行了非常深入的研究。
4. They had the power to bring into operation, through inspiration, knowledge from the Spiritual Source awaiting expression.
4. 他们有能力通过默示把能量带入运作,默示是灵性源头等待表达的知识。
5. Most of the Prophets were born for the purpose, and all through the Bible you will read of peculiar things that happened to many of them. Although the words were inspired, nevertheless they were written by men.
5. 很多先知是为了这个使命而诞生,在整本圣经中,你会读到许多发生在他们身上的奇特事情。话虽然是默示的,却是人所写的。
6. Inspiration is a power that comes from the Spirit and as It expresses Itself through Its channel, It is often moulded according to the particular nature of the instrument. There is a purer form of inspiration that comes from the Spiritual Source, such as what is happening at this moment, when the Consciousness of the Spiritual Power dwelling in the inner realm is manifesting through the inner consciousness of the instrument that is used. In some cases this was used by those prophets which you read of in the Bible.
6. 默示是一种来自圣灵的力量,当它通过自己的渠道表达自己时,常常会根据载具的特殊特性来塑造。还有一种来自灵性源头的更纯粹形态的默示,比如此时此刻发生的是,居住在内在领域的灵性力量意识正通过使用载具的内在意识进行表达。在一些情况下这就是你在圣经中读到的那些先知使用的方法。
7. We call it a book of inspiration, and this is the secret of its great value in the world.
7. 我们把它称之为默示录,这是它在世界上具有巨大价值的奥秘所在。
8. The soul is always looking for the source of its being, and this desire leads one to the truth through inspiration. No call goes out from any soul that is not answered from the Spiritual realm.
8. 灵魂总是寻找它存在的源头,通过默示,这种渴望把一个人带领到真理之中。灵魂发出的呼唤没有一个不得到灵性领域的回应。
9. You are all eternally linked in to the great Almighty Father; there is no distance between you and the Father, neither is there any distance between you and me. There is no division anywhere; division and separation are but are concepts of ignorance born in the mind of man.
9. 你与伟大的圣父永远相连;你与圣父之间没有距离,你与我之间也没有距离。任何地方都没有分裂,分裂和分离不过是人们心智中诞生的无明概念。
10. In Reality there is no separation; there is no separation between the Spirit of God in each and every one of you, and the Spirit that is in me; and that Spirit is the Spirit of the Father speaking to you; the Spirit alone has voice.
10. 在实相中没有分离;住在你们之中的神之灵和我之中的神之灵是没有分离的;那圣灵就是对你说话的圣父之灵;只有圣灵才拥有真正的声音。
11. Books, words, letters, are all of no value of themselves; they have value only when the Spirit uses words as a means of connecting thought to the invisible, thus piercing through the realm of the senses.
11. 书籍、文字、书信,它们本身都没有价值;只有当圣灵用文字作为把思想与不可见的能量连接起来的方法时,它们才有价值,从而穿透感官的领域。
12. Thus the word is but the outer shell hiding the pearl of great price which you find within. When you take a word in your own mind and say for instance the words “I am”, “I am the Life”, these are words expressed through the mortal sense, yet these words can be risen to the Spiritual state, which is eternal and ever-present.
12. 因此,言语不过是外壳,里面隐藏着的是无价之宝。当你在自己的心智中使用一个词,说出比如像“我是”,“我是生命”这样的话,这些话语通过世俗感官得到表达,不过这些话可以提升到灵性的状态中,并永恒地存在。
13. Thus in reading the Bible, which you call Holy, you will be able to use the words and raise them: although seen through mortal eyes, read through mortal mind, yet, by the power of the Spirit that is inherent in you, you will raise them to a Spiritual level beyond mortal comprehension.
13. 因此,在阅读你们称之为神圣的圣经时,你可以使用那些话语并提升它们:尽管是通过世俗之眼看到,通过世俗之心智阅读,然而,通过你内在灵性的能量,你会把它们提升到超越感官理解的灵性层面。
14. The Scriptures have been written through inspiration by guidance of the Spirit for the purpose of instruction in the Law of Life and for the right use of that Law.
14. 圣经是在圣灵的引导下通过默示的方法写成的,目的是教导生命的法则以及正确地使用该法则。
15. Therefore I did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfil the Law, to make Life full, to show it manifesting in the human flesh, to prove that the Christ could manifest in the flesh the glory of the Infinite Father who was living in and expressing Himself through the Son.
15. 因此,我来到这里不是为了要废除法则,而是要成全法则,让法则在人类肉身中表达,来证明基督可以在肉身之中表达出无限圣父的荣耀,圣父住在圣子之中,通过圣子表达自己。
16. The Father who had Life in Himself expressed that same Life through the Son; therefore the Son expresses the Life, the will of the Father.
16. 圣父之中的生命通过圣子表达出同样的生命;因此,圣子表达生命,也就是圣父的意志。
17. My Word is quick and powerful, yet It is sweeter than honey.
17. 我的话语迅速而有力,但它比蜜还甜。
18. The Word the Father gives me is the living Word of His Love, beyond human comprehension; and His Word is a living Power; for His Love is always present.
18. 圣父给予我的道是有生命的爱之道,超越了人类的理解;他的道是活生生的力量;因为他的爱永远存在。
19. When any one of you can feel the Power of the Spirit and recognise It completely, and by It speak, then the word you speak has power. All power has been given unto me in Heaven and on Earth.
19. 当你们中的任何一个可以感受到灵性的力量并完全识别出它,并通过它说话时,你所说的话就拥有了力量。天堂和地球上所有的力量都赐予了我。
20. There are no Creations hidden from His Light, for all things are naked and open before His eyes.
20. 没有什么创造可以躲避他的圣光,因为在他眼前万物都是赤裸敞开的。
21. My words are from Heaven, the inspiration of the One Spirit of God pouring out the abundant wealth and wisdom of God.
21. 我的话语来自天堂,是神唯一圣灵的默示,倾洒出神丰盛的财富和智慧。
22. It is through these words that you also can be inspired, because my words are from Heaven, from the inner, the highest consciousness, that realm which the outer never touches. But that realm can express itself outwardly through the outer; then the outer becomes as the inner.
22. 通过这些话,你也可以收到默示,因为我的话语来自天堂,来自内在,来自最高的意识,那是外在从未接触过的领域。但是那个领域可以通过外在向外进行表达;然后,外在就变成内在。
23. These words are being recorded and transcribed for you, so that in your quiet moment you will be able to absorb them, meditate upon them, thereby making them your own. And by raising them beyond the mortal sense you gain a power and understanding you did not possess before.
23. 这些话语正为你记录和转录下来,以便在你安静的时刻,让你可以吸收它们,沉思它们,从而让它们成为你自己的。通过提升它们超越世俗感官,你就会获得一种之前自己不具备的力量和理解力。
24. Inspiration is possible to all; even now you are being inspired to understand the hidden mysteries of life through my words.
24. 默示对所有人都可能发生,即便是现在,通过我的话语,你也会收到默示来理解生命的隐藏奥秘。
25. Therefore my words become the vehicle through which you learn of the great and glorious Truth hidden within you.
25. 因此,我的话语成了理解隐藏在你内在伟大而荣耀真理的工具。
26. The miracle of the spoken word is the genius of God, who speaks the language of time through mortal sense, yet makes it Eternal and Spiritual.
26. 言语的奇迹是神天资的表达,他通过世俗感官说出时间领域的语言,却使之成为永恒的和灵性的。
27. It is the Father who speaketh in me. It is the Father who speaketh through mortal sense, through mortal flesh, making these words an eternal and ever-present Reality.
27. 是圣父在我内在讲话。是圣父通过世俗感官和世俗的肉身讲话,让这些话语成为永恒的、永远存在的现实。
28. Those who are now in the realms of the inner who have already passed from the mortal flesh, still live; they also hear my words and are inspired by them.
28. 那些以及从世俗肉身中脱离出来并处于内在领域的人,仍然活着,他们也听到了我的话,并受到启发。
29. Every one of you can now enter into the higher realms of consciousness beyond mortal sense through understanding.
29. 你们中的每个人现在都可以通过理解进入超越世俗感官的更高意识领域。
30. When I took the word “bread” I gave it a holy and Spiritual meaning to convey the truth of the Spiritual nourishment that shall sustain you in everything.
30. 当我使用“食粮”这个词时,我赋予它以神圣和灵性的含义,从而传达灵性滋养着的真理,它会在所有一切中维系你。
31. At all times learn to bring the Light of Reality and Truth into limitation, chaos and darkness, and these shall disappear.
31. 要一直学习把真理和实相中的圣光带入限制、混乱和黑暗中,然后这些就会消失。
32. Your Creative Power is the consciousness of the Christ in you, and through this consciousness the Christ shall manifest through you to make all things anew.
32. 你的创造力是你内在的基督意识,通过这种意识,基督会通过你表达出来,从而让万物焕然一新。
33. To comprehend my words, you must raise your consciousness beyond the mortal sense, into the realms of Spirit; then you will understand my words, for they live beyond the mortal sense.
33. 要领悟我说的话,你必须提升自己的意识超越世俗感官,进入灵性领域;然后你就会明白我的话,因为它们超越了世俗的感官。
34. You will know the Christ to be the only Eternal Son of God. The Spirit that gives you Life, the Spirit that liveth in you is the Spirit that speaketh in me, for the Spirit alone has the power to speak.
34. 你会知道基督是神的唯一永生之子。圣灵给予了你生命,住在你之中的圣灵,也是我之中讲话的圣灵,因为只有圣灵才有力量讲出真理。
35. The Consciousness of this Christ is the Power in all Creation, and the more conscious you are of It so shall It manifest all the more greatly in your own lives.
35. 基督的意识是所有创造中的力量,你越是意识到它,它就会在你自己的生活中表达得越是明显。
36. You thus produce in the outer by the Spirit of the Father. There is no other source of power in the Universe.
36. 通过圣父之灵,你可以在外在进行创造。宇宙中没有其他能量来源。
37. As I have told you, there is no division anywhere; God is not divided, neither has He divided Himself; but in Him, by Him, and with Him, everything that is made is made.
37. 正如我告诉你的,任何地方都没有分离;神没有分离,他也没有分裂自己;而是在他之中、通过他、与他一起,存在的万物才得以创造出来。
38. Words are but symbols of communication; but when the Spirit of the Father comes into the outer, there are no words to explain this great illumination.
38. 词语只是交流的符号;当圣父之灵来到外在时,无法用话语来解释这种伟大的启示。
39. When the outer consciousness becomes aware of the Father, the realm of God will manifest in the outer. It was this that filled my own consciousness when I spoke the “Word” and that Word was made manifest.
39. 当外在的意识开始意识到圣父时,神之领域就会显化在外面。这一点充满了我的意识,当我说出“圣言”时,道就显化了出来。
40. Thus it is the same with you if you will but believe. Raise your consciousness above the mortal sense into the Spiritual state by understanding, and there receive the Power of the Father through your own consciousness, revealing the mighty Power that reigns forever.
40. 如果你愿意去相信,你也会有同样的体验。提升你的意识,通过理解,超越世俗感官进入灵性状态,在那里通过你的意识接收圣父的力量,从而揭示出永远主宰的强大力量。
41. Have I not proved that the Son of God has all power in Heaven and on Earth? This same Spirit that raised me from the dead dwelleth within you also, and will raise you as It did me.
41. 难道我还没有证明神之子拥有天堂和地球的所有力量吗?从死亡中提升我的相同圣灵也居住在你们之中,就像它会提升我一样,它也会提升你。
42. This will be your experience as it was mine, and for this I have come to help you.
42. 这将会成为你的体验,正如它是我的体验一样,为此我来帮助你。
43. The words I speak and the thoughts of my heart please the Father in regard to you.
43. 我对你们说的话,以及我心所想,会让圣父喜悦。
44. That you may become the highest expression of my Father moving through all Life, radiating Light, manifesting a deep inmost Peace, thereby unconsciously manifesting Divinity.
44. 你会成为我圣父贯穿所有生命的最高表达,散发着圣光,彰显内心深处的安宁,从而在不知不觉中显化出神圣。
45. And this inward Peace is a recognition of great humility; yet this humility, in its magnificence, is, “I of my own self can do nothing, it is the Father who ever remaineth within me, He doeth the work”.
45. 这种内在的安宁体现出对伟大谦逊的认知;然而这种谦逊,在它的辉煌中,是“我靠自己什么也做不成,是永远在我内在的圣父,他在工作”。
46. In this way you unconsciously express Divinity; wherever you move, whatever you say, whatever you do, you will be expressing Divinity unconsciously so that others are helped by your words and actions.
46. 通过这种方式,你不知不觉地表达出神性;不论你走到哪里,不论你说什么,不论你做什么,你都会不知不觉地表达出神性,这样别人就会从你的言行中得到帮助。
47. This Light cannot be hid, for Love and Wisdom are conveyed in every gesture, in every spoken word. Thus you become an inspired soul.
47. 这种圣光无法被隐藏,因为爱与智慧在每一个动作、每一个说出的词中得到了传达。因此,你成为了受到启发的灵魂。
48. The real value of the words of the Scriptures is to open your understanding to the gifts of God; and these are bestowed upon you according to your unfoldment.
49. The word “believe” has been wrongly interpreted in the Scriptures. The word “believe” means a deep knowing and it is this deep knowing that gives understanding. And as understanding becomes deepen you become more conscious of the Father who will work through you. Unfold naturally the gifts He has bestowed upon you — they are awaiting your recognition now. Inspiration enables you to unfold your Divine gifts.
49. “相信”一词在圣经中被错误地解读了。“相信”一词意味着深刻的了解,是这种深刻的了解带来了理解。随着理解的加深,你会更加意识到通过你进行工作的圣父。自然而然地展开他赐予你的礼物 —— 它们正在等待你的认可。默示可以让你打开自己神圣的礼物。
50. The inspired writings of the Scriptures have been placed above all books, and millions have been inspired and raised by the word of Truth.
50. 受神默示写成的圣经被置于一切书籍之上,千百万的人被真理的话语启发和提升。
51. This is the Law of Transmutation working in you, and through my words to you, you transmute the lower into the higher.
51. 这就是转换法则在你内在的运作,通过我对你说的话,你把较低的意识转化为较高的意识。
52. Think what happens to you during my talks with you; every experience in your life is lifted into the highest and thereby purified.
52. 想一想我和你谈话时发生了什么,你生命中的每一次体验都会被提升到最高境界,从而得到净化。
53. When I speak to you, everything that has happened in your lives is raised to that state where it is purified. All the dross is dissolved away because the Spirit alone retaineth the essence. The perfect Creative Force — the Spirit of God — creates Its own Eternal substance, wherein there is no division.
53. 当我跟你讲话时,你生命中发生的一切都会提升至一种被净化的状态中。所有的无用之物都被溶解,因为只有圣灵保存了它的精华。完美的创造力量 —— 神之灵 —— 创造了它自己永恒的材质,在那里没有分离。
54. Spirit is Consciousness, and Consciousness acts on this substance by means of Its intelligent action. The Consciousness and the Intelligence of God manifests through all Life.
54. 圣灵就是意识,意识通过它智能的行动作用于这种材质之上。神之意识和智能通过所有的生命进行表达。
55. In this inseparable, in this indivisible, Mind of God all things are created and nothing is apart from Him. Therefore in Truth, in Reality, all is perfect.
55. 在这种不可分离、不可分割的神之心智中,万物得以创造,没有什么跟他是分离的。因此,在真理中、在实相中,一切都是完美的。
56. As these words of mine raise you to that state of understanding, so every experience of your life is raised up by that understanding.
56. 随着我的这些话把你提升至理解的状态中,你生命中的每一种体验都会被那理解所提升。
57. This key I will put in your hand. Seek the Spirit, not the letter; and, as you wait, I will unfold the Truth in you.
57. 我把这钥匙放在你手中。寻求圣灵,而不是文字;在你等待之时,我会展示出你内在的真理。
58. The Christ is the Conqueror in all things, for the Christ is the Spirit of God individualised in you. Seek the Spirit behind the word and It will manifest in your life.
58. 基督是万物的战胜者,因为基督是神之灵在你之中的个体化表达。寻找话语背后的圣灵,它就会在你的生活中显现。
59. When you read the Scriptures or any inspired work, and especially these words that I have given for the purpose of your meditation, seek the Spirit behind the word. It is not the letter or the word you must seek, but wait upon it, think deeply, and I will inspire you, I will express the Truth of it in you.
59. 当你阅读圣经或者任何受神默示的作品时,尤其是那些我让你去沉思的话语,去寻求话语背后的圣灵。你寻找的不是文字或者话语,而是在这些话语中停留,深入思考,我就会启发你,我会在你身上表达出真理。
60. In this way you shall make it your own, and only in this way can the Truth be revealed in you. It must come from within and not from without. These words will raise your consciousness into that realm of Spirit where all is understood.
60. 通过这种方式,你就可以把它变成你自己的,只有通过这种方式,你内在的真理才能揭示出来。它必须从内在揭示而不是外在。这些话语会提升你的意识进入灵性的领域,在那里所有一切都得到理解。
61. It is written in the Scriptures that the Spirit of God descended like a dove and spoke these words, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased”.
61. 圣经记载,神之灵像鸽子一样降落,说出了这些话,“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的”。
62. Direct voice has often been heard from the unseen, and this was not unknown amongst those who understood the Law in my time on Earth. It was used even more then than now.
62. 经常从看不见的领域听到声音,在我还在地球上时,那些了解法则的人也不知晓这一点。那个时候要比现在使用更多。
63. Many of you, I know, are not yet familiar with a direct voice from Heaven. It is only in that particular quietude of the mind where there is silence that it is heard, and this is most effectively obtained in the Himalayas of the mind.
63. 我知道你们中的很多人,还不熟悉直接来自天堂的声音。只有在心智特别安静的状态下才可以听到它,只有心智像喜马拉雅山那般,才能最有效地到达那种状态。
64. This same Spirit which manifested then is manifesting now in your midst.
64. 那时进行表达的相同圣灵现在会在你们之中进行表达。
65. And this same Spirit will minister unto you if you will but believe it.
65. 只要你们愿意去相信,这位相同的圣灵就会为你们服务。
66. Do you understand what I mean now, that the power of my thought moving in your consciousness reveals the Truth? Truly I tell you that the last moment is the greatest when sustained by faith; for in it is seen the glorious Power of the Spirit.
66. 我的想法在你意识中流动的力量可以揭示真理,现在你明白这个意思了吗?我实实在在地告诉你,当有信念支撑时,最后的时刻是最伟大的;因为可以从中看到圣灵的荣耀力量。
67. It was in this last moment that Peter failed to sustain himself on the waves.
67. 正是在这最后一刻,彼得未能在海浪中维持自己。
68. This story has been written in many languages and in many ways, the true facts being as follows:
68. 这个故事已经被写成很多语言和很多版本,事情的真相是这样的:
69. The power to walk upon the water is inherent in all if you had the understanding and faith to accomplish it.
69. 如果你拥有实现它的理解力和信念,那么行走在水面上的能力是与生俱来的。
70. When you try to swim, at first you lose your faith and you begin to flounder. As you become more confident in yourself you are able to sustain yourself on the surface of the water. It requires a greater amount of faith and understanding to walk upon the water; yet this is possible.
70. 当你试着去游泳,最初你就丢弃了信念,然后你开始挣扎。随着你对自己变得更加自信,你就可以在水面上维系自己。在水面上行走需要强大的信念和理解力;不过,这是可以实现的。
71. It was John who first noticed my form walking on the waves.
71. 是约翰第一个注意到我可以在海浪中行走。
72. The impetuous Peter standing in their midst exclaimed: “My Lord, my Lord, if this be truly You, bid me come to You on the waves.” And I bade him come.
72. 浮躁的彼得站在他们中间呼喊:“我的主,我的主,如果这真的是你,请邀请我乘着浪花到你那里去。”我邀请他来。
73. When Peter stepped upon the waves they were as solid as a rock to him and he walked. Peter at that moment was filled with the Power of the Spirit. His desire was to walk on the waves and come to me and do exactly what I was doing.
73. 当彼得踏上浪花时,它们对他来说就像岩石一样,他走在上面。那一刻,彼得充满了圣灵的力量。他的愿望是在海浪上行走,到我的身边,做我过去做过的事情。
74. Impetuous Peter then walked upon the waves, but it was not long before he began to think that he had never done this before; it was something new, something strange to him.
74. 浮躁的彼得然后就可以在海浪上行走,但是不久之后他开始去想,他自己之前从未这么做过;这对他来说是新鲜的、陌生的。
75. He walked until he thought within himself what would happen if the waves were to break under him — he would sink.
75. 他一直这么走着,直至他心想,若是海浪在他脚下碎开会发生什么 —— 他会沉没。
76. Then the waves did break and he began to sink. Fear had overtaken him.
76. 然后海浪的确破碎了,他开始下沉。恐惧淹没了他。
77. I said to him, “O Peter, why did you doubt?”
77. 我对他说,“噢,彼得,你为什么要去怀疑?”
78. I want to ask you that same question. Why do you doubt? Then ask yourselves this question: “Why do you doubt when you understand now that the Spirit of God dwells in you and that the Christ has all power in Heaven and on Earth and has dominion over all things?”
78. 我也想要问你们同样的问题。为什么要怀疑?然后问问自己这个问题:“现在当你明白神之灵居住在你之中,明白基督拥有着天堂和地球的所有力量并主宰万物,你为什么要怀疑呢?”
79. Ask yourself again the question: Why do you doubt? Is it lack of understanding? Or is it fear of something that is unfamiliar —that which you do not understand you become afraid of?
79. 再问自己一次这个问题:为什么要怀疑?是缺乏理解吗?还是害怕一些不熟悉的东西 —— 你害怕自己不理解的东西?
80. Thank Thee, Father, Thou hast shown me that there is nothing unfamiliar between Thee and me, for we are One.
80. 感谢你,圣父,你已经展示给我,你与我之间没有任何陌生之处,因为我们是合一。
81. Is this not true also in your lives on Earth? You do not understand the power of the Spirit, you are blinded by the fear of the unusual.
81. 你们在地球上的生活不也是如此吗?你们不明白圣灵的力量,你们被不正常的恐惧蒙蔽了双眼。
82. The food that one eats to nourish the flesh soon passes away. You must seek the food that feeds the soul and this is the Bread from Heaven.
82. 人吃的用来滋养肉身的食物很快会消失。你们必须寻找滋养灵魂的食物,那就是来自天堂的食粮。
83. This is the Christ: I am the Bread from Heaven that God has given unto the world. Therefore you must eat of me.
83. 这就是基督:我是来自天堂的食粮,是神赐予世界的食粮。因此,你必须吃下我。
84. They who eat this Bread from Heaven and drink from the Spring of Life shall live for ever and shall be exalted to the Throne of Power.
84. 任何吃下天堂的食粮、喝下生命之泉的人,将永远活着,会被提升至力量的宝座中。
85. I am the Bread from Heaven, the Bread of the Father who sent me. The Father is Love, and Wisdom, and nothing is kept from me. I only ask and He shows me, and what I see the Father do I do likewise.
85. 我是来自天堂的食粮,是派我来的圣父的食粮。圣父是爱和智慧,没有什么对我隐瞒。我只去求,他就会展示给我,我看见圣父所做的,我也照样去做。
86. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God within and the right use of that Kingdom, and all else shall be added unto you.
86. 首先寻求内在的神之王国,并正确的使用那个王国,其他一切都会加给你。
87. The beneficent Law is ever operating in your lives, and you have power to help others; only bring them into the light of your own consciousness, raised to the Consciousness of the Christ.
87. 慈悲法则常在你的生命中运作,你有能力帮助他人;只要把他们带入到你自己的意识之光中,提升到基督意识之中。
88. Every act of your life — every thought — you should lift up into the Light; then there will come into your consciousness the realisation of that Kingdom within, where nothing from without can touch.
88. 你生命中的每一个行为 —— 每一个思想 —— 你都要提升到圣光之中;然后你的意识就会领悟到那个内在的王国,任何外在的事物都无法触及。
89. When you stand in that Kingdom, no matter what storms are raging in the outer you are safe in the Kingdom, for in It all power is given unto you.
89. 当你站在那个王国之中,不论外面有什么风暴在肆虐,你在那王国之中都是安全的,因为在那里所有的力量都会赐予你。
90. When you are in that state of Peace, in the Mind of God, then there is the Creative Principle that said: “Let there be Light, and there was Light.”
90. 当你处于安宁的状态,在神之心智中,就会有创造力量说:“要有光,就会有光。”
91. This same power is within you. With this awareness, say, “Peace” and the storm shall abate. Say it with understanding. Say it with the power of the Spirit, with the understanding of the Christ, “I am the Life”, “My Beloved Father and I are one”.
91. 同样的力量也在你内在。在拥有这种觉知的情况下,说出,“安宁”,风暴就平息下来。带着理解去说。以圣灵的力量去说,以对基督的理解去说:“我就是生命”,“我敬爱的圣父和我是合一的”。
92. You will become one with me, no longer doubting; you will have begun to be even as your Father in Heaven is. Be ye perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect.
92. 你将与我合而为一,不再会有怀疑;你会开始像天堂中的圣父那样。你会变得完美,因为天堂中你的圣父是完美的。
93. As the world unfolds the mysteries of Life, so will I inspire men and women to do even greater things in your day.
93. 随着世界揭开生命的奥秘,我也会鼓励男男女女在你们的时代做更伟大的事情。
94. As the Race unfolds, so shall further unfoldings be expressed from the heart of Life. There is a continual unfoldment of Life.
94. 随着种族的发展,生命的核心会进一步展开。生命是一个不断展开的过程。
95. The Race is moving forward and the inner realms are becoming more unfolded in the outer. Truth is being revealed throughout the nations.
95. 种族在向前发展,内在领域越来越多地表达在外在。真理在各个国家都开始揭露出来。
96. Here and there groups are working, groups who have advanced to that stage where they can understand the inner realm, enabling them through inspiration to understand the mysteries of Life that are hidden within.
96. 到处都有团体在工作,那些已经进步到可以理解内在领域的团体,通过启发让他们可以理解隐藏在内在的生命奥秘。
97. The masses at present are taken up with division, but you will see that this division is born of ignorance. As I have said before, there are other flocks. I shall go and bring them, and they shall be one flock and one shepherd.
97. 当前大众被分裂占据,但是你会看到,这种分裂源自无知。正如我之前所说,还有其他的羊群。我会去把它们带来,这样就会成为一个羊群和一个牧羊人。
98. I want you to open your minds free from divisions, with wider vision day after day, for greater things are coming.
98. 我希望你们在日复一日中打开心智,不再受分裂的影响,拥有更广阔的视野,因为更伟大的事情正在到来。
99. What you will learn now, will reveal the old to you again, for I am pointing the way along which Truth can be revealed to you. These instructions are leading you to the Power of the Christ.
99. 你们现在学习的东西,会把古老的知识揭示给你,因为我正在指明道路,沿着这条路,真理会揭示给你。这些指引会带领你走向基督的力量。
100. To be born of the Spirit is to know and recognise the Truth that you are born of the Spirit, that you are Spirit; and because you are Spirit now, so shall you always be Spirit, and it is the Spirit of God that is born in you. This is the Power hidden within, “Unless you are born from above…”.
100. 生于圣灵就是知道并领悟到你是由圣灵而生这一真理,你就是圣灵;因为你现在是圣灵,你将永远是圣灵,这就是在你之中诞生的神之灵。这就是你内在隐藏的力量,“一个人若不能生于圣灵……”
101. Truly I tell you, no one can see the realm of God unless he is born from above.
101. 我实实在在地告诉你,一个人若不能从圣灵中出生,他就不能见到神之国度。
102. For what is born of Spirit is Spirit; the inherent Life is the real and only power.
102. 因为只有圣灵才能生于圣灵;这种内在的生命是真实存在的,也是唯一的力量。
103. You enter into your highest riches through your realisation of your oneness with me in the Father; as I am one with Him from the beginning.
103. 通过你领悟到在圣父内与我的合一,你就进入了你的最高财富之中;因为我从最初就与他是合一的存在。
104. Perhaps it is difficult through your mortal sense to understand this, but “I am the Truth”; and if you will open your mind, my telepathic thought will raise your consciousness into the realm of that which had no beginning. And that which had no beginning must exist eternally; then the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Father existing in you, is eternal and ever-present.
104. 或许你通过世俗感官很难理解这一点,但“我就是真理”;如果你愿意敞开心智,我心电感应交流的思想会提升你的意识到无止境的领域中。那无止境的领域一定是永恒存在的;那么存在你之中的神之灵、圣父之灵,也是永恒的,永远存在的。
105. When you recognise this Truth your vision expands. There is no longer any division. There is no longer any limitation. These limitations dissolve away and leave you complete and perfect in the Mind of God as He holds you. The Father created you in His own image and likeness.
105. 当你领悟到这一真理时,你的视野就开始拓展。不再会有任何分裂,不再会有任何限制。这些限制消融了,让你在神之心智中完整且完美地存在着,因为他拥抱着你。圣父按照自己的形象和模样创造了你。
106. The Christ within you is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Wait in silence that I may speak in you, write through you — my thoughts, my designs, my purpose, expressed through you.
106. 不论是之前、现在、还是永远,你内在的基督永远是相同的。在安静中等待,我会对你讲话,通过你写作 —— 我的想法、我的计划、我的目的,通过你来表达。
107. Do not be carried away by different doctrines, but let my words linger in your soul until you feel the thrill of Life, the upspringing of the Eternal Son of God.
107. 不要被不同的教义迷惑,而是让我的话在你灵魂中徘徊,直至你感觉到生命的颤动,感受到神之永恒圣子的生长。
108. If you live in separation from one another, you cannot live completely in the Father.
108. 如果你与其他人分裂,你就不能完全活在圣父之中。
109. You must see that there is no division, you must see that there is no separation anywhere — this is the almighty Truth. This is the Truth that gives me power in Heaven and on Earth, and It will give you the same.
109. 你必须去看到,分裂是不存在的,你必须看到,在任何地方都没有分裂 —— 这是伟大的真理。正是这个真理赋予了我在天堂和地球的所有力量,它也会给你同样的力量。
110. I am one with Thee, Loving Father; to know that I am Thy Son, born of Thee — inherent within me Thy Wisdom, Thy Love and Thy Power. This inheritance Thou hast given to me as Thy beloved Son, with whom Thou art well pleased.
110. 慈爱的圣父,我与你合一;知道我是你的圣子,由你而生 —— 你的智慧、爱和力量在我之中是与生俱来的。这是作为你的爱子,你赐予我的传承,是你所喜悦的。
111. Be at peace, all those who carry burdens; listen to me: my voice will lead you, my strength will support you, and my Love will remain with you always.
111. 安息吧,所有背负重担的人;听我讲话:我的声音会指引你,我的力量会支持你,我的爱永远与你同在。
112. Then your light shall shine before the world so that the world shall see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.
112. 然后你的光会在世界面前闪耀,世界会看到你的善行,荣耀你在天堂的圣父。
113. I did not come to weaken the Law of the Prophets, for I am the fulfilment of the Law, and not one jot or tittle shall pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled; for through me the Law is made manifest in the world.
113. 我来不是要废除先知的法则,而是要让法则得以成全,在所有一切得到成全之前,法则的一笔一画也不能废去;因为通过我,法则在世界上得以实现。
114. I want you to think deeply on this. Lift it to the inner consciousness and there dwell upon it.
114. 我想要你深入地思考这一点。把它提升到内在的意识中,并在那里沉思。
115. Let the Spirit of Christ within you be your only guide. It is for this purpose that I have come that you may know yourselves now.
115. 让你内在的基督之灵成为你唯一的向导。正是出于这个目的,我来到这里,从而让你们了解自己。
116. My Love for you is very great; therefore, let my Love live in you. For Love is all Power in Heaven and on Earth.
116. 我对你们的爱非常伟大;因此,让我的爱住在你里面。因为爱是天堂和地球的全部力量。
117. It is the Spirit of God that dwelleth in me and speaketh for me. And I also speak for you, and whatsoever you ask remembering me, so shall I ask the Father who shall give unto you whatsoever you ask remembering me.
117. 住在我之中并为我说话的是神之灵。我也为你们说话,不论你们求什么,请以我之名,我会求圣父,他将给予你以我之名所求。
118. By remembering me, you know the Love of God, the Wisdom of God and the Power of God; and you know that this dwells within yourselves, not as something relative apart from you, but a Reality which is the Real You.
118. 通过我的名义,你们知道了神之爱、神之智慧和神之力量;你知道这是存在于你们之中的,不是与你们分离的事物,而是真正的你的事实。
119. Remember me and I shall come to you and you shall know me. In nowise shall I turn my face from anyone; only be at peace and remember me.
119. 记住我,我就会来到你身边,你就会了解我。我绝不会对任何人置之不理;只要处于安宁之中,并记住我。
120. It is impossible for the mind of man to affect the Spirit in any way; then always lean on the Spirit, for it is all power; the Christ of God is your only Reality.
120. 人的心智不可能以任何方式影响到圣灵;永远倚靠着圣灵,因为它是所有的力量;神之基督是你唯一的实相。
We will now take the Sanctuary hour.
Do not close your eyes but look towards me.
The Peace, the Love, the Wisdom, the Healing of God are expressed
through you now.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: As the Master left, a beautiful aroma of perfume not known to anyone filled the hall, while music and singing were heard.)
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within
My Peace and my Love I bring to you. My Peace and my Love remain with you.
“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
1. Heaven is the Kingdom of the innermost or Spiritual, otherwise called Christ Consciousness, the Tabernacle of the Most High.
1. 天堂是内心深处或者灵性的王国,也称为基督意识王国,是至高者的殿堂。
2. Earth is the symbol of the outer or opposite or material, both eternally subsisting in the “One” in perfect unity.
2. 地球是外在的、对立的、物质的象征,天堂和地球这两者永远存在于完美统一的“合一”之中。
3. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. This statement has been proclaimed all over the world, but few have understood the deeper meaning of it.
3. 天堂之国就在你内在。这句话在全世界范围都宣告过了,但是很少有人了解它的深层含义。
4. When you realise the deeper meaning of this saying of mine, then you realise also the power that goes with it, for in the inner realms there dwells the Most High.
4. 当你意识到我这句话的深层含义时,你也会意识到随之而来的力量,因为在内在领域居住着至高无上的存在。
5. God the Almighty in your midst is strong. He falters not. He is greater than the greatest, He is beyond the comprehension of even the Archangels; yet He dwells in you and His dwelling place is called the Kingdom of Heaven within you.
5. 在你们之中的全能之神是强大的。他不会动摇。他比最伟大的还要伟大,他甚至超越了大天使的理解范围;然而他住在你里面,他在你内在居住的地方叫做天堂国度。
6. When this is misunderstood or not recognised, mankind creates his own Hell.
6. 当这一点不能被理解或者认可时,人类就创造了他自己的地狱。
7. When you realise and recognise this wonderful Truth you are no longer separated or alone. There is a feeling of oneness that remains permanent and everlasting to the individual who recognises It.
7. 当你意识到并领悟到这个美妙的真理时,你就不再处于分离或者孤单之中。对于任何领悟到这个真理的人来说,合一的感觉是永恒、永远存在的。
8. This recognition comes through understanding, sometimes through meditation, but never through separation or division.
8. 这个领悟来自理解,有的时候来自沉思,但是绝对不会来自分裂或分离。
9. It can never be yours completely if you are separated from one another in any way whatsoever; because when you seek deep in yourselves there you shall find me knocking at the door of your hearts waiting to enter in, and in every soul this is taking place.
9. 如果你以某种方式分离彼此,它永远不会完全属于你;因为当你在自己内心深处寻找时,你会发现我在敲击你的心门,等待着进来,这发生在每个灵魂之中。
10. Those who have admitted me into their hearts must admit everyone, no matter how difficult that person may be, no matter how evil that person may seem; they are all admitted within the one heart of Christ, and no one is ever cast out who comes unto me.
10. 那些已经接纳我进入他们内心的人,必须接纳所有的人,不论那个人有多不友好,无论那个人看上去有多么邪恶;他们都被接纳进入基督的合一之心,那些来到我这里的人都不会被拒绝。
11. Freedom comes when the Kingdom of Heaven is recognised as the true state of man’s consciousness, the true expression of the Father; I and the Father are one.
11. 当天堂之国被认可为人的真实状态、圣父的真实表达时,自由就会降临;我和圣父是合一的。
12. If you then can comprehend the deeper meaning of this saying, “I and the Father are one” and you actually know it to be true, as you repeat it to yourself, the outer self will change; because whatever the inner knows and understands, so shall the outer manifest.
12. 如果你可以理解这句话更深层的含义,“我和圣父是合一”,你就会真的知道这是真的,当你对自己重复这句话,外在的自我就会转变;因为不论内在知道和理解了什么,外在就会显化出来。
13. It is this mighty power that I understand and feel. This is my recognition and realisation of the Truth. It is the Father who ever remaineth within me and He is working in me. It is He who is performing His own deeds.
13. 我理解和感受到的正是这种伟大的力量。这是我对这一真理的认知和领悟。是圣父永远留在我内在,他在我内在工作。是他在执行自己的行动。
14. The Spirit of the Eternal, the Christ of God, preceded all Creation — “I am before Abraham”, recognising that “I am” is the Life not only in Abraham but in every living soul.
14. 永恒之灵、神之基督,先于所有的创造 —— “我在亚伯拉罕之前”,领悟到“我是”不仅是亚伯拉罕内的生命,也是每一个活着灵魂中的生命。
15. It was this clear statement that I made to bring home the Truth to the world, to show definitely that the Christ of God was in the beginning: “I am before Abraham.”
15. 正是我做出的这个清晰声明把真理带到这个世界,确切地表明神之基督从太初就存在:“我在亚伯拉罕之前。”
16. The world recognised its Prophets who were already dead; at the same time they disregarded the Truth of the Everlasting Life. But when the Christ was raised from the Cross, then the task was fulfilled.
16. 世界承认它的先知已经去世了;不过同时他们忽视了永恒生命的真理。当基督从十字架上复活时,任务就完成了。
17. Heaven and Earth is the operation of the “one” Eternal Spirit expressing Itself in form, yet there is no separation. The body is but the focal point through which the invisible man functions.
17. 天堂和地球是“合一”永恒圣灵在形态中表达自己,并不存在分离。身体仅仅是看不见的人进行运作的聚焦点。
18. The Christ of God, to manifest, is involved in the form created, existing in the “one” and the One existing in all.
18. 神之基督表达在所有创造的形态中,他存在于“合一”之中,合一存在于万物。
19. Life alone lives, and this is the all-important truth. “Truth” has no beginning, therefore there is nothing new; all that is to be, is already known to God.
19. 存在的只有生命自己,这是最重要的真理。“真”无始,故无新;所有要发生的事情,神早已经知道了。
20. The fact that you are here is by no mere chance, the fact that you are here was already known to God. Even a sparrow does not fall to the ground lest the Father knoweth, even the hairs of your head are numbered.
20. 你在这里绝非偶然,你在这里这一事实早已被神所知。如果不是圣父的旨意,甚至一只麻雀也不会落在地上,即便是你头发的数量,神也都一清二楚。
21. In this recognition there is an Intelligence that is active everywhere, and this Intelligence expresses Itself through the consciousness that becomes aware of It. The greater the awareness, the greater the manifestation of the Intelligence.
21. 在这种认知中,存在着一种处处活跃着的智能,这种智能通过对自己的意识变得有觉知来进行表达。觉知程度越高,智能表达的范围就越大。
22. This Intelligence is active and never passive. It is continually outpicturing the desires of the Spirit, for within you the Christ dwells and is the only Creative Power in you.
22. 这种智能是积极的,而非消极的。它持续地描绘出圣灵的渴望,因为基督居住在你内在,也是你内在唯一的创造力。
23. The root of all your misery lies in the conception of being separate from Truth or Life; this is why I said, “I am the Life”, “The Father and I are one”.
23. 你所有痛苦的根源在于与真理或生命分离的理念;这就是为什么我说,“我就是生命”,“我与圣父是合一”。
24. You cannot see Truth, yet Truth unfolds in you from the Kingdom of Heaven within.
24. 你看不到真理,但是真理从你内在的天堂国度在你之中展开。
25. This is your safeguard against false teachers. Let the Spirit be your guide. This is the reason I have come to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven that is within you.
25. 这是你防范虚假老师的保障。让圣灵成为你的导师。这就是我前来揭示你内在天堂之国的原因。
26. When you begin to understand that the Christ of God dwells within you, you will not look outside for Him. You will be guided and directed to understand by those who have already found Him. And by following in the footsteps I have laid for you, then you shall find the Christ, that same Christ that spoke through Jesus.
26. 当你开始理解神之基督居住在你内在,你就不会向外去寻找他。那些已经找到他的人会引导你去理解。跟随着我在你之前留下的脚印,你就会发现基督,就是那位通过耶稣来说话的基督。
27. When there is perfect unity between all of you, you can do great things for the world and for all who live in it, for there I am in the midst.
27. 当你们所有人完美地团结在一起时,你们就可以为世界以及所有居住在其中的存有完成伟大的事情,因为我在你们之中。
28. There must be silence in the outer when the Christ of God speaks from the inner. The mortal sense reacts to things external to the Self. The roaring noise coming from the external must not affect the Consciousness of the Christ within.
28. 当神之基督从内在讲话时,外在必须保持沉默。世俗的感官会对自我之外的事情做出反应。来自外部喧嚣的噪音一定不能影响内在基督的意识。
29. Your consciousness becomes troubled through misunderstanding the Truth. But immediately you begin to know the Truth that Christ is all-supreme, then there is a calmness within, and the outer becomes calm also. My Peace I bring unto you.
29. 你的意识会因对真理的错误理解而受到困扰。不过你马上开始意识到基督是至高无上的这一真理,然后内在就会平静下来,外在也变得平静。我把我的安宁带给你。
30. You can feel my Peace in your soul. Then let the Christ speak in all his power and glory with the understanding that it is the Father who ever remaineth with me and you. It is He who is speaking to you through me.
30. 你可以在你的灵魂中感受到我的安宁。然后让基督在他全然的力量和荣耀中讲话,带着这样的理解,即圣父永远与你我同在。是他通过我对你讲话。
31. The great works of healing can be done only when the mortal senses have ceased to be and the consciousness turned towards the Kingdom of Heaven within.
31. 只有当世俗的感官停下来,意识转向内在的天堂国度时,伟大的疗愈工作才能完成。
32. This is the water I give to you, that you may never thirst again, for it will become a well of living water springing up to Life Everlasting.
32. 这是我赐予你们的水,这样你们永远都不会口渴,因为它会成为活水源泉,涌出永恒的生命。
33. I speak of that which I have seen with my Father; and, as God is my Father and your Father also, so must you love one another as I love you.
33. 我说出的是我与圣父看到的;因为神是我的圣父,也是你们的圣父,因此,你们必须像我爱你们那样爱着彼此。
34. When you turn your thoughts and your hearts inwardly, your soul begins to feel the warmth of the Christ of God, the only begotten Son of God who is and was with God from the beginning. Nothing came into being except by Him, and through Him all that is made is made.
34. 当你把你们的思想和心灵转向内在时,你的灵魂和开始感觉到神之基督的温暖,他是从太初起就与神同在的独子。万物皆由他生,通过他存在的万物得以创造出来。
35. When you see the beauty of the Love of the Father expressing Itself through the Son, then you will know that the Son is the Love of God.
35. 当你看到圣父的爱之美丽通过圣子进行表达时,你就会知道圣子是神之爱。
36. The Son knows and understands that this Love is pouring continuously through Him, and, as the Son receives It, so He expresses It naturally: That is why you must love one another as I love you.
36. 圣子知道并理解,这种爱通过他不停倾洒而出,当圣子接收到它时,他会自然而然地表达出爱。这就是为什么你必须像我爱你们一样爱彼此。
37. No greater thing can you do but to love one another and keep to my sayings; for I speak the Truth the Father gives me, and this Truth shall set you free.
37. 除了爱彼此并遵守我的话之外,没有比这更伟大的事情;因为我讲的是圣父告诉我的真理,这真理会让你自由。
38. Sin is the great falseness connected with your outer self of the senses; it belongs to separation and chaos.
38. 罪恶是与你感官的外在自我相关的巨大幻相;它属于分离和混乱。
39. I have told you not to gaze too long upon the sin of the world, which too many are preaching about. How can you see the Christ if you are forever gazing at sin?
39. 我已经告诉过你,不要过多关注世界上的罪恶,因为有太多人在宣扬这样罪恶。如果你永远都注视着罪恶,你怎么会看到基督呢?
40. When you look to the Christ in yourself, this separateness, this chaos, this sin, that exists in your mind and heart shall dissolve away.
40. 当你看向自己内在的基督时,存在于你心智和内心的这种分离、这种混乱、这种罪恶就会消融。
41. Heed not then those who try to drag you through Hell, but listen to those who lift you into the glory of the Christ that dwells within you. The Kingdom of Heaven is His dwelling place and His Kingdom is within you now.
41. 不要理会那些试着把你拖入地狱的人,而是要听那些把你提升到居住在你内在的基督荣耀之中的人。天堂国度是他居住的地方,他的王国现在就在你内在。
42. Many who have passed beyond the flesh know well that flesh and blood does not enter into the higher realms, yet they now know that they are the same who lived in the flesh.
42. 很多已经超越肉身的人知道,血肉之躯不能进入更高的领域,不过他们现在知道他们与居住在血肉之躯中的人是一样的。
43. Christ dwells in you, and, as you unfold into your higher understanding, so shall this Christ manifest in His glory according to your understanding.
43. 基督居住在你之中,随着你拓展进入更高的理解力,基督也会根据你理解的展开在荣耀中显化出来。
44. When you consciously know yourselves as you are known, you will say in your hearts: “It is finished.” Yet separateness and chaos have dared to set up their kingdom of darkness in your midst.
44. 当你有意识地像圣父知道你一样去了解自己,你就会在心里说:“它完成了。”可是,分离和混乱胆敢在你们中间建立它们的黑暗王国。
45. I am the Light of the world; this all-prevailing inner Light becomes visible as your inner vision of the Kingdom of Heaven is developed.
45. 我是世界的圣光;当你发展了天堂之国的内在视野时,这种无所不在的内在圣光就会变得可见。
46. The inner becomes the outer and the outer becomes the inner, and as you feel in your heart so shall it be expressed outwardly.
46. 内在成为外在,外在成为内在,就像是你内心有什么感觉,你就会表达出来那样。
47. It is the Word that lives in your heart that manifests. Then seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all other things shall be added unto you. Seek first this mighty Power of the Consciousness of God so that it becomes your consciousness. God being Infinite there can only be “one” Consciousness, the Consciousness of God manifesting as the Christ in you.
47. 是你心中的道得以彰显。先寻求神之国度,然后其他的东西都会加给你。先寻求神之意识的强大力量,让它成为你的意识。神是无限的,只存在“一”的意识,那就是神之意识在你内在表达为基督。
48. Learn to become conscious of the Father who ever remains in you, and to know that there is nothing impossible with the Father; and whatever you shall say, so shall it be done.
48. 学习去意识到永远与你同在的圣父,并知道有圣父在没有什么不能完成;不论你说什么,都可以实现。
49. This is the Light that existed in the beginning before the world was. For I was with God when He said, “Let there be Light”, and there was Light, and this is the Light that lighteth every soul that comes into the world.
49. 这是世界被创造之前就存在的圣光。因为当神说“要有光”时,我与他同在,于是就有了光,这是照亮来到这个世界的每一个灵魂的圣光。
50. Everything that exists must be an expression from the inner, for everything that is made exists only because of the Christ that existed from the beginning.
50. 所有存在的一切一定是内在的表达,因为被创造的一切存在的唯一原因就是从太初起就存在的基督。
51. In God, the only “one” subsisting Being, all things must take place, for there is nothing outside Him, He being Infinite in nature.
51. 万物都存在于神中,神是“唯一”存在的存有,因为在他之外空无一物,他在本质上是无限的。
52. If you then know that Life is God and God is Life, and you become aware of this Living Life as yourself, then you know the Christ of God.
52. 如果你知道了生命就是神,神就是生命,然后你就开始意识到这个活着的生命就是你自己,那么你就会认识神之基督。
53. O Mighty Wonderful Father, it is a pleasure and a joy to exist in Thee and to know it is Thee who alone exists in us all.
53. 噢,伟大神奇的圣父,存在于你之中,并且知道存在于我们万物中的只有你,这是多么美妙和喜悦。
54. How wonderful is the joy in my heart knowing that Thou hast given me all those who belong to Thee; and when they know me I shall give them back to Thee, and I shall still be in their midst; for Thou who speakest through me shall also speak through them, for no one exists besides Thee.
54. 知道你已经把所有属于你的人赐给了我,我内心的喜悦是多么美妙;当他们认识我时,我就会把他们带回给你,我仍会在他们中间;因为你通过我讲话,也是通过他们讲话,除了你之外不存在其他。
55. Thus the Creation of the inner and the outer: the active and the passive principles spoken of as Heaven and Earth are within Him, the only “One”.
55. 内在和外在的创造也是如此:被称为天堂和地球的主动和被动法则都在他之中,他是唯一的“合一”。
56. Therefore the only Creative Power you have must come from the Kingdom of Heaven, the inner, the active Living Presence, expressing Itself in the outer.
56. 因此,你拥有的唯一创造性能量一定来自天堂之国,也就是内在,主动活跃的临在,在外在表达着它自己。
57. When you enter into the Kingdom of your own Consciousness you will realise where the Christ dwells, and you will know the Creative Power of the Christ.
57. 当你进入你自己意识王国之中,你就会意识到基督居住在哪里,你会知道基督的创造力量。
58. By knowing that God is Love, His Son must be Love also. Therefore you reveal the perfection of the Father through the realisation of His Divine Love, which remains always a protection for yourselves and others.
58. 知道神就是爱,就会得知他的圣子一定也是爱。因此,通过对他神圣之爱的领悟,你揭示了圣父的完美,这神圣之爱永远都是对你自己和他人的保护。
59. If then you know me and heed my words, you shall create in the outer that which is perfect within you. Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.
59. 如果你了解我,并听从我的话,你就会在外在创造出你内在的完美。你会成为完美,因为你在天堂的圣父是完美的。
60. How consciously real is this inner realm to me, you will not fully understand until you come into the inner.
60. 对我来说这内在的领域充满了有意识的真实,在你进入内在领域之前,你不会完全理解。
61. You have seen me overshadowing the brother, some of you have seen the Power radiating from the heart, some of you have seen many other wonderful things; but even these things are but nothing compared to the Divine Presence that lives within yourselves.
61. 你已经看到我现身在这位兄弟身上,你们中的一些人看到了从心中散发出来的能量,你们中还有一些人看到了很多其他美妙的事情;但是与居住在你们内在的神圣临在相比,这些事情不过是小巫见大巫。
62. How consciously real is this inner realm to me! So it shall be to you also: for where I am, there also shall you be.
62. 对我来说这内在的领域充满了有意识的真实!你们也将如此:因为我在哪里,你们也会在哪里。
63. This inward self — the Christ — is greater than you can ever realise, for all things are under His control.
63. 这个内在的自我 —— 基督 —— 要比你想象中还要伟大,因为万物都在他的主宰之中。
64. The Christ Life in you is ever re-creating within, making things anew, bringing the soul into unity with the whole.
64. 你内在的基督生命不断地在你内在重新创造,让事物焕然一新,让灵魂与万物合而为一。
65. As you begin to feel this unity you begin to feel the Love and the Power of God. There is an expansiveness that manifests in all, no matter who they may be. In this lies the Power of Christ.
65. 当你开始感受到这种合一,你就开始感受到神的爱和力量。不论他们是谁,所有人都会表达出这样的拓展。这就是基督的能量表达。
66. The Father can only express Himself in His Wholeness, in His Completeness; then the Christ in you is the expression of the Father.
66. 圣父只能在他的完整和完全中表达自己;你内在的基督就是圣父的表达。
67. Everything you read in the New Testament has also a symbolic meaning.
67. 你在《新约》中读到的一切都具有象征意义。
68. When I made a whip of cord and drove out of the Temple the money changers, I also upset the trays of money, the symbol of the outer.
68. 当我用绳子做成鞭子,把所有兑换银钱之人赶出圣殿,我也推翻了银钱的托盘,这是外在的象征。
69. I charged them not to make the Father’s House a house of robbers and thieves.
69. 我告诉他们不要把圣父的殿堂变成强盗和小偷的家。
70. This is symbolic of driving out of the Temple of the Living God the thieves and robbers of mortal sense. For I must possess the living Temple of God completely. This is the right of my possession.
70. 这象征着世俗中的小偷和强盗被驱赶出永生神的殿堂。因为我必须完全拥有神之圣殿。这是我的拥有权。
71. It is the thieves and robbers of mortal sense that deprive you of the Power that exists within you. A belief in the outer, a belief in the power of something that has no power in itself is the cause of your weakness.
71. 是世俗的窃贼和强盗剥夺了存在于你内在的力量。相信外在,相信本身不具有力量的事物拥有力量,是你软弱的原因所在。
72. You did not create the Christ, but Christ creates in you. You only create in the outer by the Power within you. I say unto you, when you have seen me you have seen the Father, and I am within you.
72. 不是你创造了基督,而是基督在你内在创造。你只能通过你内在的力量在外在进行创造。我告诉你,当你看到我时,你就看到了圣父,我就在你里面。
73. I possess the right to occupy the Temple of the Living God wholly and solely. There can be no compromise.
73. 我有权利完全独占永生之神的圣殿。决不妥协。
74. He that wholly turneth unto me, out of his innermost being shall flow torrents of Living Water.
74. 完全转向我的人,将从他内心深处流出生命之水的洪流。
75. When you turn completely unto me and give yourselves completely over to me, then from your innermost being will flow my Life, my Power, my Wisdom, my Love. You will be amazed at the things you can do, and nothing will be impossible unto you if you will but believe and understand me.
75. 当你完全转向我,并把自己完全交给我时,我的生命、我的力量、我的智慧和我的爱就会在你内心深处流淌。你会惊讶于你能完成的事情,只要你愿意相信我并理解我,没有什么是不可能的。
76. How much do you believe? Even now you are wondering if what I told you is really true!
76. 你相信了多少?即便是现在你还在怀疑我告诉你的是否是真的!
77. Unless you believe completely and wholly in me as the Christ the only living Son, the only begotten Son of God, the only Power existing in the world, you shall have no real power.
77. 除非你完全、全部地相信我,我是基督,是唯一活着的圣子,是神的独子,是世界上唯一存在的力量;否则你不会拥有真正的力量。
78. To him that hath shall be given, but he that hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away. Heed my words, they are as a double-edged sword.
79. Therefore it is not for you to imitate the ways of the outer world, but to be transformed by the Christ within, that you may discern what is good and acceptable unto the Father, and reject that which is false.
79. 因此,你们不要去效仿外在世界的行事方式,而是要被内在的基督转化,以便你们分辨出什么是好的,什么是圣父所喜悦的,并拒绝那些虚假的。
80. Anything that separates you from one another is a falsehood; separation denies the Christ in you.
80. 所有让你们分离彼此的东西都是虚假的,分离会否认你们内在的基督。
81. The Christ is the only Creative Power in each and every one. It is the will of the Father, and His will will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
81. 基督是每个人和每个个体中唯一的创造能量。它是圣父的意志,圣父的意志会在地球上实现,就像在天堂那样。
82. All members of the body have not the same function, yet they are of the one body.
82. 身体的所有部分功能不尽相同,但是它们是一体的。
83. So it is with you; you are many and you work differently. Yet you are all of one body; the body of the Christ holds all, and His Spirit is in all. Please think deeply with me.
83. 你们也是如此;你们数量众多,你们的工作也不同。但是你们都是一体的;基督的身体容纳了你们所有人,他的圣灵在所有人之中。请与我一同深思。
84. You have all different gifts according to the grace that is given unto you. Some of you may have clear sight, others may have more faith, some may have the gift of teaching, and some of healing, some the gift of consoling. Yet it is the One Christ that is manifesting in you all, and you live in the one body of Christ.
84. 根据你们被赐予的恩典,你们都拥有着不同的天赋。你们中的有一些人可能有清晰的视野,其他的人可能有着更坚定的信念,还有人可能有着教导的天赋,一些会疗愈,一些人则拥有抚慰的天赋。然而,在你们所有人身上表达出的是合一的基督,你们生活在基督的合一身体中。
85. Whatever you do, do it with sincerity. Be kind and affectionate to one another and show your mercy with cheerfulness, for mercy is the reward of greatness.
85. 不论你们做什么,都要真诚地去做。友善有爱地对待彼此,以愉悦的态度展示出你的慈悲之心,因为慈悲是伟大的恩赐。
86. It shows the Consciousness of the Christ within. It shows that the outer is being influenced by the Living Christ that dwells in the Kingdom of Heaven within.
86. 它展示出了内在的基督意识。它表明外在正在受到居住在内在天堂之国的活着的基督的影响。
87. For no matter who they are, whoever comes unto me I will in no wise cast him out. Listen then to what I have to say unto you; what I do you must do likewise, otherwise you are no disciple of mine.
87. 不论他们是谁,不论谁到我这里来,我都不会把他驱赶出去。倾听我对你说的话;我做什么,你就去做什么,否则,你就不是我的弟子。
88. In business do not be slothful or deceitful, but serving with honour; thus you serve me and you will not then be wise in your own conceits.
88. 不可懒惰、不可欺诈,带着尊严去服务;这样你就会侍奉我,你就不会自作聪明了。
89. And live in peace with all whom you serve and with them who serve you.
89. 与你一同服务的所有人以及服务于你的人和平共处。
90. For it is written in the Kingdom of Heaven, He that is greatest is the servant of all. And who is the greatest? It is the Father who ever remaineth within you. It is He who is the servant of all, and whatsoever you ask in my name so the Father shall give unto you.
90. 因为在天堂之国写着,最伟大的人是万物的仆人。谁是最伟大的?是永远在你内在的圣父。他是万物的仆人,不论你们奉着我的名求什么,圣父必给予你们。
91. Therefore, if your enemy hunger feed him; if he thirst give him drink; for whatsoever you do unto anyone, so you do unto me.
91. 因此,如果你的敌人饿了就去喂他;如果他渴了就让他喝水;因为你们对任何人所做的,就是对我所做的。
92. Overcome all evil with good, for whatsoever thou doeth in thine own heart so shall that be done unto you.
92. 用良善战胜所有的邪恶,因为不论你发自内心为别人做什么,别人也会对你做同样的事情。
93. Do you praise while you despise? Are you kind to some and unkind to others? Whatever you do unto anyone you do unto me. Therefore follow in my footsteps and all power shall be given unto you in Heaven and on Earth.
93. 你在赞美的同时也在鄙视吗?你对一些人友善对另一些人不友善吗?不论你对别人做什么,你就是在对我做什么。因此,跟随我的脚步,天堂和地球的所有力量都会被赋予你。
94. Whatever the Father seeth me do, so does He bless a hundredfold; I am truly rich because my Father is rich.
94. 不论圣父看到我在做什么,他会以百倍地祝福;我非常富有,因为我的圣父富有。
95. All belong to the Father, all are His children; He loves everyone, all people, no matter how disobedient they may be.
95. 一切都属于圣父,万物都是他的孩子;他爱每个人,所有的人,不论他们有多么叛逆。
96. I reign supreme. All that shall tend to destroy the Temple of our Father shall be under my feet.
96. 我是至高无上的。凡是要毁坏我们圣父神殿的,都会在我的脚下。
97. And when all things be subdued by me, so shall I also be subject unto the Father who sent me; for He putteth all things in their right place, so that we may be all “one” in the Father.
97. 当万物都服从于我,我也将服从于差我来的圣父;因为他把万物各归其位,这样我们都在圣父之中成为“合一”。
98. The Christ is the seed in the natural body, and is raised in a Spiritual body. The body is but the focal point through which the Christ works.
98. 基督是肉身中的一颗种子,被提升到灵性身体中。灵性身体是基督工作的聚焦点。
99. There is a natural body and a Spiritual body, but the Christ is the ruler of both.
99. 有肉体和灵性身体之分,不过基督是两者的统治者。
100. Adam was made a living soul by the quickening of the Spirit.
100. 亚当因圣灵的苏醒而成为一个有生命的灵魂。
101. The outer man is the Earth, the inner is the Lord of Heaven, and the Lord of Heaven has control over all things, for all power has been given unto him; he is the Lord and the Law.
101. 外在的人是地球,内在的灵是天堂之主,天堂之主掌管万物,所有的权力都赋予了他;他是上主和法则。
102. The Law is not above the Lord, but the Lord is above the Law. “I am” the Law, saith the Lord.
102. 法则不在上主之上,上主位于法则之上。“我是”法则,上主说。
103. When you recognise this, then you will see with your own eyes the living expression of the Almighty; for He alone through the Christ has created you, in His own image and likeness.
103. 当你领悟到这一点时,你就可以亲眼看到神的真容;因为是他亲自以自己的形象和模样通过基督创造了你。
104. And within each and every soul dwells the Christ, the one and only Son; therefore you live in the body of the Christ, and the Christ Spirit lives in each and every one of you.
104. 在每一个灵魂中都居住着基督,唯一的圣子;因此你们居住在基督的身体中,基督之灵居住在你们每一个人之中。
105. As you are born the image of your Father in Heaven, so is that image reflected in the outer through the Christ in you.
105. 因为你是照着天堂中你圣父的形象出生的,因此这个形象也通过你内在的基督体现在外在。
106. The outer is the flesh and blood, yet the flesh and blood does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for this is the realm of Spirit and water, in which the flesh has no say.
106. 外在的是血肉,不过血肉不能进入天堂之国,因为这里是灵水之境,肉身没有发言权。
107. Water means that invisible substance, the Mind of God, in which everything is existing. With this finer substance everything is created, even flesh and bone. The form may disappear, but the Spirit remaineth forever.
107. 水意味着无形的物质,神之心智,万物存在于其中。在这种更精细的物质中万物得以创造,甚至是血肉之躯。形态会消失,但是圣灵永远存在。
108. But as the soul is raised by the power of the Spirit, and is raised beyond the vibrations of the flesh, so it departs into the inner realms, there to abide with me; for “I am” in the outer while in the inner, yet I am not affected by flesh and blood. I have overcome the world by the power of the Spirit, and the flesh has no say in the matter.
108. 随着灵魂因圣灵的力量得到提升,提升至超越肉身的振动时,它就会进入内在的领域,在那里与我同住;因为“我是”在外在同时也在内在,但是我不受血肉之躯的影响。通过圣灵的力量我战胜了世界,肉身就这一点没有发言权。
109. The outer is the flesh and blood, yet the flesh and blood does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Flesh and blood is the means through which the Christ manifests on Earth.
109. 外在的是血肉,然而血肉不能进入天堂之国。血肉之躯是基督在地球上表达的方式。
110. That which is untrue in the outer shall pass away, because from the heart of Love comes the healing of forgiveness.
110. 外在的虚假最终会消逝,因为来自内心的爱会带来宽恕的疗愈。
111. This mighty Love blots out all sin and separateness, for within you dwells He who has overcome sin and death through the Consciousness of the Christ of God.
111. 这伟大的爱抹除了所有的罪恶与分离,因为你内在居住的是通过神之基督意识战胜了罪恶和死亡的基督。
112. Because you are the sons and daughters of God, He has sent forth the Spirit of Christ into your hearts crying, “Abba Avon” — O Father, our Father — so you are servants no longer, but sons and daughters, all heirs to all that which is God’s through the Christ the only begotten Son of God that dwells within you.
112. 因为你是神的儿女,他派基督之灵进入你们的内心呼喊,“Abba Avon”—— 噢 圣父,我们的父 —— 你们不再是奴仆,而是儿子和女儿,是通过基督、居住在你们内在的神之独子的神所有一切的继承人
113. Yes, how many thousands of you are listening to me at this moment, living in a state where time and space do not enter in. But here in the outer, where I am speaking to those who are your brothers and sisters, yet remaining in the flesh, they know time and space. Time and space is the difficulty they have to overcome upon the Earth. The difficulty all must overcome is the sense of time and space.
113. 是的,此刻有千万人在听我讲话,处于一种超越了时间和空间的状态。但是在外在,我正在对你们兄弟姐妹说话的地方,他们仍然留在肉身之中,他们知道时间和空间。时间和空间是他们在地球上必须克服的困难。所有人必须都要去克服的困难就是时间和空间。
114. You still observe distances, days and months, times and years. This is the illusion of time and space.
114. 你仍然观察距离、天数、月份、时间和年。这是时间和空间的幻相。
115. See yourselves in the Kingdom of Heaven; the same Spirit within you is the same that created the world.
115. 看到你自己在天堂国度;你内在的圣灵与创造了世界的圣灵是相同的。
116. When you understand this, you will see beyond the world of time and space.
116. 当你理解了这一点,你就会看到超越时间和空间的世界。
117. I said that I am not of the outer but born of the Spirit of the Father. Call no man your father on Earth, for one is your Father who is in Heaven.
117. 我说过,我不在外在,我是圣父之灵所生。不要称呼地球上任何人为你的圣父,因为你唯一的圣父在天堂。
118. I knew of this greater and inner state of being, and that the outer was but a shadow. Therefore I overcame the temptation of the senses, through which time and space made for separation.
118. 我知道这种伟大的内在存在状态,外在只不过是一个影子。因此我克服了感官的诱惑,时间和空间通过感官制造分离。
119. If you overcome this sense of time and space, you shall also enter into this understanding where all is NOW, where there is no separation, no distance, no time.
119. 如果你克服了这种时间和空间感,你也会进入这种理解之中,在那里所有一切都处于当下,没有分离,没有距离,没有时间。
120. The originating Spirit of the Father, existing in the simple unity with all power, created the active and passive principles spoken of as Heaven and Earth.
120. 圣父的开创圣灵,存在于所有力量中的简单统一体,它创造了所谓的天堂和地球的主动和被动法则。
121. So the work done in the inner, or Heaven, is reproduced in the outer, or Earth. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and ye shall create in the outer that which is acceptable to Him who created you within Himself — His Spirit the Ruling Power in Heaven and on earth.
121. 因此内在或天堂完成的工作,会在外在或地球重现。你们首先要寻求神的国度,然后你们要在外在创造他可以接受的,他在自己内在创造了你们 —— 他的灵是天堂和地球的主宰力量。
122. The ways of God the Father are perfect, and the soul that is conscious of the Living Christ is lifted into the simple unity of the Father who is Eternal and Ever-present.
122. 圣父的神之道是完美的,对活着的基督有觉知的灵魂被提升到永恒和永远存在的圣父的简单合一之中。
123. The simple unity! How gloriously lovely and perfect! How simple is the Truth, how difficult it is for those who dwell in time and space to understand.
123. 简单的合一!是多么荣耀和完美!真理是多么简单,然而对于那些居住在时间和空间中的人来说是多么难以理解。
124. When the Christ was raised from the Cross the work of redemption was fulfilled, the whole Race was lifted up into unity with the Father.
124. 当基督从十字架上被提升时,救赎的工作就完成了,整个种族被提升到与圣父合一的状态。
125. The Christ is the Son of God; this Christ is the Spirit that animates the whole of humanity; and is the Spirit animating you, the highest Creation of God on Earth, made in God’s likeness.
125. 基督是神之子;基督是赋予全人类生命力的圣灵;也是赋予你生命的圣灵,是神在地球上至高的创造,以神的形象创造出来。
126. The Spirit took upon Itself the body of flesh. The Spirit took upon Itself the Satan of the senses while dwelling complete in that everlasting state of Eternal Power.
126. 圣灵承担起血肉之躯。当圣灵完全居住在永恒力量的永恒状态之中时,它也承担起了感官的撒旦。
127. To enter into the body of flesh is to feel the sense of separation, yet the Christ Spirit knew the senses of the mortal flesh for what they were and said, “Get ye behind me, Satan.”
127. 进入血肉之躯就是感受到分离的感觉,然而基督之灵知道世俗感官的感觉是什么,并说,“退到我身后去,撒旦。”
128. The Satan of the senses blinds you from the Christ Power that you have here and now.
128. 感官撒旦让你看不到你在当下拥有的基督力量。
129. Know that when the Christ was raised from the Cross, so was the whole of mankind raised. The acceptance of this Truth and the understanding of It will set you free now.
129. 要知道,当基督从十字架上被提升时,整个人类种族也都得到提升。接受这个真理,它会让你自由。
130. It is of this I have come to show you, to tell you that you are free now, if you will but believe in me and Him who sent me.
130. 这就是我来向你展示的,来告诉你,你现在自由了,如果你愿意相信我,相信派我来的那位。
131. Love is pressing through the surrounding atmosphere about you; this Love is calling for your obedience, to treat one another with the same Spirit as you see me do.
131. 爱在你周围的大气中蔓延开来;这爱正呼唤你的服从,用相同的圣灵对待彼此,就像你看到我做的那样。
132. Love dwells in every living soul. Love much, and I shall do my work through you.
132. 爱存在于每一个活着的灵魂中。多去爱,通过你我将完成我的工作。
133. How I long to express this feeling of Love in you — the Love of God made manifest.
133. 我多么渴望在你身上表达这种爱的感觉 —— 神之爱已经彰显。
134. The feeling of Love that goes out from the very centre of your soul is but a grain of sand on the seashore of Love. But to understand the Love of God, you must begin to love more, and as you love more so I shall work in you, and through you, because I am Love, the Son of the Father of Love.
134. 从你灵魂中心发出的爱的感觉只是爱之海滩上的一粒沙石。但是要理解神的爱,你必须开始更多地去爱,当你爱得更多,我就会在你里面通过你工作,因为我是爱,爱之父的儿子。
135. I love all in the world. I am with you in the world working to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth; for this I was sent forth to do.
135. 我爱世上的一切。我在世界上与你同在,努力把天堂之国带到地球;因为这就是我被派来做的工作。
136. Follow me, for indeed you are the Light of the world. Then let your light shine so that all may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.
136. 跟随着我,因为你的确是世界之光。让你的光照耀,让所有的人都能看到你的善行,并荣耀你在天堂的圣父。
137. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Now let us enter into the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.
137. 天堂之国在你内在。现在,让我们进入这寂静的疗愈殿堂。
(The Scribe’s Remarks: A deep silence reigns and many are healed by the glorious Presence.)
He Who Hath Seen Me Hath Seen The Father
My Blessings, my Peace remain with you all.
He who believes in me believes not in me but Him who sent me.
He who beholds me beholds Him who sent me.
1. These words are significant and they are true, but only those who have gone beyond separation can understand them.
1. 这些话很重要,也很真实,但是只有那些超越分离的人才能理解。
2. He who has seen me has seen the Father. How few people have understood this wonderful expression of Truth. This expression of Truth, when understood, reveals the Father and places that soul beyond the outer darkness that surrounds the individual.
2. 看见我就是看见了圣父。很少有人理解真理的这种美妙表达。这种真理的表达,一旦被理解,就可以揭示圣父,并把灵魂放置在超越了围绕着个人外在黑暗位置。
3. The most important thing of all is to recognise that God alone lives and He is expressing Himself now. It is the Father who ever remaineth within me; it is He who speaketh, it is He who is performing His own deeds; this you must realise also.
3. 最重要的是认识到只有神自己活着,他正在表达自己。永远与我同在的是圣父;是他在讲话,是他在行事;你必须意识到这些。
4. It is because I have recognised Him wholly, and allowed nothing to interfere with this realisation, that by Him and through Him I live; He speaks for me while I reveal Him to you.
4. 因为我已经完全地认识了他,不允许任何事物来干扰这种认知,所以靠着他通过他,我活着;当我向你揭示他时,是他为我说话。
5. You are beginning to understand because you have heard me repeat this Truth many times. Only by repetition will the Truth take root in your mind and grow to maturity.
5. 你开始明白了,因为你已经多次听到我重复这个真理。只有通过重复,真理才会在你的心智中扎根,成长至成熟。
6. It is by repetition that I am able to give you the Truth you cannot see with your own eyes, for only through the inner vision is It revealed.
6. 正是通过重复,我能够给你你无法用自己的双眼看到的真理,因为它只有通过内在的视野才会被揭示。
7. That which is hidden from the outer is not seen with the physical eyes, but only understood through the inner vision that sees the Truth through Inspiration.
7. 从外在隐藏起来的那些是不能用肉眼去看的,只能通过内在的视野去理解,内在的视野可以通过默示看到真理。
8. As the soul is raised, so the Truth, the Consciousness of God, reveals Itself as the Spirit that lives in you.
8. 随着灵魂的提升,真理、神之意识就会以居住在你内在圣灵的形式揭示自己。
9. The Spirit that animates the body is the only Living Power there is; there is no other power in Heaven or on Earth. It is with this recognition that I said all power has been given unto me in Heaven and on Earth.
9. 圣灵是让身体充满活力的唯一生命力,天堂和地球上除此之外没有别的力量。正是基于这种认知,我才会说,天堂和地球的所有力量都被赋予了我。
10. As your consciousness becomes aware of the eternal unity of the whole in which we all exist, you are able to grasp the mighty power of this saying of mine. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. Can you understand it now? Is it possible for you now to realise the meaning of it completely. When you have seen me you have seen the Father.
10. 随着你的意识对我们都存在于其中的永恒合一变得有觉知,你就可以领会我这句话的强大力量。看见我的,就看见了圣父。你现在可以明白了吗?你现在有没有可能完全体会它的意义。当你看到我时,你就看见了圣父。
11. As there is no other Living Being but God, God must fill boundless space to be Infinite; then He must live in me and I must live in Him and He must live in you, and you must live in me, and we together are One in Him who is infinite.
11. 因为除了神之外没有其他活着的存有,神要充满了无边无际的空间才是无限的;因此,他一定居住在我里面,我一定居住在他里面,他一定居住在你里面,你一定居住在我里面,我们一起在无限的他之中合而为一。
12. Without these conditions God cannot be infinite in nature. There is no separation anywhere, and this is the Truth that I tell you now: he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.
12. 若不能满足这些条件,神在本质上就不可能是无限的。在任何地方都没有分离,这是我告诉你的真理:看见我的人,就是看见了圣父。
13. You are in the Father now, and the Father is in you, and you can enter into this Truth consciously as I did, and of this I have come again to tell you, and truly I tell you,”I and the Father are one.”
13. 你现在就在圣父之中,圣父在你之中,你可以像我一样有意识地进入这个真理,关于这一点,我又来告诉你,我真切地告诉你,“我和圣父是合一。”
14. These words I am giving you through the brother are being taken down so that you can study them carefully. They are given in such a way as to reveal the inner; the many repetitions are necessary for your understanding.
14. 我跟你们说的这些话,通过这位兄弟记录了下来,以便你们仔细研读。它们以揭示内在的方式给出,许多重复对你的理解是有必要的。
15. Through your deep contemplation upon them you will be able to realise the inner meaning, and thereby bring the Truth which is the central power in you to the outer, so that in the outer every cell of your body shall proclaim the Truth.
15. 通过对它们进行深入的思考,你就会开始领悟其内在的含义,从而把核心力量的真理带到外在,这样在外在,你身体的每个细胞都会宣告真理。
16. Men and women all over the world have made this discovery for themselves and henceforth all is well; they have ceased to hurry, for the journey is over.
16. 全世界的男男女女都发现了这一点,从此一切都会好;他们不再匆忙赶路,因为旅途已经结束了。
17. When you recognise that you are in the Father’s House and that in that House there is plenty for all, you sit at the Father’s table and partake of the feast thereof.
17. 当你意识到你在圣父的殿堂,在那殿堂中有足够的东西供所有人使用,你坐在圣父的桌子旁,参加他的宴会。
18. This then is the secret of true understanding, when the consciousness becomes aware of itself, aware of itself as being the Spirit of God that created all things, and is now manifesting as it was in the beginning and will be forever the same.
18. 这就是真正理解的奥秘,当意识开始意识到自己时,意识到自己是创造了万物的神之灵,意识到自己正在表达,就像太初时那样,而且永远会如此。
19. Now that you have made this discovery you are no longer strangers in the Father’s House, for I am “one” with you in the Father’s House and I will testify for you.
19. 现在你已经发现,你不再是圣父殿堂里的陌生人了,因为我在圣父的殿堂中与你们是“合一”的存在,我会为你们做见证。
20. I am “one” with you; know ye not that the Christ of God is the only begotten Son of the Father, the only Living Spirit of God in Heaven and on Earth, having Consciousness, Intelligence, Wisdom and Love? All the qualities of the Father are expressed through the Son. As the Father has Life in Himself, so He granted the Son to have the same Life in Himself.
20. 我跟你们是“合一”;你还不知道神之基督是圣父的独子,是天堂和地球上唯一有生命的神之灵,拥有意识、智能、智慧和爱?圣父的所有品质通过圣子表达了出来。正如圣父在他自己里面有生命,因此他赋予圣子在他之中同样的生命。
21. I AM the Spirit that dwells in your soul. Know ye not that I am with you? The recognition of this enables you to reach me at once. Do not pray to someone afar off, for I am nearer than hands and feet.
21. 我是住在你灵魂中的圣灵。你是否知道我与你同在?领悟到这一点可以让你马上就接近我。不要向遥远的人祈祷,因为我比你的手脚离你更近。
22. I have said also: Whatsoever you ask in my name my Father shall grant you. Know that I am with you, not apart from you; and in your prayers believe what I say and you will find what you ask you shall receive, believing you have it.
22. 我也说过:不论你奉我的名求什么,我的圣父都会赐给你。知道我与你同在,没有与你分开;在你的祈祷中相信我说的话,你就会发现你会得到你所求的,相信你已经拥有了它。
23. You will no longer say, Behold it is here or behold it is there; for you will know that the Kingdom of God is within you.
23. 你就不再会说,看,它在这儿;看,它在那儿;因为你会知道,神之王国就在你内在。
24. You are just where you have always been in your Eternal Home, only you were not conscious of It; and there is no separation from those you love.
24. 你一直都在你永恒的家中,只是你没有意识到它;你与所爱之人没有分离。
25. There is no separation in the Spiritual — the Real; there is no parting as you feel in the mortal state. In the Spiritual there is a greater unity, revealing more of Reality.
25. 在灵性 —— 实相中,没有分离,没有你在世俗状态中感受到的分别。在灵性领域中存在的只有更伟大的合一,揭示出更多的实相。
26. In your mortal state there dwells ignorance, and ignorance causes fear to take hold of the soul. The Light that lighteth the world must shine in mortal consciousness; the Light dwells forever in the consciousness that knows itself to Be.
26. 在你世俗状态中,存在着无知,无知导致恐惧占据了灵魂的位置。照亮世界的光必须要在世俗的意识中闪耀,圣光永远存在于知晓自己存在的意识中。
27. The Father is in the Son, because the Life in the Father and in the Son is the same Life.
27. 圣父在圣子中,因为圣父中的生命和圣子中的是相同的生命。
28. When I come into your midst I feel your sense of separation, yet I have come to tell you truly that there is no separation, that there is no truth in distance and space.
28. 当我来到你们中间时,我感受到你们的分离感,然而我来到这里真切地告诉你们,分离是不存在的,距离和空间不是真正的存在。
29. To comprehend this, is the secret of all power invested in the Spirit manifesting in each and every one.
29. 领悟这一点,这是每个人和每个个体身上表达出的圣灵所有力量的奥秘,
(The Scribe’s Remarks: Speaking to the invisible ones.)
30. Many of you who come here to hear the Christ know these disciples of mine who have gathered round me here on Earth, they also know that many of you also dwelt upon the Earth; you now know that it is the same Life; you are not dead as many believed.
30. 你们中的很多前来听基督讲话的人,认识那些在地球上聚集在我身边的弟子,他们也知道你们中的很多人曾经也居住在地球上;你们现在知道了这是同一个生命;你们没有像很多人认为的那样死去了。
31. At one time you dwelt in mortal fear of death, yet you did not die. You are now very much more alive than you have ever been, and you will continue to be more alive as you consciously awaken to the Power of the Life of the Christ that dwelleth within each and every one of you.
31. 曾经你生活在对死亡的世俗恐惧中,然而你没有死。你现在要比以往任何时候都更有生命力,并且当你有意识地唤醒居住在你们每个人内在的基督生命力量时,你们会继续变得更加有生命力。
32. As I told you before, my voice is heard not only upon this plane but is heard also in all the planes of consciousness. Yet it is the one Consciousness manifesting in all — all linked together in the one whole, for the Spirit of the Father is manifesting in all planes.
32. 正如我之前告诉过你们的,不仅可以在这个层面听到我的声音,在意识的所有层面都可以听到我的声音。然而,它是显化在万物中的合一意识 —— 所有的一切都在一个合一整体中连结起来,因为圣父的灵显化在所有的层面。
33. You will see that those who are around me now are just as important although they have not experienced the passing called death; yet by believing in me and Him who sent me, they have already passed from death to Eternal Life.
33. 你们会看到现在在我身边的人同样重要,尽管他们还没有经历所谓的死亡;但是通过信奉我和派我来的那位,他们早已超越死亡进入永生。
34. With this clear understanding you will no longer hold to the false idea of limitation. Behold I am He who lives, who had passed through death, and behold I am alive forever more.
34. 有了这个清晰的理解,你们就不会再执着于限制的错误理念了。看啊,我是那活着的,我已经超越了死亡,看啊,我永远活着。
35. Those who believe in the flesh are already dead, but those who truly believe that the Spirit of God dwells within them are in Eternal Life and Peace. This is the Christ who says: When you have seen me you have seen the Father.
35. 那些信奉肉身的人已经死了,但那些真正信奉居住在他们内在神之灵的人处于永恒的生命与和平之中。这就是基督说的:当你看见我的时候,你就看见了圣父。
36. And again I say to you that the Spirit of the Father who raised me from the dead also dwells within you; and as He raised me, so shall He raise you.
36. 我再次对你说,把我从死亡中提升起来的圣父之灵也居住在你之中;他会像提升我那样去提升你。
37. You are not indebted to the flesh, but live by the Spirit of God; therefore ye are the sons and daughters of God.
37. 你们不是靠着肉身而活,而是靠着神之灵;所以你们是神的儿女。
38. The consciousness of mankind is being stirred, and everywhere the Truth is springing forth like the sap in the tree sending forth life to every limb and branch.
38. 人类的意识正在被激发,真理到处涌现,就像树干上的汁液把生命注入每一个枝干那样。
39. This sap of Truth that is permeating the whole of humanity is the Truth of the Christ Life existing in every living soul, revealing that there is no separation.
39. 这个渗透进入全人类真理的汁液,是存在于每个活着的灵魂中基督生命真理的表达,揭示出分离是不存在的。
40. The one Fountainhead of Love and Life is responsible for every existing living being in the Universe, and from this source all existence owes its Being.
40. 爱与生命的唯一源头对这个宇宙的每一位存在着的存有负责,所有的存在都归功于这个源头的存在。
41. Old bonds are bursting, old dead creeds are falling away; like branches without sap or life they cannot remain alive.
41. 旧的束缚正在破裂,陈旧死板的信条正在消失;就像没有汁液或生命的树枝一样,它们无法保持生命的活力。
42. The whole Race is being lifted up to higher planes of thought; I am in your midst filling the void made by useless words and dogmas, so that you no longer cling to that which is false.
42. 整个种族正在被提升到更高的心智层面;我在你们中间填补了那些无用的话语和教条造成的空虚,这样你们就不再会执着于虚假之物。
43. No longer listen to those who preach a God afar off, but listen to the Spirit that is within you; there dwells the Truth.
43. 不要再听那些宣扬神在远处的布道,而要听从你内在的圣灵;在那里居住着真理。
44. If you are bound by the beliefs of others then you are bound. I have come to loosen your bonds, to set you free. I set you free by giving you the Truth of the One Living God, the Truth of the Living God that is in you. He alone is living. I am living because He lives; because the Father hath Life in Himself so does He grant the Son to have Life in Himself.
44. 如果你被别人的信念所束缚,那么你就被束缚了。我来松开你的束缚,让你获得自由。我通过给你带来唯一永生之神的真理来带给你自由。活着的只有他自己。我活着是因为他活着;因为圣父在自己内在有生命,所以他赐予圣子内在相同的生命。
45. The knowledge of your oneness with God, to be consciously aware of it, is your whole salvation. This is the open door to freedom.
45. 知道你与神合一,有意识地意识到这一点,就是你的全部救赎所在。这是通往自由的大门。
46. Your minds in the past have been crammed with false thinking from the outer, and thus you closed the door to the Divine inner, the only Reality.
46. 在过去你的心智被外在的妄想填满,就这样你关闭了通往内在神圣的大门,内在神圣是唯一的实相。
47. When you believe what others have said without reason, and have accepted their beliefs, you become an imitator and not a thinker, so you are bound.
47. 当你不假思索地就接受了别人说的话,接受了他们的信念时,你就成为了一个模仿者而非思考者,因此你被束缚。
48. You have no longer any power to think for yourselves when you worship an image; and that which you worship destroys your thinking, because you are lost in ignorance and no longer able to see the Truth of the only “one” Living God who dwells within.
48. 当你去崇拜外在的造像时,你就不再拥有独立思考的能力;你所崇拜的东西摧毁了你的思考,因为你在无知中迷失,不再能够看到内在唯一的“合一”永生之神的真理。
49. Your sense of separation from me, from one another and from God has been your great enemy, although you did not know it.
49. 你与我、与其他人、与神分离的感觉,是你最大的敌人,然而你并不知道这一点。
50. Many have made you believe that you are outside the House of God, and that therefore you have to do something to get into It. But I tell you that you are already in the House of God and you must awaken unto this Truth.
50. 很多人让你相信你在神的殿堂之外,因此你需要做些什么才能进入它。但我告诉你,你已经在神之圣殿的内部了,你必须觉醒到这个真理之中。
51. You are the only one who can open the door through realisation. As the Christ unfolds in you, you will realise that you are in the Father’s House and can feast from His bounteous table laden with all good things.
51. 你是唯一可以通过领悟来打开那扇大门的人。随着基督在你内在的展开,你会意识到你就在圣父家中,可以从他盛满一切美好事物的丰盛餐桌上饱餐一顿。
52. This is the glory of the Truth of the One Everlasting Almighty in whom we live and move and have our Being, and this Truth shall set you free.
52. 这就是合一永恒全能者真相的荣耀,我们靠着他得以生活、行动和存在,这个真理可以让你自由。
53. I am the Love and Wisdom of God, therefore listen to me in your hearts, for there I dwell.
53. 我是神的爱与智慧,因此,请在内心中倾听我的诉说,因为我住在那里。
54. Let my heart and your heart beat as one; and then, throughout, the outer, including your body of flesh, will kindle with the Light of Life. For the Lord and King has spoken, and every cell in your body will awaken to the Truth of the Living Presence that is within you, and whatever you do will prosper.
54. 让我的心和你的心一同跳动;然后,整个外在,包括你的肉身,都会被生命之光点亮。因为上主和国王已经讲话,你身体的每个细胞都会觉醒到你内在活着的临在的真理之中,不论你做什么,都会成功。
55. My heart and your heart must beat as one. Do not pass over this lightly but in your heart feel deeply what it means.
55. 我的心和你的心一定要作为合一之心而跳动。不要轻率地忽视这句话,而是要在内心深处感受它的意义。
56. Remember the Christ is your Life and every enemy is subdued, including death. To die in Christ is to live forever.
56. 记住,基督是你的生命,每一位敌人都被征服了,包括死亡。在基督之中死亡就是永远地活着。
57. If you, while in the mortal sense, could only lift your eyes and see what is around you, you would no longer disbelieve what I have told you. Your own loved ones are here with you now.
57. 若是处于世俗感官中的你,可以抬起你的双眼看看自己身边的一切,你就不会不去相信我告诉你的话。你们的挚爱现在和你们在一起。
58. They are joyful in the realisation that you are receiving the Truth, which many of them did not receive while on Earth, thereby entering into the inner realm in ignorance of the everlasting Life.
58. 他们很高兴地知道你正在接收真理,而他们中的很多人尚在物质层面时没有接收到这些,从而在对永恒生命的无知中进入了内在领域。
59. What wonderful compensation you will have when you enter into the inner realm, consciously realising that there is no death. Death is but a change that takes place where the Spirit that is sown in earthly bodies goes forth in the Spiritual body. It is the Christ that lives now in your earthly state, it is the Christ that lives forever.
59. 当你进入内在领域时,可以有意识地知道根本不存在死亡,这是你将得到的多么美妙的补偿。死亡只是一种转变,播种在物质身体中的圣灵向上回归到灵性身体之中。现在居住在你世俗状态中的是基督,是永远活着的基督。
60. Therefore be steadfast, strong, immovable, so that you increase day by day; even if you do not see immediate results, steady growth takes place, even in the darkness.
60. 因此,要坚定、坚强、不动摇,这样你就可以一天天地成长;即便你看不到立竿见影的效果,即便在黑暗中,你也在稳固地成长。
61. Many of you are saying to yourselves, “I am not growing at all. I do not seem to have moved forward one jot.” You cannot judge yourselves as regards your growth — a flower does not know that it grows, but it does grow.
61. 你们中的很多人对自己说,“我根本没有成长。看上我我一点也没有前进。”你无法就自己的成长来评判自己 —— 一朵花并不知道它在成长,但是它的确在成长。
62. Some will say “Why, I have grown ever so much more than others.” Let me tell you this: self-aggrandisement is of no value, for little children make up the Kingdom of Heaven.
62. 一些人会说“为什么我要比别人成长得多。”让我来告诉你:自我膨胀是没有任何价值的,天堂之国是由小孩子组成的。
63. The flowers bloom and their scent fills the air, and everyone gazes at their beauty; yet they are unaware of it. This is the state which you must cultivate also.
63. 花儿开放,它们的芬芳充满了空气,每个人都凝视着它们的美丽;然而花儿并不自知。这也是你必须培养的状态。
64. For the seed you plant in Heaven will grow apace — your Father tendeth them.
64. 因为你在天堂种下的种子会迅速成长 —— 你的圣父照料着它们。
65. Like the mustard seed which is the smallest of all seeds, yet when sown in fertile ground becomes a tree so large that wild birds can come and roost on its branches, this is like unto the Kingdom of Heaven within. All those who need rest will come unto me. You will be able to rest in me because you know the Truth of me.
65. 好像一粒芥菜种,种在地里的时候,虽比地上的百种都小;但种上以后,就长起来,比各样的菜都大,又长出大枝来,甚至天上的飞鸟,可以宿在他的荫下,这就像是内在的天堂国度。所有那些需要休息的人会到我这里来。你可以在我里面得到安息,因为你知道我的真相。
66. When this seed of the Truth is planted, it grows apace; yet it grows unconsciously in the individual who is conscious only of the Divine, where the greatest and the smallest are one.
66. 当真理的种子播种下后,它会迅速成长;然而,它在只对神圣有意识的个体中不知不觉地成长,在神圣之中,最大的和最小的是合一存在。
67. Know that the most exalted and the most humble are the expression of the one Divine Spirit. Then the humblest becomes the greatest and the greatest becomes the unassuming.
67. 要知道最崇高的和最谦逊的,都是合一神圣之灵的表达。然后最谦逊的成为了最伟大的,最伟大的就成为了最谦逊的。
68. This is my Peace, this is my Love, this is the Power of the Christ that dwells in every soul. So be it with you.
68. 这就是我的安宁,这就是我的爱,这就是居住在每一个灵魂中基督的力量。它与你同在。
69. When a seed is sown in the darkness of the earth it grows because of the power within; the seed reproduces like unto itself and thereby is multiplied one hundredfold.
69. 当一粒种子播种在黑暗的大地时,它因内在的力量而成长;种子会成长繁殖出像自己一样的种子,因此收成得到百倍。
70. So it is with you all. The seed of the Christ is sown in the darkness of the world; this seed is the Light of the world and the darkness did not overcome it.
70. 你们也是如此。基督的种子播种在黑暗的世界中;这个种子是世界之光,黑暗无法战胜它。
71. The darkness of the earth does not overcome the seed which is planted in its bosom; neither does the darkness of the world overcome the seed of the Christ that is planted in you.
71. 黑暗的大地无法战胜播种在它怀中的种子;世界的黑暗也无法战胜播种在你心中的基督种子。
72. When you become aware of yourself one with the Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father; I tell you, this is the seed which grows, unconsciously revealing its Divine nature to everyone.
72. 当你意识到自己与基督、圣父的独子是合一的存在时,我来告诉你,这就是成长的种子,在不知不觉中向每个人揭示它的神圣。
73. There is Peace and Love in the heart. So it is with all of you; the seed of the Christ is sown in the darkness of the world and this seed is the Light of the world.
73. 心中有爱与安宁。你们中的所有人都是如此,基督的种子播种在世界的黑暗中,这种子就是世界的圣光。
74. The darkness in the world is the friendly evil like the darkness of the earth; it hastens the growth of the Light of the world which shines to light the path of all on the way to freedom.
74. 世界的黑暗是友善的邪恶,就像是黑暗的大地;它加速了世界之光的成长,照亮所有人通往自由的道路。
75. The so-called evil has caused the seed to quicken, to bring forth the Power and the Glory of the Christ, for I have overcome the world.
75. 所谓的邪恶加速了种子成长,带来基督的力量和荣耀,因为我已经战胜了世界。
76. When you look upon evil as something that is overwhelming and real, then by your own consciousness you give it a power it does not possess. Understand that this darkness is kindly and enables the seed of the Christ to grow from victory to victory.
76. 当你把邪恶视为一种压倒性的真实事物时,那么你就通过自己的意识赋予了它一种它自身不具备的力量。要明白这种黑暗是友好的,让基督的种子从胜利走向胜利。
77. This is assured, because it has already been ordained by the great Almighty. It is the Truth existing before Time began, and this same Truth is now, as it will be forever the same.
77. 这是确定的,因为它已经被伟大的全能者所命定。这是时间开始之前就存在的真理,现在也同样是这个真理,因为它永远不变。
78. It is for this that you are born in the world to overcome the world through the Victory of the Christ of God within you, and this Victory is assured, for the Lord of Hosts has decreed It.
78. 正因如此,你才出生在这个世界上,通过你内在神之基督的胜利来战胜世界,这个胜利是有保证的,因为万军之主已经命定了它。
79. The growth of the Christ within you is assured. The Christ is perfect in Himself, always has been and always will be, because He was the Light of the world from the beginning. But as it is necessary for you as individuals to grow into the complete understanding of the Immortal Self, you are born onto the Earth plane.
79. 你内在基督的成长是有保证的。基督本身是完美的,过去如此,将来也是如此,因为他从太初起就是世界的圣光。但是对你们来说,作为个体,有必要成长至对永恒自我的完全理解之中,因此你们诞生在地球物质层面。
80. You become greater and greater through your experience as you expand into boundless space. Perhaps you have not yet grasped the Truth of the saying “boundless space”; but if you in your mind see that there is no space anywhere, all being filled with the Mind of God, then there can be no outside “It”; “It” fills boundless space.
80. 当你拓展到无边无际的空间中时,你就会通过你的体验变得越来越伟大。或许你还没有完全领悟“无边无际”这句话蕴含的真理;但是如果在你的心智中,你看到空间并不存在,所有一切都充满了神之心智,那么就没有什么在“神之心智”之外,“神之心智”充满了无边无际的空间。
81. The manifested Universe is continually expanding and will go on expanding eternally in the Infinite Universe, never ceasing. Through your experience in this plane of action, so you are able to help in this expansion.
81. 已显化宇宙在持续的拓展中,并会在无限宇宙中持续地拓展下去,永不停息。通过你在这个层面的行动体验,你可以帮助这样的拓展。
82. You who are now living upon Earth will come to the inner, where I am; you will not only see the work that is being done upon this planet, but you will also be in contact with forces — Spiritual Forces — which are working in other planets; and in the inner realm we meet and talk with each other.
82. 你们现在居住在地球上的人会来到内在我在的地方;你不仅会看到在这颗星球上完成的工作,你也会与其他力量接触 —— 与其他星球一同运作的灵性力量;我们在内在的领域相遇,彼此交谈。
83. These are all the expressions of the Almighty, not separate from Himself but in Himself, expanding through Him and creating through Him continuously world after world, Universe after Universe. This is your eternal progress into infinity.
83. 这些都是全能者的表达,没有与他分离,而是在他之中通过他拓展,并通过他不断地创造一个又一个世界,一个又一个宇宙。这就是你进入无限的永恒旅程。
84. Now think of your mortal sense how small it is, how limited you have allowed yourselves to be, confined to the state of mortal sense.
84. 现在想一想,你的世俗感官是多么渺小,你允许自己陷入怎样的限制之中,局限于世俗感官的状态。
85. How limited you have allowed your consciousness to be, affected by the mortal sense. When you come to the inner, you will see how ignorant you have been of the Truth; yet I tell you, and I tell you truly that it is the Father who is working in you now.
85. 受你世俗感官的影响,你允许你的意识受到多么大的限制。当你进入内在时,你就会看到你对真理是多么无知;不过我来告诉你,我真切地告诉你,现在是圣父在你内在工作着。
86. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, be steadfast, abounding in the work of overcoming the world. Your labour is not in vain, for I am with you always.
86. 因此,我的兄弟姐妹们,要坚定不移,大量地从事战胜世界的工作。你的努力没有白费,因为我一直跟你在一起。
87. In Nature herself is all that is seen in the outer, the very creative process is in the inner. There is nothing you see in the outer but that which is an expression of the inner. The inner is the real cause, the outer is the effect.
87. 在大自然中所有在外面看到的都是自然她自己的表达,是内在的创造过程。如果不是内在的表达,在外在会空无一物。内在是真正的因,外在是果。
88. Be not dismayed by the scenes in Nature which you think should not be, because all is working towards the all-good.
88. 不要对大自然中你认为不应该出现的景象感到沮丧,因为一切都在朝着至善的方向发展。
89. For all that exists is first in the Real world, of which yours is but the shadow.
89. 所有存在的一切首先存在于真实的世界中,你所在的世界是真实世界的影子。
90. When my task is fulfilled, the Earth shall no longer be the outer shadow, but will be the Kingdom of the Christ, where the lion and the lamb lie down together.
90. 当我的任务完成时,地球将不再是外面的影子,而会成为基督的王国,那里狮子和羔羊躺在一起。
91. The lion is the symbol of the carnal flesh, the lamb is the symbol of the Lamb of God, the Christ; so that the outer shall be the inner and the inner the outer. The lion shall not overcome the lamb, but the lamb shall overcome the lion.
91. 狮子是肉身的象征,羔羊是神之羔羊的象征;这样外在就会变成内在,内在就会变成外在。狮子不会战胜羔羊,羔羊会战胜狮子。
92. The lion of the carnal flesh shall disappear and the Love of God shall dwell in freedom. It was this that was brought very strongly to my Consciousness while I lived on Earth, when I saw that force could never bring peace and happiness to the world, because that which force brought into existence could only exist by force.
92. 肉身的狮子会消失,神的爱会居住在自由之中。当我还居住在地球上时,我的意识强烈地感受到了这一点,我也看到武力永远不会给这个世界带来和平与幸福,因为用武力带入存在之中的,只能通过武力来维系。
93. But when Love came into this world, Love would be established. Love requires no effort to retain Its hold. Thus I have come again to tell you of the Christ, the Love of God. By becoming aware of this Love within yourselves, you will help to bring this Love into the world.
93. 但是当爱来到这个世界时,爱就会被建立起来。爱不需要任何努力来维系它的存在。因此,我再次来告诉你基督、神之爱。通过意识到你们内在的这种爱,你们就会帮助把这种爱带到地球上来。
94. Then the new Heaven and the new Earth shall be as one and become the dwelling place of the Most High.
94. 新的天堂和地球将会合而为一,成为至高者的居住地。
95. Then all former things shall have passed away and God and man are united consciously as “one”; thus when you have seen me you have seen the Father.
95. 然后所有之前的事情都会过去,神与人有意识地整合为“合一”;这样当你看到我时,就看到了圣父。
96. I will give them one heart, and the one Spirit will be within them. I will remove their hard nature and give them a nature that can be touched, that they may live by my laws, and so they shall be my people and I will be their God.
96. 我会给他们合一之心,合一的圣灵就会与他们同在。我会移除他们刚硬的本性,赋予他们可以被触碰的特质,让他们可以在我的法则下生活,这样他们就会成为我的子民,我会成为他们的神。
97. This is the promise that is being fulfilled and will be fulfilled. What has been decreed by the Lord of Hosts, so shall it be.
97. 这就是正在实现的和将要实现的诺言。万军之主所命定的,必会实现。
98. The seed of the Christ within you contains the complete fullness of the Godhead.
98. 你们内在基督的种子包含了神性的全部。
99. I am with you, and my work is to complete in you the fullness of the Christ of God. Therefore there is always growth, though you may not recognise it.
99. 我与你同在,我的工作就是要在你们之中完整神之基督全然的神性。因此,总是有成长,虽然你可能没有意识到。
100. Always growth, remember! Do not look for it, just allow yourselves to grow in the Truth. It is the beautiful harmony of Love that brings Peace to all; and through this Peace there is growth.
100. 总是要成长,请记得!不要去寻找它,只是让你自己在真理中成长。爱的美丽和谐给万物带来和平;通过这种和平,成长就会发生。
101. When I move among you I know perfectly well that you feel the influence of my Love. I want you also to feel the influence of the Christ within your own souls, so that this Peace, this Power, which I have can also be yours.
101. 当我在你们中移动时,我非常清楚你们感受到了我爱的影响。我希望你们也能在自己的灵魂中感受到基督的影响,这样我所拥有的安宁和力量,也将成为你们的。
102. The Spiritual is always perfect, the carnal is often out of harmony and has many imperfections born of ignorance, reacting to ignorance generation after generation.
102. 圣灵总是完美的,肉身往往处于不和谐中,出于无知带来很多不完美,一代又一代地对无知做出回应。
103. Nevertheless, through the darkness, the seed of the Light of the world is pushing forward in many hearts and minds, for this the Father sent me into the world.
103. 然而,通过黑暗,世界圣光的种子在很多人的心灵和头脑中向前推进着,为此圣父把我送到这个世界上。
104. Think what has happened since nearly two thousand years ago — the crude state of mind that then existed among the people; only a few knew the Truth, for very few could understand It.
104. 想一想近两千年发生的事情 —— 人们心智所处的原始状态;只有少数人知道真相,因为极少有人可以理解它。
105. Even with my own disciples, it was difficult to teach them; yet when they grasped the significance of the great Truth they became my disciples, as you are now my disciples, and with the Power that was invested in them through the Christ that dwells within them.
105. 即便是我自己的弟子,也很难教导他们;然而,当他们掌握了伟大真理的意义时,他们就成为了我的弟子,就像你们现在是我的弟子一样,这是通过居住在他们内在的基督对他们倾注能量来实现的。
106. The fire of the Spirit that rested upon them, and kindled the Power of the Christ of God — this same will happen to you also.
106. 圣灵之火栖息在他们身上,点亮了神之基督的力量 —— 这同样会发生在你们身上。
107. Just as the seed attracts that which is like unto itself, and grows apace, so does the seed of the Christ grow in you, attracting its like to grow and express itself in your own soul. This is the only power you can ever use.
107. 就像种子吸引与自己相似的事物,并迅速成长一样,基督种子也会在你内在成长,吸引相似的事物,并在你自己的灵魂中表达自己。这是你唯一可以使用的力量。
108. And to those who know they are born of the Spirit, born in His image and likeness, I reveal the Truth so that they shall know as they are known.
108. 对于那些知道他们是从圣灵而生,以他形象和模样诞生的人,我把这真理揭示出来,以便他们像圣父了解他们一样了解自己。
109. Many of you have sought help from without, some of you have followed this teacher and that teacher. This has confused you and prevented the real work that can be done only from within.
109. 你们中很多人向外求助,你们中的一些人跟随过这位或者那位老师。这让你产生了困惑,阻碍了只能从内在完成的真正工作。
110. How difficult it is for you — is it not? — when you read book after book and try to conform to this idea and that idea. You follow this dogma and that creed, this cult and that cult, you try to conform to these various beliefs; how confusing it is to the soul.
110. 这对你来说很难吗 —— 不是吗? —— 当你一本书接着一本书地读,试图去确认这个或者那个想法。你遵循这个教条或者那个信念,这个宗教或那个宗教,你试图去确认这些不同的理念;它对灵魂来说是多么混乱。
111. But when I tell you, Within you the Christ dwells — He alone lives, He is the only begotten Son of the Father — and when you begin to see this Truth and become aware of yourselves as the sons and daughters of God, born of the Spirit, for I have already told you that your Father in Heaven is your only Father — call no man your Father on Earth for one is your Father which is in Heaven.
111. 但是我来告诉你,基督住在你们内在 —— 活着的只有他自己,他是圣父的独生子 —— 当你开始看到这个真理,并意识到自己是神的儿女,生于圣灵时 —— 就不要称呼地球人的任何人为你的圣父,因为我已经告诉过你,在天堂中你的圣父是你唯一的圣父。
112. Many of you who have sought help must now listen to the Christ within yourselves.
112. 你们中很多寻求帮助的人现在必须倾听你内在基督的声音。
113. You must learn that the Spirit of Christ in you is the rightful ruler in your life. Do not heed the blind that lead the blind, for you now begin to see the Truth of the only “one” Living God.
113. 你必须知道,你内在的基督之灵才是你生命中合法的统治者。不要听从带领瞎子的瞎子,因为你现在开始看到了唯一存在的“合一”永生之神的真相。
114. The Christ is the leaven in the dough. The dough is humanity and requires this leaven, so that all may become leaven through the Christ united in all.
114. 基督就是面团中的面酵。面团是人类,需要这种面酵,以便人类通过基督在所有人中内在的整合成为面酵。
115. And whatever you ask remembering me, even if the skies be clear, my Father will give you showers of rain for every blade of grass in the field.
115. 不论你求什么,都要记得我,即便天空晴朗,圣父也会为田野中的每一片绿叶降下倾盆大雨。
116. I have spoken to you in this way, so that you can heed my words. Every blade of grass can also be every soul, and every soul is watered by the showers of God, the showers of the Spirit of Love, Wisdom and Truth. Thus every blade of grass will be washed by the rain that comes down from Heaven.
116. 我这样对你们说,以便你们听从我的话。每一片绿叶也可以是每一个灵魂,每个灵魂都被神的甘霖浇灌,圣灵的爱、智慧和真理的甘霖。因此,每一片叶子都会被来自天堂的水冲刷。
117. Know ye not that it is the Father alone who does these things? In God alone all things take shape. Nothing can take shape without Him nor outside Him.
117. 你们不知道做这些事情的只有圣父吗?唯有神,万物才能成形。没有他,或者在他之外,什么也不能成形。
118. If you look into the skies and see clouds gathering, you say there is going to be rain. Let me tell you, even if the skies be clear, remembering me if you ask the Father for rain He will send it, believing in me.
118. 如果你望向天空,看到乌云密布,你会说快要下雨了。让我来告诉你,即便天空晴朗,如果你奉着我的名字向圣父求雨,他就会送雨来,相信我。
119. It is this power I used to walk upon the water, to feed the thousands with the few loaves and fishes at hand.
119. 我正是使用这种力量在水面上行走,用手边的几块饼和几条鱼养活成千上万的人。
120. These words are not miracles but “understanding” that I was the means through which the Father fed His flocks. “Feed my people”, yet I also fed them with the Spirit of Life.
120. 这些话语不是奇迹,而是去“理解”我就是圣父喂养他羊群的方式。“喂养我的子民”,不过我也用生命之灵喂养他们。
121. I gave them words of Truth that could sustain them, but they desired food, physical food; and when their bodies were satisfied with material food they said a miracle was performed. They did not understand the Truth, that this very Power was within themselves.
121. 我给予他们可以滋养他们的真理之言,但是他们想要的却是食物,物质意义上的食物;当他们的身体对物质食物感到满意时,他们会说奇迹出现了。他们并不了解真理,即这种力量就在他们自己内在。
122. How difficult it is to give Spiritual food to the masses! Many will throw away the Spiritual food, they seek the physical rather than the Spiritual. But if you seek the Spiritual food, I tell you that all shall henceforth be given unto you. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and use It rightly; then all things shall be added unto you.
122. 给予大众灵性上的食物是多么艰难!很多人会把灵性食物丢弃,因为他们寻求的是物质上的而非灵性上的。但是如果你寻求的是灵性食物,我来告诉你,从此以后一切都会给你。你们首先寻求神的国度,并正确地使用它;然后所有的东西都会加给你。
123. Your hearts must be one heart in the body of the Lord of Hosts.
123. 你们的心必须与万军之主的身体同心。
124. So much of your suffering is unnecessary, caused by struggling to rid yourselves of that which is attracted from the outer.
124. 你的痛苦有那么多是没有必要的,是由自己努力摆脱从外面吸引的东西导致。
125. Remember that nothing can oppose the will of God. Lie content and rest in the Lord, and Christ shall be your warrior. He alone will set you free.
125. 记住,没有什么可以反对神的意志。知足地躺下,在主里安息,基督就会成为你的战士。唯独他会让你自由。
126. Every experience will render you more power, learn that the beauty of the morning sun comes after the darkness of the night.
126. 每一次经历都会让你更有力量,要了解清晨阳光的美丽是在夜晚的黑暗之后出现的。
127. How truly wonderful it is, that those who have seen the Light and understand It, even in the darkness they will have faith, for they understand.
127. 这是多么美妙,那些已经看到圣光并理解它的人,即便是在黑暗中他们也会有信心,因为他们能理解。
128. After the darkness of the night the beauty of the morning sun will shine. Let my Peace be with you. Let this Power of the Christ work in you.
128. 黑夜过后,美丽的晨光将会闪耀。让我的安宁与你同在。让基督的力量在你内在工作。
129. Sorrow brings you nearer to me, you learn of me, so that your sorrow will be turned to joy.
129. 悲伤让你离我更近,你向我学习,这样你的悲伤就会变成快乐。
130. From this day forth you are my Father’s children. In the night He lays you down to sleep and in the morning awakens you, for He loveth you as a mother loveth her babe.
130. 从今天起,你们就是我圣父的孩子。在夜晚他让你入睡,在早晨叫醒你,因为他爱你,就像母亲爱她的孩子一样。
131. The heart of the babe is empty of all things except its mother; so let your heart be empty of all things except your Father which is in Heaven, and He will possess your heart wholly.
131. 婴儿的心中除了母亲之外别无他物;因此,除了你在天堂的圣父,让你的心清空一切,让他完全占据你的内心。
132. The glory of this Truth opens you to the Love of God, to the Peace and harmony and the strength and the Power of the mighty Presence; and in this Peace there is power and freedom.
132. 这个真理的荣耀会让你对神之爱、对伟大临在的和平、和谐、勇气和力量敞开心扉,在这种和平之中存在着力量和自由。
133. You can say to the waves, “Be still” and they shall be still. But the stillness must be first in your hearts through the recognition of the Father, for He alone must fill your heart and mind.
133. 你可以对海浪说,“静下来”,它们就会变得平静。但是宁静必须首先通过你对圣父的认可出现在你的心中,因为必须让他全部充满你的内心和思想。
134. You can do what pleases Him, only when you leave your heart open to Him at all times.
134. 只有当你时时刻刻向他敞开心扉时,你才能做让他喜悦的事。
135. There is nothing more sweet and delightful that the continual conversation with your Heavenly Father who loves you. Only those who can comprehend this can practise and experience it.
135. 没有什么比与爱你的在天堂中的圣父不断交流更甜蜜和令人愉悦的了。只有能够理解这一点的人才可以践行并体验它。
136. Do not do it for pleasure or exercise but from the heart full of Love. How many of you practise the Truth for exercise, for experience, for the pleasure It gives you, and for what you can gain by It?
136. 不要为了找乐子或者练习才这么做,而是要发自内心全部的爱。你们中有多少人是出于练习、体验或是它给你的乐趣,或是通过它你可以得到什么,你才去践行真理?
137. Remember what I say — let your heart be one in the heart of the Lord of Hosts. Think what it means. Contemplate this, and, as you begin to think of this deeply, it will go deeper and deeper until such time as you become like unto me, made in His image and likeness; for I am His Son, I do His bidding, the will of the Father is done in me. And when you have seen me you have seen the Father: I am the Love of God, the only begotten Son of the Father of Love.
137. 记住我说的话 —— 让你的心与万军之主的心合一。想想这意味着什么。沉思这一点,而且当你开始深入思考这一点时,它就会越来越深入,直至这样的时间到来,你变得像我一样,根据他的形象和模样创造出的;因为我是他的圣子,我遵行他的吩咐,圣父的意志在我之中达成。当你看到我时,你就看到了圣父:我是神之爱,是爱之圣父的独子。
Now let us enter into the Sanctuary of the Most High.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: During the whole of this lesson heavenly music could be heard, and this added tremendous power to the Master’s words.)
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart: For They Shall Know God
My Peace and my Love I bring with me to remain with you.
1. Intellectual knowledge is not enough, only with an understanding heart can you know the Father.
1. 智力上的知识是不足够的,只有通过一颗理解的心,你才能认识圣父。
2. The mind can reason, and reason is good; but this knowing must go further than reason. You must feel it, you must know it in your heart.
2. 心智可以进行推理,推理是好的;但是这种认知必须超越推理。你必须感觉到它,你必须用你的心去理解它。
3. Before you can truly feel, your heart must also be full of Love. This is the Christ, the manifesting power in the world, the Power that sustains the whole of humanity.
3. 在你可以真正地感受之前,你的心必须充满爱。这就是基督,这个世界彰显的力量、支撑着全人类的力量。
4. Individually It works for you when you recognise It as the whole, the Power within you; you feel It, you know It, you become Love Itself.
4. 当你认出它、认出你内在的力量是一个整体时,它就会在个人层面为你进行运作;你感知到它,你知道它,你变成了爱本身。
5. The heart is the doorway to Divine Wisdom, and this can be understood only in your own heart.
5. 心是通向神圣智慧的大门,只有在你自己心中才能明白这一点。
6. The mind leads you to reason, to know that which is false, and to know and understand that which is true. The mind is the gateway to the heart; but unless the heart is full of the Christ – Love, then the Power of the Christ is not in you.
6. 心智让你进行推理,让你知道什么是假的,知道和理解什么是真的。心智是通往心灵的门户;除非内心充满了基督 —— 爱,否则基督的力量就不会在你身上运作。
7. The mind can effectively reason, but the understanding I mean goes just further than reason — a knowing of that which is behind and beyond the mind, the cause of all Creation.
7. 心智可以有效地推理,但我的意思是,理解要比推理更进一步 —— 一种了解心智背后并超越心智的认知,所有创造的因由。
8. There is only one Truth, and I am repeating what I know in many ways. This is the easiest and best means I know, and I use no other.
8. 真理只有一个,我正在以多种方式重复我所知道的。这是我所知道的最简单和最好的方法,我不会使用其他方法。
9. There are many who pick up ideas, words, phrases, which they repeat, but to do this is of very little value. Sayings and repetitions that are without understanding are of very little value in developing the power of the Christ Power, which is Love and Wisdom.
9. 有很多人去重复他们拾到的想法、词汇和短语,但是这样做价值很小。在没有理解的基础上对话语的陈述和重复对发展基督的力量没有什么价值,基督是爱与智慧。
10. What I mean is this. When you begin to understand in your heart, and the heart becomes pure, the Christ dwells there. Sayings and ideas belong to the mind, but it is the heart that really feels beyond ideas. Ideas are not the Truth, sayings are not Truth, beliefs are not Truth. Truth is beyond all these.
10. 这就是我表达的意思。当你开始用你的心去理解,当你的心变得纯净时,基督就会住在那里。言辞和想法属于心智,只有内心的感悟才可以真正地超越想法。想法不是真理,说辞不是真理,信念不是真理。真理超越所有这些。
11. There is a knowing that goes beyond reason, a knowing that goes beyond sayings or ideas, for ideas and sayings are but words when there is no understanding.
11. 有一种超越理智的知晓,一种超越言辞和想法的认知,因为没有理解存在时,言辞和想法只是空洞的词。
12. I am revealing Reality, a Living Existing Reality. You do not create Reality with an idea, nor can you understand It through ideas or by saying words; you can only understand It when you open your heart to It, and when you discern all that is not Reality.
12. 我正在揭示实相,一个活生生存在的实相。你不能用一个想法去创造实相,你也不能通过想法和言辞来理解它;只有当你敞开心扉时,只有当你可以分辨出所有不属于实相的事物时,你才能理解它。
13. It gives you freedom, freedom to express that which is true. Therefore it is for this I have come, to make you free from all that is false.
13. 它给予你自由,自由地表达真实的东西。因此我来到这里,让你摆脱所有虚假的事物。
14. It is not an idea, it is not a saying, it is not a belief, it is not a product of your imagination; it is not anything that can be conjured up in the mind. It already is complete, living, expressing itself now. It is all the Power there is. It is the Ever-Present Life, in which there is neither past nor future, only the Eternal Now.
14. 这不是某种想法或者说辞,也不是一种信念,更不是你想象力的产物;它不是任何心智可以产生的东西。它现在已经是完整的、鲜活的,正在表达自己。这就是存在的所有力量。它是永恒存在的生命,在其中没有过去也没有未来,只有永恒的当下。
15. In order to know the Father of Love you must think of Him often; then your heart will be where your treasure is.
15. 为了理解圣父之爱,你必须常常想起他;然后你的心就会处于你宝藏所在的位置。
16. Some imagine that it is a waste of time dwelling on God. But I urge you to think of the mighty Power that is behind all Creation: feel It, understand It, by discerning everything that is relative to It.
16. 有些人认为思考神是在浪费时间。但是我敦促你想想所有造物背后的强大力量:通过分辨与它相关的一切来感受它,理解它。
17. As you begin to feel the warmth of Its Love and the Wisdom of Its Creative Power, you begin to feel that you belong to Reality; then you give expression to Its Love and Wisdom.
17. 当你开始感受它的爱之温暖和它创造力的智慧时,你就开始感受到你是属于实相的;然后你就开始表达出它的爱与智慧。
18. Is it then not worth while to dwell upon God and all the wonderful ways in which He expresses Himself in and through us and all Creation?
18. 那么,去认真思考神,以及他在我们之中、通过我们和万物进行自我表达的所有美妙方式,这难道不值得吗?
19. This is very important to you, and it deserves your deep contemplation. I know the way; that is why I say, Follow in my footsteps.
19. 这对你来说非常重要,值得你去深思。我认得路;这就是为什么我说,请跟随我的脚步。
20. The true revelation must unfold from the Divine Heart of Love, beating in unison with your own, so near is the Father. It is the Father, who ever remaineth within me, revealing Himself.
20. 真正的揭示必须从爱的神圣之心展开,与你自己的心一同跳动,圣父会离你很近。永远留在我内在并揭示他自己的,是圣父。
21. The Divine Heart is beating in unison with your own when you feel the Divine Heart within your own, beating as one with your own heart.
21. 当你感受到神圣之心在自己内在时,神圣之心就与你自己的心一同跳动,与你自己的心成为一体跳动着。
22. Love draws a veil over all wrong-doing, while hate stirs up strife. Do not live in the duality of the mind, but seek the oneness of the Spirit.
22. 爱会覆盖所有错误的行为,而仇恨会挑起纷争。不要活在二元对立的心智中,而是要去寻求圣灵的合一。
23. You must draw the veil of Love over wrong-doing, so that hate does not enter into the heart. This mighty Power of Love overcomes all things. Love is of God; good and evil are of man’s mind.
23. 你必须用爱来覆盖错误的行为,这样仇恨就不会进入内心。这种强大的爱的力量可以战胜一切。爱来自神;善恶来自人的心智。
24. No matter what is done to you, no matter what is said about you, you must not seek revenge; because, unless your heart is full of Love, Love cannot express Itself. Freedom comes to you only by giving your heart to Christ, so that the Christ can possess it wholly.
24. 不论别人对你做了什么,不论别人对你说了什么,你都不要报复;因为除非你的心中充满爱,否则爱无法表达自己。只有把你的心交给基督时,自由才会到来,这样基督才会完全地占据它。
25. This is the only Living Power, the only Living Reality; and when you discern all that which is false, you will no longer hinder the expression of that which is true.
25. 这就是唯一的生命力量,唯一的生命实相;当你分辨出所有的虚假时,你就不会再阻碍真实的表达。
26. Good sense is always on the lips of the pure in heart, while the senseless talk folly.
26. 内心纯洁的人常常说出良善的话语,而愚昧的人常常说出愚妄的话。
27. The pure in heart give expression to that which is true, while the senseless, not knowing the Truth, talk folly.
27. 心地纯洁的人说出真实的话,而愚昧的人不了解真理,就说出愚蠢的话。
28. A fool’s babbling will always bring trouble, while silence and wisdom pour oil on troubled waters.
28. 傻瓜的喋喋不休常常带来麻烦,而沉默和智慧会平息风波。
29. You come here for a purpose, to learn deeper understanding, so that you also may become my disciples. To know yourselves is the first thing to do, then the power that can overcome all conditions will manifest. To know the self you must become aware of the ways of the self, and this leads to freedom. In the self is the cause of all misery.
29. 你来到这里是有目的的,是为了学习更深入的理解,这样你们也会成为我的弟子。认识自己是第一要务,然后克服所有状况的力量就会显现。要了解自我,你必须知道自我行事的方式,这会带来自由。自我是一切痛苦的根源。
30. You must be my example to show the world the true Christ Principle, which is: love thy neighbour as thyself.
30. 你必须成为我的样子,展示给世界真正的基督原则,即:爱人如爱己。
31. The words of the Christ will make many wise, while the views of the ignorant are of little worth.
31. 基督的话语会让很多人变得有智慧,而无知者的观点毫无价值。
32. My words to you are like rare silver and pure as the rarest gold. Take heed and apply them to yourselves.
32. 我的话语对你来说犹如稀有的银子,纯洁有如最稀有的黄金。留意这些话,并把它们应用到自己身上。
33. It is the Blessing of the Father that brings wealth and happiness, never does It bring trouble with It.
33. 是圣父的祝福带来财富和幸福,它从不会带来麻烦。
34, Whatsoever you ask in my name, so the Father shall bless you with. This is the promise: Ask, knowing the Christ as the only begotten Son of God, the only existing Power in you. It is the Father Himself expressing Himself in you. There is no separation: I in you, you in me, and we in the Father, all in the Father, and the Father in all.
34. 不论你奉着我的名求什么,圣父必赐福给你。这就是应许:去祈求,知道基督是神的独生子,是你内在唯一存在的力量。是圣父在你内在表达自己。没有分离:我在你之中,你在我之中,我们在圣父之中,所有的都在圣父之中,圣父在一切之中。
35. The Blessing of the Father is beyond our comprehension. His Love is always expressing Its mighty Power for the benefit of all.
35. 圣父的祝福超越了我们的理解。他的爱总是为了所有人的利益表达出强大的力量。
36. For when the storm comes, the foolish are swept away with a swirl; but those pure in heart are deeply rooted in Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father.
36. 当暴风雨来临时,愚蠢的人会被漩涡卷走;但是那些内心纯净的人深深地扎根在基督之中,扎根于神的独生子之中。
37. I am speaking these Truths to you by means of the voice, to be taken down so that you can read them and dwell upon them for further enlightenment.
37. 我通过声音向你们传达这些真理,把它们记下来,这样你们就可以阅读它们并仔细研究它们,以获得进一步的启发。
38. To hear the voice stirs your soul in recognition of the Truth that I am alive, “I am the Life”. As you are alive now, you will know also that I am alive with you; and as I am so shall you be also.
38. 听到这些声音唤醒了你的灵魂,去认识到真理,即我活着,“我就是生命”。因为你现在活着,你也会知道我跟你一起活着;我如此,你也会如此。
39. I am not separated from you, as many would like you to believe. The way to me is through your own hearts, for I dwell within you. Seek me and you shall find me.
39. 我没有与你们分离,正如你们中的很多人希望的那样。通往我的道路是你自己的心,因为我居住在你里面。去寻找我,你就会发现我。
40. The world is dazed by the outside illusion, and many are confused. By the inherent power within they create their own confusion.
40. 世人被外在的幻相迷惑,很多人陷入困惑。通过他们自己内在的力量,他们创造了自己的困惑。
41. Man is dazed by the illusion of the senses. Yet the inner working of the Spirit within man is unfolding the Christ of God in man, and soon the illusion of the senses will pass away.
41. 人被感官的幻相迷惑。然而,人内在圣灵的内在工作正在揭示人内在的基督,很快,感官的幻相就会过去。
42. What is happening in the world today is but the stirring of the Spirit in mankind.
42. 当今世界上正在发生的是圣灵在人类中的觉醒。
43. The restlessness of the Spirit is Its unfoldment, but we see many unfolding in ignorance injuring themselves and others. If all knew the Truth of the unfoldment from within, then Peace would come; but I say that Peace is here, for Love is the foundation of the world.
43. 圣灵不停地活跃是它在展开的迹象,但是我们看到很多人对这种展开的无知,伤害了他们自己和他人;但是如果所有人都从内在知道展开的真理,那么和平就会到来;但是我会说,和平就在这里,因为爱是世界的基石。
44. What is in the beginning is now. That which was set forth in the beginning is existing now; yet mankind has not yet taken hold of the Tree of Life. He still eats of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which has Its roots in himself.
44. 最初的就在现在。现在存在着从最初起所设定的;然而人类还没有掌握生命之树。他仍然吃着善恶的知识之树结出的果子,这知识之主扎根于他自己。
45. By coming into me you shall be raised out of your condition. I am enthroned within you, yet you looked without and found me not. Look within and there find God. The pure in heart shall know Him.
45. 通过进入我,你就会超越你所在的状况。我在你里面居于王位,但是你向外看,找不到我。向内看,你就会看到神。纯净之心的人必认识他。
46. When the mind is confused, there can be no peace; I am not confused, I know that I am the Life. If your mind is confused by various ideas and beliefs which keep you separated from one another then you can never know the “one” Eternal God.
46. 当心智困惑时,就不得安宁;我没有困惑,我知道我就是生命。如果你的心智被各种让你与彼此分离的想法和信念扰乱,那么你永远无法了解“合一”的永恒之神。
47. The pure in heart see God in everyone. Beliefs, ideas, images, these are but the product of the mind; but Reality is Eternal and ever-expressing Itself in the now.
47. 内心纯净的人在每个人身上都看到神。信念、想法、意象,这些都是心智的产物;实相是永恒的,并且在当下不断表达自己。
48. Mankind is raised up by realising his own Divine Mastery through Divine understanding and Love. Thus the pure in heart shall know God.
48. 通过神圣的理解和爱,人意识到他自己神圣的主宰,从而得到提升。因此,内心纯净的人会认识神。
49. As I talked to my disciples about these things, so do I talk to you of the very same things; for you are also my disciples in the world today, and I am working in your midst.
49. 我跟我的弟子说了这些事情,我也对你们谈论同样的事情;因为你们现在也是这个世界上我的弟子,我在你们中间工作。
50. Knowledge is born of suffering until man attains to the consciousness of God. When you reach the conscious awareness of the only one Real and existing Power expressed in yourselves, you will realise that suffering has been the means of the unfoldment of this awareness, and then the suffering ceases.
50. 直至一个人获得了神的意识之前,知识会从苦难中诞生。当你意识到在你身上表达的唯一真实存在的力量时,你就会意识到,痛苦是这种意识展开的方式,然后,痛苦就停止了。
51. During the next few years a great advancement in science will be made in the world. Much of it will uplift mankind, yet much will also be used to injure man on Earth.
51. 在接下来的几年中,这个世界的科学将会取得巨大的进步。大部分会用来提升人类,但是也会有很多会被用来伤害地球的人类。
52. Here again is the intellect being used without the guidance of the Spirit — the pure in heart.
52. 这又是在没有圣灵的指导下对智能的使用 —— 圣灵是内心的纯洁。
53. The world is still eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and only when mankind takes hold of the Tree of Life — the Christ within — will his salvation come.
53. 世人仍然在吃善恶的知识之树结出的果子,只有当人类掌握生命之树 —— 内在的基督时 —— 他的救赎才会到来。
54. I dealt with this question before, and I know that many of you understand it. Good and evil are not realities. Reality is neither good nor evil. It is complete in Itself, perfect in Itself. The standard of one man’s evil may be another man’s good, and the standard of another man’s good may be another man’s evil. They are relative, what man thinks.
54. 我以前讨论过这个问题,我知道你们很多人都明白。善与恶不是实相。实相无关善恶。它本身就是完整的,它本身就是完美的。一个人对恶的标准可能是另一个人对善的标准,一个人对善的标准可能是另一个人对恶的标准。它们是相对存在的,人们对事物的看法。
55. If you examine closely what you think about these things, you will find these are external to you and are therefore relative to you. If you call it good or evil you will know that it is relative to you. Know that you are controlled and directed by a Power that is within yourselves, a Power which is neither good nor evil but perfect in Itself. This is the Christ of God.
55. 如果你仔细审视自己对这些事情的看法,你会发现这些对你来说是外在的,因此是相对存在的。如果你称之为善恶,你就会知道它对你来说是相对存在的。要知道,你被一种内在的力量控制和指引,这种力量无所谓善恶,它本身就是完美的。这就是神之基督。
56. Good and evil are the products of your mind, what you think about things. This is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the fruit whereof you must not eat lest you die in your ignorance. When you take hold of the Tree of Life, the innermost perception of Truth, this shall be your salvation.
56. 善恶是你心智的产物,是你对事情的看法。这就是善恶的知识之树,你不能吃它的果子,以免你死于无知。当你掌握生命之树,即对真理的内在感知时,这将成为你的救赎。
57. When you know the Christ, your mind is no longer troubled with good and evil, and you become the manifesting power of God’s Love, Wisdom and Power.
57. 当你知道基督,你的心智就不再为善恶困扰,你就会成为神的爱、智慧和力量彰显的力量。
58. I am the Salvation of the world, and anyone who believes in me shall live forever.
58. 我是世界的救赎,任何信奉我的人会永远活着。
59. I am the living Christ of God, whom the Father sent into the world to save the world. This same Christ dwells within. The same Spirit of God that dwells in me dwells in you.
59. 我是神的永生基督,圣父派我来到世上拯救世界。相同的基督居住在你内在。相同的神之灵居住在你我之中。
60. Many who are listening now to me have left the Earth, they are conscious living Beings who were once like you and are the same as you are now except that they have a body of a finer nature. Nevertheless, they have a body that is relative to the consciousness within, just as your body is relative to you and is under your direction when the Christ Power is understood.
60. 很多听我讲话的人已经离开了地球,他们是有意识的存有,曾经像你一样,现在也跟你一样,不同之处在于他们有了一个更精微的身体。然而,他们有一个与内在意识相应的身体,就像是当基督的力量被理解时,你的身体对你来说就是相对存在的,并处于你的命令之中。
61. Stretch forth thine hand and take hold of this Tree of Life, for It is the Spring of Living Water rising up to Eternal Life.
61. 伸出你的手,抓住这棵生命之树,因为它是涌向永恒生命的生命之泉。
62. Most people in the world have developed through ignorance and have not developed perfectly all round; and this has been the cause of much sickness in the world.
62. 世界上大多数人都是在无知中成长的,并没有全面完善发展;这就是世界上许多疾病的起因。
63. Yet it is better to come to the understanding of your Spiritual Self through suffering, through experience, than without it. For this is the kindly evil in the world that aids your understanding, and develops the Christ Power by observing all that is false.
63. 不过,通过苦难和体验来理解你的灵性自我,总比什么都没有好。因为这是世界上善良的邪恶,来帮助你的理解,并通过观察所有虚假的事物来发展基督的力量。
64. There is nothing to fear; no matter what ails you, no matter in what circumstances you may be — the Christ overcomes all. This is your Power, the Power of God existing in you. It is the Creative Power that exists in you from the beginning and shall be forever the same in and out of the body. Thus all power has been given unto you in Heaven and on Earth.
64. 没有什么好害怕的;不论你有什么不适,不论你处于什么状况 —— 基督会战胜一切。这就是你的力量,神的力量存在于你之中。这是从太初起就存在于你内在的创造力量,而且在身体内外都是一样的。因此,天堂和地球的所有力量都已经赋予了你。
65. You are not bound by your body, but you are bound in your mind by believing in the power of evil. Take hold of the Tree of Life, this shall set you free.
65. 你不受身体的束缚,但是通过相信邪恶的力量,你束缚了你的心智。把握住生命之树,它会让你自由。
66. Through the Tree of Life the undeveloped man will awaken also, and will learn of the “I am”, the only Creative Power in God and in man. “I am the Life.”
66. 通过生命之树,未成长的人也会觉醒,并了解到“我是”,即神和人中唯一的创造力。“我就是生命。”
67. All will awaken to the Truth, but it is better that the Truth is not fully revealed until such times as the heart becomes pure.
67. 所有人都会觉悟到真理,但是最好是等到心灵变得纯洁时,再把真理全部揭示出来。
68. The Creative Power in man is a mighty power indeed; and, when the consciousness becomes aware of It, there must be Love to guide and direct Its action.
68. 人的创造力确实是一种强大的力量,当意识对它产生觉知时,必须要有爱来指引和引导它的行动。
69. The Divine Heart of Love must beat in unison with your own. It reveals Itself without struggle when you are aware of the Truth. Many people have developed, but are ignorant of the Truth, and thus have created sickness and difficulties for themselves.
69. 爱的神圣之心必须与你的心一同跳动。当你意识到真相时,它会毫不费力地揭示自己。很多人已经成长了,但是对真理一无所知,因此给自己制造了疾病和困难。
70. When the Truth is known, and when these things are seen as relative, the Christ stands above them all; he becomes the eliminator of all adverse circumstances and conditions.
70. 当真理被知晓,当这些事物被看作是相对存在的,看到基督位于它们之上;这个人就成为了所有不利环境和状况的消除者。
71. You cannot comprehend the greatness of the Christ in you, for the Christ is ever unfolding the Presence of God that dwelleth in the soul of man.
71. 你不能理解你内在基督的伟大,基督一直在揭示居住在人们灵魂中的神之临在。
72. In every existing soul in the world there dwells the Presence of God, and the Christ is unfolding this Presence continuously.
72. 在这个世界上存在的每个灵魂中,都居住着神之临在,基督在不断地揭示着这个临在。
73. The Christ sees and understand that which is false and that which is true. The Christ also corrects the error, and when the error is corrected the condition disappears. The Christ is the mediator between God and mankind, he understands God and understands man. It is the individualisation of the Spirit of God Himself in manifestation.
73. 基督看到并理解什么是虚假的,什么是真实的。基督也会纠正错误,当错误得到纠正时,状况也会随之消失。基督是神和人类之间的协调者,他了解神,也了解人。基督是神之灵自身的个体表达。
74. The Father individualised in you becomes the Christ in you. The Christ then knows God and knows man. The Christ understands the weakness of the flesh, understands the sufferings of the world. The Christ of humanity can never be understood until you reach the selfless Christhood in yourselves.
74. 圣父个体化在你里面,成了你内在的基督。于是基督了解神,也了解人。基督知道肉身的缺点,明白世人的苦难。除非你们自己到达无私的基督状态,否则永远无法理解人类内在的基督。
75. You have much to learn about this, you can only know the full meaning of the sacrifice of the Cross of humanity when you enter into the selfless Christhood.
75. 有关这一点,你还有很多要学习的。只有进入无私的基督之中,你才会理解基督在十字架上为人类牺牲的全部意义。
76. “I am” the Universal man, and in me all will find their true relationship.
76. “我是”天人,在我之中所有的人都会找到他们真正的关系。
77. We are all born of the one Father; and as you grow into this understanding so you reach the completeness of the Christhood in yourselves. Thus you are freed from the world of illusion.
77. 我们都是由同一位圣父所生;当你逐渐了解这种情况时,你就会在自己身上达成基督意识的完整性。这样你就会从幻相的世界中解脱出来。
78. My voice — this knowledge, this Truth — is being heard not only by you but also by many who are at present invisible to you, for there is no separation. The only separation is in man’s mind, for in Reality there is no separation.
78. 我的声音 —— 这个知识,这个真理 —— 不仅仅被你听到,而且被很多当前你看不到的人听到。因为没有分离。唯一的分离存在于人的心智中,在实相中不存在分离。
79. I am the vine, the Father is the sap in the vine, and all humanity is the branches.
79. 我是葡萄树,圣父是葡萄树中的汁液,全人类是葡萄树枝。
80. The one tree with many branches, yet only the One Life in all. Thus I drew the simile, as you draw also the simile with reference to what you call electricity.
80. 这棵树有很多枝子,但是只存在一个合一生命。因此我使用了这个比喻,你也可以使用你们称之为电力的东西来比喻。
81. Electricity is a degree of Life in manifestation, but electricity is everywhere — there is nowhere it is not. So you draw upon it and you use it as power and light and in many other ways.
81. 电力是生命的一种表达,电力无处不在 —— 无所不在。所以你使用它,把它作为能量和光,以及其他很多用途。
82. We are well aware of the many inventions that are taking place in the world today. Your scientific minds are channels through which Divine Intelligence is being expressed. For all must be known to mankind on Earth. You will understand and see behind the scenes, gradually becoming aware of your Divine nature, that is perfect in itself.
82. 我们都理解当今世界正在进行的很多发明。你们的科学头脑是神的智能表达的渠道。因为地球上的人类必须知道所有一切。你会了解并看到幕后,逐渐意识到你的神性,神圣本身就是完美的。
83. When that recognition comes then I, the Universal man, and through the Universal man all races, shall understand one another, for that relationship will be one of brothers.
83. 当达到这种认知时,我、天人、以及通过天人的所有种族,将会互相理解,因为这种关系将是兄弟关系。
84. I am truly the Son of God, and man is revealed in the Cross. Death never touched the Son of God, for He is the Christ and has victory over death.
84. 我是真正的神之子,是十字架揭示的人。死亡永远不能触碰神之子,因为他是基督,并且已经战胜了死亡。
85. For the Christ dies in the flesh, only to live in the Spirit; and I am He who liveth with the Father forever, and those who believe in me will do likewise.
85. 因为基督死于肉身,只为活在圣灵中;我就是永远与圣父同在的他,那些信奉我的人也要这样。
86. Do not think that you have to die to live with the Father, because you are living with the Father now, and in the Father, and the Father is living in you. If you can comprehend these words, then you will see that there is no separation, and no death.
86. 不要认为与圣父同在就一定要经历死亡,因为你现在就与圣父同在,并在圣父之中,圣父住在你之中。如果你理解了这些话,那么你就会看到,没有分离,也没有死亡。
87. The Father is Infinite in nature, and to be infinite He must include all, otherwise He could not be infinite. He must exist in you, also, and you must exist in Him, otherwise you could not live — because there is no outside of the Father; He is complete in Himself.
87. 圣父在本质上是无限的,要成为无限,他必须包含万物,否则他就不是无限的。他一定存在于你里面,你也一定存在于他里面,否则你就无法活着 —— 因为在圣父之外空无一物;他自身就是完整的。
88. You are created by Him and in Him, and in Him you live; and the life in you is eternal because It is His Life. I and the Father are one.
88. 你是由他创造的,在他之中创造的,你生活在他之中;你内在的生命是永恒的,因为这是他的生命。我和圣父是合一的。
89. There is no power that can harm you against your own will.
89. 没有任何力量可以伤害你让你违背自己的意愿。
90. It was for this I entered into the astral groves, where souls lived in the darkness of their own ignorance — to set them free and to cast off that which separates them from God, so that all may live in the Reality of the Christ.
90. 正因如此,我进入了星光层,在那里灵魂居住在他们自己无知的黑暗中 —— 这样我就可以让他们获得自由,并让他们摆脱让他们与神分离的事物,从而让所有的人可以生活在基督的实相中。
91. Many who are now hearing my voice, at this time are being liberated from the astral groves, to enter into Paradise; for it was their own ignorance only that enveloped them in the darkness of their own making.
91. 很多现在听到我声音的人,此时正在从星光层的幻相中解脱出来,进入天堂;因为只有他们自己的无知才能将他们笼罩在他们自己制造的黑暗之中。
92. Many have found that their beliefs are only beliefs, and have no existence in Reality; for Reality is Eternal. It is the only existing Creative Living Principle. When the Eternal Reality is realised, then you are free.
92. 很多人发现他们的信念仅仅是信念,在实相中并不存在;因为实相是永恒的。这是唯一存在的创造性生命法则。当永恒的实相实现时,你就自由了。
93. I spoke of the time that I entered into the astral groves. Little did you realise the conditions I had to take on myself to enter into those groves to free those in darkness. You can understand only when you realise that I suffer with the whole of humanity; for I am Humanity, and thus I have come to free humanity.
93. 我谈到我进入星光层的时间。你几乎没有意识到我必须承担怎样的状况才能进入那些幻相中解放在黑暗中迷失的灵魂。只有当你意识到我与全人类一同受苦时,你才能够理解;因为我是人类,因此,我来解放人类。
94. There are many who are now working in these groves, liberating those in darkness. For all must become “one” and perfect according to the fullness of the Christ.
94. 现在有很多人正在幻相层工作,从而解放那些处于黑暗中的灵魂。因为根据基督的圆满,所有人必须成为“合一”,并达成完美。
95. Therefore henceforth be not deceived by false doctrines that separate you even in Christ; for those who preach Christ and separation at the same time, are false teachers.
95. 因此,从今以后不要被虚假的教义所迷惑,这些教义甚至会在基督之中让你们分离;因为那些同时布道基督和分离的人,都是虚假的教师。
96. As the body is guided by “One”, even all joints, although separated, are guided through the One that has full care of the body.
96. 因为身体受到“合一”的引导,即便是所有的关节,虽然它们是分开的,但是它们都接受完全照顾着身体的“合一”的指导。
97. Therefore know ye that I live not only for one nation but for all nations, for all are the children of my Father which is in Heaven.
97. 所以你们要知道,我不仅为一个国家而活,也为所有的国家而活,因为所有的人都是我在天堂中圣父的孩子。
98. Then let all bitterness and anger against your brother be put away from you.
98. 因此,让你对兄弟的所有怨恨和愤怒都从你身上消失。
99. Seek not revenge, for that which is in your own heart will befall you also.
99. 不要寻求报复,因为你内心的报复也会降临到你身上。
100. What a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
100. 一个人在心里所想,他就会成为那样。
101. Many of those who have passed from the physical body are watching, helping and guiding others in the physical. Each and every one of you has an angelic guide, you are never left alone for a moment.
101. 很多已经离开物质身体的人正在观察、帮助并引导物质层面的人。你们中的每个人都有一位天使向导,你从来没有一刻是孤身一人。
102. When you enter into the world as a babe, yes, before you enter the world as a babe, there is an angelic guide with you, one who continues with you even after you leave the physical body until you reach maturity of Spiritual sense.
102. 当你以婴儿的身份进入这个世界时,是的,在你以婴儿的身份进入这个世界之前,有一位天使向导指引着你,即便你离开肉身,天使向导也会持续陪伴着你,直至你到达灵性成熟。
103. You may also one day be one of those angelic guides to someone you love. It is not always one nearest and dearest to you on Earth who becomes your guide. It is often one whom you have never known while on Earth but one who is united to you in the Spiritual.
103. 有一天,你也可能成为你所爱之人的天使向导之一。你的向导并不总是地球上离你最近和你最亲爱的人。它通常是你在地球时从未见过的,但是在灵性上与你连结。
104. Seek not revenge, for that which is in your own heart will befall you also. If you can understand these words, then you see the meaning of the double-edged sword. Whatever you think in your own heart about anyone else you create in yourselves.
104. 不要寻求报复,因为你心中的报复也会降临到你身上。如果你能理解这些话,那么你就明白了这把双刃剑的含义。不论你自己的内心对自己创造的他人看法如何。
105. Be kind to one another and tender-hearted, forgiving one another. As God forgives you, so must you forgive one another for my sake.
105. 友善地对待彼此,心地善良,原谅彼此。正如神宽恕你们一样,你们也要因我而原谅彼此。
106. To be pure in heart is to be God-like, as beloved children of my Father.
106. 内心纯净就是像神一样,像我圣父的爱子一样。
107. For there is but one God and one Christ in God, and one God in Christ; and this Christ dwells in you and is your only Reality — your Real Self. Then be your Self, be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.
107. 因为只有一位神,在神之中只有一位基督,在基督之中只有一位神;这位基督居住在你之中,是你唯一的实相 —— 你真正的自我。成为你真正的自我,成为完美,因为你天堂中的圣父是完美的。
108. Can you understand the true meaning of these words? Be your Self, be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.
108. 你能理解这些话的真正含义吗?成为你真正的自我,成为完美,因为你天堂中的圣父是完美的。
109. Man’s ignorance of this great Truth is his inward poverty which makes him look outside himself for things to cherish, yet his poverty still remains.
109. 人们对于这个伟大真理的无知是他内在困乏的体现,这让他向外寻找值得珍惜之物,但他的贫困仍然存在。
110. This is the Hell man makes for himself, for he finds no comfort in the things of the world which he cherishes; even if he clings to them he will lose them, for he cannot take them with him.
110. 这是人为自己制造的地域,因为他在自己所珍视的世俗事物中得不到安慰;即便他紧紧抓住它们,他也会失去它们,因为他无法带走它们。
111. I am the Everlasting Happiness — the wealth and strength that lives forever; and through the water that I give you to drink, you will never thirst any more. For it is the Eternal Spring of Life that gives all things to those who ask, knowing me.
111. 我是永恒的幸福 —— 永远存在的财富和力量;通过我给你喝的水,你将永不会口渴。因为它是永恒的生命之泉,把所有的东西都赐给了那些知道我、并做出要求的人。
112. And how would you know me? You know me through understanding the Source of your Being, for the Power of Creation is within you.
112. 你怎样会认识我?你通过理解你自己存在的源头来认识我,因为创造的力量在你之内。
113. Keep perfect poise within, never allowing any outside influence to enter into the innermost to disturb you.
113. 保持内在完美的平衡,绝不允许任何外来影响进入内心深处来干扰你。
114. In helping others, it is far better to show them how to help themselves through the Creative Power of the Christ that dwells within them.
114. 在帮助他人时,最好是向他们展示,如何通过居住在他们内在基督的创造力来帮助自己。
115. To help others of yourself is not the plan. Little has been done even if you clothe and feed the needy while leaving out the real gift of the Christ Spirit, the Victor in all circumstances, the victor who dwells within every soul.
115. 计划并不是让你去亲自去帮助他人。即便你为有需要的人提供衣服和食物,但是忽略了基督精神的核心价值,即所有状况中的胜利和居住在每个灵魂中的胜利者,也没有什么用。
116. The great Truth that you must hand to every soul is the Power of the Christ that dwells within them. This is the great gift of God.
116. 你必须交给每个灵魂的伟大真理就是居住在他们内在基督的力量。这是神的伟大礼物。
117. Let everyone see the Christ in you through understanding, for Victory dwells within oneself. To give is divine, but to give understanding of the Christ Power is the secret behind all true happiness; It is the Wisdom of God.
117. 让每个人都通过理解看到你内在的基督,因为胜利就在每个人的内在。去给予是神圣的行为,但是去给予对基督力量的理解,这是所有真正幸福背后的奥秘;这是神的智慧。
118. I have come to open the door that separates you and me.
118. 我来是为了打开分隔你我的大门。
119. This is the door of the outer senses, and because you lived in the outer you did not know the inner.
119. 这扇大门的外在感官之门,因为你生活在外在,不了解内在。
120. Yet the outer is but a reflection of the inner. Remember the desires of the flesh are also supplied from within. But there is an end to all things of the flesh, while the things of the Spirit are eternal.
120. 然而,外在仅仅是尽在的映射。请记住,肉身的欲望也是由内在供应的。但是凡属于肉身的事物都会有终结,而属于圣灵的事物是永恒的。
121. I do not ask you to reject the things of the flesh, they are necessary while in the body; yet the things of the Spirit are more important.
121. 我不是让你拒绝世俗之物,因为当你还在肉身时是需要它们的;然而属于圣灵的事物更加重要。
122. Nor must you despise the things of the flesh, but realise and recognise their value and use them accordingly.
122. 也不要轻视世俗之物,而是要了解和认识它的价值,并相应地使用它们。
123. They are not realities in themselves, they are only a means to an end, not the end itself. Then I say unto you that the desires of the flesh and the things of the flesh shall come to an end, while the things of the Spirit shall remain.
123. 它们本身不是实相,它们是达到目的的手段,不是目的本身。然后我告诉你,肉身的欲望和世俗之物都会终结,圣灵的事物会得以留存。
124. The personality is the illusion of the senses, yet true personality is the translation of the Divine Spirit into daily action.
124. 人格是感官的幻相,真正的人格是把神圣之灵转化为日常的行动。
125. Only by withdrawing myself from the midst of my disciples could I come to them free from the illusion of the personality of Jesus.
125. 只有我从我的弟子之中抽离出来,我才能摆脱基督人格的幻相,来到他们面前。
126. It was this interior sense that made my disciples the great Apostles that they were, because only by this same interior sense can I make you realise the great importance of the Truth I am revealing to you.
126. 正是这种内在的感官让我的弟子成为了伟大的使徒,因为只有通过内在的感官,我才能让你们领悟道我正在向你们揭示的真理的重要性。
127. You must not think of the personality of Jesus the man, nor must you make images of this personality; because this will blind you to the Truth of the Christ. The Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, the Power that is behind all manifestation.
127. 你不要把耶稣人格化,你也不要塑造这样的人格形象;因为这会让你对基督的真相视而不见。基督是圣父的独子,是所有显化背后的力量。
128. The Word was in the beginning, and that Word was with God, that very Word that was God, and that Word that was made flesh. Personalities must fade out of your minds before you can see the Reality of the Christ. This is the meaning of my words, “What is it you have come out to see, a man?”
128. 太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神,道成肉身。在你能看清基督的实相之前,必须让人格从你的心智中消失。这就是我说的这句话的意思,“你出来是要看什么,一个人类吗?”
129. Only by entering into the Universal Christ can you become true individuals of the Christ Spirit revealing the Truth of the “one” God.
129. 只有通过进入宇宙基督,你才能成为基督之灵的真正个体化表达,基督之灵揭示了“合一”之神的真理。
130. I in you, and you in me, and we in them, and all in the Father.
130. 我在你里面,你在我里面,我们在他们里面,一切都在圣父里面。
131. And here we are assembled together, all filled with the Holy Spirit of God our Father; therefore we will echo that Word that was with God and is God — LOVE.
131. 在这里我们聚集在一起,充满了我们圣父的神圣之灵;因此我们会回应从太初起与神同在的道,那道就是神,就是爱。
132. Let us now realise the feeling of our Father’s Love for all.
132. 现在让我们去体会我们圣父对万物的爱之感觉。
Let us enter into this true state of Love where the Divine Heart beats in all hearts.
Do not close your eyes but look towards me.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: During this silence a great light enveloped the Brother; nothing was seen but a blinding light. Then the Master took His departure and the Brother remained standing. Truly a wonderful demonstration of the power of the Spirit.)
The Spirit Of God Is Personified In The Christ Of God In You
My Peace, my Love I bring to you.
1. It is the Christ that is the personal expression of the Almighty. This Christ dwells in you and in every living soul. This is your Life, your Consciousness. By It you live, by It you are made eternal, through It you have Salvation.
1. 基督是全能之神的个体化表达。这基督居住在你里面,以及每一个活着的灵魂中。这就是你的生命,你的意识。你靠着它活着,靠着它你成为永恒,靠着它你获得救赎。
2. This is the great Cosmic Consciousness, the inner illumination which will cover the whole Earth. When this is understood by each and every one, so the whole Earth will be transformed, transformed out of its state of ignorance through the realisation of the Truth.
2. 这就是伟大的基督意识,这种内在的启蒙会覆盖整个地球。当每个人都理解这一点时,整个地球就会发生转变,通过对真理的认知摆脱无知的状态。
3. As the Universal in each individual is recognised, so will It become universal. Thus the Whole which is behind the individual will be realised by each individual.
3. 当每个个体意识到自己的整体性时,整体性也会变得普遍。因此每个个体背后的整体性将由每个个体实现。
4. The Universal, individualised, is the Christ, and this must be recognised by the individual. Then the individual will know that the Whole is behind him, and behind the whole of humanity, for there is no division. The full realisation of this reveals God in man.
4. 整体在个体中的表达就是基督,这必须被每个个体所领悟。然后个体就会知道他背后的整体,继而了解整个人类种族的背后,因为没有分离。对这一点的充分认知可以揭示人内在的神。
5. In God there is no division. There is but one Whole expressing Itself in the many; and God’s consciousness is manifesting in every one of His Creations, and every one of His Creations exists in His Consciousness. God in the midst of thee is mighty.
5. 在神之中没有分离。只有一个整体在万物中表达自己;神的意识体现在他所有的造物之中,他的每一个创造都存在于他的意识中。你们内在的神是强大的。
6. When you begin to understand this, then you will raise your consciousness out of the conditions that surround you and enter into your true birthright, the Christ of God within.
6. 当你开始明白这一点时,你就会从围绕着你的状况中提升你的意识,进入你与生俱来的权利。
7. The world will then emerge from the limitation of time and space and gain its Spiritual freedom.
7. 世界将会摆脱时间和空间的限制,获得灵性的自由。
8. Time and space have always been a hindrance to the understanding of wholeness, the completeness of the Infinite. To recognise Infinity, there cannot be time or space.
8. 时间和空间一直都是理解无限的整体性、完整性的障碍。要认识无限,就不可能存在时间和空间。
9. Reality had no beginning and will have no ending. Reality is not created by man, but man creates time and space, in his own consciousness. This is the illusion, not understanding and realising wholeness. This is the illusion — not understanding and realising wholeness where there is no time, no space, no beginning, no ending. There is but one Whole, and this Whole is expressing Itself now. This is Reality. I am one with Reality; Reality and I are one. This is the recognition of the Christ Consciousness, wherein all is possible.
9. 实相没有开始,也不会有终结。实相不是由人创造的,人在自己的意识中创造了时间和空间。这是幻相,没有理解和领悟到整体性。这是幻相 —— 没有理解和领悟到不存在时间、也不存在空间,没有开始,也没有终结。存在的只有一个整体,这个整体正在表达自己。这就是实相。我是与实相合一的存在;实相和我是合一。这就是对基督意识的领悟,在其中一切都有可能。
10. Look beyond the personality, it is but the outer manifestation. You cannot find Truth outside yourselves. You must look beyond the personal self and the personalities around you. You can never find Truth in personality; personality is the result of the individual’s reactions to conditions.
10. 超越人格,它只是外在的表现。你不能在自己之外找到真理。你必须超越自己的人格自我和你周围那些人的人格。你永远无法在人格中找到真理;人格是个体对环境做出的反应。
11. Ideas and concepts held in the consciousness are being expressed through the personality, but this is not Reality. Reality is complete and perfect in Itself, and It expresses Itself in purity in perfection; this is the Christ of God. Then look beyond the personality.
11. 意识中的想法和概念正通过人格来表达,但这不是实相。实相本身就是完整和完美的,它以纯粹的完美来表达自己;这就是神之基督。视野要超越人格。
12. I know you love the brother whom I am using as a means to transmit my thoughts to you, and some of you think he is affected when the power becomes too great for his body to stand. But I tell you truly, we love him as much as you do and will see to it no harm comes nigh him; so be at peace and know that all is well.
12. 我知道你爱这位兄弟,我使用他作为媒介来把我的想法传递给你们,你们中的一些人认为当力量变得太强大他的身体无法承受时,他会受到影响。但是我来真真切切地告诉你,我们和你一样爱他,我们会确保他不受任何伤害;所以保持安宁,知道一切都好。
13. Some of you find also that the power becomes too great for you, too strong for your bodies, and you feel as if you are leaving your bodies. Now the way to prevent this is not to struggle for the body, and then the feeling will disappear; and you will be perfectly conscious of my Presence.
13. 你们中的一些人还发现,这种力量对你来说太强大,对你们的身体也太强大,你感觉仿佛你要离开自己的身体了。防止这种情况出现的方法是身体不要挣扎,然后这种感觉就会消失;你会完全地意识到我的临在。
14. I am giving you this advice now, because I know how difficult it is for some of you to hold yourselves in the body when the power becomes too strong. My Spiritual Power can do you no harm.
14. 我现在把这些建议给你,因为我知道当力量变得强大时,你们中的一些人很难让自己的身体保持住这种能量。我的灵性能量对你们没有任何伤害。
15. At the present time you are surrounded by a tremendous force of Spiritual Beings, who are amongst you and come from all planes of consciousness. These Beings are just like yourselves, the only difference being that they manifest in a higher vibration. They bring a tremendous force with them; they come here to listen, and their love surrounds you also.
15. 现在,你被灵性存有的一股强大的力量包围着,他们就在你们中间,来自所有的意识层面。这些存有就像你们一样,唯一的区别是他们可以在更高的振动层面显化。他们带来了巨大的能量;他们来到这里倾听,他们的爱也围绕着你。
16. I know the difficulties some of you have when the emotions are strong; these vibrations create a vibration in your emotional body, and through the emotional body they affect the physical body and consequently you feel the effect; but nothing can harm you here or anywhere else, for I am with you always.
16. 我知道你们中的有些人在情绪高涨时遇到的困难,这些振动在你们的情绪体中产生了振动,通过情绪体,它们影响到了物质身体,因此你受到了影响;但是在这里或者其他任何地方,没有任何东西可以伤害你,因为我永远与你们同在。
17. The Spirit of God is personified as the Christ of God in you. Then to realise yourself one with the Christ is the way of Truth. To realise yourselves with Christ, not only you in the physical plane, but also you who have passed beyond the physical plane, it is also necessary for you too to recognise and realise yourselves one with the Christ.
17. 神之灵在你们内在化作神之基督。然后去意识到你与基督的合一存在就是真理之路。意识到你与基督同在,不仅仅是在物质层面,超越物质层面也是如此。你们有必要认识并领悟到,你们与基督合一的存在。
18. In that recognition, then, you find the salvation and the power and the glory of the Infinite Spirit, which is individualised as the Christ of God in you.
18. 在那种领悟中,你会发现无限圣灵的救赎、力量和荣耀,它在你内在化为神之基督。
19. What you gaze upon with your inner vision you bring forth into your individual life.
19. 你用内在视野凝视什么,你就会把什么带入你的个人生活。
20. There is no secret in this. It has been told by all the Prophets, yet few could realise it, because they looked outside themselves for the answer.
20. 这没有什么奥秘。所有的先知都说过这一点,但是很少人能意识到,因为他们向自己外面寻找答案。
21. Many are doing the same today. The masses are looking outside for the answer. But you are learning not to look outside yourselves for the answer, only within yourselves can you find the answer — I am the Life!
21. 许多人现在也在做同样的事情。大众向外面寻找答案。但是你正在学习不要从外面去寻找答案,只有在自己的内心才能找到答案 —— 我就是生命!
22. Become one with all, a great brotherhood divinely united one to another in God — this is the way I lead you.
22. 与所有人成为合一,这是一种伟大的兄弟情谊,在神之中神圣地与彼此团结起来 —— 这就是我引导你的方式。
23. Although this is a Reality, now it must be established in the individual consciousness to make it a Reality to the individual.
23. 虽然这是一种实相,但是它必须建立在人的个人意识中,从而让它成为个人的实相。
24. What you are conscious of now in your life is being expressed in your outer. That is why the unfoldment of the Spirit creates an expansion of the consciousness; and as your consciousness envelopes all, through development it grasps the greater understanding of the Truth of the Whole. As the Consciousness of God holds you, so must you hold the Consciousness of God that is within you, for you are one.
24. 你现在在生活中所意识到的正在你外在表达出来。这就是为什么圣灵的展开创造意识的拓展;随着你的意识笼罩一切,通过发展,它掌握了对整体性真理的更伟大理解。正如神的意识掌握着你,你也必须掌握你内在神的意识,因为你们是合一的。
25. Idols are mere gold and silver made by hands of man.
25. 神像不过是人手制造的金银。
26. With mouths, but they never speak; with eyes, but they cannot see.
26. 有嘴,却从不说话;有眼睛,却看不见。
27. With ears, but they cannot hear; and no breath of life in them.
27. 有耳却不能听;他们内在没有生命的气息。
28. The ignorant worship the things that do not live, while the wise live in God.
28. 无知的人崇拜没有生命的东西,智者则活在神之中。
29. Even if an idol is held as a symbol, the consciousness must be aware of that which is behind the symbol. To ignorantly worship an idol is useless, but to live in the Father and to know that He lives in you is true worship.
29. 即便神像被视为象征,意识必须领悟到象征背后的东西。无知地崇拜偶像是没有用的,但活在圣父之中,知道圣父活在你之中,才是真正的敬拜。
30. Therefore we know what we do worship, while the masses do not know what they worship. Therefore I say to you, Worship God in Spirit and in Reality, for God is Spirit, and the only Living Being there is. I and the Father are one.
30. 所以我们要知道自己在敬拜什么,而大众不知道他们在敬拜什么。因此我对你说,要在圣灵和实相中敬拜神,因为神是圣灵,是唯一活着的存有。我和圣父是合一的。
31. But I tell you, worship no one on Earth, for “one” is your Father which is in Heaven.
31. 但是我告诉你,不要崇拜地球上的任何人,因为崇拜的人是圣父,他在天堂。
32. He is the Living Breath in you, the Christ of God individualised in you.
32. 他是你内在的生命气息,是你内在神之基督的个体化表达。
33. The Christ is the Love of God in all mankind. I am the Love of God; to know this Love you must adore Him who is Love.
33. 基督是神对全人类的爱。我是神之爱;要了解这种爱,你必须尊崇他,他就是爱。
34. And how do you adore that which is Love? By reaching up to the highest within yourselves, by giving out the Love that is flowing to you from Him who created you, becoming aware of this overflowing river of Life and Love that streams through your soul.
34. 你如何去尊崇爱?通过达到你内在的最高点,通过给予从创造了你的他那里流向你的爱,意识到这条浇灌着你灵魂的爱与生命之河的满溢。
35. When you give expression to that stream of Life and Love that enters into your own soul and heart, then you will truly feel the Love of God; for to love all is to love God. God loves all, for all is His Creation; that is why I say, Love your neighbour as yourself.
35. 当你表达出进入你自己灵魂和内心的爱与生命之流时,你就会真正地感受到神的爱;因为爱所有的人就是爱神。神爱万物,因为万物都是他的创造;这就是为什么我说,爱人如己。
36. I am joyful in those who carry the tidings of Peace and Goodwill towards all men.
36. 我为那些向所有人传递和平与善意消息的人感到欢欣。
37. I am silently working in the hearts of all who listen unto me. Turn ye from without, and learn of the only 〃one〃 who dwells within.
37. 我在所有聆听我的人的心中默默地工作。从外面转身,去了解居住在内在的唯一“合一”。
38. In your quietness there I am dwelling in your consciousness, in your heart urging you to listen to me. The rhythm of Love, of Peace, of Harmony in your soul is the rhythm of the Eternal Love of God animating the whole of humanity.
38. 在你的安静中,我居住在你的意识里,在你的心里,敦促你去倾听我。你灵魂中爱、和平、和谐的节奏是神的永恒之爱的节奏,它让全人类富有生命力。
39. I am one with the Father, and I am not divided in any of you, but one with Him in whom you live and have your being; therefore in Him I am whole, in you and in all I am the same. With my Peace, my Love, I bless all.
39. 我与圣父合一,我与你们任何人都没有分离,而是与你在他之中活着和存在的合一存在;因此,在他里面我是完整的,在你里面和万物里面的我都是同样的。以我的安宁、我的爱,我祝福所有人。
40. I will open the doors so that the great River of Infinite Life will flow out and flood all nations.
40. 我会打开大门,让无限生命的河流涌出,浇灌所有的国家。
41. For the vision of Daniel is being enacted in your midst.
42. It is not my purpose to reveal the vision of Daniel in these talks to you, but when you read Daniel you will know what I mean. It is the vision of the things to come, the vision and purpose of the great Architect of the Universe, who created all planets and suns in the Universe and everything that exists therein and thereon.
42. 我的目的不是要在这些谈话中向你揭示《但以理书》的愿景,但是当你阅读《但以理书》时,你就会明白我的意思。它是即将到来事物的愿景,伟大的宇宙建筑师的愿景和目的,伟大的宇宙建筑师创造了这个宇宙所有的行星和恒星,以及这个宇宙中所存在的一切。
43. Each planet is controlled and directed by a Spirit. Just as the Christ controls this world, so does the great Ether Spirit control the various ether planets in this Universe. These Spirits are known to us; we understand them; we commune with them, because there is no space, no time, no distance.
43. 每个行星都是由一位圣灵主宰和引导的。就像基督主宰了这个世界,伟大的以太之灵也主宰着这个宇宙中不同的以太行星。我们知道这些圣灵,我们理解他们,我们与他们交流,因为没有空间、没有时间、也没有距离。
44. Each planet has its various degrees of influence upon the Earth, all ordained by the great Architect of the Universe.
44. 每一颗行星都对地球有着不同程度的影响,都是由宇宙伟大的建筑师所命定的。
45. Daniel’s vision is an understanding of the wavelengths of the expression of these Solar Angels, Solar Angels working for the unfoldment and upliftment of this Earth and all that dwells thereon. The end shall be Peace and Love. This message I bring to you: Truly I tell you that God has ordained that the end shall be Peace, Love and Goodwill between all souls.
46. There is perpetual healing wherever this River flows. Then open yourselves up to it, so that It flows through you to all creatures, and there shall also be abundance.
46. 这条河流向哪里,哪里就会有永恒的疗愈。然后向它敞开心扉,这样它就会通过你流向所有的造物,也会有丰盛。
47. For wherever this stream flows, so does it make alive all creatures, and there shall also be abundance.
47. 这溪流所到之处,万物生机勃勃,物产丰富。
48. This water flows from the Sanctuary of God and is food and drink for all souls.
48. 这水从神的圣殿流出,是所有灵魂的食物和饮品。
49. Little are you aware of the magnificent work that you are doing in the Sanctuary. Some of you may think that you have just come here by chance, but there is no such thing as chance in regard to these things. I have told you before that you did not choose me: it is I who choose you.
49. 你对自己在圣殿所做的伟大工作知之甚少。你们中的人认为自己只是偶然来到这里,但是在这件事情上没有偶然这回事儿。我已经告诉过你,不是你选择了我,而是我选择了你。
50. He who is weak in understanding faith, assist him by being consistent in your own reasoning.
50. 对信念的理解力薄弱的人,通过持续地用你的理智逻辑来帮助他。
51. What I mean by understanding faith is, there is a faith without understanding, that is like a house that is built upon sand: the winds and the rains come and beat upon it and it is swept away.
51. 我所谓的对真正信念的理解是,若没有理解则没有信念,它就像建立在磐石上的房子:任凭风吹雨打,它可以抵御一切攻击。
52. True Faith is based upon the rock of understanding, this understanding faith is the Truth. It is like the house that is built upon the rock: the winds and the rain beat upon it and it stands against all that assails it.
52. 真正的信念是建立在坚如磐石的理解之上,这种理解的信念就是真理。它就像建立在磐石上的房子:任凭风吹雨打,它可以抵御一切攻击。
53. This is the understanding faith that I want you to have and to give to those who come to you to drink. Give him to drink that which shall make him never to thirst any more: give him the Spring of Living Water rising up to Eternal Life.
53. 这就是我想让你们拥有的理解的信念,给那些来找你的人水喝。让他们喝下永不会口渴的水:给予他生命之水的源泉,让他提升到永恒的生命中。
54. Do not lose yourselves in the external or be caught up with sayings. Keep your mind on the Eternal, this is the sure way to reason.
54. 不要在外面迷失自己,不要被世俗之话迷惑。把你的心智集中在永恒上,这是进行推理的可靠方法。
55. Many will beset you with words, many will come to you with sayings, perhaps some of which I have already said; yet not understanding the meaning of the words they will put a different construction upon them. But if you hold your mind on the Eternal, then that is the sure way to understand me.
55. 很多人会用言语来困惑你,很多人会带着世俗的话来找你,或许我已经说过其中一些了;然而,他们不理解这些话的含义,对它们进行了不同的解读。但是,如果你把你的心智放在永恒上,这就是理解我话语的可靠方法。
56. Do not try to remember my sayings or repeat them parrot- fashion —that is of little value to you, or to any who comes to you. The Word will be given unto you at that very hour. This is the well that never runs dry, and when you drink of it you shall never thirst any more.
56. 不要试图记住我的话,或者是像鹦鹉学舌一样重复它们 —— 这对你来说没有多大价值,对那些找你的人来说也没有什么价值。道会在那一时刻给予你。这是永不干涸的井,当你喝下它的水,你就永远不会口渴。
57. Every individual who realises the Christ has won a victory for the whole Race.
57. 每一个领悟到基督的人都为整个种族赢取了胜利。
58. I advise you to pray often, and love much; and thank the Father for your glorious opportunity here and now.
58. 我建议你常常祈祷,多去爱;去感谢圣父在此时此刻给予了你荣耀的机会。
59. Place yourselves in His hands, so that He may do what He pleases with you.
59. 把你放在他的双手中,这样他就可以跟你一起做让他愉悦的事情。
60. As a baby lies in the arms of its mother, feel also that you are in the arms of the Ever-Eternal Loving Father; and allow Him to do what He pleases with you. Then there shall be no struggle, and the Power of God will be in your mind and heart; your hand will be strong, your mind will be alert. This is the Power of the Christ that is with you always.
60. 如婴儿躺在母亲的怀抱,也去感受你在永恒慈爱之父的怀抱中;并让他对你做他喜欢的事情。那时将没有斗争,神的力量存在于你的心智和内心中;你的双手有力,心智会警觉。这就是永远与你同在的基督的力量。
61. Then He will embrace you with His Love and you will eat at His table, and serving you with His own hands He will give you the key to His treasure.
61. 然后他会用他的爱拥抱你,你会在他的餐桌旁吃饭,他会亲自为你服务,他会给你打开他宝藏的钥匙。
62. He will converse and delight Himself with you incessantly in thousands of ways, and he will treat you as His favourite.
62. 他会以千百种方式不断地与你交谈、取悦你,他会把你当作他的最爱。
63. In this way you will consider yourselves at all times in His Holy Presence, of this I know so well.
63. 如此,你们会始终在他神圣的临在中思考自己,对此我非常了解。
64. It is the Living Power of God that dwells in you, and you can have this Living Power now. Recognise It and adore It, and dwell in the Holy Presence of the Father, recognising His Greatness, His Love, His Power; because all is His, and what is His is yours also.
64. 住在你里面的是神的生命力,你现在就可以拥有这种生命力。认出它并尊崇它,居住在圣父的神圣临在中,认识到他的伟大、他的爱、他的力量;因为所有一切都是他的,他的也是你的。
65. Even the most wretched of men, full of corruption, men who may have committed all sorts of crimes against Him, have only to abandon themselves to His mercy, confessing all their wickedness and asking Divine forgiveness.
65. 即便是最令人厌恶的人,充满了腐败,犯下各种对抗圣父罪过的人,也只能把自己交付于他的怜悯之中,坦白他们所有的邪恶,并祈求神圣宽恕。
66. My Father will spread before them His bounties and give them a seat at His table without rebuke.
66. 我的圣父将在他们面前展开他的恩惠,并让他们在他的桌前就坐,而不会受到责备。
67. For all who come to the Father through the Living Christ of God and recognise Him, He will in no wise cast out.
67. 对于所有通过活着的神之基督来到圣父面前,并认出圣父的人,他绝不会抛弃他们。
68. Think then of the blessings that have been bestowed upon you. Immediately you recognise and realise the Living Christ in you, you have immediately come into the Presence of the Father. You will immediately begin to express the Love of God, and at that very moment you will be made as white as the driven snow.
68. 想一想赐予你们的祝福。你立刻会认出并领悟到你内在活着的基督,你会立刻来到圣父的临在中。你会立刻开始表达神的爱,就在那一刻,你会变得洁白如雪。
69. This is the Peace I bring to you. The mind is no longer caught up in the net of fear of Hell, neither is your mind caught up in the fear of evil; because the Christ is the Victor, who has been given dominion over all things. All power has been given unto me in Heaven and on Earth.
69. 这就是我带给你们的安宁。心智不会再陷入地域的恐惧之网,你的心智也不陷入对邪恶的恐惧;因为基督是战胜者,他被赋予主宰万物的权力。天堂和地球的所有力量都被赐予我。
70. In silent communion in the Sanctuary, rest in the knowledge that His Love and Healing are pouring through you, and that this River of Infinite Life is covering the whole Earth.
70. 在圣所寂静的交流中,在这样的知晓中得到安息:他的爱和疗愈在倾注在你身上,这条无限的生命之河正在覆盖整个地球。
71. The Covenant was carried by the tribes of Israel as the inner Sanctuary, a symbol of the inner soul, the dwelling place of the Most High.
71. 以色列各部落执行的盟约作为内在的圣殿,内在灵魂的象征、至高者的居住之地。
72. It was into this Sanctuary that the Israelites entered to speak with God. Yet the real Sanctuary is within yourselves, within your own heart; there you can speak with God. In your heart comes the healing and the Love of God.
72. 以色列人正是在进入的这所圣殿中与神进行交谈。然而,真正的圣殿在你们内在,在你们自己的心中;在那里你们可以与神交谈。你们的内心有着神的疗愈和爱。
73. What you are doing now is going on all over the world. You will not really understand until you have left the physical, and then you will see what you have done for your brothers and sisters while on Earth. You will hear these words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
73. 你们现在做的事情在全世界范围内进行着。直至你离开物质身体,你才会真正的理解,然后你会看到你在地球上时为你的兄弟姐妹们所做的一切。你会听到这些话,“干得好,我善良忠实的仆人。”
74. Each time you realise this you will find a change growing within yourself, an ever-increasing sense of responsibility towards your fellows, expressing health, happiness and an abundant life.
74. 每次当你意识到这一点时,你就会发现自己内在的转变正在增加,一种对同伴不断增强的责任感,表达着健康、幸福和丰盛的生活。
75. Your body is the garment of the Spirit, the Temple of the Living God, and you are learning that Spirit is the Ruler.
75. 你的身体是圣灵的衣服,是永生神的殿堂,你正在学习让圣灵成为主宰。
76. Do not be afraid of any condition that may assail you from without. No condition or circumstance, no matter what it may be, can affect the Christ in you. The Christ is adamant, is all power there is, being the Son of God.
76. 不要担心任何可能从外面袭击你的状况。不论什么条件或者状况,不论是什么,都不可能影响到内在的基督。基督是坚固无比的,是所有的力量,是神之子。
77. The Christ is not affected by conditions external to the self, the Christ is the Spirit of God in you. The Spirit is all-power and can overcome all conditions. Through suffering you gain experience, and learn of the Christ; and even if you die in suffering the Christ in you shall live joyously and will be your Eternal Reality.
77. 基督不受自我之外的状况影响,基督是你们内在的神之灵。基督是全能的,可以战胜所有的状况。通过苦难,你收获了经验,并向基督学习;即便你在痛苦中死去,你内在的基督也会快乐地生活,并将成为你永恒的实相。
78. The darkness that surrounds you is the kindly evil that unfolds the Christ in you. As the seed is planted in the kindly darkness of the earth, the Life in the seed unites with the Life in the earth waiting to reproduce it; the Life in the seed grows out of the darkness to express Itself in the image and likeness of the seed sown. So does the Spirit of God: the Christ is the seed that is in you, and shall grow out of the darkness that surrounds you. The beauty of the Christ shall manifest in you as the image and likeness of the Father. I am he who liveth, who died, and now liveth forever.
78. 围绕着你的黑暗是展开你内在基督意识的善意的邪恶。当种子被播种在大地善意的黑暗之中,种子中的生命与大地的生命结合起来,等待着繁殖它;种子的生命从黑暗中成长出来,以播种下的形象和模样表达自己。神之灵也是如此:基督就是你内在的种子,将从包围着你的黑暗中成长起来。基督的荣美将在你的身上彰显为圣父的形象和模样。我是那活着的,也是那死去的,现在永远活着。
79. Do not be discouraged if immediate results are not forthcoming. Work is being done in accordance with your thought. This law is infallible.
79. 如果没有立竿见影的效果,不要气馁。工作正在按照你的想法展开。这个法则是无懈可击的。
80. The darkness that seems to cover your consciousness will prove friendly; for the Christ is working in you, and failure is impossible.
80. 看起来笼罩着你意识的黑暗会被证明是友善的;因为基督在你内在工作,不可能失败。
81. The body of humanity will become the beautiful garment of the Spirit of God. I shall come again to tell you that Salvation is not in part but with the whole, and for this I am working in your midst.
81. 人类的身体将会成为神之灵的美丽外衣。我会再次前来告诉你,救赎不是部分性的而是整体性的,为此我在你们中间工作。
82. The signs are in the sky heralding the new Jerusalem.
82. 天空中的迹象预示着新耶路撒冷的到来。
83. All movements in the Heavens are thoughts expressed by the Absolute. You are His thought also, and you must therefore manifest His Love and Healing.
83. 天堂中的所有运动都是由神圣绝对表达的思想。你也是他的意念,因此你必须彰显他的爱与疗愈。
84. Perhaps you have misunderstood the true meaning of thought.
84. 或许你误解了思想的真谛。
85. Thought is not a mental concept or an image, though these find their avenue through the mind.
85. 思想不是某个心智的理念或者形象,尽管它们通过思想找到了途径。
86. Thought is the direct expression of the thinker and is never separate from the thinker. It is the creative process behind all form and expression.
86. 思想是思考者的直接表达,从不与思考者分离。它是所有形态和表达背后的创造过程。
87. When you have a concept in your mind you are dwelling upon the concept, you are looking upon something external to yourselves. Reality is behind the thought; real thinking is when thought is not influenced by the external. This is the true expression of the thinker. My healing thought goes out to you and accomplishes its mission.
87. 当你在心智中有一个概念时,你就是在思考这个概念,你就是在看向自己之外的东西。实相在思想的背后,当想法不受外界影响时才是真正的思考。这是思考者的真正表达。我疗愈的想法传递给了你,并完成了它的使命。
88. All worlds with their countless forms in Nature are thoughts expressed by the Infinite, in the Infinite.
88. 大自然所有世界中数不尽的形态是无限在无限中表达的思想。
89. Love is the power behind all His Creations, no matter how you may view Them from without. His nature invested in Them is moving towards the central reservoir of Love, where all exists.
89. 爱是他所有创造背后的力量,不论你从外面如何去看待它们。他的本质存在于他所有的创造中,并朝着爱的中央源泉移动,在那里存在着一切。
90. When you understand the whole of Nature you will see the manifestation of the Spirit of God — the manifestation of the Spirit in the mineral, the vegetable, the animal and the human. The Christ Consciousness is the recognition of the wholeness of Spirit, the Consciousness of God in man, aware of Itself. I am the Son of God, no man is my father on Earth; one only is my Father who is in Heaven.
90. 当你理解整个大自然时,你就会看到神之灵的显化 —— 圣灵在矿物、植物、动物和人类中的表达。基督意识是对圣灵完整性的认知,是人内在的神之意识变得对这意识本身有了觉知。我是神之子,地球上没有谁是我的父亲;我只有一位圣父,他在天堂。
91. As all rivulets move towards the sea, so do all forms move towards the unknowable sea of Love out of which all originate.
91. 当所有的河流都流向大海,所有的形态也都流向那不可知的爱之海洋,那里是万物的起源。
92. The Universal and the individual are one. In the individual realising this, lies the well-spring of growth in which the Infinite Life in the individual evolves the individual. And immediately you become aware of this, your own Spiritual evolution begins.
92. 宇宙与个人是合一的。在意识到这一点的个体中,蕴藏着成长的源泉,个体的无限生命在其中让个体进化。从你意识到这一点的那刻起,你自己的灵性进化就开始了。
93. The Christ is the completed man in God and God in man. He is the finished product. All the mighty power of God is expressed through Him, all power has been invested in Him in Heaven and on Earth. He is complete in Himself, He is the Son of the Father carrying with Him all the Father’s attributes. So the Life in the Father has been invested in the Son, and the Son gives expression to that Life.
93. 基督是神中的完人,人中的神。他是成品。神的所有伟大力量都通过他表达出来,天堂和地球的所有力量都给予了他。他自身就是完整的,他是圣父的儿子,携带着圣父的所有属性。因此在圣父中的生命被赋予了圣子,圣子表达出来那生命。
94. He is the only one — the Father within His own Creation. Although self-existent yet never separated from His Creation, indivisible in nature, yet whole and substantial in the many.
94. 他是唯一的 —— 圣父自己内在的创造。尽管自我存在,但是从未与他的创造分离,在本质上是不可分割的,在万物中是完整的且实质性存在的。
95. In looking at things through your senses, things that you can touch and feel, you say they are real but they are only the shadow of reality. Reality is that which is within, the invisible; the substantial is the inner; the outer is the shadow.
95. 通过你的感官看待事物,看到那些你可以触碰到和感觉到的,你说它们是真实的,然而它们仅仅是实相的倒影。实相是内在的,不可见的,内在的是实质性的;外在是影子。
96. So much trouble has come upon the Earth because of the ignorance of the Truth. When the Truth is realised by all, then all shall look upon the Spirit, because Spirit is Reality, while the outer is but the manifestation of the inner, for without the inner the outer does not exist.
96. 因为对真理的无知,地球上发生了如此多的麻烦。当所有的人都认识到真理时,所有的人都会看到圣灵,因为圣灵才是实相,外在不过是内在的显化,因为没有内在,外在就不存在。
97. In realising the meaning of the words “I am the Life”, first of all you must know that God is Life and Life is God. Then in the expression of “I am the Life” you know what you are saying; you understand the meaning of the saying “I am the Life”.
97. 要明白“我就是生命”这句话的含义,首先你们必须知道神就是生命,生命就是神。然后在“我是生命”的表达中,你要知道你在说什么,这样你就明白了“我就是生命”这句话的意思。
98. I am the Life. These words are true, and when understood have tremendous power in their expression.
98. 我就是生命。这些话是真的,当被理解时,它们的表达具有巨大的力量。
99. I am the Life, centred in God, sending out rays of Love, Healing and Intelligence through all.
99. 我就是生命,以神为中心,向万物发送爱、疗愈和智能的光芒。
100. This Intelligence is active, it is never static. It is always expressing the will of the Father. If the consciousness is unaware of this, it is lost in the things of the external, and this becomes the illusion in the mind that does not understand.
100. 这个智能是活跃的,它永远不会静止。它总是在表达神的意志。如果意识没有察觉到这一点,它就会迷失在外在的事物中,这就会成为不明心智中的幻相。
101. Then the consciousness will express these illusions to the sorrow of the individual; but if, knowing the Spirit and understanding the power of the Spirit, the will of the Father shall be manifested, this is the Christ, the manifestation of the Love and Wisdom and Power of God bringing all into the one fold, and there shall be one shepherd.
101. 然后意识就会把这些幻相表达出来,徒增个人的悲哀;但是,如果认识圣灵并理解圣灵的力量,圣父的意志就会得到彰显,这就是基督,是神的爱、智慧和力量的表达,把一切合而为一,将来也会有一位牧羊人。
102. Those of you who commune with me will feel my Presence, for I am not apart from you. I and the Father are one with you.
102. 你们中那些与我交流的人会感受到我的临在,因为我没有与你们分离,我和圣父与你们合而为一。
103. Yes, and when you do call upon me, I will not fail you. All that is good for you will come to you through me.
103. 是的,当你呼请我时,我不会让你失望。所有对你有益的都会通过我来到你身边。
104. The great enemy is the sense of separation, making separation a reality in the mind of man.
104. 最大的敌人就是分离感,分离成为了人们心智中的实相。
105. Through centuries of ignorance men and women have dared to think of themselves as complete and separate entities, looking on the suffering of humanity as something outside themselves.
105. 经过几个世纪的无知,男人和女人们已经敢于认为他们自己是完整的、分离的个体,把人类的苦难视为他们之外的事物。
106. There is no separation. What affects one must affect the whole. That is the way of the Christ of God. He is the salvation of the Race.
106. 没有分离。影响一个人的必然影响整体。这就是神之基督的道。他是人类种族的救赎。
107. Yes, I feel the suffering with the whole of humanity; yet I will lift this suffering from you, if you will but listen unto me. My way is the way of salvation. My way is the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God. My way is Life, not death.
107. 是的,我感受到全人类的痛苦;然而,如果你愿意听我说,我会解除你的痛苦。我的道就是救赎之道。我的道是人类的兄弟情谊和神的圣父身份。我的道是生命,不是死亡。
108. Are you looking on God from afar off? If so, then you live in the separation of the senses, looking outside yourselves for Reality. Are you looking for God afar off? Answer this question to yourselves. Think about it!
108. 你是在远处仰望神吗?如果是这样,你就生活在感官的分离中,向外寻找实相。你在向远方寻找神吗?回答自己这个问题。想想看!
109. I have come to reveal that I am not separate from you, but one with you. This is your salvation.
109. 我来揭示,我没有与你们分离,而是与你们合一。这就是你的救赎。
110. The Law of God is working out even to the smallest detail through your earthly Life.
110. 神的法则正在发挥作用,即便是你尘世生活中最小的细节,也会作用到。
111. The Earth holds within it the great interior invisible Spiritual Force, creative and reconstructive, expressing Itself in form.
111. 地球内在拥有着伟大无形的灵性力量,具有创造性和重建性,以形态表达着自己。
112. This great Spiritual Force is individualised in you as the Christ in you, expressing the Infinite Life in all Its glory and power, with Love the central factor; for the dominion of Power is in Love, for God is Love and Love is God.
113. As I taught my disciples of the mysteries in secret, so I do the same to you.
113. 正如我秘密教导我弟子们一样,我也同样地教导你们。
114. Those who believe in me are my disciples now. Those who fail to do so, lose the great reward resulting from the recognition of the Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father.
114. 那些信奉我的人现在已经成了我的弟子。那些不相信我的人,失去了因认可基督、圣父的唯一独子而来的伟大奖赏。
115. All creation is the thought of the One, the Father breathing through mineral, vegetable, animal, human. The consciousness when aware of itself realises that IT IS. And whatever the consciousness is aware of, so does it manifest. This is an immutable Law of Life.
115. 所有的创造都是合一的思想,圣父通过矿物、植物、动物和人类进行呼吸。意识是当它觉知到自己即所是。不论意识觉知到什么,它都会表达出来。这是不变的生命法则。
116. The consciousness must become aware of itself as the expression of the Consciousness of God. As the Father has Life in Himself, so He granted the Son to have the same Life in Himself.
116. 意识必须意识到自己是神之意识的表达。正如圣父在他之中有生命,他也赐予圣子在自己内在同样的生命。
117. The Father is Conscious of the Universe and all that is in it. His Consciousness is the Creative Principle in the Universe, so is His Consciousness established in the Son of man. The Father knoweth the Son, and the Son knoweth the Father. The Christ is the Son of God, and you are my brothers and sisters.
117. 圣父是宇宙的意识,万物都在宇宙意识之中。他的意识是宇宙创造的法则,他的意识也建立在人们内在的圣子身上。圣父认识圣子,圣子认识圣父。基督是神之子,你们是我的兄弟姐妹。
118. Life alone has Consciousness. “I am the Life.”
118. 只有生命才有意识。“我就是生命。”
119. Do not in your mind give Life form and then say that form is the reality. Life creates form, yet It is independent of form.
119. 不要在你的心智中给生命以形态,然后去说形态就是实相。生命创造了形态,然而它独立于形态。
120. Do not by mental process limit this Life through the reasoning of the mind, thus closing the avenue to the Whole that is beyond your mind.
120. 不要通过心智的推理来限制生命,从而关闭了超越你心智通向整体的路径。
121. Do not confine Life to the forms which you see before you. Life is invisible, yet substantial, and is omnipresent. The form is the expression of Life, the forms you see before you are but the expression of the whole of invisible Life, because the Whole is never divided.
121. 不要把生命限制在你眼前所见的形态中。生命是不可见的,却是实质存在的,是无处不在的。形态是生命的表达,你眼前看到的形态只是整个不可见生命的表达,因为整体永远不会被分隔。
122. One day you will learn more about these things. You will see the invisible as a visible world — yes, forms of life greater than you at present realise; yes, even the angels of God, invisible to you at present, will be visible. Yet beyond this is the Life Eternal.
122. 有一天你会更多地了解这些。你会像看到可见世界那样看到不可见的世界 —— 是的,比你当前意识到的还要伟大的生命形态;是的,即便是你当前尚不能看见的神之天使也会变得可见。然而,除此之外还有生命的永恒。
123. Life is beyond form, so do not limit Life by the form you see, form being the expression of Life. Do not limit Life through the reasoning of the mind, thereby closing out the Whole that is beyond your mind.
123. 生命超越了形态,不要以你所看到的形态来限制生命,形态是生命的表达。不要通过心智的推理来限制生命,从而把超越你心智的整体拒之门外。
124. Truth is not a part of Truth. The whole Truth is not seen or heard. Your unfoldment will still continue in the higher states.
124. 真理不代表真理的一部分。全部的真理没有被看到或者听到。你的展开仍然向更高的领域继续着。
125. There is but one Truth. I am the Truth, yet no one can conceive the all of Truth. I am in the whole of humanity. Within Me you are one in all, and all in one. This is ever-expanding into the whole of Truth, the Father of Love. The Spirit of God is personified as the Christ of God in you.
125. 只有一个真理。我就是真理,然而没有人可以获知全部真理。我在整个人类中。在我之中,你是万物中的合一,万物合而为一。这不断拓展到全部的真理中,爱的圣父中。神之灵在你内在化为神之基督。
Let us enter into the Sanctuary.
Do not close your eyes but look towards me.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: The Master took his departure, with the same familiar heavenly music and chimes, in a blaze of light that almost blinded the eyes.)
Thus The Christ Has Risen
My Peace, my Love I bring to you.
1. Divine thought is the uprising of the Christ in you.
1. 神圣的思想是基督在你内在的升起。
2. Very few understand the mighty Power of the Christ in you. It is the Spirit of the Father manifesting individually in each and every one of you. Become conscious of the Father conscious of the Word of God, the medium between the outer and the inner; this is the Christ in you.
2. 很少有人能明白你内在基督的全能力量。它是圣父之灵在你们每个人内在个体化的显现。意识到圣父,意识到神之道,内在和外在之间的媒介;这就是你内在的基督。
3. When you seek within, you will find the Father; when you look without, you see effects. You must recognise the difference between the two and become aware of the great Creative Power that is within you. This is the only Creative Power there is, and to use It consciously; recognising Its source, brings about Its own perfection in your Life.
3. 当你向内寻找,你就会找到圣父;当你向外看,你看到的是结果。你必须认识到两者之间的区别,并意识到你内在伟大的创造力量。这是唯一的创造力,要有意识地使用它;认识到它的来源,在你的生命中带来它的完美。
4. Then do not limit It by your own mental process of reasoning and thus close the avenue to the Unlimited. Your reason is limited to the understanding of things. Therefore you have to eliminate all limited beliefs, ideas of others, so that this unlimited state of consciousness, that is, shall enter into the individual consciousness and then flood it with a Divine Power that is beyond reason.
4. 不要用你自己心智推理过程来限制它,从而关闭了通往无限的道路。你的推理受限于对事物的理解。因此,你必须清除所有限制性的信念、他人的想法,以便这种无限的意识状态,进入个人的意识之中,然后用一种超越推理的神圣力量淹没个人意识。
5. This Divine Nature Itself is capable of knowing at once without reasoning, without recollection. It is free and natural. It has within Itself the power to create, because It has unlimited understanding. It is beyond reason, because It Itself is full of Wisdom; but reason limits It when you reason about It, because It is beyond reason: your reason is based upon what is in the mind, but Reality is beyond your mind.
5. 这种神圣特质自身可以不经过推理、不经回忆即刻知晓。它是自由和自然的。它本身拥有着创造的力量,因为它拥有无限的理解力。它超越了理性,因为它本身充满了智慧;但是当你对它进行推理时,理性就限制了它,因为它超越了理性:你的推理是基于心智中的内容,但是实相是超越心智的。
6. You cannot reason on that which is beyond your reason, but you can expand your capacity to receive by clearing your mind of limitations.
6. 你不能对超越你理智的事情进行推理,但是你可以通过清理你心智中的限制来拓展你的接受能力。
7. Your beliefs have become your hindrance to the unfoldment of the Unlimited. If you were without beliefs that hinder you, you would again be as a little child, free to understand Reality, without hindrance.
7. 你的信念已经成为无限进行拓展的障碍。如果你们没有那些限制你们的信念,你们会再次像个小孩子一样,可以自由地理解实相,没有障碍。
8. Many are hindered because of their rigid beliefs, they cannot accept anything beyond the idea that has been given to them by others. So they give themselves over to an authority outside themselves, with the result that they are limited, bound, and are no longer free.
8. 很多人因为他们固执的信念受到阻碍,除了别人给他们的想法之外,他们无法接受任何其他。因此,他们把自己交给了自己之外的权威,结果就是他们受到限制、束缚,不再自由。
9. It is these hindrances, these beliefs, that prevent the tremendous Power of the Christ manifesting now in you. The Christ has been given all power in Heaven and on Earth. When you understand this, limited beliefs disappear because the Christ is unlimited in nature. The Christ Power is the Father Himself individualised, expressing Himself individually in each and every one of you — not separated in Himself but with variety beyond calculation; nevertheless one and the same, because the Christ is the same in all.
9. 正是这些障碍、信念阻止了基督的巨大力量现在在你身上的显化。基督被赋予了天堂和地球的所有力量。当你理解这一点时,受限的信念就会消失,因为基督在本质上是无限的。基督的力量是圣父他自身个体化的表达,在你们每个人中表达自己 —— 他自身不是分离的,而是有着无法计算的多样性;然而都是合一的存在,也都是相同的,因为在所有人之中都是相同的基督。
10. Unless ye become as a little child ye cannot enter the Kingdom. Only with the mind free from the limitation of ideas and beliefs of others can you receive the Unlimited, for it is I who am working in you.
10. 除非你变成小孩子,否则你无法进入天堂。只有心智摆脱了来自他人想法和信念的限制,你才能接受无限,因为是我在你内在工作。
11. When your consciousness becomes aware of my unlimited nature, and this unlimited nature is found within yourselves; then you can say as I do from within, I and the Father are one. Recognising the Source of Being, knowing that the same Source is within all, entering into these inner realms of the Father’s Nature —therefore I work in you and through you.
11. 当你的意识觉知到我无限的本质,而这种无限的本质就在你内在;然后你就可以从内在像我一样说话,我和圣父是合一的。认出存在的源头,知道相同的源头存在于所有人之中,进入圣父天性的内在领域 —— 因此,我在你里面并通过你工作。
12. My very thoughts, my words, now are claiming your attention deep in your soul; these words become part of yourselves and eventually they shall express themselves in your life bringing peace, harmony and joy.
12. 我的想法、我的话语现在正在你的灵魂深处引起你的注意;这些话语会成为你的一部分,最终它们会在你的生命中表达自己,并带来和平、和谐和快乐。
13. There is so much of the Christ Force imprisoned within your minds, unable to express Itself because of your rigid beliefs.
13. 有太多基督的力量被囚禁在你的心智中,因为你僵化的信念,这些力量无法自我表达。
14. You have only to look into a mind rigid in its beliefs to see how bound it is. This is truly the ignorance that hinders the manifestation of the Christ in the world, and is the cause of separation and conflict.
14. 你只需要去观察一个有着僵化信念的心智,就会知道它的束缚有多大。这的确是阻碍基督在世界上进行表达的无知,这是分离和冲突的原因。
15. How true this is! Even in infancy the mind is crammed with limited beliefs, and from then onwards the child grows into maturity with beliefs smothering the Christ, and not until such time as the soul awakens to the recognition of the power that is within itself can it be free. Then it casts off these limited beliefs and ideas of others, no longer bound by them, but free to express the Word that was in the beginning.
15. 这是多么真实!即便是婴儿,心智中也塞满了受限的信念,之后孩子逐渐成熟,那些信念扼杀了基督,直至灵魂觉醒认识到自身的内在力量,它才能获得自由。然后它摆脱了这些来自他人的受限的信念和想法,不再受它们的束缚,而是自由表达太初的道。
16. It was for this that I came into the world, to release all from the bonds of limitation. Look to the Father only, and through Him alone can you be free. He alone, within yourselves, is the only authority; there is no other.
16. 正是为此,我来到这个世界,将所有人从束缚的捆绑中解脱出来。仅仅去看着圣父,只有通过他,你才能获得自由。你们内在,只有他才是唯一的权威;别无其它。
17. The flowers open and bloom by the hidden force within them; so is the soul of man opened by the Christ Life within. Then do not hinder it by your limited mental processes!
17. 花朵因它们内在隐藏的力量绽放和成长;人的灵魂也是如此,居住在内在的基督生命打开了人的灵魂。那么请不要用你受限的心智过程来阻碍它!
18. How easy it is to see, yet how difficult it is for those blinded and controlled by beliefs to throw off their bondage! They struggle for freedom, yet their ideas and beliefs bind them.
18. 去看到这些是多么容易,但是让那些被信念所蒙蔽和束缚的人摆脱他们的捆绑是多么困难!他们为自由而奋斗,但是他们的想法和信念束缚了他们。
19. When all these beliefs of limitation are eliminated from the minds of men and women throughout the whole world, the world will then truly express the Christ Life.
19. 当所有的限制性信念从全世界男男女女的心智中移除时,世界就会真正地表达出基督的生命。
20. All of you who have passed beyond the Earth, who have experienced life upon Earth, know how difficult it was to throw off your rigid beliefs. Some of you still hold to them, you are still struggling for freedom. But as you gradually unfold, you will find that there was no such thing as belief, there was only “knowing” the knowing of God in whom there is no separation.
20. 你们中所有超越地球的人,那些拥有地球生命体验的人,都知道摆脱僵化的信念是多么困难。你们中的一些人仍然依附于这些信念,同时你们在为自由奋斗。但是随着你慢慢展开,你会发现根本没有信念这回事儿,只有“知晓”神所知晓的,在他之中没有分离。
21. And when the mind of man comes to that point where he has discerned everything, and has reached the highest within itself, then it pierces the veil that has separated it from the All and enters into the completeness of the understanding of the Christ. And I ask you, “What is it thou knowest now?”, and you reply, “I know only the Christ, who is all in all”.
21. 当人的心智到达一个状态,可以明辨万物时,就到达了心智的最高境界,然后它就会穿越把它与万物分离开的面纱,并进入对基督完全的理解。我问你,“你现在知道什么?”你回答,“我只知道基督,他是万有,存在于万有之中。”
22. When the mind of man becomes the instrument through which the Christ Power can manifest, it is truly intelligent. There is an intelligent understanding of all things, thereby creating all things anew. It is through this Power that everything is created anew.
22. 当人的心智成为基督力量进行表达的载具时,它才是真正的智慧。这是对万物智慧的理解,从而重新创造万物。正是通过这种力量,一切被重新创造。
23. This is the Power that is planted within yourselves and comes forth when the mind is free from all limited beliefs and ideas. True Intelligence begins to act when the mind knows no separation. And when this is known, there is freedom from the prison of your own making.
23. 这就是根植于你们自己内在的力量,当心智从所有限制性的想法和信念中解脱出来这种力量就会出现。当心智不知道分离时,真正的智能才开始行动。当意识到这一点时,你就会从自己制造的监狱中解脱出来。
24. This is the result of passing through the veil that separates you from the “All Knowing”.
24. 这就是其结果,即穿越了把你与“全知”分隔开的面纱。
25. I assure you that there is no difficulty in piercing the veil; it is simple, when you eliminate from your mind all limitations, all beliefs, all theories. When this is accomplished you can look towards me and I shall speak through you.
25. 我向你保证,刺穿面纱并不困难;它很简单,当你消除你心智中所有的限制、所有的信念和所有的理论。当这完成时,你可以看着我,我将通过你说话。
26. Looking at humanity from the inner, we see how much power is imprisoned by your beliefs and by the mental concepts you hold.
26. 从内在看人性,我们可以看到有多少力量被你的信念和你持有的心智概念所禁锢。
27. One of your great hindrances is the delusion that times of prayer ought to be different from other times.
27. 你最大的障碍之一就是误以为祈祷的时间应该与其他的时间不同。
28. Prayer is the sense of the Presence of God, and this should be a conscious reality at all times.
28. 祈祷是感知神的临在,这应该成为每时每刻都有意识的实相。
29. You reserve one day of the week for prayer! And because you reserve one day of the week for prayer you feel satisfied in your weekly meditations.
29. 你每周预留一天的时间去祈祷!因为你每周都预留一天的时间祈祷,你在每周的冥想中都会感到满足。
30. Let me tell you that that is not the way. The way must be the continual conscious awareness of the Father working in you; you realise that there is no separation and that time and space do not exist.
30. 让我来告诉你,那不是方法。方法必须是持续有意识地觉察圣父在你内在工作;你意识到没有分离,时间和空间不存在。
31. Then do your common business, not merely to please man, but, as far as you are capable of, purely for the Love of God.
31. 然后做你日常的事情,不仅仅是去取悦别人,而是尽你所能,纯粹是为了神的爱。
32. Thus your work will not be in any way limited, but will expand into the unlimited nature of the Presence that guides it.
32. 因此,你的工作不会受到限制,而是会拓展至引导它的临在的无限本质中。
33. You give yourselves over to me entirely in the recognition of the Truth that the Father can manifest Himself in all His glory and power; then the mind becomes a vehicle for the expression of this mighty Power. But before this can be, the mind must be full of reverence, full of Love. Then you will raise yourselves above your ordinary everyday life into one of glory in the “Presence” that knows not past or future. Then this mighty Power becomes a reality to you.
33. 你们把自己完全交给我,意识到圣父可以彰显出他所有的荣耀和力量的真理;然后心智就成为了表达这种强大力量的工具。但是在此之前,心智必须充满敬畏、充满爱。然后你会提升自己超越你平凡的日常生活,进入不知过去或未来的“当下”。然后这个强大的力量对你来说就成为了现实。
34. Planets move in their orbits and all movements in the skies are His wonders; yet how little do you know that that same Power is waiting to express itself through the mind that is capable of giving itself over entirely to the expression of Divine Love and Power, the Christ in all.
34. 行星在其轨道上运行,天空中的所有运动都是他的奇迹;然而你却不知道同样的力量正等待着通过心智来表达它自己,心智能够完全投入到神圣的爱和力量的表达之中,这是万物中的基督。
35. You need not worry about the outcome of your labour, for your heavenly Father rewards generously all those who love Him.
35. 你不必担忧你的劳动成果,因为你天堂中的圣父慷慨地奖赏所有爱他的人。
36. Neither need you worry for tomorrow, for tomorrow is already taken care of by the Love expressed to-day.
36. 你也不必为明天忧虑,因为今天表达的爱已经确保明天会被照顾好。
37. The highlights of your lives are registered and remain with you and are carried through into the inner realm. All that is good and worthy is held; all that is not, dissolves away. For the Father holds nothing against you — only your brother in ignorance does that.
37. 你生命中的高光时刻被记录下来,留在你身边,并被带入内在领域。所有美好和有价值的都会被保留;所有不是如此的,都会消失。因为圣父不会保留任何对抗你的东西 —— 只有你无知的兄弟才会那么做。
38. All that is Christ-like is held, but all that has no power of its own must dissolve away; because it is only sustained by the illusion of the senses.
38. 所有与基督校准的都被保留,所有自身没有力量的必须消失;因为它只能靠感官的幻相来维系。
39. Fear not the things that beset you, nor the so-called evil that surrounds you, for it cannot enter the Heaven within you; these things dissolve away into nothingness, where they belong.
39. 不要忧虑困扰你的事情,也不要忧虑环绕着你的邪恶,因为它无法进入你内在的天堂;这些都会化作虚无,那是它们的归属。
40. Within, you will feel that calm, steadfast effect of the Power of the Christ of God, the channel for the unlimited expression of the Father Himself.
40. 在内在,你会感觉到神之基督力量的平静和坚定,这是圣父自身无限表达的渠道。
41. This is the True Light, which lighteth every man who cometh into the world.
41. 这是真正的圣光,照亮每个来到这个世界的人。
42. In everyone that is born, there the Christ is born. This same Christ, this same living Spirit, is the Father expressing Himself in each and every one of His Creations.
42. 在每一位出生的人中都诞生了基督。是同一位基督,同一位活着的圣灵,这是圣父在他的每一个创造中表达自己。
43. The world is under His hand, yet the world knows little of Him yet.
43. 世界在他的手中,然而世人对他知之甚少。
44. But to those who receive Him, so will He give to them power to overcome, as Christ the Son of God overcomes all things.
44. 但凡接受他的人,他必赐予他们得胜的力量,正如神的儿子基督战胜了万物。
45. This is the Divine promise when you know His name and recognise Him, and become aware of the source of your Being, not limited in any way. This is true freedom.
45. 这就是当你知道他的名字并认出他,同时对你存在的源头有觉知后得到的神圣应许,不受任何的限制。这是真正的自由。
46. True freedom is knowing and understanding the source of your own Being. Great is the joy of those who have come to the Fountain and have drunk thereof, for they drink of the wine of Life, the wine that is better than all other wines; It is the source of all Life. I am that Life, I and the Father are one.
46. 真正的自由是知道和理解你自己存在的源头。来到源泉并饮用的人收获的快乐是巨大的,因为他们饮下的是生命之酒,一种比其他的酒都更好的酒;它是所有生命的源泉。我就是生命,我和圣父是合一的。
47. Just as those who accept the Christ, the Spirit of the Father; so shall the Word of God dwell in the flesh to give witness to the Truth of the only Living God, who governs Heaven and Earth with Love.
47. 正如那些接受基督、圣父之灵的人,神之道会居住在那些人的肉身中,为以爱统领天堂和地球的唯一活着的神的真理作见证。
48. Christ in you is the Word of God that dwells in the flesh to give witness to the Truth of the only Living God, who governs Heaven and Earth with Love. Need I explain this further to you? I will leave it with you, so that you can think it out for yourselves and thereby bring peace into your souls.
48. 你们内在的基督是居住在肉身中的神之道,为以爱统领天堂和地球的唯一活着的神的真理作见证。需要我向你进一步解释吗?我留给你,这样你就会自己去思考,从而给你的灵魂带来安宁。
49. And unless ye shall love one another, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of my Father.
49. 除非你们彼此相爱,否则你们不得进入我圣父的王国。
50. For my Father’s Kingdom is a Kingdom of Love, of Harmony; and when you enter into my Heaven you must bring my Heaven with you. This is not so difficult. First you must cast off all limitations, all ideas that lead to separation, all jealousies, all antagonisms, all that hinders the true expression of the Father Himself.
50. 因为我圣父的王国是爱的王国、和谐的王国;当你进入我的天堂时,你必须随身携带我的天堂。这并不难。首先你必须摆脱所有的限制,所有导致分离的想法,所有的嫉妒、所有的对抗、所有阻碍圣父本身真实表达的东西。
51. If you would look into your mind and see the thoughts, images and ideas, the conflicts, the sorrows, the depressions you create, all these limitations manifest in your own mind, only through not understanding the Truth.
51. 如果你审视自己的心智,你就会看到你创造的思想、形象、想法、冲突、悲伤、沮丧,所有的这些限制都在你自己的心智中表达,只是因为不了解真理。
52. Allow all these limitations that burden you to drop from you at once, and then you will be in Heaven. Thus you bring Heaven with you when you clear your minds of all limitations.
52. 让所有这些给你带来负担的限制即刻从你身上卸下,然后你就会在天堂。因此,当你清除掉心智中所有的限制时,你就把天堂带在了身边。
53. For He loveth each one of you. As a hen covereth her brood with her wings, so does my Father cover you all with His Love.
53. 因为他爱你们每一个人。正如母鸡用翅膀盖住她的孩子一样,圣父用他的爱覆盖了所有人。
54. Some hate me because they did not understand me; but you understand me, you hear me and my Father who sent me. I thank Thee, Father; that Thou hast given me these Thy children of Love, that I may teach them of Thee, so that they may be free and complete as I am.
54. 有些人恨我是因为他们不了解我;但是你了解我,你听到了我和派我来的圣父的声音。我感谢你,圣父;你已经把你的这些爱之子赐给了我,以便我可以教导他们关于你的知识,这样他们也会像我一样自由和完整。
55. You cannot have enmity against another in my Father’s House; His feast is spread before all those who love each other, for in each one I dwell. If ye hate your brother ye will hate me also.
55. 在我圣父的家中,你们不可与他人为敌;他的宴席摆在所有相爱的人面前,因为我居住在每个人之中。如果你恨你的兄弟,你也会恨我。
56. There must be great peace in your mind, your body and environment, as God worketh in you to unfold the holy seed; for His work of Creation is through you.
56. 当神在你内在展开圣洁的种子时,你的心智、你的身体和你所在的环境中必须有极大的安宁;因为他的创造工作要通过你。
57. You are the plan of action that God created for my manifestation.
57. 你是神创造出的用于我表达的行动计划。
58. Therefore you shall not weary in doing things for the Love of God, and in every thing you do, do it for the Love of God.
58. 因此,为了神的爱,在做事情时请不要感到疲倦,在你做的每一件事情中,都要为了神的爱而做。
59. I am giving to you the secret of all power in Heaven and on Earth; and if you will take hold of what has been given to you and accept it now and act upon it, truly I tell you that you will see the effects of it instantly in your lives.
59. 我正在把天堂和地球中所有力量的奥秘传授给你;如果你现在就抓住给予你的东西,接受它并付诸行动,让我来真切地告诉你,你会即刻在你的生活中看到它的影响。
60. You will not have to wait until tomorrow or a year hence, but now instantly you shall feel the effects in your lives — now! Therefore do everything for the Love of God.
60. 你不必等到明天或者一年之后,而是现在马上感觉到你生活中的影响 —— 现在!因此,为了神的爱去做每一件事情。
61. Many of you have thought that you were individuals separate and distinct from each other and from me, looking upon the difficulties and the suffering of others as if these were something outside your selves.
61. 你们中很多人认为你们是独立的个体,彼此不同,也与我不同,把他人的困难和痛苦视为仿佛是自己之外的事情。
62. I can carry all your burdens, because I know that my Father will take care of me; and if you are weary then my Father will take care of you as He takes care of me.
62. 我可以背负你所有的重担,因为我知道我的圣父会照顾我;如果你感到疲倦,那么我的圣父会像照顾我一样照顾你。
63. He has given me power to overcome all conditions, and this Power is manifested in you also. Therefore do not look upon others as separate from yourselves and from me, but feel with me in the whole of humanity. Feel with me and you shall know me, and what you do for others you do for me.
63. 他给予了我战胜一切状况的力量,这种力量也体现在你的身上。因此,不要视他人是与你我分开的,而是在整个人类中与我一同感受。与我一同感受,你就会了解我,你为别人做所就是为我所做。
64. Therefore you shall not weary in doing things for the Love of God when you know me and know that my Father is your Father also.
64. 因此,当你了解我,知道我的圣父也是你的圣父时,你们就不会厌倦为神之爱做的事情。
65. Regard not the work done as the greatest, but the Love in which it is performed.
65. 不要把完成的工作视为最伟大的,而要把工作中的爱视为最伟大的。
66. The majority of people look upon their achievements with self-esteem and will say; “I have built this, I have built that; I have created this, and I have created that.” No one creates anything separate from God, for it is God that gave you the power to do so. There is no outside of God, for He is Infinite in nature.
66. 大多数人用自我成就的眼光看待他们完成的事情,并说:“我建造了那个,我打造了那个;我完成了这个,我创造力那个。”没有人可以独立于神去创造,因为是神赋予你创造的力量。在神之外空无一物,因为他在本质上是无限的。
67. Therefore recognise that the Source of Power is Love, and that it comes through the Christ within; then regard not the work as the greatest, but the Love by which it is performed. All things will pass away, but Love remains forever.
67. 因此,认识到力量的源泉是爱,它来自内在的基督;不要把工作视为最伟大的,而是要把完成它的爱视为最伟大的。所有的一切都会过去,但爱永存。
68. Your mind is the mirror of your soul, and even in your suffering you will grow stronger knowing that you are always in the Presence of the Father.
68. 你的心智是灵魂的镜子,知道你总是在圣父的临在之中,即便身处痛苦也会变得坚强。
69. Your heart and your imagination are closely related. What is in your heart, so does your imagination produce.
69. 你的心和你的想象力密切相关。你心中有什么,你的想象力就会产生什么。
70. These talks that I am giving you are bringing your heart nearer to the Source of all Life.
70. 我给予你们的这些讲话会让你们的心更加接近所有生命的源头。
71. I know that some have complained to the brother that they have not been allowed to come in to hear these talks. This work can only be done under special conditions, and I have chosen you — you have not chosen me.
71. 我知道有些人向这位兄弟抱怨,说他们不被允许来听这些讲座。这项工作只有在特殊条件下才能完成,是我选择了你们 —— 不是你们选择了我。
72. It is not because I want to close others out from these great Truths; remember that. The reason is that you have been chosen. I taught my disciples in secret, so that they could understand the Power of God and how to use it wisely. In this way I also teach you, so that you can also use this Power wisely to bring about a better understanding in the world.
72. 并不是我想阻止其他人接近这些伟大的真理,记住这一点。原因是你被选中了。我秘密地教导我的弟子,这样他们能够了解神的力量以及如何明智地使用它。我也通过这种方式教导你,这样你就可以明智地使用这种力量,给这个世界带来更好的理解。
73. When you go forth into the world you shall be my disciples, spreading the truth of the everlasting Life, telling that Love alone can bring Peace and Happiness into the world.
73. 当你们走向世界时,你们将成为我的弟子,传播永生的真理,告诉人们唯有爱才能为世界带来和平与幸福。
74. Man must look unto me, in this way he can raise himself up. As the serpent was raised in the wilderness by Moses, so is the Son of man raised up.
74. 人们必须看向我,这样他就可以提升自己。摩西在旷野怎样举蛇,人子也必照样被举起来。
75. Then let the Christ abide in your heart and you will be conscious of ever fresh unfoldment. You will see, hear; and know the Creative Power of the Spirit of God personified in the Christ of God in you.
75. 然后让基督居住在你的内心,你就会意识到永远新鲜的展开。你会看到、听到,并知道神之灵的创造力量在你内在化作神之基督。
76. Real prayer is deep earnestness, it has great attractive power; and I want to impress upon your mind the importance of being earnest in prayer; not to an outside God but communion with the Father through the Christ of God within.
76. 真正的祈祷是深深地虔诚,它有着巨大的吸引力;我想让你记住真诚祈祷的重要性;不是向外在的神,而是通过内在的神之基督与圣父沟通。
(The Scribe’s Remarks: A deep silence is felt and the auditorium is filled with light.)
77. That is what I mean by being earnest in prayer. The answer is: the Creative Power and the place of Creation are within, there I dwell; then think of me as living in All.
77. 这就是我所说的真诚地祈祷的意思。答案就是:创造力和创造之地都在内在,我住在那里,我也活在所有人之中。
78. When you love me you love the Father also. The Father has great things in store for those who love Him.
78. 当你爱我,你也爱圣父。圣父为爱他的人准备了大的礼物。
79. I am the Word that was in the beginning with God, and everything came to be by my hand, and without me not even one thing came to be.
79. 我就是太初与神同在的道,万物都借着我的手成就,没有我,万事不成。
80. It was the Father who created through me; He is speaking through me now.
80. 是圣父通过我进行创造;他正在通过我讲话。
81. No one has ever seen God, yet I am in the bosom of my Father who is God. He has declared me and you have heard Him.
81. 没有人见过神,但是我在圣父的怀抱中,他就是神。他已经宣告了我,你已经听到了他的声音。
82. I am the seed of my Father in Heaven, which He has replanted and will bring forth the same fruit in all of you.
82. 我是天堂中圣父的种子,他已经播种了,并在你们中所有的人身上结出同样的果实。
83. The Truth of the brotherhood of man is beginning to show Its growth above the darkness of the Earth. It is beginning to pierce the mind of man, and truly I say it is still the purpose of the Christ to fulfill the purpose of God.
83. 人类兄弟情谊的真理已经开始在地球的黑暗中成长。它开始穿透人类的心智,我真的要说,基督的目的是要实现神的意志。
84. Therefore what I have been sent forth to do shall be fulfilled. The purpose of God is fulfilled through the Christ of God in all. Please remember what I say to you!
84. 因此,我被派遣去做的事情一定会实现。神的意志通过所有人中的神之基督得以实现。请记住我对你们说的话!
85. I am one with humanity — in the Garden of Humanity one of the first blooms; and I shall be with you all days, even unto the end of the world.
85. 我与人类是合一的存在 —— 在人类的花园中第一批盛开的花朵;我会一直跟你们在一起,直至世界的终结。
86. There is no separation between us, and when you leave your earthly tenement, and come into the inner realms of consciousness, I shall still be with you, and you will be conscious of a greater understanding; you will be conscious of a greater love, a love in which all enmity is dissolved away.
86. 我们之间没有分离,当你离开你尘世的住所,进入意识的内在领域时,我仍然与你同在,你会对更伟大的理解产生觉知;你会意识到一种更伟大的爱,在这种爱中所有的敌意都被消融。
87. In my Father’s House there is Divine Love, and all who turn to my Father in repentance receive His Love, and my Father will overwhelm them with His bounties.
87. 在我圣父的殿堂中,有着神圣之爱,所有向我圣父忏悔的人都接收到他的爱,我的圣父将会以恩惠淹没他们。
88. There are many mansions in my Father’s House, these are grades of consciousness. The greatest hindrance to the expression of the Divine is ignorance of the Christ in you.
88. 我圣父的殿堂中有很多宫殿,这些代表不同意识等级。表达神圣的最大障碍就是对你内在基督的无知。
89. Who is the greatest sinner? Can you condemn another and not condemn yourself? Think!
89. 谁是最大的罪人?你能谴责他人而不去谴责自己吗?去思考!
90. Many who have lived on Earth in ignorance, misunderstanding their power; used it wrongly, because they did not understand the Infinite Love of God. But now they are growing and unfolding into freedom, through understanding and Love.
90. 很多生活在地球上的人处于无知之中,误解了他们拥有的力量,错误地使用它,因为他们不了解神无尽的爱。但是现在,通过理解和爱,他们正在成长并走向自由。
91. All memories of the past are being dissolved away, yet through these experiences they have come to know the Love of God. As the heart rejoices in the beauty of the Love of the Father, so does the soul bloom forth in all its glory.
91. 所有过去的记忆都在消融,然而通过这些体验,他们开始了解神之爱。内心因圣父的爱之美而欢呼,灵魂也因此在它全然的荣耀中绽放。
92. The Spirit of God in man is awakening to the Truth of Its everlasting Divine Life of Love and Happiness, joyfully expressing Itself in Its true nature, Love.
92. 人内在的神之灵正在觉醒到它永恒的爱与幸福的神圣生命的真理之中,并以其真正的爱之本性愉悦地表达自己。
93. As the truth of Being is unfolded in the mind, so will man discard the divisions in the limited forms of religion. Then there will be one Truth, one people of God, one flock and one shepherd, and all will listen to my Voice.
93. 当存在的真理在心智中展开时,人们也会摒弃宗教限制形态中的分离。那时将会只有一个真理,一个神之民族,一支羊群和一位牧羊人,所有人都会听见我的声音。
94. The darkness that surrounds you, which seems to oppose you, is the means of my growth in you. Fear not, for I am the Conqueror.
94. 看上去与你作对的那些围绕着你的黑暗,是我在你内在成长的方式。不要害怕,因为我是战胜者。
95. And when you encounter sorrow and difficulties, greet them with joy for through them you will grow in me by overcoming them.
95. 当你遇到悲伤和困难时,用快乐迎接它们,因为通过它们,你会通过战胜它们在我内在成长。
96. God’s idea is His Word, and I am that Word, was born in the flesh, blossomed therein, grew out of the flesh to live forever with my Father; and this is the way of all humanity.
96. 神的想法就是他的道,我就是那道,生在肉身,在其中开花,从肉身中成长,永远与我的圣父同在;这就是全人类的道。
97. Therefore I manifest in the innermost plane of Being as I always did. My roots are in the Eternal Mind of God.
97. 因此,我一如既往地显化于存在的最内层。我的双脚根植于神的永恒心智中。
98. The Word was in the beginning — the Word was with God; that very Word was God, and that Word was made flesh. It grew out of the flesh triumphant, overcoming the flesh, overcoming the world. This the Christ grows and blooms forth in the image and likeness of God; for the Christ is the seed of God, planted in the world to overcome the world.
98. 太初有道 —— 道与神同在;那道就是神,那道化成肉身。它从战胜的肉身中长出,战胜了肉身,战胜了世界。这就是基督以神的形象和模样成长和开花;因为基督是神的种子,播种在世界上来战胜世界。
99. Therefore I manifest in the innermost plane of Being. I knew there could be no such thing as death, for this existed only in the limited mind of man. When can you grasp this wonderful Truth of the Eternal Life, that Life Itself is not affected by so-called death?
99. 因此,我显化于存在的最内层。我知道不会有死亡这回事,因为它只存在于人类受限的心智中。你什么时候才能掌握这个永恒生命的美妙真理,即生命本身不受所谓死亡的影响?
100. There is no interruption in Life by the experience of so-called death, yet there is release from the hindrances of the flesh by the unfoldment of the Spirit.
100. 生命不会因所谓死亡的体验而中断,但是通过圣灵的展开,会从肉身的限制中解脱出来。
101. Some have come from the Earth-plane hating their brothers and sisters. These hates melt away and dissolve into nothingness by true understanding. The Spirit becomes more and more the Life of God. Recognise at once that the lower planes of manifestation are but a lower state of consciousness in which Life manifests. Your work is to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
101. 一些人来自地球层面,憎恶他们的兄弟姐妹。这些仇恨会被真正的理解消融,并化为虚无。圣灵越来越成为神之生命。即刻认识到较低层面的显化仅仅是生命在较低意识状态的表达。你的工作是把天堂王国带到地球。
102. You must consciously discern that which prevents growth and unfoldment, and not until you consciously become aware of the “one” Consciousness existing in all, does freedom come. You cannot move out of the lower into the higher until this becomes known to you.
102. 你必须有意识地辨别所有阻碍成长和意识展开的事物,直至你有意识地觉察到所有人中存在的“合一”意识,自由才会到来。在你知晓这一点之前,你无法从较低领域进入较高领域。
103. My Father remembers nothing against you, neither shall you remember anything against your brother or your sister. So be at peace now, for now is Eternity.
103. 我的圣父不记得任何对你不利的事,你也不该记得任何对抗你兄弟姐妹的事情。所以现在就处于安宁之中,因为现在就是永恒。
104. The Divine man is complete in God. He passes through all stages of growth until the consciousness realises its true Source.
104. 神圣的人类在神之中是完全的。他经历了成长的所有阶段,直至意识觉知到它真正的源头。
105. Then the Divine man realises his Omnipotenee in the Reality of God.
105. 然后神圣的人类在神的实相中意识到了他的无所不能。
106. All who are looking with me upon those who are growing on Earth are filled with the longing for the will of the Father to be fulfilled.
106. 所有和我一同观看在地球上成长的人,都充满了对实现圣父意志的渴望。
107. By experiences you overcome your difficulties and you see how much power is dammed up because of your beliefs, your hatreds, your ignorance in the world. We long for the will of God to be fulfilled in mankind to see the wonderful Power of Love expressed.
107. 通过经验,你克服了你的困难,你会看到由于你的信念、你的仇恨和你对世界的无知,有多少力量被阻拦在外。我们渴望神的意志在人类中实现,从而看到爱的美妙力量得到表达。
108. The end is in the beginning and the beginning is in the end. The end of all separation is in God, by understanding His true nature, and the expression of His Infinite Divine Love.
108. 始即终,终即始。通过了解神的真正本性,以及他无限神圣之爱的表达,所有的分离都在神中终结。
109. Is there anyone among you who, having an hundred sheep, if one of them should get lost, would not leave the ninety-nine and go in search of the one which is lost until it is found? And, when it is found, rejoice and carry it back to the fold, so that the fold would be complete?
109. 你们中有没有人,拥有一百头羊,如果其中一只迷了路,他会不会离开那九十九只去寻找丢失的那只,直至丢失的那只被找回?当它被找回时,欢喜地把它带回羊圈,这样羊群就完整了?
110. I say to you that there is more joy in Heaven over one who repenteth, than over ninety-nine that need no repentance.
110. 我来告诉你们,在天堂中有一个悔改的人快乐要多于九十九个不需要悔改的快乐。
111. My Father is complete; not one can ever be lost, all shall be found, and brought back to the fold; and there shall be rejoicing, because the fold will be complete. This is the will of God — complete Happiness and Peace, with Love for each one.
111. 我的圣父是完整的;没有一个会丢失,所有都会被找到,并带回羊圈;必会有欢呼,因为羊群完整了。这就是神的意志 —— 全部的幸福与和平,对每个人都有爱。
112. This Peace will come, for it is already ordained.
112. 这种和平终将到来,因为它已被注定。
113. The Father’s idea for the world is perfection and nothing less. As the Spirit of God is personified as the Christ in you, so shall the Christ reign in the glory in which His Father created Him.
113. 圣父对世界的构想是完美无缺的。因为神之灵在你内在化为了基督,基督会在圣父创造他的荣耀中主宰。
114. Many have passed from the Earth still clinging to the false idea that matter is a reality in itself. This age-long sense-belief has retarded the progress of many deeply reverent and noble souls. They still live in the material sense as it is still real to them.
114. 很多离开地球的人仍然坚持物质本身就是实相这样的错误观念。这种由来已久的基于感官的信念阻碍了很多虔诚而崇高的灵魂的进步。他们仍然活在物质感官中,因为这对他们来说是仍然是真实的。
115. Remember, what you see is not a reality; it is but the reflection of something within. That which is seen on the surface will change and pass away and dissolve into nothingness, but that which is Real shall remain.
115. 记得,你看到的不是实相,而是内在某些事物的映射。表面上的事物会转变、消逝,化作虚无,但是真实的会保留下来。
116. Do not look upon material things as real; they are only the effects of that which is unseen. Many have come into the inner realm with the idea of the solidity or reality of matter.
116. 不要把物质看作是真实的,它们仅仅是看不见领域的结果。很多人带着物质般坚固的想法或者把物质看作实相,进入内在领域。
117. Although noble souls, believing, yet they are asleep in Christ, not awakened to the understanding of the Power of the Christ, and the Freedom of the Christ Life. These noble souls are hindered by their limited beliefs and lack understanding of the true nature of things.
117. 尽管高尚的灵魂相信这些,但是他们在基督中睡着了,没有觉醒去理解基督的力量和基督生命的自由。这些高尚的灵魂受限于他们限制性的信念,缺乏对事物真实本质的理解。
118. This prevents them from unfolding to the higher experiences in store for them.
118. 这会阻止他们展开为他们准备的更高体验。
119. The only substance is God. All is in His Mind, all is His Creation. The visible is but the reflection of His ideas, the real being permanently, everlastingly rooted in His Eternal Reality.
119. 唯一实质性的就是神。一切都在他的心智中,万物都是他的创造。可见领域仅仅是他想法的映射,真实的是永久存在的,永恒地根植于他的永恒实相中。
120. Give this your deep contemplation until it becomes real in your own consciousness.
120. 对此进行深入的沉思,直至它在你自己意识中成为现实。
121. Set earnestly about this work; and if you do it as you ought, be assured that you will soon find the effects of it in your life.
121. 认真地展开这项工作;如果你按照你应该做的去做,请相信很快你就会在自己的生命中发现其影响。
122. Thus the Christ is risen.
122. 由此基督得以复活。
Now we will enter into the Sanctuary together.
Each one of you look towards me.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: The Master blessed us all in His usual way, and His Peace and His Love remained with us.)
You Are The Branch On The Vine That Bears My Fruit
My Love, my Peace I bring to you.
1. See the Life of God as the “Christ Consciousness” in you, “I am the Life” is then realised.
1. 把神之生命看作你内在的“基督意识”,“我就是生命”会得以实现。
2. Life is Consciousness. It is God who is expressing Himself. There can be no other. The Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father.
2. 生命就是意识。是神在表达他自己。没有其他。基督是圣父的独生子。
3. The great man is the Christ who rules the world in which everything exists. This Christ-man also exists in every individual, and there is no separation anywhere! If you can realise this, then you will see how wonderful it is to understand the wholeness of Reality, where there is no separation, no distinction.
3. 伟大的人就是主宰存在着的万物的基督。这位基督也存在于每个个体之中,没有一处是分离的!如果你可以意识到这一点,你就会看到理解实相的完整是一件多么美妙的事情,那里没有分离,没有区别。
4. The growth of the Divine seed is manifesting in you. The hidden work is going on. Wait patiently; and as the fruit in season cometh, so shall the Christ in you blossom forth as the Fruit of God, the finished product.
4. 神圣的种子正在你身上显现。隐蔽的工作正在进行。耐心地等待,当结果的季节到来时,基督也会在你身上开花,成为神之果实,完成的成品。
5. There is a continual work going on within each of you, even if you do not realise it. The great Truth is, there is no standing still; there is movement everywhere, continuously and upward, in the whole of humanity. This is the Christ working in you.
5. 你们每个人内在都在持续地工作着,即便你们没有意识到。伟大的真理就是,没有静止不动的,在整个人类中,到处都是动着的,持续不断且向上提升。这就是基督在你内在的工作。
6. Yes, in answer to your question: when these talks with you are complete they will be printed, so that the world can have them also.
6. 是的,回答你的问题:当这些与你们的讲话完成后,它们会被印刷成册,这样世界也可以拥有它们。
7. Spiritual Forces are now being used for the purpose of bringing higher knowledge and Wisdom to the world as they did thousands of years ago. It is in the mind of man where we find separation and distinction. But the Christ, the Spirit of God, remains the same always and is the seed that is forcing its way through the darkness of the human mind.
7. 灵性的力量现在正在被用于为世界带来更高等的知识和智慧,就像几千年前做的那样。在人的心智中,我们发现了分离和区别。但是基督,神之灵,始终如一,是强行穿越人类黑暗心智的种子。
8.The earth is the substance surrounding the seed of the plant, so is humanity the substance surrounding the Spirit of God. Mankind is growing to maturity, and will become conscious of the indwelling Spirit as the only Reality.
9. The best way to help this great work is to close the door of the senses, for when thine eye is single thy whole body will be full of Light.
9. 帮助这项伟大工作的最好方法就是关闭感官大门,因为当你的目光聚焦时,你的整个身体都会充满圣光。
10. It is the inner vision that sees this mighty Power unfolding Its Beauty and Intelligence, which is omnipresent, expressing Itself wholly and not separate from the Whole, but the Whole expressing Itself in the many, and the many existing in the Whole. There is no separation anywhere, please remember this. This must take root in your mind. It is the pillars upon which the Rock of Truth stands.
10. 正是内在的视野看到这强大的力量展现出它的美丽和智能,它无所不在,完全地表达着自己,也没有与整体分离,而是整体在万物中表达着自己,万物存在于整体之中。在任何地方都没有分离,请记住这一点。这一点必须在你的心智中扎根。它是真理的磐石屹立的柱子。
11. The Consciousness of God envelops everything, and everything is within His Consciousness; so His Consciousness in you will reveal His image and likeness.
11. 神之意识覆盖了万物,万物都在他的意识中;所以他在你内在的意识会揭示出他的形象和模样。
12. Listen to the beat of your heart and realise the full stream of the Life of God pulsating through it. In reality you are one with the heart of Christ in the Father.
12. 倾听你的心跳,体会到神之生命的全部河流在其中的脉动。事实上,你与圣父中的基督之心是合一的。
13. God rejoices to pour Himself out through the channels He has prepared for this purpose.
13. 神乐于通过他为实现此目的而准备的渠道来倾洒自己。
14. You are the channels He is preparing, and soon you will feel the urge. That I have come to you is no mere chance but is the unfoldment of the Spirit which underlies the whole of humanity. The call never goes unanswered. It is the great crusade of the Christ that dwells in you that is forcing its way into your consciousness. The inner shall be expressed in the outer; and the outer shall become the inner; then man is matured by the Spirit of Christ.
14. 你们就是他准备的渠道,很快你们就会感到冲动。我来到你们身边不是偶然,而是整个人类背后圣灵的展现。呼请从来不会得不到回应。居住在你内在伟大的基督运动正强行进入你的意识。内在将会表达在外在,外在将会成为内在,然后人会因着基督之灵而成熟。
15. The world shall know Him as He lives the Life, and the Lamb and the Lion shall lie down together. The Lamb of God is the great Power within man; the Lion is the man of the senses, unruly not knowing himself, but He is subdued by the Lamb of God, the Christ within. Love overcomes all things. Love is God, and God is Love.
15. 世界将认识他,因为他活出了生命,羔羊和狮子将一同躺卧。神之羔羊是人内在的伟大力量;狮子是感官的人,不受管控,不认识自己,但是他被神之羔羊、内在的基督所战胜。爱战胜一切。爱就是神,神就是爱。
16. This pulsating Life delights Itself in you when you delight yourself in It.
16. 当你以内在脉动的生命欣喜时,脉动的生命也会在你内在欣喜。
17. God is omnipresent and eternal, and you are with Him. To become like Him you must know there can be no separation, no distinction.
17. 神是无所不在的且永恒存在的,你与他同在。要变得跟他一样,你必须要知道没有分离、没有分别。
18. Perhaps you do not quite comprehend what I mean when I say “no separation, no distinction”. When you see distinction you are living in separation, you are living in the personality of the senses. It is when you are living in separation that you see distinction, and seeing distinction you feel separation; and this is the great illusion.
18. 或许你不是很明白我说的“没有分离、没有分别”是什么意思。当你看到分别时,你就生活在分离之中,你就生活在人格的感官之中。当你活在分离之中你才会看见分离,看见分别,你就会感受到分离;这是巨大的幻相。
19. Distinction is a product of the mind, but you will note that there is no distinction in the Christ of God, there is no distinction in the Spirit of God in you. In each and every one of you there is the same Spirit. In that Spirit you have Power, for nothing can assail It. Become aware of It now in your lives and be free. This is the freedom of Truth, the Truth that sets you free.
19. 分别是心智的产物,但是你会注意到神之基督内在没有分别,你内在的神之灵没有分别。在你们中每个人里面存在的是相同的圣灵。在那圣灵中你拥有力量,因为没有什么能打败它。现在就在你的生活中意识到它,从而获得自由。这是真理的自由,这真理会让你获得自由。
20. Only in your belief in separation do you have distinction, and so you feel separation. Thus you must discern all that causes separation before you can know me.
20. 只有你相信分离,你才能看到分别,所以你才感到分离。因此,在你认识我之前,你必须要去辨别所有导致分离的一切。
21. Open your eyes and see God everywhere. This Consciousness of God is spreading all over the Earth as each one feels himself or herself one with the “one” Heart pulsating with Love.
21. 睁开你的双眼,看到神无处不在。神的这种意识正在遍布整个地球,因为每个人都能感觉到自己与跳动着爱的“合一之心”是一体的。
22. In the Heart of God there is everlasting Love; and the Christ is one with the Heart of God, and this Christ is the Saviour of the Race.
22. 在神之心中有着永恒的爱;基督与神之心是合一的,这位基督就是人类的救世主。
23. There is but one Christ in the creation of the world and everything exists by Him, and nothing that ever was made could have been made without Him, and by Him you came into Being. This is the Son, the only begotten Son of God, the one Christ, the great Divine man in whom you all move and have your Being, and He moves in each and every one of you.
23. 在创造的世界中只有着一位基督,万物都因他而存在,没有他所有被创造出的都无法存在,你也是因他而存在。这就是圣子,神的独生子,唯一的基督,伟大神圣的人,你们都在他内在活动并拥有你们的存在。他在你们每个人内在活动。
24. This Divine Christ is the conscious expression of the Father. He is conscious of all things, conscious of the power to create, conscious of all things existing in the world, conscious of Himself in each and every individual, and there is no separation in Him.
24. 这位神圣的基督就是圣父意识的表达。他对万物都有意识,意识到创造的力量,意识到世界上存在着的万物,意识到在你们每个个体中的他自己,在他里面没有分离。
25. Think then of this one holy Divine man existing in each and every one of you. He is male and female complete in Himself.
25. 那么请想一想这位存在于你们每个人之中的圣洁的神人。他自身男性和女性面向是完整的。
26. Before you can know Him you must rid yourselves of false beliefs in separation, beliefs that breed hatred, beliefs that have no foundation in me.
26. 在你认识他之前,你必须摆脱基于分离的虚假信念,这些信念滋生仇恨,这些信念在我身上没有根基。
27. You can have no separate beliefs when you realise the Truth of the one Eternal Living Spirit that is manifesting now in you and me. Can you now follow any belief that separates you from your brothers and sisters?
27. 当你意识到在你我身上表达的永恒生命之灵的真理时,你就不会再有分离的信念。你现在还会继续追随那些把你与你的兄弟姐妹分离开来的想法吗?
28. Do not cling too hard to the earthly life, for it is but a preparatory step in the growth of the Christ in you.
28. 不要太执着于尘世中的生活,因为这只是基督在你内在成长的准备步骤。
29. Many are holding too strongly to the earthly life and the things that exist in it.
29. 许多人对尘世生活和世俗中的事物有着太强的执念。
30. Use these things wisely, but do not cling to them, and do not allow them to cling to you. They are for your use, to prepare you for further unfoldment, to greater strength, power and glory.
30. 明智地去使用这些事物,但是不要执着于它们,不要让它们执着于你。它们是供你使用的,为了让你准备好进一步展开,到更伟大的勇气、力量和荣耀中。
31. Be not afraid; you lose nothing that is real. Christ is your only Reality and is the Eternal Son of God.
31. 不要害怕;你不会失去任何真正的东西。基督是你唯一的实相,是神永恒的儿子。
32. No Love is ever lost. It is the expression of God and pours through the garment that shrouds It.
32. 没有爱会失去。它是神的表达,并通过包裹它的外衣倾洒而出。
33. When you begin to realise this, all on Earth will know that it is the Love of God that is expressing Itself through the soul. The body is the garment through which the Life is expressed in the physical.
33. 当你开始意识到这一点,地球上所有的人都会知道这是神之爱通过灵魂来表达自己。身体是一件外衣,生命通过它得以在物质中表达。
34. You must not despise this garment but consecrate it to Christ, realising the mighty Power that is within. And as you consecrate this garment to the Christ, so shall it become as the inner and the inner becomes the outer. Thus ye are born again, this time not of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of the Spirit of God. For I have said, “Call no man your father on Earth, for one is your Father who is in Heaven.”
34. 你不可轻视这件外衣,而要把它奉献给基督,认识到它内在的伟大力量。当你把这件外衣奉献给基督时,它就会成为内在,内在就会成为外在。因此,你们得以重生,这次不是从于肉身或人的意志,而是从于神之灵。因为我已经说过,“不要称呼地球上任何人为你的父亲,因为你的圣父在天堂。”
35. Rejoice and have no fear. Fear is but the dimmed sight that prevents you from seeing clearly. It clouds your Spiritual vision, yet only for a time, for freedom comes through the Eternal Christ in you.
35. 去欢呼,不要有恐惧。恐惧只是阻止你看清的模糊视线。它蒙蔽了你的灵性视野,但只是暂时的,因为自由来自你内在永恒的基督。
36. All fear is dispelled by Love, for Love casteth out fear. The fear of evil, the fear of man, the fear of God, are all products of the material sense and have no foundation in Reality.
36. 爱驱散了所有的恐惧,因为爱驱赶恐惧。对邪恶的恐惧,对人类的恐惧,对神的恐惧,都是物质感官的产物,在实相中没有根基。
37. The Love of God sets you free from all these fears that separate you from His Divine Presence.
37. 神之爱会让你摆脱所有的这些让你与他神圣临在分离的恐惧。
38. Therefore fear neither man nor beast; neither must you fear God, but love Him. When this true nature of the Christ is revealed in your own consciousness, there is the power that Daniel had in the den of lions. This Power is yours also.
38. 因此,不要害怕人,也不要惧怕野兽;你也不必怕神,而是要爱他。因为当基督的这个真实本性在你自己的意识中揭示出来时,就会拥有但以理在狮子坑中拥有的力量。这力量也是你的。
39. Nothing on Earth or in the Heavens can overcome you, in the recognition of the fact that this Christ, the Spirit of God in you, is all power in Itself and is the Creative Principle behind all things existing in Heaven and on Earth. When you realise this, you will not be afraid.
39. 地球和天堂的任何事物都无法战胜你,因为你意识到这样的事实:这位基督、你内在的神之灵本身就是所有的力量,是天地间万物背后的创造法则。当你意识到这一点时,你就不再害怕。
40. The lowest are seeking God in some way or another. As my disciples it is your work to show them the true path through Love and by example. Not by mere words, but by kindness, by Love, by understanding.
40. 最低等的正在以某种方式去寻求神。作为我的弟子,你们的工作是通过爱和以身作则向他们展示真正的道路。不仅仅是通过语言,而是通过仁慈、爱和理解。
41. Most people fear the experience called death. But when you pass through this experience you find yourself to be a living, breathing soul more alive than ever before; for it is the soul that breathes, not the body.
41. 大多数人害怕所谓的死亡体验。但是当你度过这种体验时,你就会发现自己是一个活着的、会呼吸的灵魂,比以往任何时候都更有活力;因为呼吸的是灵魂,而非身体。
42. Death is but the gateway to the greater expansion of the Christ, the flower that grows and blooms in God; and when you find yourselves living, breathing souls, more alive than ever before, it overwhelms you. The one wish is that you want to return to your loved ones to tell them of the wonderful Truth of the Glory that you have found.
42. 死亡只是通往基督更伟大拓展的门户,是在神中生长和绽放的花朵;当你发现自己是活着的、会呼吸的灵魂,要比以往更有活力时,它就会淹没你。你的一个心愿就是想回到你爱的人身边,告诉他们你所发现的荣耀的美妙真理。
43. Many have returned to you but your ears are deaf and your eyes are blind. All must pass through the same experience and this is the joy of those who have already passed through the experience called death. This joy which all will experience is beyond the understanding of mortal sense.
43. 很多人已经回到你们身边,但是你的耳朵聋了,眼睛瞎了。所有的人都必须度过相同的体验,这就是那些已经度过所谓死亡体验的人的喜悦。这种所有人都会体验到的喜悦是超越世俗理解的。
44. You become more conscious of the freedom of Life, because the soul breathes beyond the flesh.
44. 你会更加意识到生命的自由,因为灵魂的呼吸超越了肉体。
45. The body is the Temple of the Spirit. Spirit Life is eternal. You find that all you thought true becomes a reality.
45. 身体是圣灵的殿堂。灵性生命是永恒的。你会发现你认为真实的一切成为了现实。
46. In your minds you have pictured the experience of seeing loved ones again, and of knowing them face to face; this I truly tell you is real. Even those who injured you and those you also injured through ignorance will rejoice at meeting you again.
46. 在你的心智中,你曾想象过再次见到所爱之人,面对面地跟他们交谈;我来告诉你这是真的。即便是那些你曾经伤害的人,以及那些因为无明而被你伤害的人,也会为再次见到你而欢喜。
47. This is the eternal Law of the Spirit, the unfoldment of the Christ. As the consciousness becomes aware of this inner life, a change takes place in the consciousness, and all these hatreds disappear. Then it is wise for you to understand this while on Earth.
47. 这就是圣灵的永恒法则,基督的展开。当意识觉察到这种内在的生命,意识就会发生变化,所有的这些仇恨都会消失。当你还在地球上时就理解这一点,对你来说是明智的。
48. Some born in ignorance die in ignorance. Now this shall not be your fate. The mist dissolves away, and there remains the beauty of the Christ of God.
48. 一些人在无明中降生,死于无明。现在这不会是你的命运。迷雾会散去,神之基督的美丽会留下。
49. When I talk of the Christ of God I know that you are beginning to understand what the Christ means: It is the great Divine Man of God. Christ is the Divine Man on Earth, which includes all human souls. All cells exist in the one body; so does each one of you exist in the Christ of God. The seed of God is in you and it is sure to grow to maturity.
49. 当我谈到神之基督时,我知道你会开始理解基督意味着什么:这是神的伟大圣人。基督是地球上的圣人,包含了所有人类的灵魂。所有的细胞存在于一具身体中,正如你们中每个人存在于神之基督中一样。神的种子在你里面,一定会长大成熟。
50. No greater joy can ever be experienced than when that which you vaguely thought true becomes a Reality. You find that you have lost nothing but all is gained with a new understanding.
50. 当你模模糊糊地认为真实的东西成为实相时,没有比这更大的快乐了。你会发现你没有失去任何东西,而是伴随着新的理解获得了一切。
51. You will be overwhelmed by the unlimited sense that takes hold of you, while all the false beliefs will drop from you.
51. 你会被主宰你的不受限制的感觉淹没,同时所有的错误信念都会从你身上消失。
52. You will be the same living soul, no matter in which way you leave your body. You are still you; and in all those you loved, you will find a greater love and a greater attraction, a greater understanding, for nothing in Love is lost.
52. 不论你以何种方式离开你的身体,你都会是同一位活着的灵魂。你仍然是你:在你所有爱过的人身上,你会发现更伟大的爱、更伟大的吸引力、更伟大的理解,因为在爱中一切都不会丢失。
53. Did I not show my hands and feet to my disciples? I was the same they knew on Earth. Yet I knew that I was the Christ of God, and it is for every one of you also to realise this Truth, for through the realisation of It comes “awareness” — a conscious awareness that ignorance cannot destroy.
53. 我没有把我的手脚展示给我的弟子们看吗?我仍然是他们在地球上认识的那位。然而我知道我是神之基督,你们中的每个人也应该认识到这个真理,因为通过认知这真理,会带来“意识的觉知”—— 一种无知无法摧毁的有意识的觉知。
54. Ignorance clouds the Reality in you. Most people are slow to learn because of false beliefs.
54. 无知遮蔽了你内在的实相。由于错误的信念,大多数人学起来很慢。
55. Then forget all error and ignorance and enter fully into the truth of your Being now.
55. 那么忘记所有的错误和无知,现在就完全进入你存在的真相中。
56. Can you fully enter into this now? You are living Beings. It is the Life of God that lives in you; as a living Being, you exist in God and not outside Him. When this is understood there is an expansion of the consciousness, an awareness of Reality, an awareness of an Eternal Reality that exists, having no end. Oh, would you know this! It would set you free now.
56. 你现在可以完全进入吗?你是有生命的存有。是神之生命住在你内在;作为一位有生命的存有,你存在于神之中,而非他之外。当这一点得到理解时,就会有意识的拓展,对实相的觉知,对存在的永恒实相的觉知,它没有尽头。噢,你会知道的!它现在就会让你获得自由。
57. Even my disciples did not understand fully until I reappeared to them.
57. 在我再次出现在我的弟子面前之前,我的弟子们也没有完全理解。
58. The eternal Christ of God liveth forever. Yet they could not quite understand; they were just people like yourselves, but through the Spirit of the Christ they became my Apostles.
58. 神的永恒基督永远活着。然而他们还不是太明白;他们只是像你们一样的人,但是通过基督之灵,他们成为了我的使徒。
59. Even now I know that many of you here do not fully understand that it is I who speak to you.
59. 即便是现在,我也知道你们中的很多人并不完全明白我对你们说的话。
60. Neither did Thomas believe. He, too, wanted to see my hands and feet, and thrust his hand into my side before he would believe.
60. 多马也不相信。他也想看看我的手脚,还没等他相信他就把手伸进了我的肋旁。
61. It was eight days afterwards when all my disciples gathered together and Thomas was with them. I took his hand and put it into my side and showed my hands and feet. Thomas was overcome and exclaimed, “My Lord, my God.”
61. 八天后,我所有的弟子都聚集在一起。多马也跟他们在一起。我拉着他的手,放到我的身边,把我的手脚给他看。多马被征服并赞叹,“我的上主,我的神。”
62. He was overwhelmed with the realisation that, after the experience called death, one still lived; and in this is the secret of Power in all, yet few could fully understand it.
62. 他被这种认知所淹没了,即在经历了所谓的死亡之后,人仍然活着;这就是所有人中力量的奥秘,然而很少有人能完全理解它。
63. In the realisation of this dwells the Power of the Christ in you. That is why I made it the greatest point in my work. It shows that this world is but a preparatory step in the unfoldment of the Christ within. This realisation is what you also require, then all power will be given unto you in Heaven and on Earth.
63. 领悟到这一点,就可以知道居住在你内在基督的力量。这就是为什么我把它作为我工作中最重要的一点。它表明这个世界仅仅是为了揭示内在的基督进行的准备步骤。这种认知也是你所需要的,然后天堂和地球的所有力量都会被赋予你。
64. Thomas believed because he had seen. But I say, Blessed are those who have not seen me, and have believed.
64. 多马相信了,因为他看到了。但是我说,受到祝福的是那些没有看到我也去相信的人。
65. That into which God has breathed the Breath of His Life can never be dead. Only the dead who believe in death bury their dead. The Living Christ does not die.
65. 神把他的生命气息吹入其中的人永远不会死亡。只有死者才会相信死亡,才会埋葬死者。活着的基督不会死亡。
66. If you could turn your eyes inward and see what I am looking at now through these eyes, you would gain a greater understanding.
66. 如果你把双眼向内看,看看我通过这双眼睛在看什么,你就会获得更伟大的理解。
67. Yes, your eyes will see and your ears will hear with a new understanding of the Living Christ of God.
67. 是的,你的双眼将会看到,你的双耳将会听到,对活着的神之基督有了新的理解。
68. Those who are weary and tired will rest as they have never rested before.
68. 疲倦疲惫的人,会得到从未有过的安息。
69. Those who have suffered while on Earth and have passed through the Gate of their Gethsemane, some aged perhaps and infirm, with a memory of their condition while on Earth, will find that it is just an image in the mind that requires discarding. Nevertheless, the soul is scarred for the time being. They pass into a deep slumber; the soul sleeps, then wakens in the Reality of the Christ; they are rejuvenated and freed from all conditions that scarred the memory.
69. 那些在地球上受苦难的人,那些通过他们客西马尼园之门的人,其中一些可能年老体弱,对他们在地球上的状况有所记忆,他们会发现这只是心智中需要丢弃的一个形象。尽管如此,灵魂还是暂时地伤痕累累。他们进入沉睡;灵魂沉睡,然后在基督的实相中醒来;他们恢复了活力,摆脱让记忆伤痕累累的状况。
70. Yet, if they liked, they could reproduce a condition to show those on Earth who they were. But immediately they return into the inner, they discard these conditions and live in the realisation of the Christ, the Perfection of God.
70. 是的,如果他们愿意,他们可以重现一种状况,向地球上的人展示他们是谁。但是即刻间他们要回到内在,他们需要抛弃这些状况,活在对基督的认知中,活在神的完美中。
71. It is sometimes hard to make those living on Earth believe the Truth that the Everlasting Christ which dwells in each and every one is the Father Himself.
71. 有的时候很难让生活在地球上的人相信居住在每个人内在的永生基督就是圣父自己这一真理。
72. Then those who are weary and tired will rest as they have never rested before. And when they awaken they will find that the best and the highest that could ever be realised is true.
72. 那些疲倦和疲惫的人会得到安息,因为他们从未真正休息过。当他们醒来时,他们会发现所有可以实现的最好的和最崇高的都是真的。
73. Your loved ones are not afar off, but present with you, as they have always been since they left you; but your material sense blinds you to their presence.
73. 你所爱的人并不遥远,而是与你同在,自从他们离开你之后一直如此;但是你的物质感官阻碍了你看到他们的临在。
74. Oh, how you will try to help those you have loved and left behind! Yet all this is in store for all. This is the great relief that you feel. Yet it pains you to see how ignorant the world is about the Reality of Life.
74. 噢,你将如何去帮助你爱的人和那些留下的人!不过这一切都为所有人准备好了。这是你可以感受到的巨大解脱。然而,看到这个世界对生命的真相是多么无知,你会感到痛苦。
75. My words will bring to your consciousness the realisation of the truth of Reality — that you are also eternal because you live in Reality. You live and move and have your being in Him who created you, and He lives in you.
75. 我的话会让你意识到实相的真理 —— 你也是永恒存在的,因为你生活在实相中。你在创造了你的他里面活着、行动、存在着,他也住在你里面。
76. You will then begin your further unfoldment, which is never ceasing — with it a greater understanding of God, a greater love of God, a greater realisation of His wonderful Universe, in which you live and move and have your being.
76. 然后你会开始你的进一步展开,它永不停止 —— 随之而来的是对神更伟大的理解,对神更伟大的爱,对他奇妙宇宙的更大认知,你在其中生活、行动,并拥有你的存在。
77. If I could imprint in your minds now all that exists, you would be free of all fear and doubt.
77. 如果我可以把存在的万物刻印在你的心智中,你就会摆脱所有的恐惧和怀疑。
78. The greatest thing of all is “Love” — Love that has no beginning and no ending. It is ever pouring Itself out, and, as you are caught up in Its opulence, so do you love as the Christ of God that has risen.
78. 最伟大的就是“爱”—— 爱没有开始也没有终结。它总是倾泻而出,当你沉浸在它的充沛中时,你就会像复活的神之基督一样去爱。
79. The Father unfolds in you His Love, and the Christ is this Love in you.
79. 圣父在你内在展开他的爱,基督就是你内在的这种爱。
80. I long for you to know of this indwelling Christ in you, so that you can understand that there is no separation between us.
80. 我渴望着你们去认识你们内在居住着的基督,这样你们就能明白我们之间没有分离。
81. In my Father’s House there are many mansions. These are the varying degrees of consciousness. As consciousness unfolds, so does it manifest that which it unfolds.
81. 在我圣父的殿堂中有很多宫殿。有着不同等级的意识层次。随着意识的展开,就会表达出意识展开的内容。
82. As unfoldment takes place through the consciousness, it manifests what it unfolds. What is realised is seen and understood. Your consciousness is the means through which the Christ of God manifests, unfolding the greater beyond.
82. 当展开通过意识发生时,它就会表达出意识展开的内容。领悟到的被看到和理解。你的意识是神之基督表达的方式,展开超越那更伟大的。
83. The Christ of God is incarnate and dwells within, nearer than hands and feet, and can hear even before you ask.
83. 神之基督化为肉身,居住在内在,比手脚还要靠近你,甚至在你发问之前就可以听到你的声音。
84. When you ask in faith, understanding that the place of Creation is in you, there is nothing that the Father will not do for you if you ask Him in my name. Then ask in the name of the Christ of God that is within you. I will hear you and what you ask will be done unto you.
84. 当你在信心之中去求,明白创造之地就在你心中,如果你奉着我的名字去求,那么就没有圣父做不到的事情。那么请以居住在你内在神之基督的名字去求。我会听见你的祈求,你所要求的都会达成。
85. For you are the branches on the vine that bears my fruit; yes, capable of abundant fruit. With me you can do all things; without me you can do nothing.
85. 因为你是葡萄树上的树枝,结着我的果实;是的,能够结出丰硕的果实。与我同在,你将无所不能;没有我,你将一事无成。
86. I of myself am nothing; it is the Spirit of the Father within me that speaketh; He doeth all these things and more.
86. 我自己什么都不是,讲话的是我内在的圣父之灵;他做了所有的事情,甚至更多。
87. I am behind all thought and speech, and am omnipresent; and my Love is the key to all Knowledge, Wisdom and Power.
87. 我超越了一切想法和言语,我无所不在;我的爱是所有知识、智慧和力量的钥匙。
88. My Love unfolds your consciousness in the inner realm, and as Love unfolds in you, so do you know more of me.
88. 我的爱在你内在领域会展开你的意识,当爱在你内在展开时,你对我的了解也会更多。
89. Even if you speak with eloquence and have not Love in your heart, you are but a tinkling cymbal.
89. 即使你口若悬河,但是你心中无爱,你也不过是发出叮当响的钹。
90. Even if you acquire all knowledge and practise a faith that can do all things, yet without Love in your heart, what you do does not profit you.
90. 即便你获得了所有知识,并践行了一种可以让你做成所有事情的信念,但是如果你心中没有爱,你做所的事情对你就没有好处。
91. Should you give alms to the less fortunate and feed the poor, yet without Love, you have done nothing.
91. 如果你给予不幸的人以施舍并喂养那些贫困的人,但是若没有爱,你就什么都没做。
92. Love is not understood; It is kind and suffers injustice without rebuke.
92. 爱没有被理解;它善良,它受委屈而不责备。
93. Love does not return evil for evil, but good for evil. In the meek, Love guides them in good judgement.
93. 爱不是以恶报恶,而是以善报恶。在温顺中,爱引导他们做出正确的判断。
94. Love is all power; yet is humble. Love does not make vain displays, nor does it boast of its accomplishments.
94. 爱是一切的力量,却很谦卑。爱不虚张声势,也不夸耀自己的成就。
95. Love never fails, because Love is God and God is Love.
95. 爱永不失败,因为爱就是神,神就是爱。
96. The Divine Stream of Love flows into your heart when your heart beats with the Heart of Love. Peace comes into your mind, and your soul radiates the true nature of our Father in Heaven.
96. 当你的心以爱之心而跳动时,神圣之爱的源泉就会流入你的内心。安宁就会来到你的心智,你的灵魂就会散发出我们天堂中圣父的真实本性。
97. I enjoy speaking to my Father who is Love! His Love casteth out all fear; no harm can come nigh you with His Love in your heart. Be at peace then, and know that I am with you.
97. 我喜欢与我的圣父交谈,他就是爱!他的爱驱散一切恐惧,心中有爱,就没有伤害会靠近你。那么请处于安宁之中,知道我与你同在。
98. Love is always in the midst, and dwells in the kindly darkness that surrounds you.
98. 爱总是在人间,居住在环绕着你的良善黑暗之中。
99. Be not afraid of this darkness, for I am the Light that overcometh the darkness. Yet the darkness does not comprehend the Light for the Light alone comprehendeth.
99. 不要惧怕这种黑暗,因为我是战胜黑暗的圣光。然而黑暗不能理解圣光,因为只有圣光才能带来理解。
100. The darkness is but a shadow in the mind; yet through it and by it the Christ blooms into power and glory. Become aware of this Power, and all conditions will pass from you. Shrink not from responsibilities nor from any task, even if it be a cross. You will find joy in the unfoldment by overcoming, because you will know you are the Light of the world that overcometh the darkness.
100. 黑暗只是心智中的阴影,然而通过它并凭着它,基督绽放出力量和荣耀。意识到这种力量,你会通过所有的状况。不要去逃避责任或者任何任务,即便你要面对的是十字架。通过战胜,你会在意识的展开中找到喜悦,因为你会知道你是世界上战胜黑暗的圣光。
101. It is the Light that comprehendeth; the darkness comprehendeth not. Where the Light is, darkness disappears.
101. 能理解的是圣光,黑暗不理解。圣光存在的地方,黑暗就消失了。
102. The soul that seeks nourishment from the Christ within becomes strong. It is the house that is built upon the Rock of Truth that nothing can assail from without.
102. 向内在的基督寻求滋养的灵魂变得坚强。这座殿堂建立在真理的磐石上,没有任何东西可以从外面攻击。
103. Seek my Silent Love that dwells within you. Love all, bless all with Love, and I shall bless you a hundredfold.
103. 寻找居住在你内在的我无声的爱。爱所有人,用爱祝福所有人,我会对你以百倍的祝福。
104. For I delight in you when you bless with Love. I am working in you when you love, and when you bless with Love I am by your side, for I am Love.
104. 当你用爱祝福时,我在你内在高兴。当你去爱的时候,我在你内在工作,当你用爱去祝福时,我就在你身边,因为我就是爱。
105. Do not seek gain or reward for your Love, nor make show of your Love before men, but love in secret. Do all things that come to thy hand for the Love of God, not to please men.
105. 不要为爱寻求利益或者回报,也不要在人前炫耀爱,而是暗自去爱。为了对神的爱,而不是去取悦某人,去做所有来到你手头的事情。
106. You are the future, the past and the present. Learn this at once, so that I can work in you now; then all which is unreal will be swept into the abyss where it belongs.
106. 你是未来、过去和现在。即刻就学习这一点,以便我现在就可以在你内在工作;然后所有不真实的东西都会被卷入它所属的深渊。
107. You are all just where you ought to be to do this work; and God cannot fail when you are alive with Christ, for you are the Branch on the Vine that bears my Fruit.
107. 你们都在你们应该做的这项工作的位置,当你与基督同在时,神不会失败,因为你是葡萄树上结出我果实的树枝。
Now we will enter into the Sanctuary.
Look towards me.
(The Scribe’s Remarks: A beautiful purple light filled the hall as the silence was in progress, and as the Master left, there was a sense of Love and Peace which cannot be described in words.)
I Am The Good Shepherd And My Sheep Know My Voice
My Peace, my Blessing I bring to you to remain with you.
1. Now is a wonderful time for you all, for you are growing naturally into the Christ of God, your true Spiritual existence.
1. 现在对你们所有人来说都是美好的时光,因为你们正自然而然地成长为神之基督,你们真正灵性的存在。
2. Even your body will be brought into tune with the Higher Law. You do not become your own idea; you are God’s Idea.
2. 甚至你们的身体也会与更高的法则相协调。你不会成为你自己的想法,你是神的理念。
3. The great Truth is that no one can alter or change the Idea of God. It is designed to bloom forth, to come to maturity. Nothing can hinder Its progress. That which seemingly hinders the expression of the Divine Idea is not a hindrance but a means of gaining experience.
3. 伟大的真理是,没有人可以改变或转变神的理念。它旨在绽放,走向成熟。没有什么能阻碍它的成长。那些看起来阻碍神圣理念表达的并不是障碍,而是获取经验的方法。
4. Do not be afraid of the world, because the world cannot conquer you; but the Power of the Christ within you conquers the world. All conditions should be looked upon as experience, then you will grow out of them stronger. You will also know that your strength comes from within and not from without. This strength is always with you; it is the Power of the Christ of God.
4. 不要害怕世界,因为这个世界无法战胜你;而是你内在的基督力量战胜了世界。所有的状况都要被视为经验,然后你会超越它们变得更强大。你也会知道你的力量来自于内在而非外在。这种力量永远伴随着你,这是神之基督的力量。
5. This cannot fail, for you have opened the way to the Higher Law through the recognition of the Christ of God in you.
5. 它不会失败,因为通过认识出你内在的神之基督,你已经打开了通往更高法则的道路。
6. Immediately you recognise the Christ of God as the only Reality, the Reality which is eternal and ever-present, you enter into the Higher Law that is being expressed through you by your recognition of this Truth. When this Truth is not recognised, there is what we call the natural law; and every person is subject unto it. But when the Higher Law supersedes the natural law, It has power over Nature; this is the Christ that is within you.
6. 当你意识到神之基督是唯一的实相,即永恒和永远存在的实相那一刻起,你就进入了更高的法则之中,这个法则凭着你对这个真理的认知会通过你进行表达。当这个真理不被认可时,存在的是我们所说的自然法则,每个人都受制于它。但是当更高的法则取代自然法则时,它拥有超越自然的力量,这就是你内在的基督。
7. Recognise this Higher Law now through the recognition of the Christ of God as the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth; and through Him all things came into being — the Word that is with God, the Word that is God, and the Word that became flesh manifesting in your midst. Thus the Word of God moves in and through you; this is the Truth of everlasting Life, the Life that is eternal.
7. 现在通过意识到神之基督是天堂和地球万物的创造者来领悟到这个更高的法则,通过他万物得以存在 —— 与神同在的道,道就是神,道化作肉身,在你们之中表达。因此神的道进入你,通过你表达;这就是永恒生命的真理,生命是永恒的存在。
8. Say in your heart with Love and understanding, “Thy Will be done in me” and the Christ will move in you, for the Christ is God Manifested in the flesh.
8. 用爱与理解在你心中说,“愿你的旨意成就在我身上”,基督就会在你内在运作,因为基督是神显化在肉身之中。
9. The Christ is God manifesting in the flesh. I repeat this, so that it will sink into your minds. By recognising and realising this Truth a tremendous Force rises within you: the Christ is God manifesting in you now.
9. 神之基督是道化在肉身中。我再重复一遍,这样它就会深深烙在你的心智。通过意识和领悟到这个真理,一股巨大的力量在你内在升起:现在,基督就是神在你内在的表达。
10. Your innermost and highest thought is in the Consciousness of the Absolute.
10. 你最内在和最崇高的思想是在绝对的意识之中。
11. Therefore the higher the thought, the more power it has. Thy will be done in me. It is God’s will that is manifesting in me now. No heavenly or earthly being can alter the will of the Father. It is paramount; in this understanding the consciousness becomes aware of the highest, the innermost thought of the Absolute. Thy Will be done in me.
11. 因此思想越崇高,它就越有力量。你的意志会在我身上完成。现在在我身上彰显的是神的意志。任何天堂或者地球的存有都不能改变圣父的意志。它是至高无上的,在这种理解中,意识开始领悟到最崇高、最内在的绝对意识。你的旨意成就在我身上。
12. In this lies the great Power in Heaven and on Earth.
12. 这就是天堂和地球中的伟大力量。
13. This is the Power that will dissolve away all discord, all that is not of itself true.
13. 这就是消除一切不和谐、一切不真实的真正力量。
14. Your treasure is where your heart is; and your treasure should be the continual outpicturing of the Truth of the Christ, “I and the Father are One”.
14. 你的宝藏在心中,你的宝藏应该是对基督真理的持续映像,“我与圣父是合一的存在”。
15. Think then deeply of this Truth, for It is the concentrated Light in your own consciousness, a Light that is being expressed in your soul by means of the Christ in you, “I and the Father are one”. It is the Father’s will that you shall express Him in all His Glory; in all His Power; in all His Wisdom, in all His Love.
15. 然后仔细思考这个真理,因为它是你自己意识中浓缩的光,是通过你内在基督在你灵魂中表达的光。“我和圣父是合一”。圣父的意志是你要在他全然的荣耀中、他全然的力量中、他全然的智慧中、他全然的爱中表达他。
16. Do not repeat my sayings like mere platitudes; read them again and again, as if saying them in earnest prayer.
16. 不要像重复陈词滥调那样重复我的话;而是一遍一遍地阅读,就像是说出最虔诚的祈祷。
17. When you pray there must be a deep feeling of reverence, and a closing of the outer; then, you enter into the inner. As you pray, feel your oneness with Him who created you within Himself.
17. 当你祈祷时,一定要怀着深深地敬畏之心,并关闭外在;然后你会进入内在。当你祈祷时,感受你在他内在与创造了你的他的合一。
18. If you repeat my sayings with understanding in this manner you will have many things revealed to you.
18. 如果你以这种方式带着理解去重复我的话,你将会得到很多启示。
19. The inner voice will speak to you, the inner sight will be open to you. In this Tabernacle of God there is the Golden Silence of Love that protects you from all conditioning, a silence that brings you into the Presence of the Almighty.
19. 内在的声音会对你讲话,内在的视野会向你打开。在神的殿堂中,只有充满爱的金色寂静,保护你不受任何状况的干扰,这种寂静会把你带到神的临在中。
20. Then the unreal, the shadow, will disappear and the Real will reveal Itself in you.
20. 然后那不真实的、那阴影将会消失,真实的会在你身上显露出来。
21. I am indeed glad to have been with you for this short session in earnest teaching. Do not look upon me as afar off and separated from you.
21. 我很高兴能跟你们一同度过这短暂而真挚的课程。不要把我看的离你们很远,与你们分离。
22. That which has happened in the past you relegate to your memory, but things of the past are with you in the present. Then be consciously aware of the Presence of God, the Christ, that is always with you. You can create only in the present, never in the past or the future; only in the Eternal Now.
22. 过去发生的事情你储存在记忆中,但是过去的事情现在跟你在一起。要有意识地觉知神的临在,基督,他永远与你同在。你只能在当下进行创造,不能在过去或者未来创造;创造只发生在永恒的当下。
23. Your enjoyment in my Presence can be continuous and so can you learn of me, by your constant thought of my Presence with you.
23. 你在我临在中的欣喜是可以持续不断的,你也可以通过不断地想到与你同在的我的临在来了解我。
24. My words are Life to you. Believe in me, and have courage; your very desire to help, when really unselfish, is already done.
24. 我的话语对你来说就是生命。相信我,鼓起勇气;当你真的非常无私时,你想要帮助的愿望就已经实现了。
25. The desire to help must come from the heart. In your heart you will find there a Presence that will come forth and will express Itself in you and through you, and your desire will be fulfilled.
25. 想要去帮助的愿望必须发自内心。在你的心中你会发现有一个临在出现,在你内在通过你表达自己,你的心愿就会实现。
26. Remember that there can be no separation when you desire to help; and the desire that comes from the heart, it is done immediately because your Father heareth; He is the Servant of All.
26. 记住,当你想要去帮助的时候,就没有分离;来自内心的愿望会立刻实现,因为你的圣父听见了,他是所有人的仆人。
27. You have victory over all things through the Christ within.
27. 靠着内在的基督,你已经战胜了一切。
28. The Christ is God’s Eternal Son manifested in the human race. In this understanding you reach the highest possible while in the flesh.
28. 基督是显化在人类种族中的神的永恒圣子。在这种理解中,你就达到了在肉身中可能到达的最高境界。
29. While living in the flesh you recognise that there are influences of the flesh. But these influences are not evil influences; they are the means through which you obtain the understanding of things.
29. 当活在肉身之中,你会意识到肉身的影响。但是这些影响不是邪恶的影响,它们是你获得对事物理解的方式。
30. You grow out of these conditions just as a seed, when planted in the ground, grows and blooms, and also brings forth its seed; so does the Spirit of God do the same in you. The Spirit of God is not always confined to the flesh; It grows out of the mortal conditions into the immortal, as It always was immortal. The Life in the body is in no way separated from the totality of all Life.
30. 你们从这些状况中成长,就像一粒种子,种在土中,成长开花,也结出它的种子;神之灵也在你们内在做同样的事情。神之灵并不总是局限于肉身;它从世俗的状况中成长为永恒,因为它就是永恒的。身体中的生命绝对不会与所有生命的总和分离。
31. Study my sayings and the veil will be lifted from your eyes; the Son of man waits with you, to overcome your belief in separation.
31. 学习我讲的话,面纱会从你的眼前移除;人类之子等待着你,克服你对分离的信念。
32. There is freedom in Christ, yet Christ lives in the human race as the Eternal Son of God. This mighty Power will harmonise all beings into the One Family. The Spirit in each and every soul shall recognise the Source of Its Being.
32. 在基督之中存在着自由,不过,基督作为神之永恒圣子居住在人类种族之中。这个强大的力量会让所有的存有进入和谐,从而成为合一家族。每个灵魂中的圣灵将会认识到其存在的源头。
33. In the recognition of this there is freedom. The inner being expressed in the outer: this is “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
33. 承认这一点就会有自由。内在表达在外在:这就是“你的旨意行在人间,如同行在天上。”
34. Man is hurt by man again and again; and not until man is crucified through his own folly will he open his eyes to the great “Oneness” of all through the Christ of God.
34. 人一次又一次地被人伤害;直至人因自己的愚蠢而被钉在十字架上,他才会睁开眼睛,通过神之基督看到万物的伟大“合一”。
35. I do not speak of myself; it is the Father who ever remains in me, who is the Father of All, and is All. It is He that speaketh in me and for me. The same Life in the Father is in the Son.
35. 我不是在说自己,而是永远在我内在的圣父,他是所有人的圣父,是万物。是他在我内在说话,代我讲话。圣子之中存在的也是圣父中同样的生命。
36. Let the sense of personalities pass from your mind; then you will see the glory of God, His only begotten Son that reigneth forever.
36. 让人格的感官从你的心智中消失,然后你就会看到神的荣耀,他的独生子处于永恒的主宰中。
37. Personalities are but the mask that is put on from outside, and as long as you hold on to personalities so will you live in illusion.
37. 人格不过是从外面戴上的面具,只要你依附于人格,你就会生活在幻相中。
38. So many are dwelling on the personality of Jesus, with the result that they fail to see the Eternal Christ in all. For this I have come to tell you, so that ye shall know that the Christ of God is universal.
38. 很多人专注于基督的人格,其结果就是他们不能在所有人身上看到永生的基督。为此,我来告诉你们,好让你们知道神之基督是普遍存在的。
39. Your work is to co-operate with Christ, so that you may be avenues for healing in all manner of ways.
39. 你们的工作是与基督合作,这样你就可以以各种方式成为疗愈的途径。
40. Realise that Spirit is the only Reality. This Spirit vitalises your soul and body, and is the only Power there is. You live and move and have your being in God, and God lives in you. It is God Himself who is expressing Himself. To know this fully, means freedom in your life now. This is the way to the Truth of the Everlasting Life. “Know ye not, I am in the Father and the Father is in me”.
40. 意识到圣灵是唯一的实相。这圣灵让你的灵魂和身体充满活力,是唯一的力量。你在神内在活着、行动,拥有你的存在,神也住在你内在。是神自己在彰显他自己。充分了解这一点,意味着你生命中的自由。这就是通往永恒生命真理的道路。“你们不知道的是,我在圣父之中,圣父在我之中”。
41. The forgiveness of God is spontaneous, and instantaneously all errors are blotted out by the inflow of His Everlasting Love. Then do not hinder the Divine gift by regrets, sadness or remorse.
41. 神的宽恕是自发的,瞬间所有的错误都被他永恒之爱的流入所抹除。那么请不要以遗憾、悲伤或者悔恨来阻碍神恩赐的到来。
42. With this understanding, the Love of God flows into the heart that opens to It; this then is made manifest in the flesh. If you are sad, in remorse, having regrets, your mind is filled with shadows; but when the Love of God fills you, there is no room for shadows, they dissolve away.
42. 有了这种理解,神的爱就会流入向它敞开的心灵之中;然后在这肉身中表达出来。如果你悲伤、自责、后悔,你的心智中就会充满阴影;但是当神的爱充满你时,阴影就没有了存在的空间,它们会消散。
43. The only condition is: that you open yourselves to Him so that He may fill you full with His Everlasting Love.
43. 唯一的条件就是:你要向他敞开自己,这样他就可以用他永恒的爱充满你。
44. Blessed are the merciful, for in them I will abide.
44. 仁慈的人是受到祝福的,因为我会住在他们里面。
45. Rejoice, for your reward is increased in Heaven. Heaven is not a place outside yourselves; Heaven is within you, and this reward is immediate and goes with you, increasing into eternity.
45. 欢呼吧,因为你在天堂赏赐增加了。天堂不是你外在的某个地方,天堂就在你内在,这个赏赐是即刻的,并永远伴随着你,增加到永恒之中。
46. In you the Light of the world shineth; then let the Light be seen by your actions and not by mere words.
46. 世界之光在你身上闪耀,让圣光通过你的行动,而不仅仅是言语,被世人看到。
47. Words can deceive the mind of the untutored, but actions reveal the nature of the individual. From the heart you must speak and feel.
47. 言语可以欺骗未受教导的人的心智,但是行动可以揭示一个人的本性。你必须发自内心去说话和感受。
48. Thus you will glorify your Father which is in Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. How wonderful is the Truth when it is understood — “I and the Father are one”.
48. 这样,你们就会荣耀你们在天堂的圣父。天堂国度就在你们内在。当真理被理解时,这是多么美妙 —— “我和圣父是合一的存在”。
49. You are those that have been spoken of as the people of God — a people among all peoples with no allegiances except to God, the Father of all nations, and to His Son the Christ, this only begotten Son that dwelleth in all souls.
49. 你们是那些被称为神之子民的人 —— 所有民族中的同一民族,除了神、万国之父的圣父、以及他的圣子基督、居住在所有灵魂中的神的独子之外,不效忠于他人。
50. To be my disciples you must be Universal. There can be no allegiances except to God. Any other allegiances limit the true expression of God the Father in you.
50. 要成为我的弟子,你们必须有普世价值。除了神之外,不效忠他人。其他任何的效忠都会限制圣父在你内在的真正表达。
51. Then even if you say to your brother, “You are a nurse-maid” “You are a fool”, you are guilty of trespassing against the Law of Love.
51. 那么即便你对你的兄弟说出,“你是个保姆”“你是个傻瓜”这样的话,你也是违反了爱之法则。
52. And when thou prayest to thy Father in Heaven, firstly remember those who have a grievance against thee. Become reconciled in thy heart to them, then thy Father will hear thee.
52. 当你向天堂中的圣父祈祷时,首先想到的是那些对你不满的人。在你的心中跟他们重归于好,你的圣父会听到你的祈祷。
53. Only when your in heart you are reconciled is there freedom and forgiveness; then your heart will express its true nature, and God the Father who is Love will bless you.
53. 只有当你内心和解时,才会有自由和宽恕;你的心会表达出它真实的本性,神之圣父,他的爱会祝福你。
54. For in your heart is the key to the entrance of my Father’s House, where bounties are stored up for you.
54. 因为你的内心是通往圣父圣殿的入口,在那里为你准备了大量恩赐。
55. Do not add deceptive words; they count for nothing — these words are not heard in the Father’s realm. To say something that you do not mean, something that you do not feel, is not prayer.
55. 不要说欺骗性的话语,它们一文不值 —— 这些话语在圣父的领域是听不到的。说出违心、违背你感觉的话,这不是祈祷。
56. If you will remember my words when you pray you will pray from your heart in secret, forgiving and forgiven. For I know the Power of God that dwells in the hearts of all who love me.
56. 如果你在祈祷时记住我说的话,你将会在心中默默地祈祷、宽恕和原谅。因为我知道神的力量居住在所有爱我的人心中。
57. If you speak with the will of God, all is possible, and your word will not return to you void but will accomplish that which it is sent forth to do. Think then where the Power of God dwells.
57. 如果你按照神的旨意去讲话,一切都成为可能,你的话语不会徒劳返回,而是会完成它被派遣去做的事情。想想神之力量的所在地。
58. Let your heart be pure, so that it can speak with me, for I do the will of my Father.
58. 让你的心变得纯净,这样它就可以同我讲话,因为我遵循我圣父的旨意。
59. Many are kind to their friends and hate their enemies, but I have no enemies, all are my friends; and to be like me you must do likewise.
59. 很多人善待自己的朋友们,憎恶他们的敌人,但是我没有敌人,所有人都是我的朋友:要成为像我一样,你也必须这样去做。
60. No one is your enemy when you love enough. When you recognise this, you will see how true it is. When selfishness and ignorance dissolve away; Love, which is Truth, is manifested. There can be no enemies in the Father’s House of Love; all must dwell in Love and Peace, otherwise you cannot enter in. To enter Heaven you must bring Heaven with you.
60. 当你爱得足够深,没有人是你的敌人。当你领悟到这一点,你就会看到它是多么真实。当自私与无明消散,爱,也就是真理,会得到彰显。在圣父的爱之殿堂,不存在敌人;所有的人都居住在爱与和平之中,否则你无法进入。要进入天堂,你必须让天堂与你同在。
61. God loves His most disobedient child; therefore love also those who do you an injustice, so that you may become as your Father which is in Heaven. It is the Father that speaketh in me. These words have been recorded so that you will remember them, so that they will remain with you.
61. 神爱着他最叛逆的孩子,所以也要爱那些欺负你的人,这样你就会成为天堂中的圣父那般。是圣父在我内在讲话。这些话被记录下来,以便你可以记住他它们,以便它们与你同在。
62. When the word is spoken and you hear it, it lasts for a while, but when it is recorded, it will bring back to your memory the meaning and the way that my words were spoken.
62. 当话说出,你听到时,它会持续一段时间;但是当它被记录下来时,它会让你回忆起我所说的话的含义和方式。
63. For if you love only those who love you, there is little gain; but if you love those who hate you, then there is great reward.
63. 如果你只爱那些爱你的人,并没有什么收获;但是如果你爱那些恨你的人,就会有很大的回报。
64. Love turneth away wrath, and the powers of ignorance can in no way harm you.
64. 爱可以转化愤怒,无知的力量无法伤害你。
65. Salute your brother; no matter what position he may be in; he may be greater in Heaven, even if less on Earth.
65. 向你的兄弟致敬,不论他在什么位置;他在天堂中或许更加伟大,即便在地球上显得如此渺小。
66. Salute all those who salute you, for truly I tell you this, that many who are lesser on Earth are greater in Heaven. It is well that you should know this now, for the time will come when you will see the glory of God expressed through the simple and the wise.
66. 向所有对你致敬的人致敬,因为我来切实地告诉你,许多在地球上看上去比较渺小的人,在天堂中更加伟大。你现在应该知道这一点,因为总有一天你会看到神之荣耀通过简单的人和智者进行彰显出来。
67. In this way you become perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.
67. 这样你就会变得完美,正如你在天堂的圣父是完美的。
68. Do not give alms and then blow a trumpet as to thy goodness; rather let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
68. 不要施舍然后去吹嘘你的善良,最好是不要让你的左手知道你右手在做什么。
69. For whatever is done from the heart your Father knoweth and rewards you generously.
69. 因为凡是发自内心做的事情,你的圣父都会知道,而且会慷慨地奖赏你。
70. When you pray to your Father in Heaven, you must enter into Heaven by closing the door of the senses that lead to the outer.
70. 当你向天堂中的圣父祈祷时,你必须通过关闭外在的感官之门来进入天堂。
71. For only in the Heart of hearts, where there is the Golden Silence of Love, can your prayers be truly heard.
71. 因为只有在内心深处,爱的金色寂静之中,你的祈祷才能真正被听到。
72. Then enter into the Heart of God through your own heart with pure thought, unselfish and free, leaving all that pertains to the outer outside.
72. 然后以纯洁的思想、无私和自由,通过你自己的内心进入神的内心,把所有属于外在的东西留在外面。
73. Remember thy Purity is in me, the Christ of God.
73. 要记得你的纯净在我、神之基督内在。
74. Ask for forgiveness, not as a servant would, but as a child would ask of its parent, knowing well that that forgiveness was already given by the heart that loves it.
74. 去请求宽恕,不是像仆人那样去请求,而是像孩子向父母请求原谅那样,知道那颗爱他的心已经给予了宽恕。
75. Peter asked how many times a disciple should forgive: seven times? Is it not written that my word said seven times seventy? That means eternal forgiveness. Your Father in Heaven forgives you in His heart the moment you ask for forgiveness. It must be the same with you.
75. 彼得问,一名弟子应该去原谅多少次,是七次吗?我的话中不是写着七个七十次吗?这意味着永远都要去宽恕。在你请求宽恕的那一刻,你在天堂中的圣父就会在心里宽恕你。他一定跟你一样。
76. For thy Father knoweth what is in thy heart, and He knows what you are in need of.
76. 因为你的圣父知道你的心中有什么,他知道你需要什么。
77. Therefore pray in this manner in your heart.
77. 因此,你们要在心中去这样祈祷。
78. Our Father in Heaven, Thy name be hallowed, Thy Kingdom come.
78. 我们在天上的圣父,愿人都尊你的名为圣,愿你的国度降临。
79. Let Thy will be done, as in Heaven so on Earth.
79. 让你的旨意完成,你的意志在地球上实现,正如在天堂那般。
80. Give us bread for our needs from day to day.
80. 每天给我们面包来满足我们的需要。
81. And forgive us our offences as we forgive our offenders.
81. 原谅我们的冒犯,就像我们原谅冒犯我们的人一样。
82. And do not let us enter into temptation but deliver us from error. Because Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever. Amen.
82. 不要让我们进入诱惑,而是让我们脱离错误。因为国度、权柄和荣耀都是你的,直到永远。阿门。
83. Memorise and repeat this prayer in your heart. Say it every day of your life and you will find a tremendous source of Power, Wisdom and Love entering into you. The Father will speak through you; He will express Himself in you, in His Love, Wisdom and Power.
83. 记住并在内心重复这个祈祷。在你生命的每一天都念诵它,你会发现巨大力量、智慧和爱之源泉会进入你。圣父会通过你讲话,他会以他的爱、智慧和力量在你身上表达他自己。
84. Your Father in Heaven has already forgiven your faults when you forgive others their faults.
84. 当你原谅他人的过错时,你们在天堂的圣父就原谅了你的过错。
85. But if you do not forgive in your own heart there can be no forgiveness. In the heart is the meeting place of God and man; you can meet Him face to face when you have forgiven all.
85. 但是如果你不在自己的心中进行宽恕,就不会有原谅。内心是神和人会面的地方,当你宽恕了一切之后,你就可以与他面对面。
86. Then what shall ye say, if in your heart ye have not forgiven your brother?
86. 如果你在心中不原谅你的兄弟,你会怎么说?
87. What shall you say when you meet your Father face to face? He knoweth what is in your heart.
87. 当你面对面地见到你的圣父时,你会说什么?他知道你心中所想。
88. Neither should you cherish things of the world more than the things of the Spirit.
88. 你也不应该珍惜世俗之物多于珍惜灵性之物。
89. The treasures of the world are fleeting and unstable.
89. 世间的财富转瞬即逝,不稳定。
90. I do not deny you the things of the world, but you should know that the things of the Spirit are everlasting.
90. 我不是在否认你世俗的事物,但是你应该知灵性的事物才是永恒的。
91. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
91. 你珍视之物在哪儿,你的心就在哪儿。
92. The eye is the window of the soul, then let it be not confused or diseased, for if the soul is dark so will the body express that darkness.
92. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,不要让它感到困惑或者生病,因为如果灵魂陷入黑暗,身体也会表达出那种黑暗。
93. Do not worry over what you will eat or drink nor what your body will wear. Life is much more important than all these other things.
93. 不要担心吃什么喝什么,或者穿什么衣服。生命比所有这些其他事情重要得多。
94. In Life all things exist; your Father in Heaven is the Good Provider; He provides for all His creatures, and you are much more — you are His children and you are my disciples.
94. 在生命中万物得以存在,你天堂中的圣父是美好的提供者,他为所有他的创造进行提供,你们值得更多 —— 你们是他的孩子,你们是我的弟子。
95. All things grow because of Him who created All, because He exists in All He created.
95. 万物因创造万物的他而成长,因为他存在于他创造的万物中。
96. God is not separate and apart from His Creation. He exists in His Creation, and His Creation exists in Him. If God did not exist in you, you could not be alive, because there is no Life apart from God; and if you did not exist in God, He could not be Infinite.
96. 神没有与他的创造分离。他存在于他的创造之中,他的创造存在于他之中。如果神没有存在于你内在,你就不会活着,因为没有神就没有生命;如果你不存在于神之中,他就不可能是无限的。
97. Your Father knows all the things that are necessary for you, and all these things shall be given unto you.
97. 你的圣父知道所有你需要的东西,所有这些东西都会给你。
98. Firstly seek the Kingdom of God, the Source of all things, and everything shall be yours.
98. 首先要寻求神的国度,万物的源头,然后一切都会是你的。
99. The only condition is a pure heart, and the ability to receive.
99. 唯一所需的条件就是一颗纯洁的心,以及接收的能力。
100. When you examine these words of mine you will see the mighty Truth that is in them.
100. 当你认真阅读我的话时,你就会发现它们中的伟大真理。
101. Thus the simple and wise are caught up in the stream of the Father’s Love and become channels for the expression of all that He has: “What is Mine is Thine and what is Thine is Mine.”
101. 因此,单纯而睿智的人便沉浸在圣父的爱之洪流中,成为他表达一切的渠道,他说:“我的就是你的,你的就是我的。”
102. Remember I am always with you and know that though you have not been aware of it you have helped greatly towards it.
102. 记住,我永远与你们同在,尽管知道你们还没有意识到这一点,但是你们已经在朝向这一点的成长上提供了巨大的帮助。
103. It was for this that I have come among you; I have drawn you together; I have brought you into my Presence, I have linked you up with the great Spiritual Forces that surround you, and the Protection of my Father is about you.
103. 为此我来到你们中间,我把你们聚集到一起,我已经把你带到我的临在之中,我已经把你与围绕着你的巨大灵性力量连结了起来,我圣父的保护就在你身边。
104. The brother whom I have overshadowed, his consciousness has been increased in value; and you will find that his work in future will be even greater than it has been in the past.
104. 被我笼罩的这位兄弟,他的意识提升很大,你们会发现他将来的工作要比过去的更加伟大。
105. I am always present with you; do not think that I am leaving you now and going afar from you, think of me as everpresent in your midst.
105. 我永远与你们同在,不要认为我现在离开了你们,与你们相距甚远;而是把我想成永远存在于你们中间。
Now we will enter into the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.
Just look towards me.
I thank Thee, Father — now I ascend to Thee.
我感谢你,圣父 —— 现在我回归至你。
(The Scribe’s Remarks: A bright light was visible, while music and bells were heard, as the Master took His departure from the Brother. This light filled the whole hall and a tremendous power was felt. All passed out of the auditorium and not a word was spoken. A truly wonderful demonstration of the fact that the Master is still with us.)