It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of an ultra powerful energetic alignment on May 1st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the new golden age.
Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can share the news about this activation on other social media. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube, Bitchute or Odysee.
让它广为周知!把这则信息分享到全世界!分享到你的网站和博客上。邀请灵性团体加入我们。如果你认识其他的自媒体,你也可以把这则信息分享给他们。你可以在你所在的区域为这次冥想创建一个Facebook活动专页,我们也需要为这次冥想创建一个主要的Facebook活动页面。你可以在其他社交媒体平台分享有关这次门户开启的信息。你也可以为此活动创建一个视频,并发布在Youtube, Bitchute 或Odysee上。
Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the new golden age closer to us:
This activation comes at the moment of the completion of a very powerful cycle. This moment demarcates the point when the energy from the Galactic center will begin to flow towards the surface of this planet with full force, as the time is running out. If we manage to gather 144,000 volunteers doing this activation, the energy from the Galactic center will be anchored on the surface of the planet in a balanced way. This will ensure the fastest and most harmonious transition for this planet and will actually create an energetic upgrade for the whole planet. If the critical mass is not reached, the ultra powerful energies from the Galactic center will reach the surface of the planet anyway, but this will then manifest in a much more chaotic and disharmonious way.
We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.

This is the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now!
The wave of the Portal of Light will begin to be felt already on March 23rd, when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time after more than 200 years, will reach its peak intensity on May 1st when Pluto turns retrograde, and will then slowly phase out until June 11th when Pluto exits Aquarius again:
At the moment of the activation of the Portal of Light on May 1st, Pluto will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes Aquarius, which is almost exactly the position of great Jupiter Saturn conjunction which marked our final part of the Age of Aquarius activation:
Therefore the Portal of Light activation will bring the energies of the Age of Aquarius to the next level.
Also at the moment of the activation, Pluto will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades) at 0 degrees 18 minutes Gemini, and M87 galaxy (a major galaxy in the Virgo cluster, as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe) at 1 degrees 14 minutes Libra. This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will allow the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely. The flash of cosmic love energies will originate from the M87 galaxy in Virgo supercluster and it will be much more powerful than the flash which reached the Earth from M87 during the AION portal activation:
It will also be more powerful than the flash which happened during the final Age of Aquarius activation.
This grand trine will be active for the whole period Pluto is in Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. Pluto in Aquarius will signify a focused effort of positive extraterrestrial races towards the First Contact, and Pleiadians will have a very active role in this.
We will be doing our Portal of Light meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity. It will be at 10:06 am PDT on May 1stin Los Angeles. This equals 11:06 am MDT in Denver, 12:06 pm CDT in Chicago, 1:06 pm EDT in Newy York, 6:06 pm BST in London, 7:06 pm CEDT in Paris, 8:06 pm EET in Cairo, 1:06 am CST on May 2nd in Taipei and Beijing, 2:06 am JST on May 2nd in Tokyo and 3:06 am AEST on May 2nd in Sydney.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
1. 用自己的技巧把自己带到一个放松的意识状态。
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool that will help opening the Portal of Light.
2. 用坚定的意念宣告,要用这次的冥想,帮助开启圣光门户。
3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.
3. 呼请来自其主要源头的紫罗兰火焰,在你的周围放置一个保护圈,在冥想期间和冥想之后保护自己。呼请紫罗兰火焰转化一切不服务于圣光的人事物。
4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, flowing also through the Central Sun of the M87 Galaxy. Then visualize this light activating the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.
4. 观想宇宙中央太阳发射出一道洁白明亮的圣光,观想圣光穿越这个宇宙所有星系的中央太阳,也流经进入M87星系的中央太阳。然后观想这道圣光激活了银河中央太阳,进入我们的银河系,然后进入我们的太阳系,穿越我们太阳系内所有的光之存有,穿越地球上所有的众生,穿越你的身体,进入地球的中心。
5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, ending all wars, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a grand spiritual awakening of humanity and contact with positive extraterrestrial races. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.
5. 观想这道圣光转化地球上所有残存的黑暗,疗愈所有的不平等,终结所有的战争,消除所有的贫困,并给全人类带来富足丰盛。观想全人类伟大的灵性觉醒,并与正面外星种族建立接触。观想一个全新的伟大宇宙周期水瓶座时代的开启,为地球上所有众生带来纯净的圣光、大爱和幸福。
Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.
Updates about the Portal of Light: