迪瓦尔·库尔 | 弟子之路

Every single unit of the human family who achieves success upon the Path of Discipleship may be, in himself, relatively of small importance. But the massed units are of tremendous potency. I tell you at this time for your cheering and encouragement that the numbers of the disciples in the world are greatly increasing. Suffering and trouble, apprehension and the processes whereby detachment and dispassion are enforced, are doing their needed work. Here and there throughout the world, in every nation and practically every week, men and women are stepping off the Path of Probation on to the Path of Discipleship. In this lies the hope of the world today. In this fact is to be found the greatly increased activity of the Masters.


This event, or this transition, never takes place before the first fine strand of energy (like the first steel cable on a physical bridge) has anchored itself on the further shore; thus a delicate and (at first) almost nebulous channel of communication is established between the higher nature and the lower, between the world of the soul and the worlds of human affairs. Each month, at the time of the full moon, the Masters are intensifying Their efforts, and men and women are being prepared for the process of Initiation with as much rapidity as is safely possible. Remember that understanding must always parallel the intellectual grasp of a subject, and it is this that holds back some disciples from this great step forward.


In the performance of the next duty, in the establishing of the dedicated life tendency towards reality, in the dispelling of illusion, and in the performance of service with love and understanding, – thus is this work carried forward. Is this effort beyond the reach of any of us? Or are its implications beyond our comprehension? I do not think so.


来源: Esoteric Psychology II