


There is an increasing emphasis being given in the West by esotericists to the Full Moon of May, which is the Festival of the Buddha and is held at the time when He makes His annual contact with humanity.


This emphasis, which will continue to increase for years to come, has not been brought about in order to impose recognition of the Buddha upon the Occident. There have been two main reasons why, since 1900, this effort has been made. 


One was the desire on the part of the Hierarchy to bring to the attention of the public the fact of the two Avatars, the Buddha and the Christ, both upon the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, Who were the first of our humanity to come forth as human-divine Avatars and to embody in Themselves certain cosmic Principles and give them form. The Buddha embodied the Principle of Light, and because of this illumination, humanity was enabled to recognize Christ, Who embodied the still greater Principle of Love. The point to be borne in mind is that light is substance, and the Buddha demonstrated the consummation of substance-matter as the medium of Light, hence His title of the “Illumined One.” Christ embodied the underlying energy of Consciousness. The one demonstrated the height of the attainment of the third divine aspect; the other that of the second aspect, and these two together present one perfect Whole. 


The second reason was to initiate, as I have earlier said, the theme of the new world religion. This theme will eventually underlie all religious observances, color all approaches to the divine center of spiritual life, give the clue to all healing processes, and – using light scientifically – govern all techniques for bringing about conscious unity and relationship between a man and his soul, and between humanity and the Hierarchy of Masters.


The first objective has been definitely reached. Today, at the Full Moon of May, many millions everywhere will be turning their thoughts towards the Buddha, seeking to come under His influence and blessing and that of the Hierarchy at His annual, though brief, return to bless humanity. This recognition will grow until the time in the not too distant future when His term of service will be over and He will return no more, because the coming Avatar will take His place in the minds and thoughts of the peoples of the world. His task of reminding aspirants continuously of the possibility of illumination, and His work of keeping a channel open for the light to irradiate men’s minds by piercing annually through light substance to the Earth is nearly completed, the time has nearly come when “in that light we shall see Light.”


Source: The Externalization of the Hierarchy