秘法疗愈 – 法则 I

All disease is the result of inhibited soul life. This is true of all forms in all kingdoms. The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul so that its life can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute any particular form.
This law indicates that, owing to the fact that the threefold lower man is not under control of his soul, disease can destroy him. Because the free flow of the energy pouring from the soul is inhibited and limited, disease can find place in the physical body. The physical organism is correctly supplied with the creative regenerating energy of the true man, the soul on its own plane. Where there is complete unobstructed inflow from the soul to the seven vitalizing centers, you have the perfect health which the initiate of the fourth degree demonstrates, unless some disciplinary, experimental or initiating karma is being tried out in his case. However, as a general rule apart from these or planetary conditions, an initiate of high degree needs no healer; there is nothing in him requiring healing.
Source: Esoteric Healing, 迪瓦尔·库尔