The whole object of the science of meditation is […] to enable a human being to become in outer manifestation what he is in inner reality, and to make him identify himself with his soul aspect and not simply his lower characteristics. It is a quick process for the unfolding of the reasoning consciousness, but in this instance must be self-applied and self-initiated. Through meditation, the mind is used as an instrument for observing the eternal states, and becomes in time an instrument for illumination, and through it the soul or Self transmits knowledge to the physical brain.
To train people to work in mental matter is to train them to create; to teach people to know the nature of the soul is to put them in conscious touch with the subjective side of manifestation and to put into their hands the power to work with soul-energy; to enable people to unfold the potencies of the soul aspect is to put them en rapport with the forces and energies hidden in all the kingdoms of Nature.
A human unit can then – as his soul contact and his subjective perception is strengthened and developed – become a conscious creator, cooperating with the plans of evolution and of God. As he passes through the different stages, his ability so to work and his capacity to get at the thought lying behind all symbols and forms increases. He is no longer taken in by the appearance but knows it as the illusory form which is veiling, imprisoning and confining some thought.
这样,一个人就可以 —— 随着他与灵魂的接触,他对灵魂的感知得以加强和发展 —— 成为一个有意识的创造者,与神圣计划和神一同合作。当他经历不同的阶段时,他的工作能力、以及他看到所有符号和表相背后真正想法的能力都会增加。他不再被外表所吸引,而是把外在看作一种幻相,它遮掩、禁锢并且限制了某些思想。
Source: From Intellect to Intuition;作者:迪瓦尔·库尔
Source Text: https://www.lucistrust.org/online_books/from_intellect_intuition
When you look upon evil as something that is overwhelming and real, then by your own consciousness you give it a power it does not possess.
Source: Divine Healing of Mind & Body, 作者:Murdo MacDonald-Bayne