When will the criminals be arrested?

When will the arrests of the criminals who terrorize mankind finally begin? Why is there no visible action yet from the white hats in the military? Why is everything taking so long?
It is important to understand the nature of the current war, lest we suffer from unnecessary frustration and disappointment. First of all: arresting a few public puppets is useless. It’s like locking up a low level drug-dealer, while leaving the ringleaders untouched. Guys like Gates and Fauci can easily be replaced by the cabal, if they were to be jailed. It is more effective to let them display their evil to the whole world, so a much greater deliverance can be accomplished in the long run.
I have reason to believe there is indeed a large scale white hat military intelligence operation going on, to uproot the entire worldwide system of institutionalized corruption. The goal is to eliminate this evil once and for all. This is however warfare on a level none of us can understand. There is no way this can be done quickly. We need to be brave, patient, and do our part.
A military officer recently told me something that can help us:
“Most people don’t understand military operations. They have no patience and want everything to happen right away. They don’t know what it is to fight, keep fighting, never give up, adapt your strategy to changing circumstances, and continually push ahead until the victory is achieved.”
That hit me, because it is so true. We really need to grow our character and shift from being lazy consumers who demand quick gratification, to becoming mature adults who understand that humanity is undergoing its greatest transformation of all time. We are living in truly historic days.
Let the Good People Arise
The major reason this evil can exist in the first place, is because the good people have allowed it to run rampant and unchecked for so long.
A critical aspect in defeating this international web of darkness, is making sure that the good people all over the world wake up to what is going on, and take positions in society (in education, health care, law enforcement, religion, politics, finance, etc.) where they will say “NO!” to evil. That’s a process of informing and activating innumerable people, which requires patience and persistence.
打败这个全球黑暗网络的一个关键方面是确保全世界的好人意识到正在发生的事情,并在社会中占据一席之地(在教育、医疗保健、执法、宗教、政治、金融等)他们会对邪恶说“不!” 。这是一个告知和激活无数人的过程,需要耐心和坚持。
What good is it, if some low level crooks are executed, while all of humanity remains unchanged, and would right away follow along with the next criminal scheme?
We are facing both an exposing of evil, and a transformation of humanity. When we all learn our own lessons from this, and change deep within, can there be a better world.
A new world cannot emerge if we all remain unchanged. That’s what caused all this evil in the first place. The call is not just to get rid of the wicked. The greater and more important call is to awaken and activate the good people. If the good guys reign, there is nothing the wicked can do.
The main reason the wicked are doing what they are doing, is because the righteous are not doing what they should be doing.

Why The Light Will Overcome
Because in every crisis, we need a solid foundation for our hope that things will be better, I will give you a significant key to unlock vision for a better world.
There is a basic universal principle that light is greater than darkness, truth is more powerful than deception, love overcomes hate, and good prevails over evil.
Think about this: the incredibly powerful and beautiful Creator made this earth, with all its dazzling wonders. Magnificent flowers, splendid butterflies, lush grass, vast forests, majestic mountains and everything that lives in it. Wonders galore!
The evil entities did not create this splendor. All they can do is destroy it.
So who is stronger? He who can create the most majestic wonders? Or those that can’t even imitate a single living cell, and all they know is how to destroy creation? If you know the answer to that, you also know who will be victorious in this war.
Don’t give up! Keep your vision clear for a future without these wicked monsters. Believe with all your heart that we are not destined to be slaves of satanic rulers. They are destined for destruction.
The earth was not created so it could be ruled by evil. Evil is here because the good guys have been allowing it.
There is a worldwide clarion call for the good people to take a stand, occupy the seats of authority and influence in the land, and become righteous rulers who deliver humanity from these psychopaths.
Again: if the good guys do what they are called to do, there is nothing the bad guys can do. It’s as simple as that. But they tricked us in being lazy, self centered consumers of their perverted products and services, giving them all the power, while poisoning us with their toxins. The tide is turning, if we hear the call, and do what it takes.
You were born to be a dragon slayer, not a dragon worshipper.