Venezuela is not the only country with a Goddess. Also the other South American countries have their own Goddess as well as the countries of Central America like Belize, Panama or Costa Rica.
Especially in the jungle region of this part of the world there are a lot of incarnated Goddesses/Priestesses who get physically oppressed or abused, for example by soldiers who gets often occupied by negative beings (Demons).
From an energetic point of view, the Patriarchate, in one way or another, is always linked to the Devil, who is indeed an actually existing being created by the Archons to subjugate the Goddess Energy on the planet. This is also the reason why Dark Groups who worship this entity are always anxious to oppress the Goddess as well as Sexuality – like the Black Nobility through Jesuits through the Vatican/Church, which are very strongly represented in South America.
从能量的角度来看,父权制度总是以这样或那样的方式与魔鬼(Devil)联系在一起,魔鬼实际上是执政官们为了压制地球上的女神能量而创造出来的存有。这也是为什么崇拜这个存有的黑暗团体总是乐于压迫女神和性能量 —就像黑色贵族通过耶稣会,耶稣会通过梵蒂冈/教堂来压迫女神和性能量一样,这些在南美地区有很强的体现。

Goddess Vortices are Key!
The Devil is also constantly re-produced by the Archons, which is why it’s so difficult for the Light Forces to take him out of the game, as well as his demonic henchmen on the energetic plains.
Therefore it is advisable to clean all of South America as well as Central America energetically, using the usual tools: Light Column, White Fire of AN.
Lightwarriors, who feel guided to do such meditations, should not forget to protect themselves energetically before starting!
Some Starseeds on Earth are also struggling with the fact that sleep during the night does not seem to offer them any rest at the moment.
The Archons are also responsible for this. Through the grid and the Fall of Atlantis, they managed to put the majority of people to sleep at the same time, depending on the continent. They send special entities to seek out sleeping Starseeds and tap their life energy unnoticed on the higher plains during the night – this has been going on for millennia.
执政官也要对此负责。通过矩阵和亚特兰蒂斯的沉没,根据所在的大陆板块他们可以设法让大多数人同时入睡。他们会派遣特殊的实体去寻找沉睡的星际种子,在夜晚的时候,在更高的层面不被注意地摄取他们的生命能量 — 这已经持续了数千年之久。
In order to counteract this, the Light Forces highly recommend to use a Light Protection Ball or Mirror Sphere with additionally installed, outwardly protruding sword tips or spikes when going to bed, so that these energy parasites can no longer approach one.

These technique looks like a rolled up hedgehog, or a combination of Testudo Formation and Phalanx, but is extremely effective.

In addition, you can also visualize a fire ring consisting of the White Fire of AN around your bed.
Remember, what happens on the energetic plains determines what happens on the physical plain!
With all the political turmoil taking place in the physical world right now, one look at the energetic plains is enough to get some clarity: 2 Eagle Heads, one over London, Red, looking west, a second over US East Coast, Black, looking east, both staring at each other … both connected, both not positive.
现在物质层面的世界发生着政治动荡,只要看一眼能量层面就足以了解状况了:两个鹰头,一个在伦敦上空,红色,望向西方,第二个在美国东海岸上空,黑色的,望向东方,双方都互相盯着对方……双方有关联,双方都不属于正面势力 。
Black Nobility > Luciferian Cabal Fraction
黑色贵族 > 路西法阴谋集团派系
… but there are also (strong) Positive Groups at the table (US … Q = Starseed)
……但是现在也有(强大的)正面团体与他们抗衡(在美国 ……匿名者Q=星际种子)