SYSTEM SHUTDOWN (15.03.2020)

First of all, there is no reason to panic about COVID-19, not more than about a conventional flu. The virus was successfully contained by the Light Forces weeks ago. What we are seeing here is probably the largest orchestrated global media (fear) campaign the Cabal has ever conducted.
The only problem is this fear, which is pumped into the minds of the people and especially into the Ley Lines of planet Earth. Therefore, the highest doctrine at present is: do not panic, stay calm!

According to the LFs, the situation is as follows:
As mentioned in posts before, the Dark Ones know that the game is over and that
the Light will strike the surface – which means the end of their dominion.
在前几次的更新中提到,黑暗势力知道现在游戏已经结束了,圣光会击中地表世界 — 这意味着他们统治的终结。
We are experiencing the retreat of the Dark Ones from the surface below the
surface, where they want to entrench themselves in order to escape the Light.
The network of the Cabal is gigantic and they have infiltrated all areas:
politics, finance, economics, science, military, healthcare, entertainment,
sports … list is endless.
People in such high positions of power can’t withdraw all at once just like
that … that needs a really, really good reason … like a global
pandemic … in combination with a total economic collapse.
It is interesting to see how many reports are just coming in from politicians,
high-ranking military, nobles, celebrities etc., which seem to have fallen ill
with CV or are going into self-quarantine because of it:
According to the LFs we see here the retreat of the Cabal into prepared
underground facilities, where they want to hold out the Event, COVID-19 is only
a pretext.

Of course they do not want to leave the field just like that. They are currently causing a complete shutdown of the system and forcing humanity into quarantine and social isolation, which is to be enforced by military force if necessary, which is why many countries have issued holiday bans for police/army and have activated their National Guards/Civil Defence Forces.
This lockdown is also visible on the energetic levels, where parts of the
planet are covered with a black energetic shell … this is to prevent
the contact of the surface population with positive extra-terrestrial beings …
but this is taken care of.
According to the LFs, this is the situation… but at the same time they try to
calm down, there is no reason to panic, apparently things are going according
to plan.
I can’t tell you exactly what’s gonna happen or how long it’s gonna take. The
LFs just keep insisting that it is important to stay calm now, it is also good
to stock up some supplies, keep in touch with your Starseeds comrades via internet,
social media, do your meditations, but most important: stay calm – all the
seemingly chaos is part of the ascension process (and besides, the sky has not
been as chemtrail-free as it is now for a long time)!
我无法准确地告诉你接下来要发生的事情,或者是这会需要多长时间。光明势力坚定地告诉我们,现在最重要的就是保持镇静。囤积一些生活用品也是好的,同时要通过互联网、社交媒体与你的星际种子战友们保持联络,冥想也很重要。但是最重要的就是:保持冷静 — 所有一些看起来都混乱都是扬升过程的一部分(除此之外,天空也很长时间没有像现在这样没有化学尾迹了!)
