TREE OF LIFE: ANKH: Egyptian Hieroglyph For Life
生命之树:安卡 – 埃及的象形文字
The Tree Of Life in Egypt has the Circle of Spirit above the Cross of Matter or Earth: This forms the sacred ANKH.
In Arabic, the Tree Of Life based on 10 Spheres or Planetary Energies is called The Qaballah which literally means “The Cube Of God”. Qaba is Cube and Allah is God. Literally the Container of Creation.
Billions of followers ritually circumambulate or walk around a giant black Cube in Mecca.
The centre of this Map of Consciousness is the Sun or Tiphareth.Each planet or Sphere has a Number, so the Sun is called No. 6 and its Magic Square of 6×6 has its sums of columns, rows and diagonals summing to 111 or Harmonic 111.

This Sun Code is the centrepoint of the Egyptian Ankh, where the Circle of Spirit meets the Cross of Earth. It is symbolically the point known as the Higher Heart, a place of communion where the human evolution meets and greets the celestial abodes.
The Ankh was used in ancient Egyptian occult ceremonies and rites. As a Hieroglyph it was the symbol for Life. Later, it came to represent the bringer of good fortune and the celebration of life.
For this reason, the Ankh today has become the symbol of Eternal Life.