
Flower of life is the creation pattern of everything in existence. It is a form a sacred geometry that depicts the basic forms of time and space. Sacred geometry refers to the geometric patterns and laws that create everything in the universe. Flower of Life symbol is a visual representation of the interconnectedness of life and all beings.


Flower of Life is a very ancient totem has infinite energy, the perfect symbol of the universe, the proportion of the most original shape and vibration (frequency). It is to create a blueprint for life and constitutes a symbol of the universe. One kind of all-encompassing geometric symbols, the origin of All That is a purely spiritual sense of the flame, the source is located in the depths of the Earth gave birth to the human level of consciousness was able to rely on its existence. Represents the life cycle (from the tree of life to flower and bear fruit, seeds, tree) Everything in the universe of love in perfect order. It is believed to be a sort of blueprint for all life, with the fundamental patterns for everything from atoms to planets and everything in between.


The meaning behind the Flower of Life symbol is that it is believed to represent the cycle of creation. It depicts how all life comes from one singular source – represented by the circle in the middle of the pattern. It is a secret symbol hidden within the Flower of Life symbol, which is said to hold the most significant and sacred patterns of the universe. It is believed to be a sort of blueprint for all life, with the fundamental patterns for everything from atoms to planets and everything in between. Certain variations of the Flower of Life hold different meaning and significance. The Seed of Life is formed with seven overlapping circles that create a more singular flower design. To some, this symbolizes the 7 days of creation during which God created life.


The Egg of Life is also formed from seven circles, which only just overlap each other. The shape made is said to be similar to that of a multi-cellular embryo in its early stages.


The Fruit of Life consists of thirteen circles selected from the classic Flower of Life symbol. This shape is said to be a basic design of the universe and holds the geometric foundation for Metatron’s Cube.


Metatron’s Cube illustrates the five platonic solids, which are the believed to be structures that act as a foundation for all organic life. These five structures are the star tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron, which are found in life forms, minerals, music, sound, and language. Metatron’s Cube is also considered a holy symbol which can be used as protection from evil.


Spiritually, the Flower of Life represents the blueprint of creation and our connection to Spirit, Mother Earth, and all living beings across all time. Meditating on the flower of life is considered as one of the most profound forms to achieve enlightenment and understand the deeper spiritual meaning in life. You may want to add this meditation to your daily practice.
