圣哲曼 | 生命法则:抉择的时间

Always before there has been great, almost limitless time in which the student could wander about making his decision—whether he wished to act in the Light or wander on in ignorance of Its Mighty Presence and Power. The Cosmic Cycles have turned, again, again, and again, until the time has come when the children of God must make their decision final—whom they will serve.

以前总是会给予几乎无限的时间以学生,让他们在自己的决定之间徘徊 — 他是想在圣光中行动,或者无视圣光的全然存在和力量。宇宙的周期一次又一次地循环着,神圣之子做出最终抉择的时间已经到来:他们要为谁服务。

Never in the history of the world has there been such opportunity or Assistance given to the children of earth to face the “Sunshine of God’s Eternal Light” and walk steadfastly and fearlessly into Its Radiant Splendor—free, forever free from all limitation—living in the Abundance of that Light enfolding them like a mantle of peace and rest.

在这个世界,历史上从未有过这样的机会和帮助,赋予地球上的孩子,让他们可以去迎接“神圣的永恒圣光”,并且坚定而无畏地走进其光芒之中 — 那里充满自由,永远没有任何限制 — 在丰盛的圣光中生活,如同用披风包裹起来那般静谧与祥和,

Excerpt by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 17, The “I AM” Discourses, Volume 3​
