When you ask for My Heart’s Flame to charge into a condition whatever I know consumes it, you’ll give Me an Opportunity to release more Power around you. And every time I do that, more of My Heart Flame will come within you and become One with your own Heart’s Flame. As It expands to fill the outer self, We will hold you at Peace in the midst of outer world conditions, if you will only let Our Sacred Fire Love come in and fill you with Our Mastery. Every Wave of Love We send is Master over everything within you and through you and around you if you will let It come through.
I COMMAND my feelings to accept the Sevenfold Flame of Mighty Hercules’ Love! and I command them, as they go forth, to carry all the Qualities of His Love into everything I do!
I give conscious recognition to Mighty Hercules’ Sevenfold Flame of Herculean Cosmic Christ Love, which stands around me ready to qualify everything that goes forth from me with Perfection!
I DEMAND the Herculean Strength of the Light of the Seven Mighty Elohim, come into my feeling world and that of all mankind, to hold Invincible Illumination in and around me, to become a Powerful Protective Presence!
Instruction by Beloved Elohim Hercules Volume 14
Decrees from “I AM” Decree Book 5, pages 179-197: www.saintgermainpress.com
I DEMAND the Violet Flame Love and Victorious Power of the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim, move into outer world conditions, and do that for which I call!
I DEMAND the Violet Flame Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim, overcome all power to produce war! Withdraw from individuals who will not serve the Light their opportunities, their energy, and their capacity to any longer sustain destruction!
“I AM” the Violet Flame Heart of the Seven Mighty Elohim, descending in the Glory of Its Love around me, keeping me within It, and making me know Its Power of Mastery and the Victorious Command which It is to Life!
Clothe me in the Violet Flame Heart of the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim! I command It release into, through, and for me Its Boundless Gifts, Its Authority, Its Freedom, Its Joy, and Its ever-expanding Command to Life to build Perfection and bring Happiness and Peace to the Earth!
Decrees 2, 4, 129, and 46 “I AM” Decree Book 5, “I AM” Seven Mighty Elohim Decrees
Now, everyone along the path has to come to the point, sometime, where each one feels through the sensing that a thing is right or wrong, even before the intellect knows why. …
Now, most teaching in the physical world begins with the intellect, because the intellect has been the usurper of the God Authority of Love all through the ages.…But not until the intellect is illumined by that Unfed Flame in the Heart does it positively know, in an instant, that which is the Master Power and Master Control of conditions in this world by the Sacred Fire, because it is the Strength of the Sacred Fire’s Love in the feeling of the individual that is the Power to protect the energy of the outer self against that which is not the Fulfillment of the Great Divine Design. Therefore, people are creatures of feeling before they are able to think. And one day you must learn to think in your Heart.
That is why all through the years there has been the statement, “As a man thinketh in his Heart, so is he,” because in the feeling in the Unfed Flame is a knowing of Eternity.
Excerpts by Beloved Mary,December 2022, pages 5-6, The Voice of the “I AM” magazine
Our Life Streams have placed a Flame of Our Love in your foreheads. Therefore, the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim is definitely for your use, and is definitely located within the physical structure of your flesh bodies. It is My whole Protection around your own Life Stream, Our own Hearts’ Flame, and also gives to you Our Protecting Love to enfold whatever your “Presence” wants to do through you in the Protection that gives you Our Victory, the Victory of your “Mighty I AM Presence.” …
Now mankind does not understand who the Seven Mighty Elohim are, and what Power of Love We wield to control all manifestation. That is why We are called the Seven Powers around the Throne, the Seven Builders around the Throne, because We are definitely concerned with the Control of Manifestation in this physical world; and We concern Ourselves with it, first of all, within your own physical bodies, within your own minds, within your feeling, and then within your atmosphere, then into the conditions that you have to handle in the physical world.
So if you want more help in the outer world to bring to you the conditions that fulfill the Divine Plan and enable you to do something constructive to help others, please give Us the Opening to pour into you, first, Our own Hearts’ Love, the Sacred Fire Love of the Seven Mighty Elohim that builds and builds and builds and will always build Perfection in you, through you, around you, and anywhere you call It into outer activity.
I send You my love, gratitude, and blessings! I ask You to pour forth Your Sacred Fire’s Outpouring, Your Love, Your Illumination, and Your Revealment of what is the next thing I need to do which is for my greatest good!
Excerpt by Beloved Elohim Hercules, Volume 14
Decree 68, “I AM” Decree Book Five, page 173