I say to you who have been out of employment, who have not had the conditions you would like: Stand alone in your room; raise your hands to your “Mighty I AM Presence”; and say with firmness, which you will be assisted to feel: “No longer do I accept one single thing of the limitations or conditions of Earth! ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ take command of this mind and body! Compel the outer into obedience and sustain it! Stand guard over it, and see that no longer does the outer self feel discord and inharmony.”
Then to the best of your ability hold your self-control as you meet conditions in the outer world, and you will see how quickly you will find it perfectly easy to maintain Harmony in the face of whatever conditions you are required to meet.
Instruction by Beloved Mighty Victory, Volume 9, Discourse I

Law of Life
The need of everyone is to keep reminding the outer consciousness that when one says:
“‘I AM’ this or ‘I AM’ that,” he is setting God in Action, which is his Life individualized, the Life of the Universe, the Energy of the Universe, the Intelligence at the Heart of the Universe governing all. It is necessary, it is vital, to keep the outer reminded of this fact…
The student must become firmly aware that he or she is the Conscious Controlling Power in his Life, in his world, and that he can fill it with any quality that is needed or that he may choose.
Excerpt from Discourse 11 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3

You remember this Messenger has reminded you often to cultivate a Perfect, Good, Divine “Forgettery.” That is very essential, and when something wants to reach your consciousness which you do not wish to think about, which you know is wrong and you do not wish to allow to have any of your attention, use what one of the Great Ones told you the other night.
The moment any thought or feeling comes to you which does not produce Perfection, simply say to that: “In the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ No! You shall not have entrance here! Be thou dissolved and consumed by the Cosmic Violet Flame and replaced forever by Mercury’s All-Knowing, Dazzling, Fathomless, Diamond-Shining Mind of God!”
Excerpt by Beloved Mercury from March 1973, The Voice of the “I AM” magazine:
Law of Life
There are a great many students, when they come to a certain point of understanding—where all the results of their activity are revealed to them and they look upon the many mistakes that have been made which must be corrected—become despondent, critical, and condemnatory to themselves and God. This is a great mistake again. Everything that is revealed to them in which they find they have been making a mistake should make them rejoice exceedingly— that the things are revealed which need correcting. …
有很多学生,当他们到达某个理解程度时 —— 当他们所有活动的结果都揭示给他们时,他们看到了很多必须纠正的错误 —— 他们就会变得沮丧、批判、谴责自己和神灵。这又是一个重大的错误。所有向他们揭示的一切,让他们发现自己在其中犯了错误的这件事,本应该让他们非常开心 —— 因为是那些需要被纠正的事情给揭示了出来。
The Power of God’s Life which beats their hearts is absolute proof that they have the Intelligence and Power of God within them by which they may dissolve and consume all the mistakes and discordant creation they have consciously or unconsciously drawn about them. They may say to this undesirable creation:
“‘I AM’ the Mighty Consuming Flame that now and forever consumes all past and present mistakes, their cause and effect, and all undesirable creation for which my outer is responsible.”
Excerpt from Discourse 4 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3:
Limitation, is because you are giving power to something outside of yourself, when beating your Heart is the Intelligence of the Universe. AS LONG AS YOU DEPEND UPON SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF THIS PRESENCE, WHICH GIVES YOU LIFE, THEN YOU WILL REMAIN IN YOUR LIMITATIONS. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
You have lived in hundreds and thousands of embodiments, similar to these, and there has not been so much progress. We see and understand the pride of human intellect; but those people keep right on losing the bodies all the time one embodiment after another! If the intellect were the Knower and All-powerful, then it would be able to regulate and govern the energy of your body; and keep Eternal Youth in the body, but it does not do it. Why not? Because, until mankind understands the feeling world must be held Harmonious, in order to allow the Power of the Presence to flow thru into action and produce results, the people will not have Its Perfection. …
Say: “Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! take out of me every discordant feeling of every kind! Charge and fill my mind and body with Your Great Peace! Your Great Happiness! Your Great Strength! Hold Your Dominion over my feeling and let the Power of Your Glorious Presence flood forth and thru into my world; to harmonize, Perfect it. Take command and produce Your Perfection everywhere.”
Excerpts by Beloved Great Divine Director from Volume 8, Discourse XV
Unwelcome thoughts:
It is useless for the sincere Student to say, think, or feel that he cannot govern his thought and feeling. I assure you that at first it does take determined watchfulness; but it must be done, and there is no getting away from it. If strangers began to open the door and pass through one’s home unannounced and unwelcome, I am sure it would not be long until the individual locked the door and, if necessary, placed a notice outside that only those invited might enter, and none without being announced. The same principle can be applied in governing the mental world or world of thought. We can place the sign outside of the Magic Circle of our active Life, just as tangibly as we can place it on the outside of the door of our home.
The Student can say with full authority: “God! My Mighty ‘Presence, ‘ surround me with Thy Mighty Magic Circle, that naught unlike Thee may find entrance at any time. See that this is sustained without a break anywhere; and with Thy Invincible Power and Wisdom, enable me to govern and qualify eternally all thought and outer action with Thy Full Dominion. “
Warning-watch this:
My Heart yearns for the Illumination of the Student who keeps voicing day after day, week after week: “How am I to govern my thought? Why don’t these affairs come into shape as I want them to? Why doesn’t everything change about as it should?” Dear Student, let Me say this: Because in the first place, you have built it, created it in your world. In the second place, every time you say “why,” “when,” “where,” “how,” or “what,” you are giving power to the old outer momentum.
Stop! Look! Listen!: Use the motto that has come forth in your outer expression in the signs on your streets – “Stop! Look! Listen!” – every time you are tempted to make a negative statement, or admit things less than Perfection.
停!看!听!:请使用你们外在世界道路上的这个规则作为自己的座右铭 —— “停!看!听!”—— 每次当你想要做出负面的表达,或者承认不完美的事情存在时。
Discourse XXVI, Volume 4, Ascended Master Instruction