The “Mighty I AM Presence” is the Individualized Flame of Life from the Heart of the God Life of the Universe. It is the Imperishable, Eternal, Individual Identity of every human being. It is that part of each one that is the God Self which never misuses Life’s Energy, and never sends out anything but Perfection.
It is the Source of every constructive impulse, thought, and feeling in everyone, and never is limited in any way. It is the part of each Life Stream which supplies Energy to the physical body, and is the Source of all that is constructive in every experience in this physical world.
The “Mighty I AM Presence” of every human being is his or her own Individual Focus of all the God Power required, to conquer all that is not constructive. If the fullness of that Power is to come forth into the use of mankind, to protect individuals from wholesale destruction, they must know they have an Individualized “I AM Presence”; where It is; what It is; what they must do to release all the Power of Light needed to annihilate all that causes discord.
Law of Life
At this time I wish to convey the simple, all-powerful use of this Presence to you. All who have achieved the Mighty Victory and who have been able to raise their bodies as I did, or who raised them before, have used the conscious activity of that “Mighty, Eternal Presence —‘I AM.’”
此时,我想把这个简单而强大的临在使用方法传达给你。所有那些已经获得了全然胜利、像我一样提升了他们身体的人,就是那些已经扬升的人,他们都使用了“全能的永恒临在 —— 我是”的有意识活动。
When I said to My Disciples and to humanity: “The things that I have done shall ye do also, and even greater things shall ye do,” I knew whereof I spoke, knowing that within each individualization, or Child of God, there was this “Mighty I AM Presence.”
Excerpt from Discourse 19 by Beloved Jesus the Christ, The “I AM” Discourses, Volume 3
Law of Life
If each one, especially the students, could center themselves in the Presence of Divine Love and hold themselves there firmly, what wonderful experiences would come to them—if they would shut out the interference of the outer activity of the mind.
如果每个人,尤其是学生们,可以把自己的注意力集中在神圣之爱的临在上,并一直稳固地保持这种状态,那么他们可以获得非常美妙的体验 —— 若是他们可以把头脑的外在活动干扰排除在外的话。
For one to take the attitude that: “‘I AM’ the Presence of Divine Love at all times” would do such wonderful things. To use this Statement and feel it would at all times close the door to the outer activities of the mind.
The solution of every problem is always right at hand because the “I AM Presence” always holds everything within It.
A demand is the impelling of the solution into expression. “I AM” is the Intelligent, Active Principle within us, the Heart of our Beings, the Heart of the planet and the Heart of the system.
Excerpt from Discourse 26 by Beloved Saint Germain,The “I AM” Discourses, Volume 3
Law of Life

Each student must understand that his only concern is the harmonizing, quickening, and expansion of his own mind and world. The sooner students understand that the one imperative demand of the Great Law of their Being is harmony of the mind and feelings, the quicker will Perfection manifest. Without this being maintained, they cannot go beyond a certain state of progress.
As soon as the students realize this and begin to use the “I AM Presence,” commanding the harmony and silence of the outer activity, they will find that they can see, feel, and be the Perfection which they so much desire.
Excerpt from Discourse 13 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3
Law of Life
The student should always remember it is only by conscious effort that he can keep his mind at peace so this Inner Power may flow through unhampered to the accomplishment of his desire. …
The most important thing in any student’s Life is the Love and Adoration to his own “Mighty I AM Presence,” with patience to the extent that he becomes so anchored in his Mighty Presence that he is always fortified by It.
Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 21, Volume 3
Law of Life
You are the Master and have Dominion in your Life and over your world the moment you recognize that the Energy, Power and Intelligence which you are using is the “Mighty I AM Presence.” …
In the recognition of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” fully accept Its Perfection every hour of the day. This does not mean that you have to dwell on this by the hour, but you can at least assert once every hour of the waking state:
“I do accept the full Activity of my ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’” Each time you assert this, you are building Its Perfection more powerfully into your outer activity, for you are already using this energy, and why not acknowledge at all times Who and what It is you are using, thus giving It the Dominion It wishes to convey to you.
Excerpts from Beloved Saint Germain and Beloved Cha Ara, Discourse 25, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses
“However, you will be protected in every way and kept perfectly safe so long as you keep poised and free from anger, hate or fear. This is why I wish to give you certain definite Training along the line of Self-Protection. “
The most important and imperative thing for you to remember always is to fully accept and realize the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is ‘The Magic Presence and that It is focused in, through, and around you at all times. You have seen your Glorious God Self of Dazzling Light—the very Life of your own Being—while you were at the ranch, so there is no excuse for not accepting It completely.
你要永远地记住,最重要、最迫切的事情,就是完全接受并意识到“伟大的我是临在”是“神奇的临在”,并让它时时刻刻地专注于你、环绕着你、并通过你进行表达。当你还在牧场的时候,你已经看到了充满着耀眼光芒的荣耀的神之自我 —— 所以你没有理由不去完全地接受它。
“The outer activity of your mind is the bucking bronco. This you must bring under subjection and make it perfectly obedient to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence* in every way. For those who have not been privileged to see the God Self, there might be some excuse, although It is speaking constantly through the Heart to every human being that ever was born into this world; but after an individual has once seen his ‘Perfect Self,’ the Blazing God Light, there is no reason for ignoring that ‘Presence* afterwards.
“When Its Form and Light have once been recorded in the outer activity of the mind through the sight, the individual can at any instant recall that Picture consciously and at will, and again release that Power into all earthly problems.
“The sincere student can draw the Full Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence* into any condition, and so charge all things with Perfection. Thus he can live once again in the Father’s House—in the Glorious Freedom that was originally designed for him. This is the only predestination there is.
“真诚的学生在任何情况下,都可以汲取‘伟大的我是临在’的全部力量,从而让万物处于完美之中。这样他就可以再次居住在父神之住所中 —— 那是最初就为他设计的荣耀和自由。这是唯一的宿命。”
The Magic Presence, Chapter VII, The Mysterious Message
“What your attention is upon you become; where your attention is, there you are.” This is such a simple Statement, but yet it is the Key to the Powers of the Universe! Won’t you feel that today? I think it would be magnificent if you would put up a little slip in your room for every little thing that comes up—“Where my attention is, there ‘I AM.’ ” That means your Life is acting there; and “What my attention is upon, I become.” Then you will see the imperative need of keeping your attention upon the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the only place in the Universe where Perfection is or where It can come from! As you do that, it will make it so much easier for you to silence the feelings which start disturbance in your feeling world. …
“你的注意力在哪里,你就就会成为什么;你的注意力在哪里,你就在哪里。“这是一个如此简单的陈述,但却是宇宙力量的关键!你今天没有感觉到吗?我认为如果你可以在房间里为出现的每一件小事张贴一张纸条 —— “我的注意力在哪里,‘我是’就在哪里。”这意味着你的生命在那里行动;“我的注意力在哪里,我就会成为什么。”然后你就会看到把你的注意力一直放在“伟大的我是临在”之上的迫切必要,”伟大的我是临在“是宇宙中完美存在的唯一地方,也是完美起源之地!当你这样做时,它会让你更容易让那些扰乱你感觉世界中的感觉安静下来…
I plead with you, do not be concerned what another human being is doing! Just keep calling on the Law of Forgiveness for all mankind, pour forth Divine Love and Blessing to all, and call your “Mighty I AM Presence” to charge every one of mankind with the Qualities of Self-control and Power each needs, to cleanse and purify each individual’s world. Then go on serenely in cleansing and purifying your own world. Look neither right nor left to what somebody else is doing, but just rejoice that you are able to serve in the Harmony of your Life! That is the only thing which counts! As long as individuals allow themselves to be irritated and disturbed, they pour that forth instead of good and harmony which mankind require.
Excerpts by Beloved Victory, Volume 9, Discourse III
Law of Life
To Us this day always symbolizes the conscious beginning of that most marvelous of all achievements—the Ascension. The moment the individual becomes conscious of this fact, the process of his own Ascension has started, and according to the fullness of his grasp of this Truth, may the individual accomplish it quickly, or require time to do it.
My personal experience has been that when I became aware of what it meant and began the use of the “I AM Presence,” I found that shortly I was entirely unaware of time or place; and that each day, as I entered more fully into this expansion of consciousness, I found that all things of my desire were right within reach, mark you, right within my individual, governing power; and with it came the consciousness that Divine Love was the Mighty Cohesive Power holding all things together and in place—that this Divine Love within Me of which I had begun to learn made Me an Invincible Magnet for everything upon which My desire rested.
我的个人经历是,当我意识到扬升意味着什么,并开始使用“我是临在”时,我发现很快我 完全觉察不到时间和空间的存在;每一天,当我更全然地进入这种意识的拓展中时,我发现我所有的愿望都在自己触及的范围内,这标志着它们都处于我个人主宰的力量之中;在这种主宰的力量中我意识到,神圣之爱是将万物融合在一起、并让万物各司其职的伟大凝聚力量 —— 这种神圣之爱就在我之中,我开始学习它,这让我成为了战无不胜的磁铁,我所有的愿望都被吸引到我身边。
This simple Truth is one of the Mightiest that first comes to the student. At first It causes one to realize that really he can rise above these seeming limitations about him and then he finds, one by one, that he is actually doing it.
Then comes the Great Inrush and Outpouring of this Mighty Self Within, which holds the substance of everything the heart can wish within Its Own Embrace. And your ability and authority, mark you, to qualify and mold this substance, is that which causes it to take on the form of your requirement, whether it be peace, Love, gold or enlightenment.
Excerpt from Beloved Saint Germain, Discourse 25
Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses

The Chart of the “Mighty I AM Presence” is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each one’s own Individualized Presence of God.
The Ascended Masters have said, when you are in touch with the form of a thing, you are in touch with the presence of that thing, because the form contains the consciousness of its Creator. When we hold our attention upon that Chart, the Consciousness of our own “Mighty I AM Presence” pours through that form into us whatever we call forth at that time.
Remember again, the Great Divine Director said: “Your attention is your Power of Concentration! Your feeling is your Power of Qualification! Your mental picture is your Power of Visualization.” Then, whenever we contemplate that Chart, our very first obligation is to pour out our most intense Love to our “Blessed I AM Presence” which gives us and has always given us all good and nothing but good. We should offer everything we are and have into Its Heart, and call forth Its Limitless Light to flood us and all we do with Its Authority, Victory, Freedom, Protection, Perfection, Obedience, Divine Justice, and lavish Supply of every good thing- to compel Its Divine Plan to control unconditionally all we do each day.
Try to feel that just as the Wave of Light pouring out through the Heart of the Electronic Body (the Upper Figure in the Chart), travels on and on in Cosmic Blessing to the whole Universe through Its every Heartbeat, just so should every wave of energy from our physical Hearts carry only the Blessing of Light, Harmony, Joy, and Perfection into all physical activities of this world.
Every time one issues an Ascended Master “I AM” Decree, the Light from the Heart of the individual’s Electronic Body (the Upper Figure in the Chart) releases instantly, intensifying and expanding the Ray of Light which flows from the Heart of the “Presence” into the Heart of the flesh body (the lower figure).
Through the individual’s continued Application, greater and greater Pressure of Light- which means greater Perfection – is released by the “Mighty I AM Presence” into, through, and around the physical body….
通过一个人持续地去使用,越来越强的圣光压力 —— 意味着越来越多的完美 —— 通过“伟大我是临在”释放进入物质身体,并穿越环绕着它…
When one calls forth the greater Perfection of his own “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” to assist someone else, a Light Ray goes forth from his own Electronic Body and pours continually, until the Perfection he desires is expressed.
The Light Rays coming into the physical body expand the Perfection from within out. The Light Rays which go out from the Electronic Body to assist others, also condense a certain amount of Their Light Substance around the physical body to hold Perfection there also. That is why one cannot call forth the Power of Light from his own “I AM Presence” to help others, without producing a large portion of that same good in his own world.
These two Actions of Life and Light are always required to raise every human being into the greater Perfection of Life where he or she becomes the wholly Divine Being, the Ascended Master.