Law of Life

The students should at all times remember that no matter what their mistakes may have been, God never criticizes nor condemns them; but at every stumble which is made, in that sweet, loving Voice says: “Arise, My Child, and try again, and keep on trying, until at last you have attained the True Victory and Freedom of your God-given Dominion.”
Always when one has been conscious of having made a mistake, his first act should be to call on the Law of Forgiveness, and demand wisdom and strength not to make the same mistake a second time.
God, being all Love, must have Infinite Patience, and no matter how many mistakes one may have made, he can always once again, “Arise and go unto the Father.” Such is the Love and Freedom within which God’s children are privileged to act.
Excerpt by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 3, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses
Law of Life
For individuals to continually revolve in their minds and discussion a business or project that has disintegrated will surely in the end destroy themselves— if they do not face about, and through calling on the Law of Forgiveness find complete conscious release from the entire situation.
对于那些不断地在他们的脑海中重复和讨论一个已经瓦解的事业或者项目的个人来说,他们最终会毁灭自己 —— 如果他们不去面对,不通过呼请宽恕法则来从整体状况中找到完全的意识释放的话。
For an individual to hold an attitude of revenge for any seeming wrong, imaginary or otherwise, can only bring upon himself incapacity of mind and body. The old, yet wondrous Statement brought down to us through the ages: “Unless you are willing to forgive, how can you be forgiven,” is one of the Mightiest Laws for use in human experience. Oh that individuals and many students could only see how they hold to themselves the things they do not want by allowing the mind to revolve upon the discordant things which have passed and cannot be helped through the outer senses!
The greatest thing that all mankind is seeking in reality is Peace and Freedom, which is always the doorway to happiness. There is only one possible way to receive this, which is to know God—the “I AM Presence”—and that this Presence is the only acting Intelligence in your Life and world at all times. Then stand by this and live it.
全人类在现实生活中追求的最伟大的事情就是和平与自由,它们是通往幸福的途径。只有一种方法到达那里,那就是认识神 —— 也就是“我是临在”。我是临在是你生命和世界中唯一的行动智能。坚持这一点,并活出这一点。
Excerpt by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 9, Volume 3
We are asking you tonight to let go completely of any hard feelings because of mistakes or injury of the past. If something has gone wrong—as the Beloved Saint Germain told you, He said, “Oh, forgive it and forget it. It’s water under the bridge. Just let it go by.” Call the Violet Consuming Flame to go into it, and then turn to Life and to your “Mighty I AM Presence,” calling on the Law of Forgiveness, turning away from the mistake—behold what the “Presence” is offering you with which to correct the mistake.
今晚我们要求你们,完全放下过去出于任何过错或伤害而产生的痛苦情感。如果出了什么问题 —— 就像尊敬的圣哲曼告诉你的那样,他说,“噢,原谅它,忘记它。它是桥下的水。就让它流走吧。”呼请紫罗兰吞噬火焰进入它,然后转向生命,转向你的“伟大的我是临在”。呼请宽恕法则的运作,远离错误 —— 去领悟“临在”给你提供了什么来纠正错误。
In most cases, if you could let go completely of the thought and feeling of all wrong that someone might have done you and, just turning away from it, go deeper and deeper and deeper into the Heart of Love, that Cosmic Christ Love of your “Presence” and Our Octave—if you could, just amuse yourselves, as it were, looking deep within the Light and seeing the many Treasures that are there, and just forgetting that which has gone by, but asking the “Presence” to bring you what the Great Divine Plan wants you to have to go forward and build Its Magnificent Perfection where the mistakes have seemed to be.
在大多数情况下,如果你能完全放下别人可能伤害过你的所有想法和情感,只是转身离开,越来越深入地进入爱之内心,你“临在”的宇宙基督之爱和我们存在的领域 —— 如果你可以的话,就像是自娱自乐,往圣光的深处看,看到那里的很多宝藏,去忘记曾经发生过的,并请求“临在”给你带来伟大神圣计划为了让你前进想让你拥有的,继而在看上去错误的地方建立宏伟的完美。
Excerpt from Violet Flame Series 14, page 15
If something discordant happens:
I CALL on the Law of Forgiveness for that mistake! STRIKE Your Sword of Blue Flame into its cause! Annihilate it so it never touches any other part of life! “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence”! You give me something ten times better to take its place! and see I give the Obedience which makes me worthy of It, and make me use It to fulfill the Divine Plan forever!
“BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE”! I give this whole condition back to You! Purify it in the Violet Consuming Flame, and requalify it with Your Love! You blaze Your Flame in and around me with Power enough to correct this condition! Fill my world with the Miracles of Your Perfection, and make me the Immortal Love which is worthy of all Perfection forever!
Decree 76 + 77, page 25, “I AM” Decree Book 5