THIS Series of Books is dedicated in Deepest Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Ascended Masters, Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, the Great Divine Director, our Beloved Ascended Messenger Guy W. Ballard, The Great White Brotherhood, The Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, The Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, the Great Ascended Masters from Venus, the Great Cosmic Beings, the Great Angelic Host, the Great Cosmic Light, and those other Ascended Masters whose Loving Help has been direct and without limit.
我怀着最深切的永恒之爱、以及最深沉的感恩之心,把这一系列的书籍献给我们尊敬的扬升大师,圣哲曼、耶稣、娜达Nada、神圣的导师,以及我们伟大的扬升使者Guy W. Ballard,伟大的白色兄弟会、尊贵的提顿兄弟会、雪士达山兄弟会、来自金星的扬升大师、伟大的宇宙存有、伟大的天使存有、伟大的圣光,以及那些一直提供无限的爱之帮助的所有扬升大师们。
THE hour is at hand when the humanity of this Earth must give more recognition to the Activity of the Great Ascended Masters and Angelic Host who are constantly pouring out Their Transcendent Light and Assistance to mankind. There must come more conscious cooperation between the outer physical life of humanity and these Great Beings who are the Protectors and Teachers of the human beings in this world.
There is a Special Group of these Great Ones working at the present time with America to stabilize and protect Her. Among Them, the Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, Cha Ara, Lanto, Cyclopea, the Great Master from Venus, Arcturus, the Lords of the Flame from Venus, and one known as the Great Divine Director are working here very definitely by establishing Tremendous Pillars and Rays of Light in America. They are also focusing Great Outpourings of Light at certain other points on the Earth.
目前有一个由这些伟大的存有组成的特殊团体在美国工作着,以稳定和保护她。在他们之中,有扬升大师圣哲曼、耶稣、娜达Nada、查·阿拉Cha Ara、兰托Lanto、Cyclopea、来自金星和大角星的伟大导师、来自金星的圣火之主、以及一位被称作伟大的神圣导师的存有,正在美国建立巨大的光柱,并让圣光在这片土地上倾洒。他们也在地球上一些特殊的地点倾洒他们伟大的圣光。
They pour out Their Rays of Light through the consciousness of all individuals who will accept Them, harmonize their feeling, and turn their attention unto the “Mighty I AM Presence.” If the people will acknowledge this Great Host of Perfected Beings and call Their Ascended Master Consciousness into the Hearts and minds of mankind, They can give Assistance and Protection without limit to those who make the Call, and through them, reach the rest of humanity.
Only the Ascended Master Consciousness, which is the “Mighty I AM Presence,” can ever reestablish order and security upon this Earth. Only Its Consuming Flame of Divine Love can ever dissolve the fear in the feeling of the people. Only as the individual turns his attention to these Great Ascended Masters and asks Their Blessing upon the rest of mankind is the connection made and the Door opened by which Their Help can come through, releasing Its Perfection unto humanity and the Earth itself.
The Ascended Master always points each one to two things: first, the individual must look unto his own Divinity, God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” for all good, keeping his attention upon It and giving It his first and greatest Love; second, he must harmonize his feeling by pouring out Divine Love as a FORCE to bless everywhere. To the person who will do so, these Great Beings will give Assistance without limit, for They work only and always through the Divine Self of the individual.
The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain is the Emissary from The Great White Brotherhood who of His own Volition and Great Love is doing certain Protective Work and bringing certain Illumination into America at the present time. He speaks of Her often as “The Jewel of My Heart—for whom I have labored for centuries’ Beloved Jesus has offered to give a Special Service in connection with Beloved Saint Germain and has said: “These Rays of Light which We pour out are very Real, Tangible Currents of Energy, containing within Them all good things, and blessing you according to your acceptance. “
尊敬的圣哲曼大师是伟大的白色兄弟会的使者,通过他的意志和伟大的爱,他正在完成特定的保护性工作,并在当前时间把光明带到美国。他常把美国称作“我心中的宝石 —— 我为之付出了几个世纪的工作”。伟大的耶稣也为圣哲曼提供了一项特殊的帮助,他说:“我们倾洒而出的圣光是真实存在的,是真切的能量流,在它们中包含着所有美好的事物,根据你的接受程度来带给你祝福。”
As in the days of old and in all Golden Ages, these Great Perfected Beings who have attained the “Victory’ ‘ through human embodiment, will walk and talk face to face with mankind upon Earth. They will explain the Original Divine Way of Life once again, that human concepts may be cleared and Eternal Truth be revealed.
This Book carries the definite Radiation of the Ascended Masters who are working for America at this time, and is charged with Beloved Saint Germain’s Ascended Master Consciousness of Freedom and Victory in the Light.
Human fears and limitations shall be cut away; the Earth shall be set into Divine Order once again, and filled full to overflowing with “The Light of God that never fails.”
THIS Book contains the second group of Experiences which I was privileged to have through the Love and Assistance of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain.
In the first Book, Unveiled Mysteries, He revealed many, many things which have been held in secret and sacredly guarded for many centuries.
In The Magic Presence my Experiences were the results of applying the Knowledge He had previously revealed.
In the various Retreats of The Great White Brotherhood which we visited, I was shown the Tremendous Work They do for mankind through Their Messengers who are sent into the outer world. The good They constantly pour out to this Earth and its humanity is beyond any power of words to describe.
All They accomplish is done through Divine Love, for They never use a destructive force at any time and never intrude upon the Free Will of the individual. Those who are Their representatives give everything as a glad free service of Love, and know no such thing as failure.
The purpose of this Book is to reveal to the individual the whereabouts of his own Divine Self, God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” that all who desire may return to their Source, receive their Eternal Inheritance, and feel once again their Divine Self Respect.
If the student or reader of this Book will feel himself going through these same experiences, asking the Ascended Masters to illumine his consciousness by the Light of the Cosmic Christ, he will receive that Outpouring of Love which is the Open Door to all good things, and which sets mankind free.
America is blest beyond any other part of the Earth, and because of Her Great Blessing, She must pour out Great Light. She is the “Cup” through which The Great White Brotherhood can ever expand the Great Divine Love of the Universe and set mankind Free. For that reason, Their Work in America is of very great importance; and if it be necessary for Her Protection, then “that ‘Light as of a Thousand Suns’ shall descend and consume all selfishness from the Earth.”
The Truth, Explanation of Law, and my Experiences given in this Book are real, true, and eternal. The Retreats, people, and instruments I saw and associated with while with the Ascended Masters are real, physical places and things, and Tangible, Living, Breathing Beings. They were not imaginary nor symbolic and are not to be interpreted in any such way.
The Truth of everything in this Book is for the reader to accept or reject as he chooses. If he does not accept or agree with it, that does not remove the Truth or Its Activity from the Universe; but if he can accept the Truth herein contained, he can only be blest thereby, and his world will be a greater and more wonderful place in which to live.
The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain has told us that the Books of the Saint Germain Series in the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light are bound in Covers of Jewels. May we also value and obey the Words of the Ascended Masters contained herein, and become Their Great Love, Victory, Perfection, Illumination and Freedom to all Life forever.
If the student or reader can feel the Great Rays of Light and Love poured out by these Ascended Masters, and can live constantly in adoration to his own “Mighty I AM Presence, ” he will positively become the Full Manifestation of Perfection, and will have his Eternal Freedom from the limitations of Earth.
May the Great Love, Light and Happiness of the Ascended Masters flood the Being and world of everyone who reads this Book! May It forever be a Blazing Golden Sun illumining the way to Peace, Prosperity and Freedom, until everyone becomes a Great Heart of ever-expanding Perfection, and experiences the Full Victory of his Ascension. In the Eternal Service of “The Light of God that never fails,”
“I AM” the Presence, the Eternal One,
“I AM” the God-Source—the Great Central Sun;
“我是”神之源头 —— 伟大的中央太阳;
“I AM” the Love-Breath, the Heartbeat of Light,
“I AM” the Power in Wisdom and Might.
“I AM” the Seer, the All-Seeing Eye,
“I AM” the sunlight, the earth, and the sky;
“I AM” the mountain, the ocean, the stream,
“I AM” the quiver in morning’s bright gleam.
“I AM” the Blessing in Angels and Love,
“I AM” the Life, flowing in, ’round, above;
“I AM” the Glory all had once in Me,
“I AM” the Light Rays that set mankind Free!
“I AM” the One Heart that hears every Call,
“I AM” the Legion of Light answering all;
“I AM” the Scepter of Light’s Loving Power,
“I AM” the Master, each moment, each hour.
“I AM” the Spheres, every song that they sing,
“I AM” the Heart of Creation—Its swing;
“我是”创造之心 —— 是它的摇摆;
“I AM” all forms, never two quite the same,
“I AM” the Essence, the Will, and the Flame!
“I AM” Myself, all Beings, and You;
“I AM”—”The Magic Presence”—the God-Self come through!
“我是” —— “神奇的临在” —— 是神之自我的表达!
I. A Strange Occurrence 奇妙的遭遇
I LEFT you, my reader, at the end of Unveiled Mysteries, with the Great Ascended Master Lanto sending forth His Blessing to America and mankind from the Retreat in the Royal Teton. In this book I shall describe another group of important and wonderful experiences which I was privileged to have during those months of association with our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain.
I received a Message from Him one morning, enclosing a letter of introduction to a Mr. Daniel Rayborn at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. The next day as I entered the hotel to inquire for him, I met an old friend, Mr. Gaylord, whom I had known for years. He was accompanied by an elderly gentleman whom he presented at once, and who, to my surprise, proved to be Mr. Rayborn. I gave him the letter of introduction, and after a few moments chat, we agreed to have dinner together that evening. The next day found us all enroute to the Diamond K Ranch in Wyoming, one of the Rayborn mining properties where the Experiences described in this Book began. Little did I realize that day what my association with him would mean, and to what it would lead later. Such Experiences make one realize how Perfect the Great, Wise, All-Pervading Intelligence is that directs us unerringly to persons, places, and conditions when and where they are most needed.
My impression of Rayborn was very pleasant, for his whole attitude was one of harmony and kindliness, and at the same time I felt that he was a man of strong character with a keen sense of honor. He had a finely-shaped head, classic features, iron gray hair, and clear, piercing blue-gray eyes. He stood very erect and was fully six feet two inches in height. He had a son eighteen and a daughter sixteen years old who had just returned from school in the East.
We reached our destination, where the children met us at the train. After chatting a moment, we entered the Rayborn car and were driven to the ranch, a distance of about twenty miles. The son, Rex, was a tall, splendid, good-looking young chap with the same classic features as his father whom he resembled strongly. He was at least six feet one inch in height with abundant, light brown, wavy hair, and piercing violet-blue eyes. The daughter, Nada, was strikingly beautiful with a strange sort of oldworld dignity and grace. She was about five feet seven, slight of build, with hair like her brother’s, and deep blue eyes. There was a certain charm about all three Rayborns which everyone felt immediately.
The wonderful location and beauty of the house and grounds enchanted us, for it lay at the entrance to a narrow valley extending westward into the embrace of the Great Rockies. To the north, a towering peak rose to a height of over eight thousand feet. The house, facing south, was built of blue-gray granite, making one think of the turreted castles of medieval times in Europe and the ancient buildings of the Far East. The grounds immediately surrounding it were beautifully laid out and perfectly maintained. The building itself was large and rectangular in shape with a tower on each corner — the one at the southwest, facing the mountains, forming a large circular room on the third floor. The rest of the structure was only two stories high and had evidently been built for many, many years. Daniel Rayborn, at the time he was twenty, had inherited the entire estate from an uncle who traveled extensively, was deeply interested in Higher Research Work, and had lived for many years in India and Arabia.
房子和花园的优越位置和美丽让我们着迷,因为它位于一个狭窄山谷的入口处,向西延伸到大落基山脉的怀抱中。北面,耸立着一座高达八千多英尺的山峰。房子朝南,用蓝灰色花岗岩建造而出,让人联想到欧洲中世纪的塔楼城堡和远东的古建筑。它周围的场地布置得很漂亮,维护得也很好。这座建筑本身很大,呈长方形,四角各有一座塔楼 ——在西南那座,面向群山,在三楼形成一个圆形的大房间。其余的塔楼只有两层楼高,显然已经建造了很多很多年。丹尼尔·雷伯恩在他二十岁时从一位四处游历的叔叔那里继承了整个庄园,那位叔叔对高等研究工作有着浓厚的兴趣,并在印度和阿拉伯生活了多年。
We entered the house, Rex showing me to a suite of rooms on the second floor at the southeast corner of the building. Dinner was soon announced, and we enjoyed a delicious meal and the beautifully appointed table. While dining we entered into the discussion of our plans.
During the course of our meal Mr. Rayborn spoke of expecting John Grey, the superintendent from his mines, to join us that evening. We had scarcely mentioned his name when he was announced. He stepped into the room, greeted the family pleasantly, and I was presented to him. As we shook hands, a cold chill passed over my body, accompanied by a feeling of repulsion. He was a fine-looking man of about forty, almost six feet tall, with piercing dark eyes which I noticed were never still. I saw his eyes follow the daughter very often with a peculiar look which the others did not seem to notice. Mr. Rayborn excused himself, and with the superintendent went into the library. The rest of us went into the music room and enjoyed two hours of delightful music, for both children had remarkable voices. It was during the discussion of their musical training that a shade of sadness passed over Nada’s face. She remarked:
在我们吃饭的过程中,雷伯恩先生谈到他期待着他的矿山主管约翰·格雷在那天晚上加入我们。当那位主管被宣布出来时,我们交谈时几乎没有提到他的名字。他走进房间,愉快地向这家人打招呼,我被介绍给他。握手之际,一股寒意掠过我的全身,伴随着一种排斥感。他是个英俊的男人,大约四十岁,身高将近六英尺,有一双锐利的黑眼睛,我注意到这双眼睛永不静止。 我看到他的目光不时地跟着那位女儿,带着一种其他人似乎没有注意到的奇特眼神。 雷伯恩先生告辞,和主管一起走进了图书馆。我们其他人走进音乐室,享受了两个小时的悦耳音乐,因为两个孩子的嗓音都很棒。在讨论他们的音乐训练时,娜达的脸上掠过一丝悲伤。她说:
“We both inherited our voices from Mother, who sang a great deal in opera, where Father first met her. My mother, in speaking of it, often said: ‘We recognized in each other an Inner something that grew stronger and stronger as time went on. Later we learned we were “Twin Rays,” which of course accounts for the many wonderful things that have happened to us since. We both have said many times that it seemed as if each had been searching for the other through the centuries; and of course, there has always been that very great Love and Perfect Understanding between us.’
“Mother’s father was an Englishman, and her mother, who was educated in England, was the daughter of an Arab sheik. Two years ago Mother was taken ill and passed on within a few weeks— although everything possible was done to save her life. During the last four weeks she received Transcendent Revelations which have explained many things to us. Shortly after I was born, our Beloved Master Saint Germain came to her. He explained she had Work to do on the Higher Planes of Life, and that He would always hold Rex and me in His Great Loving, Protecting Care. He is so wonderful and loving to us that I wish we might share our Joy with the whole world. The East and Far East—that is, India, China, Arabia, Egypt, and Persia—give much greater recognition to and understand much more clearly what the Great Ascended Masters have done for humanity and how much the entire race of our Earth owes to Their Transcendent Love and far-reaching Care.
“我母亲的父亲是英国人,她的母亲是阿拉伯酋长的女儿,在英国接受的教育。两年前母亲生病了,几周之后就过世了 —— 尽管为了挽救她的生命,我们做了一切可能的事情。在她生命的最后四个礼拜,接收到了很多超脱的揭示,这对我们来说解释通了很多事情。在我出生后,我们尊敬的圣哲曼大师就来找她。他解释说,她在生命的更高层面有工作要做,他会永远把我和雷克斯环绕在他伟大的爱和保护性的关怀之中。对我们而言他是一位很棒的并且充满爱的人,我甚至希望把我们的喜悦跟全世界分享。东方和远东 —— 即印度、中国、阿拉伯、埃及和波斯 —— 对伟大的扬升大师为全人类所做的贡献有着更崇高的认可和更清晰的理解,以及地球的整个人类种族接收到了多少他们超然的爱和深远的关怀。”
“He has taught us so plainly the Way by which these Great Ones have been able to raise and illumine the physical body by purifying it through the use of the Consuming Flame of Their own Divinity, which He calls the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ He tells us this can only be accomplished by Adoration to that ‘Presence’ and complete obedience of the personality, or outer consciousness, to Its every Direction! He says the secret is to keep in constant Inner Communion with the ‘I AM Presence’ at all times (through the feeling), so the Perfection which It is ever pouring forth can come through the outer consciousness without being distorted by our own inharmony or that of the physical world around us.
“It is in this way, Beloved Saint Germain explained, the Ascended Masters have reached Complete Dominion over all manifestation and have finished the work in human embodiment which Beloved Jesus said everyone must sometime do. They express—forever—Full Mastery over all conditions on this physical Earth; for all substance and energy are Their willing and obedient servants, even to the Elements and Powers of Nature, because They have become the Fullness of Divine Love. Their entire Work with mankind is to lead everyone eventually to this same Mastery, but It can only come through the Self-effort of the individual and the fullness of enough Love.
“圣哲曼大师解释:通过这种方式,扬升大师们达成了对所有显化领域的完全掌控,并完成每个人都会在人类化身时的某个阶段完成的工作,如尊敬的耶稣说的那般。他们表现出了对物质地球上所有状况的 —— 永久性地 —— 完全掌控;因为所有的物质和能量成为了他们的心甘情愿顺从的仆人,甚至自然中的元素和力量也是如此,因为他们已经称为神圣之爱的圆满表达。他们与人类相关的整个工作,就是带领每个人最终都达成相同的成就,但是,这一切只能通过个人的自我努力和充分的爱之表达来完成。”
“Mother had many strange experiences in her childhood, and my grandmother told her of others still stranger, for her grandfather had seen many of the remarkable things which these Great Ones do. One whom he knew quite well was from my grandmother’s own land of Arabia. He was greatly adored by all He contacted, as His entire Life was a constant Blessing and Service to mankind.
“Beloved Saint Germain first came to Mother one night at the beginning of her career in grand opera. She had been singing only a few months when one evening she became almost speechless with stage fright. She was in her dressing room shortly before the performance when a frantic fear seized her, making her forget everything. Beloved Saint Germain stepped through in His Tangible Body, introduced Himself, and touched her forehead with the fingers of His right hand. Instantly all nervousness left, the memory of her part returned, and she was calm and at ease. That night her success was tremendous, and it continued to increase, becoming brilliant beyond her fondest dreams.
“He told her she had earned the right to the Protecting Presence of the Ascended Masters, and from that time on, It would be permanent. He described the man she was to marry—also the son and daughter who were to come to her. After this He came at regular intervals and taught her many Inner Laws, which she was able to comprehend and apply with astonishing results—astonishing at least to those who are unable to use the Higher Law, but perfectly natural always to those who understand and manipulate those Laws through Love.
“他告诉她,她已经赢得了扬升大师保护临在的权利,从那时起,会成为永久性的。他向她描述了她将来要结婚的男人 —— 以及将来会有的男孩和女孩。此后,他定期来教导她许多内在法则,她能够理解并去应用这些法则,取得了惊人的效果 —— 至少对那些无法使用更高等法则的人来说是惊人的,但是对于那些通过爱来理解和操控这些法则的人来说,这些都是完全自然的。”
“Mother had many strange experiences in her childhood, and my grandmother told her of others still stranger, for her grandfather had seen many of the remarkable things which these Great Ones do. One whom he knew quite well was from my grandmother’s own land of Arabia. He was greatly adored by all He contacted, as His entire Life was a constant Blessing and Service to mankind.
“Beloved Saint Germain first came to Mother one night at the beginning of her career in grand opera. She had been singing only a few months when one evening she became almost speechless with stage fright. She was in her dressing room shortly before the performance when a frantic fear seized her, making her forget everything. Beloved Saint Germain stepped through in His Tangible Body, introduced Himself, and touched her forehead with the fingers of His right hand. Instantly all nervousness left, the memory of her part returned, and she was calm and at ease. That night her success was tremendous, and it continued to increase, becoming brilliant beyond her fondest dreams.
“He told her she had earned the right to the Protecting Presence of the Ascended Masters, and from that time on, It would be permanent. He described the man she was to marry—also the son and daughter who were to come to her. After this He came at regular intervals and taught her many Inner Laws, which she was able to comprehend and apply with astonishing results—astonishing at least to those who are unable to use the Higher Law, but perfectly natural always to those who understand and manipulate those Laws through Love.
“他告诉她,她已经赢得了扬升大师保护临在的权利,从那时起,会成为永久性的。他向她描述了她将来要结婚的男人 —— 以及将来会有的男孩和女孩。此后,他定期来教导她许多内在法则,她能够理解并去应用这些法则,并取得了惊人的效果 —— 至少对那些无法使用更高等法则的人来说结果是惊人的,但是对于那些通过爱来理解和操控这些法则的人来说,这些都是完全自然的。”
“Father, Beloved Saint Germain said, was not sufficiently awakened to be told of such Activities until about a year ago, when because of danger that threatened, Saint Germain came to him in the Tangible Body and explained that Father would come very near death at the hands of one whom he trusted as a friend, but to remain at peace, for the Ascended Masters would give the needed Protection.”
We were all so engrossed in this conversation that I felt almost disappointed when Mr. Rayborn and the superintendent joined us. After listening to Nada and Rex sing an Arabian love song for their father, we all parted for the night and went to our rooms. I was so thrilled because Beloved Saint Germain had come to Mrs. Rayborn that I had no desire for sleep. I began to feel there was a greater reason for my being in their home than I was outwardly aware of. I sat down in a comfortable chair and gave myself up to the contemplation of the Ascended Masters with deep gratitude to Them for the gracious welcome with which these blessed people had received me.
I must have dropped off to sleep, for I awakened with a start and thought I had heard someone calling me. I felt such an urge to get up and go out into the open air that I could not resist it. I was thoroughly awake and keenly expectant of something, but what, I knew not. I went downstairs, out of the house, and down a path near a large barn. In a moment, there was a movement among the shadows, and following a sudden impulse, I stepped behind a tree. At the same instant, a man came out of the barn. I saw another movement among the trees and, looking closer, discerned a man standing with a rifle to his shoulder, dimly visible in the darkness. As he took aim at the man coming out of the barn, I wanted to call out a warning, but I could not make a sound. Before I could think, a blinding flash of light struck the man with the rifle full in the face, revealing his features as he fell face forward as if struck by lightning—yet the sky was crystal clear. Still I was unable to move from my position, and the man from the barn came steadily on, totally unaware of his escape. I saw it was Mr. Rayborn, though he did not see me, so I remained where I was until he had passed into the house, and I hurried to the spot where I had seen the man fall—but he had fled. I searched around for some distance but found no trace of him, so I returned to my rooms. It was then almost one o’clock. I got into bed quickly and by a strong effort was able to go to sleep.
我一定是睡着了,因为我惊醒了,以为我听到有人在叫我。一种起身想要去户外的冲动,让我无法抗拒。我彻底清醒过来,热切地期待着什么,但是至于是什么,我还不知道。我下了楼,走出房子,沿着一个大谷仓附近的小路走下去。一会儿,阴影间就有了动静,我心血来潮,走到一棵树后观察。与此同时一个男人从谷仓中走了出来。我看到树林中另有动静,再近一看,发现是一个男人在站着,肩膀上扛着步枪,在黑暗中隐约可见。当他瞄准了从谷仓里走出来那个人时,我想发出警告,但是却发不出声音。还没等我多想,一道刺眼的闪光正中扛着步枪的人的脸,照亮了他的五官,他的脸朝前倒下,仿佛被闪电击中 —— 然而天空是清澈的。我仍然无法从我所在的位置离开,谷仓里出来的那个人稳步地往前走,丝毫没有意识到他逃过了一劫。我看清楚了,那人正是雷伯恩先生,尽管他没有看到我,我一直呆在原地,直到他走进屋子,然后我赶紧跑到倒下的那个人所在的地方 —— 但是他已经逃走了。我向四周寻找,但是没有发现他的踪迹,就回到了自己的房间。那时已经快一点了。我很快就上了床,用了很大的力气才睡着。
When I went down to breakfast the next morning, all were radiantly happy except Grey, the superintendent, who seemed nervous and extremely pale. The Rayborns, Gaylord, and I had a most enjoyable time planning our day, which ended with the children suggesting that we go to Table Mountain, one of their favorite haunts in the Wyoming Rockies.
Meanwhile, Grey was almost sullenly silent, refusing to meet the eyes of anyone. He finished breakfast, excused himself, and drove to the station. When he was gone, my first impulse was to tell Rayborn of the previous night’s experience, but upon second thought decided to wait until I could see him alone.
I excused myself, prepared for our trip up the mountain, and returned just in time to see the groom bringing out our horses. One of them was a beautiful Arabian steed, cream in color, with white mane and tail—the most wonderful animal I have ever seen. He came directly up to Nada, to whom he belonged, and with a look in his eyes that was almost of human intelligence, stood proudly before her waiting for the lumps of sugar she held out. She loved him and he knew it. “This is Pegasus,” she said, patting him. He reached out, put his nose against my face, went over to Rex, and then back to Nada as if giving consent to my being a member of the party.
我告退,准备着我们上山的旅途,回来时正好看到马夫牵着马。其中一匹是美丽的阿拉伯骏马,奶油色,有着白色鬃毛和尾巴 —— 这是我见过的最美妙的动物。他径直走到娜达面前,娜达是他的主人,他眼中带着近乎人类智慧的神情,骄傲地站在她面前,等待她递过来的糖块。娜达爱他,他也知道这一点。“这是珀伽索斯(Pegasus),” 娜达边说边拍着他。他探了过来,用鼻子抵住我的脸,走到雷克斯身边,然后又回到娜达身边,就好像在为我加入派对给予许可。
“He approves of you and accepts you as a trusted friend,” Nada commented after watching his expression a moment. “That is a new behavior for him, as he has never made friends with anyone but Rex, the groom, and myself.”
“他认可你,把你当作值得信赖的朋友,” 娜达观察了他的表情,然后说道, “这对他来说是一种新举动,因为除了雷克斯、马夫和我,他从未和任何人交过朋友。”
“Where did you get him?” I asked.
“你从哪儿得到的他?” 我问。
“He was given to Mother,” she replied, “by an Arab sheik in appreciation for a concert she gave in Cairo. He was sent here to the ranch as a surprise when she returned from her last tour. It was really the last concert of her career, and her success was tremendous. The old sheik loved music, and enjoyed that concert especially.
“Pegasus is handsome, isn’t he?” she continued. The Love in Nada’s voice was unmistakable and justifiable, for no one could help but admire the beautiful creature. We mounted our horses, waved good-by to Rayborn, cantered off across the valley and soon entered the mountain trail. It wound steadily upward through the beautiful timber.
“珀伽索斯很帅,对吧?” 她继续说。娜达声音中携带的爱是明确且合理的,因为任何人都会情不自禁地欣赏这个美丽的造物。我们骑上马,向雷伯恩挥手告别,小跑着穿过山谷,很快就进入了山间小道。它继续稳步地向上穿过美丽的树林。
Occasionally we came into a clearing and stopped to enjoy the magnificent view. We followed the mountain stream for quite a distance. The song of the birds, the fragrance of the flowers, and the exhilaration of the rarefied air made us feel radiantly strong and glad to be alive.
偶尔我们会进入一片空地,停下来欣赏壮丽的风光。 我们顺着山涧走了好远。 鸟儿的歌声、花的芬芳、空气稀薄带来的愉悦,让我们感到焕然一新,感觉活着真是一件愉悦的事情。
We reached the top of the mountain near noon, and there before us lay a level space covering at least twenty acres, a veritable plateau suspended in the midst of those towering giants. A cozy little cabin and a shelter for the horses had been built. It was made of stone with a built-in stove—very unique and serviceable. We enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding country for a while and then sat down to a delightful lunch.
将近中午时分,我们到达了山顶,眼前是一片平坦的空地,至少占地二十英亩,一片宽阔的高地悬浮在那些高耸入云的巨大山峰之间。这里已经建成了一个舒适的小屋和马棚。是用石头建成的,有一个内置的炉子 —— 非常独特,也很耐用。我们欣赏了周边的乡村风光,然后坐了下来享用了一顿愉快的午餐。
“You know,” Rex commented, “I feel as if we had all known each other for ages”; and Nada and I admitted we felt the same. “Let’s go to the cave by the other trail as soon as we finish lunch,” he suggested, and we agreed. By crossing over to the opposite side of the mountain, we found a good trail leading down where the scenery was more wild and rugged. In some places the rocks looked as if they had been stained green, blue, and black by some marvelous mineral coloring. The sunlight and shadow played upon them as we changed our position, producing the effect of a beautiful, inspiring panorama. We continued down the trail about four thousand feet, turned sharply, and came to the eastern face of the mountain.
“你知道的,”雷克斯说道,“我感觉我们好像认识很久了”;娜达同我认同我们有同感。 “我们吃完午饭就从另一条小路去山洞吧,”他建议说,我们同意了。穿过山的对面,我们找到了一条小路,通往风景更狂野和崎岖之地。某些地方,岩石看起来好像被某种奇妙的矿物染成了绿色、蓝色和黑色。当我们改变方向时,阳光和阴影映射在它们身上,产生一副美丽的、令人启发的全景画面。我们继续沿着小路走了四千英尺,急转弯后,来到了山的东面。
Thousands of years ago a portion of it had evidently split away, making the whole side a sheer cliff at least a thousand feet above us. The trail we were on wound around the south side, turning toward the eastern wall and running along a shelflike projection that brought us to the entrance of the cave. The trail was strewn with great boulders that made it rough and difficult of access. A wing of rock hid the entrance as if Nature jealously guarded Her secrets from curious eyes. We left the horses tied safely nearby, and Rex took three powerful flashlights from his saddlebag.
“Prepare for a surprise,” he exclaimed, turning to me, and then led the way into the cave. About fifty feet from the opening we entered a medium-sized cavern. As soon as my eyes became adjusted to the change of light, I saw the entire ceiling was covered with a pink and white crystalline substance. We crossed the first space, a distance of about thirty feet, and passed through an archway leading into an immense vaulted chamber at least two hundred feet across.
The ceiling was covered with rainbow-colored stalactites in the most amazing forms I have ever seen. There were crosses, circles, crosses within circles, triangles, and many, many occult symbols that have been in use on this Earth since its very beginning. It looked as if these symbols had been suspended from the ceiling ages ago and Nature had covered them with a carbonate of lime formation, highly colored and most artistically decorated by Her pigments. The beauty of it made one speechless, fascinated with wonder and admiration. It gave one the feeling of eyes watching every moment.
Rex called to us to come to the far side of the chamber where he stood. We crossed the intervening space and stood before a wall upon which there were three arches about twenty feet apart. Within each was a highly polished surface. The first one to my left was a Chinese red, the second a glittering white, and the third a cobalt blue. Immediately I felt they were significant of something concerning America. The feeling grew so great I could hardly stand it.
“This is the Work of a Mighty Intelligence in ages past,” I said, “and I feel these arches close entrances to other chambers or passages beyond.” Nada and Rex looked at me very steadily and their faces were white with the intensity of something they saw.
“What is the matter?” I asked.
“Don’t you feel it—don’t you see it?” they asked in return.
“难道你没有感觉到 —— 难道你没有看到吗?”他们反问。
“What?” I replied. They then realized that I was unaware of what they saw, and explained:
“You are evidently being overshadowed,” said Nada, “by an etheric form you wore ages ago, for the garments are unlike anything of which I have ever seen or heard. The body is at least six feet eight inches tall, the hair is golden, coming almost to your shoulders, and the skin is fair and clear. I am sure some ancient memory is trying to come forth into the outer consciousness.
“Let’s tell him of our experience the last time we were here,” she suggested to Rex.
“Just a year ago,” Rex explained, “we came to this Cave, and as I stood before the blue arch, I was so fascinated that I put out my hand and was running it over the surface when a Voice right out of the atmosphere said: ‘Stop!’ The Voice was not one of anger, but rather that of Supreme Authority. We left the Cave immediately and have never returned until now.”
“Before I have ended my visit with you dear people, I feel certain some amazing explanation of it all will be given,” I replied. We returned to our horses and found the beautiful Arabian Pegasus in a state of great agitation, for he was highly sensitive to the Spiritual Power focused within this mountain and it made him restless because of the intensity of the energy. Only by very great gentleness could Nada quiet him and prevent him from racing madly home. She said there seemed to be no limit to his speed when he became excited.
We continued on our way homeward, winding around the foot of the mountain until we came to the end of our descent; then we gave the horses free rein, and in half an hour reached the ranch just before sunset. Daniel Rayborn came out to meet us and said dinner would soon be ready. During the meal we related the experiences of the day, Rex telling his father of the overshadowing form seen above my head in the Cave. As he finished speaking, without giving any explanation, his father said he wanted to talk to all three of us in the library after dinner, and to meet him there at eight o’clock.
In the meantime we went to the music room, while Nada went to her mother’s room and brought back an Arabian instrument something like an Hawaiian guitar. It was given to her by Beloved Saint Germain who taught her to play a certain melody upon it just before her meditation hour. Nada and Rex both sang and took turns playing the accompaniments on the instrument. It formed a most wonderful background for their voices, for there was something in the quality of the tone which seemed like a living thing that penetrated to the very Center of Existence.
然后,我们去了音乐室,娜达则去了她妈妈的房间,带回了一把阿拉伯乐器,像是一把夏威夷的吉他。那是尊敬的圣哲曼送给她的,他教导她在冥想之前用它演奏一段特定的旋律。 娜达和雷克斯边唱歌,边轮流在乐器上演奏伴奏。伴奏声为他们的声音构成了最美妙的背景,因为在音调中存在着某种特质的东西,似乎是一种穿透存在核心的生命。
II. Revelations 揭示
PROMPTLY at eight o’clock we entered the library and found Daniel Rayborn had preceded us. He went straight to the matter in hand.
“At two o’clock today,” he began, “I received information the men had made a rich strike at the mine in Colorado, and I have sent Grey on ahead. Day after tomorrow, I must join him. I would like all of you to come with me. Nada will be comfortable in the bungalow at the camp, and you two can stay with me in the mine.
“I have something else to tell you that is both grave and strange. At four o’clock this morning, I was awakened by a ‘Presence’ in my room, and when I became fully aroused, I saw it was our Beloved Saint Germain. He talked to me for at least two hours and, among other things, said that Grey had attempted to take my life last night. He saw the intent, and at the moment Grey tried to fire, Beloved Saint Germain directed a flash of Electronic Force which knocked him senseless for the time being. He has been warned that if he makes another such attempt, his own destructive motive will be permitted to react instantly and his own body will pay the penalty.”
Then I told them of my experience the night of my arrival, and how I had witnessed the whole affair. Rayborn was deeply moved, and rising to his feet, he extended his hand to me saying:
“You are surely one of us, and I am deeply, deeply grateful. Beloved Saint Germain said you had been brought into our home because you were greatly needed, and from now on you would act in the capacity of elder brother to Nada and Rex. It seems we have known each other in a number of previous embodiments. He also told me none of us was to be concerned in the least about danger of any kind, for we have lived clean lives and held close to High Ideals. This, it seems—from the Ascended Masters’ standpoint—makes it possible to wield a Mighty Force for the Protection of all.
“你肯定是我们中的一员,我深深地、深深地为此感激。敬爱的圣哲曼说,你被带到我们家是因为非常需要你,以后你将以娜达和雷克斯哥哥的身份来行事。看来我们在之前的几次转世中就认识彼此。他还告诉我,我们中的任何一个人都不必担心任何形式的危险,因为我们过着清白的生活,并接近崇高的理想。这一点 —— 从扬升大师的角度来看 —— 可以让他们运用强大的力量来保护我们所有人。
Beloved Saint Germain also instructed me regarding other things of importance. He explained to me the Activity one experiences after he has made the Ascension. Beloved Jesus gave the public an Example of This and sought to teach mankind Its Meaning, pointing everyone to that same Attainment. I am, before long, to enter this Great Freedom. Our Beloved Master made it very clear, one is sometimes raised into this Condition previous to or near the change called death, but all must accomplish It from the physical side of life. If the Silver Cord of Light flowing into the body has been withdrawn, it is impossible to illumine and raise that body; and the one thus striving must re-embody once more in order to attain the Final Freedom from the physical side of human experience. All Ascensions must take place consciously, for this Ascended Master Attainment is the Complete Victory over all outer experiences through the personal self. I shall read you His own Words which I took down at His Direction.” Turning to a portfolio which lay upon his desk, he opened it and read:
” So-called death is but an opportunity for rest and reattunement of the faculties of the personal consciousness. This is to free them from the turmoil and discords of Earth long enough to receive an Inflow of Light and Strength which will enable the outer activity of the mind to take up the work of physical experience again. Physical embodiment is for the purpose of preparing, perfecting, and illumining a body whose vibratory action can be raised to blend with the Body of the “Mighty I AM Presence.” We call It “The Magic Presence.” Beloved Jesus referred to It as the Seamless Garment.
“In this Body, which is made of Pure Electronic Substance, the individual has complete Freedom from all limitation, and through intense devotion to the “Mighty I AM Presence,” anyone can release Its Power to the point where he can see this Blazing Body of Substance—so Dazzling that at first one can only gaze upon It for an instant because of the Intensity of Its Light. Through such devotion one begins to manifest more and more of his own individual Conscious Dominion over all manifestation. This is everyone’s Eternal Birthright and the purpose for which all decreed the journey through human experience.
“在这具由纯粹的电子精华构成的身体之中,个体完全摆脱了所有的限制,通过对‘伟大的我是临在’的强烈虔诚之心,每个人都可以释放出它的力量,直至他可以看到这具闪耀的电子精华身体 —— 它是如此地明亮,一开始每个人只能凝视它一瞬间的时间,因为圣光的强度太过闪耀。通过这种虔诚,一个人开始越来越多地显化出他个人对所有外在显化的有意识的控制。这是每个人永恒的与生俱来的权利,也是所有人类体验旅途的目的所在。”
“When the one striving for such Freedom has reached the point where he releases any amount of Light he desires from his Electronic Body instantly by his own conscious command, then he can control all manifestation, no matter in what sphere he may choose to express. One has but to observe the world at large to see what discord in thought and feeling does to the beautiful bodies that Nature provides for our experience in the physical part of Life. In childhood and youth, the flesh structure of the physical body is beautiful, strong, and responsive to the demands made upon it; but when discordant thoughts and feeling are allowed to express in the personal self over the years, as one goes through Life, the body becomes incapacitated and the Temple falls into ruins—because the outer waking consciousness does not obey the One Law of Life—Love, Harmony, Peace!
“当追求这种自由的人到达一定的阶段,那时他可以根据自己的意愿,通过自己有意识的命令,即刻从他的电子身体中释放任意程度的圣光,然后他就可以控制所有外在的显化,不论他想要选择在哪个领域进行表达。一个人只需要观察这个世界,就会看到思想和感觉中的不和谐对大自然美丽的身体造成了什么,我们在大自然这具美丽的身体中获得我们在物质层面的生活体验。在童年和青年时期,物质身体的结构是美丽、强壮的,而且身体可以对提出的要求做出回应;但是随着时间的推移,不和谐的思想和情感被允许在个人自我中进行表达时,当这个人度过自己生命的时候,身体就会开始变得无能,圣殿变成废墟 —— 因为外在清醒的意识不能遵循生命的唯一法则 —— 爱、和谐、和平!”
“Call it what you will, the Eternal Truth remains that discord is another name for disintegration—a synonym for death. When mankind learns to live its Life by the One Eternal Law of Love, it will find that such obedience will have released it from the wheel of birth and rebirth, and hence the problems of human existence will have disappeared. In their place will come the Joy of ever expanding the Perfection which forever abides within Love. Constant new creation will ever go on, for Life is Perpetual Motion and neither slumbers nor sleeps, but is ever and forever a Self-Sustained Stream of Expanding Perfection in Joy, in Ecstasy, and Eternally New Design. This Perfect Activity and Joy of Life are all contained within Obedience to the Law of Love.
“不论你如何称呼它,永恒的真理会永远存在,不和谐是毁灭的另一个名字 —— 也是死亡的同义词。当人类学会遵循爱的永恒法则进行生活时,他们就会发现,服从这样的法则会把他们从生死轮回中解脱出来,人类生存的问题也就解决了。取而代之的会是对永远存在于爱中的完美不断拓展的喜悦。新的创造会一直持续地进行,因为生命处于永恒的运动之中,既不小憩,也不睡觉,而是在喜悦、狂喜和永远更新之中进行自我维系的不断拓展的能量流。”
“The last enemy, death, will have disappeared, for it is but a means of release from a garment which no longer has anything of value to give for the use of the Perfection of Life. When the physical body is so incapacitated that the personality occupying it can no longer make Self-Conscious effort to express Perfection, then Nature herself takes a hand in things and dissolves the limitation, that the individual may have a new chance to make effort which is of benefit.
“Grief for the death of a loved one is selfishness and but retards the greater good the loved one should be enjoying. Grief from a sense of loss is really rebellion against the Action of a Law that has seen fit to give another greater opportunity for rest and growth, because nothing in the Universe goes backward, and all—no matter what the temporary appearance—is moving forward to greater and greater Joy and Perfection. The God Consciousness in us cannot and does not grieve, and the human part should know that as no one can ever get out of this Universe, he must be somewhere better than the place he left. If there be Real, True Divine Love, It can never cease to exist, and must sometime, somewhere, draw us to that which we love. In True Divine Love there is no such thing as separation, and that which feels a sense of separation is not Love. The sense of separation is merely one of the mistakes of the personal self which it continues to dwell in because it does not understand the nature of Consciousness. Where the Consciousness is, there the individual is functioning, for the individual is his Consciousness.
“因所爱之人死亡而感到悲伤的人是自私的,而且会阻碍所爱之人享受本应该享受到的更大福祉。对失去的人感到悲伤实际上是与行动法则的对抗,行动法则为休整和成长提供了另一个更合适的伟大机会,因为宇宙中没有任何事物会倒退,而所有的一切 —— 不论暂时看来表象如何 —— 都在朝着更伟大的喜悦和完美向前发展。我们内在的神之意识不能、也不会悲伤,人类自我的部分应该知道,没有人可以离开这个宇宙,他一定到了一个比他离开的更好的地方。如果存在真实的、真切的神圣之爱,那么这种爱就不会停止存在,而且一定会在某个时间、某个地点把我们带到我们所爱之人的身边。在真正的神圣之爱中,没有所谓的分离,如果有分离感存在,那就不是爱。分离的感觉仅仅是人格自我的错误之一,它会持续地存在,因为它并不了解意识的本质。意识在哪里,个体就在哪里运作,因为个体就是他的意识。”
“When one thinks of a loved one who has passed on, he is really with that loved one in his Higher Mental Body the moment his Consciousness is upon the other person. If the Western World could understand this Truth, it would lift the chains which cause such useless suffering. Such grief is all due to the fact that the personality—especially in the feeling—accepts the body as being the individual instead of knowing the body is only a garment which the individual wears. Over it everyone should have complete and Eternal Dominion and should exact Perfect Obedience at all times.
“当一个人想到逝去的爱人时,当他的意识停留在那个人身上时,那一刻他就真的在自己的高等心智体中与所爱之人在一起。如果西方世界可以理解这个真相,它就会移除导致这种无用痛苦的枷锁。这种悲痛完全是因为人格 —— 尤其是在感觉上 —— 接受了这个个体就是这个人的身体,而不知道这具身体其实是个体所穿着的外衣。每个人要对使用的外衣拥有完全和永恒的掌控权,并让它总是处于完美的服从之中。”
“If one really loves another, he wants that other one to be happy and harmonious. If, through so-called death, an individual chooses to accept a better opportunity for future expression—if there be the slightest spark of Love, one should have no grief nor desire to hold that loved one in a state of incapacity when he might go on to greater Ease and Freedom.
“如果一个人真的爱另一个人,他希望另一个人幸福和谐。如果通过所谓的死亡,一个个体选择为将来的自我表达接受了一个更好的机会 —— 若是存在着最微弱的爱之火花,一个人也不应该感到悲伤,也不应该想要把所爱之人困在一具无能为力的身体之中,此刻的他有机会去体验更伟大的自由和轻松。”
“It is the ignorance of this Truth which enables such selfishness to keep humanity bound in its self-created chains of limitation. This sort of ignorance binds the Life Expression of the whole race and is a stubborn refusal to understand Life. It drags thousands of human beings every year into the depths of despair—wholly unnecessary and avoidable—when they could and should be enjoying happiness and living the way the “Mighty I AM Presence” intended them to live. Such an attitude toward Life not only prevents the accomplishment of everything worthwhile, but incapacitates the individual and fills him with self-pity—one of the most subtle and insidious ways by which the sinister force breaks down his resistance and makes him negative. The individual must remain positive if he is to attain his Victory and express Mastery. The sinister force which humanity on this Earth has generated uses this method to keep aspiring, marvelous individuals from gaining their Freedom and using the Full Power of Divinity which has been theirs from the beginning—the Gift of the Father to His children.
“正是对这个真理的无视,才导致这种自私把人类捆绑在自我创造的枷锁之中。这种无知也束缚了整个种族对生命的表达,也顽固地拒绝了对生命的理解。每年,这种无知把数以千计的人拖入绝望的深渊 —— 这完全是不必要的,并且是可以避免的 —— 他们本可以、而且应该去享受“伟大的我是临在”想要让他们体验的幸福和快乐的生活。这种对生命的态度不仅阻碍了一切有价值事情的完成,而且让个人丧失了能力,陷入自怜之中 —— 自怜是邪恶力量破坏一个人的抵抗力、让他陷入消极的最为巧妙和阴险的方式之一。一个人想要获得胜利并进入通达之中,他就必须保持积极的态度。人类在地球上使用这种方法制造邪恶力量,来压制那些有抱负的、不同寻常的个体,阻止他们争取自己的自由,并阻碍他们使用从一开始就属于他们的全然神性力量 —— 这是父神赠送给他孩子的礼物。”
“Of all the faults humanity has generated, self-pity is the most inexcusable, because it is the apex of human selfishness. Through self-pity the attention of the personal consciousness, or outer self, is entirely absorbed by the petty, puny, human, useless desires of the physical body—and the Great, Glorious, Adorable, All-Wise, All-Powerful Light of the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” always abiding above the physical body, is entirely ignored; yet Its Energy is being used for this destructive purpose.
“在人类创造的所有过失之中,自怜是最不可饶恕的,因为它是人类自私的顶点。通过自怜,这个人的意识,或者说外在自我的意识完全地放在人格自我的渺小、可怜、无用的人类欲望之上 —— 伟大的、荣耀的、尊敬的、智慧的、全能的“尊敬而伟大的我是临在”的圣光永远存在于人格之上,而这一点被完全地忽略了;它的能量反而被使用在这个破坏性的目的上。”
“Humanity cannot have anything better than it is experiencing today until it looks away from the little self long enough to acknowledge and feel the Presence of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Source of every individual’s Life and of all Perfect Manifestation.
“Grief is colossal selfishness—not Love! Discord is selfishness—not Love! Lethargy is selfishness —not Love and not Life! These sink the race into slavery because they break down the resistance of the individual by wasting the Energy of Life which should be used for the creation of Beauty, Love and Perfection. This slavery continues because the outer activity of the personal consciousness does not make the necessary determined effort to free itself from the domination of the psychic world.
“悲伤是巨大的自私 —— 不是真正的爱!不和谐也是自私 —— 不是真正的爱!了无生气是自私 —— 不是真正的爱和生命!它们把整个种族陷入奴役状态,因为它们通过浪费生命能量来击溃个体的抵抗力,生命的能量本应该用于创造美丽、爱和完美。这种奴役状体仍然在持续地发生,因为人格意识的外在活动并没有做出必要且坚定的努力,把自己从这种心理世界的统治中解放出来。”
“The psychic stratum contains only those creations of humanity generated by the discordant thoughts, feeling and words of the outer activity or personal consciousness. This means the daily activities of the mind, body and feeling with which the personality continues to entangle the creative expression of Life. The entire race has become so bound by its own discord that Great, Glorious, Transcendent Ascended Masters—out of sheer Compassion for the slowness of mankind’s growth and the misery of its degradation—offer to cut away the barnacles of the psychic plane and give humanity a new start!
这种心理的世界只包含那些由人格意识/外在的活动所产生的不和谐的想法、情感和言辞。这意味着人格的心智、身体和情感的日常活动持续地与生命的创造性表达纠缠在一起。整个种族被他自己所创造的不和谐所束缚,以至于伟大的、荣耀的、超然的扬升大师 —— 他们纯粹出于对人类成长缓慢以及在堕落中承受痛苦的关怀 —— 他们前来提供给人类机会,切断心理层面的束缚,给予人类一个全新的开始!
“People are entertained, fascinated, and self-hypnotized by the various conditions of the psychic world, but I tell you—and I know both the Inner and outer activities of Life from the Ascended Masters’ standpoint—that there is nothing good nor permanent within the psychic stratum! It is as dangerous as quicksand, and just as undependable! The psychic plane and the outer activity of the mental and emotional world, unless they report Perfection to you, are one and the same thing. It is entirely the creation of the human sense consciousness and is but the accumulation of human thoughts and forms energized by human feeling. It contains nothing whatsoever of Christ—the “Cosmic Light.”
“心理世界的各种状况让人们娱乐、着迷,并进行自我催眠,但是我来告诉你 —— 从扬升大师的角度来看生命的内在和外在的活动 —— 在心理的世界中,没有任何好的事物,它们也不会长久!那里就像流沙一样危险,而且不可靠。心理的层面,以及心智和情感世界的外在活动,除非它们向你呈现出完美,否则它们都是一丘之貉。那里完全是由人类的感官意识所创造,不过是由人的感觉所激发出的人类思想和形态的积累。那里没有任何含有基督意识的东西,那才是‘宇宙之光’。”
“The desire for and fascination of psychic phenomena is a feeling—a very subtle feeling—by which it holds the attention of the personality away from the acknowledgment, the constant adoration, the continual communion and the Permanent Acceptance of the individual’s “Mighty I AM Presence.” Attention to the activities of the psychic plane depletes the personal self of the energy and the ability required to reach to the God Source and anchor there permanently!
“对心理现象的渴望和着迷是一种感觉 —— 一种非常微妙的感觉 —— 通过这种感觉,让人格的注意力远离了对自己的“伟大的我是临在”的认可、持续地敬爱、持续地交流和永久性地接受。”心理层面的活动会消耗人格自我的能量,消耗到达神之源泉、并永久地锚定在那里所需要的能量!
“I tell you Eternal Truth when I say that nothing of the Christ comes from the psychic realm, regardless of any seeming evidence to the contrary, because the psychic or outer activity of the mentality is forever changing its qualities, while the Christ, which is the Eternal Light, is Ever-Expanding Perfection—the One—Changelessly Supreme, Imperishable Quality.
“我把永恒的真理讲解给你听,当我说,在心理领域不会存在任何真正的基督意识,不论是否存在看上去可以推翻这一点的证据。因为心理,或者说心智的外在活动永远在改变它外在的特质,而基督意识,永恒之光,是不断拓展的完美 —— 是唯一 —— 永恒不变的 —— 至高无上的不朽品质。”
“It is because of the attention to and the subtle fascination of the psychic plane that mankind is today as a mass of children needing much Help and the Wisdom of the Ascended Masters to raise it once more into the Understanding of the Light— which is the only means of Release from the darkness of Earth’s present chaos.
“正是因为人类今天对心理层面的关注和微妙的迷恋,人类像一大群孩子一样,需要来自扬升大师更多的帮助和智慧,再次把他们提升到对圣光的理解之中 —— 这是从地球当前混乱的黑暗中获得解脱的唯一方法。”
“World Saviors have come at regular intervals to give this kind of Help throughout the centuries ever since the end of the Second Golden Age upon this Earth. Following that Activity, humanity became fascinated by the world of form and the creation of things. The individual’s attention was held most of the time in the outer activities, and the Conscious Recognition of his own Individualized God Self was forgotten. Hence, the “Mighty I AM Presence” abiding in his Electronic Body was completely ignored. Thus he has only been able to express part of his Life Plan.
“Beloved Saint Germain asked that you, my Brother,” continued Mr. Rayborn, turning to me, “watch your feeling and impressions very closely while you are in and at the mine, for work of a certain nature is to be done there—now or never! He wishes to utilize a certain Cosmic Activity occurring at this time for reasons He did not give me. He said He would come again very soon and speak with us all. He will then endeavor to give further Light on the Cave of Symbols you visited recently and to which we shall all go with Him on His next Visit. Grey will pass on very shortly from natural causes, and I am not to let him suspect that I know anything of his attempt on my Life.”
“尊敬的圣哲曼让你,我的兄弟,” 雷伯恩先生继续说,他转向我,“当你在矿上的时候,要非常小心地留意你的感觉和印象,因为某种特质的工作要在那里完成 —— 现在或者永不!他希望利用此时正在发生的某种宇宙活动,不过他并没有告诉我原因。他说他会再次到来,并跟我们谈话。然后,他会进一步去解读你最近访问过的山洞中符号的意义,他下次来的时候,我们会跟他再次去到那里。很快,格雷就会出于某些自然的因素去世,我不能让他怀疑我知道那天他对我的生命有所企图。”
The Tales of the Arabian Nights were hardly stranger than the Truths we were receiving and the wonderful things we were experiencing. It seemed as if we had entered another world where the activity of the mind became instantly manifest in physical form. Beloved Saint Germain had shown such conclusive evidence that He knew every incident and activity of our lives when He desired to do so, and even saw the innermost thoughts and intents of each of us. I felt a tremendous Uplift and a Happiness unspeakable.
At first Nada and Rex were inclined to be sad when they realized the parting with their father was to come so soon; but I knew positively they would be sustained by the One Great Presence of the “I AM” when the time came. I asked Nada and Rex as we passed out of the library if they would sing a song or two for their new brother, and they laughingly agreed. They sang “Love’s Light Eternal,” for which Nada had written the music and Rex the lyrics. The melody and power of it seemed to linger and continue to lift one’s consciousness to the Great Creator of all things, the “Mighty I AM Presence.” As we stood together when they had finished singing, I put my arms around both the children, led them over to their father, and we formed a circle about him.
最初,娜达和雷克斯意识到与父亲的分离发生的如此之快时,他们有点难过;但是我非常确信,当时机到来时,他们会被“我是”的合一伟大临在所支持。当我们离开图书馆时,我问娜达和雷克斯是否愿意为他们的新兄弟唱一两首歌,他们笑着同意了。他们唱了“爱是永恒之光”,娜达为此作曲,雷克斯作词。它的旋律和力量似乎萦绕不去,持续地把一个人的意识提升到万物的伟大造物主,也就是“伟大的我是临在” 之中。当他们唱完后,我们站在一起。我用双臂搂住两个孩子,把他们带到他们的父亲身边,我们围成一圈。
“Beloved Brother,” I said, “we encircle you with Hearts of Love, and may the Pathway of each be that of Supreme Happiness through the Radiant Power of Divine Love within us all.” I told them how words failed utterly to express my joy and gratitude for their Love, friendship, and hospitality.
“My Brother,” said Daniel Rayborn, “it is I who wish to express my gratitude to Beloved Saint Germain and you for the privilege of your friendship, that my beloved children may have you as a companion when I am elsewhere serving in my humble way. Let us rejoice in the happiness we can give each other. I think we had better get all the rest we can tonight and tomorrow, as we are driving to the mine in Colorado and we ought to leave early the following morning.”
“我的兄弟,” 丹尼尔·雷伯恩说,“是我要向敬爱的圣哲曼和你表达我的感激之情,因为你们建立起的友谊,当我在其他地方以我谦逊的身份服务时,我心爱的孩子们可以有你作为他们的陪伴。让我们为彼此能够给予的幸福欢欣鼓舞。我想我们今晚应该尽可能好好休息,因为明天我们要开车去科罗拉多州的矿场,我们会在第二天一早离开。
The next morning at breakfast, after a wonderful night’s rest, Daniel Rayborn greeted us by saying that he had found a Message from Beloved Saint Germain on the table as he awakened, asking the four of us to meet in the Tower Room at eight o’clock that evening. Needless to say, we were all interest in a moment and joyous with the anticipation of His Coming.
At twenty minutes to eight, Daniel Rayborn announced it was time to go to the Tower Room for our meeting, but somehow I felt temporarily restrained from doing it. When we came to the door, he stood still before it a few moments as though in meditation. Presently the door slowly opened without anyone touching it, and as we entered I saw it was richly carpeted and handsomely furnished. In the center of the gorgeous blue carpet was woven the Secret, Sacred Symbol of Life where our Beloved Saint Germain produced the Life-giving and Consuming Flame.
The walls were covered with a glistening white material that looked like frosted silk. The chairs were unlike anything I have ever seen. They were made of some kind of white metal resembling frosted silver, upholstered in silk plush of the same rich blue as the carpet and so perfectly designed as to give the body ease, poise and balance when seated in them. There was a chair placed at each of the four points of the compass, forming a square within the circle of the room. The two windows and the door locked from the inside. When all were in readiness, Daniel Rayborn asked each of us to close our eyes and remain perfectly calm and silent until Beloved Saint Germain appeared and spoke. In a few moments a deep, rich Voice said:
墙壁上覆盖着一种闪闪发光的白色材料,看起来像磨砂丝绸。这些椅子与我见过的所有东西都不同。它们由某种类似于磨砂银的白色金属制成,软垫使用的是与地毯相同的深蓝色丝绒材质,设计完美,坐在上面时让人感到轻松、镇定和平衡。四周各放了一把椅子,在房间的圆圈内形成一个正方形。 两扇窗户和门是从里面锁上的。 一切准备就绪后,丹尼尔·雷伯恩要求我们每个人闭上眼睛,保持完全平静和沉默,直到敬爱的圣哲曼出现并开始讲话。片刻之后,一个深沉浑厚的声音说:
“I bring you Greetings, My Beloved Students.” I opened my eyes and there was the Blessed, Wonderful Presence of our Beloved Master. He stood fully six feet one inch in height, slender, royal and real. His hair was dark brown, wavy and abundant. His face portrayed a Beauty, Majesty and Power no words can describe—a face revealing Eternal Youth, with eyes of the deepest violet one can imagine through which the Wisdom of the Ages poured out upon the world expressing the Love and Mastery that are His.
“把我的问候带给你们,我亲爱的学生。”我睁开双眼,看到了我们敬重的上师充满祝福的神奇临在。他站起来足有六英尺一英寸高,身形修长、高贵而真实。他的头发是深棕色的,波浪状,而且很厚实。他的脸描绘出无法用言语形容的美丽、威严和力量 —— 一张展现出永恒青春的脸,有着人们可以想象到的最深邃的紫罗兰色的眼睛,通过这双眼睛,历代的智慧倾泻到世界上,表达着属于他的爱和主宰。
He stepped across the room to where Nada sat, bowed, and touched her forehead with the thumb of His right hand, the fingers extending over the top of her head. He did the same thing to Rex, myself, and Daniel Rayborn. It is in this way that an Ascended Master can give a Radiation which does for the individual what nothing else can do. It is a tremendous aid in clearing the mind, for It releases certain Higher Activities from within the student’s Inner Bodies while he is within the Master’s Aura.
“Beloved Ones,” He began, “this evening I have come to explain certain Laws that will enable you to manifest Dominion over human limitation, once you know and fully understand the Life Principle within your human body. Then you will know and feel It truly is All-Wise and All-Powerful. When you really comprehend this, you will see it is not only natural and possible, but eventually compulsory that you transcend all outer activity—its laws and its limitations! These come into existence through ignorance and express in the outer activity because the intellect is allowed to act without the Light from within the Heart illumining it. Discord and limitation are imposed upon the outer activity by man and man alone; for an All-Wise, All-Perfect, All Powerful, Supreme Creator does not and cannot create a limitation, a lack or a discord.
“亲爱的,”他开始说,“今天晚上我来给你们讲解一些特定的法则,一旦你们知道并完全理解你们人类身体中的生命法则,你们会显化出超越人类限制的统领力量。然后你就会知道,并感觉到这法则真的是全然的智慧和全能的力量。当你真正理解这一点的时候,你会发现它不仅是自然而然和可能发生的,而且最终会是强制性的,你会超越所有的外在活动 —— 外在的法则和限制!因为智力允许在没有内心的光照耀它的情况下行动,通过无知,外在的法则和限制得以存在,并表达在外在活动之中。不和谐和限制是通过人、而且只是通过人施加在外在活动之上的;因为全智、完美、全能的至尊造物者不会、也不能创造限制、缺乏或者不和谐。”
“The concept that it is possible for All-Perfection to create imperfection or anything unlike Itself is absurd, vicious, and entirely untrue. The Supreme Creator gives to the individual with Free Will the Use of the Attributes of the Creator with which to manipulate manifestation at his particular point in the Universe. The individual is endowed with the capacity to form conclusions through using the intellect alone, which are the results of fragmentary information. It comes about from using only a part of the Creative Powers with which the individual is endowed.
“Conclusions drawn from partial instead of complete information must of necessity bring about unsatisfactory results. The individual must have Free Will or he could not be a Creator. If he chooses to experiment with the spoke instead of the entire wheel, there is naught to say him nay in his desire to experience those results. “
“His wheel of manifestation cannot and is not complete until he recognizes his ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,’ for It is the only Source which knows all required to build any pattern of manifestation that produces Perfection for him.
“All Patterns of Perfection are stored within the All-Knowing, Fathomless, Dazzling Mind of the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’ and can never be made manifest in the physical world of mankind until the outer activity of the mind, which is the intellectual consciousness, is illumined by the Ray of Golden Light within the Heart. This Ray comes always and only from the Electronic Body of the individual. This is ‘The Magic Presence’—’I AM.’
“所有完美的模式都储藏在‘敬爱的我是临在’的全知、深不可测、闪耀的心智中,直至外在的心智活动,也就是智力活动,被心中的金黄色光芒照亮之前,它才会显化到人类所在的物质世界。这道圣光总是、并且仅仅来自一个人的电子身体。这就是‘神奇的临在’ —— ‘我是’。”
“This ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’ of mankind’s Being does not cognize and never can create the maze of confusion, chaos and destruction that exists in the outer mentality and world of humanity—any more than the Sun creates a cloud. It is the Birthright and Privilege of every individual to express the Fullness of this Glorious Inner Presence and Power of Perfection, but if the personal self will not call the Power of the ‘Presence’ into action through the Higher Mentality into the outer activity at all times, then all outer experience merely remains the ever-changing condition or dumping ground of the thoughts and feeling of other human beings surrounding it.
“人类存有的‘敬爱且伟大的我是临在’不知道、也永远不会创造出外在心智和人类世界之中的混淆、混乱和破坏 —— 这种不可能程度就像太阳创造一朵云那样。全然地表达这种内在临在的荣耀和完美力量是每个人与生俱来的权利和特权,但是如果这个人的人类自我不随时地把‘临在’的力量”通过更高的心智力量带入到外在的活动中,那么所有的外在体验不过是围绕着他周围其他人的想法和感觉向他身上的倾倒,外在的状况也不停的变化着。
“The ‘Presence of the Mighty I AM’ abides within the Electronic Body of every individual, resting from twelve to fifty feet or more above the physical body, and is occupied only with creating, expanding, and forever pouring out Perfection. It lives in Its own Realm, doing Creative Work at Cosmic Levels.
“Only in the outer activity of the human personality, which is but a fragmentary part of each one’s individuality, can imperfection be generated and experienced. It is through the Higher Mentality that the Discriminative and Selective Intelligence acts. In this Body, the Individualized Intelligence can look upon the discord of human creation and observe the conditions by which the personality is surrounded and those it is passing through, but does not accept them into Its Consciousness or World. It sees what is required to produce Perfection in the physical experience and can reach into the Electronic Body—the individual’s ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’—and draws forth that which produces Perfection in the outer activity.
“人类的人格只是每个个体的碎片部分,只有在人类人格的外在活动中,才可以产生并体验到不完美。分辨力智能和选择力智能是更高心智活动的表现。在这个高等身体中,个体化的智能可以观察到人类创造的不和谐,观察到人格周围的环境状况,以及人格正在体验的,但是并不会接纳这些进入自己的意识或者自己所在的世界。高等心智体可以看到在物质层面的体验中产生完美之所需,并可以到达电子身体之中 —— 也就是个人的‘尊敬的我是临在’ —— 并从那里带出在外在活动中产生完美之所需。”
“In transcending all earthly laws, We but claim our God-given Authority to live and act in Perfect Accord with the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’ of man and Infinity. This ‘Presence’ is Eternal, Changeless Perfection, yet forever expanding Itself through the individual. As you see, I come into your presence in a locked room with walls of solid stone. These seemingly impassable walls are no barrier nor obstruction to the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,’ anymore than they are to an electrical impulse. This ‘Presence’ is the Mighty Master Within, the God Self of every individual. When one acknowledges, accepts, understands, and feels this ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,’ Its Limitless Powers are released into his use.
“This home and room were dedicated to the Ascended Masters of Love, Light and Wisdom at the time the tower was built, and it will continue to be a Focus for Their Activity as long as They desire to use it.
“When the shell, which means the discord of the outer self, is dissolved—not by passing through the change called death, but by consciously raising and illumining the body and its every activity by the ‘Light’ of the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’—Its Power is released into the outer world through the individual, and he manifests complete Mastery, the Dominion as given him in the beginning by the Father.
“当外壳,也就是外在自我的不和谐被溶解时 —— 不是通过称之为死亡的变化,而是有意识地通过‘尊敬且伟大的我是临在’的‘圣光’来提升和照亮身体以及身体的每个活动 —— 通过这个个体,它的力量得以释放到外在世界中,他表现出完全的掌控和统领,这正是父神在最初就赋予他的。”
“Through his consciousness, every human being can release the Limitless Power of the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.’ When one disciplines his outer faculties and makes them obedient to his Conscious Command of Perfection, he is then able to let this Tremendous Power flow through him unobstructed and to use It constructively. Within each of you is the same Mighty Power I am using! You can use It as I do when you acknowledge, accept, and admit at all times that the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’ is always in action. This is the Cosmic Christ, and the only Consciousness in the Universe which can say ‘I AM.’
“The Thinking Flame of God is the only Activity of Life anywhere in manifestation which can acknowledge Its own Individualization, use the ‘Creative Word of God,’ and send It forth into the Universe to cause manifestation. Only the Son of God, which means the individual with Free Will, can decree as God decrees and say ‘I AM.’ Whatever quality follows that sound spoken into the ethers becomes a manifestation in the world of substance, and thus becomes a form.
“When the individual says ‘I AM,’ he is using the Creative Attribute of the Godhead and announcing Creation at his particular point in the Universe. The vibratory action of the Word ‘I AM,’ either in thought or spoken word, is the Release of the Power of Creation; and whatever quality follows that Decree is instantly imposed upon the electronic substance in the ethers. This being the only substance and energy in existence whose nature is to be qualified in some manner, it must outpicture the pattern within the Decree. If the Decree be always for Perfection, then the experiences in the individual’s world express the Fullness of the Plan of Life; but if the individual does not send forth that Decree, it is impossible for that Perfection to outpicture in his experiences until the Decree is released into the ethers in which he lives.
“Every individual can think Perfection at every instant, if he only will, and it takes no more substance and energy to build Beautiful, Perfect Forms and Experiences than it does the imperfect; but if the individual wants this Perfection expressed in his own world, he must use his own energy to utter the Decree which will release that Perfection unto him. Such is the Law of his Being, and nothing can change It!
“Life is the only Presence, Intelligence, and Power that can act or ever did act. These three Activities within Life are coexistent everywhere! The Pure Electronic Light which fills Infinity is the Self-Luminous, Intelligent Substance of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ existing at all points and of which all forms are composed. Discord and limitation can build a film, so to speak, around this Substance, shutting off at least to some degree the Radiance of its Light; but imperfection of any kind can never enter into the Electronic Substance itself. The discords and limitations that humanity has wound around itself are due to the activities of the intellect and the emotions, which have not been trained to look within the Light of the individual’s own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ for the Plan of Perfection upon which each one should construct all his outer activities.
“生命是唯一可以行动的临在、智能和力量。生命的这三重活动是在所有地方共同存在的!充满无限的纯粹电子之光是‘伟大的我是临在’的自我照亮的智能物质,存在于一切之中,无所不包。这么说吧,不和谐和限制可以制造出一种薄膜来围绕着这种物质,至少在某种程度上关闭了它的光辉;但是任何形式的不完美都不可能进入这种电子物质本身之中。人类自身缠绕的不和谐和限制来自智力和情感的活动,它们没有被训练在个体内在的 ‘伟大的我是临在’圣光之中寻找完美的计划,也是基于这个计划,每个人来构建他自己的外在活动。”
“This Perfect Plan does not exist anywhere except within the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ When the intellect and emotions are purified and illumined by the Light of this Great ‘Presence,’ then the Perfect Ideas and Activities within It can flow through the personality without becoming distorted by the fragmentary information in the outer activity of the consciousness. The reports of the human sense consciousness are merely unillumined activities, for when Light is directed into them from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ they melt into Its Glorious Perfection at once.
“Love, Peace, Balance, Order, and Perfect Activity, or the coordination of all outer activities with the Patterns of Perfection from the ‘Presence,’ can only be brought about by the One Great Light, the ‘I AM.’ There, and only There, does the Design of Perfection ever exist. If the student or individual will fix his attention with determined tenacity and hold it upon the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ he can release such Divine Love, Light, Wisdom, Power, Courage, and Activity as he cannot possibly comprehend at present.
“Divine Love contains the Perfect Activity of every Attribute of the Godhead. When the individual enters the conscious path of Self-Mastery, he should fully understand and realize that from then on, he is obligated to accomplish everything he attempts by the Power of Divine Love from within his own ‘I AM Presence’! He must know unmistakably and remember at all times that Divine Love contains within It the Complete Wisdom and Almighty Power of the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.’
“When an individual generates enough Divine Love and sends It forth into all outer activities, he may command what he will through the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ and his request is always fulfilled. He may go among the wild beasts of the jungle and no harm can come to him. Divine Love, when consciously generated within the individual, is an Invisible, Invincible, and Invulnerable Armor of Protection against all disturbing activity. There is only one thing that can bring about Perfection anywhere in the Universe, and that is enough Divine Love. Therefore, love your own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ intensely, and nothing else can enter your Being or world!
“You four Beloved Ones have come to the point where the ‘I AM Presence’ commands the Assistance of the Ascended Masters. Therefore it will be My Great Pleasure to be of any help to you that may be required. Before I proceed further, I wish to convey the Great Love and Blessing from your beloved mother and companion. Soon you will have the Joy of seeing and greeting Her face to face, and never again will you be disturbed by the thought or change called death. It gives Me Great Joy to feel and see such wonderful harmony within your mental and emotional bodies.
“My Brother,” He said, turning to me, “I welcome and bless you for so noble a nature, a sincere Heart, and such Great Love. You will soon become aware that you have much to do besides your writing.” Turning to Nada and Rex, He addressed them:
“My Beloved Nada and Rex, I feel like both Father and Mother to you, although I cannot take the place of your earthly father who is so noble—so fine—and whose earthly pilgrimage is nearing its close. He may be with you many months yet. Please forget entirely that which you regard as separation and enter fully into the activities before you.”
“我亲爱的娜达和雷克斯,我感觉就像你们的父母,尽管我不能替代你在尘世中的父亲,他如此高贵 —— 如此美好 —— 他在尘世中的朝圣之旅即将结束。他可能还有多个月的时间跟你们在一起。请完全忘记你所认为的要分别的事情,并完全投入到你面前的活动中。”
“I am more than pleased,” He continued, turning to me, “to see in your Heart a great willingness to serve wherever that service is most needed. That attribute will bring you Very Great Light.” Including all, He continued:
“After your trip to the mine, I will impart to each of you certain Private Instructions that will greatly assist and hasten the awakening of certain Faculties whose use you will soon need, and through which I will be able to reach you much more easily. This will bring to you a clearness that bars all doubt.
“The superintendent at your mine,’ He said, speaking to Rayborn, “will retain his physical body only until He can say a few parting words to you. North of the tunnel where the last strike was made, which has been considered very good, there is a deposit immensely richer that has been passed. I will indicate the place when you reach the exact spot in the tunnel. You are to mark it,” He directed, glancing toward me.
“There are those in touch with Grey which make it unwise to open this up until he is out of their reach. It will be much greater wisdom in the future to forbid any report going out of strikes made in the mine. This body of ore which shall be indicated to you contains over twenty million dollars in gold, clear and above all operating expenses.
“Little do those of humanity who are in great need realize how easily and quickly they could and would be given their financial freedom if they would but turn their attention to the ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,’ and hold it there with determined tenacity. Great would be their reward for such effort.
“I will be present while you are in the mine, but not visible to your outer sight. This is the reestablishing of our former wonderful association. You will realize how beautiful it is when you become consciously aware of the Tremendous Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within and above each of you. This Almighty Power you will draw forth and use without limit.” He gave each a hearty handclasp and asked us to take the same position as before He came, saying we were all to meet again soon. When we opened our eyes a few moments later, He had disappeared—as quickly as He had come.
“当你在矿场时,我也会在那里,但是你外部视力是看不到的。这是我们以前美妙连结的重新建立。你会意识到当你有意识地觉知到你们每个人之内和之上的‘伟大我是临在’的强大力量时,你会意识到这是多么美好。你会无限地汲取和使用这种全能的力量。”他热情地握了每个人的手,并要求我们在他来之前采取相同的姿态,他说我们很快会再次见面。片刻后,当我们睁开眼睛时,他消失了 —— 那速度就像他来时一样快。
Nada and Rex said the experience was the most glorious of their lives and the happiest two hours they had ever spent thus far. Only a small part of such Transcendent Work can be conveyed in words to those who have not experienced these things; but all humanity may have the same opportunity when the individual is earnest, sincere, humble and unselfish enough in his desire for the Light, and really loves his own ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’
It was so remarkable and uplifting to see the room brilliantly lighted by the Radiant Presence of Beloved Saint Germain, and it was conclusive proof that His ‘Presence’ was Its own Light. Each of us experienced such Peace and Love as we never dreamed were in existence. We could not refrain from embracing each other, and there were tears of joy in our eyes out of deep gratitude for such a Divine Privilege. We said good-night and went to our rooms, as we were to leave early the following morning for the mine. We left very early, driving nearly five hundred miles over a highway that was in splendid condition. The day was calm, bright and lovely—the scenic beauty gorgeous. We took turns at the wheel so no one was in the least tired, and at exactly seven o’clock in the evening we drove into camp. We noticed a great deal of activity and excitement. As soon as the men saw us, one of them came running to the car, saying excitedly, “Come! Come! Grey has been badly hurt in the mine. It happened while we were changing shifts.”
看到房间被敬爱的圣哲曼的闪耀临在照亮,真的是一种非凡和令人振奋的体验,这是他的‘临在’就是自己圣光的确凿证据。我们每个人都体验到了我们未曾梦想过的安宁与爱。出于对这种神圣特权的深深感激之情,我们情不自禁地拥抱在一起,眼中流下了喜悦的泪水。我们互道晚安,回到自己的房间,因为我们要在第二天一早出发去矿山。我们很早就出发了,在一条状况极佳的高速公路上行驶了将近五百英里。这一天风平浪静,阳光明媚 —— 风景秀丽。我们轮流驾驶,所以没有人感到丝毫疲倦,晚上七点整,我们开进了营地。我们注意到这里有着大量活动和激动的表达。那些人一看到我们,其中一个人就跑到车前,激动地说:“快来!快来!格雷在矿井里受了重伤。是我们在换班的时候发生的。”
Daniel Rayborn hurried away while Rex and I took Nada to the bungalow. The men took care of the luggage, and we hurried to the superintendent’s quarters to which Grey had been carried. As we arrived, the room was being cleared of the men, as Grey wished to speak to Rayborn alone. We stepped in, greeted him, gave what encouragement we could, and then left the two alone.
Thirty minutes later, Rayborn came out. He was deeply moved because, as he afterward told us, the man had made a full confession, asked forgiveness, and passed on immediately. Beloved Saint Germain, referring to it later said: “The Soul withdrew from its temple of flesh when it realized that the human self could not withstand the temptation.”
“In shooting the holes drilled by the day shift,” Rayborn explained, “a large piece of rock became loosened; and as Grey was inspecting and sampling the day’s work, the rock fell, striking him on the head. He dropped unconscious, and another piece fell upon his chest, crushing him so badly there was no hope of recovery.
“He remained conscious until I reached his side, and made a full confession concerning his attempt upon my life because he knew he could not live. I gladly and freely forgave all, that he might pass on in Freedom. His Soul can thus have its greatest opportunity for growth. His gratitude was unspeakable for the opportunity to free his conscience and be forgiven. His passing was really in very great peace.”
We were all rather stunned by the suddenness and accuracy with which Beloved Saint Germain’s statements were being fulfilled. At eleven o’clock the next morning a short service was held in camp, and the body then taken to the railway station, some three miles away. Bob Singleton accompanied it to San Francisco, where Grey’s mother and brother lived. Mr. Rayborn sent them a check for twenty-five thousand dollars and paid all expenses.
尊敬的圣哲曼的阐述以如此突然和准确的方式得到应验,让我们都感到震惊。第二天早上十一点,在营地举行了一场简短的仪式,然后尸体被运往大约三英里外的火车站。鲍勃·辛格尔顿 (Bob Singleton) 一同去了旧金山,格雷的母亲和兄弟居住在那里。雷伯恩先生给了他们一张两万五千美元的支票,并支付了所有费用。
In all my mining experience, I have never seen so marvelous a camp of men as Rayborn employed. Everything possible had been done for their comfort and convenience, no intoxicating drinks of any kind ever being allowed. The location of the mine was deep in the heart of very rugged mountains, and all possible was done to maintain the utmost Harmony.
Nada and Rex used every opportunity to make me acquainted with the camp, and everywhere it was plainly evident that Rayborn was much loved by his men. The entire atmosphere was one of harmonious cooperation, and there was a total absence of all coarse or undesirable elements.
It was Rayborn’s custom to pay every man a bonus of one dollar a day as long as any rich strike lasted. He made Bob Singleton superintendent, for he was a fine, noble, upright, honest chap with splendid ability. We spent a wonderful day going through the concentrating plant—from which only the concentrates were shipped to the smelter. Most of the richer gold was free milling, being run into bullion and shipped direct to the mint in Denver.
只要持续地发现丰富的矿脉,雷伯恩的习惯就是每天给每人发一美元的奖金。他任命鲍勃·辛格尔顿为主管,因为他是一名优秀、高尚、正直、诚实、能力出众的小伙子。我们在选矿厂度过了美好的一天 —— 在那里,精矿被运输到冶炼厂。大多数丰富的金矿都是自由研磨的,被加工成金条并直接送往丹佛的铸币厂。
That night at dinner Daniel Rayborn, in speaking of Bob Singleton said, “I have long wanted to make Singleton our superintendent, for I feel that he is a man that can be absolutely trusted. I think we had better not go into the mine until he returns from San Francisco, which will probably be the second day after tomorrow. In the meantime we can trace the surface outcropping and surveys.
“I want both of you boys to become familiar with the boundaries and all departments of the mine. I will show you the principal veins of ore at the surface. While we have had this mine for about twelve years, yet you will see as you go over it that we have really only explored a small part, although we have taken out millions of dollars in value.”
Singleton returned late in the afternoon of the fourth day, and plans were made to go carefully through the underground workings the day following. During that evening I felt as if I were being tremendously charged with a Dynamic Electrical Current. Nada had brought her Arabic musical instrument, and she and Rex entertained us royally after dinner.
At nine o’clock the next morning, we went to the shaft-house and met Singleton, who was waiting there ready to take us into the mine. We entered the cage and descended to the four hundred foot level. Here we went through various tunnels and crosscuts. As we were going through one tunnel that led to the southwest, I suddenly felt an Electrical Current pass through me. I stopped, and turning to Singleton, said, “What does this formation contain toward the north at this point?”
“There is only country rock,” he replied, “between these two veins. They are about four hundred feet apart at the surface, with apparently very little dip.”
We started to pass on, but without the others seeing me, I marked the place with blue chalk. We then went to the six hundred foot level and continnued to go through the various workings. We came to a tunnel leading to the southwest; and almost under the spot where I had felt the current two hundred feet above, I felt it again, but more powerful than before. I looked to my right and saw an intense blue light with a center of molten gold. This stood out clear and bright upon the wall of the tunnel. I marked the spot quickly, and at the same moment my Inner Sight was greatly quickened. I saw clearly through the rock what seemed to be a great cavity between the two main veins at least two hundred feet apart. The opening was fully two hundred feet high and nearly the same in circumference. A stringer—or crack in the formation—led into the top, just about the four hundred foot level.
我们开始继续前进,不过在没有人看到我的情况下,我用蓝色粉笔标记了那个地方。然后我们到达距地表六百英尺的高度继续进行各种工作。我们来到了一条通往西南方向的隧道,几乎就在那个位置之上的二百英尺处,我感觉到电流流遍全身,我再一次感觉到了,比之前那次更加强烈。我向右看去,看到一道强烈的蓝光,中心是融化的黄金。这在隧道的墙壁上清晰而明亮地显露出来。我迅速地标记下那个位置,同时我内在的视觉也大大提升。透过岩石,我清楚地看到在相距至少两百英尺的两条主矿脉之间似乎有一个巨大的空洞。那个空洞足足有两百英尺高,周长也有两百英尺。一条纵梁 —— 或者说地层中的裂缝 —— 伸向顶部,高约四百英尺。
During an ancient volcanic activity the ore had been forced to this point forming very rich veins, but this crevice had allowed it to pour through, filling the cavity. It was one of those strange things that happen in Nature, very seldom of course, but nevertheless, they do occur.
The whole activity had been flashed on my consciousness in a moment, as all truly Cosmic Flashes do occur. I marked the spot, then went on with the others to examine the new strike. It was tremendously interesting. The two walls of the vein had suddenly widened in their formation, and at that point the large body of ore had been created—but it was not more than a tenth as large as the one I had marked. Just at this time Bob Singleton was called away by one of his men, and I had a chance to explain to Rex and his father what I had been shown by Beloved Saint Germain. I knew positively it was by His Power that I had been enabled to see within the formation and mark its location. Rayborn decided immediately to have a cross-cut tunnel run in from the spot I had marked to contact the ore-body that had been revealed to me. When Singleton returned, Rayborn gave the order to have the men start work at once on this cross-cut.
随着真正宇宙火花的出现,整个过程在我的意识中闪现。我标记了那个位置,然后与其他人一起检查了新发现的矿藏。这个矿藏非常有趣。矿脉的两道墙在它们形成过程中突然加宽了,就是在加宽的位置出现了大规模的矿体 —— 不过它还不如我标记的那个十分之一。就在这时,鲍勃·辛格尔顿被他其中的一位手下叫走了,我有机会向雷克斯和他父亲解释圣哲曼展示给我看的一切。我非常确切地知道因为他的力量,我才得以看清矿藏的结构,并标记出其位置。雷伯恩即刻决定从我所标记的位置横切出一条隧道,从而接触到那个巨大的矿体。当辛格尔顿回来时,雷伯恩下令让他立即开始在此交叉处开始作业。
The superintendent looked at him in perfect amazement. However, none of his men ever thought of questioning anything he suggested, and Bob began making arrangements at once to carry out the order. Rayborn did give him a little explanation by saying, “Bob! I know you do not understand why I am having this done, but when this special work is accomplished, I will explain.
“Mr. Rayborn,” said Singleton with a gentle, humble dignity, “it will always be my pleasure to carry out your orders without question.
“雷伯恩先生,” 辛格尔顿谦逊而温和地说,“不带有任何质疑去执行你的命令,是我的荣幸。”
“I wish,” continued Rayborn, “you would put the most rapid and trustworthy men on this part of the work. Use three shifts, and finish it as quickly as possible.”
“How many feet can the men break down in twenty-four hours?” I asked the superintendent.
“I think at least ten feet,” he replied, “more or less, according to the hardness of the rock. “At that rate, I felt they would be able to reach the ore-body in about ten days, and I could have almost shouted for joy because I knew there was no uncertainty about what they would find when they reached it.
Rex and I liked Bob Singleton very much, for he seemed a man of fine, strong character, though very young for the type of position he held. He left us as soon as we came out of the mine, for there was a shipment of ore to be sent out that afternoon.
“I have wired the foreman at the ranch”, Rayborn explained, “that we will not return for two weeks unless something vitally important demands it, because I wish to stay here and watch the progress of the new cross-cut tunnel. ”The days passed quickly, the work went steadily ahead, and we occupied our time writing, hiking, and enjoying the music that Nada and Rex gave us on the Arabian instrument—Bob Singleton joining us at dinner several times.
“我已经知会了牧场的领班,”雷伯恩解释说,“除非发生了一些非常重要的事情,否则我们两个礼拜都不会回到牧场,因为我想要待在这里,观察新的横切隧道的开采进展。”时间过的很快,开采也在稳步地进行,我们用这些时间来写作、徒步,并欣赏娜达和雷克斯使用阿拉伯乐器为我们演奏的音乐 —— 鲍勃·辛格尔顿有几次在晚餐的时间加入我们。
The work on the tunnel cut through forty-eight feet the first five days. Each of the men received a bonus of one dollar a foot, and Singleton fifty dollars for the good work accomplished. Bob asked Nada and Rex if they would sing for the men one evening while at the camp. They both agreed, and Nada, as a surprise for everybody, wired to Denver for Arabic costumes—and when they appeared for their first number, the men almost went wild with joy. The program closed, and one of the men arose and asked if they might all shake hands with the children in gratitude for the evening wonderful entertainment. The children agreed and said afterwards that they had never felt such inspiration or such power in their voices. Both felt the Master Saint Germain had been present and used the opportunity to pour His Radiation through the music to the men, thus raising their consciousness and loyalty to a still greater height. This was His Way of neutralizing the influence that had attempted to enter through Grey, which had been unable to accomplish its nefarious purpose.
前五天,隧道工程挖通了四十八英尺,每个人都收到了每英尺一美元的奖金,辛格尔顿因出色的工作获得了五十美元。一天晚上在营地时,鲍勃问娜达和雷克斯他俩是否愿意为那些工人们唱歌。他们同意了,让每个人都感到惊讶的是,娜达打电话到丹佛购买了阿拉伯服装 —— 当他们第一次出场时,人们高兴得近乎疯狂。节目结束了,其中一个人站起来问他们是否可以跟这两位孩子握手,以感谢当晚的精彩表演。他们同意了,事后说,他们之前从未在自己的声音中感受到如此鼓舞人心、如此强大的力量。两人都感觉到圣哲曼大师的临在,并借此机会把他的光芒通过音乐倾洒给在场的人们,从而把他们的意识和忠诚度提升到一个更高的高度。这是圣哲曼大师消除试图通过格雷进入的影响,从而让这些影响无法实现其邪恶的目的。
At twelve o’clock on the eleventh day, I was in the office of the mine with Bob Singleton when a man came rushing in, greatly excited, saying they had struck rich ore in the new cross-cut. The superintendent looked at me utterly speechless, so plainly did he show his surprise. It was then I realized that he had really never dreamed of finding ore in the new workings.
Merely by the use of ordinary geological observations, this ore-body never would have been located, for geologists seldom take into consideration the freakish formations that sometimes occur in Nature, and that She does occasionally extraordinary things. This deposit would never have been found except by the Superhuman Power of our Beloved Master.
Singleton asked me to find Rex and his father and tell them the news. I hurried to the camp quarters and found them awaiting me at lunch. When I told of what had happened, we all silently gave praise and thanks to the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” and our Blessed Saint Germain for making this rich strike possible.
Rayborn sent word to Bob that we would be ready to go with him and examine the new discovery at half past one. Nada decided to await our report. When we reached the spot, I saw the last shots had broken well into the ore-body, as the entire face of the tunnel was in ore.
“Bob,” instructed Daniel Rayborn, “sample this strike and push the work as fast as possible, that we may determine its extern.”
“I will,” Bob replied, and went on to explain: “The formation in the ore deposit itself is much more easily drilled and broken than the ordinary rock. As we returned to the surface, he could stand it no longer and burst forth:
“Mr. Rayborn, this is the most remarkable thing I have ever read or heard of in all my life. How did you know the ore was there? No outer signs indicated it.”
“Bob, my boy,” he replied, “have patience. You will soon know. We shall prolong our stay another ten days, and if I am not mistaken, they will make twice the speed in the ore-body itself as they did getting to it. Keep this ore entirely separate from all the rest in the mine. I will explain the reason why later.
That evening at dinner, Mr. Rayborn asked Nada, Rex, and myself to meet with him at eight o’clock.
I suggest he began, as soon as we were all seated, that we take Bob Singleton into partnership with us as general manager of the entire mine including what in the future will be known as the “Master Discovery”. I think he had better select an assistant of whom we all approve. I feel certain he can be trusted as one of us. We have every evidence before us that all our Beloved Master said of the ore-body is physically true. However, let us say nothing to Bob of this until the tunnel-drift is through.
The following days were filled with great activity and tremendous interest as the work progressed. Almost every evening, Bob was invited to dine with us that all might become better acquainted. Twenty days after the ore-body was reached, the tunnel-drift was through to the opposite side, a distance of fully two hundred feet, and Rayborn was more than happy that we had waited to learn the extent of it.
The evening the tunnel was finished, he announced at dinner that Bob was to be taken in as one of the partners; and while the “Master Discovery” really belonged to Nada and Rex, they wanted him to share a certain specified interest in the mine also, in addition to his salary. Then he explained how the ore-body came to be discovered. He gave a short description of our Beloved Master, Saint Germain, telling of the Protection he and his family had been given for years, of the recent attempt upon his Life, and his escape. Tears of gratitude and joy streamed down Bob’s cheeks as he tried to express his appreciation.
“Your deep feeling” said Rayborn, “proves your sincerity to me beyond question. We shall all feel a Great Love for you Bob, and I am certain you can be trusted as one of us.
“I thank each of you, ” said Bob with sincerity,” and I will do my best to prove worthy and true to the trust you place in me, and for your very great kindness. ” It was then we learned that Bob had a sister, Pearl, of whom he was very fond, and who was his only living relative, with the exception of an aunt with whom she lived.
“I expect Pearl” he continued, “to reach here tomorrow, as she is coming on to visit me for a time.” He was very enthusiastic in his praise of her and drew forth her picture from his pocket.
She was about eighteen, remarkably good looking, and yet one felt she had tremendous strength of character with a natural sense of poise and command. He told Daniel Rayborn of the desire he always had to provide the means for her university training, and with his recent good fortune of sharing in the mine, this became possible of accomplishment.
The following day, Nada, Rex, Bob and I drove to the station to meet Pearl. As the train stopped and the passengers were alighting, we saw someone rush into Bob’s arms. It made us realize how dearly they loved each other. That evening Bob told her of his new interest in the mine and the good fortune that had come to him. Later, when she met Daniel Rayborn, she threw her arms about him and kissed him in deep gratitude for his kindness to Bob. She tried to thank him, but he said:
“My Child, it gives me still greater happiness to know you are to share the joy with your brother whom we all have learned to love.” That evening we spent listening to Nada and Rex sing, and I think Pearl was without question the happiest, most grateful person I have ever seen.
“我的孩子,知道你会与我们都爱着的你的兄长分享快乐,让我更加高兴。” 那天晚上我们一直在听娜达与雷克斯唱歌,我认为珀尔无疑是我见过的最快乐、最感恩的人。
The next day came a message from the ranch saying Daniel Rayborn was needed there, so we made preparations to leave the second morning following. The assistant superintendent whom Bob had chosen to help him was to arrive at the camp ten days later, and Nada persuaded Bob to let Pearl go back to the ranch with her until he had time to visit with her. Rayborn planned to stay at the ranch only two or three weeks and then return to the mine again.
At six o’clock on the day of our departure, all the men who were off duty came to see us off, and as Bob said good-by, he held Pearl in his strong, fond embrace and expressed his gratitude that she had found so wonderful a friend in Nada. Rex and I took turns in driving, that Daniel Rayborn might have a chance to become better acquainted with Nada’s newly-found friend. We noticed Pearl was a very close observer, and her appreciation of the beautiful scenery we drove through was very deep.
Time passes rapidly when all is joy and harmony, and this is one of the Great Laws of Life. If humanity would but comprehend the imperative need for its operation in their lives and understand the vital factor it becomes in their conscious use, we would be living in a most marvelous world more quickly than we can possibly realize now.
We made a long detour while returning, but arrived home at eight o’clock, ready for the splendid dinner that awaited us. We all seemed a little tired by the long drive except Pearl. The newness of the scenes kept her interest so aroused she seemed not to feel anything but the great happiness of the experience. We retired early, deeply grateful to the “Mighty I AM Presence, for the wonderful Blessings It had bestowed upon us.
III. Subterranean Marvels 地下奇遇
THE next day, Nada, Pearl, Rex and I went to our favorite mountain lake. Pearl had gone for a walk while the rest of us were sitting very quietly on the bank. We had been there almost an hour when the strangest feeling passed over me as if Pearl were in danger. I called to Rex; we discussed my feeling and then hurried in search of her. We passed around a high rock that projected across the trail and saw her standing motionless. Fortunately we did not call, but walked rapidly forward. As we came nearer we beheld a huge rattlesnake coiled, waiting its opportunity to strike.
Rex always carried a rope around his waist. Without a word and quicker than it takes to tell it, he made a lasso, and with a quick, deft movement, sent it forward, catching the snake just below its head. He killed it instantly and turned to Pearl, expecting to find her greatly frightened. Imagine our surprise when she faced us calm and serene, and smiling curiously, said:
“I came upon that snake unexpectedly, but I knew it could not harm me so long as I kept my eyes on its eyes. Somehow I knew you would come. “By that time Nada had come up to us, and we explained the incident.
“My dear sister,” she said, turning to Pearl, “you certainly have wonderful courage and poise. ” Pearl looked at her with a peculiar expression we had never seen before.
“Nada my dear,” she replied, “you know the Great Master would not allow any of us to be harmed. ” Finally I found my voice and asked:
“What Master? “She looked at me steadily for a moment and remarked:
“What a foolish question. The same Master each of you knows. Nada threw her arms around Pear’s neck and exclaimed:
“多么愚蠢的问题。就是我们每个人都认识的那同一位上师。” 娜达用双臂环绕着珀尔的脖子,惊呼道:
“God bless you, my dear, how did you know Him?”
“When I was not quite ten years old,” she continued, “shortly after my mother passed on, a Blessed Being appeared to me whom I afterwards came to know as the Master Saint Germain. After His first appearance He continued to visit and instruct me, but I was forbidden to tell anyone, not even my brother, until I was granted permission to do so.
“He told me to come out here to see Bob at this time, and I noticed an unusual twinkle in His eye at the time He said it, but I did not understand why He was so amused. Now it is all clear. Little did I dream I was going to meet those who knew my Beloved Angel-Master, as I have always called Him.”
From that time on, it seemed as though Pearl were a long-lost sister who had returned. That night we sprang our great surprise on Daniel Rayborn, and he was overjoyed when he learned that Pearl was a pupil of our Blessed Saint Germain.
The next morning we all had a real surprise awaiting us when we went down to breakfast; for Daniel Rayborn, as he awoke, had received a Message from our Master—for Saint Germain had asked that all of us meet at the “Cave of Symbols” in Table Mountain by eight o’clock, the morning of the third day following. That was Thursday morning. Pearl was very anxious to know something about the Cave, and after hearing some description of it, remarked, “You will find some very great Revelation concerning it is about to take place.
第二天,当我们下楼吃早饭时,一个真正的惊喜在等待着我们,丹尼尔·雷伯恩醒来时,收到了来自我们上师的一则信息 —— 圣哲曼让我们所有的人在第三天早上八点之前在桌山的“满是图腾的山洞”中会面。那天是周四早上。珀尔非常想知道关于这个山洞的一些事情,在听到一些关于它的描述后,她说,“你们会发现,有关它的一些非常伟大的启示就要发生了。”
At six o’clock on the morning indicated, we appeared at breakfast in our hiking outfits, bubbling over with joy and the happy anticipation of seeing our Blessed Saint Germain again, for we all felt tremendous things were in store for us. We drove by auto as far as the road went, which left only a distance of about two miles for us to hike.
The day was glorious, and the very air seemed charged with a magical fragrance, a powerful highly attenuated Spiritual Energy. The drive was delightful. We found a safe, secluded spot for the automobile, taking our flashlights with extra batteries, and reached the entrance to the Cave at exactly ten minutes to eight.
We entered the first chamber and were immediately conscious of a Powerful Vibration, almost like that produced by the throbbing of great machinery. As we came to the arched entrance of the great Inner Room, there stood our Beloved Master. He was clothed in spotless white that contrasted strangely with the hiking clothes we wore. Enfolding each in His Divine Embrace, He said:
“Beloved Ones, I greet you in the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ This Great ‘ Presence’ within you will become as familiar to you ere long as you are with each other, as Real, as Tangible and as Vital. I see it is unnecessary to introduce my faithful pupil, Pearl, whose name symbolizes her great purity of soul.
“I rejoice exceedingly that it has been possible for Me to bring together in the physical expression such beautiful souls as you all are. It is a most unusual thing, I assure you, as you will see later. If you will kindly follow me, we shall proceed.
He moved toward the archway of white described in the first chapter and stopped about three feet in front of it. He extended His right hand, and in a moment, a Dazzling White Light like a dense vapor enveloped the entire place. The entrance to a tunnel filled with a Soft White Light opened.
We entered, followed Saint Germain for a distance of several hundred feet, and at last came to another door on which in raised figures were the ancient symbols of Life. Presently the door opened, and we were admitted into a chamber of extraordinary shape and remarkable beauty, having twelve sides of equal dimensions, a beautiful dome forming its ceiling.
Each side was made of a different kind of substance. Four of these panels were dazzling white, each different, yet giving off a soft, glowing, Sparkling Light, and making a square within the twelve- pointed figures. The others were of varying colors of most delicate, beautiful shades. The room was at least sixty feet in diameter, and on the east side stood an instrument in a transparent case that looked like a radio as far as I could tell. On each side of this case, forming a circle around the entire room about three feet from the wall, were twelve chairs made of the same transparent metal as the case, one in front of each panel. Saint Germain seated us and stepped to the instrument.
“Beloved Students,” He began, “your surmise is correct. Within this case is the most remarkable radio yet produced on Earth. The case, as you see, is perfectly transparent, yet the material of which it is made is as tough and strong or stronger than steel—so hard you cannot make an impression on it with a hammer. The inventor of this super-radio will be here tonight, when you shall meet Her.
“亲爱的学生们,”他开始说,“你们的猜测是正确的。这个盒子里装的,是地球上迄今为止生产的最了不起的收音机。正如你们所见,这个盒子是完全透明的,但是制造它的材料要比钢铁还要坚固耐用 —— 它坚硬得用锤子都无法打破。这个超级收音机的发明者今晚会来到这里,届时你们会见到她。”
“I wish you to be my guests here for three days. I will see that a written message is delivered to your home by a visible messenger tonight, and that your automobile is guarded. Now if you will come with me, we shall proceed, as we have much to do before evening.” He went to the opposite side of the room from which we had entered and pressed His hand against the wall. A panel slid back and revealed an opening into a large oblong room.
“This is a chemists’ laboratory.” He explained, “in which the Great Master Chemists have been working for the past fifty years—perfecting formulas for the protection of America in the next and final crisis of Her experience. After this crisis Her people will be taught the use of the Universal Energy for Light, Heat and Power. This will come forth in still greater Perfection than has ever been known in any previous age.”
“这里是化学家的实验室。”他解释说,“在过去的五十年里,伟大的化学家一直在努力进行完善 —— 为了在美国经历的下一次、也是最后一次危机中保护她。在这场危机之后,她的人民将会被教导如何使用宇宙能量在制造光、热和能。这会比我们以往所知的任何时代都更加完美。”
We went to the far end of the laboratory and passed into another room fully three times as large where electrical experiments were being carried on. This entire room was lined with the same transparent material as had been used in the case of the radio.
“Many discoveries and inventions,” He continued, “are being brought forth here by awakening the past memory within those who are doing the experimental work. By calling into the outer activity of the mind that which has been attained in previous lives and adding to this the greater and simpler Perfection of the future, those doing this work are preparing Wonders and Blessings untold for America, Her people, and through Her, for the world. During the next seventy years America and Her people will scarcely recognize themselves as they look back upon their limited activities of today.
‘These Wonderful Beings who have become so clearly aware of their ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ are perfecting and preparing for actual use many wonderful things for the great benefit and enlightenment of humanity, as people ascend in conscious understanding to the point where such things can be accepted and used. Many of these formulas and inventions have been and are being taken from cities hermetically sealed that lie at the bed of the Atlantic Ocean, having sunk beneath its waters when the last cataclysm destroyed Atlantis.
“These Great Ones have drawn such formulas from within these sealed cities and are testing and improving upon them. This is how the Greater Perfection comes forth for the use and upliftment of the race in the coming Golden Age. The Great Ascended Masters guard, watch, and direct this work. Their students who have been trained to come and go from the physical body consciously are the ones who carry out the experiments in the laboratory.
“The Ascended Masters are the Guardians of humanity and have worked through the centuries from the invisible as well as the physical to awaken, to bless, to enlighten and lift mankind out of its self-created degradation and selfishness. We have conquered death by Complete and Eternal Dominion over the atomic substance of the physical body and world. All things obey Our Commands! The Laws of Nature and the Universe are Our willing, obedient servants. In these wonderful, secret Chambers of Nature, the work goes on quietly, unknown to the outer world; and wherever the individual seeks the Light for the Light Itself, then truly all things are added. “
Saint Germain called our attention to one thing after another that had already been perfected, and others that were under construction. I can never put in words the feeling of Joy and Exhilaration this gave every one of us. One thing in particular attracted the attention of all, and we asked its purpose.
“It is a mechanical way of quickening the atomic vibration of the human body,’’ He replied, “and assisting to raise it into the Pure Electronic Body which Beloved Je/s.us referred to as the Seamless Robe or the Bridal Garment of the Spirit. It is composed of Pure Electronic Light, for in and upon It no imperfection can ever be recorded.
“Light, you see,” He emphasized, “is Substance, Energy, and Luminosity—all three in one. This Pure Electronic Light of which the Eternal Spiritual Body is composed, is condensed—as it were—by your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ into a Self-luminous Substance, which is for you a Self-sustained, Immortal, Ever-expanding, Ever-Perfect Form and Reservoir of Divine Love, Light, Wisdom and Power from the very Heart of God. It is your Eternal, Individualized Temple of Life and the Heart Center of your world of manifested form. It is sometimes referred to as the White Fire Body because the Dazzling White Light It sends forth is so blazing, so intense and so All-powerful that to the human eye It looks like White Fire. The ordinary person can only gaze upon It for the fraction of a second.
“你看,圣光,”他强调,“是物质、能量和光 —— 三者合而为一。这就是组成永恒灵性身体的纯粹电子圣光,是由你的‘伟大我是临在’凝聚而成的一种自发光的物质,对你来说,它是一种自我维持的、永恒的、不断拓展的、永远完美的形式,是来自神之核心的神圣之爱、光、智慧和力量的储存库。它是你永恒的、个体化的生命殿堂,也是你所在形态世界的心之核心。它有时被称为白色之火的身体,因为它发出的闪耀白光是如此炽热、如此强烈,如此无所不能,人的肉眼看上去就像是白色火焰。普通人只能凝视它几分之一秒的时间。”
“This is the Body in which Beloved Jesus made the Ascension! As the Light within It increased into that Higher Octave of Life, being a more rapid vibratory action, It became invisible to the watching, adoring multitude that witnessed His Ascension. The human eye only records within certain octaves of vibration. As the human, through Self-purification, increases its vibratory rate, the Light within every electron of the physical body glows brighter. It expands Its Radiation to such a degree that the physical form becomes first, Self-luminous; next, transcends the gravity pull of Earth, and then is able to express consciously and at will in any octave of vibration the individual desires. He can come and go freely anywhere within Infinity; for the Pure Electronic Light exists everywhere throughout Creation. As soon as the atomic structure of anyone’s physical body becomes all Light, it has entered into the One Eternal Element—the Great Universal Sea of Blazing White Essence from which God created all forms. Only in this Condition of Life is Complete Freedom, Mastery and Attainment possible. This is the Reality and Ultimate of human existence! Then the human becomes raised until it is all Divinity, which is forever Free, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, going everywhere and doing all It desires, still knowing Itself as an individual, Self-Conscious Focus of the “Mighty I AM Presence.’
“也是这具身体让敬爱的基督达成了扬升!随着它内在的光提升到生命的更高领域,着身体成为一种更快速的振动,从而在那些目睹他扬升的、崇拜他的大众面前变得不可见。人类的肉眼只能记录特定振动频率范围。当人类通过自我净化,提升其自身频率时,身体内的每个电子都会发出更亮的光。这光拓展其辐射范围,先让物质形态成为自发光的,然后超越地球引力,接下来就可以有意识地、任意地表达出这个人想要到达的振动频率范围。他可以在无限中来去自如,因为纯粹的电子之光在整个创造的范围内无处不在。一旦这个人物质身体的原子结构都成为圣光,它就会进入合一永恒的元素中 —— 那是神创造所有形态的闪耀白色精华的宇宙海洋。只有在生命的这种状态下,完全的自由、主宰和成就才成为可能。这就是人类存在的真相与终极意义!直至所有一切成为神性的,也就是永远自由、无所不在、无所不能、无所不知,去所有想去的地方做他想做的事情时,人类就会得到提升,他会知道自己是‘伟大我是临在’的个体化自我意识的聚焦点。”
“In almost every secret society that stands for constructive activity, or in other words that recognizes the ‘Light’ as the Source of all good, there is always used in the initiations the word ‘raised.’ That ‘raising’ is literally, figuratively, eternally and physically true; for the vibratory action of the physical atom is ‘raised’ until it all becomes the Pure, Electronic, Self-expanding Essence or Spirit— the Pure God Substance—LIGHT—LIGHT— LIGHT!
“几乎在每一个代表着建设性活动的秘密团体中,或者说,在每一个把‘圣光’作为所有良善源头的团体,总是会在启蒙仪式中使用‘提升’这个词。‘提升’在字面上、喻意上、在永恒之中和在物质层面都是真的,因为物质原子的振动被提升,直至它全部变成纯粹的、电子的、自我拓展的精华或圣灵 —— 也就是纯粹的神之物质 —— 圣光 —— 圣光 —— 圣光!”
“We call this device an Atomic Accelerator, and It will be used a great deal in the future to assist in raising the physical flesh atom into its Divine Purity and Structure—the Electronic Body. This Perfect Body remains forever Eternally Youthful, Beautiful, Strong, Perfect, and Free from every conceivable limitation. In this Body, individuals can and do function wherever they choose in the Universe, for in It there are no barriers of time, place, space, or condition.
“The desire for this Perfect condition of existence is an innate Idea and Ideal within the entire race of mankind, and has been always. In the legends, myths, and fairy tales of every race and nation that has ever existed on this Earth, there are stories of Perfected Beings—Immortal, All-Wise, Eternally Youthful and Transcendently Beautiful. These stories have a Cause, an Original Idea from which they sprang, and It is this Eternal Truth of Being which they carry forward from age to age, that the Ideal may always be held before the mind of mankind. This is the master record upon which humanity was modeled in the beginning—the image the image and likeness of God, ‘The Mighty I AM Presence’.
“对存在的这种完美状况的渴求是整个人类与生俱来的理念与理想,而且一直以来都是如此。在地球上每个种族和国家曾经存在的传说、神话和童话故事中,都有完美存有的故事 —— 他们是永生的、智慧的、永远年轻并且有着超然的美丽。这些故事背后是有其原因的,它们从一个最初的理念中拓展出来,代代相传的正是这个存在的永恒真理,从而让这种理想永远存在于人类的脑海中。这是人类在最初被按照神、‘伟大的我是临在’的样貌和形象创造出来的主要记载。”
“If one be a Real Student of Life, he will dig deep into the thoughts and feeling of those Beings who express the Superhuman Conditions, Qualities, and Transcendent Ideals. These, the ordinary personality considers impossible because of the Greatness of the Power required to bring Them into outer expression. The effort needed to attain and express these Divine Qualities is more than the ordinary person cares to make. The effort this kind of Attainment requires is a sincere, strict discipline of the human sense-consciousness until it learns Obedience to the Pattern of ‘Perfection’ instead of its own selfish temporary whims and appetites. The Real Student of Life knows that whatever God Quality the Consciousness of the individual can think about, he can bring into existence through the Creative Power of his own thought and his feeling of Divine Love.
“Divine Thoughts, Divine Feeling, Divine Qualities, Divine Ideals, can only be found by thinking upon Divinity, for they do not exist nor abide anywhere else, and like produces like throughout Infinity. Divinity is the Light and the Perfection of Life.
“You shall see this Atomic Accelerator in operation while here for your Instruction and Enlightenment. The Ascended Masters have permitted It to come forth that more of humanity may know of this possibility and make the needed effort for its Attainment at the present time.
“The Ascended Masters are Masters of Love, Light and Wisdom. Only through Them can humanity understand Life and reach Attainment, for They know all, have experienced the activity of this Earth, are now wholly Divine and Master of its forces. They have trod every foot of the path the human being now treads and know every step of the way. Because of this, They can and do show the student its pitfalls if he cares to listen and be protected from them; but They will not and never do intrude upon the Free Will of the individual, for that is his Divine Birthright, and they respect It.”
Saint Germain then led the way to the entrance of a shaft in which there was a metal cage—or elevator. We entered and began moving downward. We descended about a hundred feet, and the cage stopped in the center of a circular room. It was about twenty feet in diameter and facing us was a stone door. He pulled a lever at the right of the entrance. The massive door swung open and disclosed an immense chamber that contained marvelous, complete equipment for making every kind of material that was used in constructing the various devices in both the chemical and electrical laboratories. In this great room there were large electrical furnaces and huge rollers for changing the various metals into thin sheets. Everything was electrically operated.
圣哲曼然后带路来到了一个竖井的入口,里面有一个金属笼 —— 也可以说是电梯。我们进入后,它开始向下移动。我们下降了大约一百英尺,笼子停在了一个圆形房间的中央。房间直径大约有二十英尺,我们面前是一扇石门。他拉动了入口右侧的杠杆,巨大的石门打开了,里面是一个巨大的房间,放置的是各种用于打造化学和电子实验室中各种设备的不同材料。在这个大房间中有大型电炉和巨大的滚筒,用于把不同的金属变成薄片。一切都是电力操作的。
“This is the place,’’ remarked Saint Germain, “from which you felt the throbbing vibration within the mountain as you entered the Cave. The machinery is seldom operated during the day. Today it is necessary to do so in order to be ready for the Work that we are to accomplish tonight, and for which you have been invited here.”
“Every kind of material we wish to use is produced right here in this chamber. Of course We do not need great quantities for the experimental work We are doing, but this work is to bring into practical use for the future the Great Genius and Marvelous Ideals of highly illumined Individuals who are fully awakened to the Conscious Recognition of the ‘ Mighty I AM Presence’ and the use of Its Limitless Wisdom and Power.
“It is my desire to explain everything in as simple language as possible so the Essence and Principle of it may be most easily and permanently comprehended. It is necessary in the present age to simplify the technical terminology, that the average person may be enabled to understand these Truths easily and quickly.
‘The time has come when great numbers among the mass of humanity will awaken to the Truth and realize they have a Divine Master within them— ‘The Magic Presence’ of the ‘Mighty I AM.’ There are many who from an Inner Standpoint are for along the Path of Enlightenment due to previous Self-effort and attainment. Yet in this present embodiment they are outwardly unaware of it and have not had academic training. Something must be done to give such souls the Freedom which they crave and for which they are really ready. These shall have help, and to this end do We work here to give it.” Beloved Saint Germain then turned to Nada and Pearl, and remarked:
“时间已经到来,人类大众中众多人觉醒到这一真理中,并意识到他们内在有一位神圣的上师 —— ‘伟大我是’的神奇临在。有很多人由于之前的自我努力和成就,从内在的视角来看,他们是沿着开悟的道路前进的。然而,在当前这次转世中,他们外在意识并没有觉察到这一点,也没有接受过学术的训练。因此必须做一些事情来给予这些灵魂他们渴望、并真正准备好要接受的自由。这些人会得到帮助,为此,我们在这里努力来提供帮助。”尊敬的圣哲曼转向娜达和珀尔,说道:
“Are you weary after so many hours of this kind of observation in what is generally supposed to be man’s domain?’’ They quickly assured Him they were not, and judging from the intense sparkle of their eyes, no one doubted it.
“I have never been so vitally interested in anything in my entire life” Pearl replied.
“You do me great honor,” He responded, “by your intense interest, and it gives me real happiness to know you enjoy it also. Now if you will honor My humble quarters with your presence, we shall refresh the outer form. Let us return to the electrical laboratory’.
We returned by the cage; and crossing the room, Saint Germain stepped to a door leading to the heart of the mountain. It opened at His touch, and we entered an oblong sort of reception hall having a dome-like ceiling. The walls and ceiling were all of a most beautiful, delicate milk-white color, the floor being covered with a creamy, soft wool-like material at least an inch and a half thick. There were five chairs made of semi-opaque substance in a similar cream color and upholstered in the same soft blue plush as the chairs in the Tower Room of the Rayborn home. Four of the chairs were exactly alike, but the fifth one had a high carved back. Each chair was placed near a door—the largest one being in the center.
我们从电梯笼子返回,穿越房间,圣哲曼走到一扇通往大山深处的门前。他碰了一下,门就打开了,我们走进一个长方形的接待大厅,天花板是圆形的。墙壁和天花板的颜色都是最美丽、最精美的乳白色,地板上覆盖着至少一英寸半厚的奶油色的、柔软的像羊毛一样的地毯。有五把椅子,是用类似奶油色的半透明物质制成,坐垫跟雷伯恩家塔楼房间里椅子的软垫是一样的,都是柔软的蓝色毛绒垫。其中四把椅子一模一样,第五把椅子有着雕花的高靠背。每一把椅子都放置在一扇门前 —— 最大的椅子放置在中央。
Saint Germain escorted Nada and Pearl to the first door at the left as we came in. He requested them to enter, bathe, and clothe themselves in the Raiment they found provided, then return to this room and await the summons to dine.
Turning to Rex and me, he led us to the far door at the right, with a similar request to prepare for dinner. We entered the room He had indicated and both of us were speechless with surprise, for it was most magnificent, fit for a prince or a king’s palace. It was circular in shape, a domed ceiling, finished in white and gold, furnished with two beautiful couches, a chair placed beside each with a long bevelled mirror set into the wall between them. There was a curious chest of drawers built into the wall itself so they could not be distinguished from it except for the handles. The chairs and frames of the couches were both of the same semi-opaque substance that seemed like a metal.
Rex crossed to a small opening at our left and asked me to look. I stepped to where he was and saw an exquisite Roman bath, also circular in form. It was filled with water that sparkled and moved incessantly, as though charged with the ‘‘Essence of Life’’. We could not find any means of ventilation, yet in every room we visited the air was clean, fresh, invigorating, and filled with the scent of roses.
We bathed, and our bodies felt all aglow with a sense of health we had never before experienced. Lying on the couches were the Robes we were to wear. They were seamless, and made of a fabric I have never seen or heard of, something like a rich, thick silk, but very, very soft, and extremely light in weight. The one for Rex was a wonderful sapphire blue, embroidered in gold. The embroidery formed a girdle around the waist and wide bands around the neck, loose sleeves, and bottom of the Robe. Mine was white, embroidered in gold. There were also beautiful sandals to match, which fitted perfectly.
Our preparation finished, we returned to the reception room. A few moments later the girls entered dressed in Robes like ours, and they were visions of loveliness. The Robes of Pearl and Rex were alike, and Nada’s was like mine. Their room was evidently a duplicate of ours except that it was decorated in a soft pink shade. We were very much occupied comparing notes when the most heavenly chimes sounded through the room, and instantly, the middle door opened. We entered and were thrilled at the beauty upon which we gazed.
Here again, the room was in the same soft, milk-white and gold combination. The dome-like ceiling was colored sky blue, and on it were clouds that gave one the impression of really looking at the sky. The walls were draped with the most marvelous cloth that looked like diamond dust, for something in the composition of the fabric gave it an indescribable Radiance.
This audience chamber was perhaps forty by eighty feet, and in its center stood a large golden table with a crystal top. At the far end of the room there was a duplicate of this table about one-third its size, and around it were placed chairs for six persons. In one corner was a beautiful organ, and opposite in another corner stood a beautiful piano, the case being made of the same metal-like substance as the other furniture. All were so absorbed in admiration and enjoyment of this beauty that we did not notice Beloved Saint Germain and Daniel Rayborn enter until we felt Them close behind us.
Our Beloved Master led the way to the small table where He seated Rayborn at one end and took the head Himself. Pearl was placed at His right, and then Rex; Nada at His left, and then myself. He said:
“May I have the pleasure of ordering the food for each one? You see my culinary department is in the invisible to you, but it is very real and tangible to me.” We acquiesced very happily, and He continued:
“Let us bow our heads in adoration and praise of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within each of us.”
In just a moment, and without another spoken word, a Crystal Goblet filled with a Golden Sparkling Liquid appeared at the right hand of each one.
“To the enlightenment and happiness of each of you and of all humanity,” He said, raising His glass, and as we drank this Marvelous Nectar everyone felt the quickening power of Its Life-giving Essence rush through the body. Next there appeared what looked like a vegetable loaf, with a piece of honey cake that was only slightly sweet. These were most delicious, and all agreed it was the most perfect thing we had ever eaten. A fruit salad followed, or at least that was what it most nearly resembled, and Saint Germain said it was most nourishing.
For dessert we ate something that resembled ice cream, refreshingly cool, not ice cold, and with it a kind of angel-food cake, but much more delicious than anything we know of in the outer world. Lastly there appeared Crystal Goblets filled with a Creamy Liquid, and as we drank it, a force rushed through our bodies like Living Light.
As each course was finished, the empty service simply disappeared. None of us had ever before partaken of anything half so delicious, nourishing and satisfying as this marvelous dinner our Blessed Saint Germain had produced for us direct from the Omnipresent Universal Substance. As we finished, Rayborn turned to Him and said:
“This Experience that is so amazing, so wonderful to us, is all quite natural and normal to You. We feel that we have never been so honored, so pleased in our lives, as we are tonight. “
“My Beloved Children’’ Saint Germain replied, “each one of you has this same ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ the Master God Self and Almighty God Power within you with which to do these things. You can produce everything you require direct from the Universal Supply. I have acquired the Understanding of how to use this Mighty Power and how to direct Its Limitless Energy to do My bidding. If you so desire, you too can soon be directing this Mighty Energy—which is God Energy—to do what you now call great miracles. All mankind may learn to do this also, if it only will.
“我心爱的孩子们,”圣哲曼回答说,“你们每个人都拥有着相同的‘伟大的我是临在’,作为你内在主宰的神之自我和全然的神之力量,来完成这些事情。你可以直接从宇宙的供应中生产你们所需要的一切。我已经了解如何使用这种强大的力量,以及如何引导这种无限的能量来执行我的命令。如果你们愿意,你们很快也可以引导这种强大的能量 —— 就是神之能量 —— 去创造你们称之为的伟大奇迹。如果愿意,全人类都可以学习这么做。”
“There is naught in the Universe to say nay to whatever you desire, so long as it does not harm another of God’s children. “
“It requires much less energy and is much easier to produce everything you wish to use directly from the ever Pure, Universal Substance, than it is to go through the process of nature to grow it—once you know how.” Turning to Nada and Rex, He said:
“从纯粹的宇宙物质中直接生产出你想要的一切,相比通过自然过程来种植,需要的能量更少,而且更加容易 —— 只要你知道如何去做。”他转向娜达和雷克斯说:
“Will you two beloved ones do me the honor to sing two of your own compositions for our enjoyment?’’ “Gladly,” they replied. Nada seated herself at the piano and ran over a phrase of the melody they were going to sing. She stopped, astonished by the tone of the instrument, for it was unlike anything ever produced on Earth in musical tone. They sang a favorite, “The Arabic Love Song.” Their voices and this marvelous piano produced an effect of indescribable beauty. When they had finished, Beloved Saint Germain, with all the grace and courtesy of a courtier, bowed low before them in recognition of the “Mighty I AM Presence” which had been allowed to come through so perfectly.
“I bow before thy gracious throne of song,” He complimented them, “and never have I heard anything more Divine. Now let us go to the radio chamber. Friends are awaiting us there.”
When we reached it, we were presented to three ladies and three gentlemen who had arrived ahead of us. They wore the same sort of Robes as ours, only of different color. Among them was an elderly gentleman with white hair and beard who seemed almost feeble. One of the three ladies, whom we shall call Leonora, stepped to the radio and said:
“This Perfected Radio is the result of my work during seven different embodiments. In four of these I used a masculine body. I carried the memory of it over with me each time, and at last it has reached the Perfection intended. This radio possesses three fields of operation: that which I term high, medium, and low.
“In high, it reaches other planets of our Solar System. In medium, it reaches anywhere on our own planet Earth, including its Etheric Belts; and in low it reaches the interior of our Earth. Let us first connect with some of our cities.”
In a few moments we heard clearly and distinctly a lecture being broadcast by one of the most prominent stations in New York. Afterwards we picked up an orchestra broadcast from another New York station. Then She got connections with London, Paris, Vienna, Cairo, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Melbourne and Tokyo. Distance seemed to make no difference in clear reception, and at no time was there ever the slightest indication of static.
“Now let us reach into the first Etheric Belt around the Earth’’ She said. Immediately we heard the most majestic soul-stirring Music, and then a wonderful Voice was heard, saying:
“This is from the Golden Etheric City over the Sahara Desert. We always know when an Earth connection is made, but We have a still Higher Means of communication. It is the operation of the Sound Ray to speak over and the Light Ray to see through. When these two are combined, it becomes the highest form of television. However, the mechanical television will reach a very high state of perfection, and in a few years it will be as prevalent in the outer world as your telephone of today. Oh, that more of humanity might raise its consciousness and become attuned highly enough to have the marvelous use of these Rays!
You see, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within the individual does not recognize time, place, space or condition. It is only in the outer activity of the mind, or human sense consciousness, that such conceptions of limitation occur.” Leonora adjusted the radio into high, and in a moment, we heard a Voice saying:
“Leonora, this is Venus. We know You because Yours is the only mechanical instrument that reaches Us from Earth. Your usual communication with Us is over the Light and Sound Rays, so We judge this is for the benefit of others than yourself.
Our instruments here indicate the planet with which We are connected by the sound and color of the vibration. The day is fast approaching when your mechanical television will be able to reach Us also. Your scientists will not reach this success until they understand that there are Etheric Rays. They must be made aware of Them and taught to use Them. This will make all kinds of communication within Cosmic Space a very simple matter, and it will then become a daily occurrence to keep in communication with Us.
“Within the next ten years, or perhaps twenty depending entirely upon the Harmony maintained among the inhabitants of Earth—a number of Our Great Inventions will be given to those of your people who are attuned to receive them. These will be of very great benefit to your humanity, as is the wonderful Atomic Accelerator which is near you. That Instrument will one day bless your people tremendously. Call Us whenever We can be of service to You. Our Love, Light and Wisdom enfold You and all the Earth.
“在接下来的十年或二十年,这时间完全取决于地球上居民之间和谐度的维持 —— 我们中很多伟大的发明会给予那些校准好要接收它们的人。这会对你们人类有非常大的益处,就像放置在你们附近的原子加速器那样。有一天,那个设备会极大地祝福全世界的人们。只要我们可以为你们提供帮助,就请呼唤我们。我们的爱、光与智慧包围着你,还有整个地球。”
Leonora then changed from high to low, and in about three minutes a deep Voice was heard, saying, “I recognize your call, and I am answering in person. This is Pelleur. It is interesting and encouraging to know there are those on the Earth’s surface who have some idea of the possibility that God Beings can and do exist within the interior of the Earth. We think We have less to contend with than you, for We do not have extremes of temperature or seasons of heat and cold. We have the ‘ Eternal White Light’ which is soft and restful. Our climate is very delightful, like that of the semi-tropics on Earth. Your America will one day have something quite similar, and yet there will always be some slight change of seasons. They will be much less severe than those you have at present. We have what might be called the ‘ Eternal Sun of Even Pressure’ This produces an Atmosphere that is always of equal pressure and harmonious to all who live within It.
“The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ provides Perfect Conditions in every phase of Its expression. If all the world could but realize and understand this, the terrible agony that fear produces would drop away entirely from the humanity on Earth’s surface. You see, I am cognizant of many of Earth’s conditions outside of My own Activity here, for when We, as you, reach into God’s Mind, all knowledge can be obtained, because Our Motive is pure and unselfish.”
“We may not continue these observations further,’’ Leonora explained. “At this time other things demand Our Attention and Service. Master Saint Germain saw and felt the unanswered questions in our minds, as to why there were inhabitants in the center of the Earth, and what kind of individuals they were; for the idea shocked us, just the same as it does our readers. He studied us all for a moment or two and then said:
“我们可能不会继续下去了,” 利奥诺拉解释说,“现在有其他的事情更需要我们的注意力和服务。” 圣哲曼上师看到、也感觉到了我们心智中未解答的困惑,比如地球中心为什么会有居民,他们是怎样的人;因为这个理念震惊了我们,就像震惊了我们的读者一样。他打量了我们一两分钟,然后说:
“Yes, I will tell you the facts now since the condition and demand to know the Truth are great within each one of you. You, as students on the Path who are really trying to understand Life everywhere in the Universe, must remember to keep the intellect often reminded there is no place in the Universe where Self-conscious individuals—and by that I mean individuals who know and are conscious of themselves as Creators with Free Will—may not go to explore and understand all Cosmic Activity. There is no place nor condition, I say, that they may not go, explore, and understand what is going on at that point—if they so desire.
“是的,我会告诉你真相,因为你们每个人内心都有着强大的了解真相的基础和需求。在试图理解宇宙中无所不在的生命道路上,你们是这条求道之路真正的学生,你们必须常常提醒外在的智力,在宇宙中没有一处地方的宇宙活动是拥有自我意识的个体不可以去探索和理解的 —— 我的意思是指那些知道并意识到自己是拥有自由意志的造物者的人。如果他们愿意的话,他们可以去探索、去理解宇宙任何一个地方发生的任何事情。”
“The idea that the center of the Earth is a mass of fire is entirely erroneous. Within the crust of the Earth for a certain depth there are conditions of the Fire Element acting; but within the center of the Earth itself there are Self-conscious individual Beings, who through many cycles of work and Self effort have mastered the control of certain forces— with which they are still working—to accomplish the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan for that part of Earth. There are also Beings who are striving for that same Ideal, but working only within the conditions provided by Nature at the surface.
“地球的中心是一团火焰的理念是完全错误的。在地壳内的确存在着火元素运作的状况,但是在地球自身的中心,存在着拥有自我意识的个体存有,他们通过许多工作和自我努力的周期,已经掌握了某些力量的控制 —— 他们仍然在使用这些力量 —— 来完成地球那部分的神圣计划。还有一些存有也在为同样的理想而奋斗,不过他们只在地球表面大自然提供的环境中工作。”
“You must understand and remember that the Ascended Masters are instructing and assisting in all grades of the outer experiences of Life in every condition found within and upon Earth as well as on the other planets of this System. Why should it not be a perfectly natural, normal condition that would permit some of Their number to be the Instructors of those who are working with forces at the center as well as at the circumference of the planets?
“This Revelation is not unnatural nor inconsistent with a Great, Infinite Divine Plan. The inconsistent, unnatural condition of humanity is the ignorance, the narrowness, the littleness, the darkness of a human concept that shuts the door upon the stupendous Marvels of this Glorious Universe and says, ‘I don’t believe it—that is impossible.’
“这个揭示并非不自然,也并非不与伟大无限的神圣计划相悖。人类的不一致、非自然的状况代表了人类心智的无知、狭隘、渺小和阴暗,他们说,‘我不信这个 —— 这不可能。’从而关闭了这个充满震撼奇迹的荣耀宇宙的大门。”
“Only ignorance and darkness make mankind believe anything is impossible. The students of Light who know and really accept an All-powerful Source of Creation—and what reasoning mind can doubt It when one studies the marvels of the atom, as well as of the Cosmic Suns—know that the Wonders of Creation which face us everywhere on our planet are limitless, marvelous, and stupendous. These facts are True. There are many kinds of individuals expanding their Light on the planets of Our System, and just because one type has not yet had conscious knowledge of others is no proof they do not exist.
“只有无知和黑暗才会让人类相信一切都是不可能的。圣光的学生知晓并真正地接受创造的全能之源 —— 拥有理智的人是不会怀疑它的。当一个人研究原子,以及中央太阳的奥妙时 —— 就会知道我们在地球上各个地方都看到的被创造的奇迹,是无限的、奇妙的、惊人的。这些事实是真实不虚的。有很多类型的人正在我们太阳系的星球上拓展他们的圣光,仅仅是因为有一类人还没有对其他人产生有意识的觉知,并不能证明他们是不存在的。”
“Humanity must someday learn a little more of what abides in the Universe besides itself, and this Instruction contains part of that New Knowledge. It is True, every word of It, and no human ignorance or doubt can remove that Truth from Its manifestation in the Universe. Clouds may shut off the Sun’s rays for a time, but they never will be able to put the Sun out of existence. So it is with human opinions and ignorance of the past and present. Someday the ‘ Light’ must break through these clouds, and that day is here. It is NOW! Let the Light of Truth shine clearly through all preconceived human ideas and opinions. Facts will be revealed that compel all ignorance to disappear into the sea of forgetfulness and be replaced by the Great Light of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’.
“Now We shall continue with our other Work. The hour is at hand for the Ascension of this good brother’’ He said, referring to the white-haired elderly gentleman—whom we shall call David. “Because of previous attainment, he has so attuned his Life Stream that he may now enter a wider, or Cosmic Wave of Expression, and in this Great Activity he will express for more Transcendent Phases of Individual Life than he can possibly do in this present existence. By previous growth and present Self-conscious effort in this Life, it is possible for the Assistance which We can render to be given him. Let us now go to the electrical laboratory. “
“现在我们要继续我们其他的工作。这位兄弟扬升的时间即将到来。”他说,这指的是那位白发苍苍的老先生 —— 我们称呼他为大卫。“由于他之前的成就,他已经与他的生命源泉到达非常协调的状态,从而可以进入一个更广阔的宇宙能量波的表达,在这个伟大的活动中,就个体的生命而言,他将表达出比当前的存在更加超然的状态。通过他之前的成长和这一世自我有意识的努力,让我们把扬升赋予他成为可能。现在让我们去电子实验室。”
As the door opened, we saw the room was flooded with Dazzling White Light. We stepped toward the Atomic Accelerator, and this time it was charged with the very Essence of Life. Permission has not been granted to give a detailed description of this Instrument at the present time, other than to say the Chair in which the one being raised sat, looked as if it were made of pure gold—but Saint Germain told us it was a combination of gold and several other substances as yet unknown to the outer world.
随着大门的敞开,我们看到房间充满了闪耀的白色光。我们朝着原子加速器走去,这次,它充满了生命的精华。当前尚未获得对该设备进行详细描述的许可,只能说,被提升的人坐的椅子,看起来像是由纯金制作的 —— 但是圣哲曼告诉我们说,它是由黄金和其他几种外界尚未知晓的物质构成的。
Saint Germain asked David to take his place in the Chair, and certain Currents of Light began to glow within the Chair itself. David sat with his body perfectly at ease, completely relaxed, with his arms resting comfortably on the arms of the Chair. There was no mechanism of any kind surrounding the Chair or within it, and it gave one a wonderful feeling of marvelous, regal comfort. It was positively a most ecstatic heavenly sensation one received about the whole arrangement.
When all were in readiness and we were very silent, one of the Ascended Masters of Tremendous Glory and Power suddenly stepped directly out of the atmosphere. He placed those present in the proper position according to their radiation and asked that they join hands to make a complete circle around the Chair—the Mighty Master himself facing David. The persons on each side of the Master made Their connections with Him by placing Their hands against His back, just opposite the solar plexus, and Saint Germain stood opposite Him behind the Chair in which David sat. The Mighty Master then gave the necessary Direction.
当所有一切都准备就绪,我们非常安静时,一位充满着无上荣耀和力量的扬升大师突然直接从空气中出现。他根据每个人的能量场把在场的人安排在合适的位置,并要求他们手拉着手,围着椅子环绕成一个完整的圈 —— 伟大的上师他自己则面对着大卫。上师两旁的人把双手放在上师背后,正冲着太阳神经丛的位置,圣哲曼站在他的对面,也就是大卫坐的椅子后面。伟大的大师随后给出了必要的指示。
“Let each one,” He said, “close his eyes, focus the attention with all strength on the Almighty Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence, within. Joyously give praise and thanks that David’s body is now raised into its Divine Perfection, and that he now accepts and receives his Full God-given Freedom, Dominion and Mastery. ” He then spoke directly to me and asked that I observe the process closely.
I opened my eyes and at first could hardly see David’s form as the Intensity of the “Light” increased. In a moment It became clearer, as I seemed to be in some degree lifted with It. Then I saw what almost made me start with surprise, for David’s hair had returned to its original color (dark brown), the lines faded from his face, his flesh became the pink of perfect health, and his beard disappeared.
I could follow no longer, for the “Light” became so intense that I was conscious of nothing else. The most concentrated part was about his body, but It enveloped us all in the most Dazzling Radiance. The outline of his body completely disappeared, and involuntarily I closed my eyes. How long this lasted I never knew. Then our Beloved Saint Germain addressed us all, saying:
“David’s body has been raised into its Electronic Perfection, and the Mighty Master, My Brother, has taken Him for the time being into that Realm of Light for which He has become fitted through the Perfection of His Eternal Light Body. Later He will return in that Ascended Form to minister to humanity under Divine Direction. Come, we shall now go to my quarters’’
He led the way, and we entered the beautiful “Crystal Chamber” as I loved to call it, where we had eaten our wonderful precipitated dinner. Here we found the required number of chairs placed around the large golden table with the crystal top. This was really His audience hall, but at times He used it as a private dining room for special guests. He took the chair at the head of the table, asked Daniel Rayborn to take the opposite end, and then began one of His amazing Discourses.
“Tomorrow evening, you, My Brother, ” He said, speaking directly to Rayborn, “shall have a similar privilege as David had today. However, the Process in your case will not be completed; but it will start the raising of the atomic structure so when the time comes for what under other circumstances would be your passing through the change called death, you can have the necessary Assistance and raise your outer form into the Perfect Electronic Structure instead of casting it off.
“I promised’’ He went on, turning to Nada and Rex, “that there should be no sorrow at your father’s passing. Now you can understand why. This is the way We take ourselves out of the hands of the reaper called death; and so We enter consciously into that Perfect Life which is the Divine Light and Eternal Inheritance of every one of God’s children. Many have chosen to take a long time to come to this point, but all must make a beginning sometime, and all must do It eventually.
“This part of humanity’s experience has received almost no acknowledgment. Neither has It been understood nor considered as possible of accomplishment until very recently; yet the Mighty Master Jesus gave the absolutely Perfect Example and Explanation of It two thousand years ago. He gave humanity the Proof wonderfully—conclusively, and said: ‘The Works that I do shall ye do also, and Greater Works than these shall ye do.’
“That Statement stands as an Everlasting Obligation upon humanity until all do it. Mankind has passed over this True Meaning and has taken the stand that It is not possible. While all do not need to accomplish It in exactly the same way as He did, yet every human being, sometime, somewhere, must raise the outer or atomic structure into the Imperishable, Electronic Body where no imperfection exists.
“A great many individuals now in physical embodiment are, or will be able to do this in the present Life—with a little necessary Assistance; and it is Our Great Privilege to give that. The Atomic Accelerator was perfected to help give this Assistance, and there is no invention or discovery that has or ever will bless mankind to so great a degree.
“有很多在物质层面转世的人,在这一世将会达成这一点 —— 同时需要一些必要协助;给予这样的帮助是我们伟大的荣幸。原子加速器可以来完美地提供这种帮助,没有任何其他的发明或者发现,可以给人类带来如此巨大的福祉。”
“The results you have witnessed in David’s body are permanent, real and tangible. This amazing, real, physical machine is a mighty healing agent—as well as a means by which the body can be raised. It also quickly establishes perfect equilibrium in the brain structure, and through the balancing of the mental and emotional activities of a human being, dishonesty and crime of every kind can be prevented. It was used on Atlantis, although it was less perfect.”
“你们目睹的大卫身体变化的结果,是永恒的、真实的、真切的。这台真实存在的惊人物理设备是一种强大的疗愈器材 —— 也是一种可以提升身体的方式。它还能迅速建立大脑结构的完美平衡,通过平衡人类心智和情感的活动,各种类型的谎言和犯罪都可以阻止。它在亚特兰蒂斯时代就被使用,不过那时它还没这么完美。”
IV. Divine Romance 神圣浪漫
“Now I am going to touch upon very important things which are sacredly, ” Germain explained, speaking directly to Pearl, Rex, and Bob Singleton. “I do not wish you to feel that I intrude upon your sacred private affairs, or that I take of you because of the Power I possess and advantage.
” However, there are certain things that I must make unmistakably plain to you. Rex and Pearl are ‘twin Rays’ from the same Divine Flame. The Flame comes forth from the Heart of God, the Great Life Consciousness of the Universe, the Great Central Sun.
“When You, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ will to come forth into an Individualized Focus of Conscious Dominion and use the Creative Word ‘I AM,’ Your first Individual Activity is the formation of a Flame. Then you, the Individualized Focus of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ begin Your Dynamic Expression of Life.
“This Activity We term Self-consciousness — meaning the individual who is conscious of his Source and Perfection of Life expressing through himself. Only the Self-conscious Individual has ALL the Attributes and Creative Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’. Only He can know who and what He is and express the Fullness of the Creative Power of God whenever He decrees, by the use of the Words I AM.’
“这个活动我们称之为自我意识 —— 意思是个体意识到,他自己的源头与完美的生命是通过自己来进行表达的。只有有着自我意识的个体才拥有‘伟大我是临在’的所有特性和创造性力量。只有他知道自己是谁,通过使用词语‘我是’,在他下达喻令时,完全表达出神的创造力量。”
“The outer human part of this activity is what we call the personality. It is but the vehicle through which Perfection should be expressed into the outer substance of the Universe.
“Within the Pure God Flame is a Breath that pulsates constantly. This ’Great Fire Breath’ is a Rhythmic Outpouring of Divine Love, Its three Attributes being Love, Wisdom, and Power in action. These pour out constantly into the Infinite Sea of Pure Electronic Light. This Light is the Universal Substance or Spirit, out of which all forms are composed. It is intelligent—mark you—because It obeys law through the command of the individual who says or is conscious of ‘I AM.’ These two Words are the Acknowledgment and Release of the Power to create and bring forth into outer existence whatever quality follows that Acknowledgment. For Intelligence to act, there must be Intelligence to be acted upon; and the Universal Substance, being like a photographic film, takes the record of whatever quality the individual imposes upon It through his thought, feeling, and spoken word. The Words ‘I AM ‘whether thought, felt, or spoken, release the Power of Creation instantly. Make no mistake about this. Intelligence is Omnipresent, and It is within the Electronic Light.
“在纯粹的神之火焰中,有一股不断脉动的气息。这股‘神圣之火的气息’是神圣之爱有韵律的倾洒,它运作中的三种属性是爱、智慧和力量。它们不断地倾洒进入纯粹电子圣光的无尽海洋中。这圣光就是宇宙物质、灵性火花,所有的形态都由它构成。它是智能的 —— 你要留意这一点 —— 因为它通过那个说出、或是意识到‘我是’个体的命令来服从法则。‘我是’这个词,是对创造和带入外在表达力量的承认和释放,外在表达体现出了对此力量特质的认同。智能要去发挥作用,一定要有被作用的智能。宇宙物质就像是胶片,通过一个人的思想、感觉和言语记录下施加给它的特质。‘我是’这个词,不论是通过想法、感觉还是言语,都会即刻释放创造的力量。这一点不要搞错。智能无所不在,它就在电子圣光之中。”
“The first Fiat of Creation that went forth into Infinity was: ‘Let there be Light! ‘ and then Creation took place, for out of this Primal Light comes all manifested form.
“The ‘Light’ is the Central Point of Life or energy within every atom, composing the substance from which comes all physical manifestation. I speak of the atom because the lower rate of vibration composing the physical manifestation is the atomic structure which we have under consideration.
“When you consciously envelop or hold any person, place, condition or thing in the Dazzling White Light, you are penetrating, going through the atomic structure into the Electronic, wherein there is no imperfection. In this Use of the ’Light,’ one penetrates the structure of imperfection, and that on which the attention is centered is then brought forth Perfect—not only as the Father sees It, but It is the Father’s Perfection expressed.
“当你有意识地把任何人、地点、状况或者事物笼罩在明亮耀眼的白光中时,你就是在渗透、穿越原子结构进入电子状态,在那里没有不完美。在对‘圣光’的这种使用中,一个人穿透了不完美的结构,注意力所在之处就会变得完美 —— 不仅仅如圣父所见那样,更是圣父表达的完美。”
“You, as the Son, are given choice, commanded to choose and direct where the energy—which is the Activity of the ‘Light’—shall go. It is imperative to have your conscious thought, your firm attention on what is to be accomplished in order to give the needed direction to the Activity of this Mighty Force which it is your right and privilege to use.
“你们,作为圣子,被赋予选择权,被命令去选择并引导能量去往何处 —— 也就是‘圣光’的活动。你必须有意识地思考,把注意力坚定地放在要完成的事情上,从而为这股强大力量的活动提供指引,这是你的权利和特权。”
“When you use the Dazzling White Light, you are actually accepting the Electronic Structure which is then present in manifestation, for you are acting from the Plane of Action, or Perfect Manifestation, Your desire, when held steady, unwaveringly, becomes the Conscious Thought directing, for you cannot have a desire without Conscious Thought in the desire.
”Great strides have been made in the Higher Use of the Light at the Inner Levels in the past fifteen years. Your conscious great adherence to the Light shows you are ready for Its Highest Use. If in your use of the Light, you will know the Perfection of what you wish is already present in manifestation the moment you start the dynamic action of the Light, It will remove all uncertainty in your mind as to the positive assurance of the manifestation, or what you wish, taking form in your physical use.
“In clothing or visualizing any person, place, object or condition with the Illuminated Figure of Jesus Christ, or the Figure of any other Ascended Master, you are really unclothing, penetrating through the atomic garment—where you see, recognize, and accept the Perfection you now want present in form, for you have swept aside all imperfection in the action.
“观想或是用耶稣基督、或其他扬升大师的开悟形象笼罩任何人、地点、事物、状况,实际上你就是在移除障碍,穿透原子外壳 —— 你会看到、认可并接受你想要的完美呈现在形态之中,因为你已经扫除了行动中所有的不完美。”
“The student should see and feel his body as if composed of Pure White Flame sending out long Rays of Light. The Flame is your Real Self—’The Mighty I AM Presence’ the Full Christ Perfection. The Rays shooting forth are the Divine Mind, or ‘Love in Action.’ These Rays are what follow your Conscious Direction, carrying your thought and producing magical results when consciously directed, held firm by determined, unwavering, Conscious Attention. The ‘Light’ you thus visualize is the Electronic Substance the Hindus call ‘ Prana’.
“学生应该去看到并感受他的身体,仿佛是由发出长长光芒的纯净白色火焰组成的。这道火焰就是你真正的自己 —— ‘伟大的我是临在’,全然基督之完美。发射出的光芒是神圣的心智,‘行动中的爱’。这些光芒跟随着你意识的指引,携带着你的思想,由坚定不移的有意识的注意力维系,在有意识地引导下产生神奇的结果。你观想的‘圣光’就是印度教称之为‘普拉纳’的电子物质。”
“This Light is always directed by thought, but it is imperative that all learn to control and direct It consciously. This Conscious Control and Direction is how the Ascended Masters accomplish such Marvelous Results. Divine Love is a Presence, an Intelligence, a Principle, a Power, an Activity, a Light and a Substance. When we command Divine Love to go forth and do anything, we are setting into motion the Highest Form of Action—the most Powerful Force.
“这圣光总是由思想引导,不过所有人都必须学会有意识地控制和引导它。这种有意识地控制和引导是扬升大师可以实现如此神奇结果的原因。神圣之爱是一种临在、一种智慧、一种法则、一种力量、一种活动、一道圣光和一种物质。当我们命令神圣之爱出现去做任何事情的时候,我们就是把运作中的最高形态带入行动中 —— 这是一种最强大的力量。”
“This, however, does not require terrific effort; in fact, it requires just the opposite. It is a calm, steady, determined, conscious knowing. As this becomes a fixed consciousness, an absolute certainty in one’s conscious awareness, he will find more and more instantaneous response to his demand and command. Never be afraid to demand and command anything that is a Universal Principle of Life.
“Make no mistake! The Light, the Universal Electronic Substance, is for your use—is at your command! Your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is a Self-Conscious Being of which your outer consciousness is but a fragmentary part. Therefore you can talk to your Mighty Master within as you would to a loving father who possessed limitless Light, Love, Riches, Power, Health, Happiness, or anything you could desire; for the more you consciously use this Mighty Presence of the ‘I AM’ the quicker will It respond to you.
“要非常清楚!圣光、宇宙的电子物质供你使用 —— 听你指挥。你的‘伟大我是临在’是拥有着自我意识的存在,你的外在意识仅仅是它的一个片段。因此,你可以与你内在的伟大导师谈话,就像与一位拥有着无限光、爱、财富、力量、健康、幸福或者任何你想要东西的慈爱父亲那样去交谈,因为你越是有意识地使用这个‘我是’的伟大临在,它就会越快回应你。”
“Divine Love can control all manifestation! If in your use of Divine Love you are conscious that It has within Itself all Love, Wisdom and Power of this ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ the fact is that you qualify this Principle which you command with whatever quality you are conscious of as being within It. You are given Dominion over everything in the air, in the earth, in the fire, and in the water—through the command of this ‘Mighty Universal Principle’ which is always at your Conscious Service and for your use.
“神圣之爱可以掌控所有的显化!如若在你使用神圣之爱时,你意识到它本身就拥有着‘伟大我是临在’的所有爱、智慧和力量,那么事实就是你有意识地使用这一法则来赋予你所命令的事物以特质,你命令的事物中就会携带这些特质。你被赋予了水火土风当中一切事物的统领权 —— 通过这个‘伟大宇宙法则’的命令,所有一切总是用于你有意识的服务和使用。”
“Love, Divine Mind, and Prana are One in the static or still state. Through the Conscious Action of the individual, Divine Love consciously directed, becomes Love, Wisdom and Power—in action. This is why Divine Love consciously directed to accomplish things produces such marvelous results. It becomes Instantaneous and All-Powerful as soon as the outer consciousness ceases to limit It.
“Now to return to the explanation of the Rays: The Almighty God Flame, breathing within Itself, projects Two Rays into the Great Sea of Pure Electronic Light. This Intelligent Light Substance becomes the clothing, as it were, for these Rays of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’. Each Ray has all the Attributes of the Godhead within It, and no imperfection can ever enter into or register upon It. The Individualized Flame sends down into each Ray a Focal Point or Spark, forming a Heart Center upon which gathers the Electronic Light Substance, creating the Electronic Body. Around this It sends out Rays of lesser intensity that form an aura or force field. This force field is sometimes referred to as the Causal Body, and within It are deposited the results of all constructive effort during and between each embodiment. All Electronic Substance that has been used constructively by the personal self through physical experience is also deposited within It. Through It, the God Flame can send out into space a Greater Release of Its own Life Wave.
“The Causal Body, through the personality’s journey in physical experience, becomes an Ever-expanding Sun and a Self-sustained Outpouring of Limitless Ideas, Love, Wisdom and Power, flowing out forever on Rays of Love to the rest of this Universe. This Sun is in reality a Reservoir of constructively used energy and substance, gathered through human experience and drawn upward, so It becomes the Glory of the ‘God Flame,’ which mark you, never loses Its individual identity in the Universe. This is how the Beautiful, Joyous, Perfect, Limitless Activity of Life and Creation goes on— ever expanding Its Perfection.
“因果体,通过人格在物质层面的体验之旅,成为了一个不断拓展的太阳,自我维系的无限思想、爱、智慧和力量的倾洒,永远以爱之光芒流向这个宇宙其他地方。这太阳实际上是一个建设性使用的能量和物质的储存库,通过人类的体验储存起来并向上聚集,因此它成为了‘神之火焰’的荣耀,这也是你的个人标记,永远不会失去其在宇宙中的个体化身份。生命和创造的美丽、喜悦、完美和无限的活动就是这样持续进行的 —— 不断拓展它的完美。”
“The Universal Substance and Energy which the personal self uses discordantly accumulates in the atmosphere around the physical body of both the personality and the Earth. Periodically it builds a vortex and can only be purified and returned to the Great Sea of Universal Light by the activity of the Fire Element.
“The purifying process of the Fire Element acting within the flesh of the human body to consume wrong qualities sometimes produces the sensation of pain if wrongly qualified by the personality; but if the Fire Element acts within the flesh of the human body to vivify and energize, It produces the sensation of Peace, Exhilaration and Ecstasy. If acting in the atmosphere of the Earth and within Nature to purify, It sometimes produces volcanic and cataclysmic conditions; when acting to vivify and energize in Nature, It produces marvelous growth and pure, rarefied air which vitalizes all.
“The personal self of every individual is endowed with the Power of Choice as to what it wishes to think, to feel, to create and experience. If one uses all the substance and energy of his Being constructively, then Peace, Expansion, Joy, Opulence, and Glory are the return unto Life for the Outpouring of Its Gifts. If one chooses and creates otherwise, his misery and destruction return into himself and destroy his body.
“The personal self is a Custodian of Life, of Ideas, and of ‘Light Substance’ Pure Electronic Substance. The very fact that one is in existence as a human being is an open acknowledgment to those who are able to read the Book of Life, that he has decreed to come into individual existence and accepted of his own choice the Responsibility of being a Creator. Everyone must carry the responsibility of his world. If he has created, because of the appetites of the physical body, things and conditions he does not enjoy, he has all power to purify and dissolve them by the right use of the Fire Element—of which Divine Love is the Highest, Most Powerful, and Eternal Activity.
“人格自我是生命、思想和‘圣光物质’的纯粹电子精华的守护者。一个个体作为人存在的这个事实就是对那些阅读《生命之书》的人的认可,他给出了进入个体存在的喻令,并接受他自己的选择,承担起作为创造者的责任。每个人都必须肩负起他自己世界中的责任。如果出自肉身的欲望,他创造了自己不喜欢的事物和状态,他拥有通过正确地使用火元素来净化和消融它们的所有力量 —— 其中神圣之爱是最高等、最强大和永恒的活动。”
“If he desires to set his personal self and world in order and therefore have Peace and create a world of Joy, Perfection and Glory, he must look to his Electronic Body for the Pattern of his Divine Perfection; for It cannot and never will be found anywhere else. There, and there only, can the personal self ever find security, rest, satisfaction, joy, and the Fulfillment of every constructive desire, for in the Fullness of the Presence are the things that you desire.
“This Perfect, Eternal, Electronic Body abides from twelve to fifty feet above the physical body of every individual, unless he be a very low or destructive type, when It withdraws still farther away.
‘This is the Son and Sun of God, for the Electronic Body of every Individualized Flame of God is a Dazzling, Blazing Light of such intensity that the human eyes can only gaze upon It for the fraction of a second. By adoration to the God Flame and purification of Its instrument—the personal self—the outer activity of the mind and physical body becomes raised in vibratory attunement to see the Electronic Body clearly within the Blazing Light of the force field around It. The physical body or actual atomic structure of the flesh is the densest form and is the record of the outer activity of the mind.
“这就是太阳和神之子,因为每一个个体化的神之火焰的电子身体都是闪耀绚烂的圣光,这道光非常强度很高,人类的肉眼只能凝视几分之一秒的时间。通过对神之火焰的崇敬以及对其载具的净化 —— 也就是人格自我 —— 心智和物质身体的外在活动在振动调和中得到提升,从而可以在环绕着它力场的闪耀光芒中清晰地看到电子身体。物质身体或肉身实际上的原子结构是最致密的形态,是心智外在活动的记录。”
“In certain phases of religious explanation concerning this Electronic Body, It has been referred to many times as the Guardian Angel. It is all of that and more when really understood and comprehended. To It, the personal self should look for the Supply of every good thing as a child looks to its mother. All that is within the God Flame flows into the Electronic Body, where the Tremendous Power and Intensity of the Light of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is stepped down to a degree that can act in the vibratory octave of the physical world.
“From the Heart Center of the Electronic Body flows a Stream of Life Essence, or Liquid Light, which enters the physical body through the pineal gland and fills the nerve channels. This Liquid White Fire flows through the nerves as blood does through the veins. This beats the heart, moves the muscles of the body, and enables one to walk or raise the hand. It is also the Energizing Light within the brain cells.
“The Life Stream of the body has often been referred to as the ‘Silver Cord’, So It is; for the Stream of Liquid White Light pulsates continually through the flesh body by way of the nervous system. At so-called death, the ’God Presence’ withdraws the Stream of Liquid Light, and the flesh disintegrates. The reason the race continues to experience so-called death is because of the waste of this Electronic Light through emotional excesses, instead of retaining It within the physical brain and body to rebuild the cellular structure and supply the Motive Power for the entire body.
“Mankind does not like to hear this Truth, but the waste of the Life Energy through uncontrolled feeling is the cause of the disintegration of all physical bodies outside of violence. If one uses the Inner Sight to observe the Life Stream of a strong healthy child, he will see the nerves of the body full of this Dazzling Liquid White Light.
“Then if he observes the body of the same child when ill or fatigued, he will see the Light greatly diminished. In an old body, it is still more greatly dimmed, and if one wishes to observe the Soul passing out of the body at so-called death, he will see this Life Stream entirely withdrawn at the top of the head, until It becomes only a thin thread of Light which finally breaks. At that moment, the heart ceases to beat.
“Again, let us return to the explanation of the Rays: Nada and Bob Singleton are two other Rays of an Individualized God Flame. Whether you choose to accept this wonderful fact depends entirely upon yourselves. I do not even suggest—but knowing the secret feeling of your Hearts as I do, it is my privilege to disclose this much. It will explain some of the feeling which you have not understood.
“现在让我们回到对光射线的解释中:娜达和鲍勃·辛格尔顿是同一个个体化神之火焰的两道光射线。你们是否愿意接受这个美好的事实,完全取决于你们自己。我不会给出建议 —— 但是我了解你们心中的秘密感受,我很荣幸向你们讲明白这么多。这会解释一些你们不理解的感觉。”
“My sincere hope is that all four of you will be able to raise your bodies in this Life—with the outer attention consciously directed to that point. With the Assistance which We can give at the proper time, you will be able to accomplish the Final Attainment. I feel your gratitude, for which I thank you. In answer to your thought of why this Glorious Privilege is yours, I want you to know that it is because of previous growth. Your own Indwelling ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ commands It for your Safeguard and Illumination.
“我真诚的希望你们四位都能够在这一世提升你们的身体 —— 外在的注意力有意识地指向那一点。在适当的时候,我们也会提供帮助,这样你们就可以完成最终的成就。我感受到了你们的感激之情,为此我也感谢你们。你们在想为什么会拥有这项荣耀的特权,为了回答这个想法,我想让你们知道,这是由于你们之前的成长。居住在你们内在的‘伟大我是临在’命令它为你们提供保护和开悟。”
“I shall now give you the Explanation of the Law by which you are able to illuminate, raise the physical body, and express the Full Dominion, Victory, and Freedom of the Ascended Masters:
“The seed within man and woman is only intended for the sacred office of creating a body by which another Soul may come into physical embodiment. At all other times, the Glorious Light within the body should be raised into the top of the head and allowed to flow up in adoration unto the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ Then by uplifted thoughts and feeling, one can do creative work at the mental level through glorious ideas, ideals of art, music, invention, discovery, research, and the creation of beauty and harmony of every description through a Service that blesses humanity, and therefore the individual who gives it.
“Instead of wasting the wonderful Liquid Light, the Marvelous God-given Essence of Life, in sex sensation and excesses, whereby the body becomes decrepit, flabby, crippled, face lined, eyes dull, the whole structure stooped and feeble, the brain inactive, sight and hearing impaired, and the memory not able to function—this Energy should be rightly used in wonderful, idealistic Creative Activity.
“与其在性爱的感官和沉迷中浪费这美妙的液态圣光和神赐予的美妙生命精华,让身体变得衰老、松弛、残废、面部皱纹、眼睛呆滞、整个身体结构无力、大脑不活跃、视力和听力受损,以及记忆力无法发挥作用—— 不如正确地把它用在美妙、理想注意的创造性活动中。”
“In such constructive consciousness and accomplishment, the physical body would remain eternally youthful and beautiful, the brain and faculties keen, alert, and active; and the whole physical expression would become the Image and Likeness of the living God—truly the ’Temple of the Most High!’
“在这种建设性的意识和成就中,身体将永远年轻美丽,大脑和机能也会敏锐、警觉和活跃;整个物质层面会表达出永生之神的风采 —— 真正的‘至高圣殿’!”
“‘Your bodies are now calling for their accustomed rest. The chambers are in readiness. Sleep until you awaken. I commend you to the Embrace of your Glorious ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ Rest in peace.
We returned to our beautiful sleeping chambers where all was in readiness. The most delightful fragrance of roses permeated everything, and we certainly never rested upon more comfortable couches, nor enjoyed such divine repose. Rex was very happy to find that Pearl was the “Twin Ray” of his own God Flame, and in speaking of her after he and I had gone to our room, said:
“Ever since we first met, I have felt a strange attraction to Pearl, and whenever in her presence, I am always conscious of a sense of quiet contentment. Our Blessed Saint Germain has certainly explained all most wonderfully, and I am deeply grateful.”
“In giving this explanation to me some months ago,” I replied, “He said to me: ‘The Beautiful Love of one Ray for its Twin Ray is tremendously uplifting, exalting, wonderful, and infinitely more joyous than when the great Current of Liquid Fire, the Life Stream of the Universe, is turned downward and becomes passion.
“This Mighty, Concentrated Electronic Force, or Life Essence, is a Liquid Light which flows wherever the attention directs It. The mind’s attention is pulled this way and that by thought, feeling, sight, and hearing—in fact by the pull of all the physical senses. The True Understanding of what Mighty Power is at your command when you have full control over your attention cannot be overestimated. The Liquid Electronic Essence is this Mighty Energy, and It energizes whatever the attention rests upon.
“这强大集中的电子力、生命精华,是一种液态圣光,它流向注意力所指引的所有地方。心智的注意力通过这种方式被拉扯,通过想法、感觉、视觉、听觉 —— 事实上通过所有的身体感官把注意力拉到这里或那里。当你完全掌控了你的注意力,你就会获得你对所掌控强大力量的真正理解。这种液态电子圣光就是这种伟大的能量,它会为注意力所关注的一切提供能量。”
” If one be doing intense mental work, the Liquid Light stays within the brain and flows forth through the center of the forehead between the eyes as a Ray of Light, and if the Inner Sight be opened, one can easily and always see It. If one be speaking, this Pure Mighty Energy flows forth through the Throat Center as sound. If one be pouring out Divine Love, this Liquid Light flows forth as a Radiance from the Heart Center.
“If one be sending out intense feeling, It flows forth from the solar plexus. Here It also performs the function of digesting the food. If one has the Inner Sight opened, he will see a Stream of Light pouring out from whatever center the energy is being used at the moment. This Pure Liquid Light becomes colored by whatever quality the personality imposes upon It through the thought, feeling, and spoken word. Here lies one’s responsibility as a creator, and the means by which he can correct or purify whatever has been wrongly created.
” If this Life Essence is released at the generative center for sex pleasure instead of building a new physical embodiment for another Soul, the process of disintegration of the physical body is started, and the journey to self-generated dissolution of the body begins. It matters not what human opinion says to the contrary; this is the inevitable, inexorable Law of physical embodiment, and there is no person in the Universe who can change It.
“This is the principal reason for the condition that is called death within the race as a whole. Let anyone who disagrees with this Truth compare the brain and body of one who conserves this Liquid Light over a period of a few years with that of one who has wasted It over a similar period, and he will not need any other proof. The conservation of this Liquid Electronic Light and the conscious lifting of It by adoration to the “Mighty I AM Presence” and by the power of the mind through the control of the attention is the Way of Perfection, and is safe, sound, sensible and reasonable. It can have only harmonious, constructive results to the mind, the body and world of the individual.
“This is not a system of repression by the power of the human will. That is and will always be disastrous, for to dam up a highly-concentrated energy and then by thought, feeling and suggestion keep driving more of it to that point through thinking upon it in secret, must of necessity cause an explosion of some kind to take place. That method never was the original spiritual teaching of anyone who really knew and understood the Truth and the Law concerning it.
“Humanity has not except in a very small degree, understood this Truth, or thousands would have become Ascended Masters long before now. In order to rise out of the degradation, misery, poverty, and disaster in which the mass is now wallowing, the individual must come to a clear understanding of this Law in the outer activity of his mind. Through his conscious knowledge and control of the emotions, he shuts the door to the most dangerous and subtle suggestions from the psychic plane —which is the most unrecognized enemy and vicious activity of the sinister force in this world.
“就对这一真理的理解而言,人类理解程度非得低,否则在很久之前就会有成千上万的扬升大师了。大众正沉迷于堕落、苦难、贫困和灾难,为了从这些之中脱离出来,一个人必须在他心智的外在活动中对这一法则有着清楚的理解。通过他有意识的理解和对情绪的控制,他就关闭了心理层面最危险和最微妙建议的大门 —— 它是这个世界上最不为人知的敌人和邪恶力量的恶毒活动。”
“The feeling nature of mankind is a reservoir of energy, and it is impossible for thoughts to become things until one propels them forth into the Sea of Electronic Substance—by feeling.”
“人类感觉的本性是能量的储存库,只有 —— 通过感觉把想法推入到电子物质的海洋中,思想才能成为事物。”
As we retired, the Glorious Illumination of our room faded out, and we were soon fast asleep. Such heavenly rest none of us had ever before experienced. We must have slept fully twelve hours when the most glorious tones of a bell sounded through the chamber, and the Dazzling Illumination gradually again filled the room.
When we had bathed and donned our Robes, we found a most delicious breakfast awaiting, served on an exquisite crystal-top table which neither of us had noticed as being there before. On it was food of which we had never heard, more delicate and delicious than can ever be served by any culinary artist of this world. The dishes looked as if they were made of mother-of-pearl, with heavy gold bands, and the rest of the service was made of wonderful semi-transparent metal with pearl handles. We dined and were discussing the wonders we had been experiencing, when the table with its entire beautiful service disappeared before our eyes.
Again the sound of the beautiful bell filled the chamber. We went to the reception room and there found Nada and Pearl awaiting us. They looked radiantly beautiful. Youth always responds marvelously to the ‘Mighty Magic Presence,’ but in this change a Transformation had taken place that was more than usual with both of them revealing a Radiance which had never been in either of them. Both showed the awakening of a Great Love, and while they had experienced the same wonderful rest as we, yet they had undergone an even more wonderful change.
We had only been talking a few moments when the great doors to the Crystal Chamber opened. We entered and found twelve more Ascended Masters present, making twenty-four with those whom we had already contacted while in this Retreat. Saint Germain presented us to Them, and I noticed one Lady and one Gentleman around whom the Light was dazzling, for Their Radiance shone brighter than the others. They came directly over to Nada and Rex, and with Indescribable Grace, greeted them both.
“Beloved Brother and Sister,” said the Lady, “We come directly from the Sphere in which your dearly beloved mother sojourns. It is not Her Home, but She is there for certain training. You did not know it at the time, but if you could have looked within the casket before your mother was supposedly placed in the sarcophagus, you would not have found her physical body. We were two of the twelve present who were with the Mighty Master Saint Germain when the Assistance was given that enabled her to be raised into her Eternal Electronic Body. She wishes you to know this—now that you have become aware of and have accepted the Great Ascended Masters’ Way of Life.
“亲爱的兄弟姐妹,”那位女士说,“我们直接来自你们母亲旅居的地方。那里不是她的故乡,不过是她接受某种特定训练的地方。你们当时并不知情,但是如果你们可以在你们母亲下葬之前去查看本应放置她身体的石棺,就会发现她的肉身不在那里了。我们是当时在场的十二个人中的两位,与伟大的圣哲曼上师一起,给予她帮助,从而让她可以提升到她永恒的电子身体中。她希望你们知道这一点 —— 既然你们已经知晓并接受了伟大扬升大师的生活方式。”
“These, Our Blessed Ascended Brothers, have found that each of you can be given the necessary Assistance to raise your bodies as She has done when the humanly accustomed time of your earthly pilgrimage is finished. The third night here, She will come to you as We do now. Tonight, Nada and her father will have a very happy surprise.”
Again the bell sounded, and our Beloved Saint Germain announced that all were to enter the electrical laboratory. Passing into that room we found the Marvelous Atomic Accelerator aglow with Great Currents of Light. He asked Daniel Rayborn to take his place in the Chair. The two Radiant Masters stood at opposite points in the circle, one in front, the other behind Rayborn— Saint Germain standing within the circle of twenty-one. Again He asked me to watch the process closely.
钟声再次响起,我们敬爱的圣哲曼宣告我们所有的人都进入电子实验室。走进那间屋子,我们发现那架奇妙的原子加速器散发着圣光能量流。他让丹尼尔·雷伯恩坐在椅子上。两位闪耀的上师站在圆圈内相对的位置上,一个站在雷伯恩身前,另一位站在他身后 —— 圣哲曼站在由二十一人围绕的圆圈里。再次,他让我仔细观察这个过程。
In an instant, the Light within Rayborn’s body began to increase, and his face revealed great joy. Within the Light around him were particles of substance, continually rising as the impurities in his physical body were thrown off and consumed. This lasted about ten minutes; then I saw his hair gradually return to its natural color, a dark brown, and his face become radiant and youthful. The Light within the Chair gradually disappeared, and the laboratory was again as usual.
Saint Germain extended His hand to Mr. Rayborn and he stepped down lightly, as if scarcely conscious of any weight. For more than an hour, the Radiance about his face and the Brilliant “Light” within his eyes was most remarkable.
“Words can never describe the Marvels I have experienced,” he said, turning to us, “and for the first time in my Life, ‘I AM’ beginning to know the real meaning of Life. We do not dream in the unascended state what a small fraction of the Mighty Principle of Life we appropriate and use in our ordinary mundane experience.”
“Each of you,” said Saint Germain, “has been tremendously uplifted through the Powerful Radiation of this Marvelous Atomic Accelerator.”
We returned to the Crystal Chamber and noticed that chairs to seat twenty-four persons had been placed around the large crystal-top table. The two Radiant Masters took Their seats at the ends, our Beloved Master in the middle, and Nada opposite Him.
“Focus your attention upon Bob Singleton,” He said, addressing Nada, “and request him to come to us.” Almost instantly, a soft rose-colored Light enveloped all, accompanied by a most delicate fragrance of roses. In a few moments a beautiful blue formed around the rose-colored circle. This was followed by a radiance of gold around the blue. Then we heard a sound like the swish of wings, and Bob Singleton, in a tangible, visible body stood upon the table before us accompanied by the two Radiant Masters who before had been sitting at the ends of the table. I had not noticed that They had left until Their return with Bob.
As he stood there, I could see his form becoming more and more dense, until presently his body was as tangible as my own. Saint Germain arose and extended His hand to Bob as he stepped lightly from the table. We all rose to our feet, and Nada looked steadily at him an instant as the rest were about to offer their greetings. Bob put his arms around her and held her close to his Heart.
“My Precious Love,” he said, “I have always seen you in my dreams. When you came to the mine, I knew you as my Angel Love, but you seemed so far beyond me, I did not even dare to hope. Now to hold you in my arms is the most divine thing I know. In the Glorious Freedom of this Inner Body, I see the Light of Divine Love between your blessed brother and my dear sister. My gratitude is boundless.”
Daniel Rayborn stepped forward with extended hands and gave his blessing to this Great and Divine Love; then turning to Pearl and Rex, gave them his blessing also, saying that in his highly attuned state, he realized all more clearly.
“Will I be able to remember this,” said Bob, turning to Saint Germain, “when I return to my body?” and He replied:
“You shall do so if you wish. The Privilege granted you at this time is a very rare occurrence, for you are clothed in a temporary body. However, it is just as tangible as your own physical body and as the physical bodies of the others here.”
Everyone came forward and congratulated the happy lovers, the Ascended Masters making a connecting link through which Assistance could be given at any time in the future in case of need. It was then we were told that the two Radiant Masters were also “Twin Rays.” The Ascended Masters present knew Bob from contact with him in the Higher Spheres, but he did not retain the memory of his acquaintance with Them. When Saint Germain stepped forward, Bob would have kneeled before Him.
“No, Bob,” He said, raising His hand in protest, “your own ‘Indwelling I AM Presence’ is just as Great as the Ascended Masters who have found the way before you to complete Mastery and Freedom. To It belongs your First Love, Recognition, and Worship at all times—never forget that. ‘I AM’ your Elder Brother, that is all; and it is My Privilege to assist you to that same Freedom. It is at the Command of your own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ that you are enabled to be here in this manner tonight. It is always a joy to be of any assistance that the Great Law of your Being permits.
“不,鲍勃,”他边说边举起手以示反对,“你自己‘内在居住的我是临在’与这些扬升大师一样伟大,他们于你之前找到了通往完全主宰和自由之路。总是要把它放在首要去爱、去认可和尊崇的位置 —— 永远不要忘记这一点。‘我是’你的兄长,仅此而已;来帮助你获得同样的自由,是我的荣幸。正是在你自己‘伟大我是临在’的帮助下,你今晚才能以这种方式来到这里。在你存在的伟大法则的允许范围内提供各种形式的帮助,是一件令人快乐的事情。”
“I wish you to come tomorrow night in this same manner, that you may meet your sweetheart’s mother, for She will also be here at that time. Much is being done which you do not now understand, but your beautiful Love and Trust is opening wide the gates to Blessings of which you do not dream. However, the full understanding will come as you progress. Arrange your work at the mine so as to retire promptly at nine o’clock. Now you must return to your physical body.” He then asked us all to form a circle about Bob.
In a few moments the Radiant Circle of Light in rose, blue, and gold again enveloped us. The two Radiant Masters took Their places beside Bob, and in an instant, all three disappeared. The rest of us walked about in the Crystal Chamber, and in about twenty minutes the Radiant Ones reappeared in our midst.
Never in my whole existence have I ever experienced such wonderful joy and unspeakable Divine Love as radiated from everyone present. This finished our work until the following evening. The twelve Ascended Masters who had appeared last formed into a circle, and in a few moments, disappeared from view. The remaining six, after extending to us Their Blessing, vanished before our eyes.
We all gathered around our Beloved Saint Germain in boundless gratitude for the Marvels we had witnessed and the Limitless Blessing we had received.
“My Beloved Students,” He explained, “do you not see how much easier, how much more joyous it is to rise above all human, earthly limitations and produce whatever you require direct from the Universal Substance—which is the Eternal, Omni-present Supply of everything you can ever desire? Each one of you who has been requested to come here can learn to do this much sooner than you dare to imagine in the outer activity of your mind. The time required to attain this Mastery is tremendously shortened when the individual comes to the understanding that his physical body is the Temple of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the GOD of the Universe; and the very Life Energy which moves his body across the floor is the Most High Living God! This is the Christ, the Only Begotten Son—God in Action. However, I find many who get tremendous results by thinking of It as the Ascended Master Within, or the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ to whom they can talk. This ‘Presence’ is a Glorious Blazing Light. You can see Its Light within your outer mind and body—Its Visible, Tangible Presence resting a short distance above your physical body. You can speak to It and receive Its Definite Answers, Perfect Direction and Wondrous Revelation.
“我敬爱的学生们,”他解释说,“难道你们没有看到,超越所有人类、世俗的限制,直接从宇宙物质中去生产你们所需要的任何东西,是多么容易,多么快乐 —— 宇宙物质是你们想要所有一切的永恒的、无所不在的供应。你们每一位被邀请到这里来的人学习速度都要比你们外在心智活动中想象的要快得多。当一个人开始理解他的物质身体是承载‘伟大我是临在’、宇宙之神的圣殿时,获得这样的掌控所需要的时间就会极大缩短;让一个人的身体可以在地板上行走的生命能量就是这至高的活着的神!这就是基督,神的独子 —— 行动中的神。不过,我发现很多人把它看作内在的扬升大师,或者是可以与之交谈的‘伟大的我是临在’,这些人取得了巨大的进步。该‘临在’是一道辉煌闪耀的圣光。你可以在你自己外在的心智和身体中看到其圣光 —— 它的可见、有形的临在就存在于你物质身体上方不远处。你可以跟它讲话,接受到它明确的答案、完美的引导和美妙的揭示。”
“You can thus always be God directed if you will only contact your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ close enough and often enough. Its Mighty Wisdom, Intelligence and Liquid Light will flow ceaselessly into whatever you wish to accomplish if you will but hold your attention steadfast upon the ‘Mighty Presence’ first and whatever you wish to attain second. Then follow this up by determined, persistent insistence. Such Almighty Power and Intelligence is absolutely Invincible and can never fail.
“Human doubt and fear, which are subtle feelings, can keep you from accepting this ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and Its Perfection if you let them, but the ‘Presence’ never did and never can fail. This is a simple formula for quick, certain attainment. You cannot possibly estimate what tremendous advancement is possible in a short time if you will— because you can—consciously, continually, and completely accept the Wonderful Love, Intelligence and Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ whose Energy is flowing and acting through your mind and body every moment of the twenty-four hours.
“人类的怀疑和恐惧,这些微妙的情感,如果你允许的话,可能会阻止你接受‘伟大的我是临在’和它的完美,不过,这位‘临在’从来、也永远不会失败。这里有一个快速、确切的简单公式。如果你愿意的话 —— 你可以有意识地、持续地、完全地接受‘伟大我是临在’的美妙之爱、智慧和力量,让它的能量通过你的心智和身体,二十四小时不间断地流动和运作着,这在短时间内达成的进步,是你无法进行估量的。”
“There is one point that Real Students and those who wish attainment should know unmistakably, and that is concerning desire. No one can ever attain Mastery over human creation and gain the Ascension by an attitude of desirelessness, because without desire for attainment, attainment would not be possible. Remember forever that all Constructive Desire is God in Action in you; for if desire were not within the God Principle, manifestation would never have taken place. Until the Godhead desired manifestation, it could not come forth.
“The activity of desire is the forward-moving, or expanding motion of Life Itself, and can never be dispensed with. Life is Perpetual Motion, and the sustaining of that Activity is all Constructive Desire.
“However, be careful that you discriminate between desire and human appetite, for they are as far apart as Light and darkness. Appetite is but an accumulation of energy qualified by human feeling through the formation of habit in the sense organism only, and has nothing whatever to do with desire within God’s Life; for all that abides within Life is Pure, Perfect, and Constructive. Constructive Desire is eternally existent within Life. It is impossible to progress or express Life without some form of desire.
“It is the student’s duty to be alert and on guard, discriminating always as to his motive for doing anything. He needs to be severely honest with himself in his feeling and motive, for many times the outer activity of the mind tries to make one think he is doing a thing from the standpoint of reason, when all the time he is doing it to satisfy a feeling instead.
“As yet, the majority of the race are but creatures of feeling, for it controls them ninety percent more of the time than does the wisdom of the mind. That is why they are principally creatures of physical appetites instead of God-directed Masters of Circumstance and Dominion. Until the student takes his feeling body in hand and definitely controls it by the Love, Wisdom and Power of his ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ he cannot and never will be dependable, nor can he make permanent progress to Freedom. The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ stores Its Force in the emotional body, or feeling body, and depends on this Energy to accomplish the Fulfillment of the Perfect Divine Plan of Life.
“Everyone knows the difference between a Constructive and destructive idea, and the difference between the feeling of Love, Peace, and Calm, and that of discord. So the simplest mind, even a child, innately knows the difference between the Divine Way of Life, a God Desire, and the human appetite for self-gratification. We are commanded to choose the Divine Way of Life, and if we do not compel the sense appetites to obey that Command, then we must suffer, experiencing chaos and destruction until we set our own world in order so it blends with the Great, Orderly, Harmonious Movement of the Whole. Purity, Order and Harmony are the Law of Perfection forever.
“When one wishes to give way to his own feeling of resistance rather than still that feeling and replace it by Peace, he destroys himself—mind, body and world—because the Law is that whatever discordant thought and feeling is sent forth by a human being, it must first vibrate through the brain and body of the sender before it can reach into the rest of the Universe. After swinging out, it begins the return journey to its creator. While coming back, it gathers more of its kind, and that becomes the accretion of which the individual’s world is composed. This is The Law, and it is Immutable.
“若是一个人想屈服于自己的反抗感,而不是去平息这种感觉,用和平取代之,他就会摧毁自己的心智、身体和所在的世界 —— 因为法则是这样运作的,不论一个人发出怎样不和谐的想法和感觉,它的振动首先通过发送者的大脑和身体,然后才能到达宇宙的其余地方。在发送出去后,它就开始了返回到它创造者的旅途中。回来之时,又聚集了更多同类的想法和感觉,这些堆积在这个人所在的世界中。这是不变的生命法则。”
“When the Great Life Energy within the physical body is used constructively, the result is the greatest possible joy, happiness, and accomplishment—not only to ourselves, but to every person, place, condition and thing we control. Then the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ through the vehicle of the personal self, manifests Divine Love in action—and the firmer and more concentrated the attention, the more powerful the action and the more marvelous the results.
“当物质身体中伟大的生命能量被建设性地使用时,结果就是更伟大的快乐、幸福和成就 —— 不仅仅是对我们自己而言,而是对我们掌控的每个人、每个地方和每个状况而言。接下来。‘伟大的我是临在’通过人格自我的载体,在行动中彰显出神圣之爱 —— 注意力越坚定、越集中,行动越有力量,结果就奇妙。”
“Now all go to your well-deserved rest. The All-Powerful Illumination and Infinite Peace of the Most High God attend each, for I shall have much to say to you at the close of Our Work tomorrow night. Let everyone remain in his bath not less than fifteen minutes; it will be especially prepared. Then there will be food awaiting you. With My Peace, Strength, and Love I enfold you, and to your own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ I commend you all. Good night.”
We went to our respective chambers and found everything aglow with the vivifying Life of the “Mighty I AM Presence.” The very atmosphere was charged with the Pure Electronic Light. Upon entering my bath, I was delighted by the very Living Presence within the water. It was like the magic caress of the Mother of all Life.
Every atom in my body was quickened into that Radiant Peace that passeth all understanding. When we were ready for the meal, we stood before the mirror and scarcely knew ourselves—each looked and felt glowing and radiant. Our repast was heavenly, and after finishing it, we retired at once.
我身体中的每个原子都被激活进入那理解一切的光芒四射的和平之中。当我们准备好用餐时,我们站在镜子面前,发现几乎不认识自己了 —— 每个人都看起来感觉容光焕发、光彩夺目。我们的饭菜也很美味,吃完后,我们就马上回去休息了。
At five o’clock the following evening, we were awakened by the beautiful tone of the etheric bell sounding through our chambers, and we noticed the Radiance of the Light about us was much more dazzling than usual. It had been so quickened within our own bodies that Its Radiance emanated from our hands with great vividness.
The food provided was of the rarest quality and was like Concentrated Essence. There was a creamy, golden liquid that seemed almost like Liquid Light. As we partook of It, I said to Rex:
“You know, some unusually powerful experience must be about to take place, and we are given this Liquid so the body will not be burdened with unnecessary substance.”
As we finished, a small crystal tumbler about the size of a wine glass appeared on the table before each, and with it came a slip of paper on which were the words, “Drink without fear.” The substance in the glasses looked like Pure Electronic Energy. I picked up my glass and drained it without stopping. At first it seemed as though my being would never stop expanding, and then came a sense of being lifted to tremendous heights. I thought I was going to lose consciousness, but I did not. I soon became adjusted to It, and then I looked at Rex and saw him standing in a Flame of Blazing Light—his eyes were closed and his body swaying as though about to fall. I started towards him when the words flashed before me: “Have no fear!” Presently, he opened his eyes, and as he looked at me, two Rays of Light streamed through them. It was an amazing experience, and it was fortunate indeed that we did not fear.
当我们吃完后,每个人面前的桌子上都出现了一个酒杯大小的水晶玻璃杯,在每个被子旁边放置了一张字条,上面写着“无畏畅饮”。玻璃杯中的物质看起来像是纯粹的电子能量。我拿起玻璃杯一饮而尽。起初感觉就像是我的存在似乎永远不会停止拓展那样,然后就有了一种被提升到巨大高度的感觉。我以为自己会失去知觉,但是我没有。很快我就适应了,然后我看向雷克斯,只见他站在一道耀眼的圣光火焰之中 —— 他双眼紧闭,身体摇摇晃晃,似乎要倒下去。我开始想要去扶着他,这时耳边闪过这样一句话:“不要害怕!”当下他睁开了眼睛看着我,两道光芒从他双眼中流过。这是一次令人赞叹的体验,幸运的是我们都没有害怕。
In a moment, the bell sounded calling us to the Crystal Chamber. As we came to the large doors, they swung quietly open, and the most ravishing music greeted us. At the organ was seated the most Beautiful, Masterful Presence I have ever seen or imagined, and another, Its “Twin Ray,” sat at the piano. No words can possibly do justice to those harmonies, for the music reached into the very depths of one’s soul. We were not aware anyone else was in the room until the music ceased, and then we realized that ten of the Ascended Masters stood in our midst. Just beyond Them were Nada and Pearl, enveloped in a Brilliant Light that extended around them for about three feet. Another glorious flood of music followed, and suddenly in the midst of it, we all turned towards the door. Our Beloved Saint Germain and Daniel Rayborn entered with a beautiful Lady Master between them.
As They came in, the music ceased, and Nada and Rex exclaimed, “Mother!” The next instant both were clasped in Her arms. In a few moments Rex came to where I stood, and putting his arm around me drew me to his mother saying:
“This is our wonderful friend who came to us a few weeks ago. We could hardly love him more.”
“My Dear Son,” said his mother, “I have observed much that has taken place, and I am quite as grateful as you for such a true friend to my loved ones. I join the family in the great Love which they extend so sincerely. I see you reciprocate it radiantly. May God’s choicest Blessings, Love, and Illumination enfold you always.”
All came forward and extended greetings like one beautiful happy family. We suddenly felt an intense vibration, and looking up we saw the Master who had been playing the organ floating near the ceiling above us. It really seemed as if we were in the Etheric Realms instead of in the heart of a mountain on the Earth. Presently She stood on the floor beside us. We were presented to Her as Daphne, “The Child of Light.” We met Arion, Her Companion at the piano, and Saint Germain remarked that They were from the Seventh Sphere, having long ago reached the Ascended State, completing their journey through human experience.
Daphne and Arion came directly up to Nada and Rex—a great Inner Attunement forming the bond between them. They asked if the children would sing to the accompaniment of the organ and piano. They replied in the affirmative, and Daphne asked Nada what they were going to sing.
达芙妮和阿里昂直接来到娜达和雷克斯身旁 —— 他们之间形成了一种伟大的内在和谐。他们问这两位孩子是否愿意在管风琴和钢琴的伴奏下唱歌。他们当然愿意,达芙妮问娜达想要唱什么。
“‘Love’s Light Eternal,'” she said. “Rex and I wrote it.” Daphne touched Nada’s forehead a moment.
“‘爱之光的永恒’, ” 她回答道。“雷克斯和我创作的这首歌。”达芙妮摸了摸娜达的额头。
“I have it,” She said, and stepping to the instrument, began. The children’s voices were splendid before, but now there was a new power and beauty that was wonderful. Even the Ascended Masters expressed Their appreciation. Someone asked Nada’s mother to sing and from the moment She began, a Thrill of Joy filled every Heart as She poured out Her Great Love to bless all through the song. It surely was the Glory of Heaven poured out upon Earth.
It was at this point that Saint Germain asked us to come into the electrical laboratory. When we had assembled around the Atomic Accelerator, He requested each one who had not raised his body to follow in turn and take his place in the Chair, beginning with Daniel Rayborn, Pearl, Rex, Nada and myself.
“The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within each will tell you when to leave the Chair,” He instructed, “as no word should be spoken while the raising process is in operation.”
Daphne took Her place facing the Chair, and Saint Germain directly opposite. Rayborn seated himself, and a dazzling blue-white Light blazed forth crystal clear. In perhaps ten minutes, his flesh looked perfectly transparent. Slowly a current of vivid blue moved up his spine and met the combined currents of the pineal gland, pituitary body, and the base of the brain, forming into a Dazzling Golden Light encircled by the most vivid blue I have ever seen. Then by the very Power of his own Light he arose and stepped forth from the Chair, and as he did so, he seemed to float rather than walk.
Pearl took her place in the Chair. In less than five minutes her form completely disappeared, so dazzling was the White Light. This lasted possibly ten minutes before she emerged from It. As she stepped down from the Chair, the Light followed, as if to caress her.
Next came Rex. At first there was a glow of soft rose Light, gradually changing into gold, blue, and then an intense white, with a glorious tint of blue still remaining. His form did not entirely disappear from view, but in about ten minutes he stepped down from the Chair, his eyes ablaze with the Light of the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
Nada seated herself, and instantly the Light became a dazzling sun, and her form completely disappeared within Its wondrous glow. Presently she seemed to float, so lightly did she step from the Chair, and Rays of intense Light continued to dart forth from the upper part of her body for some time.
Lastly, I took my place. I felt a million points of Light pierce my flesh as the greater force from within the electrons was released through the atomic structure. At first I wanted to jump right out of the body I was using and claim the Full Freedom of my “Mighty I AM Presence.” Soon I became adjusted to It, and then a feeling of the most joyous exaltation filled my entire being—a sensation no words can describe.
最后,我坐了上去。当来自电子内部的伟大力量通过原子结构释放出时,我感觉有百万个圣光光点在刺穿我的肉身。起初,我非常想要跳出我使用的身体,并宣告“伟大我是临在”的完全自由。不过很快我就适应了它,然后一种最快乐的喜悦之情充满了我的整个存在 —— 一种无法用语言描绘的感觉。
I poured a Mighty Love to humanity and a prayer that all might be ready to receive this same Glorious Illumination—because no one can recede once he has entered into the Light in this manner. In this tremendously exalted state I consciously sent forth the Mighty Power of Divine Love to bless and illumine humanity more powerfully than I had ever conceived possible. If seventy-five percent of mankind could understand, be raised to this marvelous state and consciously send forth the Mighty Power of Divine Love for seven days, the Earth and all its inhabitants would be transformed. There would be no more selfishness—hence no more strife. Would to God that day were at hand now!
我向全人类倾洒出伟大的爱,并祈祷所有的人都可以准备好接受同样荣耀的照耀 —— 因为一旦他以这种方式进入圣光中,没有人会退缩。在这种无比崇高的状态下,我有意识地发出神圣之爱的伟大力量来祝福和照耀全人类,这力量比我想象中要强大得多。如果有75%的人类可以理解,可以提升到这种美妙的状态,并有意识地发出神圣之爱的伟大力量,若是他们可以连续七天保持这样的状态,那么,地球以及地球上所有的存有都会得到转化。不再会有自私 —— 因此纷争也消失了。真希望那一天就在眼前!
Our Beloved Master asked us to return to the Crystal Chamber. We did so and found the exact number of chairs for those present placed so they faced the eastern wall of that wondrous room. Saint Germain stepped to a cord hanging upon the wall and pulled it. The wall covering drew apart and disclosed a polished surface about twelve by twenty feet.
“This,” He explained, “is a Cosmic Mirror in which any individual having reached a certain height of attainment may see his complete series of lives, the cause and effect of his conscious activity, and how the gradual process of Mastery is attained. Then, seeing the Divine Plan of his future, he will understand how to cooperate with the Great Cosmic Forward Impulse, and so, tremendously increase his power of service and usefullness by consciously expanding the Love, Light, Wisdom and Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ through himself.”
Five of the chairs had been placed directly in front of the center of the Mirror. In these, Saint Germain seated Rayborn, Pearl, Rex, Nada, and myself, in the order mentioned.
“I ask you all to keep your eyes closed,” He said, “except the one whom I shall indicate to do the observing, and at no time allow yourselves to speak. I will speak the name of each one in turn as the preceding one finishes.
“I wish you,” He said, indicating me, “to follow the observation throughout, because you are here to observe and understand all that transpires so this Knowledge may be given to the world. The others are here for their own individual growth.” I am only permitted to chronicle fragments of the impersonal activities of what was revealed.
“As each one’s name is pronounced,” the Master instructed, “he is to throw his own Soul’s Light into the Mirror, hold it there unwaveringly, and calmly observe the results, no matter what appears:
“Daniel Rayborn.” Immediately a spot of sapphire blue Light appeared upon the milky-white surface of the mirror and steadily expanded until it became crystal clear. Then Saint Germain explained:
“Life after Life appears, some in very great detail, others showing the terrific struggle of the outer self against the certain advance and expansion of the ‘Great Inner Light.’ This Light is expanding Perfection from the ‘Presence.’ This may be retarded, but never prevented from attaining Its Ultimate Eternal Victory and Dominion.
“In some cases, century after century and Life after Life pass with but very little progress because of the stubbornness of the outer self. When it becomes weary enough of the husks of existence, the unreality of things, and earnestly and gladly calls to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ then all barriers disappear, and Its Great Inner Light is enabled to express more and more Perfection. Thus at last is Full Mastery attained.” The screen revealed Rayborn’s experiences, including even those of his present Life and our recent association.
“You see,” He went on, “an Extension has been granted to this good Brother until he has finished certain outer work and the children are through school. These Extensions are only given where it is possible to raise the atomic structure of the physical body into the Electronic. When this takes place, he will be united with his beautiful Twin Ray, the mother of Rex and Nada. Then will They reveal Their True Service through the Mighty ‘Magic Presence’ of the ‘I AM’ as Their Radiance grows brighter and brighter. At an appointed time They will come forth with Their Ascended Master Authority and serve in Their Visible Tangible Ascended Bodies, holding positions as Great Teachers of the Light in high governmental offices, being Direct Messengers of the Most High Living God.” The surface of the Mirror returned to white and Saint Germain said:
A violet spot of Light appeared, expanded, and covered the Mirror with a Wonderful Radiance. The entire action was very different. Out of the many lives shown, there were only three in which the outer self rebelled against the “Light.” Both masculine and feminine embodiments were revealed. Many times, she was a very earnest teacher of the Truth to humanity. In one she was an eye witness to the crucifixion of Jesus. In another she watched the burning at the stake of Joan of Arc. Then came her meeting and union with Rex, the final Illumining and Raising of their bodies, and the ministry that was to follow. It even showed them always in touch with their parents as beloved friends —no longer in the parental relationship. Again the Light faded, the surface of the mirror became white, and Saint Germain said:
一个紫罗兰色光点出现,拓展,然后用一种美妙的光辉覆盖了整个镜面。整个经历完全不同。在展示的众多转世的生活中,只有三次,外在的自我对“圣光”进行了反抗。有过作为男性也有过作为女性的体验。很多时候,她是一位向人类传授真理的真诚导师。在其中一次转世,她亲眼目睹了耶稣被钉在十字架。在另一次转世中她看到圣女贞德被烧死在火刑柱上。接下来就是她与雷克斯的见面与结合,他们的身体被照亮并提升,以及之后负责的事务。它甚至展示出了他们总是与父母保持着像亲密朋友一样的关系 —— 不是传统意义上的亲子关系。圣光再次消退,镜面变成了白色,圣哲曼说:
“Rex.” A disc of intense rose-colored Light quickly covered the Mirror, and a long series of lives followed. These gave also both masculine and feminine embodiments. In three of them he was a great teacher of the Truth of Life. Many times he was an officer of importance in large armies. In those, he was very active—especially during the time that the Greek civilization reached its apex. Another was shown in France and still another in England during the time of the American Revolution. Here the Master called our attention to an unusual condition.
“Rex’s growth,” He said, “has been so steady that he has had no very great struggle in any particular embodiment. This is a very rare thing when one considers the hundreds and sometimes thousands of embodiments that souls pass through in order to gain their Eternal Victory and Dominion. In three consecutive lives he was a renowned scientist and made many remarkable discoveries that blessed mankind.
“We now come to his present Life, which is just well started. Here is the close of his school days, his union with Pearl, and the call to go to the Masters in the Himalayas and the Far East. This will cover a period of at least two years. Notice the marvelous, vivid description of certain work that he will do in the future in which he will play a very prominent part in the government of America.” Then with a flash, all vanished from the Mirror, and Saint Germain said:
Almost instantly a Light like a sun covered the Mirror, and as it cleared, Saint Germain continued:
“Here is a most remarkable revelation of hundreds of lives, the embodiments showing intense activity in which there seems always to have been a sincere dominant desire for the Light. In the particular Life now being revealed, it shows the meeting between Nada and Bob Singleton when they were together on Atlantis. At that time he was a nephew of one of the Great Master Rulers. In another, Nada was a priestess in Egypt. In the one now being shown, she was a daughter of an Arab sheik, and for many lives has been under My Care and Instruction.
“This is her present Life, showing our meeting, her contact with Bob, and the sudden end of her schoolwork. She will take up Definite Cosmic Work which Bob is not quite ready to do. Notice, as he awakens fully, the Great Light that blazes forth. Then they will become great teachers of Divine Wisdom. As you see, Bob will raise his body, as well as the others, with the Assistance of the Ascended Masters. Their Future Work from the Ascended State is beautiful indeed.” Saint Germain next spoke my name.
Instantly I threw my Soul-Light upon the Mirror, and a revolving Light like a great diamond in the center quickly expanded to the outer rim. Far back in the past I saw my Real Self, the “Mighty Magic Presence” of the Great “I AM,” utilizing one body after another through a long series of lives. Two of these were on Atlantis, one as an engineer of mining and aerial navigation. As the second came on the screen, He explained:
“In the last Atlantean embodiment, for the first time since going forth into incarnation, you came into contact with your Twin Ray. In Egypt, you were a secret teacher of the ‘One God.’ In Rome, you were a centurion during the Life and ministry of Jesus, closing that embodiment in what is now Great Britain—again in England, during the twelfth century—and the following Life was in a feminine body in France.
“你在亚特兰蒂斯最后一次转世时,也是你进入转世的第一次,你遇到了自己的双生光。在埃及,是你‘独一真神’的秘密导师。在罗马,你是耶稣生活和传道期间的百夫长,在那里,也就是今天的英国,你结束了那次转世 —— 再一次在英国,十二世纪 —— 你接下来的生命体验是在法国的一位女性身体之中。”
“Now comes your present Life, again in Perfect Union with your Twin Ray. This goes into the distant future, when in the Great Family of Ascended Masters you will still minister through Divine Love to those on Earth, assisting in their upward progress. The Blessing of Divine Service is a great privilege; but remember always, your First Service, the Greatest Service that can possibly exist is the Complete Acknowledgment and Acceptance of your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’—the Mighty Light within and above you.
“然后就是你现在的生活,你再次与你的双生光结合。接下来就是遥远的未来,那是在扬升大师的伟大家庭中,你仍然通过神圣之爱来服务地球上的人们,帮助他们向上进步。神圣服务的祝福是一种伟大的特权,但是永远要记住,你的首要服务,也是可能存在的最伟大的服务,就是完全承认和接受你的‘伟大我是临在’ —— 你内在和你上方的伟大之光。”
“I wish you all to remember especially what I am about to say on service, for it is one of the most misunderstood subjects. Many people consider various things as service which in reality are not service at all, but mere slavery to the human creation of themselves or others. The performance of physical acts for gratifying and satisfying of the limitations of the human self is not service, never was, and never will be. That is slavery to human creation and the treadmill of mankind’s limitations. Please clear your minds once and for all time completely of that idea as a concept of service. I tell you frankly and truly, it is not. One of the Ascended Lady Masters has said:
” ‘The First Service for any of mankind is praise and adoration of the God Self, the Great Master within each individual. In thus fixing the attention of the outer mind on the Only Giver of anything good we can ever receive, it raises the outer mind into the Full Acceptance of the Supreme Conquering Power anchored within the human form, which after all, is Divine.
” ‘If, in man’s service to man, he fails to hold his attention fixed on the “Supreme Source” of Love, Wisdom and Power, then he has failed in that service to a large degree. If, in the quest of things in the outer senses, he becomes so occupied that the conscious attention becomes fixed on the manifestation instead of the “Supreme Presence” that produces it, then again he has missed the mark.
” ‘Again, if in man’s great desire to serve, the overwhelming desire to serve his fellowman causes him to neglect to keep his attention fixed on the Supreme Producer, then that service too has failed to a large degree. The Only True Service is in holding the attention and acceptance so firmly fixed upon the “Great Master Within”—the Only Producer—that the outer mind becomes so filled with the “Inner Presence,” that naturally each activity of the day becomes, without considering it, the Perfect Divine Service of the moment. Then the “Great Master Within”—the “Mighty I AM Presence”—is always conducting the outer activity, until the entire action becomes Perfection expressed.
“‘还有,若是在一个人服务的伟大愿望中,为他同胞服务的愿望强大到让他忘记把注意力集中在至高的给予者身上,那么,这种服务在很大程度上也是失败的。唯一真正的服务,就是把注意力和接受力牢牢地放在“内在的伟大导师”之上 —— 唯一的给予者 —— 让外在的心智充满了“内在的临在”,然后每一天的活动就会自然而然地成为在当下时刻完美的神圣服务,甚至不需要过多思考。接下来,“伟大的内在导师” —— “伟大的我是临在”就会一直进行外在的活动,直至所有的行为都成为完美的表达。’”
” ‘The outer self, until fully awakened, has periods in which it unknowingly wants to strut its vanity and abilities over its fellowmen. This always invites a shock of some kind to shake up the outer self until it becomes aware of what it is doing. Then it wildly looks about for its Source of Power, which it has either forgotten or willfully pushed aside; for in our compulsory choice and the use of the Free Will, this “Great Master Within” will not intrude Itself unless welcomed and invited joyously to do so. I say “joyously,” because the more joy we can put into the acceptance of the “Mighty Indwelling Power,” the quicker manifestation follows.
” ‘Our acceptance is a command which must be obeyed. It cannot be denied. The attention and acceptance must be held long enough, firmly enough, and steadily enough upon the “Mighty I AM Presence,” until the shell of the outer self is completely shorn of the idea that it has any power of its own.
” ‘The outer mind cannot argue against the fact that all the energy it uses comes from the “Great Presence Within,” no matter how that energy is applied. Never let any desire for service deprive you of the needed time—undivided—to fix your attention and acceptance on your “Great Master Within,” knowing then that you will naturally give the right service and do the right thing. This is the Law of True Divine Service which says forever to the personal self: “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” This is the whole of the Law applied.’
“‘外在的心智无法反驳这样的事实,那就是它使用的所有能量都是来自“内在伟大的临在”,不论它是如何使用这种能量的。永远不要让服务的渴望剥夺了你所需要的时间 —— 就是把你的注意力和接受力牢牢地放在你“内在伟大的导师”上,并知道届时你会自然而然地提供正确的服务,做正确的事情。这就是真正的神圣服务法则,它永远对个人自我说:“除我之外,你不得有其他神明。”这就是应用的法则的全部。’”
(This Instruction concerning service was originally given forth by one of the Lady Masters, also known as Nada, who raised Her Body 2,700 years ago and who does very Transcendent Work for the humanity of this Earth, as well as a Greater Work which She does in very much Higher Spheres. It was Saint Germain’s Request that it be put into The Magic Presence at this point, for He gives it to all His Students and has placed it here that everyone who reads this Book may have the benefit of Her Radiation as well as His Own, and profit thereby.)
“The personal self has absolutely nothing of its own, for it comes into embodiment without even clothes, and unless the physical body is illumined and raised, it passes through so-called death and leaves even the body behind. So the personal self really owns nothing. It cannot deny the fact that all it has is loaned to it by the Great Master Presence, no matter how much it misuses the marvelous gifts of Life.
“Keep your attention to the Heights, the ‘Light,’ and the struggle of the outer self will soon cease. You will find yourselves steadily rising into that glorified Ascended State where the Joy of Divine Service so far transcends earthly comprehension there are no words to describe It.
“This discloses the revelations of individual growth through hundreds of lives in earthly experience. It is a rare occurrence and privilege for any student to be shown this, and it is only permitted where the individual has reached a height of attainment and Inner Strength that will enable him to observe the experiences of the past without receiving suggestions or being in the least influenced by them, no matter how terrific they may have been.”
Only a tiny fragment of all which passed upon that Mirror is recorded here; for the experiences of one individual alone through hundreds of embodiments would fill many volumes. Saint Germain then drew the covering over the Mirror, and taking His place in front of His guests, gave a most marvelous Discourse. Much of it was private Instruction and information for those present concerning their own work. I will give only a very small portion of it here.
“It is my wish,” He said, addressing Pearl, Nada, and Rex, “that Pearl return with Nada to her school. It is quite imperative at this time for her to take up certain studies which I will indicate for the year, until their graduation. At the end of that time I shall be very happy to have you accompany me to the Far East, where you are to remain for two years and make Certain Contacts which it is necessary for you to have. “
“At that time, Bob will be ready to go with you. I will see that dependable men are brought to the mine and ranch. One year from today, July 28, 1931, we shall all meet again in the Cave of Symbols, and Daniel Rayborn will complete the raising into his Electronic Body and enter Perfect Freedom with his beloved Twin Ray, Nada, ‘The Child of Song.’
“Each of you will receive Training and Instruction from time to time as you require it, and this will be your Path to Freedom. You all know there is but One Source to look to for anything, and that is your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within and around you to whom you can call—and you will never fail to get a response. From It, you may receive without limit Courage, Strength, Power, Protection, and Guidance which will take you through any ordeal you may ever encounter.
“你们中的每个人都会根据需要,时不时地接受指导和培训,这将会是你们通往自由的道路。你们都知道,你们必须去向那唯一的源头来寻求任何东西,那唯一源头就是你们内在的、包围着你的‘伟大我是临在’,你们可以向它求助 —— 你永远不会得不到回应。从它那里,你会得到无限的勇气、力量、保护和指引,让你度过任何你可能遇到的磨难。”
“I have not observed any weakness within you; otherwise you would not be here. Trials will arise from most unexpected places. You will, of course, remember that the sincere student is never off guard. The Inner Light will never fail unless you deliberately turn from It, a thing I trust none of you will ever do!
“Now will you join me around the Crystal Table? We still have another service to render our beloved brother Bob.” When all were in their places, He asked Nada to call Bob with the “Inner Light.” In about ten minutes he stood on the table before us. Rex extended his hand, and Bob stepped lightly down and clasped Nada in his arms. She led him forward and presented Bob to her mother, who had returned to the audience chamber with Daniel Rayborn.
She looked at him steadily for a moment, and with the sweetest smile held out Her arms and embraced him. As She did so the Light within Her blazed forth with such intensity that their bodies were hardly visible.
“My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. ” She said, releasing him, “I congratulate you both on this discovery and the Love that enshrines your Divine Union. The Greatest Blessing My Power of the Ascended State can give enfolds you both forever. Always remember that Pure, Unselfish Love and Devotion form the Open Pathway to the Ascended State.”
Nada asked Daphne and Arion to play again, and They assented. When They took Their places at the organ and piano, a Dazzling Light floated above Them near the ceiling. As They struck the first chords of a beautiful melody, a Glorious Tenor Voice burst forth from within the Light. The control of the Voice was Perfect; its range seemed to be almost without limit.
Here we were listening to a Being we did not see, yet whose Voice was the most magnificent proof of the “Presence” and Its Great Gifts to mankind. When the first song was finished, the organ, piano, and Voice all modulated into “America.” Instantly everyone arose, not only in tribute to America, but to the Great Master whose Wondrous Voice thrilled us all.
“America,” said Saint Germain, “means so much more than most of Her inhabitants dare to dream; for She is the Heart Center of the Spiritual Progress on this planet, it is in America that the firm Foundation of the Cosmic Christ—the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,—will find anchor in the Hearts of mankind. This Great, All-Powerful Light shall intensify and expand until not a vestige of selfishness or political intrigue will remain or be remembered. Many amazing things will take place in the coming years, until mankind will truly realize the time of miracles is not past, but is forever with us. We will then understand they are but the results of obedience to the Great Divine Plan of Life. We are just beginning to enter an age of so-called miracles which will reveal the glories ‘The Magic Presence’ holds waiting for Its Children.
“美国,”圣哲曼说,“要比她大多数居民敢于梦想的要多得多;因为她是这颗星球上灵性进步的中心,宇宙基督 —— ‘伟大的我是临在’ —— 的坚固根基,会在美国找到人类心中的锚定点。这伟大全能的圣光将会强化拓展,直至没有任何自私或政治阴谋的痕迹可留下或被记住。在将来会发生很多令人惊奇的事情,直至人类真正地意识到,奇迹的时代并不是在过去,而是永远与我们同在。那时我们就会明白,奇迹不过是服从伟大生命神圣计划的结果。我们正刚刚开始进入一个所谓的奇迹时代,这个时代会揭示出‘神奇的临在’为等待着它到来的子孙后代准备的荣耀。”
“America is the Grail—the Cup for this Earth—that carries the Light of the Cosmic Christ which shall illumine the Earth and set it in Divine Order by the Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.'”
“美国就是圣杯 —— 地球的圣杯 —— 它承载着宇宙基督的光,它将照亮地球,并通过‘伟大我是临在’的力量让地球进入神圣秩序之中。”
Bob was so happy, he asked if he might be permitted to meet our Beloved Master in the visible, tangible body before the school season opened, and Saint Germain replied: “It may be sooner than you expect, for your blessed friends will be at the mine shortly, and I will meet with you all at that time – let us say the tenth of August. Now, Bob, you must return to your physical body.” Instantly the two Radiant Masters stood on each side of him. Bob said good-night to his sweetheart and those present, and they immediately disappeared. The rest of us gathered around Nada—the mother—who embraced each of Her loved ones. “It is time We must part,” She said, “but on this occasion it is in joyous rapture instead of sorrow, as at our first parting.”
鲍勃非常高兴,他问在开学前是否可以用可见的、触碰得到的身体与我们敬爱的上师会面,圣哲曼回答道:“这会比你想象得要快,因为你们受到福佑的朋友们很快就要到达矿场,那时我会跟你们一同会面 —— 让我说,就是八月十号。鲍勃,现在你必须要回到你的肉身中去。”瞬间,那两位闪耀的上师站在他的两侧。鲍勃向他的爱人以及在场其他的人道了晚安,然后他们立即消失了。我们其余的人围绕着娜达的母亲 —— 她拥抱了她爱着的每个人。“是时候让我们分开了,”她说道,“不过这次,我们是在极度的喜悦之中,而非上一次离别时那么悲伤。”
“I wish you to return to your chambers,” Saint Germain directed, “and rest until two o’clock tomorrow, and then return home. Proper food will be served when you are ready. It is My privilege to escort this Beloved Child of Song (indicating Rex and Nada’s mother) to the Sphere where She is sojourning.”
We watched Them closely and saw the two Forms begin to fade from view, and in about three minutes They completely disappeared. Such is the Power of the Ascended Master to come and go in the Tangible Body and make It visible or invisible at will. In the intense interest of watching Nada’s mother and our Beloved Master disappear, we did not notice that the other Ascended Masters had gone also, leaving only Daniel Rayborn, Pearl, Nada, Rex and myself. As we looked at each other, I do not think there was a dry eye in the whole group, for tears of the greatest gratitude and joy we had ever known filled our eyes and Hearts to overflowing.
We returned to our chambers and found the most appetizing dinner awaiting us. There was a delicious nut-loaf, an amber liquid, wonderfully refreshing, and a combination salad made of things we had never eaten before. As we lay down, the Brilliant Light in the room gently faded out until only a soft bluish-white Radiance like moonlight remained. Unless one has experienced something of this kind, it is not possible to describe the feeling of rest and quiet such Light conveys.
The next thing we knew we heard the etheric bell sound through our chambers, and when I looked at my watch I saw it was one o’clock. We put on our robes and sat down to the small crystal table in our room, laden with luscious fruits, among them peaches and strawberries such as I have never seen in the outer world. There was a substance like heavy whipped cream for the fruit, and every spoonful sent an electric charge through the body that gave one the Feeling of Strength, Courage, Power and Confidence which it is impossible to explain.
As we finished our repast, a slip of paper asking us to come to the Crystal Chamber at once floated down to the table. The great doors opened at our approach, and as we entered, Saint Germain and the others who had already arrived greeted us.
“Our work here is finished for the present,” He said, as soon as we were seated, “for you have each leaped ahead in growth very rapidly because of previous attainment of which you are entirely unaware. Now you shall return to the ordinary routine and activity in the outer world, but you are no longer of it. Never again will the vibratory action of your minds and bodies be lowered to the point where they were before you entered the Cave of Symbols three days ago.
“Your friends will see and feel the Change, but will not know Its Cause. They will always be restrained from asking personal questions. You may now wear your clothes of the outer world, but always keep your Robes, as they are for your meditation and communion with the Ascended Masters.
“I have my own Way of keeping in constant touch with you. If you will come with me as soon as you are ready, I will take you to the opening of the Cave, as I must be in the Far East at five o’clock this afternoon. Henceforth, we are never separated.”
We returned in our hiking clothes, and Saint Germain led us to the entrance. We tried to express our gratitude, but He raised His hand for silence and said:
“In the future let us refrain from attempting to express what is already known to the others. We, I trust, have gone beyond the need of human conventions. I know the Great Love and Gratitude in your Hearts. My own Love and Gratitude are just as great as yours—that you have found the Way into Eternal Light, Freedom, and Perfection. That I have been privileged to be of Assistance is my sufficient reward. All is at the Command of ‘The Magic Presence’ within you—the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ of the Universe.”
“在将来,我们不需要表达彼此已经知晓的事情了。我相信,我们已经超越了人类习俗的要求。我知道你们心中伟大的爱与感激。我自己的爱与感激之情跟你们一样多 —— 因为你们已经找到了通往永恒之光、自由和完美的道路。我有幸能够提供帮助,这对我来说回报已经足够。所有一切都在你们内在‘神奇的临在’的掌控中 —— 宇宙的‘伟大我是临在’。”
As He ceased speaking, His body grew less dense, became dim of outline, and finally disappeared completely before our very eyes. Our Love and Gratitude to Beloved Saint Germain is Boundless and Eternal; obedience to His Slightest Request is a Command to us and a Joy forever. He has helped mankind so continuously through the centuries that all in this world should give Him every possible cooperation.
V. The Great Command 伟大的指令
As we again looked upon the outer world, it was almost as if we had returned from another planet. We went down the trail to where the auto was waiting, with a joy singing in our Hearts that was unspeakable. We drove back and reached the Rayborn ranch at three-thirty that afternoon. I could not help but wonder several times while at the ranch how it was possible for Rayborn to be engaged in such a line of business and still be privileged to have the marvelous experiences we had witnessed while at the Cave of Symbols. In response to the question in my mind, Saint Germain had explained:
“While it is a very unusual thing to find one who is so nearly ready to be raised occupied in these lower activities of the outer world, yet it does happen occasionally—very rarely of course—that an individual who has had former growth does become entangled, so to speak, in some such outer effort, through business associations of the personality. In these unusual cases the Ascended Masters do give Assistance by instructing them in the use of the Consuming Flame, which enables the individual to consume a great deal of the human creation previously generated. This they must use of their own choice. In this way such an emergency can be taken care of and the plan of many lives fulfilled. We do not give sanction, however, to such avenues of work as the proper course for personal business activities. We do not want any misunderstanding about these conditions which the human side of mankind generates; for the raising of animals to kill for food is wrong from the beginning to end. But once in a while a soul of very great growth becomes enmeshed in some such activity through the suggestions and general conditions of the outer world. When this happens, the Great Divine Law, through the Wisdom of the Ascended Masters, provides a Way to help the individual who reaches forth for his Full Attainment and wants to be Free.”
“对于一个准备好要被提升的人来说,还如此忙碌于外部世界的这些低等活动,这是不同寻常的,然而这种情况偶尔也会发生 —— 当然是非常罕见 —— 这么说吧,这个人通过之前的成长,的确通过人格层面的生意来往,卷入了一些外部的活动中。在这些不同寻常的情况下,扬升大师的确会通过指导他们使用吞噬火焰来提供帮助,这会使得个人能够转化大量的、之前产生的人类创造。他们必须基于自己的选择来使用。通过这种方式,就可以处理到这样的紧急状况,多次转世的生命计划也得以实现。然而,我们并不赞成把此类的工作作为个人商业活动的适当途径。我们不希望对人类人性这部分造成的状况有任何误解;为了食物而饲养动物,这样的行为自始至终都是错误的。但是偶尔,一个非常进化的灵魂会通过外部世界的暗示和通常存在的状况而陷入此类的活动中。当这种情况发生时,通过扬升大师的智慧,伟大的神圣法则提供了一种方法,来帮助那些追求全然成就并想要获得自由的人。”
At seven o’clock on the morning of the ninth, we were to drive back to the mine. The day was unusually beautiful, and Nada’s father suggested we go by a way of a high pass through the mountains where we could see one of the most beautiful views of the entire West. Far to the northwest stood the Grand Teton in the midst of a most rugged, beautiful scenic belt that is incomparable. To the south lay Pikes Peak, to the southeast Longs Peak and a host of others reaching skyward. I shall never forget it. Passing on down the mountain, we looked upon a perfect panorama of exquisite beauty. At seven o’clock we drove into the camp at the mine, but no one felt in the least tired.
We sounded the horn, and in a few moments Bob came running out to us at full speed. This time he seemed to have forgotten Pearl and rushed straight up to Nada. She stood very still as though not recognizing him at first. He stopped, turned deathly white; then Nada with her sweetest smile held her arms out to him, but it was some moments before he could speak.
我们按响了喇叭,不一会儿鲍勃全速向我们跑来。 这次他似乎忘记了珀尔,径直冲向了娜达。她一动不动地站着,好像一开始没有认出他一样。他停了下来,脸色惨白。然后娜达带着最甜美的微笑向他伸出了双臂,但过了一会儿他才开口说话。
“Darling,” he said, “you gave me a terrible shock, and for a moment I felt my Experience in the Cave of Symbols was only a dream. Now I know it was not!”
“No, Love,” said Nada, “it was very real—praise God—and I am deeply grateful. We shall both be grateful forever.” Then as Bob looked up, he seemed to realize there were others present.
“不,亲爱的,”娜达说,“这是非常真实的体验 —— 赞美神—— 我为此深感感激。我们都将永远充满感激。” 然后,当鲍勃抬起头时,他似乎意识到还有其他人在场。
“My Dear, forgive me,” he said, taking Pearl in his arms. “You know I would not neglect you.”
“亲爱的,请原谅我,”他说着,把珀尔抱在怀里。 “你知道我不会忽略你的。”
“Beloved Brother,” she replied, “I quite understand. It is all right.” Bob gave each of us a bear hug, even to Daniel Rayborn.
“亲爱的哥哥,”她回答道,“我很明白,没关系。” 鲍勃给了我们每个人一个熊抱,也给了丹尼尔·雷伯恩同样的拥抱。
“Bob,” said Rayborn, “it does my Heart good to see you so natural and loving. Come to dinner with us tonight. From now on you are one of the family. Always dine with us instead of at the camp.” That evening at dinner, Bob related his Experience at the Cave of Symbols, for he had retained every detail of it, and was perfectly fascinated by Nada’s mother. It was very apparent that through it a Great Attunement had taken place. Then we discussed the work in the “Master Discovery.”
“鲍勃,”雷伯恩说,“看到你如此自然和有爱,我的心很高兴。今晚和我们一起吃晚饭吧。从现在起,你就是这个家庭的一员了。跟我们一起吃饭,不要在营地里吃了。” 那天晚上晚餐时,鲍勃讲述了他在符号山洞的体验,他记得其中的每一个细节,而且对娜达的母亲非常着迷。很显然,通过那次体验,发生了一次伟大的校准。然后我们探讨了被称为“伟大的发现”的矿山工作。
“It is amazingly rich,” he remarked. “We must have taken out over three hundred thousand dollars in value already.”
We were about to leave the table when a piece of paper floated down in front of Daniel Rayborn. On it were the words: “May I have the privilege of dining with you tomorrow evening, and of supplying the food from the Universal Substance? I might suggest that you allow your housekeeper a vacation for the evening.” It was signed, “Saint Germain.” This idea was something quite new to Bob, and for a few moments he was very much perplexed. “Do you mean to tell me,” he said, “that the Master will provide the dinner from the invisible?”
我们正要离开桌子,这时一张纸飘到了丹尼尔·雷伯恩面前。 上面写着:“明天晚上我可以有幸与你们一起用餐,并提供来自宇宙物质的食物吗?我可能会建议让你的管家在那晚休个假。”署名,“圣哲曼。”这样的呈现对鲍勃来说还是非常新鲜的,有那么一会儿他感到非常困惑。“你的意识是告诉我,”他说,“上师会从无形领域为我们提供晚餐吗?”
“Precisely that, Bob,” replied Mr. Rayborn. “However, you will have ample opportunity to observe all that takes place, for a new world is opening to you.” Then the table was cleared and we held a regular business conference.
“正是如此,鲍勃,”雷伯恩先生回答道。“不过,你将有充足的机会观察所发生的一切,因为一个新世界正在向你敞开。” 然后桌子被清理干净,我们举行了例行的商务会议。
“In all my life, Mr. Rayborn,” Bob began, “I have never seen such marvelous harmony among mining men—or such Love and respect sent by everyone to the owner. I know it must be due to this Master.
“The new assistant, Dave Southerland, has arrived, and I would like to have you meet him in the morning. He was a classmate of mine at the School of Mines in Colorado and graduated a year after I did—with high honors.”
“新助理,戴夫·萨瑟兰已经到了,我希望你可以在早上见到他。他是我在科罗拉多州矿业学院的同学,比我晚一年 —— 并以优异的成绩毕业。”
“Better have him come now,” Rayborn replied. Bob phoned, and in about half an hour there entered a fine looking young chap at least six feet two, well built, with a frank, open countenance that would win the Heart of anyone. He was a man of high honor and sterling ideals, and one felt he could be absolutely trusted at all times.
“最好现在就让他来,”雷伯恩回答道。 鲍勃打了电话,大约半小时后,进来了一位相貌英俊的年轻小伙子,他身高至少六英尺二英寸,体格健壮,有着坦率、豁达的面容,可以赢得任何人的心。 他是一位具有崇高荣誉感和崇高理想的人,你会感觉他在任何时候都是绝对值得信赖的。
The next morning, Rex and I went with Bob to the office and found Dave already there. He seemed very grateful and appreciative for his opportunity to be with Bob and Rayborn.
“Gee, I never dreamed I would get so near Heaven,” he said with frank enthusiasm. “Dave,” Bob answered, “you don’t know how near Heaven you really are!”
At a quarter to six we gathered in the living room and had been there for about a quarter of an hour when someone tapped very gently on the door. When Rex opened it, Saint Germain stood before him in a beautiful white flannel suit, a perfectly groomed gentleman of the modern world.
六点一刻,我们聚集在客厅,待了大约一刻钟,这时有人轻轻地敲门。 当雷克斯打开门时,圣哲曼穿着漂亮的白色法兰绒西装站在他面前,是完美当代绅士的装扮。
“I thought I would give you a little surprise,” He said, greeting us all with His loving, gracious smile.
“Well, Bob,” He said, looking at him quizzically, “why don’t you do it?” Bob seemed confused for a moment, and coming up, threw his arms around the Master and gave Him a big hug.
“My Beloved Brother,” He went on, “the first step to Perfection is to be natural, for all things are right when the motive is Divine.” Bob saw at once that Saint Germain knew his inmost thoughts.
“Now if we may all take our place at your table, we shall dine. The linen and entire service required tonight will be permanent and will be presented to Pearl and Rex as a gift from One who loves them very much.”
Daniel Rayborn seated our Beloved Saint Germain at the head of the table, Nada at His right and then Bob; Pearl, Rex and myself at His left, he taking the other end of the table. All bowed their heads in silence as the Master gave praise and thanks for an abundance of everything they required.
As we raised our heads, the most exquisite white cloth covered the table, with napkins for each. In the center was a beautifully carved jade vase filled with roses, some of them buds just opening, and their wonderful fragrance filling the entire room. A crystal goblet containing a Golden Liquid appeared at each place. Saint Germain raised His glass and gave a toast in which we all joined:
“To the Full Illumination, Glory, and Perfection of each one of you and of all mankind!” Bob drained his glass rapidly, and as the Essence rushed through his body like lightning, the expression on his face revealed his surprise.
Next came the plates, cups, saucers, and other dishes of the most exquisite china we had ever seen. It was like the substance of pearls, with embossed golden leaves of wonderful design. The knives, forks and spoons were made of a rare white metal with carved crystal handles. On the place of each appeared what looked like an individual meat loaf, but when we tasted it, there was no meat in it.
接下来是盘子、杯子、碟子以及其他我们从未见过的最精致的瓷器。其材质如珍珠,浮雕金叶,图案精美。 刀、叉子和勺子由稀有的白色金属制成,它们有着带雕刻的水晶手柄。每个人面前的盘子中都出现了看起来像肉饼的东西,但是当我们品尝它时,里面没有肉。
“This loaf,” Saint Germain explained, “contains a combination of substance not yet known upon Earth. You see, there is a definite reason why We never eat meat, and why human beings should not eat it either. This is because the atoms of which it is composed are the condensation into the substance of this world of mankind’s own vicious thoughts and feelings of the past.
“Animals were not in existence upon this planet during the first two Golden Ages. They only began to appear after humanity had generated the discord that followed those first two periods. The First Creation, described in Genesis, referred to these two Golden Ages, and they were described as ‘very good.’ Then the mist arose, and the so-called fall of man came about by the attention of the intellect becoming focused upon the appetites of the body, through the feeling.
“Thus the outer mind became more and more enmeshed in the world of things, and hence forgot the Source and Powerhouse of its Being, which is the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ The Plan of Completeness, or Divine Way of Life, was lost sight of, and more and more discord has continued to creep into the feeling of humanity ever since.
“As long as human beings insist on killing animals, they will never be able to break the vicious habits within their own feeling by which they have bound themselves; for they are constantly destroying their own bodies and shutting out the finer mental impulses. The Love of mankind for domestic animals is raising and purifying some of that past creation and releasing that stream of Life into a more harmonious phase of existence. As humanity becomes more harmonious and pure, all animals will disappear from the Earth. Even the weeds and blight upon plant life will be removed, and the Earth once again return to her Pristine Purity described as the Garden of Eden—meaning obedience to the Divine Wisdom.
“只要人类持续杀害动物,他们就永远无法打破束缚着自己的感觉中的恶习;因为他们不断地摧毁自己的身体,把更精微的心智脉动挡在外面。人类对家养动物的爱正在提升和净化过去的一些创造,并把生命之流释放到一个更加和谐的存在阶段。随着人类变得越来越和谐和纯净,所有的动物都会从地球上消失。甚至地球上的杂草和植物的枯萎病也会被移除,地球会再次恢复到被描述为伊甸园的原始纯净状态 —— 这意味着对神圣智慧的服从。”
“The great harm of meat-eating is that the flesh of the animal records the feeling of fear it experiences when killed. The animal has an emotional body, and the vibration of fear recorded previous to and at the moment of death qualifies the flesh—and that quality is absorbed by the emotional body of the human being who eats it. It also causes a certain substance to condense into the brain which dulls the intellect and prevents the finer impulses from flowing into it from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’.
“吃肉的最大危害在于,动物的肉体记录了它被杀死时所体验的恐惧感。动物有情绪体,在死亡之前和死亡之时恐惧的振动被记录到了肉身之中 —— 这种特质就会被食用它的人的情绪体所吸收。它还会导致某种物质凝结到大脑中,使智力迟缓,阻止了来自‘伟大我是临在’的更精微能量流流入大脑。”
“This substance even an Ascended Master will not interfere with because the individual does these things of his own free will. Fear, in its many subtle phases, is the predominant feeling within mankind today, and it is the wide-open door through which the sinister force holds its control in the personality and does its destructive work. The teaching that it is necessary to eat meat in order to obtain strength is vicious and entirely untrue; for the elephant, one of the strongest creatures on our Earth, is a non-meat eating animal.
“The idea that serums made from animals can produce health and perfection or protection against disease in a clean child’s body or that of an adult is another consciously directed activity of the sinister force in this world. It breaks down the health and resistance in the race, that the destructive feeling may hold sway and destroy the ideals of mankind. The medical profession has been unknowingly made a cat’s-paw for this destruction, under the guise of science. It is only because of the persistent stubbornness in the sense appetites, which are feeling in the human body, that the race keeps using its marvelous mental capacity and the wonderful Pure Energy from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ to create more and more destruction.
“When human beings will spend the same amount of time and energy studying Perfection and the wonderful Miracles of Creation that face us everywhere as they now do in gratifying the physical appetites and whims of the personal self, they too will produce the same Miracles the Ascended Masters are able to do. However, before fifty years are past, mankind will look back upon the meat-eating habit of today as we now look upon cannibalism.
“There are several things that leave a substance in the brain which must be cleared away if the Full Perfection from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is to be released through the personal consciousness. These are, in the order of their importance: narcotics, alcohol, meat, tobacco, excess sugar, salt, and strong coffee.
“Now we come to the remedy for these things, for I will never point your attention to any consideration of imperfection without showing you the Way to transcend it and replace it by Perfection brought about harmoniously. I want you to realize always that whatever needs to be changed in the physical experience—if you will call your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ into action through your mind and body, the result will always be produced without suffering or discord of any kind.
“现在就让我们来解决这些问题,因为我永远不会把你们的注意力带向对任何不完美事物的思考,而不向你们展示超越它、并用带来和谐的完美之道取代它的方法。我希望你们始终要意识到,不论物质身体的体验需要去改变什么 —— 如果你呼请你‘伟大我是临在’通过你的心智和身体进入行动之中,总是会产生结果,而且不会有任何形式的痛苦或不和谐。”
“The Way of Perfection, which is the Activity of the ‘I AM Presence ‘, never demands of the personal self anything but the letting go of its chains, its discords, its limitations and its sufferings; and this change is always brought about harmoniously and through Divine Love.
“The way to purify the brain and body structure, if the personality has been putting these substances into the physical body in the past, is to call to your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ to pour through your mind and body Its Violet Consuming Flame, using the following Affirmation:
‘Mighty I AM Presence’ ! Blaze through me Thy Consuming Flame of Divine Love. Take this desire out of me; annihilate its cause and effect, past, present and future, and replace it by the Fullness of Yourself, Your Perfect Satisfaction, and hold Your Full Dominion here forever!
“This same Affirmation can be used for another with the same miraculous and permanent accomplishment. Then spend a few moments at least three times a day visualizing yourself standing within a pillar of Violet Flame—rushing from the feet to some distance above the head and extending for at least three feet on each side around the body. Hold this picture as long as you can comfortably do so, and feel the Flame, which is the Purifying Power of Divine Love, penetrating every cell of your body. This dissolves all impure and unnecessary substances in the cells of the body, thus clearing and illumining the consciousness. This is part of the Knowledge of the Sacred Fire which has only been taught in the Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood throughout the centuries. It is the way the Ascended Masters purify, heal, and harmonize mankind and the very Earth itself. It is the Power by which so-called miracles are performed. It can never have any other effect in either the brain, body or affairs but great ease, comfort, peace, and eternal good.
“也可以为他人使用这句肯定,会带来同样神奇和永久性的成果。然后,每天至少三次,花几分钟的时间观想自己站在紫罗兰火焰的光柱中 —— 从脚底一直到头顶上方,并延伸至身体两侧至少三英尺的距离。只要你感觉这么做舒适,就把你的注意力牢牢地放在这个画面上,去感受这火焰,它是神圣之爱的净化力量,渗透进入你身体的每一个细胞。它会溶解身体细胞中所有不纯洁和不必要的物质,从而净化并照亮意识。这是神圣火焰知识的一部分,几个世纪以来,只有在伟大白色兄弟会的静修之处才会被教授。这也是扬升大师净化、疗愈、并且让人类和地球本身变得和谐的方法。也是通过这种力量,奇迹得以创造。除了极大的轻松、舒适、平和与永恒的良善之外,它对大脑、身体和其他事务都不会产生其他任何影响。”
“In my reference to the animal creation of this world, I wish you to understand that the birds were originally created by the Ascended Masters as messengers for the use of humanity. What destructive qualities they sometimes express are due to the radiation of discord from human beings. As the New Age comes in, these qualities will disappear. Nature, and by that I mean the plant and mineral life of this Earth, is created and brought forth by the Great Cosmic Masters who design and direct the Creation of a planet at Cosmic Levels.
“Nature within herself is forever pure, and if humanity did not impose its own discord and impurity upon the very atmosphere in which plant life grows, there could not be poisonous weeds or plants in existence. There was a time upon this Earth when everything in Nature affected the minds and bodies of human beings harmoniously.
“Within Nature is a Self-purifying, Self-protecting Immortal Activity which tolerates only for a time man’s vicious genius for destruction. Cataclysmic disaster is Her method of Self-defense, in returning to man that which he has imposed upon Her in the centuries past. Thus, through Life after Life, man continually meets his own creation turned upon himself, until he builds his Universe according to the Pattern of Divine Perfection which is the True Expression of his own Divinity.
“Age after age Nature is continually throwing back upon man, through cataclysmic action, his own iniquity; and She is stronger than any opponent because She is the Direct Creation and Outpouring of the Ascended Masters. In this way, man’s own discord destroys and buries himself, and Nature in Her Pristine Purity goes on serenely expressing Her Immortality. Notice the many civilizations that have been built upon this Earth, and the fact that Nature has so completely obliterated all traces of man’s work in them—until only in tradition and myth is there the faintest record of some of these activities.
“一个时代接着另一个时代,大自然不断地通过灾难性的行动,把人类自己的罪孽归还给人类;大自然要比任何对手都强大,她是扬升大师直接的创造和表达。通过这种方式,人类用自身的不和谐摧毁并埋葬了自己,而大自然可以在她原始的纯净中继续宁静地表达着她的永恒。请留意地球上建立过的众多文明,以及大自然完全抹除了人类在其中所有工作痕迹这一事实 —— 只有在神话和传说中才能找其中一些活动最轻微的记录。”
“Man, if he has attained Wisdom, which is the constructive use of all knowledge, may have the perfect cooperation of Nature’s gigantic forces, and through them make his accomplishments Immortal also. He must stop the stupendous slaughter of animals for food and the business of raising them to kill.”
A few moments after we began our dinner, a tiny loaf of bread appeared in front of each one—Nada’s and Bob’s coming together, and Pearl’s and Rex’s also. This was followed by a delicious vegetable salad, entirely different from anything we had ever tasted. For dessert, there was a most wonderful fruit-whip made of a combination of peaches, plums, and other fruits unknown to us. Blended into this was something resembling whipped cream, but sparkling like frost, just deliciously cool—another unfamiliar delicacy.
我们开始晚餐后不久,一块小面包出现在了每个人面前 —— 娜达和鲍勃的小面包并到一起,珀尔和雷克斯的小面包也并到了一起。接下来是美味的蔬菜沙拉,与我们尝过的任何东西都完全不同。甜点是一种非常美味的水果混合,由桃子、李子和其他我们不知道的水果混合而成。还混合了一些类似生奶油的东西,但像霜花一样闪闪发光,非常凉爽 —— 同时又有一种陌生的美味。
“Now,” said Saint Germain, “you shall have something which I feel sure you will prefer even to coffee.” As He spoke, an exquisite container appeared before Him, filled with an amber liquid, steaming hot. Cup after cup arose from the table, passing to Him, being filled, and then returned as if held by invisible hands. “This,” He said, “does not require cream, and please do not be alarmed by the sensation of the first taste. It is not intoxicating but is one of the most nourishing of beverages.” We sipped it very slowly and felt a thrill as of an Electric Current rush through our bodies like Living Light. It was most delicious.
The service for each course disappeared as soon as we were finished and before the succeeding one arrived. At the close of the dinner, Bob could not restrain himself any longer and burst forth: “I have never been so amazed and happy in all my Life. To think that we are living in the very midst of these Marvels all the time; and yet to be so unaware of it is almost unbelievable. The possibility that one may attain this Understanding and have such limitless use of God’s Energy and Substance to produce everything we require—as has been done here tonight thrills me through and through. I want to understand the use of this Great Law more than anything in the world! I am willing to try to do whatever is necessary to attain it. Will you, Beloved Master,” he exclaimed, turning to Saint Germain, “help me?”
我们吃完一道菜,它就消失了,然后下一道菜就上来。晚宴结束时,鲍勃再也无法克制自己,脱口而出:“在我一生中从未感觉到如此惊讶和快乐。想想我们一直生活在这些奇迹之中,却对此浑然不觉,这几乎令人难以置信。一个人可能获得这种理解,并无限地利用神的能量和材质来生产我们所需要的一切 —— 就像今晚在这里发生的那样,这让我彻头彻尾地振奋不已。我想要了解这伟大法则的使用,超过了世间的任何事物!我愿意做任何必要的事情来掌握它。亲爱的上师,你愿意帮助我吗?”他转向圣哲曼说道。
“My Beloved Brother,” He replied, “you have just spoken from the Great Inner Self. It is the ‘I AM’ within you, and Its Great Wisdom and Power you shall learn to use when you do accept this ‘Magic Presence’ in Its Fullness. Then you will do these same things as easily as you have seen me do them here tonight.
“Remember in regard to this, that the Ascended Masters never use darkened rooms in which to produce that which They create direct from the Universal Substance. Whatever cannot stand the Light is not of the Christ and should be instantly dismissed! Let no one who serves the Light ever sit in darkened rooms trying to produce phenomena. That which is of the Light always works in the Light; and whatever cannot stand It certainly does not serve the Constructive Path or the Way of Perfection. All that requires darkened places to produce its phenomena is of the psychic plane, and will sooner or later ensnare those who try it in the net of misery and destruction which exists there. If you will follow the Instruction that will be given from time to time, you will have reason to rejoice throughout eternity.
“I shall now keep my promise to you,” He continued, turning to Rex and Pearl; and in just a moment, all the service that had been used during the dinner reappeared upon the table as if placed there by invisible hands. “We do all our cleansing,” He replied, “by the use of currents of energy, a means that many will also use in the New Age we have entered. This delicate-looking china and crystal service which I present to you is unbreakable.” With this remark, a glass and plate fell to the floor without being damaged in the least.
“The table cloth and napkins will never soil nor wear out,” He went on, “but never allow anyone to care for them but yourselves. Now I wish to have your attention further. Only because this is a double union of two sets of God’s Twin Rays may I produce for your instruction that which will follow.” Holding out His hands, in just a moment, a disk of gold about the size of a twenty dollar gold piece appeared in each one.
“Gold will always respond,” He remarked, “to your call—if you understand the Great Law governing its production. I wish you to examine this carefully,” He commented, as He passed the pieces around the table for each of us to look at closely. We handed them back, and He went on, “Look again!” Immediately, a perfect blue-white diamond formed in each palm, which He offered for our examination; and then taking a piece of gold and a diamond in each hand, He closed His fingers—waited a few moments. When He opened them, a beautiful diamond ring lay in each hand. He handed one to Bob and the other to Rex, saying:
“黄金总是会回应你的呼唤,”他说道,“如果你了解黄金生产的伟大法则的话。我希望你们仔细去观察这个金盘,”他一边说着,一遍把金盘放到桌子边上让我们每个人细细观看。我们把金盘还到他的手中,他继续说,“再看好了!”即刻,他的每个手掌中都形成了一颗完美的蓝白色钻石,他把它拿给我们检查;接下来他双手各拿一块金子和一颗钻石,合上手指 —— 过了一会。当他打开手掌时,每个手掌上都有一枚美丽的钻戒。他把一个递给鲍勃,另一个递给雷克斯,说道:
“My Love to you. Wear them always. Please observe again.” Here, He held out His hands, and in a few moments there appeared, as though suspended in the air, a pearl necklace above His left hand and a diamond one above the right. Gently, they settled down into His palms, and He continued:
“These are of equal value, and in the commercial world would bring a fortune. I present them to My Beloved Students Pearl and Nada with a far greater purpose than that of any monetary value.” He handed the pearl necklace to Pearl and the diamond one to Nada, with His Blessing: “My Love to you. Wear them always.
“Now your consciousness is anchored so I can give you the ‘Great Command.’ With It you can command the body to manifest Perfection, having dominion and use of certain elements, Currents of Electronic Force, and Rays of Light. Thus you can govern your Life and affairs in Perfect Divine Order. This is strictly Private Instruction to you while here in this Retreat, and is never to be given to anyone—except by Me.”
“现在你们的意识已经锚定,所以我可以给予你们‘伟大的指令’。有了它,你们就可以命令身体表达出完美,并拥有对某些元素、电子能量流和光之射线的掌控和使用权。这样你们就可以在完美的神圣秩序中管理你的生命和事务。这是在这次静修期间对你们严格的私人指导,永远不会给予其他人 —— 除非通过我。”
He proceeded to explain the tremendous use of the “Great Command,” for Its Simplicity is so wonderful and Its Power so stupendous. He then took each one separately and asked us to give the “Command,” and to realize fully how impossible it was for anything to result from It but the greatest possible Harmony and Blessing to everyone.
Each of us had instantaneous results, and we were almost speechless before the enormity of Its Power. We took a vow before the Mighty God Self in each that we would never use It except in the Service of Divine Love.
“You have all heard the phrase often, ‘With God all things are possible.’ I tell you that you can so perfect yourselves, so raise your consciousness into the Pure Essence of God that all things with YOU are possible—as soon as you learn to direct this gigantic Power by the Love and Wisdom of your own ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within you is Supreme and Victorious over everything in Heaven and on Earth. Place It first always, and contemplate this Mighty Truth whenever you have a quiet moment.”
“你们都常常听到这句话,‘在神面前,凡事皆有可能。’我来告诉你们,你们可以如此地完善自己,把你们的意识提升至神的纯粹本质中,那么对你而言所有一切都是可能的 —— 只要你学会用你们自己‘伟大我是临在’的爱与智慧来引导这种巨大的能量。你们内在的‘伟大我是临在’是至高无上的,战胜了地球和天堂中的一切。永远把它放在第一位,每当你有安静的片刻,就去思考这个伟大的真理。”
It was now nine o’clock, and it had grown very dark out of doors; yet no one was aware that the Light within had steadily increased as the Light outside grew less. No one thought of turning on the lights, as Saint Germain had illumined the room by His Control of the electronic force.
“I want each of you,” He continued, “to so train yourself that you are never surprised at My Appearance. I may come at any time—anywhere—when it is necessary to give Assistance.” Here, He looked directly at Bob.
“No, Bob,” He said, “a student is never given anything by Us that he is not ready to receive. An Ascended Master makes no mistakes, of that I can assure you! In regard to those who are sometimes called Masters, I wish to give an explanation that is of very grave importance to the Students of Light and Truth.
“In the first place, there are those called Masters, some of whom have attained a very high degree of wisdom and maintained Life in the physical body for nearly two centuries, yet have not raised the body—as Beloved Jesus did. There are also many who call themselves masters who have not the faintest concept of what a Real Master is.
“首先,有些被称为大师的人,他们中一些已经获得了非常高的智慧,并且在物质身体中维持了近两个世纪的生命,但是还没有提升身体 —— 就像敬爱的耶稣做的那样。还有许多自称大师的人,对什么是真正的大师没有丝毫概念。”
“Of one thing you can be absolutely and eternally certain: that no one who is a Real Master will ever say so, and that an Ascended Master never accepts payment of any kind for the Help He gives—because the First Qualification of True Mastership is to do all as His Glad Free Gift of His Service of Love to the world.
“有一件事情是绝对而且永远确定的:没有一位真正的大师会去这么说自己,而且一位扬升大师也永远不会就他给予的帮助接受报酬 —— 因为真正大师的首要资格就是,把一切都当作他对世界爱之服务的愉快又免费的礼物。”
“The Ascended Master is absolutely Infallible at all times because He has passed out of the octave of vibratory action in which mistakes can occur, for He has become wholly Divine. By the raising of His Body, all atomic structure has been changed into the Electronic. He sees with Limitless Vision and knows all because He uses—only—the All-Knowing Mind of God.
“扬升大师在任何时候都是绝对正确的,因为他已经脱离了让错误可能发生的振动频率范围,因为他已经变得全然神圣。通过提升身体,所有原子结构都变成了电子的。他以无限的视野去看待一切,并知晓一切,因为他 —— 仅仅 —— 使用神的全知心智。”
“Those Masters who have attained even a very great degree of wisdom but have not yet raised the atomic body, can and sometimes do color what they give out by their own personal concept; for no one becomes infallible until he functions in his Electronic Body, or the Body of Pure Light, where no contamination or personal concept can exist.
“Bob, you are quite worthy of all you have been privileged to experience. Ever strive to make yourself more worthy of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ that beats your Heart and gives you the use of every good thing.
“I wish to suggest that Nada, Pearl, and Rex return to school, and this good brother,” indicating me, “remain at the ranch with their father until their graduation and his Ascension. After that the five of you may always consider the Diamond K Ranch your home. Your activity after three more years will be such that the world will be your home, for you will be required to serve wherever your assistance is needed. One year from the tenth of the coming September, I wish Nada, Pearl, Rex, and Bob to accompany me to the Far East, India, and Arabia, and to remain there for two years.
“Bob, it will be well to prepare Dave Southerland in the meantime to take full charge of the mine during your absence. As to our plans, please be absolutely silent. I will meet with you all once more at the ranch just before the young folks leave for the University, and I wish you, Bob, to make arrangements to be there also. I will let you know the exact date later.
“Your Great Love and natural sincerity has opened wide the Door of Illumination. Be ever faithful to the Great Light Within, the ‘Glorious I AM Presence.’ Always ask, and then listen for your Inner Guidance. It will and must come clearly, definitely, and correctly. I rejoice to have been the guest of such noble, faithful friends. My Love and Blessings shall always be with you. Good night.”
As He spoke these Words, the Dazzling Illumination of the bungalow faded out. Rex stepped across the room and turned on the lights. Saint Germain had gone. We returned to the dining room, and before us upon the table stood all the marvelous crystal, china, linen and silver. These people—who are still my beloved friends—have these beautiful Gifts in their possession today.
当他说出这些话时,屋子里耀眼的光芒渐渐消失了。雷克斯穿过房间,打开了灯。圣哲曼离开了。 我们回到餐厅,面前的桌子上摆满了精美的水晶、瓷器、亚麻布和银器。 这些人—— 我亲爱的朋友们 —— 直至现在还拥有这些美丽的礼物。
“Oh, the Glory of this night! It shall stay with me forever!” exclaimed Bob in his natural enthusiasm. “It transcends anything of which I have ever heard or dreamed, and it is real, true, and attainable for each of us! I am so grateful these two great streams of happiness should come to me at once—Nada, and this Great Revelation of Perfection and Power. To have the Gift of the Highest Love possible and the Glory of my Twin Ray in one who has this marvelous True Understanding is a miracle to me—and a thing I have been craving all my Life!
“噢,今晚的荣耀!它将永远伴随着我!”鲍勃自然热情地喊道。“它超越了我所听说过或者梦想过的任何事物,它是真实的,真的存在的,而且对我们每个人来说都是可以实现的!我非常感激这两股伟大的幸福能量流能够同时降临到我的身上 —— 娜达,还有这力量与完美的伟大揭示。从拥有这种神奇的真正理解力的人身上获得这种至高之爱的礼物,以及我双生光的荣耀,这对我来说就是一个奇迹 —— 也是我毕生的渴望!”
“The happiness of having found the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within myself is beyond words; and when I think of the Assistance from our Beloved Saint Germain and my financial freedom through you, my Blessed Friends, my gratitude is endless. My cup of happiness is surely full to overflowing! I feel as though I could flood the world with that ‘Mighty Inner Love,’ which I see so clearly is the Great Solvent for all things.”
The first thing we heard next morning was Bob saying, “Oh joy! I still have it!”
I asked, “What?”
“My ring!” he answered, and that started the day joyously for us all.
Rex packed the wonderful Gifts of Saint Germain and placed them in the car when we were ready to return to the ranch on the morning of the fifteenth. Great tears filled Bob’s eyes as he held each of us to his Heart in wonderful gratitude for all his happiness. When he came to Nada, his strength almost failed; but as he looked up, he saw the face of our Beloved Master, and instantly he was sustained. With a wonderful smile, he assisted each of us into the car and waved good-by.
We reached the ranch the following day. When Rayborn awakened Saturday morning, he found a Message from Saint Germain asking all of us to meet Him in the Tower Room at eight o’clock that evening—and informing us that He had invited Bob to come also.
第二天我们到达了牧场。 当雷伯恩周六早上醒来时,他发现了一则来自圣哲曼的信息,要求我们所有人晚上八点在塔楼房间与他见面,并告诉我们他也邀请鲍勃前来。
At twenty minutes to eight we went to the Tower Room, and as we approached it, the door suddenly opened. There stood our Beloved Master in His Seamless White Robe, every line of His Being expressing the Majesty and Dominion of Love. The rest of us wore the Robes we had been given in the Cave of Symbols, except Bob, who had not yet received his. Saint Germain’s Radiance enfolded each one as He greeted us. “I see you are prompt and faithful in all things,” He said, handing Bob his, Robe as He stepped toward him, and then continued, “Accept this with My Blessing.” Bob returned in a moment looking like a Being from another world, he radiated such grace and power, and we took our accustomed places.
“Let each one focus his consciousness upon the Light within the Heart from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.” In a few moments, we opened our eyes and could both see and hear within the World of the Ascended Master—through the raising of our consciousness during the meditation.
Each one could clearly see his own “Mighty I AM Presence” smiling down upon him serenely. This made us realize deeply what we could become as we hold steadfastly to the acknowledgment and acceptance of the “Magic Presence” and the use of Its Limitless Wisdom and Power. This is the Only Presence in the Universe which can raise the human side of us and draw us into Itself. Thus, by Its Love, Light, and Power do we become wholly Perfect. Surely there can be no greater incentive to mankind than to reach with all its strength, determination and devotion to this “Mighty I AM Presence,” that we may be raised above limitation of every kind. Then shall we be enabled to live as was originally intended and render Service that is truly Divine.
The opportunity to see, even for a few moments, our own Electronic Body, is a Blessing and Privilege that cannot be overestimated; for it gives us strength and encouragement, drawing us like a magnet— until at last we enter the Holy of Holies and become One with the Source from which we sprang.
有机会可以看到我们自己的电子身体,即便是片刻,也是一种不可估量的祝福和特权;因为它给予我们力量和勇气,像磁石一样吸引着我们 —— 直至最终我们进入至圣之地,与我们诞生的源头合一。
After a few moments of contemplating that “Mighty I AM Presence,” Saint Germain lowered the vibratory action until most of that Higher Consciousness faded from our sight.
“Do you not see, My Dear Ones,” He explained, “how easy it is to consciously lift your consciousness until it expands and encompasses everything you can possibly desire to know?
“This is the method I wish you to use, and by so doing raise your awareness to where you do actually comprehend the Great Law and attain Its complete use and operation. Do you not see how you can utilize and direct this Mighty Energy without limit? You will soon be doing it quite easily yourselves. I have shown you the Individualized ‘I AM Presence’ of each one, that you may understand what a small fragment of your own God-given Dominion you are using in your physical experience. This Glorious Presence is ever urging you to arise, receive your Crown of Glory, and wield your scepter of Complete Dominion over Its Vast Domains and be Free forever from every limitation. This Transcendent ‘ I AM Presence’ which you have just seen is your own Real Master, the Pure Christ Self. It is all Majesty and Mastery in Full Eternal Dominion over all worlds, over all created things.
“I have a few Directions to give before I leave you tonight. It is my wish that Nada, Pearl, Bob, and Rex meet the rest of us in Washington, D.C. for the holidays between Christmas and New Year. Your father and this good brother,” indicating me, “will be there a few weeks ahead of you for work We have to do.
“Alexander Gaylord, your father’s friend, will visit you here tomorrow. Remember as you return into the association of the outer world, the Only True Service is to understand and use in Perfect Divine Order the Mighty Energy of God within and about you. To consciously direct this perfectly is the only important activity of your lives. All else is secondary. Again I enfold you in the Eternal Light of Love, Peace, and Complete Illumination with My Sincere Blessings.” With these parting Words, the body of our Beloved Saint Germain steadily entered into that Higher Vibratory Octave and disappeared.
VI. The Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood 伟大白光兄弟会的使者
THE prospect of seeing our old friend Gaylord delighted us, for his friendship with both was one of long standing, and it formed a sort of Inner tie. Rayborn and I felt his visit was to be of great importance. Mr. Gaylord arrived at eleven o’clock the following morning, greeted us cordially, and as I was about to thank him for having brought me in touch with the Rayborns, he looked into my eyes steadily and remarked,
“You have our Beloved Master to thank.”
“You know Saint Germain then?” I asked.
“Yes,” he answered, “I have known Him and been under His Direction in specific matters for some ten years. He is drawing certain of His students together for important work that is to begin this year. This concerns a very serious crisis affecting the entire world, and especially North America. Yet it is possible that certain things can be averted, and if they are, the world at large will never know the vicious danger that threatens and the overwhelming disaster that it will have escaped.
“There is a certain sinister force at work within the atmosphere of Earth that is trying to destroy the beautiful Christ Light which is growing like a flower in the Hearts of more than sixty percent of humanity. The greater portion is in America, but there are many in all nationalities.”
We went into the house where Gaylord greeted Rex and Nada as if they were his own children, and was then presented to Pearl.
“May I be excused,” he asked immediately. “I have matters of a private nature to discuss with your father, and will you,” indicating me, “remain within call?”
In about an hour I joined them, and it was then I realized how important his visit really was. When we were seated, Mr. Gaylord revealed some of his activity as a Secret Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood and presented his credentials. His work in this capacity had extended over a period of seven years. He had his own avenues of personal contact with some of the higher official and diplomatic circles in Washington, as well as many other places of importance. It was because of his personal influence in these channels that he was able to be of such great assistance to the Brotherhood when need arose.
“Saint Germain,” Mr. Gaylord began, “is concerned with certain activities in Washington at the present time. It is His Request that we three reach there the second of October, and He will meet us on our arrival. He says it is possible to use you,” glancing in my direction, “in certain ways which He cannot do with His other students—a slight example of which you both experienced when the attempt was made on Mr. Rayborn’s life.
“圣哲曼,”盖洛德先生开始说,“很关心华盛顿目前的某些活动。他要求我们三人于十月二日到达那里,他将在我们抵达时与我们会面。”他朝我的方向看了一眼,“他说可能会以某种方式需要你的帮助,这种帮助无法从他的其他学生那里得到 —— 这是对雷伯恩的生命进行试验时,你们二人都体验过的一个小小的例子。”
“Remember always,” he went on, directing his conversation entirely to me, “that our Eternal Motto and rule of conduct is: ‘To know, to dare, to do, and to be silent.’ Your trust in your own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ may be severely tried within the next few months; but you must realize the Messengers of the Great Ascended Masters may only make Themselves known at the right time—which moment those in charge of the activity decree.”
“永远记住,”他针对我继续说,“我们永恒的座右铭和行为准则是,‘知、敢、行、静。’你对自己‘伟大我是临在’的信任在接下来的几个月会受到严峻的考验;但是你必须意识到,伟大扬升大师的使者们会在恰当的时间让自己为人所知 —— 在那个时刻,负责活动的人会下达命令。”
With a few more personal directions to me, the meeting was over. After dinner Rayborn and Gaylord went to the Tower Room. We met again at breakfast the next morning and I learned they had both been present at an important Council of the Ascended Masters in Arabia. Rayborn, with Mr. Gaylord’s assistance, was enabled to go forth in his Finer Body while their physical bodies remained undisturbed and protected in the Sacred Chamber. As Mr. Gaylord was leaving, he remarked:
在向我提供了一些个人指示后,会议就结束了。晚餐后,雷伯恩和盖洛德去了塔楼房间。 第二天早上我们在早餐时再次见面,我得知他们都出席了阿拉伯半岛的一次重要的扬升大师理事会。 雷伯恩在盖洛德先生的协助下,能够以他的精微身前行,而他们的肉身则留在神圣的房间中不受干扰,并受到保护。盖洛德先生在离开时说道:
“I am glad you have all entered the Pathway of Light, for there alone will you find Permanent Happiness. Henceforth we shall meet often at the most unexpected times and places, and from now on distance will be no barrier for any of us.” He said good-by, entered his car, and waving his hand, was gone. “How long have you been aware that Mr. Gaylord knew and was under the direction of Beloved Saint Germain?” I asked Rayborn.
“我很高兴你们都踏上了圣光之路,因为只有在那里你们才能找到永久的幸福。今后我们将经常在最意想不到的时间和地点见面,从现在开始,距离将不再是我们任何人的障碍。” 他说了声再见,上了车,挥了挥手就走了。 “你知道盖洛德先生认识敬爱的圣哲曼,并受其指导多长时间了吗?” 我问雷伯恩。
“About four years,” he replied. While I had known Gaylord a long time, it was only now that I was beginning to see the real magnificence and Inner Character of the man. In referring to this later with Saint Germain, He said:
“Little do people realize how often they are in close contact with greatly illumined souls who are many times Messengers of the Ascended Masters— but are totally unaware of it until some unusual event opens the door and causes them to reveal the Great Inner Light. One might live for months or years under the same roof with a Messenger, and not know him until some crisis arose that caused him to reveal his power.”
“人们很少意识到,他们与那些伟大光明灵魂的接触是多么地频繁,这些灵魂通常都是扬升大师的使者 —— 但是人们常常不会意识到这一点,直至一些不同寻常的事情打开大门,让他们揭示出伟大的内在之光。一个人可能与一位使者共同生活在同一屋檐下数月或数年,直至出现某种危机,让他显露自己的力量时,那个人才会意识到这一点。”
The young people left for school the next day, and Bob returned to the ranch with us to receive directions from Mr. Rayborn about the work at the mine, and orders to be ready to return early the following morning. That evening we three had a quiet, confidential talk that revealed still more of the nobleness of Bob’s character. Arrangements were made for him to come to Washington, D.C., at Christmastime for the meeting with Saint Germain.
Rayborn and I had many enjoyable evenings discussing the Instructions Saint Germain had given us. One evening about a week after Bob had left, we were deep in the study of re-embodiment when Rayborn read to me some of the material on this subject which Beloved Saint Germain had given him. I quote it exactly:
“If human beings only understood that human embodiment upon this Earth is an opportunity given the personal self—by the Great Law of Balance—to correct the mistakes made in previous lives, they would use every experience and extract the lesson from it instead of rebelling against circumstance and being used by it.
“This constant return to physical embodiment, or garments of flesh, would be an endless circle of cause and effect if it were not that man has the ‘Presence of God’ within him.
“This part of you which says ‘I AM’ is the Life, the Intelligence, and the Power that moves through your physical body. When the discordant habits of the atomic consciousness of your physical body build to such a momentum the Light of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is no longer allowed to expand, and through that, maintain the Fulfillment of a Constructive Plan of Life, the Master Self begins to decrease Its supply of energy, and eventually withdraws.
“There is only one thing that ever causes what the world calls death, and that is the lack of enough Liquid Light within the nerve channels. It radiates the Cohesive Power which holds the atoms together that make up the flesh body. This Liquid Light is owned by and comes only from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ of the Universe. The outer garment is the receptacle into which this ‘Presence’ pours Its Light for a constructive purpose and use only. When that purpose is continually interfered with, the Light is withdrawn; and the flesh body, which should be the Temple of the Most High Living God, disintegrates.
“The experience called death is a constant reproof to mankind and a reminder to the personal self of its disobedience to the original God Plan, the Divine Way of Life.
“If the student really wants to know the Truth about re-embodiment and Life, he must go to the Source of Life—the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’—and study there; for only as he receives Wisdom from his All-knowing Mind will he ever BE Its Light.
“如果学生真的想知道关于转世和生命的真相,他就必须去到生命的源头 —— ‘伟大的我是临在’ —— 并在那里学习;因为只有当他从他的全知心智中获得智慧时,他才会成为它散发的圣光。”
“We may have mental concepts and ideas by the thousands, but unless we have become One with a thing through feeling it, we never really know. To gather facts from the world of sense and form, or the outer activity of the mind, is but accretion. Eternal Truth, Law and Intelligence come only from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the ‘Light of the Universe.’
“If one desires to prove to himself the Truth of re-embodiment, that proof can only come from his own actual experiences—revealed to him by his own God Self. No amount of argument or phenomena will ever be proof to anyone. To the one who wishes to have this proof, I give the following, and it is infallible; for the Ascended Masters have attained Their Perfection of the Ascended State by its use, and others may do likewise if they so choose.
“如果一个人想要证明给自己转世的事实,那么这个证明只能来自他自己实际的经历 —— 由他自己的神之自我揭示给他。再多的争论或外部现象都无法成为他人的证明。如果有人希望拥有这种证明,我给出以下准确无误的知识;因为扬升大师通过使用这些知识,已经到达了完美的扬升状态,其他人如果乐意选择这么做的话,也可以达成。”
“If the student, with unyielding determination, will acknowledge and accept his ‘Mighty I AM Presence’—call to It constantly, and sincerely reach up to It, love It, and be grateful for Its wondrous Life which he is using every moment, waking and sleeping—he will cause his outer consciousness to be so raised that he will know, see, and experience first hand the answer to every question and every problem confronting him.
“如果学生以不屈不挠的决心,认可并接受他‘伟大的我是临在’ —— 持续不断地呼请它,真诚地去接近它,去爱它,并感激他在每时每刻都在使用着它的美妙生命,不论是醒着还是睡着的时候 —— 这么做他会让自己的外在意识得到提升,这样他就会知道、看到并亲身体验到他所面临的每一个问题的解答。”
“The greatest and most important Activity of Life is Love, Devotion, and Gratitude to Life for all Life gives us. As our outer consciousness becomes lifted by being held in constant adoration upon the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and continual acknowledgment given only to the Perfection of Life, all human habits and miscreations disappear, and we express only Light. This is the Ascended Master Consciousness.
“The outer activity of the mind and physical body becomes the visible, tangible form of whatever we think and feel. Man becomes that upon which his attention rests. If he meditates upon the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ he will become the Full Outpouring of that Perfection. If he spends his time and energy, through his attention, upon the appetites of the physical body, trying to satisfy their insatiable demands, he destroys his temple. No man may say him nay, no matter what his choice. The responsibility of his choice is unescapable, for it is inherent within Free Will.
“The Paramount Command of the Eternal is: ‘Be ye Perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is Perfect,’ for Life will return you, the individual consciousness, again, again, and again into human embodiment—until you fulfill the Supreme Edict of Life. When that Decree is obeyed, we shall find the Manifestations of the Constructive Way of Life have become Immortal.
“永恒的最高命令是:‘你们要完美,就像你们的天父是完美的一样’,因为生命把你、个人意识,一次又一次地带入人类的化身 —— 直到你实现生命至高无上的目标。当这个命令得到遵循时,我们就会发现,生命建设性方式的表达者成为了不朽的存在。”
“The Cosmic Activity and Light from our Earth is being expanded at this time. Many feel this greatly increased energy, and unless it is used in a constructive way, the individual qualifies it with his own feelings of irritation and resentment against persons, places and conditions. This but creates greater turmoil in his own mind and body, which constantly disturbs himself and others.
“During the present Expansion of the Light throughout the Earth, it is absolutely imperative for the individual to keep an iron control over his own thought, feeling and spoken word—compelling them to be constructive, and giving recognition to nothing else—if he is to avoid continual distress and countless loss to himself and his world. At no time in the history of the planet has this been so important as it is at the present moment.
“在当前圣光在整个地球拓展的过程中,个人绝对有必要对自己的思想、情感和说出的话语,保持铁一般的控制 —— 让它们具有建设性,同时不要去赋予其他事物以力量 —— 若是他想要避免施加给自己和他所在的世界以持续痛苦和无尽损失的话。在地球的历史中,这一点从未像现在这般重要。”
“The Earth is passing through the throes of a tremendous new birth, and in the few years just ahead will be in a transition period. It is changing now in a Cosmic Way—from the attitude of war into that of Peace, from hatred to Love, from selfishness to unselfishness—and into the full recognition that in the future the people must exert strength enough to live according to the Law of Love.
“地球正在经历一次巨大新生前的阵痛,在未来的几年会处于一个过渡期。它现在正以宇宙之道进行着转变 —— 从战争的态度转变至和平的态度,从仇恨转变至爱,从自私转变至无私 —— 同时充分地意识到,在未来人们必须发挥足够的力量,遵循爱之法则来生活。”
“The hour strikes in the evolution of every planet and its humanity when they must express the Full Peace, Harmony, Perfection, and the Divine Plan of the System to which they belong. When that hour strikes, humanity either moves forward and fulfills God’s Plan, or whatever portion will not come into alignment with the new activity removes itself to another schoolroom of the Universe—until those personalities learn obedience to Life.
“星球及其人类的进化时刻就要到来,届时他们必须表达出他们所属系统的全然的和平、和谐、完美和神圣计划。当那个时刻到来时,人们要么前进,实现神之计划,任何不与新到来的活动保持一致的那部分,会让自己进入宇宙的另一间教室 —— 直至那些人学会服从生命计划。”
“The Law of Life is Heaven, Peace, Harmony and Love to every created thing. Even the ethers of infinite space express this Harmony everywhere. Human beings are the only creators of ‘hell.’ They can accept and obey the Law of Life, and enjoy every good thing of the ‘Kingdom,’ or they can disobey that Law and be broken as a reed before the storm by their own self-generated discord. Each individual carries his own heaven or hell with him every moment; for these are but the results of mental and emotional states which the individual has created because of his own attitude. There is no other cause for them.
“Over the humanly generated chaos of the past there are being poured out by the Ascended Masters and Great Cosmic Messengers, Great Streams of Love and Harmony upon which Peace depends. Mankind, having so long pulled against the Great Cosmic Current of Love which ever seeks to bless, is now being compelled to turn around and seek the Light in order to survive in the midst of its own destructive emanations of the past. The constant Command of the Ascended Masters is: ‘Let the Great Light of the “Mighty I AM Presence” enfold the humanity of Earth—quickly—that its sufferings may cease.’ Misery, darkness and ignorance exist only because of lack of Love.”
“扬升大师和伟大的宇宙使者正在向人类过去制造的混乱倾洒和平所依附的爱与和谐的伟大能量流。人类长期以来被拉扯着去对抗带给他们祝福的伟大宇宙之爱的能量流,现在,人们不得不转过身来去寻求圣光,从而在他自己过去创造的破坏性辐射中生存下来。扬升大师们一直以来的命令都是:‘让“伟大我是临在”的伟大之光,包围地球上的人类 —— 快速地 —— 终结地球上的苦难。’痛苦、黑暗和无知只是因为缺乏爱而存在。”
Mr. Rayborn and I were the only two left at the ranch for the next few weeks. We received splendid letters from Nada and Rex, and occasionally one from Pearl. They were deeply grateful to Beloved Saint Germain for the beautiful apartment which He, in His Love, had provided for them; and among its many blessings were two of His other students who acted in the capacity of chef and maid. They had come from Arabia, and while in their activity as servants, were the very essence of loving help.
When the twenty-fourth of September arrived, Rayborn and I made a visit to the mine for the last time before leaving for Washington. The trip was beautiful, and we felt tangibly the overshadowing Power of the “Magic Presence” which filled us with unspeakable joy and happiness. We found Bob expecting us, as Saint Germain had left him a message saying we were to arrive that evening.
Mr. Rayborn’s purpose in coming at this time was to contact the men more closely and give a Radiation that would bless all. He spoke to the three shifts as they came off duty, telling them of the new superintendent, Dave Southerland. They deeply appreciated Rayborn’s kindness and generosity to them, and as he thanked and encouraged them in their work, he seemed more like a brother than an employer. I never ceased to marvel at the Power of Love to bless men and their business—when they really accept and live It. Rayborn was a living proof of its efficiency and wisdom in the practical daily experience of the business world.
雷伯恩先生前来的目的,是为了跟这里的人们建立更紧密的联系,同时散发出一种照耀,祝福所有的人。当三班倒的人下班后,他告知了他们新任主管戴夫·萨瑟兰上任的事情。他们深深地感激雷伯恩对他们的善意和慷慨,当他感谢他们并给他们的工作带去鼓励时,他看上去更像是兄弟而不是雇主。我从未停止赞叹于爱的力量可以如此祝福人们以及他们从事的事业 —— 当他们真正接受并去践行它时。雷伯恩在商业世界中的日常实践经验生动地证明了爱之力量的效率和智慧。
That evening Rayborn spent much time telling Bob many things Saint Germain had revealed to him during their hours of Instruction. Bob was as happy as a schoolboy, deeply grateful for all he received. The next morning we three said good-by with Hearts full of Love. Rayborn and I reached the ranch after an uneventful trip and retired early.
The following morning he suggested we take the beautiful Arabian horse out for exercise, that I might see the part of the ranch that lay among the foothills. He asked me to ride Pegasus; and as the groom led the horse out, he broke away and came to me at full speed, rubbing his nose against me as though to express his joy at not being forgotten. Rayborn mounted the black horse belonging to Rex, and we cantered off. We were returning along the foothills when suddenly Pegasus planted his feet and would not move.
“Let him have his own way,” explained Rayborn. “He knows a rattlesnake is near. Give him the reins and then watch.” He moved a short distance forward very slowly and then stopped. We distinctly heard the rattle, and looking a short distance away, saw a huge rattlesnake.
“Don’t touch the reins,” warned Rayborn. “You will see a very unusual thing.” Raising his right foot, Pegasus began to strike at the snake slowly, at the same time watching it closely. Suddenly the snake struck, and quick as a flash down came Pegasus’ foot on its head, severing it from the body completely. I hugged him—I couldn’t help it; but he was quite calm. I dismounted to get the rattles and found there were twelve. “You had better give me those rattles,” said Rayborn, “Pegasus will never let you carry them on him; he has a violent antipathy to them.”
“不要去碰缰绳,”雷伯恩警告说。“你会看到一件非比寻常的事情。” 珀伽索斯抬起右脚,开始缓慢地准备攻击那条蛇,与此同时,也在仔细地观察着它。突然间蛇发起进攻,珀伽索斯的脚闪电般落下,踩在它的头上,把它的头与蛇身完全分开。我拥抱了他 —— 情不自禁这么做;但是他反而很平静。我下马把蛇收集起来,发现一共有十二段。“你最好把那些给我,”雷伯恩说,“珀伽索斯永远不会让你携带着它们上马,他对响尾蛇有着强烈的反感。”
The next morning we left for Denver. We went directly to the Brown Palace Hotel where Gaylord had left word for us to come immediately to his suite of rooms. We obeyed directions and were greeted graciously by our host. He called a porter to check our trunks, and when the man returned, he knew before he accepted the checks that one was missing.
“My good man, you have not checked one of the trunks,” he explained. The porter saw his mistake and returned later with the missing check. We boarded the train at nine o’clock and found that he had engaged three adjoining drawing rooms. Gaylord excused himself almost immediately. “I wish to retire at once,” he explained, “and leave my body, as I must go to Arabia for further directions; but I will be with you at breakfast.”
The next morning at the first call, Gaylord, Rayborn and I went through to the dining car. While we sat at breakfast, a dark, handsome, wiry sort of man passed our table, accompanied by a beautiful woman of striking appearance.
Involuntarily, we all noticed them. We finished our breakfast, and Gaylord asked us to come at once to his drawing room. “That man and woman,” he explained, as soon as we were seated, “are two of the communist representatives with whom we have to deal. We are perfectly safe because they do not know how to protect themselves or their secrets by the Power of the Inner Light. They do not serve the ‘Light,’ and are therefore unable to use It as we do, and so release Its Power. However, we must be on our guard from the start so that at no point will they be able to sense anything of our activities. The man’s companion is one of the cleverest, most dangerous and notorious persons known in Europe.
“Put on your Armor,” he said, speaking to me, “for in handling this woman, when the time comes, you will need to use all your powers of diplomacy. You have a part to fulfill—more important than you dream; but I know your courage, poise, and the assurance from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within. That will take you through victoriously.
“穿上你的盔甲,”他对我说,“因为在与这个女人打交道时,你需要动用你全部的外交力量。你要完成一部分工作 —— 比你的梦想更加重要;但是我知道你的勇气、沉着,以及来自内在‘伟大我是临在’的确保。这将带领你取得胜利。”
“Through my visit to the Far East last night, it is very evident that we are getting into action here none too soon. Those who are the claws of the sinister force are already polluting and corrupting wherever possible by their deceit and treachery. Now you can realize how great was Beloved Saint Germain’s Wisdom in His three days’ Preparation and Attunement of you while in the Cave of Symbols. I know of the place; I have been there many times.”
“Will you,” I asked, “tell us whatever of your experiences you are permitted to reveal?”
“I will be glad,” he replied graciously, “to relate whatever I am permitted to reveal for your instruction and enlightenment, but not just for entertainment. We change trains at Chicago, and after leaving there, which will be about nine o’clock tonight, I shall be glad to visit you again. When we reach Chicago, have all the bags taken to your compartment and wait for me, as I expect to have important communications for both of you.” When the train pulled into the station, Mr. Gaylord stepped off the car and disappeared immediately in the crowd.
“He must have drawn the Cloak of Invisibility about him,” I said to Rayborn; “he has gone so quickly.” We changed trains and went immediately to our compartment. As the train pulled out of the station, we heard Gaylord enter his compartment. In about ten minutes, he tapped on our door and asked us to join him.
“It was just as I thought,” he explained. “Our adversary has a powerful tool in this city, one of the high political officials who is receiving large sums of money for the assistance he is giving to their destructive activities. However, he is under surveillance and will be taken into custody in the morning. No one will dare to announce it publicly because of others with whom he is connected—and whose prominence makes it too dangerous for them to allow his name to be revealed. It is the same old story: when the battle grows too fierce in the camp of the unvirtuous, it is each man for himself, and each man’s deeds trap him in his own net.
“正如我所想,”他解释说。“我们的对手在这座城市有一个强大的帮手,一位高级政治官员,这位官员因为向他们的破坏性活动提供帮助获得了大笔资金。不过,他受到了监视,会在一早被拘留。没有人敢公开宣布这一消息,因为与他有关联的其他人 —— 那些人的显赫地位让他名字的透露成为一件异常危险的事情。还是同样老套的故事:当恶人阵营中的斗争变得过于激烈时,每个人都为了自己,每个人都被困在自己的行为编织的网中。”
“The man and his companion whom we saw at breakfast the other morning have taken the compartment next to you,” he continued, indicating me. “However, you will know exactly the right thing to do at the right moment, and I know you will do it. Now I will explain, for your instruction, one of my experiences that began in India, reached its height in Arabia, and finished in America:
“Some years ago, when the aftermath of the war was spending its fury, I was selected by the Council of the Great White Brotherhood in India to act in the capacity of Messenger. This work necessitated taking my physical body with me, for at that time I was not able to levitate and transport it through the atmosphere as the Ascended Masters do. However, now I can leave my body consciously at any time, as you are both fully aware and this good brother,” indicating Rayborn, “has physically observed.
“Obeying the Call from the Council of India, I sailed for France, the first part of my journey. At that time I was not so clearly sensitive to the Finer Vibratory Action as I am now and had to be led more or less intuitively. Little did I dream in those days that I was obeying—as definitely as I am now. The first morning at sea, I found a most distinguished looking gentleman seated at my table as I came down to breakfast. He arose as I approached and introduced himself. ‘I take the liberty of introducing myself,’ he said. ‘I trust I am not intruding!’ I liked him very much the moment I shook hands with him; and we chatted on generalities for a few moments when he remarked:
” ‘I presume you are traveling for pleasure, possibly on a mission?’ and as he pronounced the word ‘mission,’ he looked at me very sharply. Instantly I felt something tighten within and I was on guard at once.
” ‘I enjoy water travel very much,’ I replied, ‘especially in the month of May.’ A slight smile passed over his face and an amused look came into his eyes. Still, the feeling that I liked him grew stronger, and somehow I could not help it, nor explain the cause. Suddenly he shifted the conversation, began speaking of a certain young prince, and asked if I had met him.
” ‘Only as a small child,’ I replied, ‘but I have always felt he was a great soul.’
” ‘Just what do you mean by that?’ he asked。
” ‘I mean he is one who has lived many lives and attained certain Inner Knowledge through much experience,’ I replied.
” ‘Then you believe in re-embodiment?’ he questioned again.
” ‘I not only believe it, but I know it to be True, and a certain phase of one activity of the Great Cosmic Law,’ I answered.
” ‘You speak with great assurance,’ he continued.
” ‘In this respect, I speak from actual knowledge,’ I retorted.
” ‘Oh, you do? Now for instance, do you think you and I have ever met before?’ he went on, and there was a sort of quizzical, half-teasing note in his voice—yet a loving kindness in its quality that denied any real opposition to my thought.
“‘哦,是吗?比如现在,你认为你和我以前见过面吗?’他继续说,声音中带着一种好奇和半调侃的语调 —— 但是带着一种慈悲有爱的特质,否认了我想法中的所有真正反抗。”
” ‘Yes,’ I continued, ‘we knew each other before the last cataclysm on Atlantis, and also in Egypt. Now we have met again and shall work together many times for our mutual good.’ I spoke with an Inner Impelling Power and a Feeling of Authority that amazed me. I was surprised at my own words.
“He extended his hand, looked at me with a smile that would have melted anyone, and gave me a sign which I knew came only from one of very high authority in the Great White Brotherhood. I was deeply grateful and very happy.
” ‘You passed the test splendidly, My Brother,’ He explained, ‘and it is well you are on guard so naturally. This makes it possible for the Inner Presence to act at all times. Remember, the “Mighty I AM Presence” is the Only Power which can guard you in the outer activity, for it cannot be done by the personal will.
” ‘Never fail to maintain this Continual Guard, for it is imperative in the work you are to do. The Great Life Stream and plan of our work has brought us together for the next few months. Your “I AM Presence” spoke the Truth about our having been together in former lives. I rejoice, as I see you do also, that our outer activity unites us again at the present time. Let us go to my cabin, and I will give you some idea of our work. You will receive further instruction in detail from the Council in India.’
“As we entered His cabin I felt a sense of exquisite beauty about everything around Him. I did not know then, as I have learned since, that it was not so much the furnishings as the wondrous Radiance He shed over them. His Blazing Aura penetrated, charged, and illumined everything in the room.
” ‘The first important thing I have to tell you,’ He explained, ‘is that I am detailed, with your assistance, to prevent the assassination of the young prince we mentioned some time ago—whom we both love because of his Inner Light. The second duty is to prevent a great indignity to Arabia by certain European powers. The third thing is the activity of the sinister force with which we are dealing now. We shall stop two days in Paris as we pass through France and there shall make important contacts to help us accomplish our work.’
“‘我要告诉你的第一件事情,’他解释说,就是要在你的帮助下,详细地执行一套方案从而阻止我们之前提到的年轻王子被暗杀 —— 我们都因他的内在之光爱着他。第二个职责就是防止某些欧洲列强对阿拉伯的极大侮辱行为。第三件要做的就是我们现在面对的邪恶力量的活动。当我们途经法国时,我们会在法国停留两天,并在那里进行一些重要的联络工作,从而帮助我们完成我们的工作。”
“The days passed all too rapidly while I was in association with this Remarkable Man, and the only promise He exacted from me at any time was when He introduced himself—by requesting that I never reveal His Name to anyone. I have never done so to this day and never shall, except with His Permission.
“I thought at the time when I saw Him perform what the world calls miracles that He was the most wonderful person in the world; but He revealed only a fragmentary part of His Knowledge and Power at that time. When I mentioned these things to Him, He replied: ‘This sort of activity is the least important Work the Members of the Great White Brotherhood are able to do; in fact, there is nothing They cannot do when necessity and the Divine Law permit.’
“The boat arrived at Cherbourg, and as we disembarked I saw a man who looked like an Arab give my Friend the Sign of the White Brotherhood, which He answered. The Arab led us to a magnificent auto that we entered at once, he taking the wheel.
“Inside the car sat a closely veiled woman to whom I was presented, not by name, but as the ‘Brother from the Far West of America,’ and She merely as ‘Sister of the White Brotherhood.’ As nearly as I could see and sense, She seemed very young, not more than seventeen years of age. We were hardly seated when She said:
” ‘We can reach Paris much more quickly this way,’ indicating a road into which we turned immediately.
” ‘We are being followed,’ She warned a moment later; and looking around, we saw another car following at full speed. At once there arose from the ground a Wall of Vapor between the two cars.
” ‘They will not pass that barrier until we are well out of their reach,’ She assured us.
“We arrived in Paris a few hours later and stopped at an old castle-like residence from which we could see dimly the Eiffel Tower. It was situated high up, and from its many windows one had almost a complete bird’s-eye view of the city. It seemed as if it had been built for that purpose in the first place.
“The Veiled Lady led the way through the entrance and up a grand staircase. We entered what looked like an audience chamber, and passing through a side door, came into a large library.
“A tall, handsome man, turning from one of the bookcases, came forward and greeted us with a courtly grace that is not the custom of our time. Later I realized why. He was one of the Great Ascended Masters who had made His Ascension more than five hundred years ago. His eyes sparkled with Kindness and a Wisdom that seemed as old as eternity.
“The Veiled Lady who had accompanied us, He explained, was His daughter in a former life and a pupil of His in this one. She had been in the Ascended State more than three hundred years, yet She looked not over seventeen. I can never tell you the effect those experiences had on me. Every new Revelation stirred a feeling within that I never knew existed.
” ‘My Beloved Friends,’ our Host said, as soon as we had been presented and greetings had been exchanged, ‘please be seated. Luncheon will be served immediately, and afterwards I will convey the Instruction which I am to give you.’
“A few moments later two youths in cream-colored robes appeared and served our meal. It was very delicious and was the same kind of precipitated food that we have all been privileged to eat at Saint Germain’s Retreat in the Cave of Symbols.
” ‘Tonight,’ said our Host, ‘you are to be my guests, together with eight of the Brothers who will be here to meet our American Brother. They know him, but as yet he has not recalled the memory of Them.’
“Promptly at eight o’clock our Host led the way to the top floor, and we entered a circular room where everything was decorated in soft milk-white color. In the center stood a white onyx table, and around it had been placed twelve chairs. We stood for a moment, one at each corner of the table, with heads bowed; and when we looked up, the eight Brothers were there in living, tangible Bodies. I was presented to each in turn, and then the group sat down.
“They all knew my Friend of steamship acquaintance very well. Many problems of national and international importance were brought up for solution, and in every case, a real remedy worthy of Their time and attention was found to meet the requirements.
“It was during this time I learned that our Host was Chief of the Council of France, although He was not a Frenchman. Each Brother was given specific direction which it became His duty to carry out. As the Council adjourned, everyone said goodby with the Blessing: ‘We enfold you in the Potent Power of the “Magic I AM Presence” to whom all Brothers of the Great White Brotherhood look and receive without limit.’ We bowed our heads, and the Brothers disappeared as silently as They had come. We bade our Host good-night, and were shown to our rooms.
“We had breakfast early the next morning and were ready to leave by nine o’clock, the Veiled Lady accompanying us as before. We arrived at the docks in Marseilles just in time to ask God’s Blessings upon our fair Sister and take our leave.
“We boarded the steamer and I asked my friend why I felt such an attraction to the Veiled Lady and what was the meaning of it, for She seemed always before my vision and about me ever since we had entered the automobile in Paris.”
“‘Have patience,’ He answered. ‘You will soon know.’
“Our cabins adjoined, and we settled down to enjoy our trip on the Mediterranean to the full. We were bound for Bombay by way of the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, with visits to Alexandria and Cairo. It was a trip one could not forget in a thousand years. Not a single thing occurred to mar its beauty and our joy, and being extremely fond of water travel, I reveled in my newly-found happiness.
“As our boat came alongside the pier at Bombay, I was intensely interested, for this was my first trip to that part of the world. Since those years, the Orient has become quite familiar.
“I had expected that we would make the last portion of our journey by train, but to my surprise, we had scarcely left the gangplank when a handsome young Hindu dressed in white approached. He gave us the Sign we knew so well and led us to a large, beautiful auto. He opened the door in quiet dignity and waited for us to enter. To my astonishment, within the car sat another veiled lady—who looked very like the one we had left in France. To my intellect that seemed impossible, so I put it out of my mind. I was presented to her in a similar manner as to the other lady. It was not long until our fair companion answered my thought with the question:
“我原以为我们会以乘火车的方式来完成旅程的最后一段,但令我惊讶的是,我们刚刚离开船板,一位身穿白衣的年轻英俊的印度教徒就走进我们。他给我们看了我们那个熟悉的信物,并带领我们进入一辆漂亮的大汽车中。他安静而庄重地打开车门,等待我们进入。令我惊讶的是,车内坐着另一位蒙着面纱的女士 —— 她看起来很像留在法国的那位。以我的理解,这是不可能的,所以我把这个想法抛在脑后。我以一种相似的方式被介绍给她,以及另一位女性。不久之后,我们美丽的同伴用下面的问题来回答了我的想法:”
” ‘Why, My Good Brother, should we think anything impossible where the Understanding of the individual is complete?’
” ‘My Good Sister,’ I replied, ‘you are so like a lovely lady we met in Paris that I can hardly believe you are not the same person. Yet we left Her there, so She could not be here.’
” ‘You think not?’ She questioned again, and my Friend suggested:
” ‘We had better watch the beautiful scenery, for we may not pass this way again.’ The view was powerful and majestic, and a very delightful source of inspiration and enjoyment. It was ten o’clock in the morning when we left Bombay. We drove until six in the evening and by that time had reached a quiet little city. We drove to a large native residence. The man in white driving the auto waited for us to alight and then drove away immediately.
“Again our veiled sister led the way to the dwelling. A stately, white-haired English lady with a youthful face and figure opened the door.
” ‘Welcome, my Good Sister and Brothers,’ she said, greeting us cordially. ‘I was anticipating your arrival. Your rooms are ready, and the attendant will show you to them if you care to refresh yourselves after so long a drive. Dinner will be served in twenty minutes.’ Presently, the soft tones of a bell announced the meal, and we proceeded to the dining room. Imagine my feelings as we met at dinner when I found that the Veiled Sister who had driven with us from Bombay was the same Lady we had met in Paris! As soon as I saw who She was, I greeted her with:
” ‘My Beloved!’ I had no intention of saying any such thing and felt greatly chagrined and confused. I apologized profusely and tried to restrain an almost irresistible impulse to talk. She did not seem to mind the familiarity in the least, but replied, ‘I deeply appreciate your sincere greeting.’ I managed to collect my thoughts enough to ask,
” ‘Will you please tell me how you were able to reach India before us?
” ‘I have a means of transportation,’ She explained, ‘with which you are not familiar. However, you will be taught to travel as I do. We are able to transport Our Bodies to any distance We desire without using any physical conveyance.’
“The next morning we were on our way at daybreak. The day was very warm outside, but within the auto it was comfortably cool and delightful; deliciously cool drinks were always provided for us. We had been driving in the mountains for some time and were climbing steadily when we entered a deep gorge, the walls rising at least two thousand feet on each side. It looked as if a giant fissure had been cut through the mountains for nearly a mile.
“We drove through this crevasse and came out into a basin about four miles in circumference, surrounded by towering peaks. Never before or since have I ever seen a more beautiful spot on Earth. It was a Perfect Paradise.
“On the west side of this basin, facing east, stood a magnificent palace of white marble, unlike any building I have ever seen in the outer world. Saint Germain had not said so, but I have always thought it was a Precipitated Substance. A large golden dome covered the central portion of the roof, and there were four smaller domes, one on each corner. When the morning sun flashed upon these domes, the whole scene became an indescribable blaze of glory, a daily, silent symbol and acknowledgment by Nature of the ‘Great Light’ and Wisdom that poured out constantly upon the Earth from this Temple of Beauty.
“We drove to the eastern entrance of this magnificent palace and two youths in snow-white garments came out to greet us. They were the picture of perfect health, youth, and beauty. Their hair was especially attractive, one being a soft wavy brown, and the other a most wonderful gold. The latter welcomed us:
” ‘Beloved Sister and Brothers, you are expected and most welcome. Will you please follow me?’ We entered and were greeted again by one of the Ascended Masters who is greatly beloved in the outer world, and who has worked ceaselessly for many centuries to bring enlightenment to the race of mankind. He has a very kindly face, a smile that would melt a heart of stone and makes one feel at once that He wields a Power that solves all things.
“Other attendants came forward in graceful, rhythmic motion and led the way to our rooms. The interior design and furnishing of this palace were exquisitely beautiful. Since my first visit to that wonderful spot, it has been my duty as well as my pleasure to contact many important places throughout the world because of the work of the Great White Brotherhood with which I have been associated; but even the most elaborate have never approached the Exquisite Perfection of this White Marble Palace of the Ascended Masters.
“The whole interior of this wonderful building was made of an imperishable material, milk-white in color, with here and there touches of a very delicate gold, violet, green, and an intense electric blue. This produced the most artistic effect imaginable. Everything remained immaculately clean because within and around the building all was so powerfully charged with Electronic Force and the vibratory rate was so high, the Power of the ‘Light’ repelled everything imperfect, and kept all in a self-sustained state of Beauty and Perfection.
” ‘Dinner will be served in your rooms,’ explained the youth with the golden hair, ‘and you are requested to wear the silken Robes and Sandals that will be provided.’
“When the dinner arrived, it consisted of several kinds of fresh fruit, among them berries served with a substance like whipped cream, similar to that which we have eaten at the Cave of Symbols, and a delicious drink of golden liquid a little less heavy than honey.
“As soon as we had finished our repast, we were summoned to the Council Chamber under the central dome. On entering, the great table in the middle of the room caught the eye at once—because of its massive size. It was made entirely of jade, heavily veined in gold, exquisitely beautiful in even the smallest detail, and around it had been placed sixty chairs made of solid gold, and upholstered in a fabric of soft violet color that looked like silk velvet.
“我们刚吃完晚饭,就被召集到中央穹顶下的会议厅。我们走进去的时候,房间中央的那张桌子即刻引起了我们的注意 —— 因为它的尺寸巨大。完全是由玉石做成,镶嵌着大量的黄金纹理,即使是最小的细节也精致美丽,周围放置了六十张纯金椅子,软垫是柔软的紫罗兰色织物,看起来像丝绸天鹅绒。”
“We stood a moment admiring the Beauty and Perfection of it all, and as we looked around saw Beloved Saint Germain. The entire Council entered in little groups of three to twelve. When all but one had arrived and taken Their places around the table, our Beloved Master spoke.
” ‘Let us bow our heads in silent praise and gratitude to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ which is lifting the Hearts and illumining the minds of mankind.’ As we raised our heads, a Most Marvelous Being stood in the place that had been left vacant at the head of the table. He was One of the Great Ascended Masters to whom it is impossible to do full justice—because the Great Majesty and Authority to which He has attained surpass all human powers of description. His Robes looked like a glittering mass of jewels, but as I became more accustomed to the Brilliancy of His Light, I saw that what looked like jewels at first were points of Dazzling Radiance emanating from His Body and Robes. The Love He poured forth was so All encompassing that It seemed to flood the Universe, so far-reaching was Its Scope.
“‘让我们低下头,默默地赞美并感谢‘伟大的我是临在’,它提升人们的心灵,照亮人们的心智。’当我们抬起头时,桌首的空位置处站着一位最为神奇的存在。他是伟大的扬升大师之一,不可能完全公正地对他进行描述 —— 因为他所取得的威严和权威,已经超越了人类的描述能力。他的长袍看起来就像是团簇的闪闪发光的珠宝,但是随着我们越来越习惯他圣光的闪耀,我看到原本那些最初看起来像是珠宝的东西,其实是从他的身体和长袍上散发出的闪耀光芒。他倾洒出的爱是如此包罗万象,似乎淹没了整个宇宙,范围就是如此深远。”
” ‘Beloved Sisters and Brothers of the Great White Brotherhood, I greet you,’ He said, giving the Sign of the Order that acknowledges only the Omniscience of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the Omnipresence of the Undying Flame of Life, and the Omnipotence of the Shadowless Light.
” ‘My Brother from America, I bid you welcome. Please accept My Love and Gratitude for the service you have performed. I shall speak with you at length at the close of the meeting.’
“This Mighty Brother of Light proceeded to give Definite Instruction concerning the most important activities of the Earth, principally the Inner and outer changes that needed to be brought about for humanity’s advancement. Many of the Councils from all over the world were represented by those present. The Chief of each Council received orders direct from the Presiding Master and gave His Directions to the ones under Him. When the outline of Their activities was finished, He asked each one to turn his chair about and face the west.
“In the atmosphere before us began to pass living pictures of the problems the Great White Brotherhood held under consideration, or were working on at the time. They showed the individual Brothers who were concerned with them and would continue to work on special assignments, giving the principal details and means of solution. The work of protecting the young prince previously referred to, and the Brothers who were concerned with it, was one of the many scenes that passed before our vision. The method for readjusting conditions pertaining to Arabia was also shown and excited my admiration greatly.
“When the greater problem of dealing with the sinister force which is trying to keep humanity from recognizing and manifesting the Perfection and Blessing of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ was revealed, it was the most astonishing thing anyone can imagine. It really showed the Unlimited Force of the Cosmic Christ Light dealing with darkness, and no words can portray the Majesty, Power, and Victory of the ‘Presence of the Infinite I AM.’
“At the present I may give no further details, but the Glory and Supremacy in action of the ‘Mighty Presence of the Infinite I AM’ transcends all imagination, just as Light transcends darkness. The pictures came to an end, and the Presiding Master — He of the Dazzling Radiance — turned to the Sister from France and myself:
“当前我无法提供更多的细节,但是‘无限我是伟大临在’行动的荣耀和至高无上,会超越所有人类的想象,就像圣光会超越黑暗一样。那些场景结束,这位主导上师 —— 散发出闪耀光芒的他 —— 转向来自法国的那位姐妹和我:”
” ‘Come, My Beloved Children,’ He said’. We stepped forward, and He extended both hands, His left one to Her, and His right to me.
” ‘My Brother from America,’ He went on, ‘I bless you exceedingly. You have not yet realized the Eternal Perfection that is now yours in the outer activity. Our Beloved Sister is your Twin Ray. This is one of the Greatest of God’s Mysteries and explains the mutual attraction between you since your first meeting in Paris. If the humanity of Earth could have the God Understanding of this part of the Divine Plan, it would do more to purify the chaos of the outer world than any other thing We know.
” ‘The time is nearing when the Truth concerning the Twin Rays must be thoroughly understood and Its Mighty Wisdom and Power utilized. No Individualization of God does Creative Work at Cosmic Levels in the Fullness of the “Mighty I AM Presence” until that one’s Twin Ray has made the Ascension. Earthly choice has nothing whatsoever to do with it. Each Ray must, by Conscious Understanding and the use of the “Great Command,” purify, perfect and illumine all the human creation by which it has surrounded itself. It then becomes the Ascended Master who forever has Conscious Dominion over the Earth and all that is therein.
” ‘When both Rays have made the Ascension, They are of the same state of Purity, Freedom and Perfect Dominion. The Two are then able to work at Cosmic Levels. There, They can project great Cosmic Rays of Love, Light and Wisdom, focusing them with such Power, They create and control Cosmic Activities and reveal the Great Glory of the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
” ‘Our Beloved Sister has seen and known of this for some time, patiently awaiting this divine moment. After the raising of your body, your Work together will be very transcendent.’ He raised His hands above us in Blessing, and His voice, beautiful as a bell, with a tone of Eternal Authority uttered the Supreme Decree of Love Everlasting upon our union:
” ‘By the Command of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” I join these Twin Rays of the Eternal Flame of Life in Supreme Love, Light, and Perfection.’
“As the Master said these Words, a Dazzling Shaft of Light enveloped us; and in this, the Mighty Flame of our Twin Rays set Its Eternal Seal upon our Cosmic Pathway of Life. In that moment we were fully conscious of ourselves as only that ‘Magic Presence of the I AM.’
“This closed the Council meeting, and in the hour that followed, we met the members of that Retreat and received Their congratulations. They assured us our Unlimited Cosmic Service would now begin. The next day the Master who was our host explained some of Their Work and revealed the Perfection that had been maintained there for centuries. In explaining the origin of Their Work, He said:
” ‘This Council of the Great White Brotherhood was created centuries ago by the Great Brothers of Light, that a Powerful Focus of Their Help and Illumination to humanity might be brought about and perpetuated for a definite period of time. The wonderful semi-tropical climate you find here will last as long as We desire to retain this place as a Retreat.’
“That evening we were shown the perfected instrument for television in operation. I could not help remarking what glories and marvels humanity could and would experience, if it would only reach up consciously and sincerely to the ‘Inner Light,’ and the individuals open their Hearts and feelings to the ‘Mighty Magic Presence of the I AM.’
“Early the following morning we returned to Bombay, whence we were to sail for Arabia. The trip to the coast was delightful, the atmosphere in the car always remaining cool and comfortable no matter how warm it became outside. I knew this was due entirely to the deep understanding of my Beloved and my Friend. We went back to Bombay by an entirely different route from the one by which we had come. The following morning we sailed on a small boat for Egypt, stopping at the port we wished to reach on the west coast of Arabia. When it reached the Red Sea, as we began to sail north on its placid waters, my Friend suddenly became charged by the Electronic Force so powerfully that we all noticed it.
“第二天一早我们就回到了孟买,在那里前往阿拉伯。海岸之旅非常愉悦,不论外面的气温有多高,车内温度始终保持凉爽舒适。我知道这一点,完全是出于我对我的挚爱和我朋友的深深了解。我们回到孟买的路线与来时完全不同。 第二天早上,我们乘船前往埃及,在阿拉伯西海岸我们想要到达的港口停靠。当船到达红海,我们在那片平静的海域准备向北航行时,我的朋友突然受到了电子力的强烈冲击,我们都注意到了。”
” For some reason,’ He said, ‘I have contacted the period in which Moses led the Children of Israel through this sea; for the living pictures are all appearing before Me here in the Etheric Records. What a time of wonders that was in the midst of such a very great distress. Moses truly made a most wonderful contact with the Ascended Masters who were assisting and who wielded Tremendous Power through him to accomplish that undertaking.
“I see for the first time the Great Ascended Master to whom Moses knowingly addressed his petition at that time for help. The Majesty and Power of that Mighty Being can scarcely be comprehended by the human mind, so marvelously does it transcend the ordinary experience of humanity.
” How little the modern world knows, realizes, or credits those marvels actually performed by such wonderful Servants of God for the enlightenment and uplift of mankind. These stupendous so-called miracles are, after all, only the Activity of a Law that humanity has not yet tried to study or understand.
” ‘When one speaks in terms of Universal Truth, there is no such thing in Infinite Creation as a “miracle,” for what the world calls miracles are only the operation of Divine Law, which, because of Its very nature of Perfection, sets aside all humanly established laws of limitation. It is to bring the Full Understanding of the operation of ‘Divine Law’ into the minds of the children of Earth that the Ascended Masters have labored in the past—and for which they still do labor unceasingly with the inhabitants of this planet.
“当一个人从宇宙真理的层面来看待这些时,在无限的创造中就没有所谓的‘奇迹’,因为世人所说的奇迹只是神圣法则的运作,由于其完美的本质,抛开了所有人类制定的法则的限制。扬升大师从过去以来一直致力于把’神圣法则’运作的完整理解带入到地球孩子们的心智中 —— 为此,他们仍然与地球上的居民一起不断努力着。”
” ‘Today, all unknown to the outer world, there are still more wonderful things being done than in those days of long ago. So far as this vast, deeper Knowledge and Power are concerned, the majority of mankind are but babes. However, the hour is rapidly approaching when humanity must awaken to the All-Encompassing Inner Presence of God acting through the individual.’
“At last the boat stopped at our seaport on the coast of the Province of Hejaz, a sort of peninsula jutting out into the northeast edge of the Red Sea. We landed at this quaint place and again were given the secret sign by a tall, slender Arab in spotless white garments who stood beside a large powerful auto, opening the door for us to enter.
“Without a word, we were driven away at unusual speed over a hard, sandy highway. There were lovely refreshments already provided within the car. Late in the afternoon we entered a small mountain village and drove up to a low, snow-white house. Our silent Arab guide opened the door and motioned us to enter. He knocked upon an inner door that was opened immediately by a white-haired elderly gentleman with brown skin and very kindly eyes.
” ‘Sister and Brothers,’ was his greeting, ‘you are expected. Refresh yourselves, and food will be served as soon as you are ready. After nightfall a Brother will call and take you to your destination. I trust the Brotherhood will not fail in Their Assistance to our country.’
“I was about to speak when my Beloved grasped my arm firmly. I understood Her signal and kept silent.
” ‘The Light of God never fails,’ my Friend answered our host in a voice that made the very air tremble, so great was the Power and Truth with which His spoken Word was charged, and so definitely did He utter that Almighty Decree. The effect was like magic. The old man fell on his knees and bowed his head to the ground before my Friend. At nine o’clock a handsome young man wearing the native white Arab dress over which was thrown a long Indigo Cloak, appeared at the door.
” ‘Friends of the West,’ He said. ‘Come, the way is open.’
“We followed immediately without a word. We walked a short distance and found camels waiting. We mounted silently and set off at great speed toward a high mountain. Later I learned that these were the famous racing camels; and the one on which my Beloved was mounted was snow-white. We sped along in silence for nearly two hours, and then came to a hut made of heavy stone and set close against the mountain. As we dismounted, a man appeared from out of the darkness to care for the camels. Our Guide entered the hut and motioned us to follow.
“We reached the opposite side of the room and He raised His hands and placed them against the wall. They at once became a Blazing Light, so great was the Power He directed. They were as dazzling as an electric light bulb, only much whiter. He pressed a certain section of the wall and it turned on a pivot, disclosing an opening into a tunnel of intense White Light.
“We stepped into this, and the opening closed behind us. We followed him for several hundred feet and came to a metal door. Our Guide placed His hand upon a certain symbol on it, and the door, weighing many tons, fully eight inches thick, opened slowly, and we entered a long narrow room whose walls, ceiling, and floor were all made of untarnishable steel.
“In a few moments a door opened in one wall, where an instant before none could be seen; and a man entered, motioning us to follow him. With our Guide still leading the way, we went some distance and at last came to another solid wall. It opened at our approach and admitted us into a marvelous chamber, fully a hundred feet long and about forty feet wide, furnished in a most extraordinary manner, but artistic, exquisite, and beautiful as a dream.
“In the center of the floor was a great circle enclosing a marvelous zodiac, and around this had been placed large soft cushions for twenty-eight persons. Our Guide stepped to a room at one side of the great chamber, asking us to follow. Within was a sparkling bath, beside which lay Robes and Sandals provided for our use. ‘When you are ready, send me your thought,’ said our Guide, and left us. We finished our preparation and sent the mental message as requested, and immediately an attendant appeared with delicious refreshments. We finished our meal and then re-entered the great Council Hall, where twenty-four of the Sisters and Brothers had already assembled. Our Guide presented us to the Members, and all took their places around the circle.
“To my amazement I discovered that the Brother who had acted as our Guide was none other than the Chief of the Council of Arabia, a Great Ascended Master of whom I had heard many times. He arose, gave the Invocation, and addressed the Assembly:
” ‘Because of unusual agitation,’ He explained, ‘in the political circles of Arabia at the present moment, great secrecy has been imperative in bringing outside members into these Councils. That is why there has been a constant watchfulness on our part while our visiting members have been enroute.’
“Matters of grave importance were presented for discussion, especially the one nearest to the Hearts of these people. The Chief directed their attention to my Friend.
” ‘This Brother,’ He said, ‘holds a solution to the problem concerning our beloved land of Arabia’; and He asked Him to present it.
“My Friend outlined His plan briefly, and when He had finished, everyone in the room except our Chief was surprised at its daring and ingenuity. The Chief smiled reassuringly and continued:
” ‘The plan is feasible, remarkable as it is. It shall be carried out quickly and successfully. The entire Great White Brotherhood of the Earth will watch over the meeting that is about to take place; and you can rest assured, this plan will be set into operation at once.
” ‘The Sister and Brothers who have come under special guard are to rest here tonight and tomorrow. On the third day I will go with them to the British Consulate where our negotiations will take place.’ A wave of joy swept over the whole meeting as this outline of Their Work was finished. Other matters concerning their various activities were disposed of, and the meeting came to an end—the members disappearing one by one. The Chief then arose and came to where we sat.
“‘受到特别照顾的兄弟姐妹今晚和明晚都会在这里休息,第三天我会跟他们一同去英国领事馆,在那里我们会进行谈判。’当他们工作的框架结束时,整个会议充满了喜悦的浪潮。各项工作的其他事宜也处理完毕,会议结束了 —— 入会的人员一个接一个消失了。主席站了起来,来到我们坐的地方。”
” ‘Beloved Sister and Brothers,’ He said, ‘I did not reveal myself to you at first for reasons that you will soon learn. I welcome you with Great Joy to this Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood. All is at your service. Brother from the West, retire to your quarters and sleep until you are called.’
“I awakened twelve hours later at the signal, feeling like a new person, so charged was I with new Life and Light.
‘” I think you will be interested in this Retreat,’ our Host said—’to learn something of Its history and the part It plays as a Center of Power on this Earth. It is one of the oldest Foci of Spiritual Power on this planet. You have only seen a fragment of it so far. A year from now, a Great Council of the White Brotherhood is to be held here. At that time each member will be shown through this vast unknown citadel.’ He spent a long time showing us Their tremendous accumulation of Records which They have preserved for the enlightenment of humanity. It was truly a privilege to be shown these Treasures hour after hour.
“‘我想你们会对这所静修之处感兴趣,’招待我们的主人说 —— ‘你会想要了解它的历史,以及它作为地球的权力中心所发挥的作用。这是这个地球上最古老的灵性力量的聚焦点之一。到目前为止,你只看到了它的一小部分。一年后,白色兄弟会的伟大议会要在这里召开。届时,每位成员都会来参观这座巨大的未知城堡。’他花了很长时间向我们展示他们为启蒙人类而保存下来的大量记录。能够一小时又一小时地观看这些宝藏的确是一种荣幸。”
” ‘You will leave here at two o’clock,’ He explained. ‘Go now and put on your garments of the outer world, for by then it will be time to proceed to where the camels are waiting at our entrance.’ We obeyed, and when we returned, found the Chief dressed in a beautiful blue flannel suit, wearing a long Indigo Cloak over it. Except for the marvelous texture of His skin and the brilliant, piercing, loving Light in His eyes, one might easily have thought Him to be a man who belonged to the outer world of business.
” ‘Why may I not look like yourselves?’ He remarked, as He saw my thought. ‘I am an individual like yourselves, only of greater Experience and Wisdom which I have applied longer. That is all. Wisdom is of no benefit to anyone unless it is used, and through that use, the individual manifests Perfection, so he can live above every limitation.’
“By this time we reached the gate where the camels were waiting. When all were mounted, we sped through the night—with the wonderful white camel always leading the way. We made even greater speed than before because we arrived at the hut, the starting place of this particular part of our journey, at three-thirty. The auto was waiting, and just as we entered, the driver said something to the Master that I did not hear.
“这时,我们到达了骆驼正在等候的大门。当我们所有人骑上骆驼之后,就在夜色中飞驰 —— 美丽的白色骆驼总是在前面带路。我们的速度比之前更快,因为当我们到达那座山上的小屋,也就是我们这段特殊旅程的出发点时,时间才三点三十。汽车等待着我们,当我们上车时,司机对上师说了些什么,我没有听清。”
” ‘Have no fear!’ the Chief replied, ‘We shall draw the Cloak of Invisibility about ourselves and the car, and pass them unnoticed. Let us proceed.
” ‘Spies,’ He explained to us, ‘have been stationed along this road to seize the car and prevent anyone from discovering us afterwards. The right use of knowledge, which is True Wisdom, always sets us Free, as you will soon observe.’
“It was not long until we approached the spot where the spies had been placed, and in an instant a dense white vapor arose all around us like a fog, enveloping the machine completely. A peculiar whirring like the sound of an airplane was heard overhead, and while the guards were looking up to find the source of it, we shot by silently like an arrow.
“It was a marvelous experience for me, because while we could see them through the Cloak of Invisibility from within, those on the outside could not and did not see us.
” ‘How is it,’ I asked, ‘that they did not seem to hear us?’
” ‘Sound,’ He explained, ‘does not penetrate the Cloak of Invisibility; otherwise it would be of no use to us. The Tales of the Arabian Nights, My Brother, are only too true, for when really understood, they are Revelations of Divine Law instead of the silly, literal interpretation the outer world in its smug ignorance has chosen to place upon them. They are not folklore for children, but Inner Intimation of accomplishments that are perfectly possible when the student is sincere, worthy, and humble enough to be trusted with the Power and Truth they reveal. The great monster—doubt— and his nefarious associates: ignorance, pride, ridicule, skepticism, fear, and many other useless barnacles, have so fastened themselves upon the mentality and feeling of humanity, they have become like fungi hanging from a tree and rotting its trunk.
“‘声音,’他解释说,‘不能穿透隐形衣,否则隐形衣对我们来说就没有什么用了。我的兄弟,《一千零一夜的故事》,当真正被理解时,就再真实不过了,它们是神圣法则的启示,而不是外部世界出于洋洋自得的无知选择对它们做出的愚蠢的、字面上的解释。它们并不是为儿童阅读的民间传说,而是当学生足够真诚、有价值和谦虚,相信这些故事所揭示的力量和真理时,可以完美地取得何种成就的内在暗示。最大的怪物 —— 怀疑,以及他的同伙:无知、骄傲、嘲笑、怀疑、恐惧和许多其他无用延伸,牢牢地把他们自己绑定在人类的心智和情感中,他们已经变得像依附在树干上的真菌一样,腐蚀着树干。’”
” ‘If it were not for these vampires, mankind would see and know, within the very Light which animates the physical body exists an Intelligence and Power that can and will carry out perfectly whatever the mind directs—when Harmony is maintained and all direction is constructive.
“‘若是没有这些吸血鬼,人类就会看到,并知晓,在赋予肉身生命的光中,存在着一种智慧和力量 —— 当和谐的状态可以保持、并且意愿都是建设性的时候,可以完美地执行心智的所有指示。’”
” ‘Love, Wisdom and Power are the primal attributes which Life uses to build a Permanent Creation, and when mankind ceases its self-created discord, all Life around it and in Nature will express Permanent Perfection.’
“We drove along the seacoast on a splendid highway, and at last entered the city that was our destination. We registered at the best hotel, and early the next morning called at the British Consulate. My Friend said He had been sent as a Representative of the Arabian Government to present a certain solution for the impending crisis, which He trusted would satisfy all concerned, and prevent a very great injustice and indignity to Arabia.
“The British consul asked for His credentials, and instead of presenting them Himself, the Chief of the Arabian Council stepped forward and presented them in His stead. An appointment was made to meet with the British Representatives at eleven o’clock, and we returned promptly at that hour. After the conference had progressed with its usual method of suavely yet persistently shelving everything which did not give them the best of the arrangement, my Friend, at the opportune moment, arose and presented the proposal of the Arabian Government.
“He was calm, masterful and kindly, yet everyone realized unmistakably that He was somehow in command of the situation, and all the dignity and power of the conference had centered itself around Him. His opponents were not just altogether comfortable: He was too keen and honest for their usual method of diplomatic fencing; but somehow they could not present their ideas in a very favorable light in the face of His frank scrutiny and open kindness.
“They played for time by various kinds of strategy, when suddenly I was conscious of the entire conference being held within a Great Circle of Blazing Light—so bright it seemed to me everyone must see It. Then I realized what a Gigantic Focus of Power the Great White Brotherhood had directed into that room.
“他们用各种策略来博弈时间,突然我意识到,整个会议是在一个伟大明亮圣光包围的光环中举行的 —— 它非常明亮,在我看来每个人都看见了它。然后我意识到,这是伟大的白色兄弟会引导进入那个房间的能量的伟大聚焦。”
“Less than an hour later, my Friend’s solution was accepted, the documents drawn up and signed by both parties, and the meeting adjourned in Peace and happiness. The news flashed quickly throughout Arabia, and there was great rejoicing. As we returned to the hotel, my Beloved came forward to greet us:
” ‘Noble Brother, I congratulate you,’ She said, ‘on your dignity and splendid accomplishment.’ The next day, the Chief of the Council of Arabia bade my Beloved and me good-by, and we boarded the steamer returning to France. That evening we sailed on the Mediterranean under a full moon. To me it was the most peaceful night I ever experienced.
“We landed at Marseilles, left immediately by train for Paris, and spent the night with the wonderful Master who was the Chief of the Council of the Great White Brotherhood in France. The following morning He drove with us to Cherbourg. Here we said good-by to my Beloved, whom I was not to see until years later. When we next met, it was never to part again. We boarded a liner for New York, and that voyage stands out as one of the most remarkable of my entire Life, for my Wonderful Friend taught me the most marvelous Use of the Ancient Wisdom. He instructed me, and the results I had from the use of the Great Command were simply amazing.
“We arrived in New York and hurried at once to Washington, where my Friend presented the results of the Arabian matter to the President and his cabinet. The news had already preceded His arrival. That ended my first personal contact and observation of the stupendous and marvelous Activity of the Great White Brotherhood.”
As Gaylord finished relating his experiences, we saw daylight just breaking on the eastern horizon.
“Let us go to your drawing room,” he said, referring to me, “for one of the Ascended Masters has much to do in the work we are to accomplish next. The lady and gentleman—who are but pawns of the sinister force—have in their possession certain documents and records which they have stolen. These papers contain information we need which they intend to use against innocent people for blackmail purposes. We must have that information in order to protect others whom they seek to injure and to bring into their clutches through the power of fear.” We then returned to my compartment. I wondered what Mr. Gaylord intended to do next. We waited a few moments, and soon heard the man and woman go into the dining car.
“让我们去你的房间吧,”他对着我说,“在我们接下来要完成的工作中,其中一位扬升大师有很多工作要做。那位女士和先生 —— 只是邪恶力量的棋子 —— 他们拥有他们窃取来的某些文件和记录。这些文件中包含我们需要的信息,他们打算利用这些信息来敲诈无辜的人。 我们必须掌握这些信息,才能保护那些他们试图伤害的人,保护那些他们打算利用恐惧的力量要去掌控的人。” 然后我们回到了我的包厢。我想知道盖洛德先生接下来打算做什么。 我们等了一会儿,很快就听见那一男一女走进餐车。
“Now watch carefully,” said Gaylord, “and do not move or speak while I am operating.”
“现在仔细观察,” 盖洛德说,“在我行动的时候,你们不要动也不要说话。”
We sat down, and he focused his attention upon the door that led into their compartment. In a moment he directed a Ray of “Electronic Light” upon it. He steadily increased the Power, and we were enabled to look within the room. A traveling bag lay upon one of the seats. Gaylord held the Force steadily until he saw what it contained. The expression on his face indicated he had found the information for which he was searching, and in an instant, he released the Power and said:
“In three days they will be ready for the proper authorities to welcome them to a long rest from any further activity of that kind. With those papers in their possession it makes their escape impossible. In this case, the newspapers will not be able to break through the Wall of Secrecy and Invisibility of the Ascended Masters—who control all human law by the One Eternal Law of Divine Justice.”
“三天后,他们就准备好让相关当局迎接他们,这之后的很长一段时间他们都不会再进行类似的行动。他们的这些文件,让他们不可能逃脱制裁。在这种情况下,那些文件无法逃脱扬升大师的隐形秘密之墙 —— 是扬升大师们通过神圣正义的永恒法则控制着人类所有的律法。”
Saint Germain had indicated the hotel in Washington where we were to stay, and when we arrived, He welcomed us in person. His appearance was changed so that He did not attract undue attention.
“My Beloved Brother,” He said, as He went up to Gaylord, “I do sincerely congratulate you and give praise and thanks for your splendid success — because you have broken the backbone of a very destructive activity, at least so far as that group is concerned.” Turning to Rayborn and me, He greeted us in that Loving, Gracious Manner that is such a distinguishing characteristic of all Ascended Masters, and particularly of Beloved Saint Germain.
“我亲爱的兄弟,”他走向盖洛德,说道,“我真诚地祝贺你,对你取得的辉煌成就表示赞扬和感谢 —— 因为你打破了一项极具破坏性活动的支柱,至少就那个团体而言。”然后转向雷伯恩和我,他以慈爱、仁慈的方式向我们致意,这是所有扬升大师,尤其是敬爱的圣哲曼的显著特征。
“May I have the privilege of providing your breakfast?” He said. “I trust it will be quite satisfying and delicious. Will you come to my rooms?” After breakfast He suggested that we retire and get our much needed rest—yet while in His Marvelous Presence we were never conscious of needing rest.
“我有这样的荣幸为你们提供早餐吗?”他说。“我相信它会令人满意,而且很美味。你们愿意到我房间来吗?”早饭过后,他建议我们去休息,获得我们非常需要的休整 —— 然而,在他美妙的临在中,我们从未意识到我们需要休息。
The third day after our arrival, Rayborn, Gaylord, and I, accompanied by Saint Germain and certain members of the Secret Service, went to the rendezvous of an important group of those who were willing channels for the sinister force. There were present the seven principal leaders in America. We reached the place and stood for a moment outside their rooms. We could hear an excited discussion going on in undertones as we approached the door. Suddenly it burst open and we walked in upon them, Saint Germain charging the atmosphere with an Electric Force that held them immovable. Their drawn guns dropped to the floor where they stood, and their arms hung motionless by their sides.
Saint Germain raised His right hand, made the Sign of Cosmic Protection and Power, and in a Voice that penetrated every atom, even of the building itself, uttered the Eternal Fiat of Truth before which all destructive forces bow and are forever silenced:
“Tell those who have been associated with you and all who come after you that ‘THE LIGHT OF GOD NEVER FAILS!'”
As His voice carried that Decree into their consciousness, they turned ashen with fear from their own creation and their bodies shook like leaves in the wind. The members of the Secret Service stepped forward and took them into custody— where they shall remain until they serve THE LIGHT.
当他用声音把这一喻令带入他们的意识时,他们的脸色因对自己创造物的恐惧变得苍白,他们的身体像风中的树叶一样摇晃。特勤局的成员走上前来,把他们拘留了 —— 他们会一直被关押着,直至他们服务于圣光。
VII. The Mysterious Message 神秘信息
“I will be with you two weeks longer,” said Saint Germain as soon as we had returned to our hotel. “With your permission I will devote a part of each day to individual Instruction, which I can see with the Inner Unlimited Sight you are going to need.
“Our interference with the plans of the sinister force and the imprisonment of their tools that took place in Washington recently has drawn the attention of certain forces to you—especially to Gaylord and this Brother,” indicating me. “You both have certain faculties developed in former lives which can be used in many remarkable ways. It is because of this the sinister force will try to strike at you.
“我们对邪恶力量计划的干预,以及最近在华盛顿逮捕他们的工具人这些行动,已经引起了某些势力对你们的注意 —— 尤其是盖洛德和这位兄弟,”他向我示意。“你们二人在前世都已经发展了某些特定的能力,可以以非比寻常地方式运用。正因为如此,邪恶力量会试图攻击你们。”
“However, you will be protected in every way and kept perfectly safe so long as you keep poised and free from anger, hate or fear. This is why I wish to give you certain definite Training along the line of Self-Protection.
“The most important and imperative thing for you to remember always is to fully accept and realize the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is ‘The Magic Presence’ and that It is focused in, through, and around you at all times. You have seen your Glorious God Self of Dazzling Light—the very Life of your own Being—while you were at the ranch, so there is no excuse for not accepting It completely.
“对你们来说,最重要和必要的,就是始终完全接受并认可‘伟大的我是临在’是‘神奇的临在’,要把注意力放在这里,让它始终穿过你、环绕着你。当你在牧场时,你已经看到了你那闪耀着圣光的荣耀神之临在 —— 那是你自己存在的生命,因此没有理由不去完全接受它。”
“The outer activity of your mind is the bucking bronco. This you must bring under subjection and make it perfectly obedient to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ in every way. For those who have not been privileged to see the God Self, there might be some excuse, although It is speaking constantly through the Heart to every human being that ever was born into this world; but after an individual has once seen his ‘Perfect Self,’ the Blazing God Light, there is no reason for ignoring that ‘Presence’ afterwards.
“When Its Form and Light have once been recorded in the outer activity of the mind through the sight, the individual can at any instant recall that Picture consciously and at will, and again release that Power into all earthly problems.
“The sincere student can draw the Full Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ into any condition, and so charge all things with Perfection. Thus he can live once again in the Father’s House—in the Glorious Freedom that was originally designed for him. This is the only predestination there is.
“真诚的学生可以把‘伟大我是临在’的全部力量带入到任何一种状况中,从而让万物变得完美。这样他就可以再次生活在圣父的殿堂 —— 生活在最初为他设计的荣耀自由中。这是生命唯一的注定。”
“Having once seen your ‘Mighty I AM Presence, ‘ your own vision is one of the most powerful faculties you have for bringing invisible activity into visible, physical form. The architects of your business world are doing this constantly. They receive an idea, which is an invisible activity; they then draw a picture of it. It is but a very short time until the substance is drawn together and the invisible idea has become a visible, tangible building.
“The individual’s ability to use this Law is absolutely unlimited; but it is only when the student consciously sets to work to control his faculty of sight so that he closes it to the picturing of negative conditions, that he begins to have Freedom and puts his world in order.
“The average person’s thoughts and feeling are nothing but a mass of chaotic pictures and negative suggestions which he has accepted from the world about him, and keeps repeating and feeding them by his own energy through his attention. Order is Heaven’s First Law—Harmony and Peace, the Cohesive Power of the Universe. These come from One Source only, and that is the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ of the Universe, your God Self.
“普通人的想法和情感不过是一团混乱的画面和负面的暗示,他从自己周围的环境中接收到这些混乱画面和负面暗示,并通过他的注意力,用自己的能量不断喂食它们。秩序是天堂的第一法则 —— 和谐与和平,是宇宙的凝聚力。这些仅仅来自一个源头,那就是宇宙的‘伟大我是临在’,你们的神之自我。”
“Limitless Substance and Invincible Power are forever about you. You must understand how to raise or lower the atomic vibratory action by the Power of the ‘I AM’ to produce whatsoever you can possibly desire. There is no one to say what shall come into your experience and world but yourself.
“The Limitless Omnipresent Substance is always about you waiting to be acted upon. You, the individual, are the channel through which the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ wishes to expand Its Perfection. It pours out ceaselessly the Limitless Light, or Energy of Life; but you are the governor of its use, the director of its destination and of the result it is to bring forth to you.
“It can and will produce anything you wish instantly if you will but keep your personality harmonized so thoughts, feelings, and words of discord do not interrupt Its ever-flowing Perfection. Life is Perfection, and It contains all Perfect Manifestation within Itself. The only duty of the personality is to be a ‘Cup’ that carries and reveals the Perfection of Life. Until one obtains obedience from the outer senses and maintains a feeling of peace within himself, he pollutes the Purity and Perfection of the Life that is flowing through.
“It is your duty to know the Wisdom of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ always directs your use of Its Power and Life. It alone knows what is Perfect for you—except an Ascended Master. He, being ONE with the All-knowing Mind of God, is ONE with your ‘I AM Presence,’ no matter whether It acts through you or through Him. Thus only your own ‘I AM Presence’ or an Ascended Master knows what is right for you at all times. Only these two Sources, which are really one, can see down your entire Life Stream and know all the forces that play upon your problems, and the cause of your experiences, past, present and future.
“The lack of discrimination in distinguishing the True from the false is the thing which makes mankind fail everywhere in the outer world. The one who determines to attain Perfection must train the outer activity of his mind to listen to no voice but that of his ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ He must accept only Its Wisdom and obey only Its Direction. He must hear the Light—see the Light—feel the Light—and BE the Light of the ‘Infinite I AM Presence.’
“缺乏辨别真假的能力,是人类在外部世界中处处失败的原因。决心获得完美的人必须训练他心智的外在活动,除了他‘伟大我是临在’的声音之外,不要听信其他任何声音。他必须只去接受临在的智慧,只服从它的指引。他必须听到光 —— 看到光 —— 感受到光 —— 并成为‘无限我是临在’的光。”
“While there is a different Individualization or Flame of God governing each human body, yet these Individualizations are, have, and use the One Universal Mind, Substance, Wisdom and Power. This is how there is but One Mind, One God, One Substance and One Power ever waiting to be consciously acted upon and directed by the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ through the conscious mind or outer activity of the individual.
“If the feeling and thought of the personality is kept harmonious, then the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ expands Its Perfection through the outer activity of the individual. If they be discordant, the personality becomes like a steam engine without a governor and destroys itself. The latter is the condition the larger part of humanity is expressing today. Everyone is constantly using this wonderful, limitless Energy — the Greatest Force in the Universe.
“如果人格的感觉和想法保持在和谐的状态,那么‘伟大的我是临在’就会通过个人的外在活动来表达它的完美。如果处于不和谐的状态,人格就会成为没有调速器的蒸汽机,带来自我毁灭。后者是大多数人类所表达的状况。每个人都在持续地使用这种美妙、无限的能量 —— 宇宙中最伟大的力量。”
“The responsibility for its use rests entirely upon the individual, for he is a Creator. If this tremendous Energy be used with the Conscious Understanding of the Love, Wisdom and Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the individual can only express Freedom, Perfection and Mastery.
“We all know there are thousands who desire this Instruction—that is true; but no individual in Heaven or on Earth can fail to attain It if the desire for the ‘Light’ be earnest enough, determined enough, and strong enough to hold the attention of the intellect upon that Light. This must be the Paramount Idea of Life upon which to focus all one’s energy. To the one who has this great determination, undreamed-of ways will open to bring about the fulfillment of that desire.
“我们都知道,有成千上万的人渴望这一教导 —— 这是真的,但是,如果一个人对‘圣光’的渴望足够真诚、足够坚定、足够强大,把注意力全部都放在圣光上,那么不论是在天堂还是地球,没有谁不会实现。这是一个人必须要把他所有的精力放在圣光上的生命至高理念。对于拥有这种伟大决心的人来说,将会为实现这一愿望敞开意想不到的大门。”
“If human beings seek the Light with one eye and the pleasure of the senses with the other, they will not receive much Light. The Great Ascended Masters have become Perfect and All-Powerful by dwelling or thinking upon Perfection and obeying the One Law of Life—Love. They are That upon which They have meditated. Today mankind is that upon which it has meditated, or focused its attention in the past. Human beings would not live to be over twelve years of age if it were not for the continual Help of these Great Luminous Beings of Transcendent Attainment and Love. They give the same wonderful care to the inhabitants of Earth that loving, unselfish parents give to their children, and help all individuals who have a sincere desire to live constructively. To such persons an opportunity is always open so they may attune to and contact the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within themselves, anchor to Perfection, and thus come into the Ascended State also, if they be determined enough.
“如果人类用一只眼睛寻求圣光,另一只眼睛寻求感官享乐,那么他们不会得到太多圣光。伟大的扬升大师通过对完美的专注和思考,并服从生命的唯一法则 —— 爱,已经达成了完美和全能。他们成为了他们意识沉思之所在。今天人们的状况是他们一直以来注意力所在的结果。若是没有这些获得超然成就和爱的伟大光明存有给予的帮助,人类不可能活过十二岁。他们给予地球上居民的美好关怀,跟那些有爱的、无私的父母给予他们孩子的是一样的,他们帮助所有那些怀着真诚的意愿,去成就建设性的生活的人。对于这些人来说,机会总是向他们敞开,这样他们就可以校准,并连结自己内在的‘伟大我是临在’,来锚定完美,从而进入扬升状态,如果他们足够坚定的话。”
“The Ascended Masters always work in perfect cooperation with the Cosmic Law of Love. Students often ask, ‘Why, if these Masters are All-wise and All-powerful, do They not correct the discord upon Earth and make humanity’s suffering cease?’ They do help the individual who wishes to serve the Light to harmonize his thought and feeling, and bring the body into obedience to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ They protect him thousands of times from destructive currents of force and activities of which he has no knowledge; but They cannot and do not fulfill his Plan of Life for him.
“Each individual knows a thing only when he attains the consciousness of it by the expenditure of his own energy, for then he feels it. An Ascended Master never, never intrudes upon the Eternal, Sacred Prerogative of the individual’s Free Will. Whenever a destructive force of any kind gathers a certain momentum or accumulates pressure, whether it be done by an individual, a group of individuals, a nation, or in Nature, the Great Cosmic Law allows it to spend its force in order to annihilate the focus, balance the pressure, and release the misqualified energy back into the Universal Reservoir. There it becomes purified by the Great Flame of Life and can be used again.
“The personality, if it be obedient, can, by the Conscious Command of the ‘I AM Presence,’ release the Consuming Flame of Divine Love and willingly purify its own miscreation. Thus the individual avoids the necessity for compulsory balancing and purification by the Action of Cosmic Law.
“The willingness to right a wrong, correct a mistake, balance and purify any miscreation, will always open the way for an Ascended Master to give Assistance and bring permanent attainment. This willingness can come in a group, a nation, or an entire humanity just as well as it can in the individual; for the Infinite only acts and controls the Universe through Its own Individualization—through the Being who says ‘I AM.’ Creation could never have taken place if the Infinite had not acknowledged Its own Being through the ‘Individual I AM.’
“自愿去纠正错误、改正错误、平衡和净化任何错误的创造,总是会为扬升大师给予帮助并取得永久性的成就开辟道路。这种意愿可以来自一个团体、一个国家、甚至整个人类,这些集体可以像个体一样表达出这种意愿;因为那无限的存在只能通过它自己的个体化表达来行动和控制整个宇宙 —— 也就是通过说出‘我是’的存有。若是无限没有通过‘个体化的我是’来承认其自身的存在,创造永远不会发生。”
“When the individual determines to express the Perfection of Life, he must be loyal enough to his own ‘I AM Presence’ to stand back of his own Decree in the face of all outer experience. He can then give the ‘Great Command,’ and Life yields to him the fullness of every good thing—so long as the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is acknowledged as the Owner and Doer of all that is good.
“当个体决定表达出生命的完美时,他必须对自己的‘我是临在’足够忠诚,在面对所有的外在状况中坚守自己的喻令。然后他可以给出‘伟大的命令’,生命就会向他提供一切美好的丰盛 —— 只要一直去认可‘伟大的我是临在’是所有美好事物的所有者和实现者。”
“If one refuses to accept his ‘I AM Presence,’ he refuses all Good and the Source that gives it. As Life is the Great God Flame from which all proceeds, he—by this attitude of thought and feeling—refuses Life. Hence disintegration is the self-chosen experience which the individual permits the outer activity of his consciousness to impose upon his own Stream of Life.
“如果一个人拒绝接受他的‘我是临在’,他就拒绝了一切美好、以及给予美好的源泉。因为生命是伟大的神之火焰,所有一切从中产生,他通过否定的想法和情感的态度 —— 来拒绝生命。因此,他自己也就选择了自我瓦解之路,个体允许他意识的外在活动施加于自己的生命之流。”
“If thoughts and feeling of anger, hate, selfishness, criticism, condemnation and doubt of the ‘I AM Presence’ are permitted to remain in the consciousness of any human being, the Door to Perfection closes, and his existence becomes but a process of sleeping and eating until the energy drawn by the outer consciousness spends itself, and the body is left to dissolution.
“Then the individual makes another effort to express the Fullness of Perfection through another body, and continues this effort for aeons, if necessary, until that Perfection is fully expressed. It is to avoid such continual re-embodiment into limitation, that it is so imperative for the individual to have Conscious Understanding of the Purpose of Life, because the Knowledge of how to release Love, Wisdom, and Power enables him to fulfill that Purpose perfectly.
“I can assist you to attain this, because by the use of the Consuming Flame of Divine Love for the purifying and blessing of humanity, you can always free yourself.
“I am delighted with Bob’s progress. It is a long time since I have contacted anyone with such determination and whose desire for attainment is so intense. His advancement is truly wonderful.
“I have tickets to the opera of Parsifal tonight,” He continued, changing the subject abruptly. “Will you be My Guests?” That evening in His wonderful Presence, Parsifal became something far more than an opera. It was the struggle of the individual through human embodiment. The Instruction He poured out to us as the drama of the soul and the Victory of the “I AM Presence” unfolded Itself in music and allegory was one of the most marvelous experiences I have ever had. As the performance began He said:
“Observe what can be done for those who are sincere and loyal to the highest ideals through their art.” The two who played the part of Parsifal and Kundry were the fortunate ones chosen for this remarkable Blessing. They had been singing a short time when Saint Germain turned on a Great Stream of Spiritual Power, and instantly one could detect the change in their voices. They became more remarkable in quality; the timbre increased so powerfully, the singers themselves were visibly delighted and amazed. One could feel the Charge of Electronic Light penetrate everything. The audience felt the change too, thrilled with delight and enthusiasm, and called them back again and again in its appreciation.
“What will be the result,” I asked at the first opportunity, “when they find their voices are not the same the next time they wish to sing?” “This added Power and Perfection will be permanent,” He replied. “Former growth permits it to be done for them at the present time. If they had not made previous effort, it would not have been permissible to use them in order to give you this Instruction. The beloved sister and brother will think that Divine Providence has come to their assistance, which is literally true; only in this case, I happen to be the Director of Providence.”
As scene after scene was presented that night, Saint Germain showed us the true meaning of what was being portrayed in a manner we can never forget. By the time it came to a close I was raised to a tremendous spiritual height, and the exaltation was so great that it lasted for hours. We returned to our hotel filled with unspeakable joy and gratitude.
The following two weeks passed rapidly while our Instruction continued. Then one morning our Beloved Master announced that He was leaving us for a time, and that He had retained His suite of rooms for the use of Nada, Pearl, Rex, and Bob over the holidays. Bidding us a loving good-by, He disappeared.
Next morning, Gaylord came to me with a letter which he had found on the table in his room requesting that he come to a certain address in New York at once. He seemed concerned about it, and yet he sensed an uncertainty, something that was not altogether as it should be.
“I don’t understand how the letter got on my table without going through the mail,” he explained. “I have inquired, and no one seems to know who placed it there.” As he continued to ponder over it, there increased within me a sense of uneasiness. I said so frankly, but his only remark was, “I must go and find out what it means, and shall leave by the next train.” I wanted to accompany him, but he explained it was not necessary, so I determined to follow my own Inner Direction. As soon as he had gone, Rayborn and I discussed it, and I decided to follow him.
“I am leaving at once by airplane,” I said. “He will be in great danger I feel certain, and why he has not sensed it himself, I do not know. At any rate, I shall watch events and may call you by telephone.” Fortunately I had noticed the address in Gaylord’s letter and hastened at once to the flying field where a plane left immediately, reaching New York long before he arrived. I went to the address, looked the place over thoroughly, but saw no sign of anything unusual. At last I saw Gaylord get out of a taxi and enter the building. The place was a high-class apartment hotel, and as he inquired for the number, I heard the man at the desk say: “They are on the tenth floor.”
“我马上乘飞机离开,”我说。“我确信他处于极大的危险之中,但是我不知道为什么他自己没有感觉到这一点。无论如何,我会观察事态发展,并可能给你打电话。” 幸运的是,我记住了盖洛德信中的地址,并立即赶往飞行场,一架飞机刚好起飞,我在他到达之前很久就到达了纽约。我去了那个地址,仔细查看了这个地方,但没有看到任何异常的迹象。最后我看到盖洛德下了出租车,走进了大楼。这里是一家高级公寓酒店,当他询问房间号码时,我听到前台的人回答说:“他们在十楼。”
I followed and kept well out of sight. The door to the apartment opened, and a beautiful woman admitted him. I waited a long time, but he did not come out. At last I was about to go to the door, when it opened and two tall, fine looking men and the beautiful woman with Gaylord came out. They went down to the lobby, passed quickly through, and entered a waiting auto. I saw Gaylord was very pale, but poised and calm.
我跟在后面,远离他的视线。房间的门打开了。一位美丽的女子走了出来欢迎他。 我等了很久,他还是没有出来。 最后我刚要走到门口,门开了,两个高大英俊的男人、那个美丽的女人,还有盖洛德走了出来。他们快速穿过大厅,进入一辆等候的汽车中。我看到盖洛德脸色苍白,但泰然自若、平静。
They drove rapidly away. I jumped into a taxi and followed, giving the driver orders to keep them in sight. Their car arrived at a pier from which a transatlantic liner was sailing. They went aboard at once. I made inquiries and found that the boat was to leave at ten o’clock for Cherbourg.
他们迅速开走了。我跳上一辆出租车跟在后面,命令司机让他们留在我的视线范围内。他们的车抵达一个码头,一艘跨大西洋客轮正从那里起航。 他们立刻就上船了。我打听了一下,发现船十点钟出发去瑟堡。
I was positive by this time that Gaylord was being forced to accompany them, so I went direct to the transportation office, and after considerable argument and tipping, finally secured passage. I wired Rayborn of my sailing and sent a letter explaining. I provided myself with a grip and clothing, boarding the steamer at nine-thirty.
I asked the “Magic I AM Presence” to see that my stateroom was near Gaylord’s. Not knowing the name under which these people traveled, I secured a passenger list and asked the “I AM Presence” to show me which staterooms they were in. My attention became focused upon four names, and the Inner Light corroborated my feeling. I looked up the location and discovered that one of them adjoined mine.
I made it my business to watch and listen, and was rewarded the second morning about four o’clock by hearing voices, and among them at intervals, Gaylord’s—in an undertone just barely audible. I put my ear close to the wall and used all the Power of the “I AM” so that I might miss nothing and be able to give him assistance if necessary.
我以观察和倾听为要务,第二天早上四点左右,我就听到了一些声音,其中不时传来盖洛德的声音 —— 声音低沉得几乎听不见。我把耳朵贴近墙壁,使用“我是”的全部力量,这样我就不会错过任何事情,并在必要时能够给他帮助。
There was evidently some argument, and very determined pressure was being brought to bear upon him in several ways, for at last I heard his voice raised to a pitch that indicated he was giving an ultimatum that did not work to their advantage. At last he spoke so anyone passing outside could hear him.
“No,” he was saying, “I will not intercede for your accomplices, even if you kill me.”
“We shall see,” replied a man’s deep voice, “when we get you in the hands of our assistants in Paris.”
In those few words enough was revealed to show they were trying to force the release of the others who had just been seized in Washington. I sent a wireless to Rayborn to be silent and wait, for I had learned the necessary details.
Then in the quiet of my room, I sent a message to Saint Germain and the Brotherhood that some of Them might meet me when we landed at Cherbourg. I was not conscious of any answer, but I felt at ease and peace after the effort, and rested in that feeling of accomplishment. It was then five o’clock in the morning, and I lay down to get a few hours’ rest, for I knew I would need all the alertness and strength possible.
While sleeping I dreamed, or I thought so at the time, that I met the Master of whom Gaylord had told me many wonderful things—He who had been sent by the Brotherhood to take him on his first trip to the Himalayas. He said to me distinctly:
当我睡着时,我梦见,或者我当时也是这么想的,我遇到了盖洛德告诉我的一位上师,他告诉了我跟他相关的很多奇妙的事情 —— 兄弟会派这位上师前来,带他第一次到喜马拉雅山旅行。这位上师明确地对我说:
“Be at peace, My Brother. I will meet you when the boat lands at Cherbourg. All is ready, and the control of this situation is in the hands of Those who never fail.” I saw Him so clearly in the experience that I felt sure I would know Him anywhere. The whole experience was too real and tangible to be a dream, and I knew that I must have gone to Him in my Higher Mental Body while the other body slept. I awakened later, wonderfully refreshed.
All that day I kept close watch of their staterooms but learned nothing. I got up at four the next morning, and at five was rewarded by seeing the two men come out. I saw them very plainly, so I was certain I would recognize them again anywhere. They walked the deck for awhile and returned. The woman left the stateroom and took her turn at exercising in the fresh air.
那一整天我密切注视着他们的船舱,但是一无所获。第二天早上四点我就起床了,五点的时候我看到两个人出来了,我感到很欣慰。我清楚地看到了他们,所以我确信无论在哪里我都能再次认出他们。他们在甲板上走了一会儿就回来了。 那位女士离开了客舱,轮流在新鲜空气中舒展身体。
I had hoped they would all go out at one time, but they were too shrewd and kept Gaylord very closely guarded. The fourth day was very stormy, and I saw no one. That night I spent listening intensely every moment, hoping for some kind of revelation. Finally at midnight they argued with Gaylord again, but he was adamant. They told him where they would take him, and I noted the address carefully. It was strange that they did not seem to suspect that someone might follow them, except that they kept strictly to themselves during the entire trip.
The fifth morning the woman came out to walk on deck a short time, and during that interval, I heard the men discussing her. She was evidently an American, and socially prominent in Paris. As near as I could judge from their conversation, she was under their influence, and through her they were avoiding any suspicion being directed to themselves. I realized there was no opportunity of reaching Gaylord without endangering the whole matter, so I trusted to my Inner Feeling and relied upon the Brotherhood and Saint Germain to guide me further.
I thought the masked ball during our last night on board might draw them into association with the rest of the passengers, but nothing induced them to come out of their seclusion. The last night was a brilliant social affair.
The next morning I was up at four o’clock, but nobody left the stateroom until we came alongside the pier. As our steamer docked, they all came out together. I did not dare to let Gaylord see me lest we betray ourselves, but I felt help was near at hand and followed them as closely as I could. They hurried away from the pier and my heart began to sink—when a hand touched my shoulder. As I looked up, the Master of my dream stood before me.
第二天一早我四点就醒来了,但是直到我们到达码头,都没有人离开客舱。当轮船靠岸,他们一起走出来了。我不敢让盖洛德看到我,以免暴露了我们,但是我感觉帮助近在眼前,所以我尽可能地跟着他们。他们匆忙地离开码头,我的心开始下沉 —— 这时一只手搭上了我的肩膀。当我抬起头,我梦中的上师就站在我面前。
“Come quickly,” He said. “I will explain as we go.” We followed the others rapidly and kept them in sight until they entered an auto. At that moment, a car drew alongside of us, and the Master motioned me to enter. We drove along rapidly, keeping the other car clearly in sight.
“I am Gaylord’s Friend of whom he told you,” He continued, while we sped along. “I received your message, and also one from him shortly after.” He introduced himself and requested that I never reveal His Name.
“My Son, you are a True Brother of the Great White Brotherhood, and out of this experience will come good of which you do not now dream.” There were not many other cars on the road, so it was an easy matter to keep them in sight without attracting attention. They drove at a normal speed, and we soon reached the outskirts of Paris.
“我的孩子,你是伟大白色兄弟会真正的兄弟,这次体验会给你带来你做梦也想不到的好结果。” 路上的其他车辆并不多,所以很容易就能让它们留在视线范围内而不引起注意。 他们以正常的速度行驶,很快我们就到达了巴黎郊区。
A few moments later, a large car came alongside of us. The Master opened our door as the two cars stopped, and a man stepped from that machine into ours, while His car turned at the next corner and disappeared. As He sat down, the Master explained:
“This is another ‘Brother of the Light’ who will stay on guard when Gaylord reaches his destination.”
At last their car came to a large villa with beautiful grounds surrounding it, but the building was falling into ruins. As we saw them pull up in front of this place, we stopped in a secluded spot. They went into the building, and their machine drove rapidly away. The “Brother of Light” got out of our car to observe.
“Watch every move,” the Master said to Him. “You know where and how to reach Me. I will take this Brother where he can have peace and rest. He needs it very much. I give you My Blessing. May the ‘Magic Presence’ seal you in Its Ray.” Then speaking to our driver in a language I did not understand, we drove away at a speed that I did not believe was ever allowed in any city.
“These two men who have Gaylord in charge,” the Master explained further, “are to wait there for five of their accomplices, two of whom are on their way from Russia. This group cabled from New York that they would arrive today, and those from Russia will be here the day after tomorrow.”
Our car soon came to a beautiful villa, and as we stepped out, the most delightful fragrance of roses filled the air. We entered the house and were greeted by a beautiful young lady, the Sister of the Master who had brought me. As I thought how very young She looked, He smiled.
“My Sister is much older than she looks,” He volunteered. “My Good Brother, my Sister and I have both lived far beyond the allotted three score and ten years. Our Understanding has enabled us to utilize certain Laws, direct and maintain certain currents of energy in the body, erase all signs of age, and remain eternally youthful and beautiful. I have retained this body for three hundred ten years and my Sister for three hundred. You see, from the human standpoint, we should have passed through the change called death long ago, but that reaper has no terrors for us. It can never touch us now.
” We have had the benefit of the Atomic Accelerator in the Cave of Symbols in your Beloved America. You are surprised that we have been there? Why? We saw you and your friends in that marvelous Retreat quite recently. The joy and marvelous Love your Hearts sent forth was one of the most beautiful and encouraging experiences we have had in many years. In the near future we shall be there again to complete the raising of these bodies into that Eternally Perfect State of the Ascended Masters. Then we can come and go freely as They do, and work above all limitation.
“Of course you understand that after having been given the benefit of the wonderful Accelerator, it is imperative that the student maintain always a constant state of Conscious Harmony, no matter what the condition may be within or about him. Once this Assistance has been given to the outer self, it must keep that Power flowing through the body from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ To some students this is quite a struggle, but it will be short if one has real determination to hold to the Great Light. Come! we are forgetting the joy of hospitality. I will show you to your room, and as soon as you have refreshed yourself, we shall dine.”
He showed me to an exquisite room and bath, and I could not help but notice how these Great Ones who are the Carriers of the Light always are surrounded by Beauty, Harmony, and Perfection in every part of Their special activity. I remarked about this once to Saint Germain, and He replied:
“When Life is lived as it was intended, all is Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Opulence, and Happiness. To conquer the desire to feel or express inharmony shuts the door to inharmony. Therefore it cannot act within the personal self nor its environment. It is a joy to know that humanity has the strength to do this, and thus receive the untold Blessings of Life.”
We had dinner, and the Master urged me to go to my room to sleep until called. I obeyed, and was awakened at seven o’clock the next morning by sweet chimes sounding through my room. They thrilled my body as if a charge of Electronic Energy had come through the sound. I dressed quickly and joined the Master and His Sister in the drawing room. I felt so wonderful it seemed as if there were no such thing as being weary. Much had taken place during my rest. Word had been received that the tools of the sinister force were arriving to join their accomplices the following day.
“All must be in readiness to act quickly,” the Master explained. “The Brothers of Light who are members of the French Secret Service have been instructed to be thoroughly prepared, and there must be no publicity about the seizure of this group.”
You can imagine my joy, when two days later as I entered the drawing room, Saint Germain greeted me serenely and as graciously as usual. A moment later, as the Master and His Sister entered, a Dazzling Light flashed through the room.
“Come,” said Saint Germain, “all is ready. Let us go.” As we approached the rendezvous, there was not a movement or sound. Saint Germain went up to the door, extended His hand—the lock clicked, and the door opened noiselessly. He led the way as though familiar with every detail. He approached massive double doors and again extended His hand. They fairly flew open, so great was the force He had focused. Before us stood the seven tools, Gaylord, and the woman.
“来吧,”圣哲曼说,“一切都准备好了。我们走吧。”当我们接近集合点时,没有任何动静或声音。圣哲曼走到大门,伸出手 —— 锁发出咔哒的声响,门悄无声息地打开了。他在前面领路,仿佛对每一个细节都很熟悉。他走近巨大的双门,再次伸出手。大门飞一般地打开了,他集中的力量非常巨大。在我们面前站着七个工具人,盖洛德,还有那位女人。
As we entered, the seven drew weapons, and for a fraction of a second the battle was one of mental forces. Suddenly a Circle of Blue Flame surrounded them; their hands dropped to their sides, and the Brothers of the Secret Service entered. In less than another minute the tools were in handcuffs, within closed autos, and on their way to a certain place of restraint where no other prisoners can ever contact them. Gaylord was surprised and overjoyed at the speed and quiet with which his release and their capture had come about. They had tried to force him to use certain legal authority that was his to have their co-workers in America released.
“Beloved Brothers,” he said, “I can never thank you enough for saving this body for further service. They were deeply in earnest, I can assure you, and would have destroyed me when I refused to help them. However, in their unguarded conversation I learned much that will be of value to us in the future.” He embraced each of us with great tenderness, Love, and gratitude. “The woman was guarded by us,” Saint Germain explained. “It is not necessary to punish this child; she has been but an innocent victim of their villainous treachery.
“亲爱的兄弟们,”他说,“感谢你们拯救了这具身体,让我可以继续服务。我对你们感激不尽。我可以向你们保证,他们是非常认真的,如果我拒绝帮助他们,他们就会毁了我。不过,在他们没有防备的谈话中,我了解到很多对我们将来行动非常有价值的信息。” 他以极大的温柔、爱和感激拥抱了我们每个人。“那个女人由我们看守着。”圣哲曼解释说,“没有必要去惩罚这个孩子,她只是他们邪恶背叛行为的无辜受害者。”
“My Dear Sister,” He said, “we do not wish to harm you. You have been but the plaything of this sinister force. You shall have complete Release and Freedom forever from its influence and control.”
Instantly a Blue Spiral Flame encircled her from head to foot. Her body swayed as if she would have fallen to the floor, and yet could not because she was held in the Embrace of Its Marvelous Power. She stood thus fully ten minutes, and then the Flame slowly faded out. Her body trembled violently a moment, and her eyes opened with a pleading, appealing expression.
刹那间,一道蓝色螺旋火焰将她从头到脚包围起来。她的身体摇晃着,仿佛要摔倒在地,但又没有,因为她被奇妙力量的怀抱所抱住。她就这样站了足有十分钟,然后火焰才缓缓熄灭。 她的身体猛烈的颤抖了一下,睁大了眼睛,露出恳求、请求的表情。
“Oh, where am I?” she asked.
“You are with friends,” Saint Germain replied, as He took her hand in His.
“You are forever released from a condition far worse than death. Come, and we shall take you home.”
“No! no!” she replied frantically, “I can never go home again after all I have done and all that has happened. I cannot—I cannot!”
“不,不!” 她疯狂地回答说:“在我做了这么多事情和发生了这一切之后,我再也不能回家了。我不能 —— 我不能!”
“Yes, you can,” Saint Germain answered with a Conviction and Power of the Truth that changed all resistance into instant obedience. “You will find everything changed, for your good husband understands and will welcome you home. Your daughter, an invalid who has suffered so much, shall also be restored, and your home will be a happy, wonderful place once again.”
We went out, entered the car of Gaylord’s Friend, and drove to a beautiful residence in the best residential section of Paris. We entered and were received by a tall slender man whom I knew instantly to be an American. He had been handsome in earlier years, but now his face showed deep lines of care and sorrow. With tears streaming down his face, he held out his arms to his wife. She rushed into them, sobbing as though her heart would break. Saint Germain waited a moment, and when she became calm, presented us to him.
“Beloved Friends,” He said, “let us go to your lovely daughter, for we have further Work to do.” We entered a lovely room where a girl once beautiful lay upon the bed so drawn and deformed that she hardly seemed human.
“亲爱的朋友们,”他说,“让我们去找你可爱的女儿,因为我们还有更多的工作要做。” 我们走进一间可爱的房间,床上躺着一个曾经美丽的女孩,现在她的样子如此憔悴、畸形,几乎不成人形。
Saint Germain stepped to the bedside, took her left hand in His, and placed the thumb of His right hand on her forehead between the eyes. He stood in this position for about five minutes while the rest of us looked on expectantly. Suddenly the girl gave the most unearthly scream; her whole body straightened out on the bed and she lay as still as if in death.
圣哲曼走到床边,握住她的手,并把右手拇指放在她额头两眼中间。他以这个姿势站立了约五分钟的时间,我们其他人满怀期待地看着。突然,女孩发出了最诡异的尖叫声。 她整个人直直地躺在床上,一动不动,就像死了一样。
“Have no fear,” He said. “She will be conscious in a few moments. Then I will give her strength to stand and walk.” Presently she opened her eyes with the sweetest smile of Love and Gratitude—and the Light of her “I AM Presence” streamed out in Blessing to Saint Germain. He extended His hand, assisting her to rise and stand on her feet while she received the loving embrace of her father and mother. Saint Germain picked the child up and carried her to a soft couch in the drawing room. He gave directions for her care and said He would be with them the following day.
“不要害怕,”他说。 “过一会儿她就会恢复知觉。然后我会给她力量站立和行走。” 不久,她睁开了眼睛,带着爱与感恩最甜蜜的微笑 —— 她的“我是临在”之光在对圣哲曼的祝福中流淌出来。 他伸出手,帮助她站起来,同时她接受了父母慈爱的拥抱。 圣哲曼抱起孩子,把她带到客厅的一张柔软的沙发上。他指示了她的护理,并说第二天他会跟他们在一起。
We returned to the home of our wonderful Friend and a full explanation was given to Gaylord of all that had happened since he had left Washington. His gratitude was very great, and he discussed his own feeling and reaction during the trip on the boat.
我们回到了我们好朋友的家,向盖洛德详细解释了他离开华盛顿以来所发生的一切。 他非常感激,并在船上谈论了自己的感受和反应。
“The only feeling I had during the entire experience,” he explained, “was to trust wholly in my ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and the Great White Brotherhood.”
“My Beloved Students and Brothers,” said Saint Germain, “do you not see how unfailingly the Great Law of God acts? In this case, the sinister force tried to compel a Member of the Great White Brotherhood to serve it—and therefore darkness. You see, our Good Brother became the decoy, and his ‘Light’ the channel by which seven more of their destructive talons were cut off from any further activity; and a very great joy and happiness was restored to a wonderful, blessed family.
“我亲爱的学生和兄弟,”圣哲曼说,“难道你们没有看到,神之法则运作起来是多么可靠吗?在这种情况下,邪恶力量试图强迫伟大白色兄弟会的成员服务于它 —— 从而服务于黑暗。你看,我们的好兄弟成为诱饵,他的‘圣光’成为了管道,切断了他们额外七个破坏性的爪牙,让他们不能进行进一步的活动;一个美好、受到祝福的家庭又恢复到极大的欢乐和幸福中。”
“I have news that will surprise you still further. The man to whom his lovely wife and daughter were this day restored is Arthur Livingston, the uncle of our beloved Brother Bob Singleton. This man is the most highly inspired mining engineer I know. I mean by that, he is well directed by the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ in his mining work.
“I wish all three of them to return to America with you, for you will find they will become very earnest fellow students. Tomorrow I will arrange a return passage for you, but during the next week you are to remain in Paris until your boat sails.”
During that time, we were the guests of Gaylord’s wonderful Friend and His Sister. The next day we accompanied Saint Germain to the Livingstons. When we entered, the Transformation was greater than the human mind believes possible.
Mr. Livingston looked ten years younger; the daughter was radiantly beautiful and happy, gaining strength and the normal use of her body with amazing ease and rapidity. The mother’s wonderful Love was now fully reawakened, and her devotion to her family was very great. She wanted so much to make amends for all the suffering that had come to them through her.
“This suffering,” she said to us, “that so nearly wrecked everything for myself and my family, was the result of my desire for social supremacy wherever we have lived. As I look upon the whole experience now, I can see that my desire for social influence was an intense craving that completely absorbed all my time and attention. It very nearly did irreparable damage to us all. I promise you I shall never forget this lesson. I shall try to make amends for it all by greater devotion to my family and Eternal Service to the Light.”
“I wish the three of you,” said Saint Germain addressing the Livingstons, “to sail with these friends to America—where I desire you to make your permanent home. It will help you to forget the experiences that have caused so much suffering here.” Their joy was unspeakable, and their gratitude to Him is everlasting.
“我希望你们三人,”圣哲曼对利文斯顿一家人说,“与这些朋友一同航行到美国 —— 我希望你们在那里永远定居下来。这会帮助你们忘记在这里经历过的如此多的苦难。” 他们的喜乐是难以言表的,他们对他的感激之情是永恒的。
A week later when we said good-by to Saint Germain, Gaylord’s Friend and His Sister, we could not find words to express what was in our Hearts, for Love is the only thing that expresses the gratitude one feels under such circumstances.
We went aboard the steamer at four o’clock and enjoyed every moment while crossing the Atlantic. Gaylord asked me several times to relate with full details all the experiences we had passed through, and after each story, his only comment was:
“How marvelous! How wonderful!”
On our arrival in New York, Rayborn met us at the pier, and I never saw a happier man. When he was introduced to Arthur Livingston as Bob’s uncle, he was delighted indeed. We went directly to Washington, D.C., where the Livingstons were to establish their new home.
Thus does the Great White Brotherhood ever continue to bless humanity in this marvelous, silent manner, and through Its Unconquerable Power and Intelligence, forever fulfill the Law of the Eternal: “The Light of God never fails.”
VIII. The Conquering Power 战胜的力量
Our return with the Livingstons to Washington, D.C., was followed by many weeks of pleasant study while receiving the Great Wisdom of our Beloved Saint Germain. We were very busy during this time, and days sped by on wings, for during our contemplation of the “Light” and the Ascended Masters, we transcended all sense of time. After all, only as human events call our attention to it are we ever aware of time. We had arrived in Washington on the second of October, and the Christmas season was now approaching.
“For some reason,” Rayborn said to me one morning, “Saint Germain wants the children to come here earlier than was originally planned. Let us wire them to be here by the twenty-first of December. He said arrangements had been made to have them excused a few days earlier. He did not say why He wanted them, so I did not presume to inquire.”
We sent the wire, and late in the afternoon of the twenty-first they all arrived. Bob’s train came in half an hour ahead of the others. We all went to the hotel where Nada and Pearl were given the suite of rooms Saint Germain had engaged. During the evening, with a twinkle in His eyes, Saint Germain asked the four of them to sing a certain group of songs.
“I sent for those songs and have been practicing them for three weeks!” Bob announced.
“So have we!” chorused the other three. “Why should we all have chosen the same songs?”
“That is very good,” said Saint Germain, smiling knowingly; and then He revealed His surprise.
“We have been planning to attend a concert on Christmas Eve,” He began. “Two of the soloists will be indisposed. I know the man in charge of the entertainment, and at the opportune moment, I shall offer to supply the artists to take their places.” Bob looked at Him in positive fright.
“I have never appeared in public in my life,” he said. “I should be scared to death!”
“Bob, do you not have confidence in me?” said Saint Germain as He stepped up to Bob and put His hands on his shoulders.
“鲍勃,你对我没有信心吗?” 圣哲曼走到鲍勃面前,把手放在他的肩膀上说道。
“Of course, I have all the confidence in the world,” he answered, as his eyes filled with tears. “Then leave it to me,” Saint Germain replied. “All fear will be gone when you awaken in the morning. Be at peace.”
“当然,我对世界充满信心,”他回答道,眼里充满了泪水。“那就交给我吧。”圣哲曼回应说, “当你早上醒来时,所有的恐惧都会消失。保持平静。”
The next morning at ten o’clock, a telephone call came from His friend in charge of the concert, who was in great distress because two of his soloists had been taken ill and would not be able to appear.
“Be at peace. I think I can help you out,” Saint Germain replied. “I can send you a quartet, two of whom are splendid soloists.” The manager knew that He understood what was needed but did not know He was an Ascended Master. However, he accepted the proffered assistance without question. He made the announcement that a quartet would appear in place of the soloists.
Christmas Eve came, and the great auditorium was packed to capacity. As the curtain rose there were exclamations of appreciation here and there in the audience as a gorgeous fairyland scene was revealed before them. Saint Germain kept in touch with the manager at intervals, and all felt a curious state of expectancy, feeling that something unusual was about to take place. The feeling grew stronger as time passed. The other artists sang, and then came a sort of hush. A second curtain lifted, revealing a marvelous setting of Bethlehem in the background with a Brilliant Star shedding its wonderful Radiation over the entire scene. Just at this point an airplane in the shape of a great white bird floated down and landed midstage. Out stepped the quartet in beautiful Arabic costumes.
They first sang “Holy Night,” and the audience compelled them to repeat it. Then Nada sang a solo, “Light of Life, We Look to Thee.” The enthusiasm of the audience continued to increase as they showered applause upon her. The quartet sang the next number, “Master Jesus, We Follow Thee.” The fourth number was Rex’s solo, “In the Light I Rest Secure.” Handkerchiefs were waved, and some rose in the audience calling for him to repeat it. The quartet sang again, and then the manager stepped to the front of the stage and announced his surprise for the closing number.
“Allow me to present our Guest Artist of the evening,” he said, “singing ‘I Come on the Wings of Light.’ Prima Donna Nada.”
We all gasped with surprise as the mother of Nada and Rex entered, wearing a gown glittering with jewels. Her own beauty far transcended that of the gown She wore. The applause and greeting from the audience was tremendous. She raised Her hand for silence; the audience responded instantly, and She began.
She sang with tremendous Power and Glory as Her Radiation was released to flood out over the audience and the city of Washington in Blessing. From there it has spread like a Mantle of Peace and comfort over America and the Earth. At the close of Her song, the audience was gripped in silence a few seconds, and then burst forth showering their deep appreciation and joy in loving gratitude upon Her. They called for Her again and again. After She had sung it for the third time, She raised Her hand for silence and spoke to them.
“Your joy and gratitude is so sweet, so sincere, that I shall sing for you something I love which expresses My Feeling for you. It is called, ‘I Love You.'” In this, Her Voice took on a Beauty and Power that acted like magic. She sang as only an Ascended Master can sing, and it was no wonder the audience in its enthusiasm and appreciation tried to call Her back again and again.
“你们的喜悦和感激是那么甜蜜、那么真诚,所以我要为你们唱一些我喜欢的歌曲来表达我对你们的感情。这首歌就是《我爱你》。在这首歌中,她的声音呈现出美丽和力量,就像魔法一样。 她的歌声只有扬升大师才能唱出,难怪观众在热情和欣赏中会一次又一次地呼唤她继续唱。”
However, at a signal from Saint Germain, the final curtain was lowered. We rushed to the wings and such a greeting and reunion followed that no words can describe. Rayborn was almost overcome by his joy.
“Come quickly,” said Saint Germain, as He threw a Velvet Indigo Cloak about Nada’s mother; and we stepped into the auto, driving away rapidly. It was not a moment too soon, for the audience was rushing to the stage entrance. We arrived at the hotel and went directly to the master suite. In a few moments reporters besieged the place, wanting to know who the singer was. Saint Germain stepped to the door and greeted them.
“Prima Donna Nada,” he said, “is the wife of a western mining man, Daniel Rayborn, and the two soloists of the quartet are Her son and daughter. That is all,” and He dismissed them.
“After such loyal, splendid service from each of you,” He explained, closing the door behind Him, “I thought you were all entitled to this happy surprise.” He congratulated the quartet, and smiling quizzically at Bob, remarked, “You see, your trust did not go unrewarded.”
“You know,” replied Bob, “I never thought of stage fright.”
We all gathered around the Mother of Nada and Rex and asked Her to tell us something of Her Work and where She had been.
“I will tell you briefly what I can, for I must leave you at two o’clock; but I will come tomorrow night for a visit from eight to twelve.
“The Sphere in which I dwell might be called a Stratum, for there are several Strata which enfold the Earth, holding it in their Embrace. The place where I am receiving certain training is just as real and tangible as your physical Earth—but I serve in the Strata below the one in which I am studying.
“我居住的领域可以被称作地层,有好几个地层包围着地球,把地球拥抱在它们的怀抱中。我接受某些训练的地方就像你们物质层面的地球一样真实、有形 —— 我服务的地层要低于我接受训练的地层。”
“When I thought I was passing through the change called death, I lost all feeling of Life for a few moments, and then awakened to find myself surrounded by twelve Ascended Masters, whose Light was almost blinding in Its Dazzling Radiance. Among Them was our Beloved Saint Germain— who had instructed me for several years previously.
“当我以为正在经历所谓的死亡的转变时,我在一瞬间失去了所有生命感觉,然后我醒来,发现自己被十二位扬升大师包围着,他们散发的光芒让我眼花缭乱。其中就由我们敬爱的圣哲曼 —— 他在之前就指导过我几年。”
“As soon as I became clearly conscious of the Ascended Masters, I was shown how I could be assisted and how I could assist myself in raising the atomic structure of my physical body—then and there—into the Pure Electronic Body, the Seamless Garment which remains forever Pure and Perfect.
“当我清晰地意识到扬升大师的临在,随后被告知我会如何得到帮助,以及如何帮助自己提升我物质身体的原子结构 —— 当时在那里 —— 进入纯粹的电子身体中,那无缝的长袍会永远保持纯净和完美。”
“As the process of Raising gradually took place, I became more and more aware of Blazing Light filling my entire body, and I felt the most marvelous Radiant Energy surge in and through me sweeping away every vestige of resistance and imperfection, and quickening my consciousness.
“I became more and more aware of my ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ until finally It stood before me— Visible, Tangible and very Real. Steadily and powerfully, I felt my physical body drawn into and enveloped by my Glorious God Self, and when I stepped out of the cemetery, I could scarcely realize how Transcendent I had become. The old human, limited activities of my consciousness were raised into that alert sense of Freedom and unlimited use of Wisdom and Power. I was shown very clearly, now I was aware of this Greater Activity, that I must put It to use. Then came a still fuller sense of the Freedom, Beauty, Joy, and Service that I must render to those who still remain unascended.
“我开始越来越意识到我的‘伟大我是临在’,直到最后,它站在我的面前 —— 看得见、摸得到、非常真实。稳定而有力地,我感觉到我的肉身被我荣耀的神之自我吸引并包裹,当我走出墓地时,我几乎无法意识到我变得有多么超然。我意识中陈旧的人类限制性的活动被提升为自由的警觉感以及对智慧和力量的无限使用。这一切被清晰地展示给了我,现在我意识到这个更伟大活动的存在,我必须加以使用。然后,我更加充实地感受到了我必须向那些尚未达成扬升的人提供自由、美丽、快乐和服务。”
“My first desire was that I might know more of these Ascended Masters who had so lovingly ministered to me. Instantly, one after another stood before me, and without a word being spoken, conveyed Their Names and Thoughts to me. With this marvelous ‘Thought Language’ there came certain attendant pictures in color and the true interpretation of them.
“This Communion by Thought was just as clear as human beings now use by the spoken word—in fact much clearer, for there can be no mistake when thought contacts thought. Misunderstandings come about through the use of words—for after all, they are but receptacles to convey thought and feeling. When thoughts and feelings are not limited by words, many imperfections and much resistance disappear entirely.
“这种思想的交流就像人类现在所使用的口头语言那样清晰 —— 事实上,比口头语言更加清晰,因为当思想接触思想时,不会有任何错误。误解来自语言的使用 —— 因为毕竟,它们仅仅是传达思想和情感的容器。当思想和情感不再受语言限制时,很多不完美和阻力就完全消失了。”
“At one time during a former Golden Age, mankind still had the Full Use of this Inner Communion by thought; but as the personalities looked away from the Light, the substance of their bodies became denser—until it reached the condition of the physical atom of which the human body is composed today.
“在之前黄金时代的某个时间,人类仍然可以通过思想进行这种充分的内在交流,但是当人格的视线远离圣光时,他们的身体变得更加稠密 —— 直至到达现在构成人类身体的物质原子状态。”
“This substance vibrates at too slow a rate for thought to pass through; hence words or sounds which could register in this lower rate had to be used as a means of communication. Even today the individual could again draw forth this same Perfect Way of Communication by releasing a Ray of Golden White Light from within his own ‘Magic I AM Presence’ by conscious command—visualizing It passing through the brain structure from the Electronic Body. This Wave of Greater Light would increase the vibratory rate of the atoms of the physical body to the point where thought would register and be comprehended without the spoken word.
“Thought waves are always being catapulted, as it were, upon the flesh of the body, both from within the individual’s own consciousness and from the thoughts of others; but how many people comprehend that fact enough to read the thought whose impact is felt? Mental telepathy is a slight part of this activity, but how many people can interpret the thoughts received and know from whence they come?
“It was weeks before I ceased to marvel at this wonderful threefold means of Inner Communication through the sight, the thought and the feeling. The Glorious Freedom of the Ascended Master is so marvelous that We long for every human being to understand and enjoy that same Great Happiness. This is the Final Crowning Glory of all human activity, the Ideal and Reward for which all human experience is sought and endured. If mankind could but understand and look toward this True Ideal of Life, the self-created chains and limitations that have bound the race for hundreds of thousands of years would drop away in less than a century.
“It is the Determination of the Ascended Masters that ‘The Light,’ which is the Ancient Wisdom, shall flood the Earth and its inhabitants now—and whatever cannot stand the Radiance of that Light must disappear as mist before the morning Sun. The Law of Life of the whole Universe is the ‘Law of Light’; and before Its Blazing Glory and Invincible Power, all discord and chaos are consumed.
“扬升大师们决定,‘圣光’,也就是古老的智慧,从现在起会淹没地球 —— 凡是无法承受光之闪耀的事物,都必须像清晨太阳面前的雾气那样消失。整个宇宙的生命法则就是‘光之法则’,在它的炽热荣耀和所向披靡的力量面前,所有的不和谐与混乱都会被吞噬。”
“My first Experiences that seemed to Me so marvelous proved to be but fragmentary compared with what has been revealed since My Ascension into this far greater and more wonderful Activity of Life.
“Please keep this fact clearly in mind: that in the Ascended State, each Revelation of more expanded Activity always contains the attendant Wisdom and Power for its right use. This is a never-ending Joy and Wonder to the Sons and Daughters of The Light.
“After I had become somewhat adjusted to the new condition, Saint Germain took me to the Place for which I was best fitted—where I assimilated the new experiences for a short time. After this I was given the benefit of Illustrated Instruction. Then I began to enter into my Real Activity, my True Service.
“在我稍微适应了新的状况后,圣哲曼带我去了最适合我的地方 —— 在那里我短暂地消化这些新的体验。之后我收获了图解教学的好处。然后我开始进入到我真正的活动中,也就是我的真正服务。”
“One of the ever-increasing Joys of the Ascended State is, that as We study any particular condition, it is always accompanied by illustrations of the exact Activity We are to use, and there can never be any mistake, for the end is seen in the beginning. However, this remarkable means of Illustrated Instruction does not occur below a certain state of consciousness—which can only be known as it is attained. IT IS A DEFINITE POSITIVE FEELING AND KNOWING.
“扬升状态下不断增加的乐趣之一,就是当我们在研究任何特定的状况时,总是伴随着我们将要使用的确切活动的图示,而且永远不会有任何错误,因为在最初就看到了结局。然而,这种非凡的图解教学方式并不是在某种特定的意识状态下发生的 —— 这种意识只有当它获得时才能被知晓。这是一种绝对正面的感觉和认知。”
“You beloved ones do not realize how fortunate you are in having the Blessing of the wonderful Atomic Accelerator—one marvelous result of the Love and Work of our Blessed Saint Germain. Great has been His Love, His Service, and the Gift of Himself to humanity.
“你们这些可爱的人们还没有意识到,你们多么幸运,接收到了美妙原子加速器的祝福 —— 这是我们敬爱的圣哲曼的爱和工作的美妙成果。他的爱、他的服务以及他的礼物对全人类来说,是多么伟大。”
“The beauty and rapid progress of each of you is due to your sincere and intense gratitude. It is the certain pathway to great heights of attainment and the easiest method by which to achieve every good thing. Gratitude to Life for all Life pours out to you is the wide-open Door to every Blessing in the Universe.
“It is because humanity has forgotten to be grateful to Life for all the Blessings upon this Earth that it has shut the door to Peace and become bound by the chains of its own selfishness. The mass of mankind seeks the possession and holding of things, which is an inversion of the Law of Life. Life forever says to the individual, ‘Expand, and ever let Me pour Greater and Greater Perfection through you forever!’
“The Law of Life is to GIVE, for only by giving of one’s Self can one expand. To give the intense Love of your own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ unto all mankind, to all Life, is the Mightiest Activity we can use to draw the human into the Divine. In this Divine Love is contained every good thing.
“There have been thousands of platitudes written about Divine Love, but only when the individual knows Divine Love as something more than an abstract principle does he realize that he can generate It at will and direct It consciously to accomplish whatever he decrees. The Ascended Master knows Divine Love as a ‘Presence,’ an Intelligence, a Principle, a Light, a Power, an Activity, and a Substance. Therein lies the Secret to Their Supreme Authority and Power, for there is nothing to obstruct the approach of Divine Love anywhere in the Universe. When the student understands how to draw forth the Flame of Divine Love from within his own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ at his own Decree, he knows it is but a very short time until his constant use of It raises him into the Ascension. Only enough Love can accomplish that for anyone, but It must be first projected forth before It can release the Blessings within Its Heart unto the sender.
“Divine Love, being the Eternal, is the Unquenchable, Invincible, Unconquerable ‘Presence of the I AM,’ and therefore Master of all, now and forever!
“All the joys and pleasures of the outer world are as but dust compared to the limitless, ever-increasing Wonders of Creation in Cosmic Space which the Ascended Master may observe and enjoy consciously and at will. One of the tremendous Blessings of the Ascended State is the entire absence of any criticism or condemnation of human frailties or mistakes. If the student of Light will train himself to forget everything that is useless or that is in any way undesirable, he will not only make rapid progress, but it is imperative if he is to free himself from human limitation. For the student to drag after him unpleasant memories is but one of the many ways by which he creates over and over again the same experiences of misery from which he is really seeking to be Free.
“The Light does not receive inharmony into Itself. As the student enters the Light, he becomes all Light, hence all Perfection. To have inharmony drop away from the body or affairs, the personality must let go of all thought, feeling, and words about imperfection. An Activity that will always bring complete Freedom is for the student to pour out Unconditional and Eternal Forgiveness to everybody and everything. This does what nothing else can do to free everyone, as well as the person who sends it out. Forgiveness fills all with Light’s Perfection.
“When Forgiveness is sincere, the individual will find his world reordered as if by magic and filled with every good thing; but remember that unless a discord is forgotten, it is not forgiven, because you cannot loose it or release yourself from it until it is out of your consciousness. So long as you remember an injustice or a disturbed feeling, you have not forgiven either the person or the condition.
“When the forgiveness is complete, the feeling nature or emotional body is serene, kind, happy, comfortable, and like a Mountain of Light. It is so powerful that one abides within it as impregnable as in a fortress. Even though he stands amidst the wreck of worlds, yet will he remain untouched by anything but Perfection in the Light.
“Remember, what your consciousness is held firmly upon, you bring into existence in yourself. It is impossible for your Life to contain anything that is not your present or past accumulation of consciousness. Whatever you are conscious of in thought and feeling stamps itself upon the Universal substance in and around you and brings forth after its kind—always. This is a Mighty Cosmic Law from which there is no variation or escape.
“Truly, it is the very greatest joy to be with those you love, so tonight My Joy is great indeed. The time is near at hand when you will understand that all human relationship is but a creation of the physical world. In the Ascended State, all are truly Brothers and Sisters, Sons and Daughters of the Most High Living God. In that phase of Life, the True Meaning of Friendship is understood and lived, and when rightly understood, it is the most beautiful relationship in the Universe.
“Now I must leave you until tomorrow night at eight, for I have work to do. Hold yourselves steady within the Mighty Glow of the Cosmic Light, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ of the Universe, that your pathway may be illumined by Its Wondrous Radiance.” As She spoke the last few Words, Her Body gradually grew dim until it completely disappeared.
“现在我必须离开你们,明天晚上八点我会回来,因为我还有工作要做。让自己稳固地位于宇宙之光的伟大照耀中,也就是宇宙的‘伟大我是临在’的圣光中,这样你们的道路就会被它奇妙的光辉照亮。” 随着最后几个字的说出,她的身体逐渐变得黯淡,直至完全消失。
“Beloved Students,” said Saint Germain, smiling lovingly, “tonight I have shown you the higher ideal of entertainment. It is not only very enjoyable, but tremendously uplifting because of the ‘Magic Presence’ whose Limitless Power it releases. You see, when the proper channel is opened, there is no limit to the Blessings an audience may receive wherever the condition is made possible.
“You have realized that with sufficient understanding it is possible to cause your body to respond instantly to the higher and unlimited use of the ‘I AM Presence’ within you. Your body is the instrument upon and through which you can let the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ play Its Great Song of Life—knowing no limitation nor defeat in anything. Or you can let the thoughts and feelings of limitation and discord sent out by other personalities play upon it and reap accordingly. Your body is your radio; your thought, feeling and spoken word are the ways by which you can tune into or out of any condition or activity you do or do not want. The only real difference is that your body is capable of being tuned to a very much greater height, inconceivably greater than any radio now in existence.
“你们已经意识到,只要有足够的理解,就可以让你的身体立刻对你内在‘我是临在’的更高和无限的使用做出回应。你的身体就像是乐器,通过它,你可以让‘伟大的我是临在’在你的身体上演奏它伟大的生命之歌 —— 在任何事情上都不受限制,也不知道失败。否则,你会让其他人发出的限制性与不和谐的想法和感受在你身上发挥作用,并进行收割。你的身体就是你的收音机,你的想法、情感和说出的话语都是管道,你可以调频进入你想要的状况和活动,或是退出你不想要的状况和活动。唯一真正的区别是,你的身体能够调频到更伟大的高度,比现存任何收音机都高得难以置信。”
“You are the director of your own radio through your consciousness. You have the programs of the Universe from which to choose. Your world today reveals what you have chosen in the past. If you do not like that program, choose a new and better one from your ‘I AM Presence.'”
Our Gratitude and Love were greater than ever for Saint Germain, and we realized as never before that in the Presence and Wisdom of the Ascended Masters, there truly is Heaven on Earth. We bade each other good-night and went to our rooms. We breakfasted the next morning at eleven and spent the afternoon showing Nada, Pearl, Rex, and Bob many places of interest in Washington. In the Raised Consciousness we were in during this time, the appreciation and intensity of our enjoyment were keener than usual, and it seemed we saw beauty everywhere.
We returned to the hotel at four o’clock, as Beloved Saint Germain had invited us to dine with Him later in the suite of rooms occupied by Nada and Pearl, saying the time had arrived for the Instruction of the Livingstons to begin. At six o’clock we were ready, the Livingstons had come, and all were awaiting Saint Germain’s arrival when a most delicate bell sounded through the rooms.
“Saint Germain is approaching,” said Pearl immediately.
“Who is He?” asked Zara Livingston.
“他是谁?” 扎拉·利文斯顿问道。
“The Wonderful Man who healed you,” Pearl replied, “and saved your mother from such a terrible fate. If my feeling is correct, you will soon see Manifestations of His Transcendent Wisdom and Power besides what you have already experienced.” At this moment He was announced in the same way as any other guest arriving at the hotel. He greeted us all graciously and then explained:
“It is my wish that these good friends, the Livingstons, become accustomed to the Higher Use of the Law of Light. We shall now begin by realizing first that everywhere about us is a Universal Substance which We call ‘Cosmic Light,’ and which the Bible refers to as Spirit. This is the One Pure, Primal Essence out of which comes all Creation. It is the Pure Life Substance of the First Cause—God. This is Infinite, and we may draw upon It at any time for anything we can ever require. This Pure Electronic Light is the Great Limitless Storehouse of the Universe. In It is all Perfection, and out of It comes all that is.
“Now if you will gather about the table, we shall dine—so you may see, feel, taste and know this Wondrous Omnipresent Substance so often talked about, but so little understood.”
“现在,若是大家都乐意聚在餐桌旁,那么我们就准备吃饭吧 —— 这样你们就可以看到、感受到、品尝到、并了解这种奇妙的无所不在的材质,人们常常谈论它,却了解非常少。”
Saint Germain went to the head of the table, seating Zara, Bob, Nada, and myself on His left, Mrs. Livingston, Arthur, Pearl and Rex on His right, and asked us to bow our heads in silence before the “Mighty Presence of God in Action.”
Each felt the powerful Current of Divine Energy —”Liquid Light”—surge through his mind and body and fill him with a feeling of Infinite Love and Peace. As we raised our heads, a beautiful snowwhite, rose-patterned cloth covered the table, made of a fabric none of us had ever seen. It most nearly resembled silk with frost upon it, both in quality and appearance.
每个人都感受到了强大的神圣能量流 —— “液态圣光” —— 涌过他的心智和身体,让他充满无限的爱与和平。当我们抬起头时,桌子上铺着一块美丽的雪白玫瑰图案的布,它是用我们从未见过的布料制成的。无论是质地还是外观,就像是丝绸上撒过一层白霜。
Arthur Livingston turned white with surprise, as the moment before he had seen only the polished top of a walnut table. Now this exquisitely beautiful cloth covered it with napkins to match at each place. There followed the rapid appearance of an entire service for the meal. The dishes were milk-white and made of substance that was like satin in appearance, but very hard and unbreakable. Upon each individual piece were strange mystic designs embossed in gold. None of us understood them, but they were extremely beautiful. The knives, forks and spoons were made of a metal that looked like frosted silver, with wonderfully carved jade handles. Goblets of jade with beautifully carved stems appeared at the right hand of each guest, filled with a sparkling crystalline Liquid that was the very Essence of Life—”Condensed Light.”
“Do not be alarmed,” Saint Germain said, “when you drink this Liquid. It quickens the vibratory action of your atomic structure tremendously, and if you should feel faint, it will only last a few moments.” Then raising His own goblet, He proposed a toast.
“To the Peace and Illumination of all present, and to all mankind!”
We raised our glasses and drained them. It was with difficulty that we refrained from a gasp of astonishment at the effect of this Liquid as the Electronic Essence charged through our bodies. We felt as if we were being raised from our chairs.
A seven course dinner followed, the empty dishes of each course disappearing as soon as it was finished. The food was most delicious and extremely vitalizing to the body. Our dessert was similar to what we had for dinner at the Cave of Symbols.
“You see,” said Saint Germain, as we finished the meal, “it is not difficult to produce what you desire direct from the Pure Universal Substance so long as no element of selfishness enters in. We have dined here tonight on delicious food. It has all come from a supply that is ever at hand. Yet it is but a fragment of what can be produced.”
He extended His hand and a disc of gold formed in it which He passed around for all to examine. He held out His other hand and a beautiful blue-white diamond formed within it, a truly Perfect Jewel, so dazzling was its refractive power. He held them both in His closed right hand a few moments, and when He opened it, a beautiful necklace lay within, exquisite in design, with the gorgeous stone as a pendant. He handed it to Zara and said:
“Will you accept This as your Talisman of Light? The stone is not an ordinary one. It is really ‘Condensed Light’; hence, it is a Real Talisman of ‘The Light.’ It will bless you greatly. Now let us go further. The service which has been used tonight, the Ascended Host present to Nada and Bob.”
As He spoke these words, the service began to reappear on the table until all was complete. Suddenly a goblet fell to the floor, and when it was replaced was found to be uninjured in any way.
“This service,” He went on to explain, “is unbreakable, as you see. Care for it yourselves always, and may it ever bring you great happiness.
“Now, about this good brother,” He continued, indicating Mr. Livingston. “He is a very efficient mining engineer. In about six months he will be needed in Bob’s place at the mine. May I suggest that We take the matter up tomorrow and make the necessary arrangements in detail. It will do his loved ones a world of good to spend two years in the West.
“I suggest they go out to the ranch about the middle of April. Zara will find her Twin Ray awaiting her there. When she sees him, she will recognize him instantly. The drawing together of these sets of Twin Rays is one of the most remarkable things it has ever been my privilege to accomplish.
“My Dear Livingston, as you take up the study of these Mighty Laws, you will understand everything clearly. What today seems strange and perhaps unreal will become more real than anything else in your Life because there is no doubt within you. That condition makes it possible to give you definite Instruction, with your permission.”
“Great Master,” said Zara, “I cannot begin to express my gratitude to You for my Healing and for the opportunity to have this Instruction. The wonderful manifestation You have shown us tonight has awakened a dim memory within me, as though I had somewhere, sometime known about these Laws.”
“My Dear Child,” He replied, “you have known a great deal about them, and the complete memory of what you have known shall return to you.” Then suddenly we became aware of other persons in the room, and a soft, sweet laugh reached our ears. The mother of Nada and Rex stepped in from the adjoining room in marvelously beautiful Garments —Her very Presence radiating Peace and Blessings to all. She held out Her hand to Rayborn. He bowed low and kissed it.
“我亲爱的孩子,”他回答说,“你对这些法则了解非常多,你将会恢复对你所知道的一切的完整记忆。” 然后突然我们意识到房间里还有其他人,一阵轻柔、甜美的笑声传入我们的耳中。 娜达和雷克斯的母亲穿着极其美丽的服装从隔壁房间走了进来 —— 她的临在向所有人散发出和平与祝福。她向雷伯恩伸出了手。他低下头吻了它。
She greeted all graciously, and the Livingstons were presented, their admiration being frank and sincere. Saint Germain explained Her Ascension to them in detail, the training She had been receiving since Her Ascension, and the Service She was constantly giving to humanity. It was the most divinely happy Christmas night I had ever experienced, for it was filled with marvelous Radiance and deep Instruction.
At twelve o’clock, the Mother Nada bade us good-by until we should all meet again in the Cave of Symbols in July. She and Saint Germain had Work to do together, and as They disappeared, His last Words were a request to Livingston that he meet with us at two o’clock the next day.
As soon as They had gone, the Livingstons plied us with questions concerning Beloved Saint Germain and His wonderful Work. They were the happiest people I have ever seen when they found He was ready to give them Instruction. They were so intensely interested that it was four o’clock in the morning before we knew it. It was truly the happiest Christmas of our lives.
The next day at one forty-five Saint Germain appeared and greeted us as usual. “I see you have all entered into the plan beautifully,” He remarked, “and do you realize how all experiences are truly in Divine Order? Each person is a link in the Great Cosmic Chain of Perfection. I often marvel at the Perfection with which the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ works.
“In the recent activity, our good brother Gaylord’s experience led us to the Livingstons in order to give them protection, and through that We have found another set of Twin Rays—Zara and the one she is to meet. This will bring the Livingstons and another friend into the Everlasting Light. Is My Plan for this good brother Livingston agreeable to you all?”
“在最近的活动中,我们的好兄弟盖洛德的经历,引导我们找到了利文斯顿一家,从而为他们提供保护,通过这些事情,我发现了另一组双生光 —— 扎拉和她即将遇到的那位。这会把利文斯顿一家还有另一位朋友带入永恒的圣光中。我为这位好兄弟利文斯顿制定的计划,你们大家同意吗?”
“I am more than delighted with the arrangement, as it is a blessing to all concerned,” Rayborn replied.
“Well then, with your cooperation, we shall enter into very intensive Training during the next three months. I am requested to do this by Those who are greater than I. We shall leave Washington on the seventh of April for the ranch. Bob, Nada, Pearl and Rex are to remain here until the tenth of January. They will return to school by the twelfth.”
These glorious days passed all too quickly. Bob accompanied the others as far as the university, and from there went on alone to the mine. The rest of us settled down to intensive Training, and one of our greatest joys was to see the enthusiasm with which the Livingstons entered into Beloved Saint Germain’s Instruction. To all of us, He truly is “The Light of God that never fails.”
IX. The Ascension of Daniel Rayborn 丹尼尔·雷伯恩的扬升
Our intensive training under Saint Germain continued for three months. During that time our happiness was very great; for the Joy and Blessing of actually seeing, knowing, and conversing with the “Mighty I AM Presence” was unspeakable—and can only be known through having the actual experience.
我们在圣哲曼的教导下接受了持续三个月的强化训练。那段时间我们的幸福感非常大;因为真正看到、认识到、并与“伟大的我是临在”交谈所带来的喜悦和祝福是无法形容的 —— 只有通过实际的体验才能知道。
We received weekly reports from the children, whose progress at the university was splendid. Bob’s letters told us that all was moving in good order at the mine and that the men were actually singing at their work. Saint Germain said at this time that justice and loving service could and would bring about that same activity everywhere in the business world when those same principles were applied.
Saint Germain promised to meet us at the ranch later, and then went to the Far East. We left Washington on the seventh of April. We reached Denver on the eleventh and drove to the ranch early the next morning when everything seemed to breathe the joy, peace, and freedom of the wonderful mountains.
As time for graduation drew near, we received a wonderful letter from Nada and Rex describing an experience which they surmised was given them by Saint Germain, and that brought them all great happiness. They sat up late one evening discussing a graduation suit for Rex and gowns for Nada and Pearl. The next morning Rex found a beautiful new suit of clothes lying upon the table in his room, and attached was a slip of paper with this message: “Please accept this from those who love you.” It was made of a most wonderful blue material and fitted him perfectly.
In the rooms of Nada and Pearl were complete ensembles for each with similar slips attached. Their gowns were of soft white material embroidered in exquisite design. Rex insisted that his father, Bob, Gaylord, and I attend their graduation exercises and was so determined there seemed no way of refusing, so we returned for that event. This university had a benefactor whom the public did not know, but we began to suspect Him to be Saint Germain. Later He told us that its president was a member of the Great White Brotherhood.
Rayborn had invited the president and his sister to have dinner with him before his return west. The affair was one not soon forgotten, for when they arrived, Saint Germain was with them, to everyone’s surprise and joy. He spoke to us at length concerning the new era of university training.
“In all fields of education,” He said, “a certain demand is asserting itself throughout the race to compel recognition of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ This is the Only Foundation upon which Permanent Happiness, Freedom and Perfection can ever be built.
“It is only through the ‘I AM’ that humanity can find release from its selfishness and its greed. Then all will come into the full use of the eternal abundance that is waiting to serve mankind. Each individual is an open doorway to all Perfection, but that Perfection can only express itself on Earth when the outer self keeps its channel clear and harmonious by adoring and accepting the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ By accepting and keeping the attention on the ‘I AM Presence,’ the individual can at any moment draw all good into the outer use of the personality. Thus he can call forth into his Being and world all the good he desires. But the Greatest Power that this Truth places at the command of the personal self is the use of Divine Love as a ‘Presence’ which goes before it and adjusts all outer activities, solves all human problems, and reveals the Perfection that must come forth upon Earth.
“Divine Love, being the Heart of Infinity and of the individual, is an ever-flowing, Intelligent Flame that releases Energy, Wisdom, Power, and Substance without limit. It will release boundless Blessings to all who will harmonize their own personalities enough to let It come through.
“Divine Love is the Reservoir of Life and the Treasure-chest of the Universe. It automatically draws to the personal self every good thing. When the outer activity of the mind acknowledges the ‘I AM Presence’ and keeps attuned to Divine Love, then all achievement is accomplished without struggle or strain, and all creative activity becomes the continual expansion and enjoyment of Perfection.
“The more one studies Life and contemplates Perfection, the less he struggles with people and things, and the more he adores the ‘God Presence’; for one who worships Perfection must of necessity become That upon which his attention rests. When mankind fills the outer activity of the mind with thoughts and feelings of Perfection, the bodies and affairs of humanity will bring into the outer that order and Perfection also. The more we understand Life and Perfection, the simpler all becomes, until we have to do only one thing and do it all the time: fill our thought and feeling with Divine Love always.
“Life never struggles, for that which struggles is the consciousness which attempts to limit Life, and is but the interference with the Perfection which is forever trying to come through. If the personal or outer self will just let Life flow and keep at peace, the manifested result will be Perfection—the Divine Way of Life fulfilled. Many who start earnestly to attain this Understanding become discouraged and discontinue their search because they are looking for things instead of enjoying God—by adoring the Beauty and Power of the Great Light for Itself only. If we seek the Light because we love to adore the Light, results are absolutely certain to follow; and we are then putting God first, which must be if the personal self is to be kept in its right relation to Life.”
“生命永远不会挣扎,因为挣扎是意识在试图限制生命的表达,仅仅是对永远在进行表达的完美的干扰。如果人格或是外在自我让生命保持流动,并让自己保持在平静的状态,那么显化的结果将会是完美 —— 生命的神圣法则得以实现。很多开始真诚地去获得这种理解的人会变得沮丧,继而停止他们的探索,因为他们只是在去寻找事物,而不是去享受神的临在 —— 仅仅是通过尊崇伟大圣光自身的美丽和力量。若是我们喜欢尊崇圣光而去寻求光,那么结果肯定会随之而来;这样我们就会把神放在第一位,若是人格自我想要保持与生命的正确关系,就必须这么做。”
Late the following afternoon we bade our friends good-by, exchanged good wishes, and boarded the train for the West. The attendants whom Saint Germain had provided for Nada, Pearl, and Rex in their apartment while at the university disappeared as silently as they had come. Their entire association was an example of what it means “To know! to dare! to do! to serve! and to be silent!
Our train reached Denver at four o’clock of the third day after graduation; and early the next morning, Nada, Pearl, Zara, Bob, Rex, and I left on horseback for the Cave of Symbols. We reached the summit of the mountain about eleven o’clock, and Zara was happy in the extreme. She excused herself, saying she wanted to be alone for a while. In the meantime, the rest of us prepared lunch. Later she returned, and the Light in her eyes was brilliant.
“I have had a strange experience,” she remarked. “I have seen the God of this mountain. He is a wonderful Being. Such Majesty, Wisdom and Power I have never imagined before in anyone! He is at least eight feet tall and is Guard of this Sacred Mountain, as He calls it. He is known as the God Tabor. He told me He would have much to do in helping us all in the near future.
“我有过一次奇特的体验,”他说。“我见过这座山的神。他是一位奇妙的存在。我从未想象过可以见到如此的威严、智慧和力量!他至少有八英尺高,是这座山的守护神,他自己是这样说的。他被称为塔博尔山神(God Tabor)。他告诉我,在不久的将来,他会做很多事情来帮助我们所有人。
“Everything around here seems so familiar—as if I had been here before. He said I had been here in very ancient times. I do not fully understand what He means, but I feel as though I were just about to remember something important in the past. He explained that one day I would enter the Heart of this mountain and receive of its Eternal Life and Wisdom, but not until after two years had passed. He asked me to be at peace, that all might come about in Divine Order, and said that I had entered the Great Stream of Life which would carry me on to Eternal Perfection.”
“这里的一切看起来都是那么的熟悉 —— 仿佛我以前来过这里。他说,我在非常远古的时期来过这里。我不能完全明白他的意思,但是我感觉,好像我将要回想起一些重要的事情。他解释说,有一天我会进入这座山的中心,并接受它永恒的生命和智慧,但是要等到两年后。他让我保持平静,从而让一切都在神圣秩序中到来,他还说,我已经进入了伟大的生命之流,它将把我带向永恒的完美。”
“My Dear Sister, you are indeed blest,” said Nada, going up and embracing her fondly. “Just trust the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within you, and all will be revealed at the right time. Now come and have lunch.”
“I shall be glad to eat with you, but I feel a strength within which I have never experienced before!” she replied. “I am so grateful that you brought me here today—you are so wonderful to me. I deeply admire the scenic beauty, but this Inner Glory surpasses everything in my Life. God bless you, my Beloved Friends.”
“我很高兴跟你们一起吃饭,不过我感受到一种从未体验过的力量!”她回答说。“我非常感激你们今天带我来到这里 —— 你们对我来说都是美妙的存在。我被这里的风光深深地吸引了,但是这种内在的荣耀超越了我生命中的一切。神保佑你们,我亲爱的朋友。”
Then all understood why we had been impelled to come to Table Mountain. Lunch finished, Rex suggested we go down the opposite side of the mountain that Zara might see the amazing color effects of the more rugged scenery and pass the entrance to the Cave of Symbols. As we came to the entrance of the Cave, Rex stopped his horse.
“Come,” he said, “let’s go in.”
“No, no!” cautioned Zara, her face turning white. “We may not enter now. Please, let us return home.” We realized she was being directed from within and did not press things further, but turned our horses homeward. When we reached the ranch, Rayborn told us he had received a message from Beloved Saint Germain for us all to meet Him in the Tower Room at eight o’clock that same evening.
The hour arrived, and as we approached the door, it opened wide revealing Saint Germain. He welcomed us with His usual Grace, and we took our places in the chairs forming a circle. The Livingstons were surprised and admired the beauty of the room with great enthusiasm. When all had stilled themselves, Saint Germain said: “I have called this meeting especially for Zara, and secondly, for Daniel Rayborn.” He gave a short but beautiful Tribute of Praise and Gratitude to the “I AM Presence”; and as He spoke, the Light blazed forth with great intensity and illumined the room brilliantly.
He stepped in front of Zara and touched her forehead. Immediately a circle of gold, rose, and blue Light surrounded us, and we were enabled to see into the next Octave of Light beyond the one in which humanity generally functions. The Light began to focus around Zara, and her Inner sight became opened, the experiences of many lives passing before her. In one of these she had been under the Instruction of Saint Germain, and at that time she had reached great enlightenment. In another life she had been a priestess in the cave of a great mountain, and it was then she had first met the God Tabor.
While this Revelation of past lives was shown, the former memory of these activities was established, and Saint Germain explained it would be of very great benefit a few years later. As He finished the Work with her, the beautiful Circle of Light slowly disappeared.
“My Brother,” He said, addressing Rayborn, “it is My Desire that you be at the Cave of Symbols on the twentieth of July, that you may prepare for the Final Work We desire to do. This Brother,” He continued, indicating me, “will accompany you. Nada, Pearl, Rex, and Bob will be there at eight o’clock on the morning of the twenty-sixth. Gaylord is to leave tomorrow morning on work for the Great White Brotherhood in South America.
“This Preparatory Work is invaluable to all, for as yet you have not the slightest conception of what it is doing for you. The Radiance which will be given in the Cave of Symbols will bring the earthly pilgrimage to a close for Brother Rayborn, but the exact day and hour may not be revealed to anyone who is unascended, because his own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ alone knows the chosen instant in which the Great Work of centuries will be consummated.
“I trust all the outer affairs of business are in readiness for this Supreme Event. If not fully completed, they can be finished within the next ten days. “Zara, your meeting with the God Tabor today is very significant; it means a great deal to you. Be patient, that the natural unfoldment of the Light within you may be as rapid as possible. That which you have seen of the past tonight is but a small part of your former experiences, but it is all that is essential for you at this time.
“Rex, to you, Bob, and this Brother” (meaning me), “I wish to say there is another great ore-body not half a mile from the Master Discovery, as you call it—which I will reveal during your next trip to the mine three days hence. As the claims are all patented and the deeds in your hands, they will be safe until your return from the East in two years.
“雷克斯,对你,鲍勃,还有这位兄弟(指的是我)来说,我希望告诉你们,在那处伟大的矿产发现之处不到半英里的地方还有另一个巨大的矿体,正如你所说的 —— 我会在三天后到矿场的下一次旅行中揭示给你们。因为所有权利都被声明过了,合同也在你的手中,矿体在你两年后归来时,还会是完好如初的。”
“By the time the rest return from the Himalayas, our beloved Livingstons will be ready to meet you again and take certain steps that will lead to their Complete Freedom. I wish each one to follow the Directions you have been given, and remember always, that nothing in Life is as important as loving, adoring, and reaching up to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within you and in the Universe. Never lose the joy and enthusiasm of the Quest for one moment!
“At intervals I will be present while you are at the mine, but not visibly. When you return, Bob will come with you, prepared to go to the Far East. I may not appear again to the Livingstons in visible, tangible form before our journey, but Zara, I wish to remind you that Dave Southerland, whom you shall meet at the mine, is your Twin Ray. You will remember and recognize his face and radiation, for his features are similar to those of the embodiment in which you were last together. Beloved Students, My Blessings enfold each of you in the Divine Embrace of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.'” As He spoke these last Words, His Body disappeared almost instantly.
We made the trip to the mine with the Livingstons on the morning of July seventh; and when we arrived, Bob told us Saint Germain had left a note saying we were to arrive at eight o’clock that evening. When the Livingstons were shown to the bungalow, their joy was very great, and justly so; for Rayborn had spared no expense to provide every comfort. It was large and cheerful with every modern convenience provided, furnished handsomely, even with a beautiful baby grand piano. I have never seen greater or more sincere appreciation; and when we met at dinner, Zara threw her arms around Rayborn and kissed him—expressing her gratitude again and again for the wonderful blessings he in his great Love had bestowed upon them.
七月七日早上,我们和利文斯顿一家一起出发去了矿场;当我们到达时,鲍勃告诉我们圣哲曼曾留下了一张字条,说我们会在当天晚上八点到达。当利文斯顿一家被带到营地洋房时,他们非常高兴,这是当然的;因为雷伯恩不遗余力地提供一切舒适的条件。房间很大,让人感到愉悦,也配备了一切现代的便利设施,布置得很漂亮,甚至还有一架漂亮的小型三角钢琴。我从未见过如此强烈、如此真诚的感激之情;当我们在晚餐的时候见面时,扎拉张开双臂拥抱了雷伯恩,并亲吻了他 —— 一次又一次的表达她对雷伯恩在伟大的爱中给予他们美好祝福的感激之情。
After dinner that evening Bob excused himself, and half an hour later returned with Dave Southerland. He was presented to all but Zara, who had momentarily left the room. She returned, and suddenly came face to face with Dave as Bob was about to present him. We were all watching intently without appearing to do so. As their eyes met, neither moved for a moment. “I have seen you often in my dreams,” was Dave’s comment, “and yet it always seemed so much more real than a dream.”
“Yes,” said Zara, “it is true, just as our Beloved Saint Germain told me. I do remember you. I too have seen you often while my body slept. When I was very ill and there seemed no hope of recovery, you came to me, and each time I felt much stronger and more encouraged. Then Saint Germain came and I was fully restored in a few hours. I will tell you all about that later.”
Every eye in the room was wet with tears as the reunion of these Twin Rays occurred. We were grateful to Beloved Saint Germain for the Perfection He was constantly bringing about for each of us and the world. Truly there is no deeper tie of Love in the Universe than that between an Ascended Master and His students.
“My congratulations and blessings are ever with you both great souls of Light,” said Livingston as he put one arm around Dave and the other around Zara.
“My cup of happiness is complete,” said Mrs. Livingston as she kissed them both. Nada, Pearl, Bob, and Rex each congratulated them, for they above all others could truly understand and realize what this Union of Twin Rays meant.
Presently a Voice from the ethers began singing in clear, wonderful tones, “Love is the Fulfilling of the Law,” with a beautiful accompaniment on stringed instruments. Dave was almost motionless with surprise, for it was the first time he had ever witnessed any Manifestation of the Ascended Host. The Music was Their Acknowledgment and Blessing upon the Eternal Union of the three sets of Twin Rays, and Dave was like a flower just ready to open its petals to the Full Radiance of the Sun. We explained as much as we were permitted concerning Saint Germain and His Marvelous Work.
“It is all so amazing,” said Dave, “but I feel something within that makes me know it is real and true. I want to know more about it and to meet Him face to face!”
The next day Livingston was made superintendent of the mine and shown the Master Discovery. He never tired of talking about it and was very happy about the entire arrangement. When we finished inspecting the workings, Bob turned everything over to his care. As each shift came off duty, Rayborn called the men together and introduced them to Livingston, explaining that he and Dave Southerland were to be in charge of everything during the next two years. He made them realize that he deeply appreciated their loyalty and service —their service to him being rendered through his assistants—and that those he left in charge were at all times to be considerate of their welfare. The quartet entertained the men again royally, to everyone’s deep enjoyment.
第二天,利文斯顿被任命为矿场主管,并带他看了伟大的发现。他乐此不疲,对整个安排非常满意,当我们检查完工作后,鲍勃把一切都交给他照看。每次轮岗下班时,雷伯恩都会把这些人叫到一起,介绍给利文斯顿,并解释说,他和戴夫·萨瑟兰会负责接下来两年内的一切事务。他让他们意识到他为他们的忠诚和服务感到深深的感激 —— 他们通过他的助手为他提供服务 —— 而且他留下的负责人也会一直考虑他们的福利。四人再次为大家带来皇室般的娱乐,每个人都深感享受。
That night, just as I was retiring, a slip of paper floated to the floor at my feet. I picked it up, and on it was a message from Saint Germain for Bob, Rex and myself. He asked that we come to a certain place on the Rayborn mining property at seven o’clock the next morning. We obeyed, and on our arrival the Electronic Current charged me from head to foot. All heard distinctly spoken audibly the words: “All calmly sit down in triangular form. Focus the attention of your minds upon the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within, and hold it there firmly.”
In a few moments I stepped out of my body and, as I did so, passed through the Cosmic Veil. There stood Saint Germain in Glorious, Dazzling Radiance. He greeted me in His Loving, Gracious Way.
“Come!” He said, “We shall now enter the Earth, where I shall not only reveal the great deposit of Gold of which I told you, but the way the God of Nature and the God of Gold work together in Perfect Harmony to produce the precious metal that mankind intuitively loves to use for service and adornment.
“When I speak of the God of Gold and the God of Nature, I mean the Pure and Perfect Intelligent Beings that handle the forces in these realms and direct them consciously. The God of Nature draws and directs the magnetic currents of the Earth, and through intelligent manipulation, produces certain definite results in and upon our planet. This Activity is real, exact, and is performed according to law as accurately as a chemist works in his laboratory.
“The God of Gold draws, manipulates, and directs the Electronic Currents from our Physical Sun. These Currents are drawn within the Earth’s crust to a certain depth, as ribbons are sometimes drawn through lace. This tremendously concentrated electronic energy, by being combined with the magnetic force from within the crust of the Earth, reacts upon it in such a way as to slow down the rate of vibration. The radiation from Gold is absorbed by both plants and human beings and utilized for many purposes.
“As I mentioned to you once before during your experiences in Unveiled Mysteries, the emanation from Gold has a powerful purifying and energizing action within the human body and in Nature. In all Golden Ages, the metallic form of Gold was in common use by the mass of mankind, and during these periods its spiritual development reached a very high point of attainment.
“One reason for the chaos of the present time is because the Gold in the commercial world is being hoarded instead of being allowed to flow freely among mankind and carry its balancing, purifying, energizing activity into the commercial life of the race.
“The hoarding of gold in great quantities means an accumulation of Inner Force which, if not released within a certain time, will release itself by the overcharge of its own tremendous Inner Power.”
Saint Germain drew me closer into His Radiance, and the Inner Activity of Earth was revealed. Before us stood two transcendentally Radiant Beings, one drawing and directing the magnetic currents of the Earth, and the other those of the Gold which had been formed within the Earth’s crust.
The one whom He called the God of Nature was a Being of glorious beauty and power. His Body was fully six feet in height and clothed in garments of green, gold, and pink. They looked as if they were made of a Self-luminous Substance. An Aura of intense blue surrounded His head, and Rays of Light poured forth from the Heart, head, and hands. The Ray from the right hand was green, and that from his left, pink—those from the head and Heart being white and gold respectively.
那位他称之为自然之神的,是一位充满荣耀美丽和力量的存有。他的身体有六英尺高,身穿绿色、金色和粉色交织在一起的衣服。这衣服看起来好像是由自发光的物质制作而成。浓郁的蓝色光辉环绕着他的头部,光芒从他的心脏、头部和双手倾洒而出。右手的光芒是绿色的,左手的光芒是粉红色的 —— 头部和心脏的光芒分别是白色和金色。
The Being whom Saint Germain called the God of Gold was enveloped by such a Dazzling Golden Light that it took several seconds before I could look at It steadily enough to see further detail. His Garments too were of Light Substance, but the Rays that extended from the head and hands were of fiery gold, the Rays from the Heart blazing white, and the Aura—which extended fully a foot around the head—looked as if made of single Rays of white lightning.
圣哲曼称之为黄金之神的那位存有,被非常闪耀的金光所笼罩,以至于我花了好几秒才能够稳定地观察,去看到更多的细节。他的衣服也是圣光材质的,但是从头部和手上延伸出来的光芒是炽热的金色,心脏处散发的光芒是闪耀的白色,围绕着他的头部延伸出一英尺的光环 —— 看起来就像是由单一白色闪电光芒组成的。
“The existence of Gold,” Saint Germain continued, “in white quartz, is its purest formation within the Earth at the present time—the white quartz being the residue, so to speak, from the magnetic currents, and the metallic gold being the lowered rate of the Electronic Substance from the Sun. This is the reason for its being spoken of occasionally as a Precipitated Sun Ray. That phrase is nearer the truth of what actually takes place than men dream.
圣哲曼继续说,“存在于白色石英中的黄金,是目前地球上最纯净的黄金形态 —— 白色石英可以说是磁力流的残留,金属黄金则是来自降低频率的太阳电子流材质。这就是有时候它会被称为沉降的阳光的原因。这个词语有时候要比人们想象的更加接近实际发生的事情的真相。”
“Now watch!” Here the two Beings directed the Rays of Light through Their hands to a cavity in the rocks into which a small quantity of Gold had run through a connecting fissure when in the molten state, evidently caused through volcanic action. The intense heat had sealed the fissure with molten granite, thus hiding the entire vein leading into the cavity.
“This particular ore-body,” He continued, “at its highest point, is about two hundred feet below the surface. From a geological standpoint, it could not and would not have been discovered. After your return from the Far East, it will be opened; and one day the ore will be used for a special purpose so that mankind may be blest and enlightened.”
We continued to watch these two Beings as Their Projection of the Light Rays caused the Gold within the cavity to expand and glow as plants do in sunlight.
“We have been here about thirty minutes,” remarked Saint Germain as He turned away and we came back again to my physical body. Rex and Bob looked as though in a deep sleep. A few moments later when they opened their eyes, I explained to them what had happened. Their mission being different from mine, the Revelation and Instruction they received was of a more individual nature, yet they had retained full consciousness during the experience and had been shown part of the same activity I had been observing.
We returned to the bungalow at eight o’clock for breakfast and described our experiences to Nada, Pearl, and Rayborn. It was then he told us we were to return to the ranch on the tenth. The evening of the ninth was full of music and joy in which the Livingstons joined—for we were not to be with them again for two years.
八点钟我们回到洋房吃了早餐,并向娜达、珀尔和雷伯恩描述了我们的经历。也就是那时他告诉我们,我们要于十号返回牧场。九号的夜晚充满了音乐和欢乐,利文斯顿一家也加入了我们 —— 因为我们会有两年的时间不能跟他们在一起。
Our drive home was uneventful, and the next ten days Rayborn spent in closing his business activities, giving everything to Nada and Rex. His holdings were very large, and his great fortune placed his two children among the wealthiest of our western country. Surely no two people were ever more worthy to be custodians of God’s riches.
On the evening of the nineteenth, we all assembled in the Tower Room where a surprise awaited us, for as we opened the door, it was already illumined by a soft White Light. When we had become very still, Rayborn rose to his feet and poured forth a prayer of praise and thanksgiving in deep gratitude for the good that had been his, ending with a farewell blessing to all his earthly possessions for their great service to him. We then entered into deep meditation and received great Assistance and Illumination.
After our meditation we returned to the music room where the quartet sang for about an hour. Then Rayborn embraced each of his loved ones and went to his room, as he and I were to leave early the next morning for the Cave of Symbols. We left at six o’clock, Rex driving us to the nearest point. The walk to the entrance in the invigorating morning air was very exhilarating, and as we approached, we heard the sound of throbbing machinery. When we arrived at the second entrance, Saint Germain waited there for us. He seemed more Godlike, more Marvelous than I had ever seen Him.
We stepped to the white arch and it opened before us without anyone touching it. Where the blue and red arches had been on our previous visits, we now saw dazzling white ones instead. These symbolized a Cosmic Recognition of the raising of one of Earth’s Children which was about to take place.
We entered the radio chamber, and I can still recall the feeling of Peace I enjoyed while there. Unless one has experienced the great happiness of being once again within the Radiance of those marvelous chambers, such feeling of exaltation can scarcely be conveyed to others. These halls have been charged for hundreds of centuries with the glorious Presence of the Mighty Ascended Masters of Love, Light and Wisdom, the Legion of Light, and the Great White Brotherhood.
Our meditation here was a vastly different activity from that in any other environment, and the value of such an Outpouring is beyond human conception. Saint Germain asked us to be seated while He gave the necessary Instructions as to what He desired us to do. I marvel at it to this day how clearly the memory of a student retains that Instruction, for it is never repeated, except by the Master Himself, yet it is as clear as though recorded in letters of Light upon my memory.
When He had finished the Instruction, we went to the sleeping apartments which we had occupied before, our Seamless Robes remaining there for our use. We entered into deep meditation, holding our attention on the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Master Christ within our own Hearts. At the end of three hours our consciousness was lifted to Great Heights, and Revelations that astonished us both were shown. We had entered Realms of which we had heard but never retained conscious memory of having been there. Presently we heard the sweet tones of a bell announcing the Master’s approach. His face was radiantly happy.
“I am very pleased with your first real meditation,” He said. “Keep this always a sacred hour every day.” He extended both hands to us, and in each was a crystal goblet filled with a heavy Golden Liquid that looked like honey, yet sparkled as if made of diamonds. “This,” He said, “will be your principal sustenance during the ensuing days, for it is the very Essence of Life. The culmination of our Brother Rayborn’s experience is the most vital of the soul’s entire pilgrimage on Earth and the summum bonum of all human existence. Now come with me to the Chamber of Light, and do not be alarmed at what you either see or experience.”
We passed through the audience chamber, and at its far end, a space about the size of a door opened before us, where an instant previous we had seen only a solid wall. The aperture closed quickly behind us, and we found ourselves in the center of a perfect sphere. There were three chairs of solid Gold placed so as to form a triangle in the middle of the floor.
“Please be seated,” said Saint Germain, He occupying the third chair. The chamber was filled with a soft glowing Light, and this began to steadily increase in both intensity and movement until we became conscious of Its amazing velocity. Tongues of Flame began to dart forth from the surrounding Light penetrating our bodies with an astonishing effect in which we felt electrons entering and charging our minds and bodies with their tremendous energy—yet the sensation was one of delightful coolness.
“请坐,”圣哲曼边说,边坐在了第三张椅子上。房间里充满了柔和的光芒,它的强度和运动速度开始稳步地增加,直至我们意识到它在以惊人的速度运作。火舌开始从周围的圣光中飞出,穿越我们的身体,带来一种惊人的效果,我们感觉到电子进入,并为我们的心智和身体注入巨大的能量 —— 不过这种感觉是一种令人愉悦的凉爽。
As this continued we felt and saw the Light within us rise and expand, until in a few moments a most delightful fragrance of roses filled the entire sphere. It grew stronger, and then we became aware that it emanated from the Light within ourselves. Suddenly the essence of the roses condensed and we lay upon couches of roses of very exquisite colors. Our experience brought an exaltation to our consciousness that no words can describe and produced a feeling of Deep Peace. There was nothing imaginary about this whole experience, for the Perfection that exists within Pure Electronic Light is without limit, and by the proper understanding of Its manifestation, It can and will take any form and quality that an Ascended Master chooses to impose upon It.
The glorious feeling of Peace, Happiness and Bliss we experienced obliterated all idea of time, for the Inner and the outer activity had become One Complete Unit of Harmony, focused for the time being by Saint Germain into the Absolute Purity and Perfection of the One Great Light—the “Mighty I AM Presence.” Gradually the velocity of the Light changed, growing less and less, until It shone with the soft radiance of moonlight on a placid sea.
我们体验到的和平、喜悦和祝福之感抹除了所有的时间概念,因为外在和内在的活动已经成为了一个和谐完整的整体,在这段时间,圣哲曼把它聚焦到合一伟大圣光 —— “伟大我是临在”的绝对纯洁和完美之中。渐渐地,圣光的速度发生了变化,变得越来越小,直至它成为了在平静的海面上闪耀着月光般的柔和光芒。
To our astonishment, we found the roses real. Although they had come out of the Light, they did not disappear with It. After this experience I could easily understand why the rose has been used throughout the ages as the symbol of the soul, and why the Radiation from an Ascended Master so often has the fragrance of a rose.
“You shall come here, My Brother,” said Saint Germain, addressing Rayborn, “every day at this hour; but the remainder of the time you are to be alone.” When we returned to the audience chamber, I realized we had been in the Chamber of Light for more than three hours—yet it had seemed only a few moments. Saint Germain gave us another cup of the Golden Liquid as nourishment for the body.
“我的兄弟,”圣哲曼对雷伯恩说,“每天的这个时间你都要来这里,其余的时间你要独自一人。”当我们回到接待室时,我意识到我们在圣光的房间中已经待了三个多小时 —— 但是似乎只有短短的几分钟。圣哲曼又给了我们一杯金色的液体,作为身体的滋养。
“Now go to your chambers and sleep,” He instructed, “until I call you.” Wherever we moved, the wonderful fragrance of roses enveloped us, and scarcely had we lain down until we were sound asleep.
“现在到你的房间睡觉吧。”他指示说,“直至我叫醒你们。” 无论我们走到哪里,玫瑰的美妙香气都笼罩着我们,我们刚躺下就睡着了。
Each day this Marvelous Work went on until the arrival of Nada, Pearl, Rex, and Bob on the twenty-sixth of July. When greetings had been exchanged, they commented upon the soft radiance and fragrance of roses that surrounded my body continuously and were very happy about this part of my attainment. During the twenty-seventh, many of the Ascended Masters came, singly and in groups, until all who were to take part in the Work had arrived.
At eleven o’clock that night, we were escorted into the Electrical Chamber, where the marvelous Atomic Accelerator was waiting to receive another of God’s children and send him forth into his Eternal Freedom—a Son of Light—a True Image and Likeness of the “Mighty I AM Presence “。
那天晚上十一点,我们被护送到电子室,神奇的原子加速器正在等待着接收神的另一位孩子,并把他送入到他永恒的自由中 —— 圣光之子 —— “伟大我是临在”的真正样子。
As we entered the chamber, the Light within it was intense, yet it held tiny points of more Dazzling Light that darted to and fro in the atmosphere continually. Rayborn seated himself in the Chair, and the twenty-four present formed a circle about the Accelerator, Saint Germain standing directly behind him, and I just in front. Nada, his Twin Ray, stood within the circle. When all were ready, Saint Germain commanded the individual attention of each one to be held steady upon the Presence and Supremacy of the “I AM,” and that of the Master Jesus.
Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, a Circle of the most intense Dazzling White Light surrounded us, drawing steadily toward the Chair until it was only about ten feet across. The Light within Daniel Rayborn expanded and met the Circle of Light without. As they touched, he began to rise slowly to a distance of about his own height above the Accelerator, the Light within him continuing to increase.
Nada, his own Twin Ray, rose also and drew toward him, passing within the smaller Circle of Light. They met in divine embrace for a moment. The next instant the face of the Master Jesus shone out in an Aura of gold, pink and blue above them. Inclining their heads toward us and smiling radiantly, they looked upward as a Great Ray of intense White Light descended, enveloping them both in Its Protecting Radiance, blessing their Glorious Union, and hiding them from our sight while they passed beyond all care and limitation into their Eternal Perfection of Being—clothed in Bodies of Everlasting Light, the Robe of Immortality that shines brighter than the Sun at noonday.
娜达,他自己的双生光,也站了起来向他靠近,穿越较小的光环。他们在神圣的拥抱中相拥片刻。下一瞬间,上师耶稣的脸在他们上方的黄金、粉色和蓝色的光芒中闪耀出来。他们向我们倾斜着头,灿烂地微笑着,当一道强烈的白光降临时,他们向上看去,这把他们都包裹在白光的保护光芒之中,祝福他们荣耀的结合。这道白光将他们隐藏在我们的视线之外,当他们超越所有的牵绊和限制,进入永恒存在的完美之中时 —— 他们穿着永恒之光的身体外衣,不朽的长袍要比正午的太阳更加明亮。
Thus did another “Mighty Master Presence” of the “Great I AM” enter into Cosmic Service—as the Celestial Chorus sang Its Anthem of Eternal Praise and Victory unto “The Light of God that never fails.” 就这样,“伟大我是”的另一位“伟大主宰临在”进入了宇宙服务中 —— 此时回荡着星际合唱团歌唱的“神之圣光永不熄灭”的永恒赞美与胜利之歌。
X. Closing Experiences and Our Journey to Arabia 体验的结束与阿拉伯之旅
Our Work here is finished for the present,” said Saint Germain as the singing came to a close. “Let us now go to the Great Chamber and dine.” We had just become seated at the table when Daphne appeared at the great organ and Arion stood beside Her with a most wonderful violin.
They began to play, and a soft globe of Iridescent Light formed near the ceiling, out of which came a most Glorious Tenor Voice singing, “In the Name of Christ We Reign,” whose melody and lyrics were tremendously inspiring. Saint Germain felt the question in our minds as to who the Singer was, and in answer to our thoughts, replied, “You shall one day see this Cosmic Singer face to face.”
Daphne greeted the children rapturously and asked the quartet to sing to the accompaniment of the organ and violin. We enjoyed a glorious hour after the music by renewing our acquaintance with those present, some of whom we were to meet again in the Far East.
It was nearly daybreak by the time the other Guests had gone and we five were alone with Saint Germain. “Retire now,” He said, “and get your needed rest so you may return home tomorrow afternoon.” The next day the bell awakened us at eleven o’clock, for we were to meet with our Beloved Master in the Great Chamber. As we came near we noticed the great doors were already open and the interior was lighted as brilliantly as the noonday Sun. We had never experienced this effect of Interior Sunlight before.
“Why are you still astonished at these things?” asked Saint Germain, aware of surprise. “You know every conceivable thing can be accomplished in the Ascended State of Consciousness. These things are always possible and are produced with absolute certainty and perfect ease. I know you are not yet accustomed to what seems unusual, but to the Master Christ, the ‘I AM Presence’ within you, there cannot be anything unusual. Try to realize this fully, so you too can live in the Ascended Master Consciousness and come into the Knowledge and the use of this same Transcendent Freedom. Now let us be seated.” Immediately a most delicious luncheon appeared before us, and while we ate, Saint Germain gave Directions for the journey to the Far East.
“I would suggest,” He remarked, “that you travel as lightly as possible. Follow your Inner impulse always, for you will be perfectly directed at all times. You are surely aware by now that clothing or anything else you may require is always available. You need not be encumbered unnecessarily with luggage on this journey. I will meet with you in the Tower Room on the tenth of August at eight o’clock in the evening, when the date of your departure will be decided.” Saint Germain went with us to the auto, and after bidding us a loving good-by, returned to the Retreat. We entered the car and drove back to the ranch. The next two weeks were busy ones indeed as we completed arrangements for our journey to the East. Upon Rex devolved the duty of giving some explanation to the foreman about Daniel Rayborn’s continued absence.
“My father,” he explained to him one morning, “has been called to the Far East, where he will remain indefinitely. I will be in charge of things here, although Nada and I will be traveling abroad for about two years. Can we depend upon you to look after the ranch during our absences?”
“I will do the best to take care of everything as you desire,” he replied. “My assistant is quite dependable and capable of taking charge, should anything happen to me.”
Time passed on wings, and the tenth arrived filled with joyous anticipation of our evening with Saint Germain. Until one has had some such experience as was our privilege of association with Him, it is impossible to convey the great happiness we felt in the contemplation of still greater enlightenment. Our recent Instruction during the Ascension of Daniel Rayborn and my contact with the whitehaired, elderly gentleman who sought so long for the man with the Crystal Cup were a tremendous encouragement and sufficient inducement for us to reach to the Light with all the intensity of our Beings—to make the Ascension also.
时光飞逝,第十天充满了我们对圣哲曼晚上即将到来的喜悦期待。除非一个人像我们一样拥有这种跟他打交道的荣幸,否则不可能表达出我们在更伟大深沉启蒙的沉思中感受到的巨大幸福。我们最近在丹尼尔·雷伯恩扬升期间获得的指示,以及我与那位长期以来一直在寻找拿着水晶杯之人的白发老绅士的接触,对我们来说都是一个巨大的鼓舞和充分的引诱,让我们以我们存在的全部强度去接近圣光 —— 从而也达成扬升。
At eight o’clock as we approached the Tower Room, the door opened, and Saint German stood before us with extended arms, Radiant and Resplendent. We exchanged loving greetings, took our places, and He conveyed the Love and Blessings from the Mother and Father of Rex and Nada.
“The time of your departure,” He began, “is set for the twentieth of August. I think it would be well if Rex, Bob, and this Brother,” nodding to me, “make one more trip to the mine before leaving for the East in order to give strength and encouragement to the Livingstons. I had not intended this when you left the mine, but I think it the part of wisdom to see them once more. Gaylord will meet you in Paris near the end of October as soon as he finishes his work in South America.
“Now I have something else to tell you. The outer entrance to the Cave of Symbols has been closed, and unless one had been there, it would not be possible to locate it again. Certain individuals did discover it and were planning to take a research party there. It has been necessary to prevent that. You see, Beloved Ones, We have all Power and limitless means within Our Control by which to guard and protect whatever needs Our Protection. I will give you certain Instructions for your immediate use, and then I must leave to meet with the South American branch of the Great White Brotherhood.” After indicating what was needed, He raised His hand in Blessing, and with a Radiant Smile, was gone.
Bob’s enthusiasm kept pace with his advancement. It was one of the most wonderful things I have ever experienced to observe how his intense longing for the Full Ascension focused his attention upon the “Light” with uninterrupted joy and determination. Nada and Pearl were expressing the Great Wisdom of the “Mighty I AM Presence” as the Expansion of the Light increased within them. It was most apparent in their eyes.
We drove to the mine on the twelfth and arrived there at six in the evening. All were surprised, except Zara, who said she knew we would visit them again before leaving for abroad.
We left early the next morning and returned to the ranch, knowing our visit would be a sustaining strength to the Livingstons. I shall never forget our last night in that wonderful ranch home where so much happiness had come to all of us and where events of such paramount importance had occurred that affected the Life of each one so vitally. I felt a strong impulse to go to the Tower Room for a farewell meditation. It grew so strong that I asked the rest to join me. As we approached the door, it opened to admit us, and within there was the same soft, Beautiful Radiance that hallowed it with a Sacred Presence—a Peace unspeakable. The door closed behind us, and involuntarily I dropped to my knees in the greatest praise and gratitude I had ever known.
第二天一早我们离开返回牧场,我们知道我们的拜访会为利文斯顿一家提供支持的力量。我永远不会忘记我们在美妙牧场家中的最后一个夜晚,有如此多的幸福来到我们所有人身边,发生了非常重要的事情,对每个人的生活产生了重大的影响。我感受到一种强烈的冲动,要去塔楼房间进行告别冥想。这种感觉变得非常强烈,所以我邀请其他人加入我。当我们走近大门时,它打开了让我们进来。大门被一种神圣的临在 —— 一种无法用语言形容的平和神圣感所环绕,房间中也是同样柔和、美丽的光辉。门从我们身后关上了,我不由自主地跪了下来,表达着我所知晓的最伟大的赞美和最深沉的感激。
Suddenly my feeling found expression and the Words poured forth from my “I AM Presence” giving voice to the deepest Outpourings of my soul in phrases far beyond my outer ability. As I finished, Bob uttered a prayer of such beauty that it thrilled everyone. The others felt the same impulse and expressed their feelings from the depths of their Hearts. Surely that Outpouring of our Love and Gratitude must have reached into the very Heart Center of Creation, it was so intense and sincere. As we finished, the Light in the room became perfectly Dazzling. Suddenly, a Strong, Masterful Voice spoke from the ethers, saying:
“All is well. In following your prompting to give expression to that Inner feeling of Praise, you have contacted great Heights—as well as Great Ascended Beings. This will bring you Blessings untold. The Peace of the Cosmic Christ enfolds you and carries you forth on Wings of Light until you have reached Eternal Perfection.”
“一切都很好。在遵循你们内在的提示来表达内在的赞美之情时,你们已经到达了伟大的高度 —— 连结至伟大的扬升存有。这会为你们带来不可计量的祝福。宇宙基督的和平包围着你们,并在光之翼中承载着你们前行,直至到达永恒的完美。”
Slowly the Light diminished until only a soft Radiance remained. We silently left the room, knowing we were under the Loving, Watchful Care of Mighty Powers of Light of which as yet we had very little conception. A deep, unspeakable Radiation of Love and Heavenly Joy went from each one to the others, and we retired to our rooms.
We left by train early the next morning and arrived in New York a few days before we sailed. While enjoying many things of interest there, we felt a tremendous Inner appreciation for the Statue of Liberty.
“What a wonderful symbol that is,” said Nada, “and how few ever stop to realize what it means. It is really a Focus of Spiritual Power guarding the shores of America. The Torch held high represents the Light of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’—which reveals the way and sends Its Rays of Love and Peace unto all mankind. The majesty and power of the Figure itself is a marvelous expression of the Great Presence which carries the Light, and not only guards and sustains America, but all of mankind who truly seek the Light.
“这是一个多么美妙的象征,”娜达说,“几乎很少人在它面前驻足去思考它的涵义。它的确是守护美国海岸灵性力量的聚焦点。高举的火炬代表了‘伟大我是临在’的圣光 —— 它照亮了道路,并向全人类发送爱与和平的光芒。这雕塑本身的威严和力量是携带着圣光的伟大临在的神奇表达,它不仅守护并维系着美国,也守护支持着所有真正寻求圣光的人类。”
“It is as though the Spirit of America held the Light high in silent greeting to the Figure of the Christ that stands high on the towering Andes in South America. Little is known of the Mighty Power that caused the Statue of Liberty to be placed where it is, and why the Figure of Jesus occupies its high pinnacle in the southern hemisphere. These are not accidents or the results of blind chance, for there is no such thing anywhere in the Universe. What seems so to the intellect is but the lack of understanding of the Law of the Universe. You may be sure that these Figures placed at these particular points give indication of the service which both continents will give to the rest of the world!”
At four o’clock in the afternoon of the twenty eighth, we boarded the S. S. Majestic—truly a floating palace. The tugboat towed her out towards the open sea, and as she began to plow her way through the mighty deep, we stood watching our Goddess of Liberty fade from view. We went down to the dining room at the first call for dinner, where we had reserved a table for six, expecting of course that our party would be alone. We had just finished ordering when the steward brought a Beautiful Young Lady to our table. As I looked up, imagine my astonishment when before us stood the Pupil of the Head of the Council in France—at whose home we had spent a week before returning to America with the Livingstons. It was She whom I had first contacted as the “Veiled Sister,” and who was Gaylord’s Twin Ray. She greeted me cordially, and as I turned to present the others, said: “You may call me Leto.” After greeting Her, they expressed their great joy and delight for Her Presence.
二十八号下午四点,我们登上了崇高号 —— 一所名副其实的漂浮宫殿。拖船把她拖向公海,当她开始在浩瀚的深海中航行时,我们站在船上,看着自由女神像从我们的视野中淡出。晚饭铃响第一遍时,我们就进入了餐厅,在那里我们预留了一张六人桌,没有想到其他人也会加入我们的旅途。当我们刚刚点完餐,服务员就把一位美丽的年轻女士带到我们餐桌。当我抬起头时,想象一下我的惊讶,当我看到站在我们面前的是法国理事会主席的学生时 —— 我们与利文斯顿一家在返回美国前,在他的家中待了一个星期。我第一次见到她时,她是那位“蒙面姐妹”,是盖洛德的双生光。她亲切地像我们打招呼,当我转身向其他人介绍时,她说:“你们可以叫我莱托(Leto)。”在问候她之后,每个人都对她的临在表达出极大的喜悦和开心。
“I have come,” She explained, “to take you to our home in Paris, which my Master wishes you to make your home while abroad. It will make Him very happy to extend His hospitality to you all.”
We joyously accepted His Invitation, knowing it to be part of the Divine Plan Saint Germain had arranged for us. To add to our happiness, we found Her suite next to that of Nada and Pearl. When opportunity offered, I explained to the others that this little Lady, who looked not more than seventeen, had used Her present body over three hundred years. I almost strained the credulity of my friends in spite of all Saint Germain had said and done, that they might become accustomed to the Great Truth and Reality of the Ascended Masters and Their Work.
The first evening we sat on deck completely at one with the great peace of the deep, for it was calm as a mirror, silvered by the beauty of a full moon. The next evening we spent in our suite listening to the Instruction given by Leto. She explained how to lay the body down, leaving it consciously and at will. It was the simplicity and clearness of Her Explanation that made all comprehend everything so clearly and realize something of the possibilities of the attainment before us.
“This Training I am giving you,” She said, “is most efficient, and I will show you proof of it tomorrow evening.” In Leto’s Radiation everything seemed simple, clear, and easy of accomplishment; for all imperfection or human creation was instantly consumed on entering Her Presence. Our joy and gratitude were very great when we heard that She was to instruct us during the entire journey. Again we marveled at the way all was prepared ahead for us by the “Mighty I AM Presence” working through the Glorious Ascended Masters. This is Their Activity for and to the student when he enters sufficiently into the Light—the Great Ascending Stream of Life—where his Eternal Freedom always exists.
“我给你们的这个训练,”她说,“是最有效的,明天晚上我会向你们证明。”在莱托的照耀中,所有一切都显得简单、清晰、容易实现;因为所有的不完美、所有的人类创造在进入她的临在的瞬间,即刻就被消耗殆尽。当我们听说她会在整个旅途中指导我们时,我们感到非常高兴和感激。我们再次惊叹于“伟大我是临在”通过荣耀的扬升大师为我们提前准备好的一切。这是他们为他们的学生进行的活动,当学生充分地进入圣光中时 —— 也就是伟大生命的上升洪流中 —— 那里永远存在着学生永恒的自由。
As each of us said good-night to Leto, it seemed as though a Gossamer Garment of Light enfolded us, and the fragrance of heather which had filled the room all evening clung to us while we retired. We met at breakfast and the Radiance was even greater than the night before. During the course of our conversation, I asked Her why we had been conscious of the fragrance of heather during Her Instruction.
“In the eleventh century,” She explained, “I lived in Scotland, and during an experience of that Life, the memory of heather became very dear. Ever since then, at most unexpected moments, the fragrance of heather radiates very strongly—so much so that many times it is noticed by those about me.”
“在十一世纪时,”她解释说,“我住在苏格兰,在那段生命的经历中,对石楠花的记忆变得很珍贵。从那时起,大多在意想不到的时刻,就会有强烈的石楠花的香味散发出来 —— 所以很多时候,我周围的人都会注意到这一点。”
I observed that Leto wore a simple white garment, yet it gave the effect of having a glint of many colors shining through. She answered my thought about it immediately by saying: “This garment I am wearing is a Seamless One, not made with hands, but precipitated direct from Pure Light Substance— hence, the glint and Radiance you see. It will never soil nor show wear. It will not be long until each of you will be wearing the same kind of Garment. In the fully awakened, or what you call the Ascended Master Consciousness, we never encumber ourselves with luggage of any kind, for in the ethers all about us is the Pure Substance from which we form everything as we desire to use it.
我观察到莱托穿着一件简单的白色衣服,但却呈现给人一种闪烁着多种色彩的效果。她即刻回答了我的想法,说:“我穿着的这件衣服是那种无缝的,不是由手工缝制,而是直接从纯净的圣光材质沉降而来 —— 因此,你可以看到它闪烁的光彩。它永远不会脏,也不会磨损。用不了多久,你们中的每个人也会穿着同样材质的衣服。在完全觉醒的状态,或者说,在你们所说的扬升大师的意识中,我们永远不会用任何类型的行李来拖累我们,因为在以太中,我们周围的一切都是纯粹的圣光材质,我们可以从这里形成我们想要使用的一切。”
“All we need to do is to bring it into form through holding the conscious attention upon our mental picture, or visualized form. This creates a focus for the concentration and condensation of the Electronic Light in the ether which fills all space everywhere. Our feeling, united with the mental picture, sets up a drawing activity—a magnetic pull— upon the Pure Electronic Substance. With this feeling there must enter a certain knowledge of how to raise or lower the vibratory rate in the aura around the electron; for the vibratory rate of the aura determines the quality and material of the precipitated article.
“我们需要做的,就是通过将意识的注意力集中在我们心智画面或观想形态上,从而把它带入到外在形态中。这为充满以太空间电子光的集中和凝结创造了一个聚焦点。我们的感觉,与心智中的画面结合起来,会在纯粹的电子物质上建立一种吸引力活动 —— 一种磁性的牵拉。有了这种感觉,同时必须了解如何提高或降低电子周围光环的振动频率,因为光圈的振动频率决定了沉降物的质量和材质。”
“When I use the term electron, I mean an Eternally Pure Heart Center of Immortal Fire—a Perfect Balance of Light, Substance and Intelligence around which is an aura of lesser Light that the scientific world calls a force field. The electron is forever changelessly Perfect, but the force field, or aura around it, is subject to expansion and contraction; and this is the determining factor in bringing substance into form from the invisible into the visible. “Because of the inherent intelligence within the electron, it becomes an obedient servant and is subject to the manipulation of the individual who acknowledges his Source of Life by his awareness of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within himself. From this Height of Consciousness, such an individual, by a direct command to the Intelligence within the electron, can release a wave of its Fire to flow out, and cause the force field to expand or contract at his will.
“当我使用电子这个术语时,我指的是一个永生之火的永恒纯粹中心 —— 圣光的完美平衡点,材质和智能环绕着它,形成了一个较小的圣光场域,科学界称之为力场。电子处于永恒不变的完美中,但是环绕着它的光环,会膨胀和收缩;这是把材质从不可见领域带入可见领域形态中的决定性因素。因为电子内在固有的智能,它成为一个服从的仆从,受制于通过意识到自己内在的‘伟大我是临在’来认可自己生命之源的个体的控制。从这样意识的高度,这样的个体,通过直接命令电子内部的智慧,就可以释放出一波电子之火流出,让力场根据自己的意愿扩张或收缩。”
“This is the raising or lowering of the vibratory rate and is the activity that causes the force field to register, or become the quality of the material which he brings into physical form. For illustration, iron has a much lower vibratory rate than Gold, and if one be precipitating Gold, the force field around the electron would naturally be much larger in extent, and hence contain more of the Immortal Fire than would that of iron.
“In bringing about this sort of manifestation, the vision and feeling must be held steady to produce quick results. It is the work of the student to master himself and maintain the Conscious Control and direction of the energy within his own mind and body. Then he is able to govern the flow of its power—through the channels of sight and feeling —to a definite objective, and hold it there until the receptacle, which is his mental picture, is filled full of the Living, Luminous Substance from the Universal Fire of Life.
“在进行这种类型的表达时,心智画面和感觉必须要保持稳定,才能产生快速的结果。学生的工作是掌握自己,并保持他自己心智和身体有意识的控制和能量流动。然后他就可以控制其力量的流动 —— 通过视觉和感觉的渠道 —— 来达成一个明确的目标,一直保持在那里,直至接收器,也就是他心智的画面,充满了来自宇宙生命之火的活跃的发光材质。”
“This Instruction is for your use, and you must apply it if you wish to attain any degree of Mastery; for only by use of the knowledge we already have can we utilize that which is still greater. No one can ever attain any degree of Mastery except through the operation of the Great Inner Law of the ‘I AM.’
“The greatest of all fundamentals is to remember—forever—that from the lowest to the Highest Being in the Universe, the only Presence and Power which can move or do anything constructive is that Conscious Intelligence which acknowledges its own Being and Manifestation by decreeing ‘I AM,’ followed by whatever quality that Being desires to bring into outer existence. It is the Word of God through which all Creation takes place, and without It, Creation does not take place. Remember, there is only One Power that can move through Creation, and that is the Mighty Electronic Light existing everywhere and interpenetrating all manifestation.
“所有基本原则中最重要的是要永远记住 —— 从宇宙中最低等的存在到最高等的存在,唯一可以移动、或者做任何建设性事情的临在和力量是有意识的智能,通过‘我是’喻令,它承认自己的存在和表达,跟随的是那位存在想要带入外在存在中的各种特性。它是神的话语,所有的创造都通过它发生,没有它,创造就无法发生。请记住,只有一种力量可以穿越造物,那就是无所不在的、渗透于所有显化中的伟大电子圣光。”
“The individual who can say ‘I AM,’ by that Acknowledgment of his own existence, must accept the responsibility of his own Decrees. The Great Creative Principle is everywhere present, the same as the use of the multiplication table, but it takes the individual’s Acknowledgment of his ‘I AM Presence’ to set it into action and fulfill his plan of Life— which is Perfection, or Perfect Balance.
“通过承认自己的存在而说出‘我是’的个体,一定要接受他自己喻令的责任。伟大的创造法则无处不在,就像使用乘法表一样,但是它需要个人认可他自己的‘我是临在’,才能将其付诸行动,并实现他的人生计划 —— 那就是完美、完美的平衡。”
“The personality, or outer activity of the individual, is but one focus through which ‘The Magic Presence’ of the ‘I AM’ acts. If the energy of the ‘Mighty I AM’ is qualified by thoughts and feelings that consider only the appetites of the flesh body, the Perfect Balance of the individual’s vehicle is not maintained and is like a wheel off center; hence imperfection and discord is expressed. But if the individual considers the Perfect Balance and makes his Decree include the whole instead of only a part of his universe, he will only follow his Acknowledgment of the ‘I AM Presence’ and the release of Its Power by Decrees that maintain the Perfect Balance. Any decree of Life that accepts less than Limitless Perfection is not the Plan of God and will continue to destroy the forms in which it is focused until the Decree of Full Perfection is expressed. When the student understands this, he will keep joyously radiant and firmly conscious of only his ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ never allowing his spoken word to go forth decreeing anything less than the Perfection of Life.
“From Our Height of Consciousness, after having watched mankind for centuries in the struggle through self-created misery and discord, it is amazing how humanity refuses to understand why the minds and bodies of the race continue to grow old, decay and disintegrate, when some of the most materialistic scientists acknowledge that the cell of which the physical bodies are made up is eternally Immortal. The cell contains within it the power to eternally renew and sustain itself because there is Perfect Balance in all its parts. If left to its own activity and sphere, it will continue to maintain that Perfection. The wonder to Us is that the race is content to go through the experience of death, while all the time clinging to youth, beauty and Life, and yet refusing to keep harmonious enough to let it be maintained. The student who will stand at one with his ‘I AM Presence,’ accepting and decreeing only Its Perfection and Great Inner Power, will release Its Flow through the outer activity of mind and body and produce whatsoever he decrees.
“To be able to come and go from the body at will is a necessary step in the student’s Freedom that will lead to many greater Attainments. A part of my Service to humanity is in teaching individuals how to do this—a work for which I have a deep Love and natural ability. I am able to convey this idea to others so they too are able to go forth and comprehend Life in a greater measure.
“能够跟随自己的意愿离开身体是通往学生自由的必要步骤,这会带来更多伟大的成就。我为人类服务的一部分就是教导个人如何做到这一点 —— 我对这份工作有着深沉的爱和与生俱来的能力。我能够把这个想法传达给其他人,从而让他们也能够继续前进,并更大程度地理解生命。”
“Within two months you will be able to come and go from your bodies consciously as easily as you now come and go from your home. At first I will assist you until you understand and fix the operation in your consciousness; then you will be able to accomplish what you desire entirely by your own effort. We rarely find several individuals ready for this Instruction at the same time, but because you four are two sets of Twin Rays working together, is this unusual condition explained.
“Let us enjoy the sea breeze, the beauty of the night, and the perfect weather which we shall have while crossing; for there are never storms or disturbances where there is a Focus of the Great White Brotherhood. Each Member is a Definite Focus. I have work to do now at a distance, so must leave you until four this afternoon when I will return and be with you at dinner.”
I have always enjoyed travel at sea, but this voyage was more than enjoyable, for our association and work with Leto kept us constantly aware of the God Presence. Later in the day I had occasion to chat for a few minutes with the Captain, and he said during his entire fifteen years on the sea he had never had a more marvelous voyage. I could have told him why, but it was the part of wisdom to remain silent.
As we were taking our places at the table for dinner, Leto returned and joined us, saying: “I have joyous information! Splendid things have just been accomplished for the Blessing of humanity. I tell you this much that you may rejoice with me, but later you shall know the full details of it, probably when we arrive in Arabia. It pleases me that you have been able to keep your consciousness so well focused upon ‘The Magic Presence’ of the ‘I AM.’ Tonight before our work begins, I want you to enjoy the sunset with me; for you shall not have another such opportunity for fifty years due to certain Cosmic Activities which as yet you do not understand.”
Leto had chairs placed on the top deck where we would be undisturbed. When we were all comfortably seated, She continued: “You remember that Beloved Saint Germain said to you, the Sun of this system is to the whole system what the Heart is to the human body, Its Currents of Energy being the blood stream of this system of worlds; the ether belt around this Earth, being the lungs through which the currents of energy, constantly pouring forth, are ever purifying the body of the Earth. The Sun is also the head, or Father of this system, through which this Mighty Energy is constantly generated by the Mighty Intelligence focused there—from Glorious Ascended Beings who have charge of and govern that Activity.
莱托让我们把椅子放置在顶层甲板上,这样我们就不会受到打扰。当我们都舒适地坐下后,她继续说:“你们还记得敬爱的圣哲曼对你们说,这个太阳系的太阳对整个太阳系来说,就像是心脏之于人体,它的能量流是世界系统的血流;地球周围的以太带,是不断涌出能量流的肺,持续地净化地球的身体。太阳也是这个系统的头部或天父,通过太阳,集中在这里的伟大智能持续不断地产生的强大能量 —— 伟大的智能来自负责和管理这项活动的荣耀扬升存有。”
“The Sun is not hot as scientists think. It is as cool and a thousand times more refreshing than the gentle zephyrs of the most delightful summer evening. It is only as the Sun’s Currents of Energy pass through the ether belt of the Earth that they become heat. The Sun is the electronic pole, and the Earth is the magnetic pole. The ether belt is the element through which the currents are diversified.
“The Christ Mind is embodied in Great Beings upon the Sun similar to the way It is here on Earth. Always keep this in mind: God sent forth His Rays individualizing Himself in order to govern, regulate and direct His Activity through Self-conscious Beings. That is why we, as the Sons of God, are given Free Will—choice.
“基督心智体现在太阳之上的伟大存有上,与在地球上相似。永远记住这一点:神发射出他的光芒让自己个体化,从而通过拥有自我意识的存有来进行统治、调节和管理他的活动。这就是为什么,我们作为神之子,被给予自由意志 —— 选择权。”
“By recognizing and accepting fully this Mighty God Power, Love, and Intelligence anchored in us, we become able to express more and more of the Full Power of God in conscious action. Only the most advanced students realize there are Mighty Beings as much beyond the Lord of the Earth as the Lord of the Earth is beyond the ordinary mortal.
“Now, each of you, withdraw the consciousness from your body and place it fully upon the Sun. Partly close your eyes and then wait.” We sat very still for almost twenty minutes and then went forth as a group, Leto leading the way. She became Dazzling and Radiant. Deeper and deeper we entered into the Intense Light of that Great Focus of Cosmic Light, and presently became aware that we were approaching the Globe Itself. The Radiance which It emitted gave one a feeling of great exaltation with a glowing sensation of Peace and Power. The nearer Leto drew, the brighter became Her Radiance.
We then approached a magnificent City called the “City of the Sun.” Within it were wonderful, Perfected Beings—like ourselves, except Their Bodies were slightly larger than those of our humanity— but Their Radiance and Beauty were transcendent beyond words. Presently we found ourselves receding. The Glorious City began to fade from view, the Indescribable Light grew less, and then we heard Leto speaking, commanding us to return with Her. With a sudden shock, we were conscious again of our physical bodies.
我们到达了一座宏伟的城市,被称作“太阳之城”。在其中有美妙的完美存有 —— 这些存有很像我们,不过他们的身体比我们人类的身体稍大一些 —— 但是他们的光芒和美丽超越了言语的形容。接下来我们发现自己正在慢慢远离。光辉的城市开始从视野中淡出,那难以形容的圣光正在减弱,然后我们听到莱托讲话,命令我们跟她一同返回。突然间,我们再次意识到我们的物质身体。
“A grand success,” She said smilingly. “I have brought this about that each may bear witness to the others of what you have seen, for in this is tremendous strength. The concept which mankind has that the Sun is a focus of great heat is absurd and infantile. The Truth is that the tremendous Rays of Energy which it sends forth to its system of planets are not heat rays at all, but Rays of Electronic Energy which only become heat as they contact and penetrate the atmosphere of the Earth. The atmosphere surrounding our planet is a force field produced by the rays of magnetic force sent forth from the center of this planet, and when the Rays of Electronic Energy from the Sun touch these, we have the phenomena in our atmosphere that we call heat and Light from the Sun.”
We enjoyed the twilight on deck until seven-thirty and then went to Leto’s stateroom. We took our places in five reclining chairs which She had provided for our use—in which the body was perfectly poised and at ease. Then Leto began Her Instruction.
我们在甲板上欣赏黄昏美景一直到七点三十分,然后就去了莱托的客舱。我们坐在她为我们提供的五张椅子上 —— 我们的身体处于完美的平衡和放松状态。然后莱托开始了她的指导。
“Focus your attention on the Heart for a moment,” She explained. “Then raise it to the top of the head. Keep it there without change and let the following be your only thought: ‘Mighty I AM Presence which I AM, ‘ now take charge in Full Mastery of this body. See that I go and come from it consciously and at will. Never again can it bind me or limit my Freedom. “
It could not have been more than three minutes until we stood before our bodies, free—consciously free—in bodies of substance, but finer than that of the physical body. In these we were more clearly alert and free than we had ever been in the physical.
不到三分钟,我们就都站在了我们的身体前,自由自在地 —— 有意识地自由自在 —— 处于多维度身体中,不过这些身体的材质要比肉身更加精细。在这些身体中,我们也比在肉身中更加警觉和自由。
“Come with me,” said Leto, and instantly we passed out of the room over placid waters and went direct to Her home in Paris. We saw and greeted Her Master. Then we continued our journey to the Home of the Brotherhood in Arabia which we visited later. When we returned near our bodies, She spoke again: “Wait—we are going to do this consciously,” She directed. She went to each body as it lay in the chair and touched the forehead. Immediately the body stood up, yet looked as if asleep. Then She gave the necessary direction, which I may not give here, and we were again fully conscious in our bodies. The whole experience was different from anything we had ever lived through before, and it left us with a certain indescribable confidence that we could do it again. We tried to thank Her, but She raised Her hand for silence.
“Love serves, because it is the nature of Love to give, and it is not concerned with nor does it expect acknowledgment of its Gifts. However, your gratitude is beautiful and well known to me. Just try to become the Love that does not wish to possess, for then Love is truly Divine.”
The following days were filled with joy, beauty, repose and peace as we watched the sunlit waters by day, and at night the wonderful moonlight, until one’s very being breathed praise and gratitude for the happiness of just being alive.
The boat docked at Cherbourg, and following Leto as She led the way, we went to the waiting autos and were driven to Paris, Pearl and Nada riding in Her car, and Bob, Rex, and I in the second one. When we arrived at Her home in Paris, Her Master greeted us in His Gracious, Courtly Manner:
“It is Our Great Joy,” He said, “to have you make this your home as long as you wish, and We want you to feel just as free to come and go as if you were in your own home in America.”
The next few days we spent with these Blessed Masters learning many wonderful things and receiving some insight into the Marvelous Work of the Great White Brotherhood. Its Stupendous Power, Inner Working and Accomplishment simply stagger the intellect of one unaccustomed to this kind of Knowledge.
We were placed under definite training, and Leto, after finishing our Instruction for the day, showed us the places of interest in the afternoon. Not a moment was wasted, as She said we were to leave soon for Arabia and that She expected the call within a week.
While visiting the Louvre, Leto showed us a painting by a young artist who had painted a picture called “The Union of Two Souls.” It was intended to portray the Union of the Twin Rays and was a marvelous conception, a wonderful work of art.
“We are watching,” She said, “for an opportunity to see if this artist can be awakened to the Inner Wisdom after having received such an interpretation of his idea. In the midst of his work he unknowingly shut the door to the inspiration he had received at the beginning, and My Master, seeing the need, gave the necessary Assistance which reestablished his contact with his Divine Inspiration and enabled him to complete the picture. It was unknown, of course, to him, but the marvelous painting you see before you was the result.
“Often an artist, musician, writer, inventor, and many other individuals doing creative work are given such Assistance from the Ascended Masters —of which those receiving the Help know nothing. This sort of Activity is one way in which We work impersonally.”
“通常,艺术家、音乐家、作家、发明家以及其他从事创造性工作的个人都会从扬升大师那里得到这种帮助 —— 而那些接收到此帮助的人对此一无所知。这种活动是我们非个人化工作的一种方式。”
We attended one Meeting of the Great White Brotherhood to which Members came from all over the world, among them being Gaylord’s Friend whom I had met when Gaylord was abducted to Paris. It was a never-ending source of joy to know of the important Work being accomplished by the Members of the Great White Brotherhood, entirely unknown to the outer world. Many sincere people who wish to live the constructive way of Life are Members of this Brotherhood at the Inner Levels long before they become aware of it in the outer senses.
The time arrived for our departure, and Leto was to conduct us to the East. We said good-by to Her Blessed Master and drove to Marseilles by car. We went direct to the steamship office of the Messageries Maritimes Line. As we entered, a tall, fine-looking man in Arabian dress came out and bowed before Leto.
我们出发的时间到了,莱托带我们前往东方。我们向她敬爱的上师告别,乘车前往马赛。我们直接前往了Messageries Maritimes海运公司的轮渡办公室。当我们走进去时,一位穿着阿拉伯服装的高大英俊的男人走了出来,向莱托鞠了一躬。
“Your Highness,” he said, “reservations are on the steamship Mariette Pache. This envelope contains the necessary papers. Your accommodations at the usual place are in readiness. Can I be of further service?”
He touched his Heart and forehead, and Leto, returning the Salutation, gave him a Sign which we recognized as belonging to the Great White Brotherhood. We knew by that he was one of the Brothers. We returned to the auto and were taken to what proved to be a private old hostelry—quaint, but spotlessly clean, and the accommodation good. Leto told the driver to call for us at nine the next morning, and I must confess, I was greatly interested to know why She was addressed as “Your Highness.”
他触碰了他自己的额头和心脏部位,莱托对此回敬,给出一个手势,我们认识出这是伟大白色兄弟会的手势。通过这一点我们知道,他也是兄弟会成员之一。我们回到了汽车上,被带到了一家古老的私人旅馆 —— 那里古香古色,但是一尘不染,住宿环境也很好。莱托让司机第二天九点来接我们,我必须承认,我非常想知道为什么她会被称为“殿下”。
Promptly at nine we entered the autos and were driven to the pier, Leto telling the drivers to return to Paris. As we boarded the ship, our entire party was shown great deference, and our accommodations were truly palatial.
We had a delightful trip on the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean and finally docked at Alexandria. Leto again led the way to waiting autos, and after driving for about twenty minutes, we entered a walled enclosure and stopped before a beautiful home built in the Moorish type of architecture. A youth in Arabian dress admitted us and led the way to a circular room. A tall, beautiful woman who looked not more than twenty, yet whose eyes held deep Wisdom, came forward and greeted us graciously. Leto presented Her to us as Electra.
“Beloved Sisters and Brothers,” She said, “I have been expecting you, and you are most welcome. Please accept my humble hospitality, now and at any time that you are in Alexandria. You will honor me to make this your home. Your Beloved Master was here yesterday and asked that you remain for two days. At the end of that time a boat will take you to a place on the coast of Arabia, from which you will drive to your destination.” She then touched a set of exquisite chimes. The youth returned and showed us to our separate suites.
During our conversation at dinner we learned something of Electra’s family. Her father was an Englishman, and Her mother was a French woman. Someone asked how long it had been since they had passed on, arid She replied:
“One hundred and twenty-five years ago. You see,” She continued, “I am not as far advanced as your wonderful Escort, but I have attained enough dominion to eliminate time and space.”
“Electra,” said Leto, “is far advanced and is doing beautiful work, as you will see later. While we are in Alexandria you shall see the places of interest, and we shall spend the next two days enjoying ourselves.”
We were very much interested the next morning in sight-seeing. When we stopped at a certain jeweler’s stall, admiring the beautiful jewels and the exquisite workmanship of their settings, the old jeweler made a deep bow, and in salutation touched his Heart and head, asking to see Rex and Bob’s rings. He was very silent for a few moments, and then looking steadily at them both, remarked:
“My Brothers, you have done me a great honor; only once before have I ever seen such jewels. They are Condensed Light. They are ‘Living Gems.’ You are blest indeed.” As we thanked him and turned to go, he asked the Blessing of the Most High God upon us.
The second evening after visiting the old jeweler, we were listening to Electra describing Her Experiences, when a sealed envelope dropped out of the atmosphere directly at the feet of Rex. He opened it anxiously and found a Message from our Beloved Saint Germain.
“In the morning,” it read, “a yacht belonging to one of the Brothers will take you to a certain port from which you will proceed by auto to your destination in Arabia. Your Mother and Father send Greetings and Love to all.” The next morning Electra accompanied us to the yacht, a beautiful, graceful boat as trim as a greyhound.
“I shall expect you on your return before you go to India,” She said as She bade us good-by. When we went aboard the yacht, we had another surprise, for its owner was none other than Gaylord’s Friend —the Brother who met me at the boat when I arrived in Cherbourg while Gaylord was being held captive.
“在你们去印度之前,我会等你们回来。”她向我们告别时说道。当我们登上游艇时,我们又吃了一惊,因为它的主人不是别人,正是盖洛德的朋友 —— 是盖洛德被囚禁,我到达瑟堡时在轮船上遇到的那位兄弟。
Our entire journey was well prepared at every point with much comfort and convenience. One can scarcely realize the joy of these activities unless he has experienced something of this sort. As soon as we were well out at sea, our Host gave us His undivided attention.
“I have just received a letter,” He said, “from Gaylord—who is still in South America. He is completing certain work there and asked to be remembered to everyone. He says he hopes to see you before many more weeks have passed, and until then his Love is ever enfolding you.” We thanked our host for the message from our friend—for whose welfare we felt deeply concerned.
他说:“我刚刚收到一封来自盖洛德的信 —— 他仍然在南美。他正在那里完成一些特定的工作,让大家记得他。他说他希望在几周后见到你们,在那之前,他的爱会永远包围着你们。”我感谢我们的东道主为我们传递来我们朋友的信息 —— 我们为他对我们的祝福深感挂心。
Our trip through the Suez Canal was delightful, and there was so much of divine tradition attached to the Red Sea that we expected to feel a thrill in passing through it. We had repeatedly experienced such wonderful things that we half anticipated the waters to divide and the scenes of long ago to appear in the ether. As we recalled the miracles of that time, our Host instructed:
“Miracles,” He explained, “are but the result of a Mighty, Omnipresent Cosmic Law set into action— consciously—by one who accepts his Divine Authority and understands Its Use. The Laws governing any kind of manifestation which the human mind considers supernatural are as natural and unerring as the motion of a planet. All activity, from the electron to the greatest Suns in space, is under the control and exact operation of Law set into operation by Self-conscious, Individualized Intelligence. When an individual understands and applies the Great Law governing manifestation in form, he can and does produce exact results. So truthfully speaking, there are no miracles.
“奇迹,”他解释道,“不过是一个强大的、无所不在的宇宙法则运作的结果 —— 通过接受他神圣权威并理解宇宙法则运作的个体的有意识行动的结果。宇宙法则统领着人类思想认为的各种超自然的现象,但这些实际上就像一颗行星的运动那样自然而然且准确无误。所有的活动,从电子到太空中最伟大的太阳,都受到拥有自我意识的个体化智能对法则运作的控制和精准运行。当一个人理解并应用伟大的法则来管理形态的显化时,他能够而且确实会产生精准的结果。所以实话实说,并没有所谓的奇迹。”
“Miracles are but the effect of the application of Law by an individual to bring about a specific result. All may learn to do this—if they desire it strongly enough and will discipline the outer activity of thought and feeling.”
“奇迹不过是个人对法则的运用带来特定结果的效果。所有的人都可以学会如何做到这一点 —— 如果他们的渴望足够强烈,而且会约束他们思想和情感的外在活动的话。”
We reached our port, and two autos were waiting to take us the rest of the way. Our Host accompanied us to the Arabian Retreat and gave directions for His yacht to remain until we returned. We had dined before leaving the yacht, as it was late in the afternoon when we reached port. Leto explained that we were to travel during the night in order to be unobserved through this part of the country. We traveled through many strange places and arrived at our destination just before daybreak.
We came to a stop before the little hut that Gaylord had described to us near the foot of a hill. How we were able to reach it by auto instead of camels, we did not know; nor was it our business to inquire at this time. We knew we were guests of a Mighty Presence and Power, and our duty was to remain silent until information was volunteered. Curiosity on the part of a student is inexcusable in spiritual training and must be completely eliminated from the consciousness before certain understanding, power, and experiences are permitted to be given him along the path to Mastery. Unless it is completely consumed within the personality, it is a wide-open door through which the sinister force can act at any moment and cut off the further progress of the advancing student. Whenever it was necessary, all that we needed to know was explained without our asking.
Dawn was just breaking as we reached the hut, and immediately a Tall Man in an Indigo Cape came out to bid us welcome. He greeted each one cordially and requested us to return to our autos. Then had a cataclysm occurred, we could scarcely have been more surprised; for directly in front of us the earth opened, revealing a sort of jaw-like entrance made of metal, large enough to admit our cars. This led onto a well-paved road with a downward incline. The jaw was controlled by powerful machinery, and when it closed after us a few moments later, it was to all appearances simply the floor of the Arabian Desert.
As our cars entered the roadway leading down, the surrounding walls became flooded with that Soft White Light which we knew so well and which the Ascended Masters always use for illuminating tunnels, caves, and all subterranean passageways. We traveled along slowly for about twenty minutes and then entered a circular room nearly two hundred feet in diameter. In this place all equipment was kept for the automobiles, and attendants provided, ready to render any service required.
The Brother in the Indigo Cape alighted and led the way to what proved to be an elevator. We entered, descended for about three hundred seventy feet, and came to a stop, entering an enormous chamber with huge columns, almost three hundred feet high.
These great columns were heavily covered with hieroglyphics, inlaid in marvelously beautiful colors. We found later that it had been the foyer to a large government building. Our guide led us through this chamber to a great arched doorway that opened at His Command, admitting us into another chamber that was beautifully decorated. Its ceiling was arched and very ornate, supported by a single colossal column in the center. This second room must have been at least two hundred feet each way. The Brother of the Indigo Cape broke the silence:
“This is one of our principal council chambers,” He explained, “which we often use as a banquet hall. Beloved Sisters and Brothers, you who are not yet formally admitted Members of our Order are the first students ever admitted to this very ancient Retreat without having been fully accepted into the outer activities of this branch of the Great White Brotherhood; but I assure you, your credentials are quite sufficient.” With these words He threw back the cowl of His Cape, and our Blessed Master Saint Germain stood before us. We were thrilled, and felt immediately quite at home.
“这是我们的主要议事厅之一,”他解释道,“我们经常将其用作宴会厅。亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,你们这些还没有被正式接纳为我们修道会成员的人,是这个非常古老的静修处接纳的第一批学生,与此同时,你们也还没有被完全接纳进入这个伟大白色兄弟会分支的外部活动中;但我向你们保证,你们的资格已经足够。” 说着这句话,他掀开了斗篷的兜帽,我们敬爱的上师圣哲曼站在我们面前。我们很兴奋,立刻就有宾至如归的感觉。
“You will now be shown to your quarters, and after having refreshed yourselves and donned your Seamless Robes, come to me here.” A youth and maiden appeared and showed us the way to our rooms. Later when we returned to the council hall, a number of the Brothers had already arrived and were talking to Beloved Saint Germain.
“In seven days,” He explained, “an International Council of the Great White Brotherhood is to be held in this Retreat. The Greatest of our Members will be here, as this kind of Council is only called every seven years. On this occasion you will be made Members of the outer body as well as the ‘Inner.’ Please be seated, for I wish to give you information concerning the city you are now in.” He then gave us another wonderful Discourse, and it made us marvel at what a place of wonders this Earth is—let alone the rest of the Universe.
“七天后,”他解释说,“伟大白色兄弟会的国际理事会将在这个静修之处举行。我们最伟大的成员会在这里,因为这种理事会每七年才召开一次。在这个场合,你们会成为兄弟会外部和‘内部’事务的成员。请坐,我想向你们提供你们现在所在城市的信息。”然后他给了我们一场精彩的课程,让我们惊叹于地球是一个多么奇妙的地方 —— 更不用说宇宙的其他地方了。
“At one time,” He explained, “this city was at the surface of the Earth. Certain of the Ascended Masters knew a cataclysm was threatening and sealed a portion of it for future use. In the catastrophe that followed, it sank deep below the original level and was filled in and covered over by the sand from the surrounding land, which had become a desert.
“The tops of the highest buildings are in some places fully one hundred and twenty-five feet beneath the surface. Air passages have been kept open and always give perfect ventilation. Within this subterranean city have been perfected some of the most wonderful achievements in chemistry and invention the outer world has been privileged to receive. Whenever this has occurred, some worthy man or woman has been found through whom the world has been privileged to receive these Blessings.
“There is here much of vital importance ready to be brought forth for the use of humanity when it is the part of Wisdom in the Judgment of the Ascended Masters to give it out. Again there will be another great cataclysm that will rend the surface of the Earth, removing from further self-created destruction those human beings who have the ignorance and presumption to say there is no God. Those who are so bound by their self-created darkness that they destroy the very symbols on Earth of what is good, true, uplifting and enlightening, must —because of the very darkness of their own mindset prevented from creating any further discord upon this planet and from influencing others by their own mistaken concepts of Life.
“当扬升大师审判的那部分智慧被释放出来时,就会有很多重要东西供人类使用。地球上将会再次出现一场大灾难,撕裂地表世界,以免那些无知和自以为是认为不存在神的人类进一步被自己创造的灾难所毁灭。那些被自己创造的黑暗牢牢束缚的人,他们摧毁了地球上的善良、真诚、提升和启发性的象征,必须 —— 因为他们自己心态的黑暗,必须阻止他们在地球上进一步制造不和谐,阻止他们用他们自己错误的人生观念来影响他人。”
“Whatever and whoever denies God—the Source of all Life and Light—can only exist as long as the energy which they have already received can sustain them; because the moment an individual, group, or nation denies the very Source of Life, that instant the Inflowing Stream of Life Energy is cut off, and it can only continue to function until the force which has already been accumulated becomes exhausted. The collapse and self-annihilation of these is inevitable.
“任何否认神 —— 所有生命和光的源泉 —— 的任何人或事,只能存在他们已经接收到的能量所能维系的那么久;因为当一个人、团体或是国家否认生命之源,生命能量的流入在那一刻就被切断了,它只能持续地发挥作用直至已经积累的能量得以耗尽。最终的崩溃和自我毁灭是不可避免的。”
“Denial of Life and Light cuts off the sustaining energy, while Acknowledgment of Life and Light releases it and lets it flow through the body and mind that makes the Acknowledgment.
“The Great Law governing all form, or the Law of Cause and Effect, tolerates man’s iniquity to man only so long. When that iniquity is directed to the Godhead, or Source of Life, retribution is swift and certain. There is an automatic purifying and balancing process within all Life, and when any outer activity opposes itself to the Cosmic Law of forward motion and ever-expanding Perfection—which is always pressing from within outward—then the hour arrives when all opposition is swept aside and annihilated by the onward moving impulse within Life Itself. When those ruling a nation turn from God, destroying all that calls attention to the Light of Christ, it means the end of that government and group is close at hand; because it causes a certain Cosmic Activity to be released upon the planet which sweeps them out of existence.
“伟大的法则,也就是因果法则,主宰着所有的形态,只能容忍人施加给人的罪恶。当这样的罪恶用来针对神圣或生命之源时,其报应是迅速且明确的。所有生命内部都存在着自发净化和平衡过程,当任何外部活动与向前运动和不断拓展的完美宇宙法则相对抗时 —— 这种完美总是从内向外施压 —— 那么,所有反对都会被生命自身前进的动力给清扫和消除干净。当统治一个国家的人背离了神,并摧毁一切把人们的注意力导向基督之光的事物时,这意味着那个政府和团体的末日即将来临;因为它会导致某种特定的宇宙活动被释放到地球上,从而让他们不复存在。”
“The human intellect acquires many peculiar kinks in its thinking, and one of the most disastrous of these is the activity of human consciousness that refuses or forgets to love and thank Life, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ for the Blessings Life is constantly bestowing upon mankind and this Earth.
“The average human being lives Life after Life without once loving or thanking his own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ for the energy which flows ceaselessly through his mind and body; for the substance he uses in his body and world; or for the hundreds of good things by which he is constantly surrounded which he uses and enjoys, and yet gives nothing of himself in return.
“Many people carry a feeling of personal grudge against Life, blaming It for their suffering and failures, when even a very small amount of gratitude and Love poured out to the ‘I AM Presence’ within each human Heart would transmute every discord into Peace and Love, releasing the Perfection of Life into the outer activity of the individual.
“Human beings find plenty of time to love dogs, cats, food, clothes, money, diamonds, people, and a thousand and one things; but it is very rarely that an individual takes even five minutes out of a lifetime to love his own Divinity—yet he is using every second Its Life and Energy by which to enjoy those things. Even those who think they love God give almost no Acknowledgment to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within themselves, and no gratitude goes up to It for the good things that come to them in Life.
“人类花了很多时间去爱狗、猫、食物、衣服、金钱、钻石、人和一千零一种东西,但是却很少有人可以在一生之中拿出五分钟的时间来爱自己的神性 —— 然而他每一秒都在利用它的生命和能量来享受这些东西。即便是那些自以为他们爱着神的人来说,也几乎不会认可他们内在的‘伟大我是临在’,也不会为生命中降临到他们身上的美好事物而感激它。”
“It is not that we should not pour out Love to things in the outer activity; but we should certainly love the Divinity Within first—and more—than any outer thing or personality. It is this very Life and Consciousness by which we exist.
“这并不是说我们不应该在外在活动中向事物倾注爱,但是我们当然首先要爱内在的神性 —— 并且比任何外在的事物或人格更加重要。因为它是我们赖以存在的生命和意识。”
“Happiness cannot exist except when Love is pouring out. This is Life’s Law. When people are loving something or somebody, they are happy. Even a miser is happy when he is loving his Gold, because he is pouring out a feeling of Love to the thing he tries to hold. What he is really trying to hold is happiness; but he does not realize that the feeling of happiness is not contained in the Gold, but is in the pouring out of Love from himself. In that outpouring he lets Life flow uninterruptedly and harmoniously.
“However, having received all good we ever used from the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ which builds each physical body, the first and greatest Outpouring of our Love belongs always to our own Individualized Flame of God—the Mighty Consciousness of Life within us which enables us to acknowledge our own existence and Source of all Life when we say ‘I AM.’ In those Words is All of God, and nothing in human experience is really important but All of God. When the individual accepts, acknowledges, and feels All of God, he is happy, he has all good, and then he lives in the Father’s Mansion. Is it possible for anything to be more important or greater than All of God? Only with the Understanding and Feeling of this can mankind break the chains of self-created limitations.
“然而,在从构建了每一具物质身体的‘伟大我是临在’上接收到我们曾经使用的所有美好事物之后,我们首要的、也是最伟大的爱之倾洒总要给予我们自己的个体化的神之火焰 —— 我们内在生命的伟大意识,在我们说出‘我是’时,是它让我们去承认我们自己的存在和所有生命的源头。这些词语意味着所有一切都是神,在人类的体验中,除了神的一切之外,没有什么是真正重要的。当一个人接受、认可、承认并且感受到神的一切时,他是快乐的,他有着所有的美好与幸福,然后他就住在天父的殿堂中。有可能存在什么要比神的一切更重要和伟大吗?只有理解和感受了这一点,人类才能打破自己创造的限制枷锁。”
“Now you must rest, and then it will be my privilege to escort you through this underground city, where you will see the Brothers at work. I make but one request: that no detail of this Work be revealed without permission from the Highest Master in charge.”
He bade us good-night, and we went to our quarters. These had been constructed similar to the Greek and Roman type of architecture, yet they were far older. The room assigned to me contained a built-in Roman bath, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen of this kind. Everywhere the atmosphere was laden with the fragrance of flowers, usually roses.
In the morning we were awakened by soft music played on instruments of a most unusual type, and the effect upon our bodies can hardly be described, for it gave one the feeling of ease and freedom—as if a pressure of some kind were being released. The sensation continued to increase, and while we were clearly conscious of some change going on within us, yet we did not realize to what extent our Inner Bodies were being attuned. The curious thing about the whole experience is that when we compared notes with each other, all had been affected in a similar manner.
早上,我们被一种最不寻常的乐器演奏的轻柔音乐叫醒,它对我们身体产生的影响难以描述,因为它给人一种轻松和自由的感觉 —— 仿佛某种压力正在释放。这种感觉持续增强,虽然我们清楚地意识到我们体内正在发生的一些变化,但是我们并没有意识到我们内在的身体被协调至何种程度。整个体验的奇特之处在于,当我们这些人之间互相交换看法时,我们发现所有人都受到了类似的影响。
As we entered the Council Chamber, Saint Germain and Gaylord’s Friend greeted us. Saint Germain asked us to be seated, and breakfast was served immediately. The first thing that appeared was most delicious fruit. Then came what He called Sun-cereal, over which was a substance like honey and whipped cream. Several other dishes were served, and we finished the meal with a steaming hot drink that took the place of coffee, but was not like anything physical I have ever tasted.
Even after our many experiences, it always seemed so marvelous to me to have things appear at the Conscious Command of these Blessed Ascended Masters. Everything came directly from out the Universal Substance the instant They desired it: food, clothing, gold, anything and everything They wanted. They are all the word “Master” implies. It is the only description that does Them justice. They are glorious and majestic—always.
As we arose from the table, I heard Gaylord’s Friend address Leto as “Your Highness,” and again I wondered why that title was used in a Retreat. She turned to me and explained most graciously.
“My brother, whom you have met, inherited the title of Prince Rexford, and I that of Princess Louise. Mine has clung to me through the years for no particular reason. That is why I am often addressed as ‘Your Highness.’
“Forgive my curiosity,” I replied, as I realized how keenly aware of my every thought and feeling these Ascended Masters were.
“Come,” said Saint Germain, “We shall go first to the television chamber.” We followed Him and soon came to a great circular chamber. In the center of the room stood an enormous reflector surrounded by a maze of electrical apparatus, at one side of which was a large dial.
“This room,” said Saint Germain, “is insulated in a special way which enables us to make observations of very great accuracy. By means of this instrument, through focusing the dial upon any given point on the surface of the Earth, we can see instantly any place or activity occurring at any distance. Notice! I shall direct it to New York.”
He turned the dial, and we saw—as clearly as if we had been in Manhattan—the Grand Central Station, Fifth Avenue, and the Statue of Liberty. Then turning the dial to London, we were shown Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, the British Museum, the Bank of England, and the River Thames.
He turned it again and we saw Melbourne and Yokohama, and we were able to observe everything as clearly as if physically present.
“This wonderful instrument,” He continued, “has been in use in this Retreat for more than a hundred years. Come now into the adjoining room. It is the radio chamber. Notice the intense stillness! The walls, floor and ceiling are covered with a precipitated substance that makes it absolutely sound and vibration proof.” He stepped to the instrument that stood in the center of the room and directed it to New York. We immediately heard the sound of the traffic, and as we listened more closely, we could hear clearly and distinctly the conversation of individuals passing on the street. Distance made no difference.
“This instrument,” He said, “will soon be in use everywhere. Now let us go to the chemical laboratory where some of the Brothers are at work upon many wonderful inventions. Here, ways have been discovered to counteract destructive gases, chemicals, and activities of various kinds that the sinister force and its unfortunate pawns might try to use against humanity; for it is positively known in certain quarters that feverish efforts are constantly being made to produce various substances that are of a very destructive kind. The Brothers in this Retreat work to neutralize all such activity.
“When misguided members of mankind discover a more than ordinarily destructive agent, the chemist making such experiments always loses his body when his diabolical work reaches a certain point, for the destructive quality he desires to use upon the body of mankind reacts upon his own.”
Next we visited the Cosmic Ray Chamber. “This room,” explained Saint Germain, “is lined with pure metallic Gold. The Brothers of certain advancement who work here are taught how to distinguish the difference between the various Rays and to direct and use them for stupendous Good. The Great Ascended Masters are constantly watching in the world for those students whose attainments will permit them to take up this Work.” When Bob understood this phase of Their Activity, he became most enthusiastic.
“I would love to serve in this manner!” he exclaimed.
“我很乐意以这种方式服务!” 他惊呼道。
“We shall see,” said Saint Germain as He smiled knowingly. “Among those who are working in this room, there are seven of the Brothers and three of the Sisters who are just completing their Training in the use of these Rays. At the coming Council they will be allotted their field of service in using this Activity for which Training in many lives has fitted them.
“Now we shall visit the Chamber of Art, where twenty of the Brothers and ten of the Sisters are being trained in a new kind of art which they will bring forth into the outer world. They are being instructed concerning the secret of imperishable colors and shown how to produce them. Within the next twenty years this form of art will find its way into the Life of humanity, and bring with it a tremendous uplift.
“From here we shall go to the Chamber of Music. It is a most beautiful place I assure you, and the Perfection of the instruments is truly remarkable.” Saint Germain led the way, and we entered with great anticipation. “This is a new metal for band instruments,” He continued, showing us certain alloys, “which gives an unbelievably delicate tone. Here are three new materials for making violins. As you will see, one looks like mother of pearl, one like frosted silver, and one like Roman gold. The musical instruments of the New Age will be made of materials like these.”
One of the Brothers played these instruments for us, and human ears have never been blessed by more beautiful sounds. Each was distinctly different, but all were so beautiful there seemed hardly any choice between them.
In rooms adjoining the Chamber of Music, beautiful musical compositions were being written and prepared so the Brothers could project these magnificent harmonies into the consciousness of musicians working in the outer world.
“Some of these Brothers,” said Saint Germain, “will come into the outer activity and work in the capacity of teachers, while others will serve from the invisible side of Life.
“We are now entering the Chamber of State. Here training is given in the higher forms of statecraft and national government. Some forty of the Brothers are being trained, as you see, in the right use of this Knowledge, and are also being shown how to project it to others who are already in official positions—that is, wherever the sincerity of the official will permit. Ten of these wonderful Brothers will go forth in person and serve by being elected to governmental positions in the usual way. Five of them will go to the United States of America.”
“我们现在进入国务议会厅。这里给予的是更高等形式的治国之术和国家政务的培训。如你所见,这里有四十位左右兄弟正在接受培训,来正确地使用这种知识,他们也被展示了如何把这些知识投射给那些正担任官方职务的人身上 —— 也就是说,若是官员足够真诚,就会允许这样的情况发生。其中有十位出色的兄弟会亲自前往,以常规的方式被选拔为政府的官员来进行服务。其中五位会前往美利坚众合国。”
During our visit to these various rooms and the explanation of the Work the Brothers were engaged in, we felt this the most wonderful education of our lives. It was such a relief to know that notwithstanding all the distressing outward appearance of the conditions in which humanity finds itself to day, the Power of the “Mighty I AM” is doing everything possible to bring enlightenment and relief to mankind. It lifted our Hearts and hopes to the height of expectation for great good to all mankind in the near future—at least for all who desire the constructive Plan of Life.
在我们参观这些不同的房间,了解这些兄弟会的成员所从事的工作时,我们感觉到这是我们一生中接受到的最美妙的教育。尽管我们知道表面上看,人类当今所处的状况非常痛苦,但是知晓“伟大我是临在”的力量正在尽一切可能地为人类带来启蒙和拯救,这让人如释重负。它把我们的内心和希望提升到一个高度,让我们可以期待在不久的将来可以为全人类带来伟大的福祉 —— 至少是对所有渴望生命建设性计划落实的人来说。
We were shown secret chambers of riches untold, others of records so old it seemed almost inconceivable. Some dated back to the advent of man upon this planet. When we returned to the Council Chamber, we found we had been gone eight hours. Not once in all this amazing subterranean city did we find the least particle of dust, dirt, or confusion of any kind. Everything was in a most wonderful state—perfect and spotless. We marveled at this, and Saint Germain again explained the Law concerning it.
我们看到了藏着无数宝藏的密室,还有一些密室储藏着年代已久的记录,久远到令人难以置信。一些可以追溯到人类出现在这个星球上的时期。当我们回到议事厅时,我们发现我们已经游览了八个小时。在这座令人赞叹的地下城市中,我们没有发现哪怕一丁点儿的灰尘、污垢或混乱。一切都处于最美妙的状态 —— 完美无瑕。我们对此感到惊讶,圣哲曼再次揭示了有关它的法则。
“This Perfect Cleanliness is maintained by the conscious use of the Great Cosmic Rays, and within the next one hundred years, hundreds of housewives will be using the Violet Ray to keep private homes in the same wonderful state. Oh, that humanity might realize quickly what Glory, Freedom and Blessings stand ready for their use at every instant when they hold to wonderful Ideals unwaveringly, tenaciously rely upon the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ and know It is the only real Power of Permanent Accomplishment!”
Suddenly we felt a tremendous vibration, and looking around, saw five of the Ascended Masters had arrived from India—for the men wore turbans. These were two Ladies and three Gentlemen. As we were presented to Them, we were surprised indeed, for one Gentleman and one Lady were two of whom we had heard much. The Gentleman came up to Rex, Bob and myself; the Lady to Nada and Pearl, and extended a most gracious invitation to be Their guests as long as we were in India, and consider Their home ours at any time.
突然我们感到巨大的振动,环顾四周,我们看到五位来自印度的扬升大师到达 —— 因为男士们戴着头巾。其中两位女士、三位男士。当我们被介绍给他们时,我们的确感到吃惊,因为其中一位男士和一位女士是我们经常听到的那两位。那位绅士走到雷克斯、鲍勃和我的面前;那位女士向娜达和珀尔致意,并发出最盛情的邀请,只要我们身在印度,就可以成为他们的客人,把他们的家视为我们自己的家。
“Will you,” said the Gentleman, turning to Gaylord’s Friend, “come with these friends and bring them to us as our guests when they are ready to come to India?”
“I shall be most happy,” He replied, “to accept your invitation and take them to Bombay in my yacht.”
Saint Germain then asked us all to be seated, that we might enjoy another precipitated dinner. The entire meal seemed more delicious than ever. We listened attentively to the Work being planned and the reports of what had already been accomplished. For the first time in my Life I realized how very little the outside world knows of this True Inner Activity, and how puny human achievement becomes in relation to that which is accomplished by these Ascended Masters who are expressing Their Full Freedom as Sons of God. It is fortunate indeed that there are infinitely more magnificent ways of Life than our humanity is now experiencing. When one can look away from his own mental concepts long enough to get a perspective of his own intellect in relation to the rest of the Universe, he really begins to learn something of importance.
We all need to take mental journeys that will stretch our mental muscles, and realize that each human intellect is only one out of approximately three billion souls in incarnation upon this Earth. Our Earth is one of the smallest in our solar system. Our system is only an atom in the galaxy to which we belong, and there are galaxies of galaxies.
When the student thinks of this occasionally, he will no longer be able to accept the conceited theories and egotistical opinions of intellects that scoff at and doubt the existence and marvelous Manifestation of Perfection which these Ascended Masters constantly express.
The personality of anyone is only of as much importance in the magnificent scheme of Life as it is obedient to the “Mighty I AM Presence,” by letting Perfection expand into the outer activity of the individual. Otherwise the personality is only a barnacle in the Universe, using substance and energy without building anything permanent.
Time sped by on wings under the intensive Training we were receiving from these Great Perfected Ones until the day came for the Great International Council. The Brothers and Sisters kept arriving at intervals from every part of the world; and when the meeting was called at seven o’clock, more than two hundred Guests were present, most of them being Chiefs of the various Councils. When all were in readiness, we bowed our heads in silence and awaited the arrival of the Great Presiding Master. Suddenly a Great Oval of Dazzling Light appeared at the head of the main table. As we watched It steadily for a moment, a man’s form gradually became visible within It, growing more and more definite and tangible as He lowered the vibratory activity to manifest in our octave of consciousness, until His Body became clearly visible, perfectly tangible.
His face was truly magnificent, glorious and radiant to behold—the eyes dazzling—and His whole Being luminous from head to foot with the Majesty and Power of His “Mighty I AM Presence.” The first tones of His Voice sent an Electrical Thrill through my body that I shall never forget throughout Eternity as He said, “Beloved Ones, be seated.”
他的面容的确宏伟、荣耀、容光焕发 —— 眼睛闪耀着光芒 —— 他的整个存在,从头到脚都闪耀着“伟大我是临在”的威严和力量。当他说“亲爱的大家,请就座”时,他声音的第一个音调给我的全身带来了电流般的刺激,我在永恒的存在中永远不会忘记这种感觉。
After listening to a brief report from certain of the Brothers, He commended Them, and then in a very brief manner gave directions for Their continued Work. When He had finished, He turned to us, saying:
“We can use many more who are at a point where they are ready to be trained in the Understanding and use of the Great Cosmic Rays of Light. It is My Privilege to inform you that We have ten with Us who are ready—if it be their desire to take up the Work.” All was intense expectation as He asked those whose names He called to stand if they were present. Then He went on:
“我们可以使用更多准备好的人,那些人已经准备好接受关于对伟大宇宙圣光射线的理解和使用的培训。我很荣幸地通知你们,我们已经有十位已经准备好了 —— 如果这也是他们想要从事的工作的话。”当他询问那些被他点名的在场人员时,大家都充满了强烈的期待。然后他继续说:
“Nada, Pearl, Leto, Rex, Bob, Electra, Gaylord and His Beloved Friend, Nada and Daniel Rayborn. Beloved Sisters and Brothers from America, this event brings very great joy and is of much importance to the Great White Brotherhood. You are to be congratulated, as well as the Brotherhood, that this has become possible. Within a short time you will go to India for a stay of ten months’ Training, and then return here to finish it. You will be instructed in the use of these Mighty Rays, and through Their Use, you have an opportunity to give a Transcendent Service.
“On the fourth day from today, you will return to Alexandria, and there Electra will join the party. From thence, journey at your convenience to Bombay. Your Beloved Host will conduct you to your destination. Is there the slightest objection on the part of anyone chosen for this Work? If so, speak now.”
We all joyously accepted and expressed our gratitude for the opportunity to serve in this way to the best of our ability. There was a great deal more under consideration at that time which was of great importance, but I have not permission to record it here. The meeting finished, and we spent an hour meeting the other Members present. Our Friend from India presented us to the Presiding Master, and I shall never forget the Power that shot through my body as I shook hands with Him. It seemed as if I were lifted completely off the floor. One of the Brothers from South America brought us greetings from Gaylord, whom he had seen two days previous.
The entire Council was a Perfect Manifestation of Great Decision, Supreme Wisdom and Limitless Activity. Presently, beautiful strains of Music were heard in the atmosphere, and all turned involuntarily toward the Master. He raised His hands, giving His Blessing to all present; and as He did so, He rose from the floor, the Oval of Dazzling Light enfolded Him, and He disappeared.
Never in all Eternity will I ever forget that first visit to the Arabian Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood. Four days later we left this marvelous Haven of Peace, Light, and Wisdom, with the Love and Blessings from all Its Members whose Loving Service to the “Great I AM Presence” in themselves and in all humanity is the most wonderful Activity in Life’s Experience. We made the trip back to the coast of Arabia by night, where the yacht awaited us; and a few moments after we went aboard, we were gliding swiftly through the Red Sea on the wings of the night.
The next morning we breakfasted on deck in order to watch the sunrise, for in that part of the world, it is truly a most glorious spectacle. The evening of the second day we arrived at Electra’s home in Alexandria and found She was fully aware that She was to serve with us in using the Great Cosmic Rays of “The Light of God that never fails.”
XI. The True Messenger of Divine Service 神圣服务的真正使者
LATE one afternoon we were returning with Electra from a drive along the shore of the .J Mediterranean and had just entered the door of Her home when a Sealed Letter dropped at Rex’s feet. He picked it up, and opening it, read:
My Beloved Children:
Leave tomorrow morning for India. All is in readiness, and we are happy to welcome you.
Saint Germain
Our Host of the yacht had not been with us during our sight-seeing trip in Alexandria; but when we arrived at the pier, He greeted us joyously with the news that we had been assured of a calm, delightful voyage. We again passed through the Red Sea as we sped swiftly on our way to one of the Greatest Centers of Spiritual Light and Power on this planet.
Leto continued Her Instruction during the entire trip at Saint Germain’s Request, that Bob and Rex might reach the point where they could come and go from the physical body consciously and at will. By the fifth day of our journey they had become quite proficient, and like most young people, wanted to experiment often in using their newly-evolved Powers. This Leto would not permit.
“There must be a very great sense of Spiritual Honor and Integrity,” She explained, “in regard to the use of these Mighty Powers of the ‘I AM Presence’; for the Great Law of Being does not permit them to be brought into our outer use except where it is for the accomplishment of permanent good. We must be aware at all times that whenever we use the Life, Substance and Power of this Universe for the mere gratification or pleasure of the senses, only misery and destruction can be the result.
“The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ works ceaselessly to build, release, express, and constantly expand Perfection in all Its Creative Activity, and permanently maintain Love, Peace, and constant Service to all. If the sensations of the body and the outer activity of the mind are permitted to run riot and interfere with the Divine Life Plan of the individual, disaster and failure are the result. The True Student of Light never, never uses his powers for the amusement and gratification of the senses, for exploitation of anyone’s personality or to make money by producing phenomena.
“The Ascended Masters’ Way of Life is to give, give, give! First, Love and Adoration to His own ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ and then expand Love and Perfection by pouring It out to everybody and everything. To send out Divine Love without limit, all the time, is the whole of the Law applied. If mankind could only understand this, the individual would realize that he must pour out this Flame of Divine Love before the Perfection which he desires can flow into his world and release—things—into his use.
“Divine Love is a Feeling, an actual Ray of Light which flows out from the Flame within the Heart. It can be sent forth so powerfully that this Ray of Light Substance is both visible and tangible. It is the most Invincible Power of the Universe. Use It, Beloved Ones, without limit, and nothing is impossible to you.”
By temperament and training, Leto was a calm, sweet, marvelously poised teacher; but we we’re amazed at the Power She could release when She wished to impress a certain Understanding of the Law upon our consciousness. She was not accustomed to the boyish pranks of Bob and Rex, but She soon made it unmistakably plain to us all that no boyish pranks played any part in the operation of these Great Cosmic Laws.
“The Cosmic Law acts,” She continued, “wherever the thoughts and feelings direct and qualify the energy; and It is no respecter of persons, places, conditions, things, motives, ignorance, or knowledge, anymore than is a current of electricity running through a motor or dynamo. If you turn on the Power, it acts, according to the direction given it. This is a point that many students do not seem to comprehend, or for which they do not wish to take the responsibility; but the Truth of the Law is the only thing with which We are concerned.
“Our Work is to put the exact Truth of the Law before individuals. If they refuse to understand and obey it, then their suffering must increase—until the human side breaks its shell of obstinacy and selfishness and lets the ‘Mighty Presence of the I AM’ control all, according to the Perfection of Life. “Therefore, never joke in thought, feeling or the spoken word about the Powers of the Godhead; for to do so—without exception—draws heartbreaking experiences into your world. Therefore, govern your outer moods with an Inflexible Will whenever you use the Powers of the ‘MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE.’
“我们的工作是把法则的确切真理摆放在人们面前。如果他们拒绝去理解和遵守,那么他们的痛苦必定会增加 —— 一直到人类打破其固执和自私的外壳,让‘伟大的我是临在’根据生命的完美法则来掌控一切。因此,永远不要在思想、情感和言语上拿神性的力量开玩笑,因为这样做 —— 无一例外 —— 会给你的世界带来令人心碎的体验。因此,每当你使用‘伟大我是临在’的力量时,都要用坚定的意志来管理你的外在情绪。”
“In order to manifest the greater Expressions of the ‘I AM Presence,’ the individual must become aware of and feel that ‘Presence’ within himself, and know that the very Life Energy which beats his Heart and breathes through his lungs is constantly flowing into his physical body from his Electronic Body. His Electronic Body is projected into space from the very Heart Center of the Cosmic Life of the Universe, which you have heard us refer to as the Great Central Sun.
“This Pure Life Energy flowing ceaselessly into the mind and body of the individual is the Triune Activity of the Supreme acting everywhere throughout Infinity. It is Intelligence, Substance and Energy —the One Universal Light out of which comes all manifestation.
“这种纯净的生命能量持续不断地流入到一个人的心智和身体中,这是至高无上者贯穿无限、无所不在的三重活动的表达。它是智能、材质和能量 —— 所有的显化都来自这合一的宇宙圣光。”
“It is subject at all times to the conscious direction and use of the individual with Self-conscious, individualized Free Will. The minerals, plants and animals do not have the control of this activity; for only the Flame of the Godhead is endowed with Self-directing Free Will.
“The more attention one gives the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the more he will learn of the Vast Realms of Wisdom that stretch before him. The more he realizes the immense responsibility and limitless opportunity that are his, the more should he ask the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within his own Heart to teach him all things.
“If one wants Wisdom, he must turn his attention to the only Source of Wisdom—the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ Only by acknowledging the ‘I AM,’ can the first impulse be given which releases Its Wisdom into the outer use of the individual. It is by Acknowledgment, that the first wave flows forth to release It into the physical activity. Otherwise It remains forever quiescent within the Consciousness of the ‘I AM.’ The Release of It can come only at the Command of the Self-Directing Will of the Flame of God.
“如果一个人想要智慧,他必须把自己的注意力转向智慧的唯一源头 —— ‘伟大的我是临在’。只有通过承认‘我是’,才能给出让智慧释放到个人外在使用中的第一个脉动。只有通过去承认,第一波能量才能流动释放到身体活动中。否则,它会永远静止在‘我是’的意识中。只有在神之火焰自我引导的意志的命令下,才能释放出来。”
“Learn to call forth these God Attributes and Activities from the very Heart of the Universe, and then use them in Love to bless all Life. If you will do this, there is no height you cannot attain and no gift you can ask of Life that Life will not release to you—when you understand what part of you says ‘I AM’ and you are willing to use all to bless Life everywhere with Love.
“学会从宇宙的核心来呼请这些神的属性和活动,然后在爱中使用它们,用来祝福所有的生命。如果你愿意这样去做的话,就没有你无法到达的高度,也没有你想要的但是生命无法给予的礼物 —— 只要你理解,你的哪部分在说‘我是’,同时你也愿意使用一切,用爱祝福无所不在的生命。”
“Use, use, use, use the Understanding of the ‘I AM Presence’ that you now have, and persist in loving, in blessing Life everywhere; and you will open wide the Floodgates to Freedom—the Realm and Activities of the Limitless—the Natural World and Life of the Ascended Masters. Use the Wisdom you now have, and more will come as surely as your Heart beats and your mind thinks.”
“去使用、使用、使用、使用你现在所拥有的对‘我是临在’的理解,并坚持用爱去祝福地球上所有的生命;你就会打开通往自由的闸门 —— 无限的领域与无限的活动 —— 属于扬升大师的自然世界和生活。使用你现在拥有的智慧,随着你们内心的跳动和心智的思考,更多智慧会到来。”
At dinner on the evening of the seventh day of the voyage, our Host announced that we were to reach Bombay late the next evening, but we were to remain aboard until the following morning. Bombay is one of the most beautiful harbors in the world; and as our yacht came alongside the pier, we were greeted by the Indian Master Chananda, to whom we were presented by our Host. We drove to the railroad station where we were conducted to a private car—every convenience being provided for us so very graciously until we reached our destination.
在航行的第七天晚上用晚餐时,我们的东道主宣告我们将于第二天晚上抵达孟买,但是我们要留在船上直至早晨。孟买是世界上最美丽的港口之一,当我们的游艇靠近码头时,我们受到了印度上师迦南达(Chananda)的欢迎,我们的东道主把他介绍给了我们。我们开车到火车站,然后转移到一辆私家车上 —— 他们非常慷慨地给我们提供了一切便利,直至我们到达目的地。
It was here only that the outline of our stay in India was given. First we were to go to Calcutta and remain there two days while certain Work would be given. The trip to Calcutta was delightful, and although the days were very warm outside, we were not aware of it in the train. We passed many places of great scenic beauty, and shortly after leaving Bombay, we missed Bob. We started a search for him and, as we entered his compartment, realized he had left his body. Leto warned us immediately:
“Do not touch his body,” She said, “for he has gone with the Master Chananda.” For a few moments Nada had a hard struggle to command herself and keep at peace, for this was the first time Bob had gone forth from his body without previous preparation. However, she soon controlled her feelings and became at ease. In about two hours Bob came walking into the observation car in which we had all gathered. He was as serene as could be, but the rest of us immediately asked concerning his experiences and of course wanted to know where he had been. We could get him to reveal nothing, and finally he said:
“Each of us is to keep his experience strictly within his own consciousness until the end of our destination, and then we are to compare notes.” That afternoon Nada and Pearl were gone about two hours. The next morning Rex and I left our bodies. Each of us had experienced practically the same things, for we were being trained in accurate observation.
Shri Singh, the Brother who had taken Chananda’s place, was delighted in every way, but very silent; yet when He did talk, it was always for some very definite purpose. The day we arrived in Calcutta, Chananda reappeared to us, and when we had become seated at dinner, with His magic, radiant smile, remarked:
“I congratulate each of you on the fearless way in which you are able to leave your bodies and go forth strong and free. It means great enlightenment for all, as well as the entering into a tremendous field of Service. Leto, My Sister, You are a most efficient Instructor, and Your Work with these students is remarkably well done. It is only in this Freedom, My Friends, that you are permitted to know, feel, and experience the Full Use of the Cosmic Rays. You are now in a position to receive the Full Benefit of your training with Us.”
“我祝贺你们每个人无所畏惧地离开自己的身体,坚强而自由地前行。这对所有人来说意味着伟大的启蒙,以及进入一个伟大服务的领域。莱托,我的姐妹,你是一位最高效的指导者,你对这些学生的工作做得很棒。我的朋友们,只有在这种自由中,你们才能被允许了解、感受和体验宇宙光射线的充分使用。你们现在可以从我们给你们的训练中接收到全部好处了。” Electra and our Host of the yacht were silent but very careful observers of all that had taken place, and were no doubt being trained in the same way. We felt keenly the intensity and power of the Instruction, for everything we did had a definite objective and purpose. We arrived in Calcutta and drove rapidly for about half an hour, finally coming to a stop in front of a beautiful building situated upon a prominence in what was evidently the best residential section of the city.
Chananda led the way into the building—which He told us was secretly owned and maintained by the Great White Brotherhood. The interior was a perfect dream of beauty, typical of many of the marvels in India. It breathed the Wisdom, Light, and Purity of ages of Perfection. We went immediately to the Council Chamber on the second floor where we found the Brotherhood already assembled. We noticed seats had been left vacant at the head of the table of honor. Chananda led the way to these seats and took the head Himself. It was only then we learned that He was the Head of the Indian Council.
迦南达带路进入了这座建筑 —— 他告诉我们,这座建筑是由伟大的白色兄弟会秘密拥有和维护的。内部有着梦想中那般完美的美丽,是印度许多建筑奇迹的典型特征。它呼吸着完美时代的智慧、光明和纯洁。我们立即前往二楼的会议厅,发现兄弟会的成员已经聚集在那里。 我们注意到主桌前排的座位是空的。迦南达带路来到这些座位前,他坐在了首座的位置。直到那时我们才知道他是印度议会的首领。
As soon as all had assembled, the business part of the meeting was called, and some of the Ascended Masters were asked to give Their Protection to certain Englishmen in India who were sincere in their desire to bring about greater good. They also arranged for Protection to be given a group of lesser Brothers whose desire to do right was sincere and who were giving good service—but who did not always use the greatest discrimination in the outer activity because their zeal exceeded their wisdom.
当所有的人聚齐,会议的正式部分就开始了,一些扬升大师被要求向在印度的某些英国人提供保护,因为那些英国人真诚地希望带来更伟大的良善。他们也安排了给予一群资历尚浅的兄弟们提供保护,这些资质尚浅的兄弟们真诚地渴望做正确的事情,也提供了良善的服务 —— 但是他们在外部活动中没有发挥出最大的辨别力,因为他们的热情超过了他们的智慧。
After the meeting we were presented to all the Members and spent a delightful social hour. We motored back to our private car and found it had been run out on a spur of track into surroundings that looked like a flower garden—with a beautiful fountain playing just outside the windows where we dined. We commented on the ability of Chananda to have the beautiful always expressed to us, and with one of His smiles that ever gave one the sense of sunshine, He replied:
会议结束后,我们被介绍给在场的所有成员,度过了愉快的社交时光。我们坐车返回我们的私用车,发现它已经停到了一条小道上,那周围的环境看起来就像是一个花园 —— 在我们用餐的窗外有一个美丽的喷泉。我们跟迦南达评价说,他总是有能力让我们看到美丽的表达,带着他一贯阳光般的微笑,他回答说:
“It is really much easier to express the beautiful, because it is natural and the true expression of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within everyone. When anyone truly accepts this Glorious ‘Presence’ and feels It as the Godhead doing all things through and for him, the rest of his activity must conform to Its marvelous Beauty and Perfection. The Full Acceptance of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ by the individual always commands and governs all outer experience harmoniously. It is only when one truly and fully accepts this Glorious ‘God Presence’ within himself that he becomes a True Messenger for Divine Service.
“Then as the Perfection of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ begins to be released in a greater degree through the outer activity, all the courage and assurance comes through; for at last the personal self sees and feels the ‘Mighty Inner Presence,’ knowing Its Full Power, Majesty, and Mastery.”
The next day we were taken to one of the ancient Temples in whose subterranean chambers is going on a Work undreamed of by the outer world. That night at dinner Chananda told us we were to leave for Darjeeling early in the morning, and that we were to eat breakfast en route. The scenery was gorgeous, and the sensation of watching the giant snow-capped mountains come closer and closer as we gradually climbed in altitude was fascinating; but we soon began to feel the change, for we had risen more than seven thousand feet.
We arrived at the top of our climb just in time to see a glorious sunset in a very clear atmosphere. In the distance we could see Mount Everest and the other famous peaks of that glorious range. The majesty—towering presence of these mountains— and the mystery of the ages that shrouded their past made us all feel a deeper longing than ever to reach to the inmost Heart of the Great Eternal Wisdom, to feel ourselves a part of It, and to be able to pour forth Its Blessings to all mankind, that it might be happy also.
我们到达了山顶,时间刚好让我们在非常晴朗的天气中观看绚丽的日落。在远处,我们可以看到珠穆朗玛峰以及那片壮丽山脉的其他著名山峰。这些山脉的雄伟 —— 它们高耸的临在 —— 以及笼罩着它们的过去时代的神秘感,让我们比以往任何时候都更加渴望到达伟大永恒智慧的最核心处,并感受我们自己成为它的一部分,同时也可以把它的祝福倾洒给全人类,从而让他们也获得幸福。
“I want you to stay here tonight,” said Chananda, “and see the sunrise from this particular spot, as it will be many years before we shall see it again—in cooperation with a certain Cosmic Activity that is taking place at this time. It is the first time in seventy years that these two activities occur simultaneously.”
“我希望你们今晚留在这里,”迦南达说,“这样你们就可以从这个特定的地点观看日出,因为我们再次看到它会需要很多年 —— 这是与此时正在发生的某种宇宙活动进行合作,这是七十年来第一次,这两项活动同时进行。”
At three o’clock we arose and mounted our little ponies which took us still higher up the mountain to a point where we could see the sunrise to best advantage. We reached this place just as its Radiance began to grow brighter. In a few seconds Great Rays of Light of every conceivable color began to shoot into the sky and continued for fully ten minutes. It was as if Light Itself rejoiced in the Mighty Presence of Life.
Then as the Great Golden Disc came into view, a Quivering, Sparkling Radiance pierced our flesh and penetrated into the very centers of our bodies. Never before had we experienced any such sensation from sunlight. The vivifying effect lasted for hours, and the glorious feeling the beauty of the scene left with us still floods over me as I recall the experience. One knows after such an occurrence that the Mighty Master Intelligence of the Universe is still at the helm and guides the destinies of our Earth and humanity, notwithstanding all outer appearance of chaos to the contrary.
“You have felt within your bodies,” said Chananda, “a slight Action of the Mighty Cosmic Rays which have been directed to Earth at the present time—by Great Cosmic Masters who are giving Transcendent Assistance in this cycle to humanity in its outer struggle. Their Outpouring is a Radiance of Love, Courage and Strength to the race which sustains the individual during this period of change and so illumines his Inner Bodies that It enables the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ to release more of Its Perfection into and through the outer self.
“Those of you who are to receive Training in the use of these Rays will be enabled to focus Great Streams of Light Essence and consciously direct them—pouring forth Blessings to mankind through Great Currents of Healing Power and Harmonizing Streams of Love. Few are ready to be taught how to control and use these Mighty Rays, but all for whom it is possible are being prepared now. These Great Streams of Condensed Light and Pure Substance can be drawn, qualified, and sent forth again to produce a definite result as easily as a searchlight reveals the scenes it passes over.
“你们中那些准备好接受使用这些光射线训练的人,将能够聚焦伟大的圣光精华能量流,并有意识地引导他们 —— 通过伟大的疗愈能量流与和谐之爱能量流,把祝福洒向全人类。很少有人准备好学习如何控制和使用这些伟大的射线,但是现在正为所有可能的人做好准备。浓缩圣光和纯粹材质的伟大能量流可以被聚集、限定,然后再次发送出去,从而产生明确的结果,这就像探照灯会照亮它所经过的场景一样容易。”
“Come now, we must return and go to the home of the Chief of the Council at Darjeeling.” We went back to our ponies which took us to Darjeeling, and thence were driven by auto to a beautiful home built upon one of the lovely hills surrounding the city. The grounds were filled with stately trees, and the view over the country that lay below us was one of the most beautiful on Earth. We were ushered in and presented to the Head of this Branch of the Great White Brotherhood.
He was a tall, handsome man with piercing dark eyes that seemed to look clear through one; but when there was no intense feeling being expressed, they were as soft as those of a fawn. To our surprise, He did not wear a turban, but His soft, beautiful, dark brown hair waved slightly and fell to his shoulders. He was very gracious and gave us a most loving welcome. A Glorious Peace clothed Him and His surroundings filling the entire place with His Wonderful Radiance.
他是一个身材高大、英俊的男人,有着一双锐利的黑眼睛,看起来能把一个人看透彻。但当他没有强烈的感情表达出时,眼神就像小鹿一样柔软。令我们惊讶的是,他没有戴头巾,他那柔软美丽的深棕色头发微微飘动,垂落在肩上。他非常和蔼可亲,给了我们最热情的欢迎。 一种荣耀的和平笼罩着他以及他的四周,整个地方都充满了他奇妙的光辉。
He inquired about our trip, asked if we had enjoyed the sunrise from the mountain, and invited us to dine with Him that evening. He talked very freely and told us many wonderful things about India. He repeated for our enjoyment many legends about the Himalayan Mountains, and one in particular about the Holy Caves within the Heart of this Mighty Range. His Discourse was fascinating and instructive beyond words.
他询问我们的行程,问我们是否欣赏过山上的日出,并邀请我们那天晚上和他一起吃饭。 他说话很自在,给我们讲了很多关于印度的精彩事迹。他也给我们讲述了许多关于喜马拉雅山脉的传说,特别是关于位于这片雄伟山脉中心的圣洞的传说。他的指导引人入胜,富有启发性,难以言喻。
“Some of these caves,” He said, “you shall see while you are in India, for I know you are interested in the ancient records of mankind; and in one of them the most ancient records upon this Earth are still held in safekeeping. These records are not brought forth into the use of the outer world at the present time because of the lack of spiritual growth and understanding of the people. The race has a restlessness and critical feeling that is a very destructive activity, and these feelings find vent through fanatics of various kinds whose understanding of Life and this magnificent universe is so narrow and childish that they seek to destroy whatever does not agree with their own petty notions of what has been—or ought to be—the Infinite Plan of Creation.
“其中一些山洞,”他说,“你们在印度时会看到,因为我们知道你们对人类远古的记录有兴趣;其中一个洞穴仍然保存着地球上最古老的记录。由于人们缺乏灵性成长和理解,目前这些记录还没有被带到外部世界中使用。人类种族有一种不安和批判的感觉,这是一种极具破坏性的活动,这些感觉通过各种狂热分子找到宣泄的出口,他们对生命和这个宏伟宇宙的理解是如此狭隘和幼稚,以至于他们会试图摧毁不符合他们自己狭隘理念的一切 —— 也就是无限的创造计划。”
“It is this misguided, selfish ignorance in mankind which has been responsible for all inharmony down the ages for the destruction of records that would throw Light upon humanity’s many problems. It was this unbridled vicious feeling that destroyed the wonderful library at Alexandria and the marvelous records of the Incan civilization.
“Yet notwithstanding these former losses, the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood have always foreseen such destructive impulses and have withdrawn all important records of every civilization and preserved them, then left the less important to be destroyed by the vicious impulse of the vandals.
“One day, when humanity is prepared for it and it is positively safe for these records to be given to the outer world, there will appear in a central location a marvelous library—not made by hands—where these records will be available, and those in the outer world who have received the necessary credentials may see them.
“有一天,当人类做好准备,而且当把这些记录提供给外部世界绝对安全时,会在中心位置出现一个奇妙的图书馆 —— 不是人工建成 —— 在那里可以获得这些记录,外部世界中那些已经取得必要资格的人,或许可以阅读它们。”
“When mankind becomes enlightened enough to cease generating the vicious destruction it has been expressing up to the present time, this will be done. Mankind, through its irritated, destructive feeling and powerful thought force, has peopled the visible and invisible with thought-forms of intense passion, hatred, fear, and destruction. These fasten themselves upon the human beings who generated them, and also upon others who, because they have a similar feeling, open themselves to this malignant force.
“Humanity has almost no understanding of what happens when the personal self sends out a feeling of irritation, anger, hate, envy, jealousy, criticism or condemnation. The feeling side of human nature is the feminine activity of consciousness within every individual. The thought is the masculine activity of the mind. A thought never becomes dynamic in the outer life until it passes through the feeling body. The feeling condenses upon the thought pattern the atomic substance of the outer activity of Life. In thus passing through the feeling body, the thought becomes clothed, and thereafter exists as a separate living thing outside of the individual’s mind.
“There have been platitudes by the million written and preached about Divine Love being the Law of Life. But who knows how to generate the Feeling of Divine Love consciously and at will to a limitless degree—and put It in the place of irritation, hate, et cetera, as a wave of actual force and substance in one’s own emotional body? Such a thing is not only possible, but must be done if human beings are to stop suffering and express Perfection. The personality cannot be permanently harmonious except it be kept filled with Divine Love—consciously generated.
有数百万的人写下或者宣讲过神圣之爱是生命法则的这种陈词滥调。但是谁知道如何有意识地、跟随自己的意愿去产生无限的神圣之爱的感觉 —— 来替代那些恼怒、仇恨等等的所在之地,用神圣之爱作为一个人情绪体中实质性的力量和组成材质?如果人类想要停止苦难并表达出完美,这样的事情不仅是可能发生的,而且是必须要去完成的。人格不可能永久性的处于和谐之中,除非它充满神圣之爱 —— 有意识地去产生这种情感。
“If mental statements of the Law of Life and prayers were the way to Perfection, Happiness and Freedom, the number of sermons preached on this Earth should have perfected and illumined a hundred planets long before this. If prayers—which, by the way, are generally a series of ‘I wants,’ or ‘O Lord give us’—were the way to Freedom from limitation, the prayers that have been uttered in this world should have perfected a dozen humanities.
“如果对生命法则进行心智层面的陈述和祈祷,是通往完美、幸福和自由的道路,那么在地球上宣讲的布道早就应该到达完美的状态,也应该照亮千百颗行星了。顺便一说,如果祈祷 —— 其实祈祷通常来说都是一系列的‘我想要…’,或是‘主啊,请赐予我们’ —— 是摆脱限制通往自由的道路的话,那么在这个世界发出的祈祷应该已经完善了十几个人类文化了。”
“I do not say that prayers have not brought good; they have. But prayer should be a quieting of the intellect and a stilling of the feeling, that the personality might feel the Outpouring of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and receive the Response from within. Prayer should be an Outpouring of Love and Gratitude to the ‘Presence’ for the limitless opportunities and good contained within Life.
“The outer world likes to flatter its vanity by the feeling that it has the ability to accomplish great things; but so far as the control and Perfection of the feeling is concerned, the outer world is still in a savage state. Human beings sting others as well as themselves through vicious feelings just as surely as does the scorpion. The predominant feeling in our modern world is terrifically vicious when personalities are opposing and criticizing those who disagree with them. So-called civilized people commit murder every day of the week through sending out angry and irritated feelings that kill the higher impulses in others.
“It is the feeling of the race that needs to be redeemed and saved from its own self-generated destruction. Until the individual understands the need of Self-control in regard to his feeling—in the waking consciousness—it is impossible to maintain any permanent forward movement of a constructive nature. All accomplishment that is not attained through the Feeling of Divine Love is but temporary, for Divine Love alone is the way to Permanent Perfection.
“It is pitiful to see how for centuries the human race has occupied its time and used its energy to build up things through thought, and at the same time tear its creation to pieces by inharmonious feelings. It is childish and is a stubborn refusal to fulfill the Eternal Plan of Perfection.
“The hour is at hand when the Great Cosmic Law which governs this system of worlds is releasing a tremendous Expansion of the Light of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ throughout our group of planets, and whatever cannot accept the Power of that Light is consumed thereby. So mankind need no longer fool itself with the idea that it can continue to generate destructive feeling and survive. The end of the former dispensation has come, and all things are made new. Let him who runs, read—that he may learn the Way of Light while there is yet time.
“时间即将到来,即统治这个世界体系的伟大宇宙法则将会在我们的行星群中释放 ‘伟大我是临在’的巨大圣光拓展,任何无法接受该圣光力量的事物都会被吞噬殆尽。因此,人类不再需要自欺欺人地认为他们可以继续产生破坏性的情感并生存下来。前一个世代的终结已经到来,万物都会焕然一新。让那些奔跑的人去学习吧 —— 这样他就能趁还有时间来学习光之道。”
“There is no evil anywhere on this Earth or any other except that which human beings have generated themselves sometime, somewhere. Most of it has been done through ignorance, but a great deal has been done willfully by those who ought to know better and who are fully aware of their wrongdoing. The individual who uses his intellect to foster destructive activities in the New Cycle into which we have recently entered must face his own destruction, for its recoil is inevitable. It will be swift and definite, for the present activity is expressing such speed that the recoil is many times only a matter of hours, weeks, or months at most, where heretofore it has been a matter of years.
“The Ascended Masters work ceaselessly to have humanity understand and see this; and the work of Our Messengers is to get this Truth into the consciousness of mankind as clearly as possible.
“It is now nearly dinner time. Attendants will show you to your quarters. After refreshing yourselves, return here, and we shall dine.” Later, dinner was announced by beautiful chimes. Our Host offered His arm to Nada and led the way into a magnificent banquet hall, which must have seated fully five hundred people.
“This is really our Council Chamber,” He explained. “Later this evening all the members of the Darjeeling Council will assemble here.” We enjoyed a most delicious dinner while our Host entertained us with an endless fund of information. As we were leaving, He asked to be excused as He had work to do before the Council met.
“Our Host,” said Chananda, in whose care He had left us, “is a Brother of Great Wisdom and Power, but the very embodiment of gentleness and kindness.”
At nine o’clock He returned, and offering His arm to Leto, led the way into the Council Chamber where two hundred Members of the Great White Brotherhood had already assembled. He took His place at the head of the main table, and seated half of our group on His right and the other half on His left. He called the meeting to order, and Their Work began. We were thrilled again and again as we listened to the solution of many important world problems—especially some of those which were holding the attention of Europe at the moment. He then assigned certain duties to many of the Brothers.
九点钟的时候他返回,向莱托伸出了手臂,带路进入议会厅,那里已经聚集了两百名伟大白色兄弟会的成员。他坐在主桌的首位,让我们这群人一半坐在他的右边,一半坐在他的左边。然后他宣布议会进入秩序中,他们的工作开始了。当我们听到世界上很多重要问题的解决方案时,我们一阵又一阵地感到兴奋 —— 尤其一些目前引起欧洲关注的问题。然后他向许多兄弟分配了特定的职责。
The meeting adjourned and we were presented individually to many of the members. We had been enjoying the social activities for some few moments when I noticed that Rex was laboring under the strain of some intense excitement. He watched one of the members closely for some time, and then went quickly and boldly up to our Host. He informed Him there was a spy in the room and pointed out the individual. For an instant it seemed as if the power within the Chief would crush him, but Rex was clothed in a Divine Dignity that never flinched.
“That is a grave charge,” said the Chief. “It will require proof.”
At that moment the man in question came up to Pearl and realized instantly that he was being watched. He reached into the folds of his robe, drew something forth and raised it to his mouth. Pearl seized it as quick as a flash; and Bob, who stood near, with one leap pinned the man’s hands behind him in a grasp of steel.
“Search him!” said Pearl, as our Host stepped forward; and Rex, without waiting for authority from anyone, went through the spy’s clothing like lightning. He found all the proof they needed of his activities as a spy. As the Chief came forward and saw the name on the papers Rex handed him, he was surprised indeed; for the spy, who was an educated Afghan, had been sent into India by a government that breeds only destruction and had ferreted his way into the outer ranks of this Council to obtain information which he had been using against them. At a signal, one of the Brothers stepped forward and led the spy from the room.
“Brother Rex,” said our Host with a gracious smile, “you have served the Cause of Light well and rendered our Brotherhood a Blessing of tremendous import. There has been a leak in some of our activities recently. Tell me, how did you become aware of his operations? He has been deceiving us very cleverly.”
“My attention,” replied Rex, “was drawn to him by the Inner Power of my ‘I AM Presence,’ and as I watched his eyes, I knew he was practicing some kind of deception. It all happened so quickly I hardly knew in the outer activity of my mind what was occurring. If it had not been for Pearl, my Twin Ray, we would have been too late.”
“Outwardly, you three may not have known what it was all about, but the ‘Mighty Presence of the I AM’ has acted with unerring Decision. You see, My Beloved Ones, how the Twin Rays can act with the speed of lightning in perfect unison when the Great Inner ‘Presence’ is allowed to have Full Control.
“My Sister and Brother,” He continued, as He extended His left hand to Pearl and His right one to Rex, “you will be able to do splendid work for the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the Great White Brotherhood, and humanity. I bless you for that Service.”
“What is to be done with the spy?” asked Pearl.
“The man knows what he must do,” replied the Chief. “Let us forget it ever happened. We shall always remember your Service to the Brotherhood.” By this time most of the guests had left, so we bade our Host good-by, for we were leaving Darjeeling in the morning. We did not stop again at Calcutta but went directly through to Benares, the Sacred City of the Hindus, and one of the oldest cities in India. As our private coach drew into the railway station, we became keenly aware of a sincere devotion in the very atmosphere of the place.
Imagine our joy when almost the very first person we saw was our beloved friend Alexander Gaylord, who had arrived in Benares only a few hours before. Rex, Bob and I made a dash for him as soon as the train stopped. When his Friend, the owner of the yacht, came up to greet him, they looked into each other’s eyes with a deep Love and Understanding born of centuries of association. As Leto, Gaylord’s Twin Ray, approached, he extended his arms and held Her close to his Heart. Chananda then presented Electra.
“We are to be guests this evening of one of the oldest Councils in India,” He said. “It is to be purely a spiritual feast—devoted entirely to the guests. All Members of the Order are to wear their Seamless Robes. I shall return for you at six o’clock.” We returned to our compartment and prepared for the evening banquet. When Chananda returned He was accompanied by his sister, Najah, a beautiful young girl—or at least so She appeared—to whom we were presented. We were driven to a beautiful building on an elevation overlooking the city. As we approached the entrance, involuntarily we expressed our joy at the beauty and exquisite surroundings of the scene we gazed upon.
“今晚我们将成为印度最古老理事会的客人,”他说。“这是一场纯粹的灵性盛宴 —— 完全奉献给在场的客人。修道会的所有成员都要穿着他们的无缝长袍。我会在六点钟回来接你们。”我们回到包厢,为晚上的宴会做准备。当迦南达回来时,他由他的妹妹娜迦陪同着,那是一位美丽年轻的少女 —— 至少她看上去如此 —— 我们被介绍给她。我们被带到一栋美丽的建筑,它位于高处,俯瞰整个城市。当我们走近入口时,眼前的景色美丽而精致,我们不由自主地流露出喜悦之情。
As we passed through the entrance we entered a rotunda of pink marble veined with soft green, in which there were seven white marble pillars. The effect was warm, delicate, and very beautiful. Najah led the way to the dressing rooms where we donned our Seamless Robes, and then conducted us toward a great arched doorway that opened at our approach, admitting us into a large magnificent council chamber made entirely of white marble and elaborately decorated in gold. There were no lighting fixtures in the place, yet it was filled by a soft White Light that was wonderful. This great hall seated fully five hundred people, some two hundred having already arrived.
“We are to be honored tonight by three Divine Guests,” announced Chananda, as He presented us to those assembled and we took our seats. “Let us meditate upon the Great Principle of Life—the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’—until music shall signal the close of our meditation.” Presently the soft tones of great bells stole gently upon the air, and as we raised our heads and looked toward the head of the table where the three vacant chairs had been, we could scarcely repress our exclamation of joy and surprise as we saw our beloved Saint Germain at the head of the table—on His left Nada Rayborn, and on his right, Daniel.
“今晚我们因三位神圣客人的到来倍感荣耀,”迦南达把我们介绍给在场的人时宣布说,然后我们就座。“让我们共同对生命的伟大法则 —— ‘伟大的我是临在’ —— 进行冥想,直至音乐示意我们冥想结束。”不一会儿,轻柔的巨大钟声在空中悄然响起,当我们抬起头看向桌首原本空着的三把椅子时,我们几乎无法抑制我们喜悦的惊叹和惊喜,因为我们看到我们敬爱的圣哲曼坐在桌子的首位 —— 他左侧是娜达·雷伯恩,右边是丹尼尔·雷伯恩。
Everyone in the room rose in honor of these Blessed Beings, as the guests of honor. Our impulse was to rush to Them in greeting, so great was our joy, but something in each of us controlled all outer activity, and we bowed low in quiet dignity and loving respect.
“I present to you our Beloved Brother of Light, Saint Germain,” said Chananda, addressing those assembled, “and His two Guests, Nada and Daniel Rayborn, who raised their bodies as His Students in America. Our Sister raised Her body after what to the outer world seemed death.
Our Brother Daniel accomplished His Victory without coming to that point.” At the close of this Explanation, the Light within and about Chananda blazed forth in a Dazzling Radiance as He continued: “Our Blessed Brother and Honored Guest Saint Germain will have full charge of the evening and will conduct the rest of the work.” Saint Germain, in His usual Loving Dignity, bowed in Acknowledgment of the greeting and replied:
“We shall have a banquet tonight served from the cosmic kitchen. Many of you have heard of these Activities but have not seen or experienced the substance from which is produced everything the Heart Desires.
The beautiful banquet tables had jade tops, so no linen was supplied to cover their magnificence. Saint Germain asked all to bow their heads in loving acceptance of the great Abundance and Outpouring from the “Mighty I AM Presence.” As He finished His Acknowledgment to the Source of all Life, the service for the meal began to appear. The plates, cups, and saucers were made of pink china decorated with delicate moss roses. The silver knives, forks, and spoons had carved jade handles; and tumblers of carved jade filled with a golden sparkling nectar appeared at the right hand of each guest. Then followed a tiny loaf of bread about two by two by four inches, appearing upon each plate. The food for each person came individually as if it had been ordered separately, for everyone received that which he most desired until all were served abundantly and were satisfied. Next came many kinds of luscious fruit in great golden containers, and for dessert a kind of fruit-whip appeared in crystal dishes. The entire banquet was served without the clatter of a single dish, and at the close Saint Germain arose and addressed the guests.
漂亮的宴会桌子是玉石桌面的,所以没有提供亚麻布来掩盖它们的华丽。圣哲曼让所有的人都低下头,在爱中接受来自“伟大我是临在”的伟大丰盛和倾洒。当他完成对所有生命源头的认可后,晚餐的服务开始了。盘子、杯子和碟子是用粉红色的瓷器制成的,上面装饰着精致的苔藓玫瑰。 银刀、银叉和勺子都有雕刻的玉柄;每个客人的右手边都出现了一个玉雕酒杯,里面盛满了金光闪闪的甘露。然后出现的是放置在盘子上的大约2*2*4英寸的小面包。每个人的食物都是单独上来的,就像是单点的一样,因为每个人都得到了他最想要的东西,一直到所有人都吃得很饱,而且心满意足。接下来是巨大黄金容器中的多种甘美水果,而甜点则是放置在水晶杯中的一种水果鞭。整个宴会没有任何盘子碰撞的声音,最后圣哲曼起身向客人致辞。
“The Great Ascended Masters,” He began, “have wanted you to see, know, and partake of food which is produced direct from the Omnipresent Cosmic Substance. This Substance is what has been explained to you as the Pure Electronic Substance which fills Infinity, and out of which all forms are created and all manifestation produced. This Limitless Substance about you everywhere is yours to manipulate, to mold into form without any limit whatsoever when you hold close enough and sincerely enough without interruption to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ in you. This Glorious Angelic Being and Power which is the Real You—who is constantly pouring Its Energy into your physical brain and body, is God Individualized at your point in the Universe to mold this Cosmic Substance into whatever form you decree.
“伟大的扬升大师,”他开始说道,“希望你们能够看到、了解并享用直接从无所不在的宇宙材质中产生的食物。这种材质就是已经向你们解释过的、充满无限的纯粹电子物质。所有的形态都是由它创造出来的,所有一切都是由它产生的。当你足够接近并真诚地保持与你内在“伟大我是临在”的连结而不中断时,你周围无所不在的这种无限的材质就可以供你驱使,可以毫无限制地塑造出所有形态。这个荣耀的天使临在和力量是真正的你 —— 不断地将其能量注入你的物质大脑和身体中,它是神在你宇宙中的个体化表达,并把这种宇宙材质塑造成你想要的任何形态。
“To the human beings who do not or will not recognize the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the Use, Joy, and Freedom of this great bounty by direct precipitation remains unused because their feeling of fear, doubt, hate, anger, selfishness, or lust builds an impassable wall around them, shutting out the Power and Perfection of the ‘Light’ which would otherwise come through.
“The Great, All-Wise Creator of Perfect Form everywhere throughout space builds those forms according to the Pattern of Perfection, which is another name for the Law of Divine Love. This always means the orderly, harmonious way of attraction. The feeling of fear, doubt, et cetera, is a rate of vibration which shatters form and scatters substance; hence, is diametrically opposed to Love, Harmony and Order.
“To the individual who acknowledges the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’—takes a determined stand with It, and continually maintains a feeling of Divine Love in the personality—to him all that you have seen done tonight is possible of accomplishments right now in this lifetime. This banquet has been given for your encouragement, enlightenment, and strength.
“对于承认‘伟大我是临在’的个人来说 —— 要对此坚定立场,并在人格中持续地保持神圣之爱的感觉 —— 对他来说,你今晚目睹的所发生的一切都是这个人在此生当中可以达成的成就。这场盛宴就是来给予你们鼓舞、启发和力量。”
“The power of precipitation used here tonight is within every individual; I assure you it is no myth. Turn to your own Mighty Master Within; this will enable you to acknowledge the ‘I AM.’ Continually turn to It, that Its Mighty Power may be released and the Ascended Master Wisdom come forth—directing your every activity. Break down the self-created barriers that have bound you and see what an avalanche of good the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ stands always ready to pour out into your use at your conscious command when you charge your feeling with Divine Love and maintain order in the temple —your mind and body. Our good Brother Daniel Rayborn has something which He wishes to tell you.”
“今晚所使用的这种沉降的力量存在于每个人之中;我向你们保证,这是真实不虚的。转向你们内在自己的伟大主宰,这会让你们去认可‘我是’。持续地把注意力转向它,它的伟大力量就会被释放出来,扬升大师的智慧就会到来 —— 指导你们的每一个活动。打破束缚着你们的自己创造的障碍,去看看,当你们用神圣之爱充满你们的情感,让你们的心智和身体殿堂保持有序,在你们有意识的命令之中,‘伟大我是临在’随时准备好向外倾洒怎样多的祝福供你们使用。我们的好兄弟丹尼尔·雷伯恩有一些事情想告诉你们。”
As Rayborn arose, we felt a thrill pass through the whole room; and for more than thirty minutes, He poured forth Marvelous Wisdom with a Force that seemed to burn the very Words into the consciousness of everyone. He spoke with a conviction that could only come from One who had more than human power. Chananda said a few words in praise and gratitude to our wonderful Guests, asking Them to be with us again soon. Saint Germain then arose and continued:
当雷伯恩站起来时,我们感到整个房间穿越过一丝震颤。 在三十多分钟的时间里,他倾注了奇妙的智慧,其力量似乎将每一句话都烙进了每个人的意识中。他说话时带着一种只有拥有超越人类力量的人才能拥有的信念。迦南达对我们美妙的客人说了几句赞美和感谢的话,并请求他们尽快再次与我们在一起。圣哲曼随后起身继续说道:
“Most Gracious Host and Friends,” He began, “I wish to present the entire service used at this banquet to your Council for future use. Observe!” Instantly all the used service began reappearing on the table as clean and fresh as if it had never been used. In the midst of this joyous experience a beautiful vase of carved jade filled with wonderful pink roses appeared on each table.
“This comes to you, Our Beloved Friends,” He continued, “with the Love and Blessings of the Ascended Host. May it ever be a fond memory to you all.” Then with one word—”Dismissed”—the banquet was over. As quickly as our dignity permitted, we hurried to greet our Beloved Saint Germain, Nada, and Daniel Rayborn. The parents held Their children long in Their Loving Embrace —Nada the mother holding Bob in Her arms, and as She released him, said:
他继续说:“我亲爱的朋友们,这是扬升之主的爱与祝福降临到你们身上。愿它成为你们所有人美好的回忆。”然后一声 —— “散去” —— 宴会就结束了。在我们尊严允许的情况下,我们赶紧去迎接我们敬爱的圣哲曼、娜达和丹尼尔·雷伯恩。这对父母在他们的怀抱中长久地拥抱着自己的孩子 —— 母亲娜达把鲍勃抱在怀中,当她松开双臂时说道:
“My Blessed Children, I congratulate you for your Love and Devotion to the Light. Your Reward will be very great, for at the end of the two year period of your probation, a Glorious Surprise will await you. Until then We shall see you often at your destination in India. We have Work to do now so I must say good-night and God bless you.” Then bowing to Chananda and Najah, They disappeared with Saint Germain.
We thanked our Host for the wonderful evening, and it was then that He told us we were to leave early the next morning for our destination, as we had remained as long as the work permitted. We returned at once to our private car, and as Chananda bade us good-night, gave directions to breakfast en route, saying that He would return before we reached Simla. We left at seven o’clock the next morning, hoping to stop at Benares, Lucknow, Delhi, and Simla.
We received direction to lose no time but to go direct to our destination in the Himalayas where we were to make our home for many months—and nothing else was really of importance but obedience to that Command. Unless one is seeking the Release of the Light within himself no one can fully understand and appreciate the feeling that nothing is really important but “All of God” and those experiences by which the Light is released.
我们接收到指示,要即刻前往我们在喜马拉雅山的目的地,在那里我们要安家几个月的时间 —— 除了服从这个命令,没有其他更重要的了。除非一个人去寻求释放自己内在的圣光,否则他是不会完全明白和理解这种感觉:除了“神的一切”和那些让圣光释放的体验之外,没有什么是真正重要的。
Gaylord was to meet us at Benares on our way north and remain with us during the rest of our stay in India. The country we passed through was very beautiful. We discussed what modern equipment could do for India, and through it she could become the garden spot of the world. Her countless rivers could make it into a Perfect Paradise; for India is beginning to feel her wings again, and her industries will rise once more. She will return to that majestic glory she has reached several times in her past, and regardless of the crushing influences that have preyed upon her in the last two or three hundred years, India’s great problem will yet be solved —in Perfect Divine Order. Her teeming millions will be given the opportunity to express the Light and God Presence that is within them.
There is a Great Cosmic Wheel of Progress which affects our entire Earth. It governs the Expansion of the Light in the entire system to which this planet belongs. When that Wheel turns to a certain point— and it is nearer than mankind realizes—it will focus certain Rays of Energy upon the Earth. Then the resistance to greater good that is set up by puny, selfish personalities and unawakened mentalities will be as chaff before a mighty wind. The efforts of those human beings will be useless, and they will be compelled to obey a Power far greater than their own selfish cravings.
有一个伟大宇宙进化之轮,影响着我们整个地球。它掌管着这颗地球所属的整个系统的圣光的拓展。当轮子转动到某个点时 —— 要比人类意识到的更接近 —— 它就会把某些能量射线聚焦在地球上。然后,那些由弱小、自私的人格和未觉醒的心智构成的对伟大良善的抵抗就会像大风前的秕糠一样。那些人类的努力会毫无用处,他们会被迫服从一种远远超越他们自私欲望的力量。
The day passed quickly, and after dinner we gathered in Gaylord’s compartment, asking him to tell us something of his own experiences. After considerable coaxing and a promise on our part not to divulge what he revealed, he described briefly one of his embodiments in South America during the time of the Incan civilization. We listened spellbound for more than three hours to the experiences of that Life, during which Leto was also in incarnation. In one part we were so fascinated by his portrayal and had so entered into the activities with him that we were all in tears before we realized it. His narrative was one of the most thrilling to which I ever listened, and at the end he told us he had in his possession the ancient records in the Incan characters to prove the principal experiences of that Life. These were of such an heroic nature, and because of the stand Leto and he had taken for the Right in that Life, the Release of the Light within both of them was revealing Its Freedom now.
The next morning Chananda greeted us and explained that He had made arrangements to take us from the train to the end of our journey at once. “You must arrive at your destination,” He announced, “before the Cosmic Cycle reaches a certain point.” As we left the train at Simla, Chananda led the way to a compound some distance farther. It was surrounded by a high wall, and as we entered the gates, a caravan stood waiting for us, ready to leave immediately. The attendants brought our luggage, and we mounted small mountain ponies. Chananda gave the command to depart at once; and due to His mysterious influence, no one paid the slightest attention to us as we passed out of the city.
We soon entered the mountain fastness and for quite a while followed a beautiful stream. We kept on ascending for some distance and then suddenly, passing behind a great wall of rock extending from the side of the cliff, we came to an opening leading directly into the side of the mountain. Chananda led the way without a moment’s hesitation, and soon the entire place became illumined by a Soft White Light. From all appearances, we must have followed the bed of an underground watercourse.
We entered this underground tunnel at noon and continued until four-thirty in the afternoon. As we emerged we found ourselves in a beautiful sunlit valley about four miles long and perhaps two miles at the widest point, with a lovely stream running through the center of the entire length. The climate was semi-tropical, and as the valley ran from east to west, it was filled with sunshine the greater part of the day. The north wall was a sheer cliff hundreds of feet high, and at the west end played a waterfall that looked like a bridal veil. The most rare, luscious fruits and vegetables grew in lavish abundance. I was wondering whether this was the place that Gaylord had described in telling us of his former experiences in India, when he answered my thought.
“No, this is not the place I mentioned,” he said. “We are far from there.” As we came nearer a great building, I called out involuntarily to the others, “This is the Palace of Light!” And much to my surprise, Gaylord replied, “Yes, that is true. It is so known by all who enter this Retreat.”
As we came to the entrance of the grounds, the beauty and grandeur of the entire setting sent a thrill through us of Love and admiration for the place. We dismounted, and attendants took charge of the caravan, leading the animals to a group of smaller buildings half a mile away across the stream. Chananda led the way to the entrance, and as we came nearer, the beauty of the building held us spellbound, so magnificent was its architecture and workmanship. It was built of pure white onyx, four stories high, having a great dome in the center. As we came up the steps, the tones of a beautiful bell announced our arrival and welcomed us as guests of the Retreat. In a moment, the great door opened, and Najah stood there to greet us. Chananda gave us one of His magic radiant smiles in enjoyment of our surprise.
“This is Our Home,” He commented happily. “We welcome each one of you; for it is your home as long as you desire to stay and whenever you wish to come. You will find silk Robes and undergarments in your rooms,” He continued, “which you are to wear while here. They will not soil nor wear out, so have no fear in wearing them.
We were shown to our quarters on the second floor, overlooking the valley. They were a dream of beauty—exquisite, comfortable, and provided with every possible convenience and luxury. We refreshed ourselves for dinner and put on our Robes as requested. We could not refrain from comparing them with the ones in which we had been traveling. The fabric of our wonderful new Garments was a precipitated material of such quality as has never been produced by any physical means of manufacture. The fabric was unlike anything in the outside world. It was shimmering with a Dazzling Radiance, thick and soft as down inside. Each Robe was worn with a girdle of the same material, heavily jeweled, and Sandals of beautiful design were also provided to match each Robe.
我们被带到二楼的住处,那里可以俯瞰山谷。这里的风景有梦幻般的美丽 —— 精致、舒适,并提供了一切可能的便利和奢华。我们吃过晚饭,恢复了精力,并按要求穿上了长袍。我们忍不住把它们与我们在旅途中穿着的衣服进行比较。我们精美的新衣服的面料是由沉降而来的材料制成的,其品质是任何外在物质生产方法不可比拟的。这种织物与外部世界中的任何东西都不一样。它闪烁着耀眼的光芒,里面又厚又软。每件长袍都配有相同材质制成的、镶有大量珠宝的腰带,还提供设计精美的凉鞋来搭配每件长袍。
The moment we placed these Robes upon our bodies a thrill of lightness passed through us making us feel as if we were about to float into the air. The effect was amazing and instantaneous. We were happy beyond words as we contemplated the wonder of the whole experience and the marvelous Power of these Blessed Ascended Masters—who are so Transcendent in Their Power and yet so humble and so natural in Their Loving Association and Friendship. While we were admiring our wonderful Garments, the chimes sounded to announce dinner. We went at once to the reception room on the first floor where the ladies of our group awaited us in similar Robes. Chananda offered His arm to Pearl and led the way to what He said was Their private dining room. It was large enough to seat at least forty people in great comfort and was magnificently decorated in white and violet. To our amazement we noticed that the chairs were similar to those in the Diamond K Ranch in America, except that they were upholstered in violet silk velvet instead of blue.
当我们把长袍穿在身上的那一刻,一种轻盈之感传遍全身,让我们感觉好像要漂浮在空中。 效果令人赞叹、立竿见影。当我们思考整个经历的奇妙以及这些受祝福的扬升大师的神奇力量时,我们感到难以言表的高兴—— 他们的力量是如此超然,然而他们的爱之连结和友情却如此谦虚和自然。当我们正在欣赏漂亮的服装时,晚餐的钟声响起。我们立刻去了一楼的接待室,跟我们一同来的女士们穿着类似的长袍在那里等着我们。 迦南达向珀尔伸出手臂,带路前往他说过的他们的私人餐厅。餐厅足够大,至少可以舒适地容纳四十人,它以白色和紫色装饰,非常华丽。令我们惊讶的是,我们注意到这些椅子与美国钻石K牧场的椅子相似,不过这里椅子的软垫是紫罗兰色的丝绒,而非蓝色。
Toward one end of the room stood an enormous teakwood table, seating at least twenty people, heavily inlaid with a substance that looked like gold but was in reality a precipitated material. Toward the other end of the room was a white onyx table of the same size, the top of which was inlaid in violet and gold—it too being a precipitated substance. Just inside the position where each plate would rest was a white rose with a delicate pink center—also inlaid on the violet part—and in the center of the table were two clasped hands of most beautiful gold inlay. It is utterly impossible to put into words the beauty and Perfection of these things which are precipitated; for it is easy to produce effects entirely impossible in any other type of substance.
房间的一端立着一张巨大的柚木桌子,至少可坐二十人,桌子上镶嵌着一种看起来像金子但实际上是沉淀材料的物质。房间的另一端有一张同样大小的白色玛瑙桌子,桌子的顶部镶嵌着紫罗兰色和金色的物质—— 也是一种沉淀物。就在每个镶嵌处的里面,有一朵白色的玫瑰花,中心是精致的粉色 —— 也嵌着紫罗兰色 —— 桌子的中央是最优美的黄金镶嵌的两只紧握的双手。这些由沉降而来的事物,其美丽和完美是无法用语言形容的,因为沉降的物质很容易产生任何其他类型的材质完全不可能达到的效果。
We took our places around the table, and Chananda poured forth an Adoration from the depths of His Heart to the Supreme Presence of Life. We in the outer world have no concept of the Adoration these Great Ascended Masters constantly pour out to the Great Giver of all Good.
Presently two dark-skinned attendants appeared with the service, following with a dinner of wonderful nut-loaf, luscious salad, hot rolls, and for dessert, the most delicious fruit pudding I have ever tasted. The drink served with the meal was what Chananda called a golden wine. It was not intoxicating, but wonderfully invigorating.
“We shall breakfast at nine and have dinner at half-past five, except on special occasions. All are to retire not later than eleven and arise at six o’clock in the morning. There will be containers filled with fresh fruit and honey cakes in your rooms every day, if at any time you should feel hungry.
“You are here to enter upon Definite Attunement and Work that will fill your Hearts with great joy; but at times it will demand your utmost strength. Tomorrow I shall show you the palace. I have received a communication announcing that tomorrow evening we shall be honored by the Presence of the Ascended Master Council, and as the Guest of Honor we shall have the Great Divine Director. He is seldom seen, I assure you, even by those who are far advanced. I feel some Tremendous Special Dispensation is at hand—so tonight retire early, and you will know for the first time what it means to rest in the Embrace of Light, a Light which is rarely seen. Come now, and we shall go to the Chamber of Music, for Najah has heard of your splendid voices and would enjoy hearing you sing.”
“你们来这里是为了进入明确的校准和工作之中,这会让你们的内心充满极大的喜悦;不过有点时候它要求你们使出最大的力量。明天我会带你们参观宫殿。我接收到一份通知,宣布明天晚上我们将有幸见到扬升大师议会的临在,作为主要宾客,伟大神圣的指导者会来到这里。极少有人见到他,我向你们保证,即便是那些非常进化的人也极少见他。我感觉到一些伟大特殊的恩典即将到来 —— 所以今晚早些休息,你们将会第一次体验到在圣光的怀抱中休息意味着什么,这种圣光非常罕见。来吧,让我们去音乐室,因为娜迦听说你们有着美妙的声音,很高兴欣赏你们的歌声。”
When we entered the music room, we saw that their organ and piano were exact duplicates of those used in Saint Germain’s Retreat at the Cave of Symbols in America, and there were also several small musical instruments and a beautiful harp. Najah seated herself at the piano and ran Her fingers lightly over the keys, the instrument responding like a living thing to the magic of Her touch. Nada and Rex sang their “Arab Love Song,” and the quartet followed with several numbers which we all greatly enjoyed.
“Beloved Friends,” said Chananda, “you are wonderfully blest with God’s Marvelous Gifts, and through them you will be able to reach and bless many in your service to mankind.”
We asked if They would play for us, and They assented graciously. A glance passed between Them, and Chananda stepped to the organ, seating Himself at the instrument. They sat in meditation a few moments, perfectly motionless, and then began. The vibrations in the atmosphere around us commenced to increase. Then the Music surged forth like an ocean of sound, as if a Great Soul were entering the Ecstasy of Eternal Freedom and the Legions of Light from out Infinity were welcoming the Ascending One as a New Sun rising within space.
They modulated from one number to another until They had played four pieces, and by the time They finished, it seemed impossible to move, so great was our attunement and happiness. We tried to express our appreciation, gratitude and joy but it was impossible to put our feeling into words. Najah understood and said humbly:
“The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ does all things when there is no longer any obstruction between the human and the Master Self; for the outer is raised into the same vibratory action as the Inner Light.”
With a joyous good-night and blessing to each other, we went to our rooms. I wondered if I should be able to sleep at all, so raised was the vibratory action of my body, but I dropped off before I knew it. I awakened in the morning with a very vivid consciousness of having gone forth in my Finer Body, and in doing so, entered the mountain back of the Palace of Light through a secret, massive door. I then entered a series of caves where there was evidence of a very ancient civilization—very, very ancient—beyond anything of which we had ever known in the outer world. When we met at breakfast, I asked Chananda the meaning of my experience. His face lighted up with that wonderful smile.
带着愉悦的晚安和对彼此的祝福,我们回到了自己的房间。我好奇自己是否能睡得着,因为身体的振动如此强烈,但我不知不觉就睡了过去。早上我醒来时,在非常清醒的意识中,我在自己精微的身体中走了出去,通过一扇秘密的大门,进入了圣光宫殿的后山。然后走近一系列的山洞中,那里存放着非常古老文明存在的证据 —— 非常非常古老 —— 远远超越我们外部世界所知。当我们吃早餐时,我询问迦南达这段体验的意义。他的脸上绽放出灿烂的笑容。
“My Good Friend,” He explained, “you have seen a Great Truth, and I assure you it is very Real. At the appointed time you shall see with your own eyes what you have seen in that experience with the Inner Sight. Your experience convinces me of the great importance of the visit from Our Guest of Honor tonight. Truly, My Beloved Friends from America, you are ready for the full Light. I only await the Command of My Superior to unfold to you many real wonders.
“Each one of you has gone through innumerable experiences, the full memory of which is about to be revealed. You are ready to leap forward in a way that will astound you. Come now, if you are ready, and I shall show you many of the marvels that we have in this Retreat.”
We went first to the dome in the center of the building; and instead of it being an ordinary observatory, we found it to be what Chananda called a Cosmic Observatory. It was filled with many instruments of which the scientists of the outer world know nothing. One of these was an Absorption Reflector which drew the image of the desired object through the Etheric Rays and then reflected it to the observer. It was a simple thing in its construction, but not in the quality of the substance of which the instrument was composed. Chananda explained at this point that the Etheric Rays and those which are being called the Cosmic Rays by the scientists of the outer world are not the same.
There was another piece of mechanism called a Light Projector, by means of which it was possible to send either a Life-giving or a disintegrating ray to an incredible distance. There was a radio-television so Perfect that it is the marvel of all ages.
After observing several other inventions in this room we went downstairs to the next floor where we saw a great council chamber seating seven hundred people. The walls of this room were of a beautiful milk-white onyx, with the most marvelous blue trimmings. On the floor was a thick carpet of the same wonderful blue. There were no windows, and the room occupied almost the entire floor of the palace. Here again were beautiful chairs like those we had seen in the dining room, but upholstered in the soft rich blue that trimmed the rest of the room. At the side was a dais on which stood an Altar and a Golden Chair. It was the most perfect thing one could imagine. The main part of the Altar was Precipitated Gold, but the top was made of another precipitated substance, the shade of blue that borders onto violet—the substance itself emitting a Silver Radiance because of its luminosity. Around the edge was a border of Gold about two inches wide. The Chair carried out the same designs as that on the Altar; the seat was upholstered in blue and had a high back extending well above the head.
在观察了这个房间里的其他几项发明后,我们走下楼梯到了下一层,在那里我们看到了一个可容纳七百人的巨大会议室。会议室的墙壁是美丽的乳白色缟玛瑙,有着最美妙的蓝色装饰。地板上铺着厚重的地毯,也是同样美妙的蓝色。没有窗户,房间几乎占据了宫殿的整个楼层。这里也摆放着漂亮的椅子,就像我们在餐厅里看到的那些椅子一样,不过房间的其他部分装饰的是柔和而丰富的蓝色。旁边是一个讲台,上门有圣坛和黄金椅子。这是一个人可以想象得到的最完美的事物。圣坛的主要部分是沉降的黄金,但是它的顶部是由另一种沉降的物质制成,颜色是蓝色色调与紫色相接的那部分 —— 这种材质本身由于其亮度而发出银色光芒。边缘的周围有一条约两英寸宽的金边。椅子的设计与圣坛上的椅子相同。座椅的软垫是蓝色的,靠背很高,一直延伸到头部上方。
We then proceeded to the rooms on the ground level which were devoted to electrical and chemical laboratories for experimental purposes. We were passing about the central point of the west wall on this floor when I stopped suddenly.
“Here is the place where I entered the caves last night,” I said to Chananda, “while I was in my Finer Body”; and with a very intense, serious expression on His face, He asked:
“Do you see any door or entrance?”
“No,” I replied, “but it is there, and I know it.” Then with a smile, He looked at me rather quizzically. “You are right,” He remarked. “It is there, and I am glad you are certain in your convictions. Be patient, and you shall see all.”
We then returned to the great reception hall. “How is it,” I asked, “that other students and people do not see the entrance to this place and find their way into such a paradise?”
“If you were to go to the entrance,” He replied, “you would not find an opening of any kind. Yesterday after we entered, it was sealed again so that it looks now like solid wall, and so far as Protection is concerned, it is as impenetrable as the wall of the mountain itself. For more than twenty centuries this valley has remained just as you see it today.
“Man can, by the use of the Light Rays, or Cosmic Currents of Light through the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ forever annihilate time, space, age, inharmony and limitation of any kind. Discord is really the first wave, or starting place of limitation. With Perfect Harmony maintained in the individual’s consciousness, the Door to God’s Kingdom of Perfection—the Activity of Life without any limitation—stands wide open forever.”
“人类可以通过‘伟大的我是临在’来使用圣光射线,或是圣光宇宙能量流,就可以永远地消灭时间、空间、年龄、不和谐以及各式各样的限制。不和谐实际上是第一波限制,或者说,是限制开始的地方。随着完美和谐在个人意识中的保持,通往神的完美国度的大门 —— 毫无任何限制的生命活动领域 —— 将永远敞开着。”
“Now come with me,” He continued. “I shall probably strain your credulity considerably, but you shall learn much if you so desire. All of you have heard about the Arabian Nights Tale of the Magic Carpet. I shall show you that the legend is true.”
He led the way out of the palace onto a beautiful lawn in front where we saw what looked like a copper plate about fourteen feet square. The two youthful attendants brought out a gorgeous Persian silk rug of a most wonderful golden yellow. They covered the plate with it at Chananda’s direction, and then He inquired:
“Is anyone afraid to come with me?” No one answered, so we stepped upon it and gathered around Him near the center. He immediately engaged us in a very animated conversation—which was quite unusual for him—and in a moment we all began to feel lighter and lighter. We glanced down, saw that we were leaving the Earth, having risen about twenty feet in the air, and were floating smoothly along in the atmosphere. We continued to rise until we were about fifty feet above the ground, and then floated near the waterfall—which was glistening and glorious in its beauty. We continued on drifting out over the valley and enjoying its enchanting loveliness.
“有人害怕跟我同去吗?”没有人回应,所以我们踏了上去,围绕着他站在铜片中心的周围。他马上跟我们进行了一段非常生动的谈话 —— 这对他来说是很不寻常的举动 —— 一瞬间我们都感觉越来越轻盈。我们低头一看,发现我们正在离开地面,已经上升到大约二十英尺的空中,而且在大气层中平稳地漂浮着。我们继续上升,直至离地面大约五十英尺的距离,然后漂浮在瀑布的附近 —— 它有着光彩夺目的美丽。我们继续飘过山谷上空,享受着它迷人的魅力。
“Now if you are ready,” continued our Host, “we shall view the mountains.” We continued to rise until we were fully eleven thousand feet above the palace. The scenery that lay below us was perfectly entrancing, and the peaks of the snowcapped mountains glistened in the sunlight like diamonds.
We became absorbed in the view and Chananda’s conversation; we were not aware of temperature or transportation, yet we were comfortable and did not feel any change of either altitude nor climate, our Host holding us all in His Aura, which controlled everything within it, thus causing all to experience only His own Glorious Perfection.
We circled around, returned to the palace grounds, and descended. As we stepped off the plate, our Beloved Host laughed heartily at our comments and surprise, enjoying greatly our exclamations of happiness.
“My Beloved Friends,” He explained, “I assure you there is nothing mysterious or unnatural in what you have just experienced. It is all according to simple immutable, Eternal Law which every individual may set into action without any limit—if he but will.”
“我亲爱的朋友们,”他解释说,“我向你们保证,你们刚刚经历的一切并不神秘,也不是什么非自然现象。这一切都是根据简单、不变的永恒法则来运作的,每个人都可以无限制地来使用这个法则 —— 若是他想这么做的话。”
“Why did we not feel the altitude?” someone asked.
“为什么我们感觉不到海拔?” 有人问。
“In God’s Perfect Kingdom, which means the ‘ I AM Presence,’ wherein there is only Perfection— the Feeling of Harmony—there is no awareness of change either in altitude or temperature. Thoughts of Perfection and the Feeling of Harmony are simply rates of vibration that consciousness decrees into substance, which give to energy those qualities that manifest as Perfection. Perfection cannot exist without Love, for It is the highest rate of vibration in the Universe. It is the highest and most powerful Activity and controls forever all that is less than Itself.
“在神的完美国度里,也就是在‘我是临在’之中,只有完美 —— 和谐的感觉 —— 没有海拔或者温度变化的这种意识。思想的完美和情感的和谐仅仅是意识把物质转化进入特定的振动频率,赋予能量来表达完美的特质。没有爱,完美就不会存在,因为爱是宇宙中最高的振动频率。它是最高等、最强大的活动,永远主宰着低于它自身的一切。”
“Although you still have your physical bodies, while you were on the rug and in My Aura, you could only have the conscious awareness of that Perfection which My Aura is at all times; for all Ascended Masters send out only the Vibration that is the Tone of Divine Love. Hence all else must become obedient to Our Consciousness and the Perfection of Our Love.
“The next step for you will be to learn how to turn the Cosmic Key and light your way wherever you wish to go. The Key is within you. The Light is within, and also all about you. Now return to your rooms and meditate upon the Dazzling, Fathomless Mind of God—the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ which is within you.” We obeyed, and never have we found meditation so easy and so wonderful.
“你们的下一步就是学习如何转动宇宙钥匙,照亮你们的道路,不论你们想去哪里。钥匙就在你们内在。圣光就在你们内在,所有关于你们的一切都在你们内在。现在回到你们的房间,对你们每个人内在的‘伟大我是临在’ —— 也就是光彩夺目、深不可测的神之心智 —— 进行冥想。我们遵从了,我们也从未发现,冥想原来如此简单而且美妙。”
At half-past five, beautiful chimes sounded throughout the building announcing dinner. Chananda sat at the head of the table and Najah at the opposite end. We became perfectly still for about two minutes. Then an Oval of Golden Light with a shade of pink became visible and encircled the table, enveloping our heads through the entire meal. It produced the most wonderful feeling, and as we finished dinner, Chananda gave certain Directions for us to follow.
“Now return to your rooms,” He said. “Lie flat on your backs with arms outstretched, and for an hour do not move a muscle. Then bathe, anoint your bodies with the Liquid Light which you will find provided for your use, and put on your Precipitated Garments.”
We obeyed, and when the Liquid Light touched our bodies, no words can ever tell the thrill of Energy and the Peace we experienced. As we finished and robed ourselves in the marvelous Garments, we could see the Soft White Light radiate from our bodies for fully three feet, from which emanated a most wonderful rose fragrance, yet each one was distinctly individual in the particular quality of the rose fragrance poured forth. Just as we finished the chimes sounded calling us to the reception room. As we entered the room we noticed the Light about the ladies was similar to our own, except that around Leto, Electra, Gaylord, and his Friend, the Radiance was much brighter and extended farther than ours.
“At seven o’clock,” said Chananda, “we shall go to the Great Council Chamber.” He led the way and seated us facing the Altar, placing Leto and Gaylord in the center and the rest of us on each side of them. Chananda took the end seat on the right and Najah the last one on the left. Seated directly behind us were our Beloved Master Saint Germain, Nada and Daniel Rayborn, surrounded by two hundred of the Ascended Host.
In a few moments, a Soft White Light with a touch of pink illumined the entire hall, and Chananda asked us to enter the deepest meditation of which we were capable, adoring the “Mighty I AM Presence” within our own Hearts. We became very still, and into the Stillness entered deeper and deeper. We remained in this Silence for some time, and then we heard the tones of a most wonderful Voice that thrilled every atom of our minds and bodies.
We opened our eyes and saw standing before us a Marvelous Being. This “Great Glorious Presence” was the embodiment in Perfect Balance of all Transcendent Qualities both masculine and feminine, and held focused forever under His Conscious Command the Wisdom and Power of Eternity. This Majestic Being stood fully six feet four inches in height, with wavy hair falling to the shoulders that looked like sunshine on Gold. His Robes glittered with Points of Light like great jewels that flashed continually with the tremendous Radiance of the Power held under His Control and obedient to His Conscious Direction. The Girdle encircling the waist was a mass of sapphires and diamonds, and from it hung a panel to a few inches below the knees. This also was a mass of jewels.
These Jewels, as we afterward learned, were a Condensation of Light, and one can imagine the Rays that blazed forth—constantly pouring out the Tremendous Power focused within them. This Glorious Majestic Being has become known to us as the “Great Divine Director.” He is the Great Cosmic Master under whom Beloved Jesus, Saint Germain, and the Master Kuthumi Lai Singh were trained; and His Great Love and far-reaching Care often enfold many of Their students now. No words in any language can do justice to this Majestic Being, and when His Students speak of Him, they are as humble before His Mighty Light as we feel before Them. Oh! that the people of America and the world might know more of these Great Blessed Beings and share the joy that lifts me beyond the outer self! As He began speaking, He gave the Cosmic Sign of the Ascended Master, saying:
我们后来了解到,这些珠宝是浓缩的圣光,人们可以去想象放射出的这些光芒 —— 持续不断地倾洒出它们内在聚焦的伟大力量。我们已经知晓,这位荣耀威严的存在就是“伟大神圣的指导者”。他是伟大的宇宙上师,挚爱的耶稣、圣哲曼和上师库图米·赖·辛格都曾在他的指导下接受训练;现在,他伟大的爱和深远的关怀还常常环绕着他们的很多学生。不论哪一种语言的词汇,都无法公正地描述出这位庄严的存有,当他的学生说起他时,他们都在他伟大的圣光前谦卑下来,就像我们在他们面前感受到的一样。噢!美国的人民和全世界要是能多知道一些这些伟大福佑存有的存在,并分享这让我提升、让我超越外在自我的喜悦,该多好!当他开始讲话时,他给出了扬升大师使用的宇宙手势,说道:
“Beloved Children of Eternal Light, great is the rejoicing of the Ascended Host at the call of this Meeting. These Blessed Ones before Me are ready for Our Assistance; for their bodies can now be raised, and they shall enter their True Freedom.
“Beloved Saint Germain, You have patiently, lovingly guided and instructed these Children of Light through the centuries, and Your Work shall bring Its Reward, for it is most nobly done.
“Is there another willing to bear witness that they are ready to enter the Light?” Chananda immediately arose as our Sponsor and replied:
“Most High Master, I bear witness as to their readiness.” And the Great Divine Director continued: “Then We shall give them Bodies such as have not been manifest before upon Earth, that they may stand before the world a Living Example—revealing the Fulfillment of the Law of Love and Light. These shall be similar to the Bodies of the Ascended Beings; yet they shall retain the appearance and some of the outer activities of the highest type of mankind.
“至高无上的上师,我见证他们已经做好了准备。”伟大神圣的导师继续说:“那么让我们赐予他们以前从未在地球上显化出来的身体,以便他们可以作为活生生的榜样站在世界面前 —— 揭示爱与光的生命法则的实现。这些身体类似于扬升大师的身体,不过它们同时还会保留人类最高等类型的外表和一些外在活动。”
“Under their control shall come the Unlimited Use of the Cosmic Energy and the Direction of the Mighty Light Rays. They shall minister unto humanity side by side with their Beloved Master who has so lovingly brought them to this point. Henceforth, I receive you all into My Eternal Embrace of Light. The two year period that is usually required, I now set aside. In two days you shall acquire what, under the former Activity, would have taken two years to accomplish.
“Remember, in the ‘I AM Presence’, there is no time nor space. It is All-wise and All-powerful, and through It We shall remove the atomic obstruction forever. “Brother Chananda, take them to the Cave of Light. They are to remain there for two days. You are to anoint the masculine bodies three times a day with Liquid Light, and our Sister Najah will do the same for the feminine bodies.”
As the Great Divine Director finished speaking, a Ray of Dazzling Crystal White Light streamed out from His Forehead and swept the head of each one of the students; then It withdrew into His Body. Instantly this was followed by a very intense Soft Golden Ray that poured out from His Heart, sweeping the Heart area of those before Him, and again returning into His own Body. He paused for a moment and seemed to record the strength of each one. From that He knew the intensity of their own Light.
The next instant a Dazzling White Light blazed forth from His entire Being, spreading into a fanshaped Radiance and encompassing all our bodies. Within this Mighty Stream were Currents of Energy flowing in at the feet and out at the top of the head of each student. Shadow after shadow passed off like sheaths, and the moment they left our bodies, were consumed. The color of the Light became a delicate pink, changing again into a soft gold, gradually blending into violet of a shade never seen in the outer world. Our Inner Sight and Hearing were forever cleared and made our permanent servants. Then the Light became such a Dazzling White that we were compelled to close our eyes. Presently, by an Inner Command of the “Presence,” we opened them.
The Great Being before us was almost terrifying in the Majesty and Power that poured out from Him. The Ascended Guests had disappeared and we were left alone with this Dazzling Celestial Envoy of the Godhead. Then in a Voice as gentle as a mother caressing her child, He said:
“You are all—now and forever—a part of My Love, Light and Wisdom. I shall meet you in the Cave of Light in an hour.” Then He drew the Stream of Light into Himself and disappeared.
“你们所有人 —— 从现在起直至永远 —— 都是我的爱、圣光和智慧的一部分。一个小时后,我会在光之洞跟你们见面。”然后他把倾洒出的圣光撤回自己身体,消失不见。
“Come,” said Chananda, and as we rose to our feet, we had no consciousness of weight and could have floated as easily as walked. We went to the lower floor where I had passed through the door in my experience while in my finer body. In front of us was the door, just as I had seen it. Chananda placed His hand upon it. Slowly and steadily it opened, a massive, ponderous thing weighing many tons.
We went into a narrow passage which suddenly became illumined by a Soft White Light that shone upon walls as smooth as though polished. We must have walked for nearly half a mile when we came to another door, less massive, but wonderfully carved in very ancient writing. It opened at Chananda’s touch, and we entered a Cave of Wondrous Beauty, similar to the second chamber in the Cave of Symbols in America, only much larger. This Cave also contained those same symbols encrusted with that dazzling crystalline substance. Going still farther, we came to Doors of Solid Gold.
“Who seeks entrance here?” suddenly spoke a Voice from the ethers, and Chananda answered instantly: “Children of the Light—seeking more Light—Thy Light and Its Perfect Use.”
“谁想要进入这里?”突然从以太中传来一个声音,迦南达立刻回答:“光之子 —— 寻求更多的圣光 —— 你那圣光和其完美的用途。”
“Speak the Name!” again commanded the Voice.
Together we spoke the “Word.” Then the Doors of Gold slowly began to open. Inside it looked like the white heat of a great furnace, and again the Voice spoke.
“All who enter here leave—forever—their earthly garments behind. Who dares to enter first?”
“凡是进入这里的人 —— 要永远地 —— 脱下他们尘世的衣裳。谁敢第一个进来?”
“I will,” Bob answered instantly, and the rest followed. Two days and two nights later, we emerged from the Eternal Flame wearing our New Bodies of Immortal Endurance. The inharmony of Earth can never register within These permanently. As we came back into the reception hall of the Palace, the Great Divine Director with our Beloved Saint Germain, Nada and Daniel Rayborn were there to greet us. The Great Being addressed us:
“Now your Real Service will begin. All but this Brother,” indicating me, “are to remain here in the Palace of Light for one year. You are now True Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood. Regarding your earthly affairs, your Beloved Master Saint Germain will direct you.” Making the Ascended Masters’ Sign and Salutation to the Heart of the Great Central Sun, He gave us His Blessing:
“Children of the Diamond Heart!
I enfold you in the Golden Flame of My Love,
I protect you by the Armor of My Power,
I Raise you by the Hand of Your Own Divinity,
I bless you with the Fullness of My Light,
I give you the Scepter of Your Own Dominion,
I seal you in the Eternal Freedom of your Ascension,
In that Ecstasy Supreme, The Presence of the Diamond Heart, ‘I AM.’
A Flash of Blazing Glory filled the room, quivered a moment, and He was gone. Saint Germain then turned to us and said:
“Remember, Beloved Ones, you are the Grail, the Cup of Light from which all who are athirst may drink of the Radiance of your Being; for you are now the Victory of Love. The Glory of Love sings throughout Infinity its Paean of Praise in continual adoration to Life. Obey, My Blessed Children, Its Timeless Fiat. Make the Salutation of Light to the Heart of Creation, and ever Stand True to the Immortal Decree of Love:
“O Children of the Light! O Flames of the Morning! call unto the Secret Love Star.
Let Its Rays weave for you an Eternal Garment of Transcendent Loveliness,
And wear upon your Heart the Jewel of the Sacred Fire.
Let Its Glory pour through you, that yours may be the Scepter of Power Supreme.
Speak only the Decree of Love, that Perfection may be everywhere.
Listen to the Sound of Its Voice, that all may hear the Song of Joy,
Gaze only upon Its Light, that the Flame from the Seven Elohim may rest upon your forehead.
Hold the Cup of Liquid Light, and forever pour forth Its Life-giving Essence.
Then the Rays from the Diamond Heart shall illumine your pathway, and When the Knight Commander raises His Sword of Flame, you shall pass through,
And stand face to face with Your Own Divinity upon the very Altar of Life;
For within That Holy of Holies is the One—Omnipotent in Blazing Glory— Your Own Beloved Self, The Magic Presence— ‘I AM.’
因为在那至圣之所,有一位光辉闪耀的全能者 —— 你自己敬爱的自我,神奇的临在 —— ‘我是’。
In the Crown of your Everlasting Victory shines a double rainbow,
The Result of Love’s Attainment, encircled by All Wisdom;
Your Royal Robes of Authority are the Deeds of Love,
The Rays of Light from The Magic Presence— ‘I AM. ‘
是来自神奇的临在 —— ‘我是’的圣光射线。
These forever clothe all Beings with their Radiance, And are the Fountain of Eternal Youth and Beauty; Through them, your Scepter draws unto Love Its Own— The Fullness of The Magic Presence—I AM. ‘
它们永远为所有众生披上它们的光辉,它们是永恒青春与美丽的源泉;通过它们,你的权杖吸引着它自己的爱 —— 神奇临在的圆满 —— ‘我是’。
The Rays from the Seven Builders reach up— And pour out Their Glistening Streams of Love’ s Lightning,
七位建造者的光芒升起 —— 倾洒出他们爱之闪电的溪流,熠熠闪光
Weaving Great Rivers of Force into an Imperishable Garment,
In Blazing Glory and Dazzling Beauty—the Gift of The Magic Presence—I AM.’
散发着炽热的荣耀和闪耀的美丽 —— 神奇临在的馈赠 —— ‘我是’。
O Children of the Flame! sing the Anthem of Creation, It is the Song of Love that makes the Music of the Spheres.
Ring throughout space in an Adoration and Hymn of Praise, which is The very Worship of Life,
The Magic Presence—’I AM.’ Let It flow through you in Ever-expanding Perfection:
神奇的临在 —— ‘我是’。让它在不断拓展的完美中流经你:
Be the Ecstasy and Glory of Light unto all!
Know the Secret of the One!
Waft the Love-Breath of Joy everywhere: and Feel the Great Heartbeat within the Flame, The Magic Presence —’I AM.’
到处飘荡着欢乐的爱之气息:感受火焰中伟大的心跳,神奇的临在 —— ‘我是’。