Ever down through the centuries have the majority of mankind given their attention to the outer appearances, thereby inviting all kinds of discord and distress; but today there are thousands who are coming to understand the God Presence within themselves as Absolutely Invincible, to the extent that they are steadily being raised above the injustice, discord and inharmony of the outer creation.
Until mankind or individuals hold their attention on the “I AM Presence,” God within, long enough and with sufficient determination, they will find themselves surrounded by the undesirable; but through this “I AM Presence,” each one has the power to raise himself above the discord and disturbance of the outer creation.
At first it does take determination to hold fast when the seeming storm clouds hang low and the outer appearance seems overwhelming; but with a dynamic conscious attitude and the attention fixed upon the Presence of God within, it is like the lightning flashing forth from within the storm clouds, penetrating and dissolving the storm that seems so threatening.
Excerpt by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 12, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses
Law of Life
Oh the pity mankind has believed so long, and many individuals very sincerely, that they could cure hate, condemnation and criticism with those same qualities. How futile and tragic has been this false concept. Believe Me, O Children of the Light! Hate never cured hate and never will. Condemnation and criticism never cured their kind, for as We have so often said to you: that which your attention and vision is held upon, you are qualifying and compelling to come into your world—abide and act there.
哦,可惜的是,人类长久以来,很多人都非常真诚地相信,他们可以使用仇恨、谴责和批评,同样来疗愈仇恨、谴责和批评。这个错误的概念是多么地徒劳和可悲。相信我,圣光之子!仇恨永远无法治愈仇恨,它也永远不会。同样地,谴责和批评也永远无法疗愈它们的同类。正如我们经常对你说过的:你的注意力和视野所在的地方,你就会赋予那种特质,并把那些带入到你所在的世界 —— 居住在那里,并在那里活动。
With all We have said and given forth, so little has been grasped of how much the personality is constantly qualifying the very atmosphere and conditions about it with the things it does not want, through the belief that it can continue to have any kind of feeling and speak words of discord, hate and limitation, and still be unaffected by it. This stubborn, false concept of mankind has filled the world with all kinds of tragedy.
…As more and more of the students of the “Mighty I AM Presence” realize that their thought and feeling are the only causes in their worlds, and that it is entirely within their province—within their ability and dominion—to govern their thought and feeling, then they will know that to govern these harmoniously, sustaining this activity, will fill their worlds with Eternal Perfection.
…随着越来越多的“伟大的我是临在”的学生意识到,他们的思想和感觉是他们世界的唯一诱因,而且主宰他们的思想和情感完全在他们的范围内 —— 在他们的能力和管辖范围内,然后他们就会知道要把思想和情感管理在和谐的范围,并让这些活动持续运作,这会让他们的世界充满永恒的完美。
Excerpt by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 31, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses
Law of Life
To seek, find, and apply the Law of one’s own Being is the student’s sure road to Mastery, and only when the individual has attained it himself may he really understand what True Mastery is. There is only one Mastery to be sought, and that is over one’s own outer self.
Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 6, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses:
“Where your attention is, there you are; and what your attention is upon, you become.” There never was a truer thing in the wide world, because the very force of Life compels it. If you want to give your attention to things, you must expect to handle them, because you invite them to come into your world and act! ….
You can govern all such things and can look upon a thing without accepting it, but you have got to be CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF IT.
That is why mankind have believed God would act for them independently! Well God does not do it! You are given Free Will, and you are the decreer of how the Currents of Energy and your Life are going to act in your world! Unless you understand that and control it, you won’t have your Freedom!
Excerpts by Beloved Mighty Victory, The “I AM” Discourses, Volume 9:

Please observe the Chart and see that Stream of Light and Energy from the Great God Presence, the “Mighty I AM,” flowing into your physical body, anchoring within your Heart, which is the means of your being here in physical embodiment. Without that Ray of Light and Energy, there would be no human forms here. Therefore, if you understand that, you will know that all which exists in this human world of action today came through that Stream of Light and Energy. … everything that has form out here must necessarily first be an idea, a thought, and a feeling that takes form in substance in the physical world—which produced this building, produces your automobiles, your airplanes, and all that is today. Everything is first an idea, then a blueprint, and then a physical form.
请观察这张图,看到来自伟大的神之临在,“伟大的我是”的圣光和能量流,流入你的物质身体,锚定在你的内心,这就是你显化在物质层面的方式。没有这道圣光和能量,就不会有人类的形态。因此,如果你理解这一点,你就会知道,今天人类世界中存在的一切,都是来自于那道光和能量流。…所有拥有形态的一切,必定先是一个想法、一个念头和一种感觉,然后在物质世界中展现出来形态 —— 从而搭建了这座建筑,产生了你乘坐的汽车、飞机,以及当今的一切。所有的一切首先都源自想法,然后是蓝图,接下来就是物质形态。
Therefore, if you realize that all that is, all that shall ever come forth into the use of mankind must come through that Stream of Light and Energy which actually beats each human Heart, then you will see that in no way are you limited in that which you can call forth from that “Great, All-Wise Presence”—provided you will comply with the conditions of Life necessary to keep from requalifying that Energy as It flows forth into your body, then out into your world through the power of radiation or direct projection through your thought and feeling. …
因此,如果你意识到所有的一切,所有即将为人类使用的东西,都必须经过那道圣光和能量,实际上是它让每个人的内心得以跳动;然后你就会看到,在你向“伟大的、全然智慧的临在”呼请时,你绝对不会受到限制 —— 只要你遵循必要的生命法则,不要让那能量受到扰动,然后那能量就会流经你的身体,通过辐射的力量,或者通过你的思想和情感的直接投射,来到你所在的世界。
When you come to know this “Presence of all Life,” turn your attention to It and let It take command of your mind, body, and your world of action. It will produce Its Harmony first, then Its Perfection and Its Success and Achievement in whatever direction your attention is directed.
Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse IV, Volume 11
Oh, I plead with you, have no unkind feeling to any human being; for through harmonious feeling you release the wondrous Power of Divine Love which dissolves all fear and hatred—even that which is generated by mankind in the past.
噢,我恳求你,不要对任何人怀有恶意;因为通过和谐的感觉,你才能把神圣之爱的美妙力量释放出来,从而瓦解所有的恐惧和仇恨 —— 这些都是由人类在过去产生的。
Remember, when something urgent needs to be done, then is the time to be still and let the Great Power of Divine Love from the “Mighty I AM Presence” flood forth to harmonize your world. Then what you ask for will be done, whether it be through individuals out here or through your Call to the “Presence.” But if you are agitated, resentful, angry, and distressed, your feeling world is so disturbed that the Power of the “Presence,” Its Currents of Energy, cannot flow out into your world to do what is required. …
All are coming to understand more each day that Self-control, Dominion, and Harmony in the feelings are the Open Doors to the Perfection of the whole Universe; for through those feelings the Perfection of the whole Universe will flood into your world and find expression there. It is the Law of Life! It is a natural Law. In accepting and giving power to appearances, which are not eternal, is the reason for limitation of every kind.
Excerpts by Beloved Mighty Astrea, Volume 7
Law of Life
The Principle of Life, always active, is ever striving to pour Itself forth into expression, thereby producing Its Natural Perfection; but human beings, having free will, consciously or unconsciously qualify It with all kinds of distortion. The individual who stands with his attention fixed firmly on the “I AM Presence,” on God and with God, becomes an Invincible Power with which no outer manifestation of mankind can interfere.
Excerpt from Discourse 12 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3
Law of Life
The one thing humanity needs most, and students above all else, is the firm rock and Consciousness of the “Mighty I AM Presence” upon which to stand safely and free from the pitfalls of outer concoctions. It is not the negative statements of prospective death and the so-called ill-fated star force to be overcome that students need to know, but the “Unconquerable, All-pervading ‘I AM Presence’” that is the only and all Life of their Beings to which their attention needs to be drawn—and held there with a firm grasp.
In the “I AM Presence” there is no height the student may not reach; but by allowing his attention to be held by astrology, numerology, and the many isms of today, there is no depth he may not reach. …
I say to you beloved students, in the name of your Light and progress, and of all progress, stand within your own “Mighty I AM Presence” and let not your attention be held or divided by any outer thing if you wish to avoid the wheel of birth and rebirth indefinitely.
Excerpts from Discourse 15 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3
Dear Ones, not one single thing of a limiting, discordant nature can live in your world unless your attention is feeding your Life Energy into it to make it live. Oh, do you not see that? There cannot a thing reach you, touch your world, or live in your world—I do not care whether it be inside of your body or outside—unless your attention goes to it and thereby feeds the Life Stream into it to energize it. It cannot do it! Oh, Dear Hearts, make up your mind to take your attention off the disturbance and put it on the “Presence,” knowing the “Presence” has directed Its Light Rays to dissolve it. Then you are through with it. In this Understanding you are absolutely Master of your mind, body, and your world. …
亲爱的学生们,除非你使用注意力、用你的生命能量去喂养那些限制性的、不和谐的事物,否则这些事物都不会出现在你的世界中。噢,你还不明白吗?没有任何东西可以触及到你、触碰到你的世界、或是存在于你的世界中,除非你把注意力转向它,从而让生命能量流滋养它的存在 —— 不论是你身体内部还是外部的不和谐。除非通过这种方式,否则不和谐不会触碰到你。噢,亲爱的学生,下定决心让你的注意力从干扰上移开,把它放在“临在”上,知道“临在”总是会引导它的圣光射线来消融干扰。然后你就会战胜它。在这种理解中,你就成为了你心智、身体和你世界的绝对主宰…
Withdraw all criticism and condemnation from persons, places, and conditions. Pour it all into the Violet Consuming Flame and turn your attention to the “Mighty I AM Presence.” Ask the “Presence” to take command of all minds and bodies on Earth, and their activity. Charge into their Earthly activity every Perfection which the “Presence” holds, and then see the Power of the Light hold Its Dominion forever.
Instruction from Beloved Morya El, Volume 7,
Ascended Master Light