
The disciple will learn effectively to decentralize himself. This means that….
a. The disciple will ask nothing for the separated self. One can therefore easily see why aspirants are taught to pledge allegiance to their Higher Self, and to foreswear all claims of this separated self. One can see also why so many react against it. They are not ready for it, and such a pledge therefore acts as a great discriminating agent. To those for whom the standard of selflessness is set too high, it is neither understood nor desired. Therefore the unready criticize it. Later these will come back and with understanding take this obligation in the light.
a. 学生不为自己分离的自我(小我)有所求。因此,人们可以很容易地理解,为什么那些寻求者要被教导着去效忠于他们的高等自我,放弃分离自我的所有要求。你可以理解为什么很多人反对这种教导。因为他们还没有做好准备,这样的承诺会产生一种强大的批判效应。对于有些人,无私的标准似乎看起来太高了,这些人既不能理解也不能做到。因此,那些没有准备好的人会评判它。不过稍后,他们会折返回来,带着理解,在光明之中承担起应尽的义务。
b. The disciple’s eyes are towards the light and *not towards desire for contact with the Master. This, therefore, rules out that spiritual selfishness which has been expressed by the desire, innate and deep, for recognition by one of the Great Ones. When this freedom from the personal is found, then the Master can dare to make a contact and to establish a relation with the disciple. It would be well for us to ponder on this.
b. 弟子的眼睛应朝向圣光,而不是向着与扬升大师接触的欲望。这样做就会排除掉灵性的私欲,一种欲望的表达、一种内在的、深切地渴望得到一位伟大人物认可的欲望。当弟子从这种私欲中解脱出来之后,扬升大师们就可以与其接触,并建立连结。就这一点而言,我们要去深入地思考。
Source: Esoteric Psychology Vol II