(The Egoic Lotus)
(1) In considering the causal body (this “Temple of the Soul”), we are dealing specifically with the vehicle of manifestation of a solar Angel who is its informing life and who is in process of constructing it, of perfecting it, and of enlarging it, and thus reflecting on a tiny scale the work of the Logos on His own plane. (3 – 1110).
(1) 当研究因果体(它是“灵魂的圣殿”)时,我们就是在专门地与太阳天使的显化载体打交道,太阳天使传递着生命的信息,并且在构建、完善和扩大生命的表达,因此,映射在很小的层面上,就是逻各斯(Logos,天道)在他自己所在的层面进行工作。
(2) The causal body is a collection of permanent atoms, three in all, enclosed in an envelope of mental essence . . .
(2) 因果体是一组永恒原子的集合,一共有三个,包裹着心智精华的外衣…
Therefore, you have at the moment of individualisation, which is the term used to express this hour of contact, on the third subplane of the mental plane, a point of light, enclosing three atoms, and itself enclosed in a sheath of mental matter. The work then to be done consists of:
1. Causing that point of light to become a flame, by steadily fanning the spark and feeding the fire.
1. 通过不断地煽动火花、点燃火焰,让那个光点变成火焰。
2. Causing the causal body to grow and expand, from being a colourless ovoid, holding the Ego like a yolk within the egg-shell, to a thing of rare beauty, containing within itself all the colour of the rainbow. This is an occult fact. The causal body will palpitate in due course of time, with an inner irradiation, and an inner glowing flame that will gradually work its way from the centre to the periphery. It will then pierce through that periphery, using the body (that product of millennia of lives of pain and endeavour), as fuel for its flames. It will burn all up, it will mount toward the Triad, and (becoming one with that Triad) will be re-absorbed into the spiritual consciousness, – will carry with it – using heat as the symbol – an intensity of heat or quality of colour or vibration, that before were lacking.
2. 让因果体成长壮大,从一个无色的卵状体,这个卵状体包裹着灵魂,就像蛋壳包裹着蛋黄那样,成长为非常罕见的美丽表达,其内在包含着彩虹的所有颜色。这是一个秘法事实。在适当的时间,因果体就会开始脉动,它拥有着内在的光之辐射,其内在的炙热之火会逐渐地从它中心向周围拓展。然后,它会穿透那个外围,使用身体(这具身体是数千年来生命经受的痛苦和努力凝结出的精华)作为其火焰的燃料。它会燃烧殆尽,向着Triad(三位一体,Atma-Buddha-Manas,真正自我的象征)前进,(与Triad融合在一起)重新被吸收进入灵性的意识之中,—— 这个过程它携带着 —— 使用热量作为象征用词 —— 一种强烈的热度、颜色的特质或者振动强度,这是之前所不具备的。
Therefore, the work of the Personality – for we have to view all from that angle until egoic vision may be ours, – is first to beautify, build and expand the causal body; secondly to withdraw within it the life of the Personality, sucking the good out of the personal life, and storing it in the body of the Ego. We might term this the Divine Vampirism, for always evil is but the other side of good. Then, having accomplished this, comes the application of the flame to the causal body itself, and the joyous standing by whilst the work of destruction goes on, and the Flame – the live inner man, and the spirit of divine life – is set free, and mounts to its source. (2–30/1).
因此,人格的工作 —— 因为我们要学习着从灵魂的视角去看待问题,直至灵魂的视角成为我们看待一切的视角 —— 首先是美化、建立和拓展因果体;然后就是把人格的生命抽回其中,把个人生活中所有良善的面向吸收、储存在灵魂的身体之中。我们可以把这个过程称为神圣的吸血,因为邪恶不过是良善的另一面。然后,完成吸收之后,因果体自身就会使用火焰,这种破坏工作进行的过程中一直伴随着快乐,然后,神圣的火焰 —— 内在的生命,神圣的灵性生命 —— 得以释放,上升至它的源头。

(3) The content of the causal body, is the accumulation by slow and [Page 37] gradual process, of the good in each life. The building proceeds slowly at first, but towards the end of incarnation – on the Probationary Path and on the Path of Initiation – the work proceeds rapidly. The structure has been reared, and each stone quarried in the personal life. On the Path, in each of its two divisions, the work of completing and beautifying the Temple proceeds with greater rapidity . . . (2 – 32).
(3) 因果体的构建,是每次转世过程中良善的缓慢和逐渐积累的过程。这个构建过程起初缓慢,但是在转世终结时 —— 在踏上神圣之路和启蒙之路后 —— 构建过程变得迅速。框架和建筑材料都是个人生命中挖掘出来的。在这条路上继续前进,构建的两个部分,完成和美化圣殿的工作进展会更快。
(4) At a later stage upon the Path of Initiation, the causal body also disappears, and the initiate stands free in the three worlds. The astral body and the causal or soul body are – in the language of esotericism – supplementary to reality. They have had a temporary reality during the evolutionary process, but (having served their purpose, and having endowed man with certain required assets – consciousness, feeling, sensitivity, and ability to establish and register contact) they pass away, and the initiate remains, possessed of power over form, and a fully awakened consciousness. He is a soul, and the fusion is complete.
(4) 在启蒙之路的后期,因果体也开始消失,启蒙者不再受制于三界的束缚。星光体和因果体(灵魂的载体)—— 用秘法学的语言来表达 —— 对实相来说是附加的存在。在进化的过程中,它们短暂地存在过,但是(在完成它们的目的,并且赋予了人类一些特定的品质后 —— 意识、感觉、敏感性、以及与灵魂建立和保持连接的能力),它们就不复存在。启蒙者仍然存在,他拥有了超越物质的力量以及完全觉醒的意识。他成为了灵魂,融合至此完成。