
(1) We can do no more than sense a fraction of some wonderful whole, utterly beyond the reach of our consciousness – a whole that the highest Angel or Perfected Being is but beginning to realise. When we recognise the fact that the average man is as yet fully conscious only on the physical plane, nearly conscious on the emotional plane, and only developing the consciousness of the mental plane, it is obvious that his comprehension of cosmic data can be but rudimentary. When we recognise the further fact, that to be conscious on a plane and to have control on that plane are two very different conditions, it becomes apparent how remote is the possibility of our approximating more than the general trend of the cosmic scheme. (1 – 4)
(1)我们只能感觉到完全超越我们意识范围的、美妙整体的一小部分 —— 这个整体是最高等级的天使或者完美的存有才刚刚开始认知到的。当我们意识到,普通人只是在物质层面拥有完整的意识,在情绪层面拥有近乎完整的意识,而心智层面的意识刚刚开始发展时,很显然这样的一个普通人对宇宙的认知是初级的。当我们认识到更进一步的事实,即在某个层面上保持觉知与对那个层面的掌控是两种完全不同的状况时,我们就会看到,我们与宇宙计划整体趋势的距离是多么遥远。
(2) The development of the human being is but the passing from one state of consciousness to another. It is a succession of expansions, a growth of that faculty of awareness that constitutes the predominant characteristic of the indwelling Thinker. It is the progressing from consciousness polarised in the higher self, ego, or soul, thence to a polarisation in the Monad, or Spirit, till the consciousness eventually is Divine. (1 – 7).
(3) All progression in the realm of consciousness, is naturally by a graded series of awakenings, but this would proceed much more gradually and cover a longer period of time than is the case under our present planetary conditions. This particular mode of developing the consciousness of the human family was initiated by the Hierarchy during the Atlantean root-race at the latter end of the fourth sub-race, and will persist until the middle of the next round. At that time the needed stimulus will have been imparted, and as three-fifths of the human family will then have esoterically “set their feet upon the path”, and a large percentage of them will then be in process of becoming the Path itself, the more normal routine will again be resumed (1 – 94).
(4) These realisations, or apprehended expansions of consciousness, are under natural law, and come in due course of time to every soul without exception. (1 – 176).
(5) Let me assure you that under the pressure of modern life, under the strain of the imposed present conditions and civilisation, plus the mental concern, the terror of marching armies, the thunder of the many voices, and the stress of world wide economic stringency, the human consciousness is rapidly awakening from its long sleep. That great and fundamental [Page 52] reality, which we call the “human state of mind”, is just beginning to focus itself upon the things which matter, and to express itself in a living fashion. (9 – 26).
(6) Evolution, as we understand it, and as it must be studied by the human intellect, is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not the story of the evolution of the form. This latter evolution is implicit in the other, and of secondary importance from the occult angle. (15 – 57).
(7) The energies of the twelve constellations are blended with those of the twelve planets, but their power to evoke response, and to be consciously received, recognised, and employed, is dependent entirely upon the type of response mechanism of the planetary life, and of the individual man. It has been rightly said that the consciousness is dependent upon the vehicles of consciousness, upon their point of development, and upon the ability of the individual to identify himself with the energies and impulses which are reaching him, and is not dependent only upon that which is already a recognised part or aspect of himself. It might be said that the higher response to the realities and qualities revealed and made possible by the impact of energy from the zodiacal signs, is somewhat dependent upon the waning influence of the planets to hold down the consciousness aspect of the man. Ponder upon this, for it embodies a deep esoteric truth. (16 – 53/4).
(8) So often in our studies, one is apt to forget that it is not possible for any unit of consciousness, within the planetary sphere of influence, to conceive of conditions as they exist apart from the Earth, because that small planet is inevitably, for that unit, the very centre of his known universe, and – under the Great Illusion – the constellations with their rulers, and with their prototypal counterparts, revolve around the Earth. When man has progressed further, and his consciousness is beginning to awaken to reality, the nature of this illusion will become apparent to him, but at present this is not possible. (16 – 359).
(8)在我们的研究中,人们常常容易忘记,在行星的影响范围内,任何意识单位都不可能认为他们存在的状况独立于地球,因为对于那个个体来说,这颗小星球不可避免地成为他所认知的宇宙中心,同时 —— 在巨大的幻相之中 —— 他还会认为星座及其统治星、以及他们原型的对应者,都围绕着地球旋转。当人类进步时,当他的意识开始对实相产生觉醒时,他就可以清晰地看到这种幻相的本质。但是在目前来说还不可能。
(9) That ancient occult truism remains accurate: “Consciousness is dependent upon its vehicle for expression, and both are dependent upon life and energy for existence.” This remains an immutable law. (16 – 527).
(10) You must always bear in mind that the consciousness remains the same, whether in physical incarnation or out of incarnation, and that development can be carried on with even greater ease than when limited and conditioned by the brain consciousness (5 – 81), (17 – 413).
(11) It is the expansion of consciousness and the production of increased sensitivity and perceptive awareness, which is the goal of all divine and [Page 53] hierarchical effort. The goal is not for betterment of material conditions. These will automatically follow when the sense of awareness is steadily unfolded. The future of humanity is determined by its aspiration and ability to respond to the idealism which is today flooding the world (12 – 103).