(1) Everywhere we find the spirit of expectancy, and the demand for a manifestation and a symbolic happening, which we call by various names, but which is usually referred to as the advent of Christ. This, as you know, may be an actual physical coming, as before in Palestine, or it may connote a definite overshadowing of His disciples and lovers by the Great Lord of Life. The overshadowing will call forth a response from all those who are in any way spiritually awakened. Or again, the coming may take the form of a tremendous inflow of the Christ principle, the Christ life and love, working out through the human family. Perhaps all three possibilities may be found simultaneously on our planet very shortly. (14 – 281).
(2) He (the Risen Christ) will not this time demonstrate the perfected life of a Son of God, which was His main mission before; He will appear as the supreme Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, meeting the need of the thirsty nations of the world – thirsty for truth, for right human relations, and for loving understanding. He will be recognised this time by all, and in His Own Person testify to the fact of the resurrection, and hence demonstrate the paralleling fact of the immortality of the soul, of the spiritual man. The emphasis during the past two thousand years has been on death; it has coloured all the teaching of the orthodox churches; only one day in the year has been dedicated to the thought of the resurrection. (9 – 151).
(2)祂(重生的基督)这次不会展示神之子的完美生活,这是祂之前的使命;祂会以灵性阶层的领导者现身,满足世界上各个国家的渴求 —— 渴望真相、渴望人与人之间的正常关系、渴望爱的理解。这一次祂会被所有的人认出,并以祂自己的身份来证明复活的事实,同时证明灵魂、灵性人类是不朽存在的事实。过去两千年强调的重点是死亡,这抹色彩遍布了所有东正教的教义;一年中只有一天才会把注意力放在复活的思想上。
(3) The preparation of the world on a large scale for the coming of the World Teacher, and the taking of the necessary steps before They Themselves (the Masters) come out among men, as many of Them surely will towards the close of this century. A special group is forming amongst Them now Who are definitely preparing Themselves for this work. The Master M., the Master K.H. and the Master Jesus will be specially concerned with the movement towards the last quarter of the century. Other Masters will participate also, but these are the ones with Whose names and offices people should familiarise themselves, wherever possible. . . . Very definitely may the assurance be given here, that prior to the coming of the Christ, adjustments will be made so that at the head of all great organisations will be found either a Master, or an initiate who has taken the third initiation. At the head of certain of the great occult groups, of the Freemasons of the world, and of the various great divisions of the Church, and resident in many of the great nations, will be found initiates or Masters. (1 –61/2).

(4) When He comes at the close of this century and makes His power felt, He will come as the Teacher of Love and Unity, and the keynote He will strike will be regeneration through love poured forth on all. As He will work primarily on the astral plane, this will demonstrate on the physical plane in the formation of active groups in every city of any size, and in every country, which will work aggressively for unity, co-operation and brotherhood in every department of life – economic, religious, social and scientific. (3 – 755).
(4)当祂在本世纪末再临,并让人类感受到祂的能量时,祂会以爱和团结的导师的身份而来,祂想要敲响的基调是,把爱倾洒在所有众生身上,从而让众生重生。因为祂的工作主要是在星光层,祂工作在物质层面会呈现在每个国家和每个城市形成的大大小小的团体之中,这些团体为生命中各个领域的团结、合作以及兄弟情谊而努力奋斗,这些领域包括 —— 经济、宗教、社会和科学。
(5) Let me make the facts somewhat clearer, and enlarge somewhat upon the three modes of His appearing, of His coming, His advent, and of His physical recognition by humanity:
1. By His overshadowing of all initiates and disciples who are today, or will be at the time of His arrival, active in the three worlds of human evolution. This involves His influencing their minds telepathically. This overshadowing or influencing, will be His primary work upon the mental plane. This will constitute one of His most effective methods in His proposed spiritual interference in world affairs. Through the medium of these members or affiliates of the Hierarchy, He will have outposts of His consciousness in every nation. Through them He can work.
1. 把祂的光芒倾洒向所有的启蒙者和弟子,他们现在、或者在祂再临的时候,会活跃于人类进化的三个世界之中。这涉及到通过心灵感应来影响他们的心智。这种照耀或者影响,会是祂在心智层的主要工作。这构成了祂所提议的对世界事务进行灵性干预的最有效方法之一。通过灵性阶层中的成员或者媒介,在每个国家都会拥有祂意识的哨岗。祂通过他们进行工作。
2. By the pouring out of the Christ life or consciousness upon the masses everywhere, and in every nation. This spiritual inflow will bring about the reorienting of human desire, and will evoke the emotional reaction to His Presence. This therefore brings the astral plane within the active sphere of His influence; this involves the release of the energy of goodwill into the hearts of men, predisposing them towards right human relations. It is this establishing of right relations which is the major objective of His coming triple activity. The masses everywhere will be responsive to the work and the message of Christ, as it is implemented from the mental plane by the disciples and initiates, overshadowed by the mind of Christ.
2. 把基督生命或者意识之光倾洒在世界各地每个国家的民众身上。这种灵性能量的流入会让人类的情绪重新定向,唤醒人类情绪体中对祂临在的反应。从而把星光层带入了祂活跃影响的范围内;这涉及到把良善的能量释放到人类的心中,让他们更愿意建立正确的人际关系。建立这种正确的关系是即将到来的祂三重活动的主要目标。世界各地的大众都会对基督的工作和祂的信息做出回应,因为这是由弟子和启蒙者从心智层面进行实施的,基督的心智照耀了这个领域。
3. By His physical appearance among men. Through His Own immediate appearance, He can establish a potent focal point of hierarchical energy upon Earth, in a manner not hitherto possible. He has never deserted humanity, and has always kept His promise to stay with us all the days, even unto the end of the age. Men in all lands will know where He can be found. The locale of this focal point of His threefold spiritual activity, cannot here be disclosed, for it is contingent upon the results of the sequential processes of overshadowing and outpouring. (18 – 615/6).
3. 于人类之中重现肉身。通过祂自己的直接显化,祂可以以前所未有的方式在地球上建立一个强大的灵性阶层能量聚焦点。祂从未抛弃过人类,始终都信守祂的诺言,一直与我们同在,直至世代的终结。世界各地的人都会知道可以在哪里找到祂。祂的三重灵性活动的聚焦点,目前还不能透露,因为这取决于能量照耀和倾洒的连续过程之结果。
(6) The heart centre of humanity is created by the sum total of the hearts (symbolically speaking) of all these men of goodwill (in or out [Page 48] of the churches, and irrespective of their political concepts), who are serving their fellowmen, sponsoring human welfare movements, working for the establishing of right human relations, and constantly off-setting the separa-tiveness of the human mind through the inclusiveness of the divine love nature. You have, therefore, as a guarantee of the return of Christ into public recognition, an implementing of a great alignment. This alignment, when effectively concluded, will bring about a clear channel or pathway of return, or line of light or magnetic power between:
1. The centre where the will of God is known. This is Shamballa, where the will-to-good originates. This will-to-good is essential love.
1. 神之意志的中心。这里是香巴拉,良善的发源地。这种行善意志的本质是爱。
2. The Hierarchy, which is the planetary heart centre.
2. 灵性阶层,这里是地球的心轮所在。
3. The Christ, the very heart of love within the Hierarchy.
3. 基督,这是灵性阶层的核心之爱。
4. The initiates, disciples and aspirants who form the New Group of World Servers, seeking to embody the love and light needed in the world today.
4. 启蒙者、弟子和求道者,他们形成了新世界服务者团体,寻求显化出当今世界所需要的爱与光。
5. The hearts of the men of goodwill in all lands, who are responsive to love as it can express itself through right human relations.
5. 全世界各地拥有良善之心的人,他们会对爱的能量产生回应,让爱通过他们表达出正确的人际关系。
6. The focal point through which the Lord of Love will work on Earth. If you will study this sixfold progression of divine love, from the highest manifestation of Deity, down to its appearance through the medium of some focal point in our known modern world, it will be apparent to you that a very definite “structure of approach” has been created, and that a “Path of Return” is being constructed, which will bring the long-awaited Christ into our midst. Nothing can stop or prevent His return today; the evidence of this structure can be seen everywhere. (18 – 619/20).
6. 爱之主会通过这个能量焦点在地球上工作。如果你去研究神圣之爱的六重进展,从神性的最高表现,到它通过我们所知当今世界的某个能量焦点显化出来,你会明显地看到,一个非常明确的“方法结构”已经被创造出来,一条“回归之路”已经正在创建,它把我们期待已久的基督带回到我们中间。没有什么能够阻止或阻挡祂在现代的回归;这种结构的证据随处可见。
(7) His reappearance and His consequent work cannot be confined to one small locality or domain, unheard of by the great majority, as was the case when He was here before. The radio, the press, and the dissemination of news, will make His coming different to that of any previous Messenger; the swift modes of transportation will make Him available to countless millions, and by boat, rail and plane they can reach Him: through television, His face can be made familiar to all, and verily “every eye shall see Him”. (8 – 16).

(8) He may reappear in a totally unexpected guise; who is to say whether He will come as a politician, an economist, a leader of the people (arising from the midst of them), a scientist or an artist? (8 – 17).
(9) Always down the centuries, at the hour of man’s greatest need, and in response to his voiced demand, a divine Son of God has come forth, and under many different names. (8 – 41).
(10) The time is known only to the two or three, but “in such an hour as ye think not, He will come.” (Matt, xxiv 44), (8 – 43).
(11) The mass of straight goodness and vision in the world is enormous, and the amount of clear, humanitarian thinking is unbounded; it is in the hands of the masses of good little men, and the millions of right thinking people in every land, that the salvation of the world lies, and by them the preparatory work for the Coming of the Christ will be done. Numerically, they are adequate to the task, and need only reassurance and wise co-ordination to prepare them for the service required. (8 – 162).
(12) He will come unfailingly when a measure of peace has been restored, when the principle of sharing is at least in process of controlling economic affairs, and when churches and political groups have begun to clean house. Then He can and will come; then the Kingdom of God will be publicly recognised, and will no longer be a thing of dreams and of wishful thinking and orthodox hope. (8 – 163).
(13) When He comes Whom angels and men await, and Whose work it is to inaugurate the New Age and so complete the work He began in Palestine two thousand years ago, He will bring with Him some of the great Angels, as well as certain of the Masters. (13 – 508).
(14) It can be expected that the orthodox Christian will at first reject the theories about the Christ which occultism presents; at the same time, this same orthodox Christian will find it increasingly difficult to induce the intelligent masses of people to accept the impossible Deity and the feeble Christ, which historical Christianity has endorsed. A Christ Who is present and living, Who is known to those who follow Him, Who is a strong and able executive, and not a sweet and sentimental sufferer, Who has never left us but Who has worked for two thousand years through the medium of His disciples, the inspired men and women of all faiths, all religions, and all religious persuasions; Who has no use for fanaticism or hysterical devotion, but Who loves all men persistently, intelligently and optimistically, Who sees divinity in them all, and Who comprehends the techniques of the evolutionary development of the human consciousness (mental, emotional and physical, producing civilisations and cultures appropriate to a particular point in evolution) – these ideas the intelligent public can and will accept.
(14)可以预料的是,东正教首先会拒绝秘法学所提出的有关基督的理论;与此同时,此东正教也会发现,诱导有智慧的大众接受历史上基督教所认可的完成不可能事迹的神和柔弱的基督原型变得越来越困难。基督一直都在,而且活着。祂被追随祂的人所认知,祂是一位强大而有能力的执行者,不是一位甜美而多愁善感的受难者,祂从未离开过我们,通过祂的弟子,以及那些不同信仰、不同宗教、接受不同教义的男男女女作为媒介,已经工作了两千年之久。那些狂热的、歇斯底里般的人对祂而言没有用处,祂持续地、乐观地、且智慧地爱着所有的人,祂看到所有人中的神性,祂理解人类意识(心智、情绪和物质层面,从而发展出适合进化旅程中某一特定阶段的文明和文化)进化发展的原理 —— 这些想法可以并会被智力上能理解这些的人所接受。
They will prepare and work for conditions in the world in which Christ can move freely among men, in bodily Presence; He need not then remain in His present retreat in Central Asia. They can and will accept with ease the unity of all faiths, when the relationship of the Buddha and the Christ is [Page 50] correctly represented; then the picture of a Christ demanding a unique position, to the exclusion of all other sons of God, will fade out in the wonder of the true apostolic succession, in which many sons of God, on different rays, of differing nationalities and with varying missions, are to be seen historically leading humanity along the path of divine unfoldment and nearer to God, the Source. (13 – 589/90).
See also: “Reflective meditation upon Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ.” (6 – 226/8).