(1) After all, death is in itself a work of restitution. It involves the work of rendering back of substance to the three worlds of substance, and doing it willingly and gladly; it involves also the restoration of the human soul to the soul from whence it emanated, and doing this in the joy of reabsorption. You must all learn to look upon death as an act of restitution; when you can do this, it will take on a new light and true meaning, and become an integral part – recognised and desired – of a constant living process.
(1)毕竟,死亡本身是一个还原的工作。它涉及到把物质归还给物质的三个世界,并心甘情愿地去这么做;它还涉及把人类的灵魂归还至它发出的灵魂中,并在重新吸收的喜悦中这么做。你们都必须学会把死亡视为一个还原的行为;当你可以这么做时,它就会呈现出新的光芒,并展示出真正的意义,同时成为持续的生命过程中不可或缺的一部分 —— 被认同、被渴望。
If I were asked to say, what is the major task of healing groups, such as the Hierarchy seeks to see functioning in the future, I would say it is to prepare human beings for what we should regard as the restorative aspect of death, and thus give to that hitherto dreaded enemy of mankind, a new and happier significance. You will find that if you work along these indicated lines of thought, the entire theme of death will constantly recur, and that the result of this will be new attitudes to dying, and the inculcation of a happy expectancy, where that inevitable and most familiar event occurs. Healing groups must prepare to deal with this basic condition of all living, and a major part of their work will be the elucidating of the principle of death. The soul, we are told, must return to the one who gave it. To date that has been an enforced and dreaded restitution, one which engenders fear, and which leads men and women everywhere to clamour for the healing of the physical body, overemphasising its importance, and making them regard the prolongation of earthly existence as the most important factor in their lives. During the next cycle, these wrong attitudes must come to an end; death will become a normal and understood process – as normal as the process of birth, though evoking less pain and fear. This comment of mine is in the nature of a prophecy, and should be noted as such. (17 – 389/90).
如果我被问到,疗愈团体的主要工作是什么,比如灵性阶层寻求看到的在将来的运作是什么,我会说是让人类对应该把死亡视为还原方面的事情做好准备,从而赋予人类迄今为止这可怕的敌人以新的和更幸福的意义。你会发现,如果你按照这些指示的思路工作,死亡的整个主题会持续地出现,其结果是对死亡出现新的态度,以及一种快乐的期待,这是不可避免的、也是发生的最熟悉的事件。疗愈团体必须准备好所有生命的这种基本状况,他们工作的主要部分就是阐明死亡的法则。我们被告知,灵魂必须返回至给予它生命的存有那里。迄今为止,这一直是一种强制的、令人害怕的还原过程,它会引起恐惧,并导致世界各地的男男女女对物质身体疗愈的疾呼,过分地强调了其重要性,并让他们认为,延长尘世中的存在是他们生命中最重要的因素。在下一个周期中,这些错误的态度必须终结;死亡将成为一个正常的、可以被理解的过程 —— 就像出生的过程一样正常,尽管会引发少量的痛苦和恐惧。我的这则评论具有预言的性质,因此应该加以注意。
(2) The words “earth to earth and dust to dust”, so familiar in the burial rituals of the Occident, refer to this act of restitution, and connote the return of the physical body elements to the original reservoir of matter, and of the substance of the vital form to the general etheric reservoir; the [Page 70] words “the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” are a distorted reference to the absorption of the soul by the universal soul. The ordinary rituals, however, fail to emphasise that it is that individualised soul, in process of reabsorption, which institutes and orders, by an act of the spiritual will, that restitution. (17 – 435).