(1) Students would also do well to remember that the twelve constellations which constitute our particular zodiac, are themselves the recipients of many streams of energy coming to them from many sources. These blend and fuse with the energy of any particular constellation and – transmuted and “occultly refined” – eventually find their way into our solar system.
(1)学生们应该要好好记住,构成我们特定黄道带的十二个星座本身就是不同能量来源的众多能量流的接收者。它们与某些特定星座的能量混合并融合在一起,并 —— 经过转化和“秘法精制” —— 最终进入我们的太阳系。
. . . The following is a list – incomplete but adequate for our purposes – of the major influences which find their way from far distant Sources into our planetary life, and produce definite effects upon individual man and humanity as a whole.
…以下是一个列表 —— 它虽不完整,但是足够用于我们使用 —— 它列出了那些主要的影响,从遥远源头找到路径进入我们地球生命中,对人类个体和人类整体产生了确切的影响。
I. | 1. The constellation of the Great Bear. 大熊座 2. The Seven sisters of the Pleiades. 昴宿七姐妹星 3. Sirius, the Dog Star. 天狼星、大犬座 |
II. | 1. The seven solar systems, of which ours is one. 七个太阳系,我们的太阳系是其中之一 2. the seven sacred planets, of which ours is not one. 七颗神圣的行星,我们的地球并不属于神圣的行星 3. The five non-sacred planets or “hidden” planets. 五颗非神圣、或“隐藏”的行星 |
III. | 1. The seven planetary centres. 行星的七个中心 2. The seven centres of force in the human etheric body. 人类以太体的七个能量中心 |
IV. | 1. The twelve zodiacal constellations. 黄道十二星座 |
We thus have a ninefold energy impact. This is a major chart, but it should be remembered that there are other impacts of relative insignificance.
To these would be added other streams of energy, which definitely play upon and affect our planetary life, such as those coming from that great star, Betelgeuse, or from Antares and other stupendous suns and solar systems, which are related to the constellations of the zodiac, and whose force reaches us through these constellations and not directly.
Besides these, it should be remembered that technically we should also add the radiatory influence which comes direct to us from the planet, the Earth, upon which we live. Then, and only then, can you have a fairly complete analysis and picture of the energies to which the etheric body of man (conditioning the physical body which is pre-eminently automatic and negative in its reactions) must and does ever respond. An understanding of that response, and the conscious intelligent control of individual reactions, are supremely necessary to man, but only become possible at a fairly advanced stage of development, and as he nears the Path, (technically understood). (16 – 13/5).
(2) The zodiacal, the systemic, and the planetary energies, act either as hindering or as stimulating forces, according to the type of vehicle or body upon which they play; the nature of these vehicles and their capacity to attract, to respond, to reject, to absorb, and to transmute, is entirely dependent upon the point in evolution attained, and also upon the general planetary condition and psychology to be found in the human family at any given time. (16 – 19).
(3) All the energies – zodiacal, systemic, and planetary – have a definite effect upon all the lives, in all forms, in all kingdoms of nature. Nothing can escape these radiatory and magnetic influences. The goal of evolution for humanity, is to become consciously and livingly aware of the nature of these energies, and begin to know them and to use them. This is the field of occultism. (16 – 22/3).
(3)所有的能量 —— 黄道的、太阳系的和地球的 —— 对自然王国中所有形态的所有生命都有一定的影响。没有什么可以逃离这些辐射和磁性的影响。人类进化的目标,是有意识地、生动地意识到这些能量的本质,并开始了解和使用它们。这就是秘法学的领域。
(4) I am not writing a treatise upon astrology, but one upon the seven rays and their equivalent and corresponding energies, upon the effects of ray energy, and the interplay of these energies with, and their effect upon, the various planetary forces, particularly those of the Earth. (16 – 27).
(5) We have perhaps emphasised almost to the point of bewilderment, the vast aggregation of impelling energies which play throughout our cosmos; individual man may well be stunned by a sense of his helplessness and his unique futility. But this is only due to the relatively undeveloped state of his “receiving apparatus”. When thus bewildered, let him remember that potentially he possesses the creative ability to build, and gradually to develop a better mechanism of reception, which will enable him finally to be responsive to all impacts, and to every type of divine energy. This capacity is indestructible, and is itself a divine focus of energy, which must and will without fail, carry forward the good undertaken under the inspiration of the Great Architect of the Universe. (16 – 403/4).
(6) Keep in mind some words out of the ancient Archives, which are as follows:
“Energy is all there is, O Chela in the Light, but is not known. It is the cause of knowledge and its application, and its comprehension lead to expanded understanding.
“Through energy the worlds were made, and through that energy they make progression; through energy the forms unfold and die; through energy the kingdoms manifest and disappear below the threshold of the world which ever is, and which will be for ever.
“Through energy the Cross is mounted, and from the vortex of the four uniting forces, the initiate passes through the door, and is propelled into the Light – a light which grows from cycle unto cycle, and is known as supernal Energy Itself.” (18 – 556).
“通过能量,十字架被架好,在四种联合力量的漩涡中,启蒙者穿越大门,被推入圣光之中 —— 这种光从一个周期到另一个周期不停地增长着,其自身被称为超级能量。”
(7) The keynotes upon which the occult philosophy is built, are:
1. There is naught in manifestation except organised energy.
2. Energy follows or conforms itself to thought.
3. The occultist works in energy and with energies. (13 – 674).
(8) The physical plane areas or localities which constitute the present modern exits of energies, through which directed energies can pass to carry out the creative process, are five in number: New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. These five form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies, symbolic of the major divisions of our modern civilisation. . . . At each one of these five centres one of the Masters will be found present, with His Ashram, and a vortex of spiritual forces will there be organised to [Page 113] hasten and materialise the plans of the Christ for the new and coming world cycle. (13 – 675).