There is a great law which can be embodied in the words “to those who give all, all is given”. . . . Most aspirants to discipleship today do not know [Page 125]or realise this law; they do not give freely and fully, either to the work of the Hierarchy or to those who need. Until they do, they limit their effectiveness and shut the door on supply, not only for themselves, but for the group with which they are affiliated in service. Herein lies responsibility. The clue to supply is personality harmlessness and dedication of all individual resources to the service of the Great Ones, without restraint and spontaneously. When you, as a disciple, try to live harmlessly – in thought and word and deed – and when nothing is held back materially, emotionally or from the angle of time, when physical strength is so given, and the gift of all resources is accompanied with happiness, then the disciple will have all that is needed to carry on his work, and the same is true of all working groups of servers. Such is the law. Perfection is not yet possible, it is needless for me to say, but greater effort on your part to give and serve is possible.
有一个伟大的定律可以体现在“那些付出一切的人,被给予了一切”这句话中…很多修身的求道者至今都不知道这句话,或没有意识到这条法则;他没有自由地和完全地去给予,不论是对灵性阶层的工作,还是对那些需要的人来说。在他们这样做之前,他们会限制自己的效率,并关闭了供给的大门,不仅仅是自己的,也是他们所属服务团体的。责任就在这里。供给的线索在于人格的无害,并把所有的个人资源致力于为伟大的存有服务,没有限制的自发这么去做。当你,作为一名弟子,尝试去过无害的生活 —— 思想、言辞和行为上无害 —— 并且当在物质上、情感上或者时间的角度上都没有任何阻碍时,当身体的精力被如此给予时,所有资源的赠予都伴随着快乐时,弟子就会拥有维系他的工作所需要的一切,所有工作中的服务者团体都是如此。这就是法则。完美尚不可能,不用我说,但你付出更大的努力来给予和服务是可能的。
The time will, therefore, surely come when you will, as individuals and as part of a Master’s group, subordinate your personal lives to the need of humanity and to the intention of the Master. You will be and not struggle so hard to be; you will give and not fight constantly the tendency not to give; you will forget your physical bodies and not give so much attention to them (and the result will be better health); you will think, and not live so deeply in the world of feeling; you will sanely and wisely, and as normal procedure, put the work of the Master and of service first. (5 – 692/3).