(1) No man . . . can make definite and specialised progress without his brother benefiting – this benefiting taking the form of:
The increase of the total consciousness of the group.
The stimulation of units in the group.
The group magnetism producing increased healing or blending effects upon allied groups.
(1)没有人…可以在不让他兄弟受益的情况下取得明确和特别的进步 —— 这种受益体现在以下几个方面:
In this thought lies, for the servant of the Master, incentive to effort; no man who strives for mastery, who struggles to attain, and who aims at expansion of consciousness, but is having some effect – in ever widening spirals – upon all whom he contacts, devas, men, and animals. That he knows it not, and that he may be totally unaware of the subtle stimulating emanation which proceeds from him, may be true, but nevertheless the law works. (3 – 465).
对大师的服务者来说,这个思想隐含着努力的动力;所有努力寻求获得掌控、实现抱负、以扩大意识为目标的人都会 —— 在不断拓展的螺旋中 —— 会对他们接触的所有天人、人和动物产生影响。这一点他或许不知道,他可能完全没有意识到他身上散发出的精微的刺激能量,不论如何,法则是在运作着的。
(2) The young people, who are now coming in, will come into life equipped with a much deeper sense of the group, and with their group awareness much more fully developed than is now the case . . . The individual and the unit, will slowly learn to subordinate the personal good, and the personal pleasure, to group conditions and group requirements. (14 – 302/3).
(3) In every grouping – whether in heaven or on earth – there is always evidenced a tendency by some units in the group to revolt, to rebel and to show some form of initiative different to that of the other units in the same grouping. (14 – 394).
(3)在每一个团体中 —— 不论是在天上还是地球上 —— 总是会表达出这样一种倾向,也就是团体中的一些个体表现出反抗、反叛,并表现出与同一团体中其他个体不同形式的主动性倾向。
(4) The path of the disciple is a thorny one; briars beset his every step, and difficulties meet him at every turn. Yet in the treading of the path, in [Page 144] the overcoming of the difficulties, and in a single-hearted adherence to the good of the group, with a proportionate attention to the individuals and their evolutionary development, comes at length fruition, and the attainment of the goal. A SERVER of the race stands forth. He is a server because he has no ends of his own to serve, and from his lower sheaths goes out no vibration which can beguile him from his chosen path. He serves, because he knows what is in man, and because for many lives he has worked with individuals and with groups, gradually expanding the range of his endeavour until he has gathered around him those units of consciousness whom he can energise, and use, and through whom he can work out the plans of his superiors. Such is the goal, but the immediate stages are fraught with difficulty for all who stand on the verge of self-discovery, and of becoming the Path itself. (1 – 75).
(5) Stand ready and watch the heart. … It is not easy to love as do the Great Ones, with a pure love which requires nothing back; with an impersonal love that rejoices where there is a response, but looks not for it, and loves steadily, quietly, and deeply through all apparent divergences, knowing that when each has found his own way home, he will find that home to be the place of at-one-ment. . .
Cultivate happiness, knowing that depression, an over-morbid investigation of motive, and undue sensitiveness to the criticism of others leads to a condition wherein a disciple is almost useless . . . Suffering comes as the lower self rebels. Control that lower self, eliminate desire, and all is joy. (1 – 76).
(6) Each person in such groups has to learn to work in a close mental and spiritual co-operation with all the others, and this takes time, given the present point of evolutionary development of the world aspirants. Each has to pour forth love on all, and this is not easy. Each has to learn to subordinate his own personality ideas, and his personal growth, to the group requirements, for at present some will have to hasten their progress in certain directions, and some must slow it down as a service to others. This process will take place automatically as the group identity and integration becomes the dominant thought in the group consciousness, and the desire for personal growth and spiritual satisfaction is relegated to a secondary place. (15 – 181).
See also: For “Group Initiation” see “Teachings on Initiation” (6 – 241/439). and (6 – 381/4), (1 – 202).