
(1) The Buddha came approximately five hundred years before Christ. . . . Buddha answered the questions posited in His time by giving the Four Noble Truths, which satisfactorily and eternally answer man’s demand of why. These Truths can be summarised as follows: the Buddha taught that misery and suffering were of man’s own making, and that the focussing of human desire upon the undesirable, the ephemeral and the material, was the cause of all despair, all hatred and competition, and the reason why man found himself living in the realm of death – the realm of physical living, which is the true death of the spirit. (8 – 106).
佛陀比基督的到来要早大约五百年…佛陀以四圣谛回答了他那个时代所提出的问题。这些真理可以概括如下:佛陀教导说,苦难和痛苦是人为造成的,是人类把欲望放在那些不美好的、转瞬即逝的和物质层面的事物上,这是所有的绝望、仇恨和竞争的来源,人类之所以发现自己生活在死亡的领域 —— 即物质领域的原因,这是真正的灵性死亡。
(2) The Buddha came embodying in Himself the divine quality of wisdom; He was the manifestation of Light, and the Teacher of the way of enlightenment. He demonstrated in Himself the processes of illumination and became “the Illumined One”. Light, wisdom, reason, as divine yet human attributes, were focussed in the Buddha. He challenged the people to tread the Path of Illumination of which wisdom, mental perception and the intuition are aspects.
Then came the next Teacher, the Christ. He embodied in Himself a still greater divine principle – greater than the Mind, that of Love; yet at the same time, He embraced within Himself all that the Buddha had of light. Christ was the expression of both light and love.
然后来了下一位导师,基督。他自身展现出一个更伟大的神圣法则 —— 是比心智更伟大的爱之法则;不过同时,他也将佛陀所拥有的一切光明包含在自己之中。基督是圣光和大爱的表达。