
(1) The etheric body is a body composed entirely of lines of force, and of points where these lines of force cross each other, and thus form (in crossing) centres of energy. Where many such lines of force cross each other, you have a larger centre of energy, and where great streams of energy meet and cross, as they do in the head and up the spine, you have seven major centres. There are seven such, plus twenty-nine lesser centres and forty-nine smaller centres, known to esotericists. (17 – 72).
(2) The whole subject of the centres is dangerous if misunderstood; the centres constitute a menace when prematurely awakened, or unduly energised, and this entire subject can prove most dangerous to the curiosity-impelled man, and to the ignorant experimenter. The time is not yet ripe for the presentation of this subject in a fully co-ordinated manner; students are warned against publishing a clear correlated thesis on the subject as a result of their researches in my books. Nevertheless the true aspirant must be given the needed information. (18 – 336/7).
(3) Much has been written and discussed anent the centres, and much mystery exists which has aroused the curiosity of the ignorant, and has tempted many to meddle with that which does not concern them. . . . I do not in any way intend to take up the subject from such an angle as to convey [Page 38] rules and information that will enable a man to vivify these centres and bring them into play. I sound here a solemn word of warning. Let a man apply himself to a life of high altruism, to a discipline that will refine and bring his lower vehicles into subjection, and to a strenuous endeavour to purify and control his sheaths. When he has done this and has both raised and stabilised his vibration, he will find that the development and functioning of the centres has pursued a parallel course, and that (apart from this active participation) the work has proceeded along the desired lines. Much danger and dire calamity attends the man who arouses these centres by unlawful methods, and who experiments with the fires of his body without the needed technical knowledge. He may, by his efforts, succeed in raising the fires and in intensifying the action of the centres, but he will pay the price of ignorance in the destruction of matter, in the burning of bodily or brain tissue, in the development of insanity, and in opening the door to currents and forces, undesirable and destructive. It is not the part of a coward, in these matters concerning the subjective life, to move with caution and with care; it is the part of discretion. The aspirant, therefore, has three things to do:
1. Purify, discipline and transmute his threefold lower nature.
2. Develop knowledge of himself, and equip his mental body by good deeds and thoughts.
3. Serve his race in utter self-abnegation.
1. 净化、训练和转化他的三重低等本性(人格:物质身体、情绪体和低等心智体)。
2. 发展对自己的认知,用良善的行为和思想来装备他的心智体。
3. 在完全忘记自我的情况下为他所在的种族服务。
In doing this he fulfils the law, he puts himself in the right condition for training, fits himself for the ultimate application of the Rod of Initiation, and thus minimises the danger that attends the awakening of the fire. (3 – 161/2).
(4) The centres in the human being deal fundamentally with the FIRE aspect in man, or with his divine spirit. They are definitely connected with the Monad, with the will aspect, with immortality, with existence, with the will to live , and with the inherent powers of the Spirit. (3 – 165).
(5) The centres are formed entirely of streams of force, pouring down from the Ego, who transmits it from the Monad. In this we have the secret of the gradual vibratory quickening of the centres as the Ego first comes into control, or activity, and later (after initiation) the Monad, thus bringing about changes and increased vitality within these spheres of fire or of pure life force.
The centres, therefore, when functioning properly, form the “body of fire” which eventually is all that is left, first to man in the three worlds, and later to the Monad. . . . When the form is destroyed there is left this intangible [Page 39] spiritual body of fire, one pure flame, distinguished by seven brilliant centres of intenser burning.
. . . We must disabuse our minds of the idea that these three centres are physical things. They are whirlpools of force that swirl etheric, astral and mental matter into activity of some kind. (3 – 166/7).
(6) The evolution of the centres is a slow and gradual thing, and proceeds in ordered cycles varying according to the ray of a man’s Monad. (3 – 173).
(7) The centres in physical matter are recognised as being simply focal points of energy located on the etheric body, and having a definite use. This use is to act as transmitters of certain forms of energy consciously directed by the Ego or Self, with the intent of driving the physical body (which is not a principle) to fulfil egoic purposes. (3 – 1155).
(8) Only one in a thousand aspirants is at the stage where he should begin to work with the energy in the centres, and perhaps even this estimate is too optimistic. Better far that the aspirant serves, and loves, and works, and disciplines himself, leaving his centres to develop and unfold more slowly, and therefore, more safely. Unfold they inevitably will, and the slower and safer method is (in the vast majority of cases), the more rapid. Premature unfoldment involves much loss of time, and carries with it often the seeds of prolonged trouble. (4 – 590).
(9) I teach no mode of awakening the centres, because right impulse, steady reaction to higher impulsions, and the practical recognition of the sources of inspiration, will automatically and safely swing the centres into needed and appropriate activity. This is the sound method of development. It is slower, but leads to no premature development, and produces a rounded unfoldment; it enables the aspirant to become truly the Observer and to know with surety what he is doing; it brings the centres, one by one, to a point of spiritual responsiveness, and then establishes the ordered and cyclic rhythm of a controlled lower nature. (10 – 261/2).
(10) If the aspirant but seeks spiritual development, if he but aims at sincerity of purpose, and at compassionate altruism, if he, with serene application, concentrates on the subjugation of the emotional body, and the enlargement of the mental, and cultivates the habit of abstract thinking, the desired results upon the centres will be produced from necessity, and danger will be eliminated. (2 – 77).
(11) You will therefore observe that the subject (the development of the centres) really becomes more abstruse, the longer it is studied. (2 – 80).
(12) I would also beg you to realise five facts:
1. That undeveloped men are energised and galvanised into outer activity through the medium of the three centres below the diaphragm.
1. 那些进化程度很低的人来说,是通过激活横膈膜下方的三个能量中心来进行外在的表达。
2. That average man is beginning to function primarily through the solar plexus centre, and to use it as a transferring centre of force for energies which must be carried from below the diaphragm to above the diaphragm.
2. 对于普通人来说,主要通过太阳神经丛能量中心发挥作用,并使用这个中心进行能量传输,因为能量必须要从横膈膜下方传递到横膈膜上方的能量中心。
3. That the world aspirants are slowly being energised and controlled by the forces which are being transferred from the centres below the diaphragm, to the throat centre, and from the soul to the throat centre. This leads to creative activity of some kind.
3. 对于寻求者而言,他们正被能量激活和控制,这能量从横膈膜下方的中心缓慢地传输到喉轮,从灵魂传递到了喉轮,这会带来某种创造性活动的表达。
4. That the world disciples are beginning to be governed and controlled by the throat and heart centres, and are also beginning to transfer the forces which have been raised to the heart and throat, to the ajna centre between the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead. When this has been done, the man is then an integrated personality. The soul also stimulates the ajna centre.
4. 世界各地的弟子开始受到喉轮和心轮控制和支配,也开始把向上传输至喉轮和心轮的能量继续向上传递至位于额头中央、双眉中间的眉心轮。当完成这个后,这个人的人格就会变得完整。灵魂也会激活眉心轮。
5. That the more advanced disciples and world initiates, are also energised from two sources: by means of the energies raised up and lifted into the head from all the centres in the body, and by those that pour into the human frame from the soul, via the highest centre at the top of the head.
5. 高级弟子和世界各地的启蒙者也从两个来源获得能量:一是身体中所有的能量中心向上提升至头部,二是灵魂通过头顶的能量中心注入身体的能量。
The whole process is, as you can see, one of development, use and transference, as is the case in all evolutionary development. (15 – 521/2).
(13) In both the astral and mental sheaths there exist the counterparts of the centres as found in the physical body. (3 – 58).
(14) The three major centres in the body of the planetary Logos are:
The head centre – Shamballa – 1st Ray of Will.
The heart centre – Hierarchy – 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom.
The throat centre – Humanity – 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence.
The impact of the new incoming energies upon Humanity will result from a planned redirection. This will bring in an era of greatly enhanced creative activity; it will be an activity such as has never be seen before, and which will express itself in every department of human living. (18 – 551/2).
眉心轮 — 香巴拉 — 第一道圣光神圣意志
心轮 — 灵性阶层 — 第二道圣光爱-智慧
喉轮 — 人类 — 第三道圣光活跃的智能