I challenge the thinkers of the world to drop their sectarianism, their nationalism, and their partisanships, and in the spirit of brotherhood to [Page 41]work in their particular nation, regarding it as integral part of a great federation of nations, – a federation that now exists on the inner side, but waits for the activity of the world thinkers to bring it to materialisation on the outer side. I charge them to work in the cause of religion, and in the field of that particular religion in which they, by an accident of birth or choice, are interested, regarding each religion as part of the great world religion. They must look upon the activities of their group, society or organisation, as demanding their help, just in so far, as the principles on which they are founded, and the techniques which they employ, serve the general good, and develop the realisation of Brotherhood.
我在这里挑战世界上所有的思想家放弃他们的宗派主义、民族主义和党派偏见,本着兄弟情谊的精神在他们所在的国家进行工作,并把自己所在的国家看作由所有国家组成的伟大联盟中的一员 —— 这个联盟现在存在于内在,但是等待着世界上思想家的活动,从而把它带至外在的物质层面。我要求他们为了宗教而工作,在那个他们由于出生或者选择而产生兴趣的特定宗教领域进行工作,并把每一种宗教都视为世界伟大宗教的一部分。他们必须把他们所在团体、社会和组织的活动看作需要他们的帮助,只要这些团体所建立的原则和他们所使用的技术是服务于大众利益,并且有利于实现兄弟情谊的。
I ask you to drop your antagonisms and your antipathies, your hatreds and your racial differences, and to attempt to think in terms of the one family, the one life, and the one humanity. I would remind you that hatred and separateness have brought humanity to the present condition. I would add to that reminder, however, the fact that there is in the world today a large enough number of liberated men, to produce a change in the attitudes of mankind and in public opinion, if they measure up by an act of the will, to what they know and believe.
I challenge you also to make sacrifices; to give yourself and your time, and your money, and your interest, to carry these ideas to those around you, in your own environment, and to the group in which you find yourself, thus awakening your associates. I call you to a united effort to inculcate anew the ideas of brotherhood and of unity. I ask you to recognise your fellow workers in all the groups and to strengthen their hands. I ask you to seal your lips to words of hatred and of criticism, and to talk in terms of brotherhood and of group relationships. I beg of you to see to it that every day is for you a new day, in which you face new opportunity. Lose sight of your own affairs, your petty sorrows, worries and suspicions, in the urgency of the task to be done, and spread the cult of unity, of love and of harmlessness.

I also ask you to sever your connection with all groups which are seeking to destroy and to attack, no matter how sincere their motive. Range yourself on the side of the workers for constructive ends, who are fighting no other groups or organisations, and who have eliminated the word “anti” out of their vocabulary. Stand on the side of those who are silently and steadily building for the new order – an order which is founded on love, which builds under the impulse of brotherhood, and which possesses a realisation of brotherhood, which is based on the knowledge that we are, each and all, no matter what our race, the children of the One Father, and who have come [Page 42] to the realisation that the old ways of working must go, and the newer methods must be given a chance.
我也要请求你,切断所有寻求破坏和攻击团体的联系,无论他们的动机是多么真诚。把自己置于完成建设性工作的人们那边,他们不与其他的组织或者团体对抗,他们已经从词汇中删除了“反对”这个词。站在那些为建立新秩序默默而坚定地进行建设的人那边 —— 这种秩序建立在爱之上,建立在兄弟情谊的推动下,可以让兄弟情谊成为现实。这一切是基于对我们自己的认知,我们中的每个人,不论我们属于什么种族,我们都是同一位父亲的孩子,我们意识到需要放弃曾经的工作方式,给新到来的方法一个机会。
If you cannot yourself teach or preach or write, give of your thought and of your money, so that others can. Give of your hours and minutes of leisure, so as to set others free to serve the Plan; give of your money, so that the work of those associated with the New Group of World Servers may go forward with rapidity. Much time you waste on non-essentials. Many of you give little or nothing of time. The same is the case with money. Give as never before, and so make the physical aspects of the work possible. Some give of their very need, and the power they thereby release is great. Those on the inner side are grateful for the giving by those who can give only at great personal cost. Others give of what they can spare, and only when it needs no sacrifice to give. Let that condition also end, and give to the limit, with justice and understanding, so that the age of love and light may be more rapidly ushered in. I care not where or to whom you give, only that you give, – little if you have but little of time and money, much if you have much. Work and give , love and think, and aid those groups who are building and not destroying, loving and not attacking, lifting and not tearing down.
如果你自己不会教导、传播或者写作,给出自己的想法和金钱,让那些会的人来进行。拿出你空闲的时间,帮助别人,从而让他人可以自由地为神圣计划服务;捐出你的金钱,从而让那些与新世界服务者相关的工作可以快速地向前推进。你在非必须的事物上浪费了很多的时间。给予太少的时间在那些必须的事物上。金钱也是如此。用以前从未给予过的方式去给予,从而让计划在物质层面实现成为可能。有些人会给出他们也需要的东西,这种给予所释放的能量是巨大的。那些人内在非常感激这些以牺牲自我而进行的付出。还有一些人在不需要自我牺牲的情况下给出他们富余的东西。让这种状况结束,以公正和理解的方式给予那些受限的人,这样光与爱的时代就会更加快速地到来。我不在乎你给了哪里,给了谁,我在乎的是你去给予的行为 —— 如果你的时间和金钱都少,那就少给予;如果你的时间和金钱都富余,就多给予。工作和给予,爱和思考,并帮助那些进行建设而非破坏、爱而非攻击、提升而非分裂的团体。
I challenge you above all to a deeper life, and I implore you for the sake of your fellow men to strengthen your contact with your own soul, so that you will have done your share in making revelation possible; so that you will have served your part in bringing in the light, and will therefore be in a position to take advantage of that new light and new information, and so be better able to point the way and clear the path for the bewildered seeker at that time. Those who are not ready for the coming events, will be blinded by the emerging light, and bewildered by the revealing wonder; they will be swept by the living breath of God, and it is to you that we look to fit them for the event.