(1) Christ was the first of our earth humanity to achieve the goal (of individualisation). . . . So rapid was the development of the Christ, that in Atlantean days He found Himself upon the Path of Probation. . . . From the angle of evolution, the rapid unfoldment of the evolution of Christ was, and has been, totally unparallelled. It has never been duplicated, [Page 43] though there are people living today upon the planet, who are beginning to develop now with equal rapidity. (15 – 210).
(1)基督是地球人类中第一个达成目标的人(成为个体)…祂的成长如此之快,在亚特兰蒂斯时期,祂已经踏上了修行的道路 …从进化的角度来看,基督进化之路展开之迅速,是无与伦比的。从来没有人超越过,尽管现在生活在地球上的人也开始以同样快的速度成长。
(2) The first human being out of that “centre which we call the race of men” to achieve this point (the third initiation) was the Christ; in that first great demonstration of His point of attainment (through the medium of what was then a new type of initiation) the Christ was joined by the Buddha. The Buddha had attained this same point prior to the creation of our planetary life, but conditions for taking the third initiation were not then available, and He and the Christ took the initiation together. (18 – 385).
(3) The World Teacher is that Great Being Whom the Christian calls the Christ; He is known also in the Orient as the Bodhisattva, and as the Lord Maitreya, and is the One looked for by the devout Mohammedan, under the name of the Iman Mahdi. He it is Who has presided over the destinies of life since about 600 B.C. and He it is Who has come out among men before, and Who is again looked for. He is the Great Lord of Love and of Compassion, just as His predecessor, the Buddha, was the Lord of Wisdom. . . . He is the World Teacher, the Master of the Masters, and the Instructor of the Angels, and to Him is committed the guidance of the spiritual destinies of men, and the development of the realisation within each human being that he is a child of God and a son of the Most High.
(3)世界导师,也就是基督徒口中的基督;他在东方被称为菩萨和弥勒佛,也是虔诚的伊斯兰教徒以伊曼·马赫迪(Iman Mahdi)的名义所寻找的那位。自公元前600年以来,他就是生命命运的主宰。祂从人类中走出,又被人类所寻找。祂象征着伟大的爱与慈悲,正如祂的前者,佛陀,象征着伟大的智慧…祂是世界之师,大师中的大师,天使的导师,祂致力于引导人类灵性命运的发展,并且让每个人的内在都意识到,他们是神之子,是至高无上者的孩子。
. . . The World Teacher directs that indwelling consciousness in the life or spirit aspect, seeking to energise it within the form so that, in due course of time, that form can be discarded and the liberated spirit return whence it came. Ever since He left the earth, as related with approximate accuracy in the Bible story (though with much error in detail) has He stayed with the sons of men; never has He really gone, but only in appearance, and in a physical body He can be found by those who know the way, dwelling in the Himalayas, and working in close co-operation with His two great Brothers, the Manu and the Mahachohan. Daily He pours out His blessing on the world, and daily He stands under the great pine in His garden at the sunset hour with hands uplifted in blessing over all those who truly and earnestly seek to aspire. To Him all seekers are known, and, though they may remain unaware of Him, the light which He pours forth stimulates their desire, fosters the spark of struggling life and spurs on the aspirant until the momentous day dawns when they stand face to face with the One Who by being “lifted up” (occultly understood) is drawing all men unto Himself as the Initiator of the sacred mysteries. (1 – 43/4).
…世界之师把内在的意识引导至生命/灵性的面向,寻求在形态中将其激活,这样一来,当时机成熟的时候,外在形态就可以被丢弃,解放后的灵性火花就可以回归到它来的地方。自从祂离开地球后,如《圣经》(尽管在细节上有很多错误)中大致描述的,祂一直与人类之子在一起;祂从来没有真正离开过,但是就表相、就肉身而言,那些知晓道路的人才可以找到他,祂居住在喜马拉雅山,与祂的两位伟大的兄弟, Manu和Mahachohan一起合作。祂每天都向世人倾洒他的祝福,每天日落时分,他站在自己花园中巨大的松树下,举手祝福所有真诚地、认真地寻求启发的人。祂认识所有的寻求者,尽管那些人不知道祂,祂倾洒出的光会激发他们的渴望,为他们挣扎的生命点燃火花,激励有志者继续前进,直至破晓的那天,他们被“提升”(从秘法的角度去理解),从而可以跟祂面对面地站立着。作为神圣奥秘的发起者,祂把所有的人吸引到了祂身边。

(4) He has been for two thousand years the supreme Head of the Church [Page 44] Invisible, the Spiritual Hierarchy, composed of the disciples of all faiths. He recognises and loves those who are not Christian but who retain their allegiance to their Founders – the Buddha, Mohammed and others. He cares not what the faith is, if the objective is love of God and of humanity. If men look for the Christ Who left His disciples centuries ago, they will fail to recognise the Chirst Who is in the process of returning. The Christ has no religious barriers in His consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith a man may call himself.
(4)两千年以来,祂一直是看不见领域的教堂、灵性阶层的最高元首,灵性阶层包含所有信念体系的弟子。祂认可并爱那些虽然不是基督徒,但是仍然忠于他们创始者的那些人 —— 佛陀、穆罕默德和其他。只要目标是热爱神和人类,祂不在乎你的信念是什么,如果人们寻找的是几个世纪之前离开他弟子的基督,那么人们则无法认出正在返回之路上的祂。在祂的意识中,基督并没有来自宗教的障碍。一个人宣称自己信仰什么宗教对祂来说无关紧要。
The Son of God is on His way, and He cometh not alone. His advance guard is already here, and the Plan which they must follow, is already made clear. Let recognition be the aim. (8 – 60).
(5) He is the World Teacher and not a Christian teacher. He Himself told us that He had other folds, and to them He has meant as much as He has meant to the orthodox Christian. They may not call Him Christ, but they have their own name for Him and follow Him as truly and faithfully as their Western brethren. (8 – 62).
(6) The church emphasis has been (and is today) upon the dead Christ. Men have forgotten that He lives, though they give a tentative recognition to this hope and belief at Easter time, largely because His resurrection guarantees our own “rising again”, and “because He lives, we shall live also”. The fact of His livingness and of His presence today, here and now, on earth is not emphasised, except through vague and hopeful generalities. Men have forgotten the Christ Who lives with us on earth, surrounded by His disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, accessible to those who make the right approach, and saving men by the force of His example. . .
In the coming world religion, the emphasis will be on these truths. Life and not death will be proclaimed; attainment of spiritual status through spiritual living will be taught, and the fact of the existence of those who have thus attained and who work with Christ for the helping and salvaging of humanity, will be the goal. The fact of the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, the ability of mankind to contact its Members and to work in cooperation with Them, and the existence of Those Who know What the will of God is, and can work intelligently with that will – these are the truths upon which the future spiritual teaching will be based. (7 – 144/5).
在即将到来的世界宗教中,重点会放在这些真理上。强调生命,而非死亡;会教导通过灵性的生活来获得灵性阶层的地位,那些已经到达这个状态并与基督一起工作来帮助和拯救人类的事实,会成为教导的目标。我们星球存在着灵性阶层,这是事实;人类拥有与该阶层成员连结的能力,并跟他们一起工作;也存在着知道神之意志的存有,他们可以智能地根据这个意识进行工作 —— 这些都是未来灵性教导所依据的真理。
(7) In the future, the eyes of humanity will be fixed upon the Christ, and not upon any such man-made institutions as the Church and its dignitaries; Christ will be seen as He is in reality, working through His disciples, through the Masters of the Wisdom, and through His followers who toil [Page 45] unseen (and usually unrecognised) behind world affairs. The sphere of His activity will be known to be the human heart and also the crowded market places of the world, but not some stone edifice, and not the pomp and ceremony of any ecclesiastical headquarters. (8 – 66).
(8) No man has ever been saved by theology, but only by the living Christ, and through the awakened consciousness of the Christ within each human heart. (7 – 133).
(9) Individual man and his soul are also attempting to come together, and when that event is consummated, the Christ is born in the cave of the heart, and Christ is seen in the daily life with increasing power. (14 – 288).
(10) As the man works with his personality, purifying it and bending it to the service of the spiritual will, he automatically raises the energies of the centres in his body up to the centre between the eyebrows. Eventually the influence of each of the two centres increases, and becomes wider and wider, until they make contact with each other’s vibratory or magnetic field, and instantly the light flashes out. Father-spirit and mother-matter unite and are at-one, and the Christ is born. “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”, said the Christ. This is the second birth, and from that moment vision comes with increasing power. . . . The Christ is being born today in many a human being, and increasingly will the sons of God appear in their true nature, to take over the guidance of humanity in the New Age. (14 – 291/2).
(11) That He Whom we serve may be nearer to all of us than ever before, that the work of establishing right human relations may proceed apace, and that light and love may stream forth from Shamballa and the Hierarchy over all of you who love your fellowmen, is the earnest wish, accompanied by my blessing, for you at this season of the will-to-good.
NOTE: The Tibetan has asked me to make clear that when he is speaking of the Christ he is referring to His official name as Head of the Hierarchy. The Christ works for all men, irrespective of their faith; He does not belong to the Christian world any more than to the Buddhist, the Mohammedan or any other faith. There is no need for any man to join the Christian Church in order to be affiliated with Christ. The requirements are to love your fellowmen, lead a disciplined life, recognise the divinity in all faiths and all beings, and rule your daily life with love. – A.A.B. (13 – 558).
注:迪瓦尔·库尔让我清晰地传递这样的信息,当他说到基督时,所指的是祂作为灵性阶层首领的官方名字。基督为所有的人而服务,不论他们的信仰是什么;祂不属于基督教的世界,不属于佛教、伊斯兰教或者其他宗教信仰。没有人有必要为了与基督连结而假如基督教会。对你们的要求是,爱你们的同胞,过着自律的生活,在所有的信仰和存有之中看到神圣的一面,用爱来统领你日常的生活。—— 爱丽丝·贝利