(1) Shirk not these crises, hard and difficult though they may appear to be. Difficult they are. Forget not that the habit of confronting crises, is a long-established one within the consciousness of humanity. Man has the “habit of crisis”, if I may so call it. They are only the points of examination as to the strength, purpose, purity and motive and the intent of the soul. They evoke confidence when surmounted, and produce greatly expanded vision. They foster compassion and understanding, for the pain and inner conflict they have engendered is never forgotten, for they draw upon the resources of the heart. They release the light of wisdom within the field of knowledge, and the world is thereby enriched. (16 – 477).
(2) The creative crisis (for Humanity) has been made possible by three major happenings:
(2) 创造性的危机(对人类而言)因为三件大事而成为可能:
1. The conclusion of a twenty-five thousand year cycle or movement around what is called the lesser zodiac. This connotes a major cycle of experience in the life of our planetary Logos . . .
1. 两万五千年周期的结束,或者说,围绕着较小黄道运行周期的终结。这是我们地球逻各斯生命的一个主要体验周期。
2. The end of the Piscean Age. This simply means that the energies coming from Pisces during the last two thousand years, are now being rapidly superseded by energies coming from Aquarius. These result in major changes in the life of the planetary Logos, and potently affect His body of manifestation through the medium of His three major centres: Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity.
2. 双鱼座世代的结束。这只是意味着在过去两千年以来的能量正在迅速地被来自水瓶座的能量所取代。这会导致地球逻各斯生命的重大变化,并通过他三个主要的能量中心:香巴拉、灵性阶层和人类,影响他显化的身体。
3. The increasingly dominant activity of the seventh Ray of Order or Ceremonial Magic, as it is somewhat erroneously called. This ray is now coming into manifestation, and is in close co-operation with the two above factors. (18 – 550/1).
3. 第七道秩序之光,它有时候也被错误地称为仪式魔法之光,它的活动越来越占据主导地位。
(3) Unless such moments of crisis occur, the life simmers down to a general dead level and (even if useful) offers not the chance for an extreme effort with its consequent need to draw upon the full resources of the soul. (5 – 269).
(3) 除非出现这样的危机时刻,否则生命会慢慢下降到一般死寂的层面,(即便有用)也不会提供那种需要调取灵魂全部资源进行极度努力的机会。
(4) The handling of crises is the hallmark of the disciple, and every crisis met and rightly handled, provides (once the difficulty is occultly “under the feet”) the place from which an extended vision can be gained, fresh knowledge can flow in and the transmuting light can shine from the Angel of the Presence and thus produce results.
(4) 危机的处理也是弟子的标志,遇到并正确处理每一次危机,提供了(秘法层面来说,一旦这些困难被“踩在脚下”)可以获得拓展视野的境地,新的知识可以流入,转化的光可以从天使的临在中闪耀,从而产生结果。
Each of you has passed through a cycle of real difficulty and strain. This is true of all disciples. (6 – 13).